# draw frame diff graph set terminal svg size 800,600 dynamic; set ylabel 'diff' set xlabel 'Zeit [sec]' set output "../doc/image/cuts.svg"; plot 'data.txt' using ($1 / 1000):2 with lines lt rgb "#204a87" title "average", \ 'data.txt' using ($1 / 1000):3 with lines lt rgb "#a40000" title "diff", \ 'data.txt' using ($1 / 1000):4 with lines lt rgb "#4e9a06" title "rise"; set output "../doc/image/cuts_diff.svg"; plot 'data.txt' using ($1 / 1000):3 with lines lt rgb "#a40000" title "diff", \ 'data.txt' using ($1 / 1000):4 with lines lt rgb "#4e9a06" title "rise"; # draw overlaping graph set xrange [0:60] set output "../doc/image/overlap.svg"; plot 'overlap.txt' using ($1 / 1000):2 with lines lt rgb "#204a87" title "diff" # vim: set syntax=gnuplot :