#include #include #include #include #include "mumble.pb-c.h" #include "polarssl/net.h" #include "polarssl/ssl.h" #include "polarssl/havege.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "messages.h" #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0])) #define PREAMBLE_SIZE 6 struct context { GMainLoop *loop; uint32_t session; bool authenticated; ssl_context ssl; havege_state hs; ssl_session ssn; int sock; GIOChannel *sock_channel; CELTHeader celt_header; CELTMode *celt_mode; }; enum udp_message_type { udp_voice_celt_alpha, udp_ping, udp_voice_speex, udp_voice_celt_beta, }; int64_t decode_varint(uint8_t *data, uint32_t *read, uint32_t left) { int64_t varint = 0; /* 1 byte with 7 · 8 + 1 leading zeroes */ if ((data[0] & 0x80) == 0x00) { varint = data[0] & 0x7F; *read = 1; /* 2 bytes with 6 · 8 + 2 leading zeroes */ } else if ((data[0] & 0xC0) == 0x80) { varint = ((data[0] & 0x3F) << 8) | data[1]; *read = 2; /* 3 bytes with 5 · 8 + 3 leading zeroes */ } else if ((data[0] & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { varint = (((data[0] & 0x1F) << 16) | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2])); *read = 3; /* 4 bytes with 4 · 8 + 4 leading zeroes */ } else if ((data[0] & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { varint = (((data[0] & 0x0F) << 24) | (data[1] << 16) | (data[2] << 8) | (data[3])); *read = 4; } else /* if ((data[pos] & 0xF0) == 0xF0) */ { switch (data[0] & 0xFC) { /* 32-bit positive number */ case 0xF0: varint = ((data[1] << 24) | (data[2] << 16) | (data[3] << 8) | data[4]); *read = 1 + 4; break; /* 64-bit number */ case 0xF4: varint = ((int64_t)data[1] << 56) | ((int64_t)data[2] << 48) | ((int64_t)data[3] << 40) | ((int64_t)data[4] << 32) | (data[5] << 24) | (data[6] << 16) | (data[7] << 8) | (data[8] << 0); *read = 1 + 8; break; /* Negative varint */ case 0xF8: /* FIXME: handle endless recursion */ varint = -decode_varint(&data[1], read, left - 1); *read += 1; break; /* Negative two bit number */ case 0xFC: varint = -(int)(data[0] & 0x03); *read = 1; break; } } return varint; } static void handle_udp(struct context *ctx, uint8_t *data, uint32_t len) { int64_t session; int64_t sequence; int pos = 1; int read = 0; #define PCM_SIZE (48000/100 * 1) int16_t pcm[PCM_SIZE]; uint8_t buf[BUFSIZ]; FILE *f; int frame_len, term; CELTDecoder *dec_state; JitterBuffer *jitter; CELTMode *mode; static int iseq = 0; session = decode_varint(&data[pos], &read, len-pos); pos += read; sequence = decode_varint(&data[pos], &read, len-pos); pos += read; printf("session: %ld, sequence: %ld\n", session, sequence); f = fopen("foo", "a+"); dec_state = celt_decoder_create(ctx->celt_mode, ctx->celt_header.nb_channels, NULL); jitter = jitter_buffer_init(ctx->celt_header.frame_size); jitter_buffer_ctl(jitter, JITTER_BUFFER_SET_MARGIN, &ctx->celt_header.frame_size); do { frame_len = (data[pos] & 0x7F); term = (data[pos] & 0x80) == 0x80; printf("_len: %d, term: %d\n", frame_len, term); pos += 1; if (frame_len == 0) break; JitterBufferPacket packet; packet.data = &data[pos]; packet.len = frame_len; packet.timestamp = ctx->celt_header.frame_size * iseq++; packet.span = ctx->celt_header.frame_size; packet.sequence = 0; jitter_buffer_put(jitter, &packet); packet.data = buf; packet.len = BUFSIZ; jitter_buffer_tick(jitter); jitter_buffer_get(jitter, &packet, ctx->celt_header.frame_size, NULL); if (packet.len == 0) packet.data = NULL; celt_decode(dec_state, packet.data, packet.len, pcm); fwrite(pcm, sizeof(int16_t), PCM_SIZE, f); pos += frame_len; sequence++; } while (term); fclose(f); celt_decoder_destroy(dec_state); } static void add_preamble(uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t type, uint32_t len) { buffer[1] = (type) & 0xff; buffer[0] = (type >> 8) & 0xff; buffer[5] = (len) & 0xff; buffer[4] = (len >> 8) & 0xff; buffer[3] = (len >> 16) & 0xff; buffer[2] = (len >> 24) & 0xff; } static void get_preamble(uint8_t *buffer, int *type, int *len) { uint16_t msgType; uint32_t msgLen; msgType = buffer[1] | (buffer[0] << 8); msgLen = buffer[5] | (buffer[4] << 8) | (buffer[3] << 16) | (buffer[2] << 24); *type = (int)msgType; *len = (int)msgLen; } static void recv_version(MumbleProto__Version *version, struct context *ctx) { printf("version: 0x%x\n", version->version); printf("release: %s\n", version->release); } static void recv_channel_state(MumbleProto__ChannelState *state, struct context *ctx) { printf("channel: id: %u, parent: %u, name: %s, description: %s, temporary: %d, position: %d\n", state->channel_id, state->parent, state->name, state->description, state->temporary, state->position); } static void send_msg(struct context *ctx, ProtobufCMessage *msg) { uint8_t pad[128]; uint8_t preamble[PREAMBLE_SIZE]; int ret = 0; int type = -1; int i; ProtobufCBufferSimple buffer = PROTOBUF_C_BUFFER_SIMPLE_INIT(pad); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(messages); ++i) if (messages[i].descriptor == msg->descriptor) type = i; assert(type >= 0); protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer(msg, &buffer.base); add_preamble(preamble, type, buffer.len); while ((ret = ssl_write(&ctx->ssl, preamble, PREAMBLE_SIZE)) <= 0) { if (ret != POLARSSL_ERR_NET_TRY_AGAIN) { printf("write failed: %d\n", ret); abort(); } } while ((ret = ssl_write(&ctx->ssl, buffer.data, buffer.len)) < buffer.len) { if (ret != POLARSSL_ERR_NET_TRY_AGAIN) { printf("write failed: %d\n", ret); abort(); } } PROTOBUF_C_BUFFER_SIMPLE_CLEAR(&buffer); } typedef void (*callback_t)(void *, void *); static void recv_msg(struct context *ctx, const callback_t *callbacks, uint32_t callback_size) { uint8_t preamble[PREAMBLE_SIZE]; ProtobufCMessage *msg; void *data; int type, len; int ret, i; printf("recv msg\n"); do { ret = ssl_read(&ctx->ssl, preamble, 6); if (ret == POLARSSL_ERR_NET_CONN_RESET) { printf("conn reset\n"); exit(1); } } while (ret == POLARSSL_ERR_NET_TRY_AGAIN); if (ret <= 0) { printf("read failed: %d\n", ret); return; } get_preamble(preamble, &type, &len); if (!(type >= 0 && type < ARRAY_SIZE(messages))) { printf("unknown message type: %d\n", type); return; } if (len <= 0) { printf("length 0\n"); return; } data = malloc(len); if (data == NULL) { printf("out of mem\n"); abort(); } ret = ssl_read(&ctx->ssl, data, len); if (ret == POLARSSL_ERR_NET_CONN_RESET) { printf("conn reset\n"); exit(1); } /* tunneled udp data - not a regular protobuf message */ if (type == 1) { handle_udp(ctx, data, len); free(data); return; } msg = protobuf_c_message_unpack(messages[type].descriptor, NULL, len, data); if (msg == NULL) { printf("message unpack failure\n"); return ; } printf("debug: received message: %s type:%d, len:%d\n", messages[type].name, type, len); if (callbacks[type]) callbacks[type](msg, ctx); protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked(msg, NULL); free(data); } static void my_debug(void *ctx, int level, const char *str) { if (level <= 1) printf("polarssl [level %d]: %s\n", level, str); } static void do_ping(struct context *ctx) { MumbleProto__Ping ping; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); mumble_proto__ping__init(&ping); ping.timestamp = tv.tv_sec; ping.resync = 1; send_msg(ctx, &ping.base); } static const callback_t callbacks[] = { /* VERSION */ (callback_t) recv_version, [7] = (callback_t) recv_channel_state, [127] = NULL, }; static gboolean _recv(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data) { struct context *ctx = data; do { recv_msg(ctx, callbacks, ARRAY_SIZE(callbacks)); } while (ssl_get_bytes_avail(&ctx->ssl) > 0); do_ping(ctx); return TRUE; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { #if 1 char *host = "localhost"; unsigned int port = 64738; #else char *host = ""; unsigned int port = 33321; #endif struct context ctx; int ret; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); ssl_init(&ctx.ssl); havege_init( &ctx.hs ); ret = net_connect(&ctx.sock, host, port); ssl_set_endpoint(&ctx.ssl, SSL_IS_CLIENT); ssl_set_authmode(&ctx.ssl, SSL_VERIFY_NONE); ssl_set_rng(&ctx.ssl, havege_rand, &ctx.hs); ssl_set_dbg(&ctx.ssl, my_debug, NULL); ssl_set_bio(&ctx.ssl, net_recv, &ctx.sock, net_send, &ctx.sock); //ssl_set_session(&ctx.ssl, 1, 600, &ssn); ssl_set_session(&ctx.ssl, 0, 0, &ctx.ssn); ssl_set_ciphers(&ctx.ssl, ssl_default_ciphers); { MumbleProto__Version version; mumble_proto__version__init(&version); version.version = 0x010203; version.release = "cmumble 0.1"; version.os = "Gentoo/Linux"; send_msg(&ctx, &version.base); } { MumbleProto__Authenticate authenticate; mumble_proto__authenticate__init(&authenticate); authenticate.username = "ben2"; authenticate.password = ""; authenticate.n_celt_versions = 1; authenticate.celt_versions = (int32_t[]) { 0x8000000b }; send_msg(&ctx, &authenticate.base); } do_ping(&ctx); #define SAMPLERATE 48000 #define CHANNELS 1 ctx.celt_mode = celt_mode_create(SAMPLERATE, SAMPLERATE / 100, NULL); celt_header_init(&ctx.celt_header, ctx.celt_mode, CHANNELS); uint8_t celt_header_packet[sizeof(CELTHeader)]; printf("extra headers: %d\n", ctx.celt_header.extra_headers); celt_header_to_packet(&ctx.celt_header, celt_header_packet, sizeof(CELTHeader)); g_type_init(); ctx.loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); ctx.sock_channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(ctx.sock); g_io_add_watch(ctx.sock_channel, G_IO_IN | G_IO_ERR, _recv, &ctx); g_main_loop_run(ctx.loop); g_main_loop_unref(ctx.loop); net_close(ctx.sock); ssl_free(&ctx.ssl); memset(&ctx.ssl, 0, sizeof(ctx.ssl)); }