## Makefile.am for DirectFB ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 if HAVE_LINUX LINUXONLY_DIRS = inputdrivers gfxdrivers endif if BUILD_TOOLS TOOLS_DIR = tools endif if BUILD_TESTS TESTS_DIR = tests endif if ENABLE_VOODOO PROXY_DIR = proxy endif SUBDIRS = \ data \ docs \ include \ lib \ src \ systems \ $(TOOLS_DIR) \ wm \ interfaces \ $(PROXY_DIR) \ $(LINUXONLY_DIRS) \ $(TESTS_DIR) \ patches \ rules bin_SCRIPTS = directfb-config pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig pkgconfig_DATA = directfb.pc directfb-internal.pc EXTRA_DIST = \ autogen.sh \ fb.modes \ directfb.spec.in \ directfb.spec ## Some special rules that may be useful ... # Generate the HTML API documentation: html: make -C docs/html # Compile the directfb-csource utility: directfb-csource: make -C tools directfb-csource .PHONY: html directfb-csource