/* (c) Copyright 2001-2009 The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community (directfb.org) (c) Copyright 2000-2004 Convergence (integrated media) GmbH All rights reserved. Written by Denis Oliver Kropp , Andreas Hundt , Sven Neumann , Ville Syrjälä and Claudio Ciccani . This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include DFB_INPUT_DRIVER( keyboard ) typedef struct { CoreInputDevice *device; DirectThread *thread; struct termios old_ts; int vt_fd; } KeyboardData; static DFBInputDeviceKeySymbol keyboard_get_symbol( int code, unsigned short value, DFBInputDeviceKeymapSymbolIndex level ) { unsigned char type = KTYP(value); unsigned char index = KVAL(value); int base = (level == DIKSI_BASE); switch (type) { case KT_FN: if (index < 20) return DFB_FUNCTION_KEY( index + 1 ); break; case KT_LETTER: case KT_LATIN: switch (index) { case 0x1c: return DIKS_PRINT; case 0x7f: return DIKS_BACKSPACE; case 0xa4: return 0x20ac; /* euro currency sign */ default: return index; } break; case KT_DEAD: switch (value) { case K_DGRAVE: return DIKS_DEAD_GRAVE; case K_DACUTE: return DIKS_DEAD_ACUTE; case K_DCIRCM: return DIKS_DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX; case K_DTILDE: return DIKS_DEAD_TILDE; case K_DDIERE: return DIKS_DEAD_DIAERESIS; case K_DCEDIL: return DIKS_DEAD_CEDILLA; default: break; } break; case KT_PAD: if (index <= 9 && level != DIKSI_BASE) return DIKS_0 + index; break; case 0xe: /* special IPAQ H3600 case - AH */ switch (index) { case 0x20: return DIKS_CALENDAR; case 0x1a: return DIKS_BACK; case 0x1c: return DIKS_MEMO; case 0x21: return DIKS_POWER; } break; case 0xd: /* another special IPAQ H3600 case - AH */ switch (index) { case 0x2: return DIKS_DIRECTORY; case 0x1: return DIKS_MAIL; /* Q on older iPaqs */ } break; } switch (value) { case K_LEFT: return DIKS_CURSOR_LEFT; case K_RIGHT: return DIKS_CURSOR_RIGHT; case K_UP: return DIKS_CURSOR_UP; case K_DOWN: return DIKS_CURSOR_DOWN; case K_ENTER: return DIKS_ENTER; case K_CTRL: return DIKS_CONTROL; case K_SHIFT: return DIKS_SHIFT; case K_ALT: return DIKS_ALT; case K_ALTGR: return DIKS_ALTGR; case K_INSERT: return DIKS_INSERT; case K_REMOVE: return DIKS_DELETE; case K_FIND: return DIKS_HOME; case K_SELECT: return DIKS_END; case K_PGUP: return DIKS_PAGE_UP; case K_PGDN: return DIKS_PAGE_DOWN; case K_NUM: return DIKS_NUM_LOCK; case K_HOLD: return DIKS_SCROLL_LOCK; case K_PAUSE: return DIKS_PAUSE; case K_BREAK: return DIKS_BREAK; case K_CAPS: return DIKS_CAPS_LOCK; case K_P0: return DIKS_INSERT; case K_P1: return DIKS_END; case K_P2: return DIKS_CURSOR_DOWN; case K_P3: return DIKS_PAGE_DOWN; case K_P4: return DIKS_CURSOR_LEFT; case K_P5: return DIKS_BEGIN; case K_P6: return DIKS_CURSOR_RIGHT; case K_P7: return DIKS_HOME; case K_P8: return DIKS_CURSOR_UP; case K_P9: return DIKS_PAGE_UP; case K_PPLUS: return DIKS_PLUS_SIGN; case K_PMINUS: return DIKS_MINUS_SIGN; case K_PSTAR: return DIKS_ASTERISK; case K_PSLASH: return DIKS_SLASH; case K_PENTER: return DIKS_ENTER; case K_PCOMMA: return base ? DIKS_DELETE : DIKS_COMMA; case K_PDOT: return base ? DIKS_DELETE : DIKS_PERIOD; case K_PPARENL: return DIKS_PARENTHESIS_LEFT; case K_PPARENR: return DIKS_PARENTHESIS_RIGHT; } /* special keys not in the map, hack? */ if (code == 124) /* keypad equal key */ return DIKS_EQUALS_SIGN; if (code == 125) /* left windows key */ return DIKS_META; if (code == 126) /* right windows key */ return DIKS_META; if (code == 127) /* context menu key */ return DIKS_SUPER; return DIKS_NULL; } static DFBInputDeviceKeyIdentifier keyboard_get_identifier( int code, unsigned short value ) { unsigned char type = KTYP(value); unsigned char index = KVAL(value); if (type == KT_PAD) { if (index <= 9) return DIKI_KP_0 + index; switch (value) { case K_PSLASH: return DIKI_KP_DIV; case K_PSTAR: return DIKI_KP_MULT; case K_PMINUS: return DIKI_KP_MINUS; case K_PPLUS: return DIKI_KP_PLUS; case K_PENTER: return DIKI_KP_ENTER; case K_PCOMMA: case K_PDOT: return DIKI_KP_DECIMAL; } } /* Looks like a hack, but don't know a better way yet. */ switch (code) { case 12: return DIKI_MINUS_SIGN; case 13: return DIKI_EQUALS_SIGN; case 26: return DIKI_BRACKET_LEFT; case 27: return DIKI_BRACKET_RIGHT; case 39: return DIKI_SEMICOLON; case 40: return DIKI_QUOTE_RIGHT; case 41: return DIKI_QUOTE_LEFT; case 43: return DIKI_BACKSLASH; case 51: return DIKI_COMMA; case 52: return DIKI_PERIOD; case 53: return DIKI_SLASH; case 54: return DIKI_SHIFT_R; case 97: return DIKI_CONTROL_R; default: ; } /* special keys not in the map, hack? */ if (code == 124) /* keypad equal key */ return DIKI_KP_EQUAL; if (code == 125) /* left windows key */ return DIKI_META_L; if (code == 126) /* right windows key */ return DIKI_META_R; if (code == 127) /* context menu key */ return DIKI_SUPER_R; return DIKI_UNKNOWN; } static unsigned short keyboard_read_value( KeyboardData *data, unsigned char table, unsigned char index ) { struct kbentry entry; entry.kb_table = table; entry.kb_index = index; entry.kb_value = 0; if (ioctl( data->vt_fd, KDGKBENT, &entry )) { D_PERROR("DirectFB/keyboard: KDGKBENT (table: %d, index: %d) " "failed!\n", table, index); return 0; } return entry.kb_value; } static void keyboard_set_lights( KeyboardData *data, DFBInputDeviceLockState locks ) { ioctl( data->vt_fd, KDSKBLED, locks ); } static void* keyboardEventThread( DirectThread *thread, void *driver_data ) { int readlen; unsigned char buf[64]; KeyboardData *data = (KeyboardData*) driver_data; /* Read keyboard data */ while ((readlen = read (data->vt_fd, buf, 64)) >= 0 || errno == EINTR) { int i; direct_thread_testcancel( thread ); for (i = 0; i < readlen; i++) { DFBInputEvent evt; evt.type = ((buf[i] & 0x80) ? DIET_KEYRELEASE : DIET_KEYPRESS); evt.flags = DIEF_KEYCODE; evt.key_code = buf[i] & 0x7f; dfb_input_dispatch( data->device, &evt ); keyboard_set_lights( data, evt.locks ); } if (readlen <= 0) usleep( 200000 ); } if (readlen <= 0 && errno != EINTR) D_PERROR ("keyboard thread died\n"); return NULL; } /* driver functions */ static int driver_get_available( void ) { int fd; switch (dfb_system_type()) { case CORE_FBDEV: case CORE_DEVMEM: return 1; default: return 0; } fd = open( "/dev/tty0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY ); if (fd < 0) return 0; close( fd ); return 1; } static void driver_get_info( InputDriverInfo *info ) { /* fill driver info structure */ snprintf( info->name, DFB_INPUT_DRIVER_INFO_NAME_LENGTH, "Keyboard Driver" ); snprintf( info->vendor, DFB_INPUT_DRIVER_INFO_VENDOR_LENGTH, "directfb.org" ); info->version.major = 0; info->version.minor = 9; } static DFBResult driver_open_device( CoreInputDevice *device, unsigned int number, InputDeviceInfo *info, void **driver_data ) { int fd; struct termios ts; KeyboardData *data; if (dfb_system_type() == CORE_FBDEV && dfb_config->vt) { FBDev *dfb_fbdev = dfb_system_data(); fd = dup( dfb_fbdev->vt->fd ); if (fd < 0) { D_PERROR( "DirectFB/Keyboard: Could not dup() file descriptor of TTY!\n" ); return DFB_INIT; } } else { fd = open( "/dev/tty0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY ); if (fd < 0) { D_PERROR( "DirectFB/Keyboard: Could not open() /dev/tty0!\n" ); return DFB_INIT; } } /* allocate and fill private data */ data = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(KeyboardData) ); if (!data) { close( fd ); return D_OOM(); } data->device = device; data->vt_fd = fd; tcgetattr( data->vt_fd, &data->old_ts ); ts = data->old_ts; ts.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; ts.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; ts.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO|ISIG); ts.c_iflag = 0; tcsetattr( data->vt_fd, TCSAFLUSH, &ts ); tcsetpgrp( data->vt_fd, getpgrp() ); if (dfb_system_type() == CORE_FBDEV && dfb_config->vt) { FBDev *dfb_fbdev = dfb_system_data(); dfb_fbdev->vt->flush = false; } /* fill device info structure */ snprintf( info->desc.name, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH, "Keyboard" ); snprintf( info->desc.vendor, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH, "Unknown" ); /* claim to be the primary keyboard */ info->prefered_id = DIDID_KEYBOARD; /* classify as a keyboard able to produce key events */ info->desc.type = DIDTF_KEYBOARD; info->desc.caps = DICAPS_KEYS; /* enable translation of raw hardware keycodes */ info->desc.min_keycode = 0; info->desc.max_keycode = 127; /* start input thread */ data->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_INPUT, keyboardEventThread, data, "Keyboard Input" ); /* set private data pointer */ *driver_data = data; return DFB_OK; } /* * Fetch one entry from the kernel keymap. */ static DFBResult driver_get_keymap_entry( CoreInputDevice *device, void *driver_data, DFBInputDeviceKeymapEntry *entry ) { int code = entry->code; unsigned short value; DFBInputDeviceKeyIdentifier identifier; /* fetch the base level */ value = keyboard_read_value( driver_data, K_NORMTAB, code ); /* get the identifier for basic mapping */ identifier = keyboard_get_identifier( code, value ); /* is CapsLock effective? */ if (KTYP(value) == KT_LETTER) entry->locks |= DILS_CAPS; /* is NumLock effective? */ if (identifier >= DIKI_KP_DECIMAL && identifier <= DIKI_KP_9) entry->locks |= DILS_NUM; /* write identifier to entry */ entry->identifier = identifier; /* write base level symbol to entry */ entry->symbols[DIKSI_BASE] = keyboard_get_symbol( code, value, DIKSI_BASE ); /* fetch the shifted base level */ value = keyboard_read_value( driver_data, K_SHIFTTAB, entry->code ); /* write shifted base level symbol to entry */ entry->symbols[DIKSI_BASE_SHIFT] = keyboard_get_symbol( code, value, DIKSI_BASE_SHIFT ); /* fetch the alternative level */ value = keyboard_read_value( driver_data, K_ALTTAB, entry->code ); /* write alternative level symbol to entry */ entry->symbols[DIKSI_ALT] = keyboard_get_symbol( code, value, DIKSI_ALT ); /* fetch the shifted alternative level */ value = keyboard_read_value( driver_data, K_ALTSHIFTTAB, entry->code ); /* write shifted alternative level symbol to entry */ entry->symbols[DIKSI_ALT_SHIFT] = keyboard_get_symbol( code, value, DIKSI_ALT_SHIFT ); return DFB_OK; } static void driver_close_device( void *driver_data ) { KeyboardData *data = (KeyboardData*) driver_data; /* stop input thread */ direct_thread_cancel( data->thread ); direct_thread_join( data->thread ); direct_thread_destroy( data->thread ); if (tcsetattr( data->vt_fd, TCSAFLUSH, &data->old_ts ) < 0) D_PERROR("DirectFB/keyboard: tcsetattr for original values failed!\n"); close( data->vt_fd ); /* free private data */ D_FREE( data ); }