/* (c) Copyright 2001-2009 The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community (directfb.org) (c) Copyright 2000-2004 Convergence (integrated media) GmbH All rights reserved. Written by Denis Oliver Kropp , Andreas Hundt , Sven Neumann , Ville Syrjälä and Claudio Ciccani . This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //#define DIRECT_ENABLE_DEBUG #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define UNIX_PATH_MAX 108 D_DEBUG_DOMAIN( Voodoo_Link, "Voodoo/Link", "Voodoo Link" ); /**********************************************************************************************************************/ #if !VOODOO_BUILD_NO_SETSOCKOPT static const int one = 1; static const int tos = IPTOS_LOWDELAY; #endif /**********************************************************************************************************************/ #define DUMP_SOCKET_OPTION(fd,o) \ do { \ int val = 0; \ unsigned int len = 4; \ \ if (getsockopt( fd, SOL_SOCKET, o, &val, &len )) \ D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Manager: getsockopt() for " #o " failed!\n" ); \ else \ D_DEBUG( "Voodoo/Manager: " #o " is %d\n", val ); \ } while (0) /**********************************************************************************************************************/ typedef struct { int fd[2]; int wakeup_fds[2]; } Link; static void Close( VoodooLink *link ) { Link *l = link->priv; D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Closing connection.\n" ); close( l->fd[0] ); if (l->fd[1] != l->fd[0]) close( l->fd[1] ); close( l->wakeup_fds[0] ); close( l->wakeup_fds[1] ); D_FREE( link->priv ); link->priv = NULL; } static ssize_t Read( VoodooLink *link, void *buffer, size_t count ) { Link *l = link->priv; return recv( l->fd[0], buffer, count, 0 ); } static ssize_t Write( VoodooLink *link, const void *buffer, size_t count ) { Link *l = link->priv; return send( l->fd[1], buffer, count, 0 ); } // FIXME: refactor, optionally using lio_listio static DirectResult SendReceive( VoodooLink *link, VoodooChunk *sends, size_t num_send, VoodooChunk *recvs, size_t num_recv ) { Link *l = link->priv; size_t i; ssize_t ret; int select_result; D_DEBUG_AT( Voodoo_Link, "%s( link %p, sends %p, num_send %zu, recvs %p, num_recv %zu )\n", __func__, link, sends, num_send, recvs, num_recv ); while (true) { fd_set fds_read; fd_set fds_write; struct timeval tv; FD_ZERO( &fds_read ); FD_ZERO( &fds_write ); if (num_recv) FD_SET( l->fd[0], &fds_read ); if (num_send) FD_SET( l->fd[1], &fds_write ); FD_SET( l->wakeup_fds[0], &fds_read ); tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; D_DEBUG_AT( Voodoo_Link, " -> select( %s%s )...\n", num_recv ? "R" : " ", num_send ? "W" : " " ); select_result = select( MAX(MAX(l->wakeup_fds[0],l->fd[0]),l->fd[1])+1, &fds_read, &fds_write, NULL, &tv ); switch (select_result) { default: if (FD_ISSET( l->fd[1], &fds_write )) { D_DEBUG_AT( Voodoo_Link, " => WRITE\n" ); for (i=0; ifd[1], sends[i].ptr, sends[i].length, MSG_DONTWAIT ); if (ret < 0) { D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Failed to send() data!\n" ); return DR_IO; } else { sends[i].done += ret; /* if (sends[i].done != sends[i].length) D_WARN( "partial send of %d/%d bytes", ret, sends[i].length ); else D_WARN( "full send of %d bytes", ret, sends[i].length ); */ return DR_OK; } #else struct aiocb cb; memset( &cb, 0, sizeof(struct aiocb) ); cb.aio_fildes = l->fd[1]; cb.aio_buf = sends[i].ptr; cb.aio_nbytes = sends[i].length; cb.aio_offset = (intptr_t)-1; cb.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_NONE; ret = aio_write( &cb ); if (ret < 0) { D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Link: aio_write() failed!\n" ); return DR_IO; } else { do { const struct aiocb *cbs[] = { &cb }; ret = aio_suspend( cbs, 1, NULL ); if (ret < 0) { D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Link: aio_suspend() failed!\n" ); return DR_IO; } ret = aio_error( &cb ); } while (ret == EINPROGRESS); switch (ret) { case 0: ret = aio_return( &cb ); if (ret < 0) { D_ERROR( "Voodoo/Link: aio_return() failed!\n -> %s\n", strerror(ret) ); return DR_IO; } break; default: D_ERROR( "Voodoo/Link: aio_error() failed!\n -> %s\n", strerror(ret) ); return DR_IO; } sends[i].done += ret; /* if (sends[i].done != sends[i].length) D_WARN( "partial send of %d/%d bytes", ret, sends[i].length ); else D_WARN( "full send of %d bytes", ret, sends[i].length ); */ return DR_OK; } #endif } } } if (FD_ISSET( l->fd[0], &fds_read )) { D_DEBUG_AT( Voodoo_Link, " => READ\n" ); for (i=0; ifd[0], recvs[i].ptr, recvs[i].length, MSG_DONTWAIT ); if (ret < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { break; } D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Failed to recv() data!\n" ); return DR_FAILURE; } if (!ret) return DR_IO; recvs[i].done = ret; if (recvs[i].done < recvs[i].length) break; } } if (FD_ISSET( l->wakeup_fds[0], &fds_read )) { D_DEBUG_AT( Voodoo_Link, " => WAKE UP\n" ); static char buf[1000]; read( l->wakeup_fds[0], buf, sizeof(buf) ); if (!FD_ISSET( l->fd[0], &fds_read ) && !FD_ISSET( l->fd[0], &fds_write )) return DR_INTERRUPTED; } return DR_OK; case 0: D_DEBUG_AT( Voodoo_Link, " => TIMEOUT\n" ); return DR_TIMEOUT; case -1: D_ERROR( "Voodoo/Link: select() failed!\n" ); return DR_FAILURE; } } return DR_OK; } static DirectResult WakeUp( VoodooLink *link ) { Link *l = link->priv; char c = 0; write( l->wakeup_fds[1], &c, 1 ); return DR_OK; } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ DirectResult voodoo_link_init_connect( VoodooLink *link, const char *hostname, int port, bool raw ) { DirectResult ret; int err; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *addr; char portstr[10]; Link *l; memset( &hints, 0, sizeof(hints) ); hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Looking up host '%s'...\n", hostname ); snprintf( portstr, sizeof(portstr), "%d", port ); err = getaddrinfo( hostname, portstr, &hints, &addr ); if (err) { switch (err) { case EAI_FAMILY: D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Unsupported address family!\n" ); return DR_UNSUPPORTED; case EAI_SOCKTYPE: D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Unsupported socket type!\n" ); return DR_UNSUPPORTED; case EAI_NONAME: D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Host not found!\n" ); return DR_FAILURE; case EAI_SERVICE: D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Service is unreachable!\n" ); return DR_FAILURE; #ifdef EAI_ADDRFAMILY case EAI_ADDRFAMILY: #endif case EAI_NODATA: D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Host found, but has no address!\n" ); return DR_FAILURE; case EAI_MEMORY: return D_OOM(); case EAI_FAIL: D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: A non-recoverable name server error occurred!\n" ); return DR_FAILURE; case EAI_AGAIN: D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Temporary error, try again!\n" ); return DR_TEMPUNAVAIL; default: D_ERROR( "Direct/Log: Unknown error occured!?\n" ); return DR_FAILURE; } } l = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(Link) ); if (!l) return D_OOM(); /* Create the client socket. */ l->fd[0] = socket( addr->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); if (l->fd[0] < 0) { ret = errno2result( errno ); D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Socket creation failed!\n" ); freeaddrinfo( addr ); D_FREE( l ); return ret; } l->fd[1] = l->fd[0]; #if !VOODOO_BUILD_NO_SETSOCKOPT // if (setsockopt( l->fd[0], SOL_IP, IP_TOS, &tos, sizeof(tos) ) < 0) // D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Manager: Could not set IP_TOS!\n" ); if (setsockopt( l->fd[0], SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &one, sizeof(one) ) < 0) D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Manager: Could not set TCP_NODELAY!\n" ); #endif D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Connecting to '%s:%d'...\n", addr->ai_canonname, port ); /* Connect to the server. */ err = connect( l->fd[0], addr->ai_addr, addr->ai_addrlen ); freeaddrinfo( addr ); if (err) { ret = errno2result( errno ); D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Socket connect failed!\n" ); close( l->fd[0] ); D_FREE( l ); return ret; } D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Connected.\n" ); DUMP_SOCKET_OPTION( l->fd[0], SO_SNDLOWAT ); DUMP_SOCKET_OPTION( l->fd[0], SO_RCVLOWAT ); DUMP_SOCKET_OPTION( l->fd[0], SO_SNDBUF ); DUMP_SOCKET_OPTION( l->fd[0], SO_RCVBUF ); if (!raw) { link->code = 0x80008676; if (write( l->fd[1], &link->code, sizeof(link->code) ) != 4) { D_ERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Coult not write initial four bytes!\n" ); close( l->fd[0] ); D_FREE( l ); return DR_IO; } } D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Sent link code (%s).\n", raw ? "raw" : "packet" ); pipe( l->wakeup_fds ); link->priv = l; link->Close = Close; link->Read = Read; link->Write = Write; link->SendReceive = SendReceive; link->WakeUp = WakeUp; return DR_OK; } DirectResult voodoo_link_init_local( VoodooLink *link, const char *path, bool raw ) { DirectResult ret; int err; struct sockaddr_un addr; Link *l; D_ASSERT( link != NULL ); D_ASSERT( path != NULL ); l = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(Link) ); if (!l) return D_OOM(); /* Create the client socket. */ l->fd[0] = socket( AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); if (l->fd[0] < 0) { ret = errno2result( errno ); D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Socket creation failed!\n" ); D_FREE( l ); return ret; } l->fd[1] = l->fd[0]; #if !VOODOO_BUILD_NO_SETSOCKOPT // if (setsockopt( l->fd[0], SOL_IP, IP_TOS, &tos, sizeof(tos) ) < 0) // D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Manager: Could not set IP_TOS!\n" ); if (setsockopt( l->fd[0], SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &one, sizeof(one) ) < 0) D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Manager: Could not set TCP_NODELAY!\n" ); #endif D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Connecting to '%s'...\n", path ); memset( &addr, 0, sizeof(addr) ); /* Bind the socket to the local port. */ addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; snprintf( addr.sun_path + 1, UNIX_PATH_MAX - 1, "%s", path ); /* Connect to the server. */ err = connect( l->fd[0], (struct sockaddr*) &addr, strlen(addr.sun_path+1)+1 + sizeof(addr.sun_family) ); if (err) { ret = errno2result( errno ); D_PERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Socket connect failed!\n" ); close( l->fd[0] ); D_FREE( l ); return ret; } D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Connected.\n" ); DUMP_SOCKET_OPTION( l->fd[0], SO_SNDLOWAT ); DUMP_SOCKET_OPTION( l->fd[0], SO_RCVLOWAT ); DUMP_SOCKET_OPTION( l->fd[0], SO_SNDBUF ); DUMP_SOCKET_OPTION( l->fd[0], SO_RCVBUF ); if (!raw) { link->code = 0x80008676; if (write( l->fd[1], &link->code, sizeof(link->code) ) != 4) { D_ERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Coult not write initial four bytes!\n" ); close( l->fd[0] ); D_FREE( l ); return DR_IO; } } D_INFO( "Voodoo/Link: Sent link code (%s).\n", raw ? "raw" : "packet" ); pipe( l->wakeup_fds ); link->priv = l; link->Close = Close; link->Read = Read; link->Write = Write; link->SendReceive = SendReceive; link->WakeUp = WakeUp; return DR_OK; } DirectResult voodoo_link_init_fd( VoodooLink *link, int fd[2] ) { Link *l; if (read( fd[0], &link->code, sizeof(link->code) ) != 4) { D_ERROR( "Voodoo/Link: Coult not read initial four bytes!\n" ); return DR_IO; } l = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(Link) ); if (!l) return D_OOM(); l->fd[0] = fd[0]; l->fd[1] = fd[1]; pipe( l->wakeup_fds ); link->priv = l; link->Close = Close; link->Read = Read; link->Write = Write; link->SendReceive = SendReceive; link->WakeUp = WakeUp; return DR_OK; }