/* (c) Copyright 2001-2009 The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community (directfb.org) (c) Copyright 2000-2004 Convergence (integrated media) GmbH All rights reserved. Written by Denis Oliver Kropp , Andreas Hundt , Sven Neumann , Ville Syrjälä and Claudio Ciccani . This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the MIT License: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #define DIRECT_ENABLE_DEBUG #include extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include } #include #include #include #include #define MAX_ROW_WIDTH 2047 D_DEBUG_DOMAIN( mkdgiff, "mkdgiff", "DirectFB Glyph Image File Format Tool" ); /**********************************************************************************************************************/ static DirectFBPixelFormatNames( format_names ); static DirectFBSurfaceBlittingFlagsNames( m_bflags ); static const char *filename; static DFBSurfacePixelFormat m_format = DSPF_ARGB; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ static void print_usage (const char *prg_name) { int i = 0; fprintf (stderr, "\nDirectFB Glyph Image File Format Tool (version %s)\n\n", DIRECTFB_VERSION); fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s [options]\n\n", prg_name); fprintf (stderr, "Options:\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -f, --format Choose the pixel format (default ARGB)\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -s, --sizes [,s2...] Choose sizes to generate glyph images for\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -h, --help Show this help message\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -v, --version Print version information\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Known pixel formats with alpha:\n"); while (format_names[i].format != DSPF_UNKNOWN) { DFBSurfacePixelFormat format = format_names[i].format; if (DFB_PIXELFORMAT_HAS_ALPHA(format)) { fprintf (stderr, " %-10s %2d bits, %d bytes", format_names[i].name, DFB_BITS_PER_PIXEL(format), DFB_BYTES_PER_PIXEL(format)); if (DFB_PIXELFORMAT_IS_INDEXED(format)) fprintf (stderr, " INDEXED"); if (DFB_PLANAR_PIXELFORMAT(format)) { int planes = DFB_PLANE_MULTIPLY(format, 1000); fprintf (stderr, " PLANAR (x%d.%03d)", planes / 1000, planes % 1000); } fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } ++i; } fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } static DFBBoolean parse_format( const char *arg, DFBSurfacePixelFormat *ret_format ) { int i = 0; while (format_names[i].format != DSPF_UNKNOWN) { if (!strcasecmp( arg, format_names[i].name )) { *ret_format = format_names[i].format; return DFB_TRUE; } ++i; } fprintf (stderr, "\nInvalid format specified!\n\n" ); return DFB_FALSE; } static void parse_flags( const char *arg, DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags *ret_flags ) { int i; *ret_flags = DSBLIT_NOFX; for (i=0; i list; typedef std::vector vector; }; class Face : public Entity { public: Face() : Entity(), size( 0 ), height( 0 ), ascender( 0 ), descender( 0 ), maxadvance( 0 ), blittingflags( DSBLIT_NOFX ) { } virtual Type GetType() const { return ENTITY_FACE; } virtual void Dump() const; virtual void SetProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value ); unsigned int size; unsigned int height; int ascender; int descender; int maxadvance; DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags blittingflags; }; class Glyph : public Entity { public: Glyph() : Entity(), unicode( 0 ), left( 0 ), top( 0 ), advance( 0 ) { } virtual Type GetType() const { return ENTITY_GLYPH; } virtual void Dump() const; virtual void SetProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value ); unsigned int unicode; int left; int top; int advance; std::string file; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ void Entity::Dump() const { direct_log_printf( NULL, "\n" ); direct_log_printf( NULL, "Entity (TYPE %d)\n", GetType() ); direct_log_printf( NULL, " Buffer at %p [%zu]\n", buf, length ); } void Face::Dump() const { Entity::Dump(); direct_log_printf( NULL, " Size %u\n", size ); direct_log_printf( NULL, " Height %u\n", height ); direct_log_printf( NULL, " Ascender %d\n", ascender ); direct_log_printf( NULL, " Descender %d\n", descender ); direct_log_printf( NULL, " MaxAdvance %d\n", maxadvance ); direct_log_printf( NULL, " BlittingFlags 0x%08x\n", blittingflags ); } void Glyph::Dump() const { Entity::Dump(); direct_log_printf( NULL, " Unicode 0x%04x\n", unicode ); direct_log_printf( NULL, " Left %d\n", left ); direct_log_printf( NULL, " Top %d\n", top ); direct_log_printf( NULL, " Advance %d\n", advance ); direct_log_printf( NULL, " File '%s'\n", file.c_str() ); } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ void Entity::SetProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value ) { } void Face::SetProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value ) { if (name == "size") { sscanf( value.c_str(), "%u", &size ); return; } if (name == "height") { sscanf( value.c_str(), "%u", &height ); return; } if (name == "ascender") { sscanf( value.c_str(), "%d", &ascender ); return; } if (name == "descender") { sscanf( value.c_str(), "%d", &descender ); return; } if (name == "maxadvance") { sscanf( value.c_str(), "%d", &maxadvance ); return; } if (name == "blittingflags") { parse_flags( value.c_str(), &blittingflags ); return; } } void Glyph::SetProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value ) { if (name == "unicode") { sscanf( value.c_str(), "%x", &unicode ); return; } if (name == "left") { sscanf( value.c_str(), "%d", &left ); return; } if (name == "top") { sscanf( value.c_str(), "%d", &top ); return; } if (name == "advance") { sscanf( value.c_str(), "%d", &advance ); return; } if (name == "file") { file = value; return; } } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ static void get_entities( const char *buf, size_t length, Entity::vector &out_vector ) { size_t i; unsigned int level = 0; bool quote = false; std::string name; std::map names; Entity *entity = NULL; D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, "%s( buf %p, length %zu )\n", __func__, buf, length ); for (i=0; i '%c' <-\n", level*2, "", level, buf[i] ); if (quote) { switch (buf[i]) { case '"': quote = false; break; default: name += buf[i]; } } else { switch (buf[i]) { case '"': quote = true; break; case '-': case '_': case 'a' ... 'z': case 'A' ... 'Z': case '0' ... '9': name += buf[i]; break; default: if (!name.empty()) { D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, "%*s=-> name = '%s'\n", level*2, "", name.c_str() ); if (!names[level].empty()) { switch (level) { case 1: D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, "%*s#### setting property '%s' = '%s'\n", level*2, "", names[level].c_str(), name.c_str() ); D_ASSERT( entity != NULL ); entity->SetProperty( names[level], name ); break; default: break; } name = ""; } names[level] = name; name = ""; } switch (buf[i]) { case '{': case '}': switch (buf[i]) { case '{': switch (level) { case 0: if (names[level] == "face") { D_ASSERT( entity == NULL ); entity = new Face(); entity->buf = &buf[i + 1]; D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, "%*s#### open entity %p (Face)\n", level*2, "", entity ); } if (names[level] == "glyph") { D_ASSERT( entity == NULL ); entity = new Glyph(); entity->buf = &buf[i + 1]; D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, "%*s#### open entity %p (Glyph)\n", level*2, "", entity ); } break; default: break; } names[level] = ""; level++; break; case '}': D_ASSERT( names[level].empty() ); level--; switch (level) { case 0: D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, "%*s#### close entity %p\n", level*2, "", entity ); D_ASSERT( entity != NULL ); entity->length = &buf[i-1] - entity->buf; out_vector.push_back( entity ); entity = NULL; break; case 1: break; default: break; } break; } D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, "%*s=-> level => %u\n", level*2, "", level ); break; case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': break; default: break; } break; } } } } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ static DFBResult load_image (const char *filename, DFBSurfaceDescription *desc) { DFBSurfacePixelFormat dest_format; DFBSurfacePixelFormat src_format; FILE *fp; png_structp png_ptr = NULL; png_infop info_ptr = NULL; png_uint_32 width, height; unsigned char *data = NULL; int type; char header[8]; int bytes, pitch; dest_format = (desc->flags & DSDESC_PIXELFORMAT) ? desc->pixelformat : DSPF_UNKNOWN; desc->flags = DSDESC_NONE; desc->preallocated[0].data = NULL; if (!(fp = fopen (filename, "rb"))) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to open file '%s': %s.\n", filename, strerror (errno)); goto cleanup; } bytes = fread (header, 1, sizeof(header), fp); if (png_sig_cmp ((unsigned char*) header, 0, bytes)) { fprintf (stderr, "File '%s' doesn't seem to be a PNG image file.\n", filename); goto cleanup; } png_ptr = png_create_read_struct (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!png_ptr) goto cleanup; if (setjmp (png_ptr->jmpbuf)) { if (desc->preallocated[0].data) { free (desc->preallocated[0].data); desc->preallocated[0].data = NULL; } /* data might have been clobbered, set it to NULL and leak instead of crashing */ data = NULL; goto cleanup; } info_ptr = png_create_info_struct (png_ptr); if (!info_ptr) goto cleanup; png_init_io (png_ptr, fp); png_set_sig_bytes (png_ptr, bytes); png_read_info (png_ptr, info_ptr); png_get_IHDR (png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bytes, &type, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (bytes == 16) png_set_strip_16 (png_ptr); #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN png_set_swap_alpha (png_ptr); #else png_set_bgr (png_ptr); #endif src_format = (type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA) ? DSPF_ARGB : DSPF_RGB32; switch (type) { case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY: if (dest_format == DSPF_A8) { src_format = DSPF_A8; break; } /* fallthru */ case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA: png_set_gray_to_rgb (png_ptr); // if (rgbformat) // dest_format = rgbformat; break; case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE: png_set_palette_to_rgb (png_ptr); /* fallthru */ case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB: // if (rgbformat) // dest_format = rgbformat; case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA: if (dest_format == DSPF_RGB24) { png_set_strip_alpha (png_ptr); src_format = DSPF_RGB24; } break; } switch (src_format) { case DSPF_RGB32: png_set_filler (png_ptr, 0xFF, #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN PNG_FILLER_BEFORE #else PNG_FILLER_AFTER #endif ); break; case DSPF_ARGB: case DSPF_A8: if (png_get_valid (png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) png_set_tRNS_to_alpha (png_ptr); break; default: break; } pitch = (DFB_BYTES_PER_LINE( src_format, width ) + 7) & ~7; data = (unsigned char*) malloc (height * pitch); if (!data) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to allocate %ld bytes.\n", height * pitch); goto cleanup; } { unsigned int i; png_bytep bptrs[height]; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) bptrs[i] = data + i * pitch; png_read_image (png_ptr, bptrs); } if (!dest_format) dest_format = src_format; if (DFB_BYTES_PER_PIXEL(src_format) != DFB_BYTES_PER_PIXEL(dest_format)) { unsigned char *s, *d, *dest; int d_pitch, h; D_ASSERT( DFB_BYTES_PER_PIXEL(src_format) == 4 ); d_pitch = (DFB_BYTES_PER_LINE(dest_format, width) + 7) & ~7; dest = (unsigned char*) malloc (height * d_pitch); if (!dest) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to allocate %ld bytes.\n", height * d_pitch); goto cleanup; } h = height; switch (dest_format) { case DSPF_RGB16: for (s = data, d = dest; h; h--, s += pitch, d += d_pitch) dfb_argb_to_rgb16 ((u32 *) s, (u16 *) d, width); break; case DSPF_ARGB1555: for (s = data, d = dest; h; h--, s += pitch, d += d_pitch) dfb_argb_to_argb1555 ((u32 *) s, (u16 *) d, width); break; case DSPF_ARGB2554: for (s = data, d = dest; h; h--, s += pitch, d += d_pitch) dfb_argb_to_argb2554 ((u32 *) s, (u16 *) d, width); break; case DSPF_ARGB4444: for (s = data, d = dest; h; h--, s += pitch, d += d_pitch) dfb_argb_to_argb4444 ((u32 *) s, (u16 *) d, width); break; case DSPF_RGB332: for (s = data, d = dest; h; h--, s += pitch, d += d_pitch) dfb_argb_to_rgb332 ((u32 *) s, (u8 *) d, width); break; case DSPF_A8: for (s = data, d = dest; h; h--, s += pitch, d += d_pitch) dfb_argb_to_a8 ((u32 *) s, (u8 *) d, width); break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Sorry, unsupported format conversion.\n"); goto cleanup; } free (data); data = dest; pitch = d_pitch; } desc->flags = (DFBSurfaceDescriptionFlags)(DSDESC_WIDTH | DSDESC_HEIGHT | DSDESC_PIXELFORMAT | DSDESC_PREALLOCATED); desc->width = width; desc->height = height; desc->pixelformat = dest_format; desc->preallocated[0].pitch = pitch; desc->preallocated[0].data = data; data = NULL; cleanup: if (fp) fclose (fp); if (png_ptr) png_destroy_read_struct (&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); if (data) free (data); return ((desc->flags) ? DFB_OK : DFB_FAILURE); } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ static void write_glyph( DGIFFGlyphInfo *glyph, const DFBSurfaceDescription &desc, void *dst, int pitch ) { D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, "%s( %p, %p, %d ) <- size %ux%u\n", __FUNCTION__, glyph, dst, pitch, desc.width, desc.height ); switch (m_format) { case DSPF_ARGB: dfb_convert_to_argb( desc.pixelformat, desc.preallocated[0].data, desc.preallocated[0].pitch, desc.height, (u32*) dst, pitch, desc.width, desc.height ); break; default: D_UNIMPLEMENTED(); break; } } static int do_face( const Face *face ) { int i, ret; int align = DFB_PIXELFORMAT_ALIGNMENT( m_format ); int num_glyphs = 0; int num_rows = 1; int row_index = 0; int row_offset = 0; int next_face = sizeof(DGIFFFaceHeader); int total_height = 0; Entity::vector glyph_vector; unsigned int glyph_count = 0; DGIFFFaceHeader header; DGIFFGlyphInfo *glyphs; DGIFFGlyphRow *rows; void **row_data; DFBSurfaceDescription *descs; D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, "%s( %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, face ); get_entities( face->buf, face->length, glyph_vector ); glyph_count = glyph_vector.size(); /* Clear to not leak any data into file. */ memset( &header, 0, sizeof(header) ); /* Allocate glyph info array. */ glyphs = (DGIFFGlyphInfo*) D_CALLOC( glyph_count, sizeof(DGIFFGlyphInfo) ); rows = (DGIFFGlyphRow*) D_CALLOC( glyph_count, sizeof(DGIFFGlyphRow) ); /* WORST case :) */ row_data = (void**) D_CALLOC( glyph_count, sizeof(void*) ); /* WORST case :) */ descs = (DFBSurfaceDescription*) D_CALLOC( glyph_count, sizeof(DFBSurfaceDescription) ); /* WORST case :) */ for (Entity::vector::const_iterator iter = glyph_vector.begin(); iter != glyph_vector.end(); iter++) { const Glyph *glyph = dynamic_cast( *iter ); glyph->Dump(); DGIFFGlyphInfo *info = &glyphs[num_glyphs]; DGIFFGlyphRow *row = &rows[num_rows - 1]; D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, " -> code %3u\n", glyph->unicode ); ret = load_image( glyph->file.c_str(), &descs[num_glyphs] ); if (ret) continue; info->unicode = glyph->unicode; info->width = descs[num_glyphs].width; info->height = descs[num_glyphs].height; info->left = glyph->left; info->top = glyph->top; info->advance = glyph->advance; num_glyphs++; if (row->width > 0 && row->width + info->width > MAX_ROW_WIDTH) { num_rows++; row++; } row->width += (info->width + align) & ~align; if (row->height < info->height) row->height = info->height; } for (i=0; i row %d, width %d, height %d\n", i, row->width, row->height ); total_height += row->height; row->pitch = (DFB_BYTES_PER_LINE( m_format, row->width ) + 7) & ~7; row_data[i] = D_CALLOC( row->height, row->pitch ); next_face += row->height * row->pitch; } D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, " -> %d glyphs, %d rows, total height %d\n", num_glyphs, num_rows, total_height ); next_face += num_glyphs * sizeof(DGIFFGlyphInfo); next_face += num_rows * sizeof(DGIFFGlyphRow); for (i=0; i writing character 0x%x (%d)\n", glyph->unicode, i ); if (row_offset > 0 && row_offset + glyph->width > MAX_ROW_WIDTH) { row_index++; row_offset = 0; } D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, " -> row offset %d\n", row_offset ); write_glyph( glyph, descs[i], (char*) row_data[row_index] + DFB_BYTES_PER_LINE( m_format, row_offset ), rows[row_index].pitch ); glyph->row = row_index; glyph->offset = row_offset; row_offset += (glyph->width + align) & ~align; } D_ASSERT( row_index == num_rows - 1 ); header.next_face = next_face; header.size = face->size; header.ascender = face->ascender; header.descender = face->descender; header.height = face->height; header.max_advance = face->maxadvance; header.pixelformat = m_format; header.num_glyphs = num_glyphs; header.num_rows = num_rows; header.blittingflags = face->blittingflags; D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, " -> ascender %d, descender %d\n", header.ascender, header.descender ); D_DEBUG_AT( mkdgiff, " -> height %d, max advance %d\n", header.height, header.max_advance ); fwrite( &header, sizeof(header), 1, stdout ); fwrite( glyphs, sizeof(*glyphs), num_glyphs, stdout ); for (i=0; ipitch, row->height, stdout ); } for (i=0; idebug = true; direct_config->debugmem = true; /* Parse the command line. */ if (!parse_command_line( argc, argv )) return -1; /* Open the file. */ fd = open( filename, O_RDONLY ); if (fd < 0) { ret = errno2result( errno ); D_PERROR( "Font/DGIFF: Failure during open() of '%s'!\n", filename ); return ret; } /* Query file size etc. */ if (fstat( fd, &stat ) < 0) { ret = errno2result( errno ); D_PERROR( "Font/DGIFF: Failure during fstat() of '%s'!\n", filename ); goto out; } /* Memory map the file. */ ptr = mmap( NULL, stat.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0 ); if (ptr == MAP_FAILED) { ret = errno2result( errno ); D_PERROR( "Font/DGIFF: Failure during mmap() of '%s'!\n", filename ); goto out; } get_entities( (const char*) ptr, stat.st_size, faces ); header.num_faces = faces.size(); fwrite( &header, sizeof(header), 1, stdout ); for (Entity::vector::const_iterator iter = faces.begin(); iter != faces.end(); iter++) { const Face *face = dynamic_cast( *iter ); face->Dump(); ret = do_face( face ); if (ret) goto out; } out: if (ptr != MAP_FAILED) munmap( ptr, stat.st_size ); close( fd ); direct_print_memleaks(); direct_shutdown(); return ret; }