/* Copyright (C) SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 2002-2003. All Rights Reserved. 3-3-5, Owa, Suwa-shi Nagano-ken, 392-8502 Japan Phone: +81-266-52-3131 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License aint with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #if !defined(__ECONPROTOCOL__) #define __ECONPROTOCOL__ #include #define ECON_PORTNUMBER 3620 #define ECON_MAGICNUM_SIZE 4 #define ECON_IPADDRESS_SIZE 4 #define ECON_UNIQINFO_LENGTH 6 #define ECON_PROJNAME_MAXLEN 32 #define ECON_KEYWORD_MAXLEN 16 #define ECON_ENCRYPTION_MAXLEN 8 #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN_HOST #define Swap16IfLE(s) \ ((CARD16) ((((s) & 0xff) << 8) | (((s) >> 8) & 0xff))) #define Swap32IfLE(l) \ ((CARD32) ((((l) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | \ (((l) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | \ (((l) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | \ (((l) & 0x000000ff) << 24))) #else #define Swap16IfLE(s) (s) #define Swap32IfLE(l) (l) #endif #define ECON_MAGIC_NUMBER "EEMP" #define ECON_PROTO_VERSION "0100" #define ECON_PROTOVER_MAXLEN 4 enum e_proj_state { E_PSTAT_NOUSE = 1, E_PSTAT_USING = 2, E_PSTAT_APPUSING = 3 }; enum _e_EmpCommand { E_CMD_EASYSEARCH = 1, E_CMD_IPSEARCH = 2, E_CMD_CLIENTINFO = 3, E_CMD_REQCONNECT = 4, E_CMD_CONNECTED = 5, E_CMD_REQRESTART = 6, E_CMD_FINISHRESTART = 7, E_CMD_DISCONCLIENT = 8, E_CMD_INTERRUPT = 9, E_CMD_KEEPALIVE = 10, E_CMD_SENDREQUESTS = 12, E_CMD_CLIENTERROR = 13, E_CMD_RESENDFULLSCRID = 14, E_CMD_DISPLAYWAIT = 15, E_CMD_SENDKEY = 16, E_CMD_21 = 21, E_CMD_22 = 22, E_CMD_25 = 25 }; enum _e_ProjType { e_ptype_IM_X = 1, e_ptype_IM_XP1 = 2, e_pType_IM_XP4 = 3 }; enum _e_SendReq { e_sendreq_OK = 1, e_sendreq_NG = 2 }; enum _e_Keyword { e_keyword_nouse = 0, e_keyword_use = 1 }; enum _e_Encryption { e_encrypt_nouse = 0, e_encrypt_use = 1 }; enum _e_Error { e_error_keyword = 0 }; typedef struct { uint8_t bitsPerPixel; uint8_t depth; uint8_t bigEndian; uint8_t trueColour; uint16_t redMax; uint16_t greenMax; uint16_t blueMax; uint8_t redShift; uint8_t greenShift; uint8_t blueShift; uint8_t pad1; uint16_t pad2; } rfbPixelFormat; typedef struct { uint16_t framebufferWidth; uint16_t framebufferHeight; rfbPixelFormat format; uint32_t nameLength; } rfbServerInitMsg; typedef struct { char projName[ECON_PROJNAME_MAXLEN]; uint8_t projState; uint8_t useKeyword; uint8_t displayType; uint8_t implicit_padding; uint16_t unknown_field_1; /* value: 256 */ } e_command_clientinfo; typedef struct { uint8_t useEncryption; uint8_t EncPassword[ECON_ENCRYPTION_MAXLEN]; uint8_t subnetMask[ECON_IPADDRESS_SIZE]; uint8_t gateAddress[ECON_IPADDRESS_SIZE]; uint8_t unknown_field_1; /* value: 0x02 */ uint8_t unknown_field_2; /* value: 0x01 */ uint8_t unknown_field_3; /* value: 0x03 */ rfbServerInitMsg vnesInitMsg; } e_command_reqconnect; typedef struct { char projName[ECON_PROJNAME_MAXLEN]; uint8_t projState; } e_command_connected; typedef struct { uint8_t errorNo; } e_command_clienterror; typedef struct { uint32_t resendID; } e_command_resendfullscrid; typedef struct { uint32_t keyID; } e_command_sendkey; typedef struct { uint16_t unknown_field1; uint16_t unknown_field2; uint16_t width; uint16_t height; } e_command_cmd22; typedef struct { uint32_t unknown_field1; uint32_t unknown_field2; } e_command_cmd25; struct econ_header { char magicnum[ECON_MAGICNUM_SIZE]; char version[ECON_PROTOVER_MAXLEN]; uint8_t IPaddress[ECON_IPADDRESS_SIZE]; uint32_t commandID; uint32_t datasize; }; struct econ_command { uint8_t recordCount; uint8_t implicit_padding[3]; union e_commands { e_command_clientinfo clientinfo; e_command_reqconnect reqconnect; e_command_connected connected; e_command_clienterror clienterror; e_command_resendfullscrid resendid; e_command_sendkey sendkey; e_command_cmd22 cmd22; e_command_cmd25 cmd25; } command; }; struct econ_record { uint8_t projUniqInfo[ECON_UNIQINFO_LENGTH]; uint8_t projKeyword[ECON_KEYWORD_MAXLEN]; uint8_t IPaddress[ECON_IPADDRESS_SIZE]; }; #endif