epson_video_proto = Proto("epson_video", "Epson Video Protocol") evf = epson_video_proto.fields evf.magic = ProtoField.string("epson_video.magic", "Magic") evf.version = ProtoField.string("epson_video.version", "Version") evf.serverip = ProtoField.ipv4("epson_video.serverip", "Server IP") evf.cmd = ProtoField.uint32("epson_video.cmd", "Command") evf.datasize = ProtoField.uint32("epson_video.datasize", "Datasize") evf.type = ProtoField.uint8("epson_video.type", "Type") evf.nrects = ProtoField.uint16("epson_video.nrects", "Rect Count") evf.comp_ctl = ProtoField.uint8("epson_video.comp_ctl", "Compression Control", base.HEX) function epson_video_proto.dissector(buffer, pinfo, tree) pinfo.cols.protocol = "EPSON VIDEO" local subtree = tree:add(epson_video_proto, buffer(), "Epson Video Protocol Data") if buffer(0,4):string() == "EPRD" then subtree:add(evf.magic, buffer( 0, 4)) subtree:add(evf.version, buffer( 4, 4)) subtree:add(evf.serverip, buffer( 8, 4)) subtree:add(evf.cmd, buffer(12, 4)) subtree:add(evf.datasize, buffer(16, 4)) else local _type = subtree:add(evf.type, buffer( 0, 1)) if buffer(0,1):uint() == 0xc9 then _type:append_text(" (audio?)") subtree:add_le(evf.datasize, buffer(1,4)) elseif buffer(0,1):uint() == 0x00 and buffer(1,1):uint() == 0x00 then _type:append_text(" (framebuffer update)") subtree:add(buffer( 1, 1), "pad: " .. buffer( 1,1):uint()) subtree:add(evf.nrects, buffer( 2, 2)) subtree:add(buffer( 4, 2), "x: " .. buffer( 4,2):uint()) subtree:add(buffer( 6, 2), "y: " .. buffer( 6,2):uint()) subtree:add(buffer( 8, 2), "width: " .. buffer( 8,2):uint()) subtree:add(buffer(10, 2), "height: " .. buffer(10,2):uint()) subtree:add(buffer(12, 4), "encoding: " .. buffer(12,4):uint()) local encoding = buffer(12,4):uint() -- Tight encoding if encoding == 7 then subtree:add(evf.comp_ctl, buffer(16, 1)) local bit = require('bit') -- jpeg compression (always 0x90 or maybe 0x91?) if,1):uint(), 0x90) then local compactlen_count = 1 local compactlen =,1):uint(), 0x7F) if,1):uint(), 0x80) then compactlen = bit.bor(compactlen, bit.lshift(,1):uint(), 0x7F),7)) compactlen_count = 2 if,1):uint(), 0x80) then compactlen = bit.bor(compactlen, bit.lshift(,1):uint(), 0xFF),14)) compactlen_count = 3 end end subtree:add(buffer(17, compactlen_count), "compact len: " .. compactlen) end end end end end epson_control_proto = Proto("epson_control", "Epson Control Protocol") ecf = epson_control_proto.fields ecf.magic = ProtoField.string("epson_control.magic", "Magic") ecf.version = ProtoField.string("epson_control.version", "Version") ecf.clientip = ProtoField.ipv4("epson_control.clientip", "Client IP") ecf.cmdid = ProtoField.uint32("epson_control.cmdid", "CommandID") ecf.datasize = ProtoField.uint32("epson_control.datasize", "Datasize") ecf.record_count = ProtoField.uint32("epson_control.record_count", "Record Count") -- request connection - fields ecf.encryption = ProtoField.bool("epson_control.encryption", "Encryption") ecf.encpassword = ProtoField.string("epson_control.encpassword", "EncPassword") ecf.subnet = ProtoField.ipv4("epson_control.subnet", "Subnet Mask") ecf.gateway = ProtoField.ipv4("epson_control.gateway", "Gateway") ecf.width = ProtoField.uint16("epson_control.width", "Framebuffer Width") ecf.height = ProtoField.uint16("epson_control.height", "Framebuffer Height") ecf.bpp = ProtoField.uint8("epson_control.bpp", "Bits per pixel") ecf.depth = ProtoField.uint8("epson_control.depth", "Depth") ecf.bigendian = ProtoField.bool("epson_control.big_endian", "BigEndian") ecf.truecolor = ProtoField.bool("epson_control.true_color", "TrueColor") ecf.redmax = ProtoField.uint16("epson_control.redmax", "Red Max") ecf.greenmax = ProtoField.uint16("epson_control.greenmax", "Green Max") ecf.bluemax = ProtoField.uint16("epson_control.bluemax", "Blue Max") ecf.redshift = ProtoField.uint8("epson_control.redshift", "Red Shift") ecf.greenshift = ProtoField.uint8("epson_control.greenshift", "Green Shift") ecf.blueshift = ProtoField.uint8("epson_control.blueshift", "Blue Shift") ecf.namelength = ProtoField.uint32("epson_control.namelength", "Name Length") -- connected - fields ecf.projname = ProtoField.string("epson_control.proj_name", "Projector Name") ecf.projstate = ProtoField.uint8("epson_control.proj_state", "Projector State") -- clientinfo - fields ecf.usekeyword = ProtoField.bool("epson_control.use_keyword", "Use Keyword") ecf.displaytype = ProtoField.uint8("epson_control.display_type", "Display Type") -- connection record ecf.uniqinfo = ProtoField.ether("epson_control.uniq_info", "Uniq Info") ecf.keyword = ProtoField.string("epson_control.keyword", "Keyword") ecf.beamerip = ProtoField.ipv4("epson_control.beamerip", "Beamer IP") CMD_EASYSEARCH = 1 CMD_IPSEARCH = 2 CMD_CLIENTINFO = 3 CMD_REQCONNECT = 4 CMD_CONNECTED = 5 CMD_REQRESTART = 6 CMD_FINISHRESTART = 7 CMD_DISCONCLIENT = 8 CMD_INTERRUPT = 9 CMD_KEEPALIVE = 10 CMD_SENDREQUESTS = 12 CMD_CLIENTERROR = 13 CMD_RESENDFULLSCRID = 14 CMD_DISPLAYWAIT = 15 CMD_SENDKEY = 16 local cmdname = { [CMD_EASYSEARCH] = "easysearch", [CMD_IPSEARCH] = "ipsearch", [CMD_CLIENTINFO] = "clientinfo", [CMD_REQCONNECT] = "reqconnect", [CMD_CONNECTED] = "connected", [CMD_REQRESTART] = "reqrestart", [CMD_FINISHRESTART] = "finishrestart", [CMD_DISCONCLIENT] = "disconclient", [CMD_INTERRUPT] = "interrupt", [CMD_KEEPALIVE] = "keepalive", [CMD_SENDREQUESTS] = "sendrequests", [CMD_CLIENTERROR] = "clienterror", [CMD_RESENDFULLSCRID] = "resendfullscrid", [CMD_DISPLAYWAIT] = "displaywait", [CMD_SENDKEY] = "sendkey", [21] = "extra clientinfo?" } function epson_control_proto.dissector(buffer, pinfo, tree) pinfo.cols.protocol = "EPSON CONTROL" local subtree = tree:add(epson_video_proto, buffer(), "Epson Control Protocol Data") subtree:add(ecf.magic, buffer(0, 4)) subtree:add(ecf.version, buffer(4, 4)) subtree:add(ecf.clientip, buffer(8,4)) local cmdtree = subtree:add_le(ecf.cmdid, buffer(12, 4)) local commandid = buffer(12,4):le_uint() cmdtree:append_text(string.format(" (%s)", (cmdname[commandid] or "unknown"))) subtree:add_le(ecf.datasize, buffer(16, 4)):append_text(" bytes") local datasize = buffer(16,4):le_uint() if datasize <= 0 then return end local econ_header_size = 20 -- FIXME: not always: e.g cmdid=21 local record_count = buffer(20, 1):uint() local rectree = subtree:add(ecf.record_count, buffer(20, 1)) if commandid == CMD_CLIENTINFO then cmdtree:add(ecf.projname, buffer(24, 32)) local state = { [1] = "no use", [2] = "using", [3] = "app use" } cmdtree:add(ecf.projstate, buffer(56, 1)) :append_text(" (" .. (state[buffer(56,1):uint()] or "") .. ")") cmdtree:add(ecf.usekeyword, buffer(57, 1)) cmdtree:add(ecf.displaytype, buffer(58, 1)) elseif commandid == CMD_REQCONNECT then cmdtree:add(ecf.encryption, buffer(24, 1)) cmdtree:add(ecf.encpassword, buffer(25, 8)) cmdtree:add(ecf.subnet, buffer(33, 4)) cmdtree:add(ecf.gateway, buffer(37, 4)) -- 3 byte alignment local vnesoffset = 37 + 4 + 3 local vnestree = cmdtree:add("VNES init") vnestree:add_le(ecf.width, buffer(vnesoffset, 2)) vnestree:add_le(ecf.height, buffer(vnesoffset+2, 2)) local fmtoff = vnesoffset + 4 vnestree:add(ecf.bpp, buffer(fmtoff, 1)) vnestree:add(ecf.depth, buffer(fmtoff+1, 1)) vnestree:add(ecf.bigendian, buffer(fmtoff+2, 1)) vnestree:add(ecf.truecolor, buffer(fmtoff+3, 1)) vnestree:add_le(ecf.redmax, buffer(fmtoff+4, 2)) vnestree:add_le(ecf.greenmax, buffer(fmtoff+6, 2)) vnestree:add_le(ecf.bluemax, buffer(fmtoff+8, 2)) vnestree:add(ecf.redshift, buffer(fmtoff+10, 1)) vnestree:add(ecf.greenshift, buffer(fmtoff+11, 1)) vnestree:add(ecf.blueshift, buffer(fmtoff+12, 1)) local pad = 3 vnestree:add_le(ecf.namelength, buffer(fmtoff+16, 4)) elseif commandid == CMD_CONNECTED then cmdtree:add(ecf.projname, buffer(24, 32)) -- state: 1 == no_use, 2 == using, 3 == app_using local state = { [1] = "no use", [2] = "using", [3] = "app use" } cmdtree:add(ecf.projstate, buffer(56, 1)) :append_text(" (" .. (state[buffer(56,1):uint()] or "") .. ")") elseif commandid == 21 then cmdtree:add(ecf.uniqinfo, buffer(20, 6)) -- FIXME: verify all cmdtree:add_le(ecf.width, buffer(20+46, 2)):append_text(" ?") cmdtree:add_le(ecf.height, buffer(20+46+2, 2)):append_text(" ?") elseif commandid == 22 then cmdtree:add(buffer(20+4, 2), "x?: " .. buffer(20+4,2):le_uint()) cmdtree:add(buffer(20+4+2, 2), "y?: " .. buffer(20+4+2,2):le_uint()) cmdtree:add_le(ecf.width, buffer(20+8, 2)) cmdtree:add_le(ecf.height, buffer(20+8+2, 2)) elseif commandid == 25 then cmdtree:add(buffer(20+4, 4), "unknown1: " .. buffer(20+4,4):le_uint()) cmdtree:add(buffer(20+4+4, 4), "unknown2: " .. buffer(20+4+4,4):le_uint()) end local econ_command_size = 48 if commandid ~= CMD_CLIENTINFO and commandid ~= CMD_REQCONNECT and commandid ~= CMD_CONNECTED and commandid ~= CMD_CLIENTERROR and commandid ~= CMD_RESENDFULLSCRID and commandid ~= CMD_SENDKEY then econ_command_size = 4 end local recoffset = econ_header_size + econ_command_size if record_count == 1 then rectree:add(ecf.uniqinfo, buffer(recoffset, 6)) rectree:add(ecf.keyword, buffer(recoffset+6, 16)) rectree:add(ecf.beamerip, buffer(recoffset+22, 4)) end end tcp_table = DissectorTable.get("tcp.port") tcp_table:add(3620, epson_control_proto) tcp_table:add(3621, epson_video_proto) udp_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port") udp_table:add(3620, epson_control_proto)