;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MODULE NAME: pjctl.mm ; ; $Author: USER "Benjamin Franzke" $ ; $Revision: 1 $ ; $Date: 04 Dec 2012 15.15:00 $ ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- Include MAKEMSI support (with my customisations and MSI branding) ------ ;#define VER_FILENAME.VER TryMe.Ver ;;I only want one VER file for all samples! (this line not actually required in "tryme.mm") #define? DEPT_ARP_URL_PUBLISHER http://git.bnfr.net/pjctl #define? DEPT_ARP_URL_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT benjaminfranzke@googlemail.com #define? DEPT_NAME Benjamin Franzke #define? DEPT_ADDRESS ;; #define? COMPANY_CONTACT_NAME <$DEPT_NAME> #define? COMPANY_CONTACT_NAME_PHONE ;;No phone #define? COMPANY_SUMMARY_SCHEMA 110 ;;Minimum v1.1 Installer #define? UISAMPLE_LEFTSIDE_TEXT_FONT_COLOR &H7F0000 ;;Medium Blue in BGR (believe it or not...) #( #define? UISAMPLE_LEFTSIDE_TEXT Developed by <$DEPT_NAME>. #) #include "ME.MMH" ;#define? COMMONFRAMEWORK_ZIP_SOURCE_FOR_BACKUP N ;;No "insurance" until I bother to install "info zip"... ;#include "DEPT.MMH" ;--- Want to debug (not common) --------------------------------------------- ;#debug on ;#Option DebugLevel=^NONE, +OpSys^ ;--- Define default location where file should install and add files -------- <$DirectoryTree Key="INSTALLDIR" Dir="c:\program files\pjctl\" CHANGE="\" PrimaryFolder="Y"> <$Files "..\src\pjctl-no-console.exe" DestDir="INSTALLDIR"> <$Files "..\src\pjctl.exe" DestDir="INSTALLDIR"> <$Files "C:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll" DestDir="INSTALLDIR">