path: root/docs-xml/xslt/db2latex-xsl/xsl/mathml/ent/isotech.ent
diff options
authorJelmer Vernooij <>2009-05-01 15:31:52 +0200
committerJelmer Vernooij <>2009-05-01 22:49:07 +0200
commit3edddd6e2bc79ed47931a28e0a8833560d54fb0d (patch)
tree760fcaf29daa6588a626d052f9ca5fe8dd2e5cc5 /docs-xml/xslt/db2latex-xsl/xsl/mathml/ent/isotech.ent
parentb1097e15327874869e9f154a147c615aa34bfa22 (diff)
Remove included (but unused) copy of db2latex.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs-xml/xslt/db2latex-xsl/xsl/mathml/ent/isotech.ent')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/docs-xml/xslt/db2latex-xsl/xsl/mathml/ent/isotech.ent b/docs-xml/xslt/db2latex-xsl/xsl/mathml/ent/isotech.ent
deleted file mode 100644
index dc1fc01354..0000000000
--- a/docs-xml/xslt/db2latex-xsl/xsl/mathml/ent/isotech.ent
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
- File isotech.ent produced by the XSL script mmldtd.xsl
- from input data in unicode.xml.
- Please report any errors to
- David Carlisle <>.
- The numeric character values assigned to each entity
- (should) match either official Unicode assignments
- or assignments provisionally allocated by the
- Unicode Consortium based on the characters in the `STIX'
- propsal for mathematics. Note that these assignments
- have not been ratified by the corresponding ISO
- committee and thus should be considered liable to
- change.
- Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
- following notice:
- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
- Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
- conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
- ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
-<!ENTITY acd "&#x0223F;" ><!--ac current -->
-<!ENTITY aleph "&#x02135;" ><!--/aleph aleph, Hebrew -->
-<!ENTITY and "&#x02227;" ><!--/wedge /land B: logical and -->
-<!ENTITY And "&#x02A53;" ><!--dbl logical and -->
-<!ENTITY andand "&#x02A55;" ><!--two logical and -->
-<!ENTITY andd "&#x02A5C;" ><!--and, horizontal dash -->
-<!ENTITY andslope "&#x02A58;" ><!--sloping large and -->
-<!ENTITY andv "&#x02A5A;" ><!--and with middle stem -->
-<!ENTITY angrt "&#x0221F;" ><!--right (90 degree) angle -->
-<!ENTITY angsph "&#x02222;" ><!--/sphericalangle angle-spherical -->
-<!ENTITY angst "&#x0212B;" ><!--Angstrom capital A, ring -->
-<!ENTITY ap "&#x02248;" ><!--/approx R: approximate -->
-<!ENTITY apacir "&#x02A6F;" ><!--approximate, circumflex accent -->
-<!ENTITY awconint "&#x02233;" ><!--contour integral, anti-clockwise -->
-<!ENTITY awint "&#x02A11;" ><!--anti clock-wise integration -->
-<!ENTITY becaus "&#x02235;" ><!--/because R: because -->
-<!ENTITY bernou "&#x0212C;" ><!--Bernoulli function (script capital B) -->
-<!ENTITY bne "&#x0003D;&#x020E5;" ><!--reverse not equal -->
-<!ENTITY bnequiv "&#x02261;&#x020E5;" ><!--reverse not equivalent -->
-<!ENTITY bnot "&#x02310;" ><!--reverse not -->
-<!ENTITY bNot "&#x02AED;" ><!--reverse not with two horizontal strokes -->
-<!ENTITY bottom "&#x022A5;" ><!--/bot bottom -->
-<!ENTITY cap "&#x02229;" ><!--/cap B: intersection -->
-<!ENTITY Cconint "&#x02230;" ><!--triple contour integral operator -->
-<!ENTITY cirfnint "&#x02A10;" ><!--circulation function -->
-<!ENTITY compfn "&#x02218;" ><!--/circ B: composite function (small circle) -->
-<!ENTITY cong "&#x02245;" ><!--/cong R: congruent with -->
-<!ENTITY conint "&#x0222E;" ><!--/oint L: contour integral operator -->
-<!ENTITY Conint "&#x0222F;" ><!--double contour integral operator -->
-<!ENTITY ctdot "&#x022EF;" ><!--/cdots, three dots, centered -->
-<!ENTITY cup "&#x0222A;" ><!--/cup B: union or logical sum -->
-<!ENTITY cwconint "&#x02232;" ><!--contour integral, clockwise -->
-<!ENTITY cwint "&#x02231;" ><!--clockwise integral -->
-<!ENTITY cylcty "&#x0232D;" ><!--cylindricity -->
-<!ENTITY disin "&#x022F2;" ><!--set membership, long horizontal stroke -->
-<!ENTITY Dot "&#x000A8;" ><!--dieresis or umlaut mark -->
-<!ENTITY DotDot "&#x020DC;" ><!--four dots above -->
-<!ENTITY dsol "&#x02052;" ><!--solidus, bar above -->
-<!ENTITY dtdot "&#x022F1;" ><!--/ddots, three dots, descending -->
-<!ENTITY dwangle "&#x029A6;" ><!--large downward pointing angle -->
-<!ENTITY epar "&#x022D5;" ><!--parallel, equal; equal or parallel -->
-<!ENTITY eparsl "&#x029E3;" ><!--parallel, slanted, equal; homothetically congruent to -->
-<!ENTITY equiv "&#x02261;" ><!--/equiv R: identical with -->
-<!ENTITY eqvparsl "&#x029E5;" ><!--equivalent, equal; congruent and parallel -->
-<!ENTITY exist "&#x02203;" ><!--/exists at least one exists -->
-<!ENTITY fnof "&#x00192;" ><!--function of (italic small f) -->
-<!ENTITY forall "&#x02200;" ><!--/forall for all -->
-<!ENTITY fpartint "&#x02A0D;" ><!--finite part integral -->
-<!ENTITY ge "&#x02265;" ><!--/geq /ge R: greater-than-or-equal -->
-<!ENTITY hamilt "&#x0210B;" ><!--Hamiltonian (script capital H) -->
-<!ENTITY iff "&#x021D4;" ><!--/iff if and only if -->
-<!ENTITY iinfin "&#x029DC;" ><!--infinity sign, incomplete -->
-<!ENTITY imped "&#x1D543;" ><!--impedance -->
-<!ENTITY infin "&#x0221E;" ><!--/infty infinity -->
-<!ENTITY int "&#x0222B;" ><!--/int L: integral operator -->
-<!ENTITY Int "&#x0222C;" ><!--double integral operator -->
-<!ENTITY intlarhk "&#x02A17;" ><!--integral, left arrow with hook -->
-<!ENTITY isin "&#x02208;" ><!--/in R: set membership -->
-<!ENTITY isindot "&#x022F5;" ><!--set membership, dot above -->
-<!ENTITY isinE "&#x022F9;" ><!--set membership, two horizontal strokes -->
-<!ENTITY isins "&#x022F4;" ><!--set membership, vertical bar on horizontal stroke -->
-<!ENTITY isinsv "&#x022F3;" ><!--large set membership, vertical bar on horizontal stroke -->
-<!ENTITY isinv "&#x02208;" ><!--set membership, variant -->
-<!ENTITY lagran "&#x02112;" ><!--Lagrangian (script capital L) -->
-<!ENTITY lang "&#x03008;" ><!--/langle O: left angle bracket -->
-<!ENTITY Lang "&#x0300A;" ><!--left angle bracket, double -->
-<!ENTITY lArr "&#x021D0;" ><!--/Leftarrow A: is implied by -->
-<!ENTITY lbbrk "&#x03014;" ><!--left broken bracket -->
-<!ENTITY le "&#x02264;" ><!--/leq /le R: less-than-or-equal -->
-<!ENTITY loang "&#x03018;" ><!--left open angular bracket -->
-<!ENTITY lobrk "&#x0301A;" ><!--left open bracket -->
-<!ENTITY lopar "&#x02985;" ><!--left open parenthesis -->
-<!ENTITY lowast "&#x02217;" ><!--low asterisk -->
-<!ENTITY minus "&#x02212;" ><!--B: minus sign -->
-<!ENTITY mnplus "&#x02213;" ><!--/mp B: minus-or-plus sign -->
-<!ENTITY nabla "&#x02207;" ><!--/nabla del, Hamilton operator -->
-<!ENTITY ne "&#x02260;" ><!--/ne /neq R: not equal -->
-<!ENTITY nedot "&#x02260;&#x02063;" ><!--not equal, dot -->
-<!ENTITY nhpar "&#x02AF2;" ><!--not, horizontal, parallel -->
-<!ENTITY ni "&#x0220B;" ><!--/ni /owns R: contains -->
-<!ENTITY nis "&#x022FC;" ><!--contains, vertical bar on horizontal stroke -->
-<!ENTITY nisd "&#x022FA;" ><!--contains, long horizontal stroke -->
-<!ENTITY niv "&#x0220B;" ><!--contains, variant -->
-<!ENTITY Not "&#x02AEC;" ><!--not with two horizontal strokes -->
-<!ENTITY notin "&#x02209;" ><!--/notin N: negated set membership -->
-<!ENTITY notindot "&#x022F6;&#x02063;" ><!--negated set membership, dot above -->
-<!ENTITY notinva "&#x02209;&#x00338;" ><!--negated set membership, variant -->
-<!ENTITY notinvb "&#x022F7;" ><!--negated set membership, variant -->
-<!ENTITY notinvc "&#x022F6;" ><!--negated set membership, variant -->
-<!ENTITY notni "&#x0220C;" ><!--negated contains -->
-<!ENTITY notniva "&#x0220C;" ><!--negated contains, variant -->
-<!ENTITY notnivb "&#x022FE;" ><!--contains, variant -->
-<!ENTITY notnivc "&#x022FD;" ><!--contains, variant -->
-<!ENTITY nparsl "&#x02225;&#x02063;&#x020E5;" ><!--not parallel, slanted -->
-<!ENTITY npart "&#x02202;&#x00338;" ><!--not partial differential -->
-<!ENTITY npolint "&#x02A14;" ><!--line integration, not including the pole -->
-<!ENTITY nvinfin "&#x029DE;" ><!--not, vert, infinity -->
-<!ENTITY olcross "&#x029BB;" ><!--circle, cross -->
-<!ENTITY or "&#x02228;" ><!--/vee /lor B: logical or -->
-<!ENTITY Or "&#x02A54;" ><!--dbl logical or -->
-<!ENTITY ord "&#x02A5D;" ><!--or, horizontal dash -->
-<!ENTITY order "&#x02134;" ><!--order of (script small o) -->
-<!ENTITY oror "&#x02A56;" ><!--two logical or -->
-<!ENTITY orslope "&#x02A57;" ><!--sloping large or -->
-<!ENTITY orv "&#x02A5B;" ><!--or with middle stem -->
-<!ENTITY par "&#x02225;" ><!--/parallel R: parallel -->
-<!ENTITY parsl "&#x02225;&#x02063;" ><!--parallel, slanted -->
-<!ENTITY part "&#x02202;" ><!--/partial partial differential -->
-<!ENTITY permil "&#x02030;" ><!--per thousand -->
-<!ENTITY perp "&#x022A5;" ><!--/perp R: perpendicular -->
-<!ENTITY pertenk "&#x02031;" ><!--per 10 thousand -->
-<!ENTITY phmmat "&#x02133;" ><!--physics M-matrix (script capital M) -->
-<!ENTITY pointint "&#x02A15;" ><!--integral around a point operator -->
-<!ENTITY prime "&#x02032;" ><!--/prime prime or minute -->
-<!ENTITY Prime "&#x02033;" ><!--double prime or second -->
-<!ENTITY profalar "&#x0232E;" ><!--all-around profile -->
-<!ENTITY profline "&#x02312;" ><!--profile of a line -->
-<!ENTITY profsurf "&#x02313;" ><!--profile of a surface -->
-<!ENTITY prop "&#x0221D;" ><!--/propto R: is proportional to -->
-<!ENTITY qint "&#x02A0C;" ><!--/iiiint quadruple integral operator -->
-<!ENTITY qprime "&#x02057;" ><!--quadruple prime -->
-<!ENTITY quatint "&#x02A16;" ><!--quaternion integral operator -->
-<!ENTITY radic "&#x0221A;" ><!--/surd radical -->
-<!ENTITY rang "&#x03009;" ><!--/rangle C: right angle bracket -->
-<!ENTITY Rang "&#x0300B;" ><!--right angle bracket, double -->
-<!ENTITY rArr "&#x021D2;" ><!--/Rightarrow A: implies -->
-<!ENTITY rbbrk "&#x03015;" ><!--right broken bracket -->
-<!ENTITY roang "&#x03019;" ><!--right open angular bracket -->
-<!ENTITY robrk "&#x0301B;" ><!--right open bracket -->
-<!ENTITY ropar "&#x02986;" ><!--right open parenthesis -->
-<!ENTITY rppolint "&#x02A12;" ><!--line integration, rectangular path around pole -->
-<!ENTITY scpolint "&#x02A13;" ><!--line integration, semi-circular path around pole -->
-<!ENTITY sim "&#x0223C;" ><!--/sim R: similar -->
-<!ENTITY simdot "&#x02A6A;" ><!--similar, dot -->
-<!ENTITY sime "&#x02243;" ><!--/simeq R: similar, equals -->
-<!ENTITY smeparsl "&#x029E4;" ><!--similar, parallel, slanted, equal -->
-<!ENTITY square "&#x025A1;" ><!--/square, square -->
-<!ENTITY squarf "&#x025AA;" ><!--/blacksquare, square, filled -->
-<!ENTITY sub "&#x02282;" ><!--/subset R: subset or is implied by -->
-<!ENTITY sube "&#x02286;" ><!--/subseteq R: subset, equals -->
-<!ENTITY sup "&#x02283;" ><!--/supset R: superset or implies -->
-<!ENTITY supe "&#x02287;" ><!--/supseteq R: superset, equals -->
-<!ENTITY tdot "&#x020DB;" ><!--three dots above -->
-<!ENTITY there4 "&#x02234;" ><!--/therefore R: therefore -->
-<!ENTITY tint "&#x0222D;" ><!--/iiint triple integral operator -->
-<!ENTITY top "&#x022A4;" ><!--/top top -->
-<!ENTITY topbot "&#x02336;" ><!--top and bottom -->
-<!ENTITY topcir "&#x02AF1;" ><!--top, circle below -->
-<!ENTITY tprime "&#x02034;" ><!--triple prime -->
-<!ENTITY utdot "&#x022F0;" ><!--three dots, ascending -->
-<!ENTITY uwangle "&#x029A7;" ><!--large upward pointing angle -->
-<!ENTITY vangrt "&#x022BE;" ><!--right angle, variant -->
-<!ENTITY veeeq "&#x0225A;" ><!--logical or, equals -->
-<!ENTITY Verbar "&#x02016;" ><!--/Vert dbl vertical bar -->
-<!ENTITY wedgeq "&#x02259;" ><!--/wedgeq R: corresponds to (wedge, equals) -->
-<!ENTITY xnis "&#x022FB;" ><!--large contains, vertical bar on horizontal stroke -->