path: root/docs/htmldocs/smb.conf.5.html
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authorGerald Carter <>2003-10-10 16:46:22 +0000
committerGerald Carter <>2003-10-10 16:46:22 +0000
commitfec4b31bc1a76e408732e1a80b366d97fcf38143 (patch)
treee23398c2bcc4e3b2da28c8007ca453228aefb44f /docs/htmldocs/smb.conf.5.html
parent20c7b998a38424e8e7b4d218f923937b9e8862d4 (diff)
removing docs tree from 3.0
(This used to be commit 0a3eb5574c91685ab07436c67b031266fb329693)
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/htmldocs/smb.conf.5.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3004 deletions
diff --git a/docs/htmldocs/smb.conf.5.html b/docs/htmldocs/smb.conf.5.html
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--- a/docs/htmldocs/smb.conf.5.html
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-<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"><title>smb.conf</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="samba.css" type="text/css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.60.1"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="refentry" lang="en"><a name="smb.conf.5"></a><div class="titlepage"><div></div><div></div></div><div class="refnamediv"><h2>Name</h2><p>smb.conf &#8212; The configuration file for the Samba suite</p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><h2>SYNOPSIS</h2><p>The <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt> file is a configuration
- file for the Samba suite. <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt> contains
- runtime configuration information for the Samba programs. The <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt> file
- is designed to be configured and administered by the <a href="swat.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">swat</span>(8)</span></a> program. The complete
- description of the file format and possible parameters held within
- are here for reference purposes.</p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><a name="FILEFORMATSECT"></a><h2>FILE FORMAT</h2><p>The file consists of sections and parameters. A section
- begins with the name of the section in square brackets and continues
- until the next section begins. Sections contain parameters of the
- form</p><p><i class="replaceable"><tt>name</tt></i> = <i class="replaceable"><tt>value
- </tt></i></p><p>The file is line-based - that is, each newline-terminated
- line represents either a comment, a section name or a parameter.</p><p>Section and parameter names are not case sensitive.</p><p>Only the first equals sign in a parameter is significant.
- Whitespace before or after the first equals sign is discarded.
- Leading, trailing and internal whitespace in section and parameter
- names is irrelevant. Leading and trailing whitespace in a parameter
- value is discarded. Internal whitespace within a parameter value
- is retained verbatim.</p><p>Any line beginning with a semicolon (';') or a hash ('#')
- character is ignored, as are lines containing only whitespace.</p><p>Any line ending in a '\' is continued
- on the next line in the customary UNIX fashion.</p><p>The values following the equals sign in parameters are all
- either a string (no quotes needed) or a boolean, which may be given
- as yes/no, 0/1 or true/false. Case is not significant in boolean
- values, but is preserved in string values. Some items such as
- create modes are numeric.</p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><h2>SECTION DESCRIPTIONS</h2><p>Each section in the configuration file (except for the
- [global] section) describes a shared resource (known
- as a "share"). The section name is the name of the
- shared resource and the parameters within the section define
- the shares attributes.</p><p>There are three special sections, [global],
- [homes] and [printers], which are
- described under <span class="emphasis"><em>special sections</em></span>. The
- following notes apply to ordinary section descriptions.</p><p>A share consists of a directory to which access is being
- given plus a description of the access rights which are granted
- to the user of the service. Some housekeeping options are
- also specifiable.</p><p>Sections are either file share services (used by the
- client as an extension of their native file systems) or
- printable services (used by the client to access print services
- on the host running the server).</p><p>Sections may be designated <span class="emphasis"><em>guest</em></span> services,
- in which case no password is required to access them. A specified
- UNIX <span class="emphasis"><em>guest account</em></span> is used to define access
- privileges in this case.</p><p>Sections other than guest services will require a password
- to access them. The client provides the username. As older clients
- only provide passwords and not usernames, you may specify a list
- of usernames to check against the password using the "user ="
- option in the share definition. For modern clients such as
- Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000, this should not be necessary.</p><p>Note that the access rights granted by the server are
- masked by the access rights granted to the specified or guest
- UNIX user by the host system. The server does not grant more
- access than the host system grants.</p><p>The following sample section defines a file space share.
- The user has write access to the path <tt class="filename">/home/bar</tt>.
- The share is accessed via the share name "foo":</p><pre class="screen">
-<tt class="computeroutput">
- path = /home/bar
- read only = no
-</pre><p>The following sample section defines a printable share.
- The share is readonly, but printable. That is, the only write
- access permitted is via calls to open, write to and close a
- spool file. The <span class="emphasis"><em>guest ok</em></span> parameter means
- access will be permitted as the default guest user (specified
- elsewhere):</p><pre class="screen">
-<tt class="computeroutput">
- path = /usr/spool/public
- read only = yes
- printable = yes
- guest ok = yes
-</pre></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><h2>SPECIAL SECTIONS</h2><div class="refsect2" lang="en"><h3>The [global] section</h3><p>parameters in this section apply to the server
- as a whole, or are defaults for sections which do not
- specifically define certain items. See the notes
- under PARAMETERS for more information.</p></div><div class="refsect2" lang="en"><a name="HOMESECT"></a><h3>The [homes] section</h3><p>If a section called homes is included in the
- configuration file, services connecting clients to their
- home directories can be created on the fly by the server.</p><p>When the connection request is made, the existing
- sections are scanned. If a match is found, it is used. If no
- match is found, the requested section name is treated as a
- user name and looked up in the local password file. If the
- name exists and the correct password has been given, a share is
- created by cloning the [homes] section.</p><p>Some modifications are then made to the newly
- created share:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>The share name is changed from homes to
- the located username.</p></li><li><p>If no path was given, the path is set to
- the user's home directory.</p></li></ul></div><p>If you decide to use a <span class="emphasis"><em>path =</em></span> line
- in your [homes] section then you may find it useful
- to use the %S macro. For example :</p><p><b class="userinput"><tt>path = /data/pchome/%S</tt></b></p><p>would be useful if you have different home directories
- for your PCs than for UNIX access.</p><p>This is a fast and simple way to give a large number
- of clients access to their home directories with a minimum
- of fuss.</p><p>A similar process occurs if the requested section
- name is "homes", except that the share name is not
- changed to that of the requesting user. This method of using
- the [homes] section works well if different users share
- a client PC.</p><p>The [homes] section can specify all the parameters
- a normal service section can specify, though some make more sense
- than others. The following is a typical and suitable [homes]
- section:</p><pre class="screen">
-<tt class="computeroutput">
- read only = no
-</pre><p>An important point is that if guest access is specified
- in the [homes] section, all home directories will be
- visible to all clients <span class="emphasis"><em>without a password</em></span>.
- In the very unlikely event that this is actually desirable, it
- would be wise to also specify <span class="emphasis"><em>read only
- access</em></span>.</p><p>Note that the <span class="emphasis"><em>browseable</em></span> flag for
- auto home directories will be inherited from the global browseable
- flag, not the [homes] browseable flag. This is useful as
- it means setting <span class="emphasis"><em>browseable = no</em></span> in
- the [homes] section will hide the [homes] share but make
- any auto home directories visible.</p></div><div class="refsect2" lang="en"><a name="PRINTERSSECT"></a><h3>The [printers] section</h3><p>This section works like [homes],
- but for printers.</p><p>If a [printers] section occurs in the
- configuration file, users are able to connect to any printer
- specified in the local host's printcap file.</p><p>When a connection request is made, the existing sections
- are scanned. If a match is found, it is used. If no match is found,
- but a [homes] section exists, it is used as described
- above. Otherwise, the requested section name is treated as a
- printer name and the appropriate printcap file is scanned to see
- if the requested section name is a valid printer share name. If
- a match is found, a new printer share is created by cloning
- the [printers] section.</p><p>A few modifications are then made to the newly created
- share:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>The share name is set to the located printer
- name</p></li><li><p>If no printer name was given, the printer name
- is set to the located printer name</p></li><li><p>If the share does not permit guest access and
- no username was given, the username is set to the located
- printer name.</p></li></ul></div><p>Note that the [printers] service MUST be
- printable - if you specify otherwise, the server will refuse
- to load the configuration file.</p><p>Typically the path specified would be that of a
- world-writeable spool directory with the sticky bit set on
- it. A typical [printers] entry would look like
- this:</p><pre class="screen"><tt class="computeroutput">
- path = /usr/spool/public
- guest ok = yes
- printable = yes
-</tt></pre><p>All aliases given for a printer in the printcap file
- are legitimate printer names as far as the server is concerned.
- If your printing subsystem doesn't work like that, you will have
- to set up a pseudo-printcap. This is a file consisting of one or
- more lines like this:</p><pre class="screen">
-<tt class="computeroutput">
-</pre><p>Each alias should be an acceptable printer name for
- your printing subsystem. In the [global] section, specify
- the new file as your printcap. The server will then only recognize
- names found in your pseudo-printcap, which of course can contain
- whatever aliases you like. The same technique could be used
- simply to limit access to a subset of your local printers.</p><p>An alias, by the way, is defined as any component of the
- first entry of a printcap record. Records are separated by newlines,
- components (if there are more than one) are separated by vertical
- bar symbols ('|').</p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>On SYSV systems which use lpstat to determine what
- printers are defined on the system you may be able to use
- "printcap name = lpstat" to automatically obtain a list
- of printers. See the "printcap name" option
- for more details.</p></div></div></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><h2>PARAMETERS</h2><p>parameters define the specific attributes of sections.</p><p>Some parameters are specific to the [global] section
- (e.g., <span class="emphasis"><em>security</em></span>). Some parameters are usable
- in all sections (e.g., <span class="emphasis"><em>create mode</em></span>). All others
- are permissible only in normal sections. For the purposes of the
- following descriptions the [homes] and [printers]
- sections will be considered normal. The letter <span class="emphasis"><em>G</em></span>
- in parentheses indicates that a parameter is specific to the
- [global] section. The letter <span class="emphasis"><em>S</em></span>
- indicates that a parameter can be specified in a service specific
- section. Note that all <span class="emphasis"><em>S</em></span> parameters can also be specified in
- the [global] section - in which case they will define
- the default behavior for all services.</p><p>parameters are arranged here in alphabetical order - this may
- not create best bedfellows, but at least you can find them! Where
- there are synonyms, the preferred synonym is described, others refer
- to the preferred synonym.</p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><h2>VARIABLE SUBSTITUTIONS</h2><p>Many of the strings that are settable in the config file
- can take substitutions. For example the option "path =
- /tmp/%u" would be interpreted as "path =
- /tmp/john" if the user connected with the username john.</p><p>These substitutions are mostly noted in the descriptions below,
- but there are some general substitutions which apply whenever they
- might be relevant. These are:</p><div class="variablelist"><dl><dt><span class="term">%U</span></dt><dd><p>session user name (the user name that the client
- wanted, not necessarily the same as the one they got).</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%G</span></dt><dd><p>primary group name of %U.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%h</span></dt><dd><p>the Internet hostname that Samba is running
- on.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%m</span></dt><dd><p>the NetBIOS name of the client machine
- (very useful).</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%L</span></dt><dd><p>the NetBIOS name of the server. This allows you
- to change your config based on what the client calls you. Your
- server can have a "dual personality".</p><p>Note that this parameter is not available when Samba listens
- on port 445, as clients no longer send this information </p></dd><dt><span class="term">%M</span></dt><dd><p>the Internet name of the client machine.
- </p></dd><dt><span class="term">%R</span></dt><dd><p>the selected protocol level after
- protocol negotiation. It can be one of CORE, COREPLUS,
- LANMAN1, LANMAN2 or NT1.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%d</span></dt><dd><p>The process id of the current server
- process.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%a</span></dt><dd><p>the architecture of the remote
- machine. Only some are recognized, and those may not be
- 100% reliable. It currently recognizes Samba, WfWg, Win95,
- WinNT and Win2k. Anything else will be known as
- "UNKNOWN". If it gets it wrong then sending a level
- 3 log to <ulink url="">
- </ulink> should allow it to be fixed.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%I</span></dt><dd><p>The IP address of the client machine.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%T</span></dt><dd><p>the current date and time.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%D</span></dt><dd><p>Name of the domain or workgroup of the current user.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%$(<i class="replaceable"><tt>envvar</tt></i>)</span></dt><dd><p>The value of the environment variable
- <i class="replaceable"><tt>envar</tt></i>.</p></dd></dl></div><p>The following substitutes apply only to some configuration options(only those
- that are used when a connection has been established):</p><div class="variablelist"><dl><dt><span class="term">%S</span></dt><dd><p>the name of the current service, if any.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%P</span></dt><dd><p>the root directory of the current service,
- if any.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%u</span></dt><dd><p>user name of the current service, if any.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%g</span></dt><dd><p>primary group name of %u.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%H</span></dt><dd><p>the home directory of the user given
- by %u.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%N</span></dt><dd><p>the name of your NIS home directory server.
- This is obtained from your NIS entry. If you have
- not compiled Samba with the <span class="emphasis"><em>--with-automount</em></span>
- option then this value will be the same as %L.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">%p</span></dt><dd><p>the path of the service's home directory,
- obtained from your NIS entry. The NIS entry
- is split up as "%N:%p".</p></dd></dl></div><p>There are some quite creative things that can be done
- with these substitutions and other smb.conf options.</p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><a name="NAMEMANGLINGSECT"></a><h2>NAME MANGLING</h2><p>Samba supports "name mangling" so that DOS and
- Windows clients can use files that don't conform to the 8.3 format.
- It can also be set to adjust the case of 8.3 format filenames.</p><p>There are several options that control the way mangling is
- performed, and they are grouped here rather than listed separately.
- For the defaults look at the output of the testparm program. </p><p>All of these options can be set separately for each service
- (or globally, of course). </p><p>The options are: </p><div class="variablelist"><dl><dt><span class="term">mangle case = yes/no</span></dt><dd><p> controls if names that have characters that
- aren't of the "default" case are mangled. For example,
- if this is yes then a name like "Mail" would be mangled.
- Default <span class="emphasis"><em>no</em></span>.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">case sensitive = yes/no</span></dt><dd><p>controls whether filenames are case sensitive. If
- they aren't then Samba must do a filename search and match on passed
- names. Default <span class="emphasis"><em>no</em></span>.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">default case = upper/lower</span></dt><dd><p>controls what the default case is for new
- filenames. Default <span class="emphasis"><em>lower</em></span>.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">preserve case = yes/no</span></dt><dd><p>controls if new files are created with the
- case that the client passes, or if they are forced to be the
- "default" case. Default <span class="emphasis"><em>yes</em></span>.
- </p></dd><dt><span class="term">short preserve case = yes/no</span></dt><dd><p>controls if new files which conform to 8.3 syntax,
- that is all in upper case and of suitable length, are created
- upper case, or if they are forced to be the "default"
- case. This option can be use with "preserve case = yes"
- to permit long filenames to retain their case, while short names
- are lowercased. Default <span class="emphasis"><em>yes</em></span>.</p></dd></dl></div><p>By default, Samba 3.0 has the same semantics as a Windows
- NT server, in that it is case insensitive but case preserving.</p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><a name="VALIDATIONSECT"></a><h2>NOTE ABOUT USERNAME/PASSWORD VALIDATION</h2><p>There are a number of ways in which a user can connect
- to a service. The server uses the following steps in determining
- if it will allow a connection to a specified service. If all the
- steps fail, then the connection request is rejected. However, if one of the
- steps succeeds, then the following steps are not checked.</p><p>If the service is marked "guest only = yes" and the
- server is running with share-level security ("security = share")
- then steps 1 to 5 are skipped.</p><div class="orderedlist"><ol type="1"><li><p>If the client has passed a username/password
- pair and that username/password pair is validated by the UNIX
- system's password programs then the connection is made as that
- username. Note that this includes the
- \\server\service%<i class="replaceable"><tt>username</tt></i> method of passing
- a username.</p></li><li><p>If the client has previously registered a username
- with the system and now supplies a correct password for that
- username then the connection is allowed.</p></li><li><p>The client's NetBIOS name and any previously
- used user names are checked against the supplied password, if
- they match then the connection is allowed as the corresponding
- user.</p></li><li><p>If the client has previously validated a
- username/password pair with the server and the client has passed
- the validation token then that username is used. </p></li><li><p>If a "user = " field is given in the
- <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt> file for the service and the client
- has supplied a password, and that password matches (according to
- the UNIX system's password checking) with one of the usernames
- from the "user =" field then the connection is made as
- the username in the "user =" line. If one
- of the username in the "user =" list begins with a
- '@' then that name expands to a list of names in
- the group of the same name.</p></li><li><p>If the service is a guest service then a
- connection is made as the username given in the "guest
- account =" for the service, irrespective of the
- supplied password.</p></li></ol></div></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><h2>COMPLETE LIST OF GLOBAL PARAMETERS</h2><p>Here is a list of all global parameters. See the section of
- each parameter for details. Note that some are synonyms.</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><link linkend="ABORTSHUTDOWNSCRIPT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ADDGROUPSCRIPT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ADDMACHINESCRIPT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ADDPRINTERCOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ADDSHARECOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ADDUSERSCRIPT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ADDUSERTOGROUPSCRIPT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="AFSUSERNAMEMAP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ALGORITHMICRIDBASE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ALLOWTRUSTEDDOMAINS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ANNOUNCEAS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ANNOUNCEVERSION"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="AUTHMETHODS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="AUTOSERVICES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="BINDINTERFACESONLY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="BROWSELIST"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CHANGENOTIFYTIMEOUT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CHANGESHARECOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CLIENTLANMANAUTH"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CLIENTNTLMV2AUTH"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CLIENTPLAINTEXTAUTH"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CLIENTSCHANNEL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CLIENTSIGNING"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CLIENTUSESPNEGO"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CONFIGFILE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DEADTIME"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DEBUGHIRESTIMESTAMP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DEBUGLEVEL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DEBUGPID"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DEBUGTIMESTAMP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DEBUGUID"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DEFAULT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DEFAULTSERVICE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DELETEGROUPSCRIPT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DELETEPRINTERCOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DELETESHARECOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DELETEUSERFROMGROUPSCRIPT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DELETEUSERSCRIPT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DFREECOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DISABLENETBIOS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DISABLESPOOLSS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DISPLAYCHARSET"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DNSPROXY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DOMAINLOGONS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DOMAINMASTER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DOSCHARSET"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ENABLERIDALGORITHM"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ENCRYPTPASSWORDS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ENHANCEDBROWSING"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ENUMPORTSCOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="GETQUOTACOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="GETWDCACHE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="GUESTACCOUNT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="HIDELOCALUSERS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="HOMEDIRMAP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="HOSTMSDFS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="HOSTNAMELOOKUPS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="HOSTSEQUIV"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="IDMAPBACKEND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="IDMAPGID"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="IDMAPUID"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="INCLUDE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="INTERFACES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="KEEPALIVE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="KERNELCHANGENOTIFY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="KERNELOPLOCKS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LANMANAUTH"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LARGEREADWRITE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LDAPADMINDN"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LDAPDELETEDN"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LDAPFILTER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LDAPGROUPSUFFIX"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LDAPIDMAPSUFFIX"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LDAPMACHINESUFFIX"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LDAPPASSWDSYNC"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LDAPPORT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LDAPSERVER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LDAPSSL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LDAPSUFFIX"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LDAPUSERSUFFIX"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LMANNOUNCE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LMINTERVAL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOADPRINTERS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOCALMASTER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOCKDIR"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOCKDIRECTORY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOCKSPINCOUNT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOCKSPINTIME"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOGFILE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOGLEVEL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOGONDRIVE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOGONHOME"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOGONPATH"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOGONSCRIPT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LPQCACHETIME"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MACHINEPASSWORDTIMEOUT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MANGLEDSTACK"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MANGLEPREFIX"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MANGLINGMETHOD"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAPTOGUEST"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAXDISKSIZE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAXLOGSIZE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAXMUX"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAXOPENFILES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAXPROTOCOL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAXSMBDPROCESSES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAXTTL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAXWINSTTL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAXXMIT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MESSAGECOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MINPASSWDLENGTH"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MINPASSWORDLENGTH"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MINPROTOCOL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MINWINSTTL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="NAMECACHETIMEOUT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="NAMERESOLVEORDER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="NETBIOSALIASES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="NETBIOSNAME"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="NETBIOSSCOPE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="NISHOMEDIR"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="NTLMAUTH"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="NTPIPESUPPORT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="NTSTATUSSUPPORT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="NULLPASSWORDS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="OBEYPAMRESTRICTIONS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="OPLOCKBREAKWAITTIME"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="OS2DRIVERMAP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="OSLEVEL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PAMPASSWORDCHANGE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PANICACTION"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PARANOIDSERVERSECURITY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PASSDBBACKEND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PASSWDCHAT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PASSWDCHATDEBUG"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PASSWDPROGRAM"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PASSWORDLEVEL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PASSWORDSERVER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PIDDIRECTORY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PREFEREDMASTER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PREFERREDMASTER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRELOAD"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRELOADMODULES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRINTCAP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRIVATEDIR"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PROTOCOL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="READBMPX"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="READRAW"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="READSIZE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="REALM"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="REMOTEANNOUNCE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="REMOTEBROWSESYNC"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="RESTRICTANONYMOUS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ROOT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ROOTDIR"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ROOTDIRECTORY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SECURITY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SERVERSCHANNEL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SERVERSIGNING"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SERVERSTRING"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SETPRIMARYGROUPSCRIPT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SETQUOTACOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SHOWADDPRINTERWIZARD"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SHUTDOWNSCRIPT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SMBPASSWDFILE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SMBPORTS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SOCKETADDRESS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SOCKETOPTIONS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SOURCEENVIRONMENT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="STATCACHE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SYSLOG"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SYSLOGONLY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="TEMPLATEHOMEDIR"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="TEMPLATEPRIMARYGROUP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="TEMPLATESHELL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="TIMEOFFSET"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="TIMESERVER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="TIMESTAMPLOGS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="UNICODE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="UNIXCHARSET"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="UNIXEXTENSIONS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="UNIXPASSWORDSYNC"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="UPDATEENCRYPTED"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="USEMMAP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="USERNAMELEVEL"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="USERNAMEMAP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="USESPNEGO"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="UTMP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="UTMPDIRECTORY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINBINDCACHETIME"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINBINDENABLELOCALACCOUNTS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINBINDENUMGROUPS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINBINDENUMUSERS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINBINDGID"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINBINDSEPARATOR"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINBINDTRUSTEDDOMAINSONLY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINBINDUID"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINBINDUSEDEFAULTDOMAIN"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINSHOOK"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINSPARTNERS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINSPROXY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINSSERVER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WINSSUPPORT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WORKGROUP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WRITERAW"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WTMPDIRECTORY"></p></li></ul></div></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><h2>COMPLETE LIST OF SERVICE PARAMETERS</h2><p>Here is a list of all service parameters. See the section on
- each parameter for details. Note that some are synonyms.</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><link linkend="ACLCOMPATIBILITY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ADMINUSERS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="AFSSHARE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ALLOWHOSTS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="AVAILABLE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="BLOCKINGLOCKS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="BLOCKSIZE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="BROWSABLE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="BROWSEABLE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CASESENSITIVE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CASESIGNAMES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="COMMENT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="COPY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CREATEMASK"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CREATEMODE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="CSCPOLICY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DEFAULTCASE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DEFAULTDEVMODE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DELETEREADONLY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DELETEVETOFILES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DENYHOSTS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DIRECTORY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DIRECTORYMASK"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DIRECTORYMODE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DIRECTORYSECURITYMASK"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DONTDESCEND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DOSFILEMODE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DOSFILETIMERESOLUTION"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="DOSFILETIMES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="EXEC"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="FAKEDIRECTORYCREATETIMES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="FAKEOPLOCKS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="FOLLOWSYMLINKS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="FORCECREATEMODE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="FORCEDIRECTORYMODE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="FORCEDIRECTORYSECURITYMODE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="FORCEGROUP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="FORCESECURITYMODE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="FORCEUSER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="FSTYPE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="GROUP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="GUESTACCOUNT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="GUESTOK"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="GUESTONLY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="HIDEDOTFILES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="HIDEFILES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="HIDESPECIALFILES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="HIDEUNREADABLE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="HIDEUNWRITEABLEFILES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="HOSTSALLOW"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="HOSTSDENY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="INHERITACLS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="INHERITPERMISSIONS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="INVALIDUSERS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LEVEL2OPLOCKS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LOCKING"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LPPAUSECOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LPQCOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LPRESUMECOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="LPRMCOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAGICOUTPUT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAGICSCRIPT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MANGLECASE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MANGLEDMAP"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MANGLEDNAMES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MANGLINGCHAR"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAPACLINHERIT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAPARCHIVE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAPHIDDEN"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAPSYSTEM"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAXCONNECTIONS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAXPRINTJOBS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MAXREPORTEDPRINTJOBS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MINPRINTSPACE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MSDFSPROXY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="MSDFSROOT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="NTACLSUPPORT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ONLYGUEST"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ONLYUSER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="OPLOCKCONTENTIONLIMIT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="OPLOCKS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PATH"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="POSIXLOCKING"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="POSTEXEC"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PREEXEC"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PREEXECCLOSE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRESERVECASE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRINTABLE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRINTCAPNAME"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRINTCOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRINTER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRINTERADMIN"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRINTERNAME"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRINTING"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PRINTOK"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PROFILEACLS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="PUBLIC"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="QUEUEPAUSECOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="QUEUERESUMECOMMAND"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="READLIST"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="READONLY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ROOTPOSTEXEC"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ROOTPREEXEC"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="ROOTPREEXECCLOSE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SECURITYMASK"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SETDIRECTORY"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SHAREMODES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SHORTPRESERVECASE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="STRICTALLOCATE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="STRICTLOCKING"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="STRICTSYNC"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="SYNCALWAYS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="USECLIENTDRIVER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="USER"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="USERNAME"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="USERS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="USESENDFILE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="-VALID"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="VALIDUSERS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="VETOFILES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="VETOOPLOCKFILES"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="VFSOBJECT"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="VFSOBJECTS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="VOLUME"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WIDELINKS"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WRITABLE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WRITEABLE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WRITECACHESIZE"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WRITELIST"></p></li><li><p><link linkend="WRITEOK"></p></li></ul></div></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><h2>EXPLANATION OF EACH PARAMETER</h2><div class="variablelist"><dl><dt><span class="term"><a name="ABORTSHUTDOWNSCRIPT"></a>abort shutdown script (G)</span></dt><dd><p><span class="emphasis"><em>This parameter only exists in the HEAD cvs branch</em></span>
- This a full path name to a script called by <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> that
- should stop a shutdown procedure issued by the <link linkend="SHUTDOWNSCRIPT">.</p><p>This command will be run as user.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>None</em></span>.</p><p>Example: <b class="command">abort shutdown script = /sbin/shutdown -c</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ACLCOMPATIBILITY"></a>acl compatibility (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies what OS ACL semantics should
- be compatible with. Possible values are <span class="emphasis"><em>winnt</em></span> for Windows NT 4,
- <span class="emphasis"><em>win2k</em></span> for Windows 2000 and above and <span class="emphasis"><em>auto</em></span>.
- If you specify <span class="emphasis"><em>auto</em></span>, the value for this parameter
- will be based upon the version of the client. There should
- be no reason to change this parameter from the default.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">acl compatibility = Auto</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">acl compatibility = win2k</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ADDGROUPSCRIPT"></a>add group script (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is the full pathname to a script that will be run
- <span class="emphasis"><em>AS ROOT</em></span> by <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a>
- when a new group is requested. It will expand any <i class="parameter"><tt>%g</tt></i> to the group name passed. This
- script is only useful for installations using the Windows NT
- domain administration tools. The script is free to create a
- group with an arbitrary name to circumvent unix group name
- restrictions. In that case the script must print the numeric gid
- of the created group on stdout.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ADDMACHINESCRIPT"></a>add machine script (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is the full pathname to a script that will be run by
- <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> when a machine is added
- to it's domain using the administrator username and password
- method. </p><p>This option is only required when using sam back-ends tied
- to the Unix uid method of RID calculation such as smbpasswd.
- This option is only available in Samba 3.0.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">add machine script = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">add machine script = /usr/sbin/adduser -n -g
- machines -c Machine -d /dev/null -s /bin/false %u</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ADDPRINTERCOMMAND"></a>addprinter command (G)</span></dt><dd><p>With the introduction of MS-RPC based printing
- support for Windows NT/2000 clients in Samba 2.2, The MS Add
- Printer Wizard (APW) icon is now also available in the
- "Printers..." folder displayed a share listing. The APW
- allows for printers to be add remotely to a Samba or Windows
- NT/2000 print server.</p><p>For a Samba host this means that the printer must be
- physically added to the underlying printing system. The <i class="parameter"><tt>add
- printer command</tt></i> defines a script to be run which
- will perform the necessary operations for adding the printer
- to the print system and to add the appropriate service definition
- to the <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt> file in order that it can be
- shared by <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a>.</p><p>The <i class="parameter"><tt>addprinter command</tt></i> is
- automatically invoked with the following parameter (in
- order):</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>printer name</tt></i></p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>share name</tt></i></p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>port name</tt></i></p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>driver name</tt></i></p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>location</tt></i></p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>Windows 9x driver location</tt></i></p></li></ul></div><p>All parameters are filled in from the PRINTER_INFO_2 structure sent
- by the Windows NT/2000 client with one exception. The "Windows 9x
- driver location" parameter is included for backwards compatibility
- only. The remaining fields in the structure are generated from answers
- to the APW questions.</p><p>Once the <i class="parameter"><tt>addprinter command</tt></i> has
- been executed, <b class="command">smbd</b> will reparse the <tt class="filename">
- smb.conf</tt> to determine if the share defined by the APW
- exists. If the sharename is still invalid, then <b class="command">smbd
- </b> will return an ACCESS_DENIED error to the client.</p><p>
- The "add printer command" program can output a single line of text,
- which Samba will set as the port the new printer is connected to.
- If this line isn't output, Samba won't reload its printer shares.
- </p><p>See also <link linkend="DELETEPRINTERCOMMAND">, <link linkend="PRINTING">,
- <link linkend="SHOWADDPRINTERWIZARD"></p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">addprinter command = /usr/bin/addprinter</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ADDSHARECOMMAND"></a>add share command (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Samba 2.2.0 introduced the ability to dynamically
- add and delete shares via the Windows NT 4.0 Server Manager. The
- <i class="parameter"><tt>add share command</tt></i> is used to define an
- external program or script which will add a new service definition
- to <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt>. In order to successfully
- execute the <i class="parameter"><tt>add share command</tt></i>, <b class="command">smbd</b>
- requires that the administrator be connected using a root account (i.e.
- uid == 0).
- </p><p>
- When executed, <b class="command">smbd</b> will automatically invoke the
- <i class="parameter"><tt>add share command</tt></i> with four parameters.
- </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>configFile</tt></i> - the location
- of the global <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt> file.
- </p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>shareName</tt></i> - the name of the new
- share.
- </p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>pathName</tt></i> - path to an **existing**
- directory on disk.
- </p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>comment</tt></i> - comment string to associate
- with the new share.
- </p></li></ul></div><p>
- This parameter is only used for add file shares. To add printer shares,
- see the <link linkend="ADDPRINTERCOMMAND">.
- </p><p>
- See also <link linkend="CHANGESHARECOMMAND">, <link linkend="DELETESHARECOMMAND">.
- </p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">add share command = /usr/local/bin/addshare</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ADDUSERSCRIPT"></a>add user script (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is the full pathname to a script that will
- be run <span class="emphasis"><em>AS ROOT</em></span> by <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> under special circumstances described below.</p><p>Normally, a Samba server requires that UNIX users are
- created for all users accessing files on this server. For sites
- that use Windows NT account databases as their primary user database
- creating these users and keeping the user list in sync with the
- Windows NT PDC is an onerous task. This option allows smbd to create the required UNIX users
- <span class="emphasis"><em>ON DEMAND</em></span> when a user accesses the Samba server.</p><p>In order to use this option, <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> must <span class="emphasis"><em>NOT</em></span> be set to <i class="parameter"><tt>security = share</tt></i>
- and <i class="parameter"><tt>add user script</tt></i>
- must be set to a full pathname for a script that will create a UNIX
- user given one argument of <i class="parameter"><tt>%u</tt></i>, which expands into
- the UNIX user name to create.</p><p>When the Windows user attempts to access the Samba server,
- at login (session setup in the SMB protocol) time, <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> contacts the <i class="parameter"><tt>password server</tt></i> and
- attempts to authenticate the given user with the given password. If the
- authentication succeeds then <b class="command">smbd</b>
- attempts to find a UNIX user in the UNIX password database to map the
- Windows user into. If this lookup fails, and <i class="parameter"><tt>add user script
- </tt></i> is set then <b class="command">smbd</b> will
- call the specified script <span class="emphasis"><em>AS ROOT</em></span>, expanding
- any <i class="parameter"><tt>%u</tt></i> argument to be the user name to create.</p><p>If this script successfully creates the user then <b class="command">smbd
- </b> will continue on as though the UNIX user
- already existed. In this way, UNIX users are dynamically created to
- match existing Windows NT accounts.</p><p>See also <link linkend="SECURITY">, <link linkend="PASSWORDSERVER">,
- <link linkend="DELETEUSERSCRIPT">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">add user script = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">add user script = /usr/local/samba/bin/add_user %u</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ADDUSERTOGROUPSCRIPT"></a>add user to group script (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Full path to the script that will be called when
- a user is added to a group using the Windows NT domain administration
- tools. It will be run by <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> <span class="emphasis"><em>AS ROOT</em></span>.
- Any <i class="parameter"><tt>%g</tt></i> will be replaced with the group name and
- any <i class="parameter"><tt>%u</tt></i> will be replaced with the user name.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">add user to group script = </b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">add user to group script = /usr/sbin/adduser %u %g</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ADMINUSERS"></a>admin users (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a list of users who will be granted
- administrative privileges on the share. This means that they
- will do all file operations as the super-user (root).</p><p>You should use this option very carefully, as any user in
- this list will be able to do anything they like on the share,
- irrespective of file permissions.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no admin users</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">admin users = jason</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="AFSSHARE"></a>afs share (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls whether special AFS features are enabled
- for this share. If enabled, it assumes that the directory exported via
- the <i class="parameter"><tt>path</tt></i> parameter is a local AFS import. The
- special AFS features include the attempt to hand-craft an AFS token
- if you enabled --with-fake-kaserver in configure.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">afs share = no</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">afs share = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="AFSUSERNAMEMAP"></a>afs username map (G)</span></dt><dd><p>If you are using the fake kaserver AFS feature, you might
- want to hand-craft the usernames you are creating tokens for.
- For example this is necessary if you have users from several domain
- in your AFS Protection Database. One possible scheme to code users
- as DOMAIN+User as it is done by winbind with the + as a separator.
- </p><p>The mapped user name must contain the cell name to log into,
- so without setting this parameter there will be no token.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">none</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">afs username map =</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ALGORITHMICRIDBASE"></a>algorithmic rid base (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This determines how Samba will use its
- algorithmic mapping from uids/gid to the RIDs needed to construct
- NT Security Identifiers.
- </p><p>Setting this option to a larger value could be useful to sites
- transitioning from WinNT and Win2k, as existing user and
- group rids would otherwise clash with sytem users etc.
- </p><p>All UIDs and GIDs must be able to be resolved into SIDs for
- the correct operation of ACLs on the server. As such the algorithmic
- mapping can't be 'turned off', but pushing it 'out of the way' should
- resolve the issues. Users and groups can then be assigned 'low' RIDs
- in arbitary-rid supporting backends.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">algorithmic rid base = 1000</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">algorithmic rid base = 100000</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ALLOWHOSTS"></a>allow hosts (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="HOSTSALLOW">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ALLOWTRUSTEDDOMAINS"></a>allow trusted domains (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option only takes effect when the <link linkend="SECURITY"> option is set to
- <tt class="constant">server</tt> or <tt class="constant">domain</tt>.
- If it is set to no, then attempts to connect to a resource from
- a domain or workgroup other than the one which smbd is running
- in will fail, even if that domain is trusted by the remote server
- doing the authentication.</p><p>This is useful if you only want your Samba server to
- serve resources to users in the domain it is a member of. As
- an example, suppose that there are two domains DOMA and DOMB. DOMB
- is trusted by DOMA, which contains the Samba server. Under normal
- circumstances, a user with an account in DOMB can then access the
- resources of a UNIX account with the same account name on the
- Samba server even if they do not have an account in DOMA. This
- can make implementing a security boundary difficult.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">allow trusted domains = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ANNOUNCEAS"></a>announce as (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This specifies what type of server <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a> will announce itself as, to a network neighborhood browse
- list. By default this is set to Windows NT. The valid options
- are : "NT Server" (which can also be written as "NT"),
- "NT Workstation", "Win95" or "WfW" meaning Windows NT Server,
- Windows NT Workstation, Windows 95 and Windows for Workgroups
- respectively. Do not change this parameter unless you have a
- specific need to stop Samba appearing as an NT server as this
- may prevent Samba servers from participating as browser servers
- correctly.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">announce as = NT Server</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">announce as = Win95</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ANNOUNCEVERSION"></a>announce version (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This specifies the major and minor version numbers
- that nmbd will use when announcing itself as a server. The default
- is 4.9. Do not change this parameter unless you have a specific
- need to set a Samba server to be a downlevel server.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">announce version = 4.9</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">announce version = 2.0</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="AUTHMETHODS"></a>auth methods (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option allows the administrator to chose what
- authentication methods <b class="command">smbd</b> will use when authenticating
- a user. This option defaults to sensible values based on <link linkend="SECURITY">. This should be considered
- a developer option and used only in rare circumstances. In the majority (if not all)
- of production servers, the default setting should be adequate.</p><p>Each entry in the list attempts to authenticate the user in turn, until
- the user authenticates. In practice only one method will ever actually
- be able to complete the authentication.
- </p><p>Possible options include <tt class="constant">guest</tt> (anonymous access),
- <tt class="constant">sam</tt> (lookups in local list of accounts based on netbios
- name or domain name), <tt class="constant">winbind</tt> (relay authentication requests
- for remote users through winbindd), <tt class="constant">ntdomain</tt> (pre-winbindd
- method of authentication for remote domain users; deprecated in favour of winbind method),
- <tt class="constant">trustdomain</tt> (authenticate trusted users by contacting the
- remote DC directly from smbd; deprecated in favour of winbind method).</p><p>Default: <b class="command">auth methods = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">auth methods = guest sam winbind</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="AUTOSERVICES"></a>auto services (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a synonym for the <link linkend="PRELOAD">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="AVAILABLE"></a>available (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter lets you "turn off" a service. If
- <i class="parameter"><tt>available = no</tt></i>, then <span class="emphasis"><em>ALL</em></span>
- attempts to connect to the service will fail. Such failures are
- logged.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">available = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="BINDINTERFACESONLY"></a>bind interfaces only (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This global parameter allows the Samba admin
- to limit what interfaces on a machine will serve SMB requests. It
- affects file service <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> and name service <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a> in a slightly different ways.</p><p>For name service it causes <b class="command">nmbd</b> to bind
- to ports 137 and 138 on the interfaces listed in
- the <link linkend="INTERFACES"> parameter. <b class="command">nmbd</b> also
- binds to the "all addresses" interface (
- on ports 137 and 138 for the purposes of reading broadcast messages.
- If this option is not set then <b class="command">nmbd</b> will service
- name requests on all of these sockets. If <i class="parameter"><tt>bind interfaces
- only</tt></i> is set then <b class="command">nmbd</b> will check the
- source address of any packets coming in on the broadcast sockets
- and discard any that don't match the broadcast addresses of the
- interfaces in the <i class="parameter"><tt>interfaces</tt></i> parameter list.
- As unicast packets are received on the other sockets it allows
- <b class="command">nmbd</b> to refuse to serve names to machines that
- send packets that arrive through any interfaces not listed in the
- <i class="parameter"><tt>interfaces</tt></i> list. IP Source address spoofing
- does defeat this simple check, however, so it must not be used
- seriously as a security feature for <b class="command">nmbd</b>.</p><p>For file service it causes <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> to bind only to the interface list
- given in the <link linkend="INTERFACES"> parameter. This
- restricts the networks that <b class="command">smbd</b> will serve
- to packets coming in those interfaces. Note that you should not use this parameter
- for machines that are serving PPP or other intermittent or non-broadcast network
- interfaces as it will not cope with non-permanent interfaces.</p><p>If <i class="parameter"><tt>bind interfaces only</tt></i> is set then
- unless the network address <span class="emphasis"><em></em></span> is added
- to the <i class="parameter"><tt>interfaces</tt></i> parameter
- list <a href="smbpasswd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbpasswd</span>(8)</span></a> and <a href="swat.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">swat</span>(8)</span></a> may not work as expected due
- to the reasons covered below.</p><p>To change a users SMB password, the <b class="command">smbpasswd</b>
- by default connects to the <span class="emphasis"><em>localhost -</em></span>
- address as an SMB client to issue the password change request. If
- <i class="parameter"><tt>bind interfaces only</tt></i> is set then unless the
- network address <span class="emphasis"><em></em></span> is added to the
- <i class="parameter"><tt>interfaces</tt></i> parameter list then <b class="command">
- smbpasswd</b> will fail to connect in it's default mode.
- <b class="command">smbpasswd</b> can be forced to use the primary IP interface
- of the local host by using its <a href="smbpasswd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbpasswd</span>(8)</span></a> <i class="parameter"><tt>-r <i class="replaceable"><tt>remote machine</tt></i></tt></i>
- parameter, with <i class="replaceable"><tt>remote machine</tt></i> set
- to the IP name of the primary interface of the local host.</p><p>The <b class="command">swat</b> status page tries to connect with
- <b class="command">smbd</b> and <b class="command">nmbd</b> at the address
- <span class="emphasis"><em></em></span> to determine if they are running.
- Not adding <span class="emphasis"><em></em></span> will cause <b class="command">
- smbd</b> and <b class="command">nmbd</b> to always show
- "not running" even if they really are. This can prevent <b class="command">
- swat</b> from starting/stopping/restarting <b class="command">smbd</b>
- and <b class="command">nmbd</b>.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">bind interfaces only = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="BLOCKINGLOCKS"></a>blocking locks (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls the behavior
- of <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> when given a request by a client
- to obtain a byte range lock on a region of an open file, and the
- request has a time limit associated with it.</p><p>If this parameter is set and the lock range requested
- cannot be immediately satisfied, samba will internally
- queue the lock request, and periodically attempt to obtain
- the lock until the timeout period expires.</p><p>If this parameter is set to <tt class="constant">no</tt>, then
- samba will behave as previous versions of Samba would and
- will fail the lock request immediately if the lock range
- cannot be obtained.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">blocking locks = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="BLOCKSIZE"></a>block size (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls the behavior of <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> when reporting disk free
- sizes. By default, this reports a disk block size of 1024 bytes.
- </p><p>Changing this parameter may have some effect on the
- efficiency of client writes, this is not yet confirmed. This
- parameter was added to allow advanced administrators to change
- it (usually to a higher value) and test the effect it has on
- client write performance without re-compiling the code. As this
- is an experimental option it may be removed in a future release.
- </p><p>Changing this option does not change the disk free reporting
- size, just the block size unit reported to the client.
- </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="BROWSABLE"></a>browsable (S)</span></dt><dd><p>See the <link linkend="BROWSEABLE">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="BROWSEABLE"></a>browseable (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls whether this share is seen in
- the list of available shares in a net view and in the browse list.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">browseable = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="BROWSELIST"></a>browse list (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls whether <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> will serve a browse list to
- a client doing a <b class="command">NetServerEnum</b> call. Normally
- set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>. You should never need to change
- this.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">browse list = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CASESENSITIVE"></a>case sensitive (S)</span></dt><dd><p>See the discussion in the section <link linkend="NAMEMANGLINGSECT">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">case sensitive = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CASESIGNAMES"></a>casesignames (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="CASESENSITIVE">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CHANGENOTIFYTIMEOUT"></a>change notify timeout (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This SMB allows a client to tell a server to
- "watch" a particular directory for any changes and only reply to
- the SMB request when a change has occurred. Such constant scanning of
- a directory is expensive under UNIX, hence an <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> daemon only performs such a scan
- on each requested directory once every <i class="parameter"><tt>change notify
- timeout</tt></i> seconds.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">change notify timeout = 60</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">change notify timeout = 300</b></p><p>Would change the scan time to every 5 minutes.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CHANGESHARECOMMAND"></a>change share command (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Samba 2.2.0 introduced the ability to dynamically
- add and delete shares via the Windows NT 4.0 Server Manager. The
- <i class="parameter"><tt>change share command</tt></i> is used to define an
- external program or script which will modify an existing service definition
- in <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt>. In order to successfully
- execute the <i class="parameter"><tt>change share command</tt></i>, <b class="command">smbd</b>
- requires that the administrator be connected using a root account (i.e.
- uid == 0).
- </p><p>
- When executed, <b class="command">smbd</b> will automatically invoke the
- <i class="parameter"><tt>change share command</tt></i> with four parameters.
- </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>configFile</tt></i> - the location
- of the global <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt> file.
- </p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>shareName</tt></i> - the name of the new
- share.
- </p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>pathName</tt></i> - path to an **existing**
- directory on disk.
- </p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>comment</tt></i> - comment string to associate
- with the new share.
- </p></li></ul></div><p>
- This parameter is only used modify existing file shares definitions. To modify
- printer shares, use the "Printers..." folder as seen when browsing the Samba host.
- </p><p>
- See also <link linkend="ADDSHARECOMMAND">, <link linkend="DELETESHARECOMMAND">.
- </p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">change share command = /usr/local/bin/addshare</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CLIENTLANMANAUTH"></a>client lanman auth (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter determines whether or not <a href="smbclient.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbclient</span>(8)</span></a> and other samba client
- tools will attempt to authenticate itself to servers using the
- weaker LANMAN password hash. If disabled, only server which support NT
- password hashes (e.g. Windows NT/2000, Samba, etc... but not
- Windows 95/98) will be able to be connected from the Samba client.</p><p>The LANMAN encrypted response is easily broken, due to it's
- case-insensitive nature, and the choice of algorithm. Clients
- without Windows 95/98 servers are advised to disable
- this option. </p><p>Disabling this option will also disable the <b class="command">client plaintext auth</b> option</p><p>Likewise, if the <b class="command">client ntlmv2
- auth</b> parameter is enabled, then only NTLMv2 logins will be
- attempted. Not all servers support NTLMv2, and most will require
- special configuration to us it.</p><p>Default : <b class="command">client lanman auth = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CLIENTNTLMV2AUTH"></a>client ntlmv2 auth (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter determines whether or not <a href="smbclient.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbclient</span>(8)</span></a> will attempt to
- authenticate itself to servers using the NTLMv2 encrypted password
- response.</p><p>If enabled, only an NTLMv2 and LMv2 response (both much more
- secure than earlier versions) will be sent. Many servers
- (including NT4 &lt; SP4, Win9x and Samba 2.2) are not compatible with
- NTLMv2. </p><p>Similarly, if enabled, NTLMv1, <b class="command">client lanman auth</b> and <b class="command">client plaintext auth</b>
- authentication will be disabled. This also disables share-level
- authentication. </p><p>If disabled, an NTLM response (and possibly a LANMAN response)
- will be sent by the client, depending on the value of <b class="command">client lanman auth</b>. </p><p>Note that some sites (particularly
- those following 'best practice' security polices) only allow NTLMv2
- responses, and not the weaker LM or NTLM.</p><p>Default : <b class="command">client ntlmv2 auth = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CLIENTPLAINTEXTAUTH"></a>client plaintext auth (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Specifies whether a client should send a plaintext
- password if the server does not support encrypted passwords.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">client plaintext auth = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CLIENTSCHANNEL"></a>client schannel (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls whether the client offers or even
- demands the use of the netlogon schannel.
- <i class="parameter"><tt>client schannel = no</tt></i> does not
- offer the schannel, <i class="parameter"><tt>server schannel =
- auto</tt></i> offers the schannel but does not
- enforce it, and <i class="parameter"><tt>server schannel =
- yes</tt></i> denies access if the server is not
- able to speak netlogon schannel. </p><p>Default: <b class="command">client schannel = auto</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">client schannel = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CLIENTSIGNING"></a>client signing (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls whether the client offers or requires
- the server it talks to to use SMB signing. Possible values
- are <span class="emphasis"><em>auto</em></span>, <span class="emphasis"><em>mandatory</em></span>
- and <span class="emphasis"><em>disabled</em></span>.
- </p><p>When set to auto, SMB signing is offered, but not enforced.
- When set to mandatory, SMB signing is required and if set
- to disabled, SMB signing is not offered either.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">client signing = auto</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CLIENTUSESPNEGO"></a>client use spnego (G)</span></dt><dd><p> This variable controls controls whether samba clients will try
- to use Simple and Protected NEGOciation (as specified by rfc2478) with
- WindowsXP and Windows2000 servers to agree upon an authentication mechanism.
- SPNEGO client support for SMB Signing is currently broken, so
- you might want to turn this option off when operating with
- Windows 2003 domain controllers in particular.
- </p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>client use spnego = yes</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="COMMENT"></a>comment (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a text field that is seen next to a share
- when a client does a queries the server, either via the network
- neighborhood or via <b class="command">net view</b> to list what shares
- are available.</p><p>If you want to set the string that is displayed next to the
- machine name then see the <link linkend="SERVERSTRING"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>No comment string</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">comment = Fred's Files</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CONFIGFILE"></a>config file (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This allows you to override the config file
- to use, instead of the default (usually <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt>).
- There is a chicken and egg problem here as this option is set
- in the config file!</p><p>For this reason, if the name of the config file has changed
- when the parameters are loaded then it will reload them from
- the new config file.</p><p>This option takes the usual substitutions, which can
- be very useful.</p><p>If the config file doesn't exist then it won't be loaded
- (allowing you to special case the config files of just a few
- clients).</p><p>Example: <b class="command">config file = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.%m</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="COPY"></a>copy (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter allows you to "clone" service
- entries. The specified service is simply duplicated under the
- current service's name. Any parameters specified in the current
- section will override those in the section being copied.</p><p>This feature lets you set up a 'template' service and
- create similar services easily. Note that the service being
- copied must occur earlier in the configuration file than the
- service doing the copying.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no value</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">copy = otherservice</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CREATEMASK"></a>create mask (S)</span></dt><dd><p>A synonym for this parameter is
- <link linkend="CREATEMODE">.</p><p>When a file is created, the necessary permissions are
- calculated according to the mapping from DOS modes to UNIX
- permissions, and the resulting UNIX mode is then bit-wise 'AND'ed
- with this parameter. This parameter may be thought of as a bit-wise
- MASK for the UNIX modes of a file. Any bit <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span>
- set here will be removed from the modes set on a file when it is
- created.</p><p>The default value of this parameter removes the
- 'group' and 'other' write and execute bits from the UNIX modes.</p><p>Following this Samba will bit-wise 'OR' the UNIX mode created
- from this parameter with the value of the <link linkend="FORCECREATEMODE">
- parameter which is set to 000 by default.</p><p>This parameter does not affect directory modes. See the
- parameter <link linkend="DIRECTORYMODE"> for details.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="FORCECREATEMODE"> parameter for forcing particular mode
- bits to be set on created files. See also the <link linkend="DIRECTORYMODE"> parameter for masking
- mode bits on created directories. See also the <link linkend="INHERITPERMISSIONS"> parameter.</p><p>Note that this parameter does not apply to permissions
- set by Windows NT/2000 ACL editors. If the administrator wishes to enforce
- a mask on access control lists also, they need to set the <link linkend="SECURITYMASK">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">create mask = 0744</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">create mask = 0775</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CREATEMODE"></a>create mode (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a synonym for <link linkend="CREATEMASK">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="CSCPOLICY"></a>csc policy (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This stands for <span class="emphasis"><em>client-side caching
- policy</em></span>, and specifies how clients capable of offline
- caching will cache the files in the share. The valid values
- are: manual, documents, programs, disable.</p><p>These values correspond to those used on Windows servers.</p><p>For example, shares containing roaming profiles can have
- offline caching disabled using <b class="command">csc policy = disable</b>.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">csc policy = manual</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">csc policy = programs</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DEADTIME"></a>deadtime (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The value of the parameter (a decimal integer)
- represents the number of minutes of inactivity before a connection
- is considered dead, and it is disconnected. The deadtime only takes
- effect if the number of open files is zero.</p><p>This is useful to stop a server's resources being
- exhausted by a large number of inactive connections.</p><p>Most clients have an auto-reconnect feature when a
- connection is broken so in most cases this parameter should be
- transparent to users.</p><p>Using this parameter with a timeout of a few minutes
- is recommended for most systems.</p><p>A deadtime of zero indicates that no auto-disconnection
- should be performed.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">deadtime = 0</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">deadtime = 15</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DEBUGHIRESTIMESTAMP"></a>debug hires timestamp (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Sometimes the timestamps in the log messages
- are needed with a resolution of higher that seconds, this
- boolean parameter adds microsecond resolution to the timestamp
- message header when turned on.</p><p>Note that the parameter <link linkend="DEBUGTIMESTAMP"> must be on for this to have an
- effect.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">debug hires timestamp = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DEBUGLEVEL"></a>debuglevel (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="LOGLEVEL">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DEBUGPID"></a>debug pid (G)</span></dt><dd><p>When using only one log file for more then one forked
- <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a>-process there may be hard to
- follow which process outputs which message. This boolean parameter
- is adds the process-id to the timestamp message headers in the
- logfile when turned on.</p><p>Note that the parameter <link linkend="DEBUGTIMESTAMP"> must be on for this to have an
- effect.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">debug pid = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DEBUGTIMESTAMP"></a>debug timestamp (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Samba debug log messages are timestamped
- by default. If you are running at a high <link linkend="DEBUGLEVEL"> these timestamps
- can be distracting. This boolean parameter allows timestamping
- to be turned off.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">debug timestamp = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DEBUGUID"></a>debug uid (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Samba is sometimes run as root and sometime
- run as the connected user, this boolean parameter inserts the
- current euid, egid, uid and gid to the timestamp message headers
- in the log file if turned on.</p><p>Note that the parameter <link linkend="DEBUGTIMESTAMP"> must be on for this to have an
- effect.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">debug uid = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DEFAULT"></a>default (G)</span></dt><dd><p>A synonym for <link linkend="DEFAULTSERVICE">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DEFAULTCASE"></a>default case (S)</span></dt><dd><p>See the section on <link linkend="NAMEMANGLINGSECT">. Also note the <link linkend="SHORTPRESERVECASE"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">default case = lower</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DEFAULTDEVMODE"></a>default devmode (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter is only applicable to <link linkend="PRINTOK"> services.
- When smbd is serving Printer Drivers to Windows NT/2k/XP clients, each printer on the Samba
- server has a Device Mode which defines things such as paper size and
- orientation and duplex settings. The device mode can only correctly be
- generated by the printer driver itself (which can only be executed on a
- Win32 platform). Because smbd is unable to execute the driver code
- to generate the device mode, the default behavior is to set this field
- to NULL.
- </p><p>Most problems with serving printer drivers to Windows NT/2k/XP clients
- can be traced to a problem with the generated device mode. Certain drivers
- will do things such as crashing the client's Explorer.exe with a NULL devmode.
- However, other printer drivers can cause the client's spooler service
- (spoolsv.exe) to die if the devmode was not created by the driver itself
- (i.e. smbd generates a default devmode).
- </p><p>This parameter should be used with care and tested with the printer
- driver in question. It is better to leave the device mode to NULL
- and let the Windows client set the correct values. Because drivers do not
- do this all the time, setting <b class="command">default devmode = yes</b>
- will instruct smbd to generate a default one.
- </p><p>For more information on Windows NT/2k printing and Device Modes,
- see the <ulink url="">MSDN documentation</ulink>.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">default devmode = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DEFAULTSERVICE"></a>default service (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the name of a service
- which will be connected to if the service actually requested cannot
- be found. Note that the square brackets are <span class="emphasis"><em>NOT</em></span>
- given in the parameter value (see example below).</p><p>There is no default value for this parameter. If this
- parameter is not given, attempting to connect to a nonexistent
- service results in an error.</p><p>Typically the default service would be a <link linkend="GUESTOK">, <link linkend="READONLY"> service.</p><p>Also note that the apparent service name will be changed
- to equal that of the requested service, this is very useful as it
- allows you to use macros like <i class="parameter"><tt>%S</tt></i> to make
- a wildcard service.</p><p>Note also that any "_" characters in the name of the service
- used in the default service will get mapped to a "/". This allows for
- interesting things.</p><p>Example:</p><pre class="programlisting">
- default service = pub
- path = /%S
-</pre></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DELETEGROUPSCRIPT"></a>delete group script (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is the full pathname to a script that will
- be run <span class="emphasis"><em>AS ROOT</em></span> <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> when a group is requested to be deleted.
- It will expand any <i class="parameter"><tt>%g</tt></i> to the group name passed.
- This script is only useful for installations using the Windows NT domain administration tools.
- </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DELETEPRINTERCOMMAND"></a>deleteprinter command (G)</span></dt><dd><p>With the introduction of MS-RPC based printer
- support for Windows NT/2000 clients in Samba 2.2, it is now
- possible to delete printer at run time by issuing the
- DeletePrinter() RPC call.</p><p>For a Samba host this means that the printer must be
- physically deleted from underlying printing system. The <i class="parameter"><tt>
- deleteprinter command</tt></i> defines a script to be run which
- will perform the necessary operations for removing the printer
- from the print system and from <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt>.
- </p><p>The <i class="parameter"><tt>deleteprinter command</tt></i> is
- automatically called with only one parameter: <i class="parameter"><tt>
- "printer name"</tt></i>.</p><p>Once the <i class="parameter"><tt>deleteprinter command</tt></i> has
- been executed, <b class="command">smbd</b> will reparse the <tt class="filename">
- smb.conf</tt> to associated printer no longer exists.
- If the sharename is still valid, then <b class="command">smbd
- </b> will return an ACCESS_DENIED error to the client.</p><p>See also <link linkend="ADDPRINTERCOMMAND">, <link linkend="PRINTING">,
- <link linkend="SHOWADDPRINTERWIZARD"></p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">deleteprinter command = /usr/bin/removeprinter</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DELETEREADONLY"></a>delete readonly (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter allows readonly files to be deleted.
- This is not normal DOS semantics, but is allowed by UNIX.</p><p>This option may be useful for running applications such
- as rcs, where UNIX file ownership prevents changing file
- permissions, and DOS semantics prevent deletion of a read only file.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">delete readonly = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DELETESHARECOMMAND"></a>delete share command (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Samba 2.2.0 introduced the ability to dynamically
- add and delete shares via the Windows NT 4.0 Server Manager. The
- <i class="parameter"><tt>delete share command</tt></i> is used to define an
- external program or script which will remove an existing service
- definition from <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt>. In order to successfully
- execute the <i class="parameter"><tt>delete share command</tt></i>, <b class="command">smbd</b>
- requires that the administrator be connected using a root account (i.e.
- uid == 0).
- </p><p>
- When executed, <b class="command">smbd</b> will automatically invoke the
- <i class="parameter"><tt>delete share command</tt></i> with two parameters.
- </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>configFile</tt></i> - the location
- of the global <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt> file.
- </p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>shareName</tt></i> - the name of
- the existing service.
- </p></li></ul></div><p>
- This parameter is only used to remove file shares. To delete printer shares,
- see the <link linkend="DELETEPRINTERCOMMAND">.
- </p><p>
- See also <link linkend="ADDSHARECOMMAND">, <link linkend="CHANGESHARECOMMAND">.
- </p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">delete share command = /usr/local/bin/delshare</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DELETEUSERFROMGROUPSCRIPT"></a>delete user from group script (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Full path to the script that will be called when
- a user is removed from a group using the Windows NT domain administration
- tools. It will be run by <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> <span class="emphasis"><em>AS ROOT</em></span>.
- Any <i class="parameter"><tt>%g</tt></i> will be replaced with the group name and
- any <i class="parameter"><tt>%u</tt></i> will be replaced with the user name.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">delete user from group script = </b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/deluser %u %g</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DELETEUSERSCRIPT"></a>delete user script (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is the full pathname to a script that will
- be run by <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> when managing users
- with remote RPC (NT) tools.
- </p><p>This script is called when a remote client removes a user
- from the server, normally using 'User Manager for Domains' or
- <b class="command">rpcclient</b>.</p><p>This script should delete the given UNIX username.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">delete user script = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">delete user script = /usr/local/samba/bin/del_user %u</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DELETEVETOFILES"></a>delete veto files (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This option is used when Samba is attempting to
- delete a directory that contains one or more vetoed directories
- (see the <link linkend="VETOFILES">
- option). If this option is set to <tt class="constant">no</tt> (the default) then if a vetoed
- directory contains any non-vetoed files or directories then the
- directory delete will fail. This is usually what you want.</p><p>If this option is set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>, then Samba
- will attempt to recursively delete any files and directories within
- the vetoed directory. This can be useful for integration with file
- serving systems such as NetAtalk which create meta-files within
- directories you might normally veto DOS/Windows users from seeing
- (e.g. <tt class="filename">.AppleDouble</tt>)</p><p>Setting <b class="command">delete veto files = yes</b> allows these
- directories to be transparently deleted when the parent directory
- is deleted (so long as the user has permissions to do so).</p><p>See also the <link linkend="VETOFILES"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">delete veto files = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DENYHOSTS"></a>deny hosts (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="HOSTSDENY">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DFREECOMMAND"></a>dfree command (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The <i class="parameter"><tt>dfree command</tt></i> setting
- should only be used on systems where a problem occurs with the
- internal disk space calculations. This has been known to happen
- with Ultrix, but may occur with other operating systems. The
- symptom that was seen was an error of "Abort Retry
- Ignore" at the end of each directory listing.</p><p>This setting allows the replacement of the internal routines to
- calculate the total disk space and amount available with an external
- routine. The example below gives a possible script that might fulfill
- this function.</p><p>The external program will be passed a single parameter indicating
- a directory in the filesystem being queried. This will typically consist
- of the string <tt class="filename">./</tt>. The script should return two
- integers in ASCII. The first should be the total disk space in blocks,
- and the second should be the number of available blocks. An optional
- third return value can give the block size in bytes. The default
- blocksize is 1024 bytes.</p><p>Note: Your script should <span class="emphasis"><em>NOT</em></span> be setuid or
- setgid and should be owned by (and writeable only by) root!</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>By default internal routines for
- determining the disk capacity and remaining space will be used.
- </em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">dfree command = /usr/local/samba/bin/dfree</b></p><p>Where the script dfree (which must be made executable) could be:</p><pre class="programlisting">
-df $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2" "$4}'
-</pre><p>or perhaps (on Sys V based systems):</p><pre class="programlisting">
-/usr/bin/df -k $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $3" "$5}'
-</pre><p>Note that you may have to replace the command names with full path names on some systems.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DIRECTORY"></a>directory (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="PATH">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DIRECTORYMASK"></a>directory mask (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter is the octal modes which are
- used when converting DOS modes to UNIX modes when creating UNIX
- directories.</p><p>When a directory is created, the necessary permissions are
- calculated according to the mapping from DOS modes to UNIX permissions,
- and the resulting UNIX mode is then bit-wise 'AND'ed with this
- parameter. This parameter may be thought of as a bit-wise MASK for
- the UNIX modes of a directory. Any bit <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> set
- here will be removed from the modes set on a directory when it is
- created.</p><p>The default value of this parameter removes the 'group'
- and 'other' write bits from the UNIX mode, allowing only the
- user who owns the directory to modify it.</p><p>Following this Samba will bit-wise 'OR' the UNIX mode
- created from this parameter with the value of the <link linkend="FORCEDIRECTORYMODE"> parameter.
- This parameter is set to 000 by default (i.e. no extra mode bits are added).</p><p>Note that this parameter does not apply to permissions
- set by Windows NT/2000 ACL editors. If the administrator wishes to enforce
- a mask on access control lists also, they need to set the <link linkend="DIRECTORYSECURITYMASK">.</p><p>See the <link linkend="FORCEDIRECTORYMODE"> parameter to cause particular mode
- bits to always be set on created directories.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="CREATEMODE"> parameter for masking mode bits on created files,
- and the <link linkend="DIRECTORYSECURITYMASK"> parameter.</p><p>Also refer to the <link linkend="INHERITPERMISSIONS"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">directory mask = 0755</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">directory mask = 0775</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DIRECTORYMODE"></a>directory mode (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="DIRECTORYMASK"></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DIRECTORYSECURITYMASK"></a>directory security mask (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls what UNIX permission bits
- can be modified when a Windows NT client is manipulating the UNIX
- permission on a directory using the native NT security dialog
- box.</p><p>This parameter is applied as a mask (AND'ed with) to
- the changed permission bits, thus preventing any bits not in
- this mask from being modified. Essentially, zero bits in this
- mask may be treated as a set of bits the user is not allowed
- to change.</p><p>If not set explicitly this parameter is set to 0777
- meaning a user is allowed to modify all the user/group/world
- permissions on a directory.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Note</em></span> that users who can access the
- Samba server through other means can easily bypass this restriction,
- so it is primarily useful for standalone "appliance" systems.
- Administrators of most normal systems will probably want to leave
- it as the default of <tt class="constant">0777</tt>.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="FORCEDIRECTORYSECURITYMODE">, <link linkend="SECURITYMASK">,
- <link linkend="FORCESECURITYMODE"> parameters.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">directory security mask = 0777</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">directory security mask = 0700</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DISABLENETBIOS"></a>disable netbios (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Enabling this parameter will disable netbios support
- in Samba. Netbios is the only available form of browsing in
- all windows versions except for 2000 and XP. </p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>Note that clients that only support netbios won't be able to
- see your samba server when netbios support is disabled.
- </p></div><p>Default: <b class="command">disable netbios = no</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">disable netbios = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DISABLESPOOLSS"></a>disable spoolss (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Enabling this parameter will disable Samba's support
- for the SPOOLSS set of MS-RPC's and will yield identical behavior
- as Samba 2.0.x. Windows NT/2000 clients will downgrade to using
- Lanman style printing commands. Windows 9x/ME will be uneffected by
- the parameter. However, this will also disable the ability to upload
- printer drivers to a Samba server via the Windows NT Add Printer
- Wizard or by using the NT printer properties dialog window. It will
- also disable the capability of Windows NT/2000 clients to download
- print drivers from the Samba host upon demand.
- <span class="emphasis"><em>Be very careful about enabling this parameter.</em></span>
- </p><p>See also <link linkend="USECLIENTDRIVER">
- </p><p>Default : <b class="command">disable spoolss = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DISPLAYCHARSET"></a>display charset (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Specifies the charset that samba will use
- to print messages to stdout and stderr and SWAT will use.
- Should generally be the same as the <b class="command">unix charset</b>.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">display charset = ASCII</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">display charset = UTF8</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DNSPROXY"></a>dns proxy (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Specifies that <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a> when acting as a WINS server and
- finding that a NetBIOS name has not been registered, should treat the
- NetBIOS name word-for-word as a DNS name and do a lookup with the DNS server
- for that name on behalf of the name-querying client.</p><p>Note that the maximum length for a NetBIOS name is 15
- characters, so the DNS name (or DNS alias) can likewise only be
- 15 characters, maximum.</p><p><b class="command">nmbd</b> spawns a second copy of itself to do the
- DNS name lookup requests, as doing a name lookup is a blocking
- action.</p><p>See also the parameter <link linkend="WINSSUPPORT">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">dns proxy = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DOMAINLOGONS"></a>domain logons (G)</span></dt><dd><p>If set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>, the Samba server will serve
- Windows 95/98 Domain logons for the <link linkend="WORKGROUP"> it is in. Samba 2.2
- has limited capability to act as a domain controller for Windows
- NT 4 Domains. For more details on setting up this feature see
- the Samba-PDC-HOWTO included in the Samba documentation.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">domain logons = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DOMAINMASTER"></a>domain master (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Tell <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> to enable WAN-wide browse list
- collation. Setting this option causes <b class="command">nmbd</b> to
- claim a special domain specific NetBIOS name that identifies
- it as a domain master browser for its given <link linkend="WORKGROUP">. Local master browsers
- in the same <i class="parameter"><tt>workgroup</tt></i> on broadcast-isolated
- subnets will give this <b class="command">nmbd</b> their local browse lists,
- and then ask <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> for a complete copy of the browse
- list for the whole wide area network. Browser clients will then contact
- their local master browser, and will receive the domain-wide browse list,
- instead of just the list for their broadcast-isolated subnet.</p><p>Note that Windows NT Primary Domain Controllers expect to be
- able to claim this <i class="parameter"><tt>workgroup</tt></i> specific special
- NetBIOS name that identifies them as domain master browsers for
- that <i class="parameter"><tt>workgroup</tt></i> by default (i.e. there is no
- way to prevent a Windows NT PDC from attempting to do this). This
- means that if this parameter is set and <b class="command">nmbd</b> claims
- the special name for a <i class="parameter"><tt>workgroup</tt></i> before a Windows
- NT PDC is able to do so then cross subnet browsing will behave
- strangely and may fail.</p><p>If <link linkend="DOMAINLOGONS">, then the default behavior is to enable the <i class="parameter"><tt>domain
- master</tt></i> parameter. If <i class="parameter"><tt>domain logons</tt></i> is
- not enabled (the default setting), then neither will <i class="parameter"><tt>domain
- master</tt></i> be enabled by default.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">domain master = auto</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DONTDESCEND"></a>dont descend (S)</span></dt><dd><p>There are certain directories on some systems
- (e.g., the <tt class="filename">/proc</tt> tree under Linux) that are either not
- of interest to clients or are infinitely deep (recursive). This
- parameter allows you to specify a comma-delimited list of directories
- that the server should always show as empty.</p><p>Note that Samba can be very fussy about the exact format
- of the "dont descend" entries. For example you may need <tt class="filename">
- ./proc</tt> instead of just <tt class="filename">/proc</tt>.
- Experimentation is the best policy :-) </p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none (i.e., all directories are OK
- to descend)</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">dont descend = /proc,/dev</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DOSCHARSET"></a>dos charset (G)</span></dt><dd><p>DOS SMB clients assume the server has
- the same charset as they do. This option specifies which
- charset Samba should talk to DOS clients.
- </p><p>The default depends on which charsets you have installed.
- Samba tries to use charset 850 but falls back to ASCII in
- case it is not available. Run <a href="testparm.1.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">testparm</span>(1)</span></a> to check the default on your system.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DOSFILEMODE"></a>dos filemode (S)</span></dt><dd><p> The default behavior in Samba is to provide
- UNIX-like behavior where only the owner of a file/directory is
- able to change the permissions on it. However, this behavior
- is often confusing to DOS/Windows users. Enabling this parameter
- allows a user who has write access to the file (by whatever
- means) to modify the permissions on it. Note that a user
- belonging to the group owning the file will not be allowed to
- change permissions if the group is only granted read access.
- Ownership of the file/directory is not changed, only the permissions
- are modified.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">dos filemode = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DOSFILETIMERESOLUTION"></a>dos filetime resolution (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Under the DOS and Windows FAT filesystem, the finest
- granularity on time resolution is two seconds. Setting this parameter
- for a share causes Samba to round the reported time down to the
- nearest two second boundary when a query call that requires one second
- resolution is made to <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a>.</p><p>This option is mainly used as a compatibility option for Visual
- C++ when used against Samba shares. If oplocks are enabled on a
- share, Visual C++ uses two different time reading calls to check if a
- file has changed since it was last read. One of these calls uses a
- one-second granularity, the other uses a two second granularity. As
- the two second call rounds any odd second down, then if the file has a
- timestamp of an odd number of seconds then the two timestamps will not
- match and Visual C++ will keep reporting the file has changed. Setting
- this option causes the two timestamps to match, and Visual C++ is
- happy.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">dos filetime resolution = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="DOSFILETIMES"></a>dos filetimes (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Under DOS and Windows, if a user can write to a
- file they can change the timestamp on it. Under POSIX semantics,
- only the owner of the file or root may change the timestamp. By
- default, Samba runs with POSIX semantics and refuses to change the
- timestamp on a file if the user <b class="command">smbd</b> is acting
- on behalf of is not the file owner. Setting this option to <tt class="constant">
- yes</tt> allows DOS semantics and <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> will change the file
- timestamp as DOS requires.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">dos filetimes = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ENABLERIDALGORITHM"></a>enable rid algorithm (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option is used to control whether or not smbd in Samba 3.0 should fallback
- to the algorithm used by Samba 2.2 to generate user and group RIDs. The longterm
- development goal is to remove the algorithmic mappings of RIDs altogether, but
- this has proved to be difficult. This parameter is mainly provided so that
- developers can turn the algorithm on and off and see what breaks. This parameter
- should not be disabled by non-developers because certain features in Samba will fail
- to work without it.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">enable rid algorithm = &lt;yes&gt;</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ENCRYPTPASSWORDS"></a>encrypt passwords (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean controls whether encrypted passwords
- will be negotiated with the client. Note that Windows NT 4.0 SP3 and
- above and also Windows 98 will by default expect encrypted passwords
- unless a registry entry is changed. To use encrypted passwords in
- Samba see the chapter "User Database" in the Samba HOWTO Collection. </p><p>In order for encrypted passwords to work correctly
- <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> must either
- have access to a local <a href="smbpasswd.5.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbpasswd</span>(5)</span></a> file (see the <a href="smbpasswd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbpasswd</span>(8)</span></a> program for information on how to set up
- and maintain this file), or set the <link linkend="SECURITY"> parameter which
- causes <b class="command">smbd</b> to authenticate against another
- server.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">encrypt passwords = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ENHANCEDBROWSING"></a>enhanced browsing (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option enables a couple of enhancements to
- cross-subnet browse propagation that have been added in Samba
- but which are not standard in Microsoft implementations.
- </p><p>The first enhancement to browse propagation consists of a regular
- wildcard query to a Samba WINS server for all Domain Master Browsers,
- followed by a browse synchronization with each of the returned
- DMBs. The second enhancement consists of a regular randomised browse
- synchronization with all currently known DMBs.</p><p>You may wish to disable this option if you have a problem with empty
- workgroups not disappearing from browse lists. Due to the restrictions
- of the browse protocols these enhancements can cause a empty workgroup
- to stay around forever which can be annoying.</p><p>In general you should leave this option enabled as it makes
- cross-subnet browse propagation much more reliable.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">enhanced browsing = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ENUMPORTSCOMMAND"></a>enumports command (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The concept of a "port" is fairly foreign
- to UNIX hosts. Under Windows NT/2000 print servers, a port
- is associated with a port monitor and generally takes the form of
- a local port (i.e. LPT1:, COM1:, FILE:) or a remote port
- (i.e. LPD Port Monitor, etc...). By default, Samba has only one
- port defined--<tt class="constant">"Samba Printer Port"</tt>. Under
- Windows NT/2000, all printers must have a valid port name.
- If you wish to have a list of ports displayed (<b class="command">smbd
- </b> does not use a port name for anything) other than
- the default <tt class="constant">"Samba Printer Port"</tt>, you
- can define <i class="parameter"><tt>enumports command</tt></i> to point to
- a program which should generate a list of ports, one per line,
- to standard output. This listing will then be used in response
- to the level 1 and 2 EnumPorts() RPC.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no enumports command</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">enumports command = /usr/bin/listports</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="EXEC"></a>exec (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a synonym for <link linkend="PREEXEC">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="FAKEDIRECTORYCREATETIMES"></a>fake directory create times (S)</span></dt><dd><p>NTFS and Windows VFAT file systems keep a create
- time for all files and directories. This is not the same as the
- ctime - status change time - that Unix keeps, so Samba by default
- reports the earliest of the various times Unix does keep. Setting
- this parameter for a share causes Samba to always report midnight
- 1-1-1980 as the create time for directories.</p><p>This option is mainly used as a compatibility option for
- Visual C++ when used against Samba shares. Visual C++ generated
- makefiles have the object directory as a dependency for each object
- file, and a make rule to create the directory. Also, when NMAKE
- compares timestamps it uses the creation time when examining a
- directory. Thus the object directory will be created if it does not
- exist, but once it does exist it will always have an earlier
- timestamp than the object files it contains.</p><p>However, Unix time semantics mean that the create time
- reported by Samba will be updated whenever a file is created or
- or deleted in the directory. NMAKE finds all object files in
- the object directory. The timestamp of the last one built is then
- compared to the timestamp of the object directory. If the
- directory's timestamp if newer, then all object files
- will be rebuilt. Enabling this option
- ensures directories always predate their contents and an NMAKE build
- will proceed as expected.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">fake directory create times = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="FAKEOPLOCKS"></a>fake oplocks (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Oplocks are the way that SMB clients get permission
- from a server to locally cache file operations. If a server grants
- an oplock (opportunistic lock) then the client is free to assume
- that it is the only one accessing the file and it will aggressively
- cache file data. With some oplock types the client may even cache
- file open/close operations. This can give enormous performance benefits.
- </p><p>When you set <b class="command">fake oplocks = yes</b>, <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> will
- always grant oplock requests no matter how many clients are using the file.</p><p>It is generally much better to use the real <link linkend="OPLOCKS"> support rather
- than this parameter.</p><p>If you enable this option on all read-only shares or
- shares that you know will only be accessed from one client at a
- time such as physically read-only media like CDROMs, you will see
- a big performance improvement on many operations. If you enable
- this option on shares where multiple clients may be accessing the
- files read-write at the same time you can get data corruption. Use
- this option carefully!</p><p>Default: <b class="command">fake oplocks = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="FOLLOWSYMLINKS"></a>follow symlinks (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter allows the Samba administrator
- to stop <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> from following symbolic
- links in a particular share. Setting this
- parameter to <tt class="constant">no</tt> prevents any file or directory
- that is a symbolic link from being followed (the user will get an
- error). This option is very useful to stop users from adding a
- symbolic link to <tt class="filename">/etc/passwd</tt> in their home
- directory for instance. However it will slow filename lookups
- down slightly.</p><p>This option is enabled (i.e. <b class="command">smbd</b> will
- follow symbolic links) by default.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">follow symlinks = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="FORCECREATEMODE"></a>force create mode (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies a set of UNIX mode bit
- permissions that will <span class="emphasis"><em>always</em></span> be set on a
- file created by Samba. This is done by bitwise 'OR'ing these bits onto
- the mode bits of a file that is being created or having its
- permissions changed. The default for this parameter is (in octal)
- 000. The modes in this parameter are bitwise 'OR'ed onto the file
- mode after the mask set in the <i class="parameter"><tt>create mask</tt></i>
- parameter is applied.</p><p>See also the parameter <link linkend="CREATEMASK"> for details on masking mode bits on files.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="INHERITPERMISSIONS"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">force create mode = 000</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">force create mode = 0755</b></p><p>would force all created files to have read and execute
- permissions set for 'group' and 'other' as well as the
- read/write/execute bits set for the 'user'.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="FORCEDIRECTORYMODE"></a>force directory mode (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies a set of UNIX mode bit
- permissions that will <span class="emphasis"><em>always</em></span> be set on a directory
- created by Samba. This is done by bitwise 'OR'ing these bits onto the
- mode bits of a directory that is being created. The default for this
- parameter is (in octal) 0000 which will not add any extra permission
- bits to a created directory. This operation is done after the mode
- mask in the parameter <i class="parameter"><tt>directory mask</tt></i> is
- applied.</p><p>See also the parameter <link linkend="DIRECTORYMASK"> for details on masking mode bits
- on created directories.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="INHERITPERMISSIONS"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">force directory mode = 000</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">force directory mode = 0755</b></p><p>would force all created directories to have read and execute
- permissions set for 'group' and 'other' as well as the
- read/write/execute bits set for the 'user'.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="FORCEDIRECTORYSECURITYMODE"></a>force directory security mode (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls what UNIX permission bits
- can be modified when a Windows NT client is manipulating the UNIX
- permission on a directory using the native NT security dialog box.</p><p>This parameter is applied as a mask (OR'ed with) to the
- changed permission bits, thus forcing any bits in this mask that
- the user may have modified to be on. Essentially, one bits in this
- mask may be treated as a set of bits that, when modifying security
- on a directory, the user has always set to be 'on'.</p><p>If not set explicitly this parameter is 000, which
- allows a user to modify all the user/group/world permissions on a
- directory without restrictions.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Note</em></span> that users who can access the
- Samba server through other means can easily bypass this restriction,
- so it is primarily useful for standalone "appliance" systems.
- Administrators of most normal systems will probably want to leave
- it set as 0000.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="DIRECTORYSECURITYMASK">, <link linkend="SECURITYMASK">,
- <link linkend="FORCESECURITYMODE"> parameters.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">force directory security mode = 0</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">force directory security mode = 700</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="FORCEGROUP"></a>force group (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This specifies a UNIX group name that will be
- assigned as the default primary group for all users connecting
- to this service. This is useful for sharing files by ensuring
- that all access to files on service will use the named group for
- their permissions checking. Thus, by assigning permissions for this
- group to the files and directories within this service the Samba
- administrator can restrict or allow sharing of these files.</p><p>In Samba 2.0.5 and above this parameter has extended
- functionality in the following way. If the group name listed here
- has a '+' character prepended to it then the current user accessing
- the share only has the primary group default assigned to this group
- if they are already assigned as a member of that group. This allows
- an administrator to decide that only users who are already in a
- particular group will create files with group ownership set to that
- group. This gives a finer granularity of ownership assignment. For
- example, the setting <tt class="filename">force group = +sys</tt> means
- that only users who are already in group sys will have their default
- primary group assigned to sys when accessing this Samba share. All
- other users will retain their ordinary primary group.</p><p>If the <link linkend="FORCEUSER"> parameter is also set the group specified in
- <i class="parameter"><tt>force group</tt></i> will override the primary group
- set in <i class="parameter"><tt>force user</tt></i>.</p><p>See also <link linkend="FORCEUSER">.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no forced group</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">force group = agroup</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="FORCESECURITYMODE"></a>force security mode (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls what UNIX permission
- bits can be modified when a Windows NT client is manipulating
- the UNIX permission on a file using the native NT security dialog
- box.</p><p>This parameter is applied as a mask (OR'ed with) to the
- changed permission bits, thus forcing any bits in this mask that
- the user may have modified to be on. Essentially, one bits in this
- mask may be treated as a set of bits that, when modifying security
- on a file, the user has always set to be 'on'.</p><p>If not set explicitly this parameter is set to 0,
- and allows a user to modify all the user/group/world permissions on a file,
- with no restrictions.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Note</em></span> that users who can access
- the Samba server through other means can easily bypass this restriction,
- so it is primarily useful for standalone "appliance" systems.
- Administrators of most normal systems will probably want to leave
- this set to 0000.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="FORCEDIRECTORYSECURITYMODE">,
- <link linkend="DIRECTORYSECURITYMASK">, <link linkend="SECURITYMASK"> parameters.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">force security mode = 0</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">force security mode = 700</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="FORCEUSER"></a>force user (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This specifies a UNIX user name that will be
- assigned as the default user for all users connecting to this service.
- This is useful for sharing files. You should also use it carefully
- as using it incorrectly can cause security problems.</p><p>This user name only gets used once a connection is established.
- Thus clients still need to connect as a valid user and supply a
- valid password. Once connected, all file operations will be performed
- as the "forced user", no matter what username the client connected
- as. This can be very useful.</p><p>In Samba 2.0.5 and above this parameter also causes the
- primary group of the forced user to be used as the primary group
- for all file activity. Prior to 2.0.5 the primary group was left
- as the primary group of the connecting user (this was a bug).</p><p>See also <link linkend="FORCEGROUP"></p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no forced user</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">force user = auser</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="FSTYPE"></a>fstype (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter allows the administrator to
- configure the string that specifies the type of filesystem a share
- is using that is reported by <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> when a client queries the filesystem type
- for a share. The default type is <tt class="constant">NTFS</tt> for
- compatibility with Windows NT but this can be changed to other
- strings such as <tt class="constant">Samba</tt> or <tt class="constant">FAT
- </tt> if required.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">fstype = NTFS</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">fstype = Samba</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="GETQUOTACOMMAND"></a>get quota command (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The <b class="command">get quota command</b> should only be used
- whenever there is no operating system API available from the OS that
- samba can use.</p><p>This parameter should specify the path to a script that
- queries the quota information for the specified
- user/group for the partition that
- the specified directory is on.</p><p>Such a script should take 3 arguments:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>directory</p></li><li><p>type of query</p></li><li><p>uid of user or gid of group</p></li></ul></div><p>The type of query can be one of :</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>1 - user quotas</p></li><li><p>2 - user default quotas (uid = -1)</p></li><li><p>3 - group quotas</p></li><li><p>4 - group default quotas (gid = -1)</p></li></ul></div><p>This script should print its output according to the following format:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>Line 1 - quota flags (0 = no quotas, 1 = quotas enabled, 2 = quotas enabled and enforced)</p></li><li><p>Line 2 - number of currently used blocks</p></li><li><p>Line 3 - the softlimit number of blocks</p></li><li><p>Line 4 - the hardlimit number of blocks</p></li><li><p>Line 5 - currently used number of inodes</p></li><li><p>Line 6 - the softlimit number of inodes</p></li><li><p>Line 7 - the hardlimit number of inodes</p></li><li><p>Line 8(optional) - the number of bytes in a block(default is 1024)</p></li></ul></div><p>See also the <link linkend="SETQUOTACOMMAND"> parameter.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">get quota command = </b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">get quota command = /usr/local/sbin/query_quota</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="GETWDCACHE"></a>getwd cache (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a tuning option. When this is enabled a
- caching algorithm will be used to reduce the time taken for getwd()
- calls. This can have a significant impact on performance, especially
- when the <link linkend="WIDELINKS"> parameter is set to <tt class="constant">no</tt>.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">getwd cache = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="GROUP"></a>group (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="FORCEGROUP">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="GUESTACCOUNT"></a>guest account (G,S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a username which will be used for access
- to services which are specified as <link linkend="GUESTOK"> (see below). Whatever privileges this
- user has will be available to any client connecting to the guest service.
- Typically this user will exist in the password file, but will not
- have a valid login. The user account "ftp" is often a good choice
- for this parameter. If a username is specified in a given service,
- the specified username overrides this one.
- </p><p>One some systems the default guest account "nobody" may not
- be able to print. Use another account in this case. You should test
- this by trying to log in as your guest user (perhaps by using the
- <b class="command">su -</b> command) and trying to print using the
- system print command such as <b class="command">lpr(1)</b> or <b class="command">
- lp(1)</b>.</p><p>This parameter does not accept % macros, because
- many parts of the system require this value to be
- constant for correct operation.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>specified at compile time, usually "nobody"</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">guest account = ftp</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="GUESTOK"></a>guest ok (S)</span></dt><dd><p>If this parameter is <tt class="constant">yes</tt> for
- a service, then no password is required to connect to the service.
- Privileges will be those of the <link linkend="GUESTACCOUNT">.</p><p>This paramater nullifies the benifits of setting
- <link linkend="RESTRICTANONYMOUS"> = 2</p><p>See the section below on <link linkend="SECURITY"> for more information about this option.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">guest ok = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="GUESTONLY"></a>guest only (S)</span></dt><dd><p>If this parameter is <tt class="constant">yes</tt> for
- a service, then only guest connections to the service are permitted.
- This parameter will have no effect if <link linkend="GUESTOK"> is not set for the service.</p><p>See the section below on <link linkend="SECURITY"> for more information about this option.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">guest only = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="HIDEDOTFILES"></a>hide dot files (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a boolean parameter that controls whether
- files starting with a dot appear as hidden files.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">hide dot files = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="HIDEFILES"></a>hide files (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a list of files or directories that are not
- visible but are accessible. The DOS 'hidden' attribute is applied
- to any files or directories that match.</p><p>Each entry in the list must be separated by a '/',
- which allows spaces to be included in the entry. '*'
- and '?' can be used to specify multiple files or directories
- as in DOS wildcards.</p><p>Each entry must be a Unix path, not a DOS path and must
- not include the Unix directory separator '/'.</p><p>Note that the case sensitivity option is applicable
- in hiding files.</p><p>Setting this parameter will affect the performance of Samba,
- as it will be forced to check all files and directories for a match
- as they are scanned.</p><p>See also <link linkend="HIDEDOTFILES">, <link linkend="VETOFILES"> and <link linkend="CASESENSITIVE">.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no file are hidden</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">hide files =
- /.*/DesktopFolderDB/TrashFor%m/resource.frk/</b></p><p>The above example is based on files that the Macintosh
- SMB client (DAVE) available from <ulink url="">
- Thursby</ulink> creates for internal use, and also still hides
- all files beginning with a dot.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="HIDELOCALUSERS"></a>hide local users (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter toggles the hiding of local UNIX
- users (root, wheel, floppy, etc) from remote clients.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">hide local users = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="HIDESPECIALFILES"></a>hide special files (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter prevents clients from seeing
- special files such as sockets, devices and fifo's in directory
- listings.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">hide special files = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="HIDEUNREADABLE"></a>hide unreadable (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter prevents clients from seeing the
- existance of files that cannot be read. Defaults to off.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">hide unreadable = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="HIDEUNWRITEABLEFILES"></a>hide unwriteable files (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter prevents clients from seeing
- the existance of files that cannot be written to. Defaults to off.
- Note that unwriteable directories are shown as usual.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">hide unwriteable = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="HOMEDIRMAP"></a>homedir map (G)</span></dt><dd><p>If<link linkend="NISHOMEDIR"> is <tt class="constant">yes</tt>, and <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> is also acting
- as a Win95/98 <i class="parameter"><tt>logon server</tt></i> then this parameter
- specifies the NIS (or YP) map from which the server for the user's
- home directory should be extracted. At present, only the Sun
- auto.home map format is understood. The form of the map is:</p><p><b class="command">username server:/some/file/system</b></p><p>and the program will extract the servername from before
- the first ':'. There should probably be a better parsing system
- that copes with different map formats and also Amd (another
- automounter) maps.</p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>A working NIS client is required on
- the system for this option to work.</p></div><p>See also <link linkend="NISHOMEDIR">, <link linkend="DOMAINLOGONS">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">homedir map = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">homedir map = amd.homedir</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="HOSTMSDFS"></a>host msdfs (G)</span></dt><dd><p>If set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>, Samba will act as a Dfs
- server, and allow Dfs-aware clients to browse Dfs trees hosted
- on the server.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="MSDFSROOT"> share level parameter. For
- more information on setting up a Dfs tree on Samba,
- refer to <link linkend="msdfs">.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">host msdfs = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="HOSTNAMELOOKUPS"></a>hostname lookups (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Specifies whether samba should use (expensive)
- hostname lookups or use the ip addresses instead. An example place
- where hostname lookups are currently used is when checking
- the <b class="command">hosts deny</b> and <b class="command">hosts allow</b>.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">hostname lookups = yes</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">hostname lookups = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="HOSTSALLOW"></a>hosts allow (S)</span></dt><dd><p>A synonym for this parameter is <i class="parameter"><tt>allow
- hosts</tt></i>.</p><p>This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited
- set of hosts which are permitted to access a service.</p><p>If specified in the [global] section then it will
- apply to all services, regardless of whether the individual
- service has a different setting.</p><p>You can specify the hosts by name or IP number. For
- example, you could restrict access to only the hosts on a
- Class C subnet with something like <b class="command">allow hosts = 150.203.5.
- </b>. The full syntax of the list is described in the man
- page <tt class="filename">hosts_access(5)</tt>. Note that this man
- page may not be present on your system, so a brief description will
- be given here also.</p><p>Note that the localhost address will always
- be allowed access unless specifically denied by a <link linkend="HOSTSDENY"> option.</p><p>You can also specify hosts by network/netmask pairs and
- by netgroup names if your system supports netgroups. The
- <span class="emphasis"><em>EXCEPT</em></span> keyword can also be used to limit a
- wildcard list. The following examples may provide some help:</p><p>Example 1: allow all IPs in 150.203.*.*; except one</p><p><b class="command">hosts allow = 150.203. EXCEPT</b></p><p>Example 2: allow hosts that match the given network/netmask</p><p><b class="command">hosts allow =</b></p><p>Example 3: allow a couple of hosts</p><p><b class="command">hosts allow = lapland, arvidsjaur</b></p><p>Example 4: allow only hosts in NIS netgroup "foonet", but
- deny access from one particular host</p><p><b class="command">hosts allow = @foonet</b></p><p><b class="command">hosts deny = pirate</b></p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>Note that access still requires suitable user-level passwords.</p></div><p>See <a href="testparm.1.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">testparm</span>(1)</span></a> for a way of testing your host access
- to see if it does what you expect.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none (i.e., all hosts permitted access)</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">allow hosts = 150.203.5.</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="HOSTSDENY"></a>hosts deny (S)</span></dt><dd><p>The opposite of <i class="parameter"><tt>hosts allow</tt></i>
- - hosts listed here are <span class="emphasis"><em>NOT</em></span> permitted access to
- services unless the specific services have their own lists to override
- this one. Where the lists conflict, the <i class="parameter"><tt>allow</tt></i>
- list takes precedence.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none (i.e., no hosts specifically excluded)</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">hosts deny = 150.203.4.</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="HOSTSEQUIV"></a>hosts equiv (G)</span></dt><dd><p>If this global parameter is a non-null string,
- it specifies the name of a file to read for the names of hosts
- and users who will be allowed access without specifying a password.
- </p><p>This is not be confused with <link linkend="HOSTSALLOW"> which is about hosts
- access to services and is more useful for guest services. <i class="parameter"><tt>
- hosts equiv</tt></i> may be useful for NT clients which will
- not supply passwords to Samba.</p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>The use of <i class="parameter"><tt>hosts equiv
- </tt></i> can be a major security hole. This is because you are
- trusting the PC to supply the correct username. It is very easy to
- get a PC to supply a false username. I recommend that the
- <i class="parameter"><tt>hosts equiv</tt></i> option be only used if you really
- know what you are doing, or perhaps on a home network where you trust
- your spouse and kids. And only if you <span class="emphasis"><em>really</em></span> trust
- them :-).</p></div><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no host equivalences</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">hosts equiv = /etc/hosts.equiv</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="IDMAPBACKEND"></a>idmap backend (G)</span></dt><dd><p>
- The purpose of the idmap backend parameter is to allow idmap to NOT use the local idmap
- tdb file to obtain SID to UID / GID mappings, but instead to obtain them from a common
- LDAP backend. This way all domain members and controllers will have the same UID and GID
- to SID mappings. This avoids the risk of UID / GID inconsistencies across UNIX / Linux
- systems that are sharing information over protocols other than SMB/CIFS (ie: NFS).
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">idmap backend = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">idmap backend = ldap:ldap://</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="IDMAPGID"></a>idmap gid (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The idmap gid parameter specifies the range of group ids that are allocated for
- the purpose of mapping UNX groups to NT group SIDs. This range of group ids should have no
- existing local or NIS groups within it as strange conflicts can occur otherwise.</p><p>The availability of an idmap gid range is essential for correct operation of
- all group mapping.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">idmap gid = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">idmap gid = 10000-20000</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="IDMAPUID"></a>idmap uid (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The idmap uid parameter specifies the range of user ids that are allocated for use
- in mapping UNIX users to NT user SIDs. This range of ids should have no existing local
- or NIS users within it as strange conflicts can occur otherwise.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">idmap uid = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">idmap uid = 10000-20000</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="INCLUDE"></a>include (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This allows you to include one config file
- inside another. The file is included literally, as though typed
- in place.</p><p>It takes the standard substitutions, except <i class="parameter"><tt>%u
- </tt></i>, <i class="parameter"><tt>%P</tt></i> and <i class="parameter"><tt>%S</tt></i>.
- </p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no file included</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">include = /usr/local/samba/lib/admin_smb.conf</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="INHERITACLS"></a>inherit acls (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter can be used to ensure that if default acls
- exist on parent directories, they are always honored when creating a
- subdirectory. The default behavior is to use the mode specified when
- creating the directory. Enabling this option sets the mode to 0777,
- thus guaranteeing that default directory acls are propagated.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">inherit acls = no</b>
-</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="INHERITPERMISSIONS"></a>inherit permissions (S)</span></dt><dd><p>The permissions on new files and directories
- are normally governed by <link linkend="CREATEMASK">, <link linkend="DIRECTORYMASK">, <link linkend="FORCECREATEMODE"> and <link linkend="FORCEDIRECTORYMODE"> but the boolean inherit
- permissions parameter overrides this.</p><p>New directories inherit the mode of the parent directory,
- including bits such as setgid.</p><p>New files inherit their read/write bits from the parent
- directory. Their execute bits continue to be determined by
- <link linkend="MAPARCHIVE">, <link linkend="MAPHIDDEN"> and <link linkend="MAPSYSTEM"> as usual.</p><p>Note that the setuid bit is <span class="emphasis"><em>never</em></span> set via
- inheritance (the code explicitly prohibits this).</p><p>This can be particularly useful on large systems with
- many users, perhaps several thousand, to allow a single [homes]
- share to be used flexibly by each user.</p><p>See also <link linkend="CREATEMASK">, <link linkend="DIRECTORYMASK">, <link linkend="FORCECREATEMODE"> and <link linkend="FORCEDIRECTORYMODE">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">inherit permissions = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="INTERFACES"></a>interfaces (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option allows you to override the default
- network interfaces list that Samba will use for browsing, name
- registration and other NBT traffic. By default Samba will query
- the kernel for the list of all active interfaces and use any
- interfaces except that are broadcast capable.</p><p>The option takes a list of interface strings. Each string
- can be in any of the following forms:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>a network interface name (such as eth0).
- This may include shell-like wildcards so eth* will match
- any interface starting with the substring "eth"</p></li><li><p>an IP address. In this case the netmask is
- determined from the list of interfaces obtained from the
- kernel</p></li><li><p>an IP/mask pair. </p></li><li><p>a broadcast/mask pair.</p></li></ul></div><p>The "mask" parameters can either be a bit length (such
- as 24 for a C class network) or a full netmask in dotted
- decimal form.</p><p>The "IP" parameters above can either be a full dotted
- decimal IP address or a hostname which will be looked up via
- the OS's normal hostname resolution mechanisms.</p><p>For example, the following line:</p><p><b class="command">interfaces = eth0</b></p><p>would configure three network interfaces corresponding
- to the eth0 device and IP addresses and
- The netmasks of the latter two interfaces would be set to</p><p>See also <link linkend="BINDINTERFACESONLY">.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>all active interfaces except
- that are broadcast capable</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="INVALIDUSERS"></a>invalid users (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a list of users that should not be allowed
- to login to this service. This is really a <span class="emphasis"><em>paranoid</em></span>
- check to absolutely ensure an improper setting does not breach
- your security.</p><p>A name starting with a '@' is interpreted as an NIS
- netgroup first (if your system supports NIS), and then as a UNIX
- group if the name was not found in the NIS netgroup database.</p><p>A name starting with '+' is interpreted only
- by looking in the UNIX group database. A name starting with
- '&amp;' is interpreted only by looking in the NIS netgroup database
- (this requires NIS to be working on your system). The characters
- '+' and '&amp;' may be used at the start of the name in either order
- so the value <i class="parameter"><tt>+&amp;group</tt></i> means check the
- UNIX group database, followed by the NIS netgroup database, and
- the value <i class="parameter"><tt>&amp;+group</tt></i> means check the NIS
- netgroup database, followed by the UNIX group database (the
- same as the '@' prefix).</p><p>The current servicename is substituted for <i class="parameter"><tt>%S</tt></i>.
- This is useful in the [homes] section.</p><p>See also <link linkend="VALIDUSERS">.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no invalid users</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">invalid users = root fred admin @wheel</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="KEEPALIVE"></a>keepalive (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The value of the parameter (an integer) represents
- the number of seconds between <i class="parameter"><tt>keepalive</tt></i>
- packets. If this parameter is zero, no keepalive packets will be
- sent. Keepalive packets, if sent, allow the server to tell whether
- a client is still present and responding.</p><p>Keepalives should, in general, not be needed if the socket
- being used has the SO_KEEPALIVE attribute set on it (see <link linkend="SOCKETOPTIONS">).
- Basically you should only use this option if you strike difficulties.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">keepalive = 300</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">keepalive = 600</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="KERNELCHANGENOTIFY"></a>kernel change notify (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies whether Samba should ask the
- kernel for change notifications in directories so that
- SMB clients can refresh whenever the data on the server changes.
- </p><p>This parameter is only usd when your kernel supports
- change notification to user programs, using the F_NOTIFY fcntl.
- </p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>Yes</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="KERNELOPLOCKS"></a>kernel oplocks (G)</span></dt><dd><p>For UNIXes that support kernel based <link linkend="OPLOCKS">
- (currently only IRIX and the Linux 2.4 kernel), this parameter
- allows the use of them to be turned on or off.</p><p>Kernel oplocks support allows Samba <i class="parameter"><tt>oplocks
- </tt></i> to be broken whenever a local UNIX process or NFS operation
- accesses a file that <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> has oplocked. This allows complete
- data consistency between SMB/CIFS, NFS and local file access (and is
- a <span class="emphasis"><em>very</em></span> cool feature :-).</p><p>This parameter defaults to <tt class="constant">on</tt>, but is translated
- to a no-op on systems that no not have the necessary kernel support.
- You should never need to touch this parameter.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="OPLOCKS"> and <link linkend="LEVEL2OPLOCKS"> parameters.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">kernel oplocks = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LANMANAUTH"></a>lanman auth (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter determines whether or not <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> will attempt to authenticate users
- using the LANMAN password hash. If disabled, only clients which support NT
- password hashes (e.g. Windows NT/2000 clients, smbclient, etc... but not
- Windows 95/98 or the MS DOS network client) will be able to connect to the Samba host.</p><p>The LANMAN encrypted response is easily broken, due to it's
- case-insensitive nature, and the choice of algorithm. Servers
- without Windows 95/98 or MS DOS clients are advised to disable
- this option. </p><p>Unlike the <b class="command">encypt
- passwords</b> option, this parameter cannot alter client
- behaviour, and the LANMAN response will still be sent over the
- network. See the <b class="command">client lanman
- auth</b> to disable this for Samba's clients (such as smbclient)</p><p>If this option, and <b class="command">ntlm
- auth</b> are both disabled, then only NTLMv2 logins will be
- permited. Not all clients support NTLMv2, and most will require
- special configuration to us it.</p><p>Default : <b class="command">lanman auth = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LARGEREADWRITE"></a>large readwrite (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter determines whether or not
- <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> supports the new 64k
- streaming read and write varient SMB requests introduced with
- Windows 2000. Note that due to Windows 2000 client redirector bugs
- this requires Samba to be running on a 64-bit capable operating
- system such as IRIX, Solaris or a Linux 2.4 kernel. Can improve
- performance by 10% with Windows 2000 clients. Defaults to on. Not as
- tested as some other Samba code paths.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">large readwrite = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LDAPADMINDN"></a>ldap admin dn (G)</span></dt><dd><p> The <i class="parameter"><tt>ldap admin dn</tt></i>
- defines the Distinguished Name (DN) name used by Samba to
- contact the ldap server when retreiving user account
- information. The <i class="parameter"><tt>ldap admin
- dn</tt></i> is used in conjunction with the admin dn password
- stored in the <tt class="filename">private/secrets.tdb</tt> file.
- See the <a href="smbpasswd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbpasswd</span>(8)</span></a> man page for more
- information on how to accmplish this.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LDAPDELETEDN"></a>ldap delete dn (G)</span></dt><dd><p> This parameter specifies whether a delete
- operation in the ldapsam deletes the complete entry or only the attributes
- specific to Samba.
- </p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>ldap delete dn = no</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LDAPFILTER"></a>ldap filter (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the RFC 2254 compliant LDAP search filter.
- The default is to match the login name with the <tt class="constant">uid</tt>
- attribute for all entries matching the <tt class="constant">sambaAccount</tt>
- objectclass. Note that this filter should only return one entry.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">ldap filter = (&amp;(uid=%u)(objectclass=sambaAccount))</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LDAPGROUPSUFFIX"></a>ldap group suffix (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameters specifies the suffix that is
- used for groups when these are added to the LDAP directory.
- If this parameter is unset, the value of <i class="parameter"><tt>ldap suffix</tt></i> will be used instead.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none</em></span></p><p>Example: <span class="emphasis"><em>dc=samba,ou=Groups</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LDAPIDMAPSUFFIX"></a>ldap idmap suffix (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameters specifies the suffix that is
- used when storing idmap mappings. If this parameter
- is unset, the value of <i class="parameter"><tt>ldap suffix</tt></i>
- will be used instead.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none</em></span></p><p>Example: <span class="emphasis"><em>ou=Idmap,dc=samba,dc=org</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LDAPMACHINESUFFIX"></a>ldap machine suffix (G)</span></dt><dd><p>It specifies where machines should be added to the ldap tree.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LDAPPASSWDSYNC"></a>ldap passwd sync (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option is used to define whether
- or not Samba should sync the LDAP password with the NT
- and LM hashes for normal accounts (NOT for
- workstation, server or domain trusts) on a password
- change via SAMBA.
- </p><p>The <i class="parameter"><tt>ldap passwd
- sync</tt></i> can be set to one of three values: </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>Yes</tt></i> = Try
- to update the LDAP, NT and LM passwords and update the pwdLastSet time.</p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>No</tt></i> = Update NT and
- LM passwords and update the pwdLastSet time.</p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>Only</tt></i> = Only update
- the LDAP password and let the LDAP server do the rest.</p></li></ul></div><p>Default: <b class="command">ldap passwd sync = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LDAPPORT"></a>ldap port (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter is only available if Samba has been
- configure to include the <b class="command">--with-ldapsam</b> option
- at compile time.</p><p>This option is used to control the tcp port number used to contact
- the <link linkend="LDAPSERVER">.
- The default is to use the stand LDAPS port 636.</p><p>See Also: <link linkend="LDAPSSL"></p><p>Default : <b class="command">ldap port = 636 ; if ldap ssl = on</b></p><p>Default : <b class="command">ldap port = 389 ; if ldap ssl = off</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LDAPSERVER"></a>ldap server (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter is only available if Samba has been
- configure to include the <b class="command">--with-ldapsam</b>
- option at compile time.</p><p>This parameter should contain the FQDN of the ldap directory
- server which should be queried to locate user account information.
- </p><p>Default : <b class="command">ldap server = localhost</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LDAPSSL"></a>ldap ssl (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option is used to define whether or not Samba should
- use SSL when connecting to the ldap server
- This is <span class="emphasis"><em>NOT</em></span> related to
- Samba's previous SSL support which was enabled by specifying the
- <b class="command">--with-ssl</b> option to the <tt class="filename">configure</tt>
- script.</p><p>The <i class="parameter"><tt>ldap ssl</tt></i> can be set to one of three values:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>Off</tt></i> = Never
- use SSL when querying the directory.</p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>Start_tls</tt></i> = Use
- the LDAPv3 StartTLS extended operation (RFC2830) for
- communicating with the directory server.</p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>On</tt></i> = Use SSL
- on the ldaps port when contacting the <i class="parameter"><tt>ldap server</tt></i>. Only available when the
- backwards-compatiblity <b class="command">--with-ldapsam</b> option is specified
- to configure. See <link linkend="PASSDBBACKEND"></p></li></ul></div><p>Default : <b class="command">ldap ssl = start_tls</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LDAPSUFFIX"></a>ldap suffix (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Specifies where user and machine accounts are added to the
- tree. Can be overriden by <b class="command">ldap user
- suffix</b> and <b class="command">ldap machine
- suffix</b>. It also used as the base dn for all ldap
- searches. </p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LDAPUSERSUFFIX"></a>ldap user suffix (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies where users are added to the tree.
- If this parameter is not specified, the value from <b class="command">ldap suffix</b>.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LEVEL2OPLOCKS"></a>level2 oplocks (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls whether Samba supports
- level2 (read-only) oplocks on a share.</p><p>Level2, or read-only oplocks allow Windows NT clients
- that have an oplock on a file to downgrade from a read-write oplock
- to a read-only oplock once a second client opens the file (instead
- of releasing all oplocks on a second open, as in traditional,
- exclusive oplocks). This allows all openers of the file that
- support level2 oplocks to cache the file for read-ahead only (ie.
- they may not cache writes or lock requests) and increases performance
- for many accesses of files that are not commonly written (such as
- application .EXE files).</p><p>Once one of the clients which have a read-only oplock
- writes to the file all clients are notified (no reply is needed
- or waited for) and told to break their oplocks to "none" and
- delete any read-ahead caches.</p><p>It is recommended that this parameter be turned on to
- speed access to shared executables.</p><p>For more discussions on level2 oplocks see the CIFS spec.</p><p>Currently, if <link linkend="KERNELOPLOCKS"> are supported then level2 oplocks are
- not granted (even if this parameter is set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>).
- Note also, the <link linkend="OPLOCKS"> parameter must be set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt> on this share in order for
- this parameter to have any effect.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="OPLOCKS"> and <link linkend="OPLOCKS"> parameters.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">level2 oplocks = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LMANNOUNCE"></a>lm announce (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter determines if <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a> will produce Lanman announce
- broadcasts that are needed by OS/2 clients in order for them to see
- the Samba server in their browse list. This parameter can have three
- values, <tt class="constant">yes</tt>, <tt class="constant">no</tt>, or
- <tt class="constant">auto</tt>. The default is <tt class="constant">auto</tt>.
- If set to <tt class="constant">no</tt> Samba will never produce these
- broadcasts. If set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt> Samba will produce
- Lanman announce broadcasts at a frequency set by the parameter
- <i class="parameter"><tt>lm interval</tt></i>. If set to <tt class="constant">auto</tt>
- Samba will not send Lanman announce broadcasts by default but will
- listen for them. If it hears such a broadcast on the wire it will
- then start sending them at a frequency set by the parameter
- <i class="parameter"><tt>lm interval</tt></i>.</p><p>See also <link linkend="LMINTERVAL">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">lm announce = auto</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">lm announce = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LMINTERVAL"></a>lm interval (G)</span></dt><dd><p>If Samba is set to produce Lanman announce
- broadcasts needed by OS/2 clients (see the <link linkend="LMANNOUNCE"> parameter) then this
- parameter defines the frequency in seconds with which they will be
- made. If this is set to zero then no Lanman announcements will be
- made despite the setting of the <i class="parameter"><tt>lm announce</tt></i>
- parameter.</p><p>See also <link linkend="LMANNOUNCE">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">lm interval = 60</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">lm interval = 120</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOADPRINTERS"></a>load printers (G)</span></dt><dd><p>A boolean variable that controls whether all
- printers in the printcap will be loaded for browsing by default.
- See the <link linkend="PRINTERSSECT"> section for
- more details.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">load printers = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOCALMASTER"></a>local master (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option allows <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a> to try and become a local master browser
- on a subnet. If set to <tt class="constant">no</tt> then <b class="command">
- nmbd</b> will not attempt to become a local master browser
- on a subnet and will also lose in all browsing elections. By
- default this value is set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>. Setting this value to
- <tt class="constant">yes</tt> doesn't mean that Samba will <span class="emphasis"><em>become</em></span> the
- local master browser on a subnet, just that <b class="command">nmbd</b>
- will <span class="emphasis"><em>participate</em></span> in elections for local master browser.</p><p>Setting this value to <tt class="constant">no</tt> will cause <b class="command">nmbd</b> <span class="emphasis"><em>never</em></span> to become a local
- master browser.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">local master = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOCKDIR"></a>lock dir (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="LOCKDIRECTORY">.
-</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOCKDIRECTORY"></a>lock directory (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option specifies the directory where lock
- files will be placed. The lock files are used to implement the
- <link linkend="MAXCONNECTIONS"> option.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">lock directory = ${prefix}/var/locks</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">lock directory = /var/run/samba/locks</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOCKING"></a>locking (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls whether or not locking will be
- performed by the server in response to lock requests from the
- client.</p><p>If <b class="command">locking = no</b>, all lock and unlock
- requests will appear to succeed and all lock queries will report
- that the file in question is available for locking.</p><p>If <b class="command">locking = yes</b>, real locking will be performed
- by the server.</p><p>This option <span class="emphasis"><em>may</em></span> be useful for read-only
- filesystems which <span class="emphasis"><em>may</em></span> not need locking (such as
- CDROM drives), although setting this parameter of <tt class="constant">no</tt>
- is not really recommended even in this case.</p><p>Be careful about disabling locking either globally or in a
- specific service, as lack of locking may result in data corruption.
- You should never need to set this parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">locking = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOCKSPINCOUNT"></a>lock spin count (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls the number of times
- that smbd should attempt to gain a byte range lock on the
- behalf of a client request. Experiments have shown that
- Windows 2k servers do not reply with a failure if the lock
- could not be immediately granted, but try a few more times
- in case the lock could later be aquired. This behavior
- is used to support PC database formats such as MS Access
- and FoxPro.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">lock spin count = 3</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOCKSPINTIME"></a>lock spin time (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The time in microseconds that smbd should
- pause before attempting to gain a failed lock. See
- <link linkend="LOCKSPINCOUNT"> for more details.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">lock spin time = 10</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOGFILE"></a>log file (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option allows you to override the name
- of the Samba log file (also known as the debug file).</p><p>This option takes the standard substitutions, allowing
- you to have separate log files for each user or machine.</p><p>Example: <b class="command">log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOGLEVEL"></a>log level (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The value of the parameter (a astring) allows
- the debug level (logging level) to be specified in the
- <tt class="filename">smb.conf</tt> file. This parameter has been
- extended since the 2.2.x series, now it allow to specify the debug
- level for multiple debug classes. This is to give greater
- flexibility in the configuration of the system.</p><p>The default will be the log level specified on
- the command line or level zero if none was specified.</p><p>Example: <b class="command">log level = 3 passdb:5 auth:10 winbind:2</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOGONDRIVE"></a>logon drive (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the local path to
- which the home directory will be connected (see <link linkend="LOGONHOME">)
- and is only used by NT Workstations. </p><p>Note that this option is only useful if Samba is set up as a
- logon server.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">logon drive = z:</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">logon drive = h:</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOGONHOME"></a>logon home (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the home directory
- location when a Win95/98 or NT Workstation logs into a Samba PDC.
- It allows you to do </p><p><tt class="prompt">C:\&gt;</tt>
- <b class="userinput"><tt>NET USE H: /HOME</tt></b>
- </p><p>from a command prompt, for example.</p><p>This option takes the standard substitutions, allowing
- you to have separate logon scripts for each user or machine.</p><p>This parameter can be used with Win9X workstations to ensure
- that roaming profiles are stored in a subdirectory of the user's
- home directory. This is done in the following way:</p><p><b class="command">logon home = \\%N\%U\profile</b></p><p>This tells Samba to return the above string, with
- substitutions made when a client requests the info, generally
- in a NetUserGetInfo request. Win9X clients truncate the info to
- \\server\share when a user does <b class="command">net use /home</b>
- but use the whole string when dealing with profiles.</p><p>Note that in prior versions of Samba, the <link linkend="LOGONPATH"> was returned rather than
- <i class="parameter"><tt>logon home</tt></i>. This broke <b class="command">net use /home</b> but allowed profiles outside the home directory.
- The current implementation is correct, and can be used for profiles if you use
- the above trick.</p><p>This option is only useful if Samba is set up as a logon
- server.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">logon home = "\\%N\%U"</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">logon home = "\\remote_smb_server\%U"</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOGONPATH"></a>logon path (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the home directory
- where roaming profiles (NTuser.dat etc files for Windows NT) are
- stored. Contrary to previous versions of these manual pages, it has
- nothing to do with Win 9X roaming profiles. To find out how to
- handle roaming profiles for Win 9X system, see the <link linkend="LOGONHOME"> parameter.</p><p>This option takes the standard substitutions, allowing you
- to have separate logon scripts for each user or machine. It also
- specifies the directory from which the "Application Data",
- (<tt class="filename">desktop</tt>, <tt class="filename">start menu</tt>,
- <tt class="filename">network neighborhood</tt>, <tt class="filename">programs</tt>
- and other folders, and their contents, are loaded and displayed on
- your Windows NT client.</p><p>The share and the path must be readable by the user for
- the preferences and directories to be loaded onto the Windows NT
- client. The share must be writeable when the user logs in for the first
- time, in order that the Windows NT client can create the NTuser.dat
- and other directories.</p><p>Thereafter, the directories and any of the contents can,
- if required, be made read-only. It is not advisable that the
- NTuser.dat file be made read-only - rename it to to
- achieve the desired effect (a <span class="emphasis"><em>MAN</em></span>datory
- profile). </p><p>Windows clients can sometimes maintain a connection to
- the [homes] share, even though there is no user logged in.
- Therefore, it is vital that the logon path does not include a
- reference to the homes share (i.e. setting this parameter to
- \%N\%U\profile_path will cause problems).</p><p>This option takes the standard substitutions, allowing
- you to have separate logon scripts for each user or machine.</p><p>Note that this option is only useful if Samba is set up
- as a logon server.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">logon path = \\%N\%U\profile</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">logon path = \\PROFILESERVER\PROFILE\%U</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LOGONSCRIPT"></a>logon script (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the batch file (.bat) or
- NT command file (.cmd) to be downloaded and run on a machine when
- a user successfully logs in. The file must contain the DOS
- style CR/LF line endings. Using a DOS-style editor to create the
- file is recommended.</p><p>The script must be a relative path to the [netlogon]
- service. If the [netlogon] service specifies a <link linkend="PATH"> of <tt class="filename">/usr/local/samba/netlogon</tt>, and <b class="command">logon script = STARTUP.BAT</b>, then
- the file that will be downloaded is:</p><p><tt class="filename">/usr/local/samba/netlogon/STARTUP.BAT</tt></p><p>The contents of the batch file are entirely your choice. A
- suggested command would be to add <b class="command">NET TIME \\SERVER /SET
- /YES</b>, to force every machine to synchronize clocks with
- the same time server. Another use would be to add <b class="command">NET USE
- U: \\SERVER\UTILS</b> for commonly used utilities, or </p><pre class="screen">
- <b class="userinput"><tt>NET USE Q: \\SERVER\ISO9001_QA</tt></b></pre><p> for example.</p><p>Note that it is particularly important not to allow write
- access to the [netlogon] share, or to grant users write permission
- on the batch files in a secure environment, as this would allow
- the batch files to be arbitrarily modified and security to be
- breached.</p><p>This option takes the standard substitutions, allowing you
- to have separate logon scripts for each user or machine.</p><p>This option is only useful if Samba is set up as a logon
- server.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no logon script defined</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">logon script = scripts\%U.bat</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LPPAUSECOMMAND"></a>lppause command (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the command to be
- executed on the server host in order to stop printing or spooling
- a specific print job.</p><p>This command should be a program or script which takes
- a printer name and job number to pause the print job. One way
- of implementing this is by using job priorities, where jobs
- having a too low priority won't be sent to the printer.</p><p>If a <i class="parameter"><tt>%p</tt></i> is given then the printer name
- is put in its place. A <i class="parameter"><tt>%j</tt></i> is replaced with
- the job number (an integer). On HPUX (see <i class="parameter"><tt>printing=hpux
- </tt></i>), if the <i class="parameter"><tt>-p%p</tt></i> option is added
- to the lpq command, the job will show up with the correct status, i.e.
- if the job priority is lower than the set fence priority it will
- have the PAUSED status, whereas if the priority is equal or higher it
- will have the SPOOLED or PRINTING status.</p><p>Note that it is good practice to include the absolute path
- in the lppause command as the PATH may not be available to the server.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="PRINTING"> parameter.</p><p>Default: Currently no default value is given to
- this string, unless the value of the <i class="parameter"><tt>printing</tt></i>
- parameter is <tt class="constant">SYSV</tt>, in which case the default is :</p><p><b class="command">lp -i %p-%j -H hold</b></p><p>or if the value of the <i class="parameter"><tt>printing</tt></i> parameter
- is <tt class="constant">SOFTQ</tt>, then the default is:</p><p><b class="command">qstat -s -j%j -h</b></p><p>Example for HPUX: <b class="command">lppause command = /usr/bin/lpalt %p-%j -p0</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LPQCACHETIME"></a>lpq cache time (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls how long lpq info will be cached
- for to prevent the <b class="command">lpq</b> command being called too
- often. A separate cache is kept for each variation of the <b class="command">
- lpq</b> command used by the system, so if you use different
- <b class="command">lpq</b> commands for different users then they won't
- share cache information.</p><p>The cache files are stored in <tt class="filename">/tmp/lpq.xxxx</tt>
- where xxxx is a hash of the <b class="command">lpq</b> command in use.</p><p>The default is 10 seconds, meaning that the cached results
- of a previous identical <b class="command">lpq</b> command will be used
- if the cached data is less than 10 seconds old. A large value may
- be advisable if your <b class="command">lpq</b> command is very slow.</p><p>A value of 0 will disable caching completely.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="PRINTING"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">lpq cache time = 10</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">lpq cache time = 30</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LPQCOMMAND"></a>lpq command (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the command to be
- executed on the server host in order to obtain <b class="command">lpq
- </b>-style printer status information.</p><p>This command should be a program or script which
- takes a printer name as its only parameter and outputs printer
- status information.</p><p>Currently nine styles of printer status information
- are supported; BSD, AIX, LPRNG, PLP, SYSV, HPUX, QNX, CUPS, and SOFTQ.
- This covers most UNIX systems. You control which type is expected
- using the <i class="parameter"><tt>printing =</tt></i> option.</p><p>Some clients (notably Windows for Workgroups) may not
- correctly send the connection number for the printer they are
- requesting status information about. To get around this, the
- server reports on the first printer service connected to by the
- client. This only happens if the connection number sent is invalid.</p><p>If a <i class="parameter"><tt>%p</tt></i> is given then the printer name
- is put in its place. Otherwise it is placed at the end of the
- command.</p><p>Note that it is good practice to include the absolute path
- in the <i class="parameter"><tt>lpq command</tt></i> as the <tt class="envar">$PATH
- </tt> may not be available to the server. When compiled with
- the CUPS libraries, no <i class="parameter"><tt>lpq command</tt></i> is
- needed because smbd will make a library call to obtain the
- print queue listing.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="PRINTING"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>depends on the setting of <i class="parameter"><tt>
- printing</tt></i></em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">lpq command = /usr/bin/lpq -P%p</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LPRESUMECOMMAND"></a>lpresume command (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the command to be
- executed on the server host in order to restart or continue
- printing or spooling a specific print job.</p><p>This command should be a program or script which takes
- a printer name and job number to resume the print job. See
- also the <link linkend="LPPAUSECOMMAND"> parameter.</p><p>If a <i class="parameter"><tt>%p</tt></i> is given then the printer name
- is put in its place. A <i class="parameter"><tt>%j</tt></i> is replaced with
- the job number (an integer).</p><p>Note that it is good practice to include the absolute path
- in the <i class="parameter"><tt>lpresume command</tt></i> as the PATH may not
- be available to the server.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="PRINTING"> parameter.</p><p>Default: Currently no default value is given
- to this string, unless the value of the <i class="parameter"><tt>printing</tt></i>
- parameter is <tt class="constant">SYSV</tt>, in which case the default is :</p><p><b class="command">lp -i %p-%j -H resume</b></p><p>or if the value of the <i class="parameter"><tt>printing</tt></i> parameter
- is <tt class="constant">SOFTQ</tt>, then the default is:</p><p><b class="command">qstat -s -j%j -r</b></p><p>Example for HPUX: <b class="command">lpresume command = /usr/bin/lpalt %p-%j -p2</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="LPRMCOMMAND"></a>lprm command (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the command to be
- executed on the server host in order to delete a print job.</p><p>This command should be a program or script which takes
- a printer name and job number, and deletes the print job.</p><p>If a <i class="parameter"><tt>%p</tt></i> is given then the printer name
- is put in its place. A <i class="parameter"><tt>%j</tt></i> is replaced with
- the job number (an integer).</p><p>Note that it is good practice to include the absolute
- path in the <i class="parameter"><tt>lprm command</tt></i> as the PATH may not be
- available to the server.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="PRINTING"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>depends on the setting of <i class="parameter"><tt>printing
- </tt></i></em></span></p><p>Example 1: <b class="command">lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm -P%p %j</b></p><p>Example 2: <b class="command">lprm command = /usr/bin/cancel %p-%j</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MACHINEPASSWORDTIMEOUT"></a>machine password timeout (G)</span></dt><dd><p>If a Samba server is a member of a Windows
- NT Domain (see the <link linkend="SECURITYEQUALSDOMAIN">)
- parameter) then periodically a running smbd
- process will try and change the MACHINE ACCOUNT
- PASSWORD stored in the TDB called <tt class="filename">private/secrets.tdb
- </tt>. This parameter specifies how often this password
- will be changed, in seconds. The default is one week (expressed in
- seconds), the same as a Windows NT Domain member server.</p><p>See also <a href="smbpasswd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbpasswd</span>(8)</span></a>, and the <link linkend="SECURITYEQUALSDOMAIN">) parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">machine password timeout = 604800</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAGICOUTPUT"></a>magic output (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the name of a file
- which will contain output created by a magic script (see the
- <link linkend="MAGICSCRIPT">
- parameter below).</p><p>Warning: If two clients use the same <i class="parameter"><tt>magic script
- </tt></i> in the same directory the output file content
- is undefined.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">magic output = &lt;magic script name&gt;.out</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">magic output = myfile.txt</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAGICSCRIPT"></a>magic script (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the name of a file which,
- if opened, will be executed by the server when the file is closed.
- This allows a UNIX script to be sent to the Samba host and
- executed on behalf of the connected user.</p><p>Scripts executed in this way will be deleted upon
- completion assuming that the user has the appropriate level
- of privilege and the file permissions allow the deletion.</p><p>If the script generates output, output will be sent to
- the file specified by the <link linkend="MAGICOUTPUT"> parameter (see above).</p><p>Note that some shells are unable to interpret scripts
- containing CR/LF instead of CR as
- the end-of-line marker. Magic scripts must be executable
- <span class="emphasis"><em>as is</em></span> on the host, which for some hosts and
- some shells will require filtering at the DOS end.</p><p>Magic scripts are <span class="emphasis"><em>EXPERIMENTAL</em></span> and
- should <span class="emphasis"><em>NOT</em></span> be relied upon.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>None. Magic scripts disabled.</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">magic script = user.csh</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MANGLECASE"></a>mangle case (S)</span></dt><dd><p>See the section on <link linkend="NAMEMANGLINGSECT"></p><p>Default: <b class="command">mangle case = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MANGLEDMAP"></a>mangled map (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is for those who want to directly map UNIX
- file names which cannot be represented on Windows/DOS. The mangling
- of names is not always what is needed. In particular you may have
- documents with file extensions that differ between DOS and UNIX.
- For example, under UNIX it is common to use <tt class="filename">.html</tt>
- for HTML files, whereas under Windows/DOS <tt class="filename">.htm</tt>
- is more commonly used.</p><p>So to map <tt class="filename">html</tt> to <tt class="filename">htm</tt>
- you would use:</p><p><b class="command">mangled map = (*.html *.htm)</b></p><p>One very useful case is to remove the annoying <tt class="filename">;1
- </tt> off the ends of filenames on some CDROMs (only visible
- under some UNIXes). To do this use a map of (*;1 *;).</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no mangled map</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">mangled map = (*;1 *;)</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MANGLEDNAMES"></a>mangled names (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls whether non-DOS names under UNIX
- should be mapped to DOS-compatible names ("mangled") and made visible,
- or whether non-DOS names should simply be ignored.</p><p>See the section on <link linkend="NAMEMANGLINGSECT"> for
- details on how to control the mangling process.</p><p>If mangling is used then the mangling algorithm is as follows:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>The first (up to) five alphanumeric characters
- before the rightmost dot of the filename are preserved, forced
- to upper case, and appear as the first (up to) five characters
- of the mangled name.</p></li><li><p>A tilde "~" is appended to the first part of the mangled
- name, followed by a two-character unique sequence, based on the
- original root name (i.e., the original filename minus its final
- extension). The final extension is included in the hash calculation
- only if it contains any upper case characters or is longer than three
- characters.</p><p>Note that the character to use may be specified using
- the <link linkend="MANGLINGCHAR"> option, if you don't like '~'.</p></li><li><p>The first three alphanumeric characters of the final
- extension are preserved, forced to upper case and appear as the
- extension of the mangled name. The final extension is defined as that
- part of the original filename after the rightmost dot. If there are no
- dots in the filename, the mangled name will have no extension (except
- in the case of "hidden files" - see below).</p></li><li><p>Files whose UNIX name begins with a dot will be
- presented as DOS hidden files. The mangled name will be created as
- for other filenames, but with the leading dot removed and "___" as
- its extension regardless of actual original extension (that's three
- underscores).</p></li></ul></div><p>The two-digit hash value consists of upper case alphanumeric characters.</p><p>This algorithm can cause name collisions only if files
- in a directory share the same first five alphanumeric characters.
- The probability of such a clash is 1/1300.</p><p>The name mangling (if enabled) allows a file to be
- copied between UNIX directories from Windows/DOS while retaining
- the long UNIX filename. UNIX files can be renamed to a new extension
- from Windows/DOS and will retain the same basename. Mangled names
- do not change between sessions.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">mangled names = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MANGLEDSTACK"></a>mangled stack (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls the number of mangled names
- that should be cached in the Samba server <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a>.</p><p>This stack is a list of recently mangled base names
- (extensions are only maintained if they are longer than 3 characters
- or contains upper case characters).</p><p>The larger this value, the more likely it is that mangled
- names can be successfully converted to correct long UNIX names.
- However, large stack sizes will slow most directory accesses. Smaller
- stacks save memory in the server (each stack element costs 256 bytes).
- </p><p>It is not possible to absolutely guarantee correct long
- filenames, so be prepared for some surprises!</p><p>Default: <b class="command">mangled stack = 50</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">mangled stack = 100</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MANGLEPREFIX"></a>mangle prefix (G)</span></dt><dd><p> controls the number of prefix
- characters from the original name used when generating
- the mangled names. A larger value will give a weaker
- hash and therefore more name collisions. The minimum
- value is 1 and the maximum value is 6.</p><p>
- mangle prefix is effective only when mangling method is hash2.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">mangle prefix = 1</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">mangle prefix = 4</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MANGLINGCHAR"></a>mangling char (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls what character is used as
- the <span class="emphasis"><em>magic</em></span> character in <link linkend="NAMEMANGLINGSECT">. The
- default is a '~' but this may interfere with some software. Use this option to set
- it to whatever you prefer. This is effective only when mangling method is hash.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">mangling char = ~</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">mangling char = ^</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MANGLINGMETHOD"></a>mangling method (G)</span></dt><dd><p> controls the algorithm used for the generating
- the mangled names. Can take two different values, "hash" and
- "hash2". "hash" is the default and is the algorithm that has been
- used in Samba for many years. "hash2" is a newer and considered
- a better algorithm (generates less collisions) in the names.
- However, many Win32 applications store the mangled names and so
- changing to the new algorithm must not be done
- lightly as these applications may break unless reinstalled.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">mangling method = hash2</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">mangling method = hash</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAPACLINHERIT"></a>map acl inherit (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean parameter controls whether <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> will attempt to map the 'inherit' and 'protected'
- access control entry flags stored in Windows ACLs into an extended attribute
- called user.SAMBA_PAI. This parameter only takes effect if Samba is being run
- on a platform that supports extended attributes (Linux and IRIX so far) and
- allows the Windows 2000 ACL editor to correctly use inheritance with the Samba
- POSIX ACL mapping code.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">map acl inherit = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAPARCHIVE"></a>map archive (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls whether the DOS archive attribute
- should be mapped to the UNIX owner execute bit. The DOS archive bit
- is set when a file has been modified since its last backup. One
- motivation for this option it to keep Samba/your PC from making
- any file it touches from becoming executable under UNIX. This can
- be quite annoying for shared source code, documents, etc...</p><p>Note that this requires the <i class="parameter"><tt>create mask</tt></i>
- parameter to be set such that owner execute bit is not masked out
- (i.e. it must include 100). See the parameter <link linkend="CREATEMASK"> for details.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">map archive = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAPHIDDEN"></a>map hidden (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls whether DOS style hidden files
- should be mapped to the UNIX world execute bit.</p><p>Note that this requires the <i class="parameter"><tt>create mask</tt></i>
- to be set such that the world execute bit is not masked out (i.e.
- it must include 001). See the parameter <link linkend="CREATEMASK"> for details.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">map hidden = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAPSYSTEM"></a>map system (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls whether DOS style system files
- should be mapped to the UNIX group execute bit.</p><p>Note that this requires the <i class="parameter"><tt>create mask</tt></i>
- to be set such that the group execute bit is not masked out (i.e.
- it must include 010). See the parameter <link linkend="CREATEMASK"> for details.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">map system = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAPTOGUEST"></a>map to guest (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter is only useful in <link linkend="SECURITY"> modes other than <i class="parameter"><tt>security = share</tt></i>
- - i.e. <tt class="constant">user</tt>, <tt class="constant">server</tt>,
- and <tt class="constant">domain</tt>.</p><p>This parameter can take three different values, which tell
- <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> what to do with user
- login requests that don't match a valid UNIX user in some way.</p><p>The three settings are :</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><tt class="constant">Never</tt> - Means user login
- requests with an invalid password are rejected. This is the
- default.</p></li><li><p><tt class="constant">Bad User</tt> - Means user
- logins with an invalid password are rejected, unless the username
- does not exist, in which case it is treated as a guest login and
- mapped into the <link linkend="GUESTACCOUNT">.</p></li><li><p><tt class="constant">Bad Password</tt> - Means user logins
- with an invalid password are treated as a guest login and mapped
- into the <link linkend="GUESTACCOUNT">. Note that
- this can cause problems as it means that any user incorrectly typing
- their password will be silently logged on as "guest" - and
- will not know the reason they cannot access files they think
- they should - there will have been no message given to them
- that they got their password wrong. Helpdesk services will
- <span class="emphasis"><em>hate</em></span> you if you set the <i class="parameter"><tt>map to
- guest</tt></i> parameter this way :-).</p></li></ul></div><p>Note that this parameter is needed to set up "Guest"
- share services when using <i class="parameter"><tt>security</tt></i> modes other than
- share. This is because in these modes the name of the resource being
- requested is <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> sent to the server until after
- the server has successfully authenticated the client so the server
- cannot make authentication decisions at the correct time (connection
- to the share) for "Guest" shares.</p><p>For people familiar with the older Samba releases, this
- parameter maps to the old compile-time setting of the <tt class="constant">
- GUEST_SESSSETUP</tt> value in local.h.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">map to guest = Never</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">map to guest = Bad User</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAXCONNECTIONS"></a>max connections (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This option allows the number of simultaneous connections to a service to be limited.
- If <i class="parameter"><tt>max connections</tt></i> is greater than 0 then connections
- will be refused if this number of connections to the service are already open. A value
- of zero mean an unlimited number of connections may be made.</p><p>Record lock files are used to implement this feature. The lock files will be stored in
- the directory specified by the <link linkend="LOCKDIRECTORY"> option.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">max connections = 0</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">max connections = 10</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAXDISKSIZE"></a>max disk size (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option allows you to put an upper limit
- on the apparent size of disks. If you set this option to 100
- then all shares will appear to be not larger than 100 MB in
- size.</p><p>Note that this option does not limit the amount of
- data you can put on the disk. In the above case you could still
- store much more than 100 MB on the disk, but if a client ever asks
- for the amount of free disk space or the total disk size then the
- result will be bounded by the amount specified in <i class="parameter"><tt>max
- disk size</tt></i>.</p><p>This option is primarily useful to work around bugs
- in some pieces of software that can't handle very large disks,
- particularly disks over 1GB in size.</p><p>A <i class="parameter"><tt>max disk size</tt></i> of 0 means no limit.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">max disk size = 0</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">max disk size = 1000</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAXLOGSIZE"></a>max log size (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option (an integer in kilobytes) specifies
- the max size the log file should grow to. Samba periodically checks
- the size and if it is exceeded it will rename the file, adding
- a <tt class="filename">.old</tt> extension.</p><p>A size of 0 means no limit.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">max log size = 5000</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">max log size = 1000</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAXMUX"></a>max mux (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option controls the maximum number of
- outstanding simultaneous SMB operations that Samba tells the client
- it will allow. You should never need to set this parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">max mux = 50</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAXOPENFILES"></a>max open files (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter limits the maximum number of
- open files that one <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> file
- serving process may have open for a client at any one time. The
- default for this parameter is set very high (10,000) as Samba uses
- only one bit per unopened file.</p><p>The limit of the number of open files is usually set
- by the UNIX per-process file descriptor limit rather than
- this parameter so you should never need to touch this parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">max open files = 10000</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAXPRINTJOBS"></a>max print jobs (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter limits the maximum number of
- jobs allowable in a Samba printer queue at any given moment.
- If this number is exceeded, <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> will remote "Out of Space" to the client.
- See all <link linkend="TOTALPRINTJOBS">.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">max print jobs = 1000</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">max print jobs = 5000</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAXPROTOCOL"></a>max protocol (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The value of the parameter (a string) is the highest
- protocol level that will be supported by the server.</p><p>Possible values are :</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><tt class="constant">CORE</tt>: Earliest version. No
- concept of user names.</p></li><li><p><tt class="constant">COREPLUS</tt>: Slight improvements on
- CORE for efficiency.</p></li><li><p><tt class="constant">LANMAN1</tt>: First <span class="emphasis"><em>
- modern</em></span> version of the protocol. Long filename
- support.</p></li><li><p><tt class="constant">LANMAN2</tt>: Updates to Lanman1 protocol.</p></li><li><p><tt class="constant">NT1</tt>: Current up to date version of the protocol.
- Used by Windows NT. Known as CIFS.</p></li></ul></div><p>Normally this option should not be set as the automatic
- negotiation phase in the SMB protocol takes care of choosing
- the appropriate protocol.</p><p>See also <link linkend="MINPROTOCOL"></p><p>Default: <b class="command">max protocol = NT1</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">max protocol = LANMAN1</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAXREPORTEDPRINTJOBS"></a>max reported print jobs (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter limits the maximum number of
- jobs displayed in a port monitor for Samba printer queue at any given
- moment. If this number is exceeded, the excess jobs will not be shown.
- A value of zero means there is no limit on the number of print
- jobs reported.
- See all <link linkend="TOTALPRINTJOBS"> and <link linkend="MAXPRINTJOBS"> parameters.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">max reported print jobs = 0</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">max reported print jobs = 1000</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAXSMBDPROCESSES"></a>max smbd processes (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter limits the maximum number of <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> processes concurrently running on a system and is intended
- as a stopgap to prevent degrading service to clients in the event that the server has insufficient
- resources to handle more than this number of connections. Remember that under normal operating
- conditions, each user will have an <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> associated with him or her to handle connections to all
- shares from a given host.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">max smbd processes = 0</b> ## no limit</p><p>Example: <b class="command">max smbd processes = 1000</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAXTTL"></a>max ttl (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option tells <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a> what the default 'time to live'
- of NetBIOS names should be (in seconds) when <b class="command">nmbd</b> is
- requesting a name using either a broadcast packet or from a WINS server. You should
- never need to change this parameter. The default is 3 days.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">max ttl = 259200</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAXWINSTTL"></a>max wins ttl (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option tells <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> when acting as a WINS server (<link linkend="WINSSUPPORT">) what the maximum
- 'time to live' of NetBIOS names that <b class="command">nmbd</b>
- will grant will be (in seconds). You should never need to change this
- parameter. The default is 6 days (518400 seconds).</p><p>See also the <link linkend="MINWINSTTL"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">max wins ttl = 518400</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MAXXMIT"></a>max xmit (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option controls the maximum packet size
- that will be negotiated by Samba. The default is 65535, which
- is the maximum. In some cases you may find you get better performance
- with a smaller value. A value below 2048 is likely to cause problems.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">max xmit = 65535</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">max xmit = 8192</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MESSAGECOMMAND"></a>message command (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This specifies what command to run when the
- server receives a WinPopup style message.</p><p>This would normally be a command that would
- deliver the message somehow. How this is to be done is
- up to your imagination.</p><p>An example is:</p><p><b class="command">message command = csh -c 'xedit %s;rm %s' &amp;</b>
- </p><p>This delivers the message using <b class="command">xedit</b>, then
- removes it afterwards. <span class="emphasis"><em>NOTE THAT IT IS VERY IMPORTANT
- have the '&amp;' on the end. If it doesn't return immediately then
- your PCs may freeze when sending messages (they should recover
- after 30 seconds, hopefully).</p><p>All messages are delivered as the global guest user.
- The command takes the standard substitutions, although <i class="parameter"><tt>
- %u</tt></i> won't work (<i class="parameter"><tt>%U</tt></i> may be better
- in this case).</p><p>Apart from the standard substitutions, some additional
- ones apply. In particular:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>%s</tt></i> = the filename containing
- the message.</p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>%t</tt></i> = the destination that
- the message was sent to (probably the server name).</p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>%f</tt></i> = who the message
- is from.</p></li></ul></div><p>You could make this command send mail, or whatever else
- takes your fancy. Please let us know of any really interesting
- ideas you have.</p><p>Here's a way of sending the messages as mail to root:</p><p><b class="command">message command = /bin/mail -s 'message from %f on
- %m' root &lt; %s; rm %s</b></p><p>If you don't have a message command then the message
- won't be delivered and Samba will tell the sender there was
- an error. Unfortunately WfWg totally ignores the error code
- and carries on regardless, saying that the message was delivered.
- </p><p>If you want to silently delete it then try:</p><p><b class="command">message command = rm %s</b></p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no message command</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">message command = csh -c 'xedit %s; rm %s' &amp;</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MINPASSWDLENGTH"></a>min passwd length (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="MINPASSWORDLENGTH">.
- </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MINPASSWORDLENGTH"></a>min password length (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option sets the minimum length in characters of a
- plaintext password that <b class="command">smbd</b> will
- accept when performing UNIX password changing.</p><p>See also <link linkend="UNIXPASSWORDSYNC">, <link linkend="PASSWDPROGRAM"> and <link linkend="PASSWDCHATDEBUG">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">min password length = 5</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MINPRINTSPACE"></a>min print space (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This sets the minimum amount of free disk
- space that must be available before a user will be able to spool
- a print job. It is specified in kilobytes. The default is 0, which
- means a user can always spool a print job.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="PRINTING"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">min print space = 0</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">min print space = 2000</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MINPROTOCOL"></a>min protocol (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The value of the parameter (a string) is the
- lowest SMB protocol dialect than Samba will support. Please refer
- to the <link linkend="MAXPROTOCOL">
- parameter for a list of valid protocol names and a brief description
- of each. You may also wish to refer to the C source code in
- <tt class="filename">source/smbd/negprot.c</tt> for a listing of known protocol
- dialects supported by clients.</p><p>If you are viewing this parameter as a security measure, you should
- also refer to the <link linkend="LANMANAUTH"> parameter. Otherwise, you should never need
- to change this parameter.</p><p>Default : <b class="command">min protocol = CORE</b></p><p>Example : <b class="command">min protocol = NT1</b> # disable DOS clients</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MINWINSTTL"></a>min wins ttl (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option tells <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a>
- when acting as a WINS server (<link linkend="WINSSUPPORT">) what the minimum 'time to live'
- of NetBIOS names that <b class="command">nmbd</b> will grant will be (in
- seconds). You should never need to change this parameter. The default
- is 6 hours (21600 seconds).</p><p>Default: <b class="command">min wins ttl = 21600</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MSDFSPROXY"></a>msdfs proxy (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter indicates that the share is a
- stand-in for another CIFS share whose location is specified by
- the value of the parameter. When clients attempt to connect to
- this share, they are redirected to the proxied share using
- the SMB-Dfs protocol.</p><p>Only Dfs roots can act as proxy shares. Take a look at the
- <link linkend="MSDFSROOT">
- and <link linkend="HOSTMSDFS">
- options to find out how to set up a Dfs root share.</p><p>Example: <b class="command">msdfs proxy = \\\\otherserver\\someshare</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="MSDFSROOT"></a>msdfs root (S)</span></dt><dd><p>If set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>, Samba treats the
- share as a Dfs root and allows clients to browse the
- distributed file system tree rooted at the share directory.
- Dfs links are specified in the share directory by symbolic
- links of the form <tt class="filename">msdfs:serverA\\shareA,serverB\\shareB</tt>
- and so on. For more information on setting up a Dfs tree on
- Samba, refer to <link linkend="msdfs">.</p><p>See also <link linkend="HOSTMSDFS"></p><p>Default: <b class="command">msdfs root = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="NAMECACHETIMEOUT"></a>name cache timeout (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Specifies the number of seconds it takes before
- entries in samba's hostname resolve cache time out. If
- the timeout is set to 0. the caching is disabled.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">name cache timeout = 660</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">name cache timeout = 0</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="NAMERESOLVEORDER"></a>name resolve order (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option is used by the programs in the Samba
- suite to determine what naming services to use and in what order
- to resolve host names to IP addresses. Its main purpose to is to
- control how netbios name resolution is performed. The option takes a space
- separated string of name resolution options.</p><p>The options are: "lmhosts", "host",
- "wins" and "bcast". They cause names to be
- resolved as follows:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><tt class="constant">lmhosts</tt> : Lookup an IP
- address in the Samba lmhosts file. If the line in lmhosts has
- no name type attached to the NetBIOS name (see the <ulink url="lmhosts.5.html">lmhosts(5)</ulink> for details) then
- any name type matches for lookup.</p></li><li><p><tt class="constant">host</tt> : Do a standard host
- name to IP address resolution, using the system <tt class="filename">/etc/hosts
- </tt>, NIS, or DNS lookups. This method of name resolution
- is operating system depended for instance on IRIX or Solaris this
- may be controlled by the <tt class="filename">/etc/nsswitch.conf</tt>
- file. Note that this method is used only if the NetBIOS name
- type being queried is the 0x20 (server) name type or 0x1c (domain controllers).
- The latter case is only useful for active directory domains and results in a DNS
- query for the SRV RR entry matching _ldap._tcp.domain.</p></li><li><p><tt class="constant">wins</tt> : Query a name with
- the IP address listed in the <link linkend="WINSSERVER"> parameter. If no WINS server has
- been specified this method will be ignored.</p></li><li><p><tt class="constant">bcast</tt> : Do a broadcast on
- each of the known local interfaces listed in the <link linkend="INTERFACES">
- parameter. This is the least reliable of the name resolution
- methods as it depends on the target host being on a locally
- connected subnet.</p></li></ul></div><p>Default: <b class="command">name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">name resolve order = lmhosts bcast host</b></p><p>This will cause the local lmhosts file to be examined
- first, followed by a broadcast attempt, followed by a normal
- system hostname lookup.</p><p>When Samba is functioning in ADS security mode (<b class="command">security = ads</b>)
- it is advised to use following settings for <i class="parameter"><tt>name resolve order</tt></i>:</p><p><b class="command">name resolve order = wins bcast</b></p><p>DC lookups will still be done via DNS, but fallbacks to netbios names will
- not inundate your DNS servers with needless querys for DOMAIN&lt;0x1c&gt; lookups.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="NETBIOSALIASES"></a>netbios aliases (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a list of NetBIOS names that nmbd will
- advertise as additional names by which the Samba server is known. This allows one machine
- to appear in browse lists under multiple names. If a machine is acting as a browse server
- or logon server none of these names will be advertised as either browse server or logon
- servers, only the primary name of the machine will be advertised with these capabilities.
- </p><p>See also <link linkend="NETBIOSNAME">.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>empty string (no additional names)</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">netbios aliases = TEST TEST1 TEST2</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="NETBIOSNAME"></a>netbios name (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This sets the NetBIOS name by which a Samba
- server is known. By default it is the same as the first component
- of the host's DNS name. If a machine is a browse server or
- logon server this name (or the first component
- of the hosts DNS name) will be the name that these services are
- advertised under.</p><p>See also <link linkend="NETBIOSALIASES">.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>machine DNS name</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">netbios name = MYNAME</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="NETBIOSSCOPE"></a>netbios scope (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This sets the NetBIOS scope that Samba will
- operate under. This should not be set unless every machine
- on your LAN also sets this value.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="NISHOMEDIR"></a>nis homedir (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Get the home share server from a NIS map. For
- UNIX systems that use an automounter, the user's home directory
- will often be mounted on a workstation on demand from a remote
- server. </p><p>When the Samba logon server is not the actual home directory
- server, but is mounting the home directories via NFS then two
- network hops would be required to access the users home directory
- if the logon server told the client to use itself as the SMB server
- for home directories (one over SMB and one over NFS). This can
- be very slow.</p><p>This option allows Samba to return the home share as
- being on a different server to the logon server and as
- long as a Samba daemon is running on the home directory server,
- it will be mounted on the Samba client directly from the directory
- server. When Samba is returning the home share to the client, it
- will consult the NIS map specified in <link linkend="HOMEDIRMAP"> and return the server
- listed there.</p><p>Note that for this option to work there must be a working
- NIS system and the Samba server with this option must also
- be a logon server.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">nis homedir = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="NTACLSUPPORT"></a>nt acl support (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean parameter controls whether <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> will attempt to map
- UNIX permissions into Windows NT access control lists.
- This parameter was formally a global parameter in releases
- prior to 2.2.2.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">nt acl support = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="NTLMAUTH"></a>ntlm auth (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter determines whether or not <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> will attempt to
- authenticate users using the NTLM encrypted password response.
- If disabled, either the lanman password hash or an NTLMv2 response
- will need to be sent by the client.</p><p>If this option, and <b class="command">lanman
- auth</b> are both disabled, then only NTLMv2 logins will be
- permited. Not all clients support NTLMv2, and most will require
- special configuration to us it.</p><p>Default : <b class="command">ntlm auth = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="NTPIPESUPPORT"></a>nt pipe support (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean parameter controls whether
- <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> will allow Windows NT
- clients to connect to the NT SMB specific <tt class="constant">IPC$</tt>
- pipes. This is a developer debugging option and can be left
- alone.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">nt pipe support = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="NTSTATUSSUPPORT"></a>nt status support (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean parameter controls whether <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> will negotiate NT specific status
- support with Windows NT/2k/XP clients. This is a developer debugging option and should be left alone.
- If this option is set to <tt class="constant">no</tt> then Samba offers
- exactly the same DOS error codes that versions prior to Samba 2.2.3
- reported.</p><p>You should not need to ever disable this parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">nt status support = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="NULLPASSWORDS"></a>null passwords (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Allow or disallow client access to accounts that have null passwords. </p><p>See also <a href="smbpasswd.5.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbpasswd</span>(5)</span></a>.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">null passwords = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="OBEYPAMRESTRICTIONS"></a>obey pam restrictions (G)</span></dt><dd><p>When Samba 3.0 is configured to enable PAM support
- (i.e. --with-pam), this parameter will control whether or not Samba
- should obey PAM's account and session management directives. The
- default behavior is to use PAM for clear text authentication only
- and to ignore any account or session management. Note that Samba
- always ignores PAM for authentication in the case of <link linkend="ENCRYPTPASSWORDS">. The reason
- is that PAM modules cannot support the challenge/response
- authentication mechanism needed in the presence of SMB password encryption.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">obey pam restrictions = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ONLYGUEST"></a>only guest (S)</span></dt><dd><p>A synonym for <link linkend="GUESTONLY">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ONLYUSER"></a>only user (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a boolean option that controls whether
- connections with usernames not in the <i class="parameter"><tt>user</tt></i>
- list will be allowed. By default this option is disabled so that a
- client can supply a username to be used by the server. Enabling
- this parameter will force the server to only use the login
- names from the <i class="parameter"><tt>user</tt></i> list and is only really
- useful in <link linkend="SECURITYEQUALSSHARE">
- security.</p><p>Note that this also means Samba won't try to deduce
- usernames from the service name. This can be annoying for
- the [homes] section. To get around this you could use <b class="command">user =
- %S</b> which means your <i class="parameter"><tt>user</tt></i> list
- will be just the service name, which for home directories is the
- name of the user.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="USER"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">only user = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="OPLOCKBREAKWAITTIME"></a>oplock break wait time (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a tuning parameter added due to bugs in
- both Windows 9x and WinNT. If Samba responds to a client too
- quickly when that client issues an SMB that can cause an oplock
- break request, then the network client can fail and not respond
- to the break request. This tuning parameter (which is set in milliseconds)
- is the amount of time Samba will wait before sending an oplock break
- request to such (broken) clients.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>DO NOT CHANGE THIS PARAMETER UNLESS YOU HAVE READ AND
- UNDERSTOOD THE SAMBA OPLOCK CODE</em></span>.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">oplock break wait time = 0</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="OPLOCKCONTENTIONLIMIT"></a>oplock contention limit (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a <span class="emphasis"><em>very</em></span> advanced
- <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> tuning option to
- improve the efficiency of the granting of oplocks under multiple
- client contention for the same file.</p><p>In brief it specifies a number, which causes <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a>not to grant an oplock even when requested
- if the approximate number of clients contending for an oplock on the same file goes over this
- limit. This causes <b class="command">smbd</b> to behave in a similar
- way to Windows NT.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>DO NOT CHANGE THIS PARAMETER UNLESS YOU HAVE READ
- AND UNDERSTOOD THE SAMBA OPLOCK CODE</em></span>.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">oplock contention limit = 2</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="OPLOCKS"></a>oplocks (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean option tells <b class="command">smbd</b> whether to
- issue oplocks (opportunistic locks) to file open requests on this
- share. The oplock code can dramatically (approx. 30% or more) improve
- the speed of access to files on Samba servers. It allows the clients
- to aggressively cache files locally and you may want to disable this
- option for unreliable network environments (it is turned on by
- default in Windows NT Servers). For more information see the file
- <tt class="filename">Speed.txt</tt> in the Samba <tt class="filename">docs/</tt>
- directory.</p><p>Oplocks may be selectively turned off on certain files with a
- share. See the <link linkend="VETOOPLOCKFILES"> parameter. On some systems
- oplocks are recognized by the underlying operating system. This
- allows data synchronization between all access to oplocked files,
- whether it be via Samba or NFS or a local UNIX process. See the
- <i class="parameter"><tt>kernel oplocks</tt></i> parameter for details.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="KERNELOPLOCKS"> and <link linkend="LEVEL2OPLOCKS"> parameters.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">oplocks = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="OS2DRIVERMAP"></a>os2 driver map (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The parameter is used to define the absolute
- path to a file containing a mapping of Windows NT printer driver
- names to OS/2 printer driver names. The format is:</p><p>&lt;nt driver name&gt; = &lt;os2 driver name&gt;.&lt;device name&gt;</p><p>For example, a valid entry using the HP LaserJet 5
- printer driver would appear as <b class="command">HP LaserJet 5L = LASERJET.HP
- LaserJet 5L</b>.</p><p>The need for the file is due to the printer driver namespace
- problem described in <link linkend="printing">. For more details on OS/2 clients, please
- refer to <link linkend="Other-Clients">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">os2 driver map = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="OSLEVEL"></a>os level (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This integer value controls what level Samba
- advertises itself as for browse elections. The value of this
- parameter determines whether <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a>
- has a chance of becoming a local master browser for the <i class="parameter"><tt>
- WORKGROUP</tt></i> in the local broadcast area.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Note :</em></span>By default, Samba will win
- a local master browsing election over all Microsoft operating
- systems except a Windows NT 4.0/2000 Domain Controller. This
- means that a misconfigured Samba host can effectively isolate
- a subnet for browsing purposes. See <tt class="filename">BROWSING.txt
- </tt> in the Samba <tt class="filename">docs/</tt> directory
- for details.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">os level = 20</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">os level = 65 </b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PAMPASSWORDCHANGE"></a>pam password change (G)</span></dt><dd><p>With the addition of better PAM support in Samba 2.2,
- this parameter, it is possible to use PAM's password change control
- flag for Samba. If enabled, then PAM will be used for password
- changes when requested by an SMB client instead of the program listed in
- <link linkend="PASSWDPROGRAM">.
- It should be possible to enable this without changing your
- <link linkend="PASSWDCHAT">
- parameter for most setups.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">pam password change = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PANICACTION"></a>panic action (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a Samba developer option that allows a
- system command to be called when either <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> or <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> crashes. This is usually used to
- draw attention to the fact that a problem occurred.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">panic action = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">panic action = "/bin/sleep 90000"</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PARANOIDSERVERSECURITY"></a>paranoid server security (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Some version of NT 4.x allow non-guest
- users with a bad passowrd. When this option is enabled, samba will not
- use a broken NT 4.x server as password server, but instead complain
- to the logs and exit.
- </p><p>Disabling this option prevents Samba from making
- this check, which involves deliberatly attempting a
- bad logon to the remote server.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">paranoid server security = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PASSDBBACKEND"></a>passdb backend (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option allows the administrator to chose which backends
- to retrieve and store passwords with. This allows (for example) both
- smbpasswd and tdbsam to be used without a recompile. Multiple
- backends can be specified, separated by spaces. The backends will be
- searched in the order they are specified. New users are always added
- to the first backend specified. </p><p>This parameter is in two parts, the backend's name, and a 'location'
- string that has meaning only to that particular backed. These are separated
- by a : character.</p><p>Available backends can include:
- </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><b class="command">smbpasswd</b> - The default smbpasswd
- backend. Takes a path to the smbpasswd file as an optional argument.
- </p></li><li><p><b class="command">tdbsam</b> - The TDB based password storage
- backend. Takes a path to the TDB as an optional argument (defaults to passdb.tdb
- in the <link linkend="PRIVATEDIR"> directory.</p></li><li><p><b class="command">ldapsam</b> - The LDAP based passdb
- backend. Takes an LDAP URL as an optional argument (defaults to
- <b class="command">ldap://localhost</b>)</p><p>LDAP connections should be secured where possible. This may be done using either
- Start-TLS (see <link linkend="LDAPSSL">) or by
- specifying <i class="parameter"><tt>ldaps://</tt></i> in
- the URL argument. </p></li><li><p><b class="command">nisplussam</b> -
- The NIS+ based passdb backend. Takes name NIS domain as
- an optional argument. Only works with sun NIS+ servers.
- </p></li><li><p><b class="command">mysql</b> -
- The MySQL based passdb backend. Takes an identifier as
- argument. Read the Samba HOWTO Collection for configuration
- details.
- </p></li></ul></div><p>
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">passdb backend = smbpasswd</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">passdb backend = tdbsam:/etc/samba/private/passdb.tdb smbpasswd:/etc/samba/smbpasswd</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">passdb backend = ldapsam:ldaps://</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">passdb backend = mysql:my_plugin_args tdbsam</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PASSWDCHAT"></a>passwd chat (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This string controls the <span class="emphasis"><em>"chat"</em></span>
- conversation that takes places between <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> and the local password changing
- program to change the user's password. The string describes a
- sequence of response-receive pairs that <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> uses to determine what to send to the
- <link linkend="PASSWDPROGRAM"> and what to expect back. If the expected output is not
- received then the password is not changed.</p><p>This chat sequence is often quite site specific, depending
- on what local methods are used for password control (such as NIS
- etc).</p><p>Note that this parameter only is only used if the <link linkend="UNIXPASSWORDSYNC"> parameter is set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>. This sequence is
- then called <span class="emphasis"><em>AS ROOT</em></span> when the SMB password in the
- smbpasswd file is being changed, without access to the old password
- cleartext. This means that root must be able to reset the user's password without
- knowing the text of the previous password. In the presence of
- NIS/YP, this means that the <link linkend="PASSWDPROGRAM"> must
- be executed on the NIS master.
- </p><p>The string can contain the macro <i class="parameter"><tt>%n</tt></i> which is substituted
- for the new password. The chat sequence can also contain the standard
- macros <tt class="constant">\\n</tt>, <tt class="constant">\\r</tt>, <tt class="constant">\\t</tt> and <tt class="constant">\\s</tt> to
- give line-feed, carriage-return, tab and space. The chat sequence string can also contain
- a '*' which matches any sequence of characters. Double quotes can be used to collect strings with spaces
- in them into a single string.</p><p>If the send string in any part of the chat sequence is a full
- stop ".", then no string is sent. Similarly, if the
- expect string is a full stop then no string is expected.</p><p>If the <link linkend="PAMPASSWORDCHANGE"> parameter is set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>, the chat pairs
- may be matched in any order, and success is determined by the PAM result,
- not any particular output. The \n macro is ignored for PAM conversions.
- </p><p>See also <link linkend="UNIXPASSWORDSYNC">, <link linkend="PASSWDPROGRAM"> ,<link linkend="PASSWDCHATDEBUG"> and <link linkend="PAMPASSWORDCHANGE">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">passwd chat = *new*password* %n\\n
- *new*password* %n\\n *changed*</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">passwd chat = "*Enter OLD password*" %o\\n
- "*Enter NEW password*" %n\\n "*Reenter NEW password*" %n\\n
- "*Password changed*"</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PASSWDCHATDEBUG"></a>passwd chat debug (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean specifies if the passwd chat script
- parameter is run in <span class="emphasis"><em>debug</em></span> mode. In this mode the
- strings passed to and received from the passwd chat are printed
- in the <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> log with a
- <link linkend="DEBUGLEVEL">
- of 100. This is a dangerous option as it will allow plaintext passwords
- to be seen in the <b class="command">smbd</b> log. It is available to help
- Samba admins debug their <i class="parameter"><tt>passwd chat</tt></i> scripts
- when calling the <i class="parameter"><tt>passwd program</tt></i> and should
- be turned off after this has been done. This option has no effect if the
- <link linkend="PAMPASSWORDCHANGE">
- paramter is set. This parameter is off by default.</p><p>See also <link linkend="PASSWDCHAT">, <link linkend="PAMPASSWORDCHANGE">, <link linkend="PASSWDPROGRAM">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">passwd chat debug = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PASSWDPROGRAM"></a>passwd program (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The name of a program that can be used to set
- UNIX user passwords. Any occurrences of <i class="parameter"><tt>%u</tt></i>
- will be replaced with the user name. The user name is checked for
- existence before calling the password changing program.</p><p>Also note that many passwd programs insist in <span class="emphasis"><em>reasonable
- </em></span> passwords, such as a minimum length, or the inclusion
- of mixed case chars and digits. This can pose a problem as some clients
- (such as Windows for Workgroups) uppercase the password before sending
- it.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Note</em></span> that if the <i class="parameter"><tt>unix
- password sync</tt></i> parameter is set to <tt class="constant">yes
- </tt> then this program is called <span class="emphasis"><em>AS ROOT</em></span>
- before the SMB password in the smbpasswd
- file is changed. If this UNIX password change fails, then
- <b class="command">smbd</b> will fail to change the SMB password also
- (this is by design).</p><p>If the <i class="parameter"><tt>unix password sync</tt></i> parameter
- is set this parameter <span class="emphasis"><em>MUST USE ABSOLUTE PATHS</em></span>
- for <span class="emphasis"><em>ALL</em></span> programs called, and must be examined
- for security implications. Note that by default <i class="parameter"><tt>unix
- password sync</tt></i> is set to <tt class="constant">no</tt>.</p><p>See also <link linkend="UNIXPASSWORDSYNC">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">passwd program = /bin/passwd</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">passwd program = /sbin/npasswd %u</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PASSWORDLEVEL"></a>password level (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Some client/server combinations have difficulty
- with mixed-case passwords. One offending client is Windows for
- Workgroups, which for some reason forces passwords to upper
- case when using the LANMAN1 protocol, but leaves them alone when
- using COREPLUS! Another problem child is the Windows 95/98
- family of operating systems. These clients upper case clear
- text passwords even when NT LM 0.12 selected by the protocol
- negotiation request/response.</p><p>This parameter defines the maximum number of characters
- that may be upper case in passwords.</p><p>For example, say the password given was "FRED". If <i class="parameter"><tt>
- password level</tt></i> is set to 1, the following combinations
- would be tried if "FRED" failed:</p><p>"Fred", "fred", "fRed", "frEd","freD"</p><p>If <i class="parameter"><tt>password level</tt></i> was set to 2,
- the following combinations would also be tried: </p><p>"FRed", "FrEd", "FreD", "fREd", "fReD", "frED", ..</p><p>And so on.</p><p>The higher value this parameter is set to the more likely
- it is that a mixed case password will be matched against a single
- case password. However, you should be aware that use of this
- parameter reduces security and increases the time taken to
- process a new connection.</p><p>A value of zero will cause only two attempts to be
- made - the password as is and the password in all-lower case.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">password level = 0</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">password level = 4</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PASSWORDSERVER"></a>password server (G)</span></dt><dd><p>By specifying the name of another SMB server
- or Active Directory domain controller with this option,
- and using <b class="command">security = [ads|domain|server]</b>
- it is possible to get Samba to
- to do all its username/password validation using a specific remote server.</p><p>This option sets the name or IP address of the password server to use.
- New syntax has been added to support defining the port to use when connecting
- to the server the case of an ADS realm. To define a port other than the
- default LDAP port of 389, add the port number using a colon after the
- name or IP address (e.g. If you do not specify a port,
- Samba will use the standard LDAP port of tcp/389. Note that port numbers
- have no effect on password servers for Windows NT 4.0 domains or netbios
- connections.</p><p>If parameter is a name, it is looked up using the
- parameter <link linkend="NAMERESOLVEORDER"> and so may resolved
- by any method and order described in that parameter.</p><p>The password server must be a machine capable of using
- the "LM1.2X002" or the "NT LM 0.12" protocol, and it must be in
- user level security mode.</p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>Using a password server means your UNIX box (running
- Samba) is only as secure as your password server. <span class="emphasis"><em>DO NOT
- </p></div><p>Never point a Samba server at itself for password serving.
- This will cause a loop and could lock up your Samba server!</p><p>The name of the password server takes the standard
- substitutions, but probably the only useful one is <i class="parameter"><tt>%m
- </tt></i>, which means the Samba server will use the incoming
- client as the password server. If you use this then you better
- trust your clients, and you had better restrict them with hosts allow!</p><p>If the <i class="parameter"><tt>security</tt></i> parameter is set to
- <tt class="constant">domain</tt> or <tt class="constant">ads</tt>, then the list of machines in this
- option must be a list of Primary or Backup Domain controllers for the
- Domain or the character '*', as the Samba server is effectively
- in that domain, and will use cryptographically authenticated RPC calls
- to authenticate the user logging on. The advantage of using <b class="command">
- security = domain</b> is that if you list several hosts in the
- <i class="parameter"><tt>password server</tt></i> option then <b class="command">smbd
- </b> will try each in turn till it finds one that responds. This
- is useful in case your primary server goes down.</p><p>If the <i class="parameter"><tt>password server</tt></i> option is set
- to the character '*', then Samba will attempt to auto-locate the
- Primary or Backup Domain controllers to authenticate against by
- doing a query for the name <tt class="constant">WORKGROUP&lt;1C&gt;</tt>
- and then contacting each server returned in the list of IP
- addresses from the name resolution source. </p><p>If the list of servers contains both names/IP's and the '*'
- character, the list is treated as a list of preferred
- domain controllers, but an auto lookup of all remaining DC's
- will be added to the list as well. Samba will not attempt to optimize
- this list by locating the closest DC.</p><p>If the <i class="parameter"><tt>security</tt></i> parameter is
- set to <tt class="constant">server</tt>, then there are different
- restrictions that <b class="command">security = domain</b> doesn't
- suffer from:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>You may list several password servers in
- the <i class="parameter"><tt>password server</tt></i> parameter, however if an
- <b class="command">smbd</b> makes a connection to a password server,
- and then the password server fails, no more users will be able
- to be authenticated from this <b class="command">smbd</b>. This is a
- restriction of the SMB/CIFS protocol when in <b class="command">security = server
- </b> mode and cannot be fixed in Samba.</p></li><li><p>If you are using a Windows NT server as your
- password server then you will have to ensure that your users
- are able to login from the Samba server, as when in <b class="command">
- security = server</b> mode the network logon will appear to
- come from there rather than from the users workstation.</p></li></ul></div><p>See also the <link linkend="SECURITY"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">password server = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">password server = NT-PDC, NT-BDC1, NT-BDC2, *</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">password server = *</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">password server = *</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PATH"></a>path (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies a directory to which
- the user of the service is to be given access. In the case of
- printable services, this is where print data will spool prior to
- being submitted to the host for printing.</p><p>For a printable service offering guest access, the service
- should be readonly and the path should be world-writeable and
- have the sticky bit set. This is not mandatory of course, but
- you probably won't get the results you expect if you do
- otherwise.</p><p>Any occurrences of <i class="parameter"><tt>%u</tt></i> in the path
- will be replaced with the UNIX username that the client is using
- on this connection. Any occurrences of <i class="parameter"><tt>%m</tt></i>
- will be replaced by the NetBIOS name of the machine they are
- connecting from. These replacements are very useful for setting
- up pseudo home directories for users.</p><p>Note that this path will be based on <link linkend="ROOTDIR"> if one was specified.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">path = /home/fred</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PIDDIRECTORY"></a>pid directory (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option specifies the directory where pid
- files will be placed. </p><p>Default: <b class="command">pid directory = ${prefix}/var/locks</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">pid directory = /var/run/</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="POSIXLOCKING"></a>posix locking (S)</span></dt><dd><p>The <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a>
- daemon maintains an database of file locks obtained by SMB clients.
- The default behavior is to map this internal database to POSIX
- locks. This means that file locks obtained by SMB clients are
- consistent with those seen by POSIX compliant applications accessing
- the files via a non-SMB method (e.g. NFS or local file access).
- You should never need to disable this parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">posix locking = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="POSTEXEC"></a>postexec (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This option specifies a command to be run
- whenever the service is disconnected. It takes the usual
- substitutions. The command may be run as the root on some
- systems.</p><p>An interesting example may be to unmount server
- resources:</p><p><b class="command">postexec = /etc/umount /cdrom</b></p><p>See also <link linkend="PREEXEC">.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none (no command executed)</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">postexec = echo \"%u disconnected from %S from %m (%I)\" &gt;&gt; /tmp/log</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PREEXEC"></a>preexec (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This option specifies a command to be run whenever
- the service is connected to. It takes the usual substitutions.</p><p>An interesting example is to send the users a welcome
- message every time they log in. Maybe a message of the day? Here
- is an example:</p><p><b class="command">preexec = csh -c 'echo \"Welcome to %S!\" | /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -M %m -I %I' &amp; </b></p><p>Of course, this could get annoying after a while :-)</p><p>See also <link linkend="PREEXECCLOSE"> and <link linkend="POSTEXEC">.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none (no command executed)</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">preexec = echo \"%u connected to %S from %m (%I)\" &gt;&gt; /tmp/log</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PREEXECCLOSE"></a>preexec close (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean option controls whether a non-zero
- return code from <link linkend="PREEXEC"> should close the service being connected to.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">preexec close = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PREFEREDMASTER"></a>prefered master (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="PREFERREDMASTER"> for people who cannot spell :-).</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PREFERREDMASTER"></a>preferred master (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean parameter controls if
- <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a> is a preferred master
- browser for its workgroup.</p><p>If this is set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>, on startup, <b class="command">nmbd</b>
- will force an election, and it will have a slight advantage in
- winning the election. It is recommended that this parameter is
- used in conjunction with <b class="command"><link linkend="DOMAINMASTER"> = yes</b>, so
- that <b class="command">nmbd</b> can guarantee becoming a domain master.</p><p>Use this option with caution, because if there are several
- hosts (whether Samba servers, Windows 95 or NT) that are
- preferred master browsers on the same subnet, they will each
- periodically and continuously attempt to become the local
- master browser. This will result in unnecessary broadcast
- traffic and reduced browsing capabilities.</p><p>See also <link linkend="OSLEVEL">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">preferred master = auto</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRELOAD"></a>preload (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a list of services that you want to be
- automatically added to the browse lists. This is most useful
- for homes and printers services that would otherwise not be
- visible.</p><p>Note that if you just want all printers in your
- printcap file loaded then the <link linkend="LOADPRINTERS"> option is easier.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no preloaded services</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">preload = fred lp colorlp</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRELOADMODULES"></a>preload modules (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a list of paths to modules that should
- be loaded into smbd before a client connects. This improves
- the speed of smbd when reacting to new connections somewhat. </p><p>Default: <b class="command">preload modules = </b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">preload modules = /usr/lib/samba/passdb/ </b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRESERVECASE"></a>preserve case (S)</span></dt><dd><p> This controls if new filenames are created
- with the case that the client passes, or if they are forced to
- be the <link linkend="DEFAULTCASE">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">preserve case = yes</b></p><p>See the section on <link linkend="NAMEMANGLINGSECT"> for a fuller discussion.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRINTABLE"></a>printable (S)</span></dt><dd><p>If this parameter is <tt class="constant">yes</tt>, then
- clients may open, write to and submit spool files on the directory
- specified for the service. </p><p>Note that a printable service will ALWAYS allow writing
- to the service path (user privileges permitting) via the spooling
- of print data. The <link linkend="READONLY"> parameter controls only non-printing access to
- the resource.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">printable = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRINTCAP"></a>printcap (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="PRINTCAPNAME">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRINTCAPNAME"></a>printcap name (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter may be used to override the
- compiled-in default printcap name used by the server (usually <tt class="filename">
- /etc/printcap</tt>). See the discussion of the <link linkend="PRINTERSSECT"> section above for reasons
- why you might want to do this.</p><p>To use the CUPS printing interface set <b class="command">printcap name = cups
- </b>. This should be supplemented by an addtional setting
- <link linkend="PRINTING"> in the [global]
- section. <b class="command">printcap name = cups</b> will use the
- "dummy" printcap created by CUPS, as specified in your CUPS
- configuration file.
- </p><p>On System V systems that use <b class="command">lpstat</b> to
- list available printers you can use <b class="command">printcap name = lpstat
- </b> to automatically obtain lists of available printers. This
- is the default for systems that define SYSV at configure time in
- Samba (this includes most System V based systems). If <i class="parameter"><tt>
- printcap name</tt></i> is set to <b class="command">lpstat</b> on
- these systems then Samba will launch <b class="command">lpstat -v</b> and
- attempt to parse the output to obtain a printer list.</p><p>A minimal printcap file would look something like this:</p><pre class="programlisting">
-print1|My Printer 1
-print2|My Printer 2
-print3|My Printer 3
-print4|My Printer 4
-print5|My Printer 5
-</pre><p>where the '|' separates aliases of a printer. The fact
- that the second alias has a space in it gives a hint to Samba
- that it's a comment.</p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>Under AIX the default printcap
- name is <tt class="filename">/etc/qconfig</tt>. Samba will assume the
- file is in AIX <tt class="filename">qconfig</tt> format if the string
- <tt class="filename">qconfig</tt> appears in the printcap filename.</p></div><p>Default: <b class="command">printcap name = /etc/printcap</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">printcap name = /etc/myprintcap</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRINTCOMMAND"></a>print command (S)</span></dt><dd><p>After a print job has finished spooling to
- a service, this command will be used via a <b class="command">system()</b>
- call to process the spool file. Typically the command specified will
- submit the spool file to the host's printing subsystem, but there
- is no requirement that this be the case. The server will not remove
- the spool file, so whatever command you specify should remove the
- spool file when it has been processed, otherwise you will need to
- manually remove old spool files.</p><p>The print command is simply a text string. It will be used
- verbatim after macro substitutions have been made:</p><p>%s, %f - the path to the spool
- file name</p><p>%p - the appropriate printer
- name</p><p>%J - the job
- name as transmitted by the client.</p><p>%c - The number of printed pages
- of the spooled job (if known).</p><p>%z - the size of the spooled
- print job (in bytes)</p><p>The print command <span class="emphasis"><em>MUST</em></span> contain at least
- one occurrence of <i class="parameter"><tt>%s</tt></i> or <i class="parameter"><tt>%f
- </tt></i> - the <i class="parameter"><tt>%p</tt></i> is optional. At the time
- a job is submitted, if no printer name is supplied the <i class="parameter"><tt>%p
- </tt></i> will be silently removed from the printer command.</p><p>If specified in the [global] section, the print command given
- will be used for any printable service that does not have its own
- print command specified.</p><p>If there is neither a specified print command for a
- printable service nor a global print command, spool files will
- be created but not processed and (most importantly) not removed.</p><p>Note that printing may fail on some UNIXes from the
- <tt class="constant">nobody</tt> account. If this happens then create
- an alternative guest account that can print and set the <link linkend="GUESTACCOUNT">
- in the [global] section.</p><p>You can form quite complex print commands by realizing
- that they are just passed to a shell. For example the following
- will log a print job, print the file, then remove it. Note that
- ';' is the usual separator for command in shell scripts.</p><p><b class="command">print command = echo Printing %s &gt;&gt;
- /tmp/print.log; lpr -P %p %s; rm %s</b></p><p>You may have to vary this command considerably depending
- on how you normally print files on your system. The default for
- the parameter varies depending on the setting of the <link linkend="PRINTING"> parameter.</p><p>Default: For <b class="command">printing = BSD, AIX, QNX, LPRNG
- or PLP :</b></p><p><b class="command">print command = lpr -r -P%p %s</b></p><p>For <b class="command">printing = SYSV or HPUX :</b></p><p><b class="command">print command = lp -c -d%p %s; rm %s</b></p><p>For <b class="command">printing = SOFTQ :</b></p><p><b class="command">print command = lp -d%p -s %s; rm %s</b></p><p>For printing = CUPS : If SAMBA is compiled against
- libcups, then <link linkend="PRINTING">
- uses the CUPS API to
- submit jobs, etc. Otherwise it maps to the System V
- commands with the -oraw option for printing, i.e. it
- uses <b class="command">lp -c -d%p -oraw; rm %s</b>.
- With <b class="command">printing = cups</b>,
- and if SAMBA is compiled against libcups, any manually
- set print command will be ignored.</p><p>Example: <b class="command">print command = /usr/local/samba/bin/myprintscript %p %s</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRINTER"></a>printer (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="PRINTERNAME">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRINTERADMIN"></a>printer admin (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a list of users that can do anything to
- printers via the remote administration interfaces offered by MS-RPC
- (usually using a NT workstation). Note that the root user always
- has admin rights.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">printer admin = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">printer admin = admin, @staff</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRINTERNAME"></a>printer name (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the name of the printer
- to which print jobs spooled through a printable service will be sent.</p><p>If specified in the [global] section, the printer
- name given will be used for any printable service that does
- not have its own printer name specified.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>none (but may be <tt class="constant">lp</tt>
- on many systems)</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">printer name = laserwriter</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRINTING"></a>printing (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameters controls how printer status information is
- interpreted on your system. It also affects the default values for
- the <i class="parameter"><tt>print command</tt></i>, <i class="parameter"><tt>lpq command</tt></i>, <i class="parameter"><tt>lppause command </tt></i>, <i class="parameter"><tt>lpresume command</tt></i>, and <i class="parameter"><tt>lprm command</tt></i> if specified in the
- [global] section.</p><p>Currently nine printing styles are supported. They are
- <tt class="constant">BSD</tt>, <tt class="constant">AIX</tt>,
- <tt class="constant">LPRNG</tt>, <tt class="constant">PLP</tt>,
- <tt class="constant">SYSV</tt>, <tt class="constant">HPUX</tt>,
- <tt class="constant">QNX</tt>, <tt class="constant">SOFTQ</tt>,
- and <tt class="constant">CUPS</tt>.</p><p>To see what the defaults are for the other print
- commands when using the various options use the <a href="testparm.1.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">testparm</span>(1)</span></a> program.</p><p>This option can be set on a per printer basis</p><p>See also the discussion in the <link linkend="PRINTERSSECT"> section.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRINTOK"></a>print ok (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="PRINTABLE">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PRIVATEDIR"></a>private dir (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameters defines the directory
- smbd will use for storing such files as <tt class="filename">smbpasswd</tt>
- and <tt class="filename">secrets.tdb</tt>.
- </p><p>Default :<b class="command">private dir = ${prefix}/private</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PROFILEACLS"></a>profile acls (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean parameter controls whether <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a>
- This boolean parameter was added to fix the problems that people have been
- having with storing user profiles on Samba shares from Windows 2000 or
- Windows XP clients. New versions of Windows 2000 or Windows XP service
- packs do security ACL checking on the owner and ability to write of the
- profile directory stored on a local workstation when copied from a Samba
- share.
-</p><p>When not in domain mode with winbindd then the security info copied
- onto the local workstation has no meaning to the logged in user (SID) on
- that workstation so the profile storing fails. Adding this parameter
- onto a share used for profile storage changes two things about the
- returned Windows ACL. Firstly it changes the owner and group owner
- of all reported files and directories to be BUILTIN\\Administrators,
- BUILTIN\\Users respectively (SIDs S-1-5-32-544, S-1-5-32-545). Secondly
- it adds an ACE entry of "Full Control" to the SID BUILTIN\\Users to
- every returned ACL. This will allow any Windows 2000 or XP workstation
- user to access the profile.</p><p>Note that if you have multiple users logging
- on to a workstation then in order to prevent them from being able to access
- each others profiles you must remove the "Bypass traverse checking" advanced
- user right. This will prevent access to other users profile directories as
- the top level profile directory (named after the user) is created by the
- workstation profile code and has an ACL restricting entry to the directory
- tree to the owning user.
-</p><p>Default: <b class="command">profile acls = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PROTOCOL"></a>protocol (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="MAXPROTOCOL">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="PUBLIC"></a>public (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="GUESTOK">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="QUEUEPAUSECOMMAND"></a>queuepause command (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the command to be
- executed on the server host in order to pause the printer queue.</p><p>This command should be a program or script which takes
- a printer name as its only parameter and stops the printer queue,
- such that no longer jobs are submitted to the printer.</p><p>This command is not supported by Windows for Workgroups,
- but can be issued from the Printers window under Windows 95
- and NT.</p><p>If a <i class="parameter"><tt>%p</tt></i> is given then the printer name
- is put in its place. Otherwise it is placed at the end of the command.
- </p><p>Note that it is good practice to include the absolute
- path in the command as the PATH may not be available to the
- server.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>depends on the setting of <i class="parameter"><tt>printing</tt></i></em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">queuepause command = disable %p</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="QUEUERESUMECOMMAND"></a>queueresume command (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the command to be
- executed on the server host in order to resume the printer queue. It
- is the command to undo the behavior that is caused by the
- previous parameter (<link linkend="QUEUEPAUSECOMMAND">).</p><p>This command should be a program or script which takes
- a printer name as its only parameter and resumes the printer queue,
- such that queued jobs are resubmitted to the printer.</p><p>This command is not supported by Windows for Workgroups,
- but can be issued from the Printers window under Windows 95
- and NT.</p><p>If a <i class="parameter"><tt>%p</tt></i> is given then the printer name
- is put in its place. Otherwise it is placed at the end of the
- command.</p><p>Note that it is good practice to include the absolute
- path in the command as the PATH may not be available to the
- server.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>depends on the setting of <link linkend="PRINTING"></em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">queuepause command = enable %p</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="READBMPX"></a>read bmpx (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean parameter controls whether
- <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> will support the "Read
- Block Multiplex" SMB. This is now rarely used and defaults to
- <tt class="constant">no</tt>. You should never need to set this
- parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">read bmpx = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="READLIST"></a>read list (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a list of users that are given read-only
- access to a service. If the connecting user is in this list then
- they will not be given write access, no matter what the <link linkend="READONLY">
- option is set to. The list can include group names using the
- syntax described in the <link linkend="INVALIDUSERS"> parameter.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="WRITELIST"> parameter and the <link linkend="INVALIDUSERS"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">read list = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">read list = mary, @students</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="READONLY"></a>read only (S)</span></dt><dd><p>An inverted synonym is <link linkend="WRITEABLE">.</p><p>If this parameter is <tt class="constant">yes</tt>, then users
- of a service may not create or modify files in the service's
- directory.</p><p>Note that a printable service (<b class="command">printable = yes</b>)
- will <span class="emphasis"><em>ALWAYS</em></span> allow writing to the directory
- (user privileges permitting), but only via spooling operations.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">read only = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="READRAW"></a>read raw (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls whether or not the server
- will support the raw read SMB requests when transferring data
- to clients.</p><p>If enabled, raw reads allow reads of 65535 bytes in
- one packet. This typically provides a major performance benefit.
- </p><p>However, some clients either negotiate the allowable
- block size incorrectly or are incapable of supporting larger block
- sizes, and for these clients you may need to disable raw reads.</p><p>In general this parameter should be viewed as a system tuning
- tool and left severely alone. See also <link linkend="WRITERAW">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">read raw = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="READSIZE"></a>read size (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The option <i class="parameter"><tt>read size</tt></i>
- affects the overlap of disk reads/writes with network reads/writes.
- If the amount of data being transferred in several of the SMB
- commands (currently SMBwrite, SMBwriteX and SMBreadbraw) is larger
- than this value then the server begins writing the data before it
- has received the whole packet from the network, or in the case of
- SMBreadbraw, it begins writing to the network before all the data
- has been read from disk.</p><p>This overlapping works best when the speeds of disk and
- network access are similar, having very little effect when the
- speed of one is much greater than the other.</p><p>The default value is 16384, but very little experimentation
- has been done yet to determine the optimal value, and it is likely
- that the best value will vary greatly between systems anyway.
- A value over 65536 is pointless and will cause you to allocate
- memory unnecessarily.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">read size = 16384</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">read size = 8192</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="REALM"></a>realm (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option specifies the kerberos realm to use. The realm is
- used as the ADS equivalent of the NT4 <b class="command">domain</b>. It
- is usually set to the DNS name of the kerberos server.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">realm = </b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">realm =</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="REMOTEANNOUNCE"></a>remote announce (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option allows you to setup <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a>to periodically announce itself
- to arbitrary IP addresses with an arbitrary workgroup name.</p><p>This is useful if you want your Samba server to appear
- in a remote workgroup for which the normal browse propagation
- rules don't work. The remote workgroup can be anywhere that you
- can send IP packets to.</p><p>For example:</p><p><b class="command">remote announce =
-</b></p><p>the above line would cause <b class="command">nmbd</b> to announce itself
- to the two given IP addresses using the given workgroup names.
- If you leave out the workgroup name then the one given in
- the <link linkend="WORKGROUP">
- parameter is used instead.</p><p>The IP addresses you choose would normally be the broadcast
- addresses of the remote networks, but can also be the IP addresses
- of known browse masters if your network config is that stable.</p><p>See <link linkend="NetworkBrowsing">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">remote announce = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="REMOTEBROWSESYNC"></a>remote browse sync (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option allows you to setup <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a> to periodically request
- synchronization of browse lists with the master browser of a Samba
- server that is on a remote segment. This option will allow you to
- gain browse lists for multiple workgroups across routed networks. This
- is done in a manner that does not work with any non-Samba servers.</p><p>This is useful if you want your Samba server and all local
- clients to appear in a remote workgroup for which the normal browse
- propagation rules don't work. The remote workgroup can be anywhere
- that you can send IP packets to.</p><p>For example:</p><p><b class="command">remote browse sync =</b></p><p>the above line would cause <b class="command">nmbd</b> to request
- the master browser on the specified subnets or addresses to
- synchronize their browse lists with the local server.</p><p>The IP addresses you choose would normally be the broadcast
- addresses of the remote networks, but can also be the IP addresses
- of known browse masters if your network config is that stable. If
- a machine IP address is given Samba makes NO attempt to validate
- that the remote machine is available, is listening, nor that it
- is in fact the browse master on its segment.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">remote browse sync = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="RESTRICTANONYMOUS"></a>restrict anonymous (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The setting of this parameter determines whether user and
- group list information is returned for an anonymous connection.
- and mirrors the effects of the
- <tt class="constant">HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA\RestrictAnonymous</tt> registry key in Windows
- 2000 and Windows NT. When set to 0, user and group list
- information is returned to anyone who asks. When set
- to 1, only an authenticated user can retrive user and
- group list information. For the value 2, supported by
- Windows 2000/XP and Samba, no anonymous connections are allowed at
- all. This can break third party and Microsoft
- applications which expect to be allowed to perform
- operations anonymously.</p><p>
- The security advantage of using restrict anonymous = 1 is dubious,
- as user and group list information can be obtained using other
- means.
- </p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>
- The security advantage of using restrict anonymous = 2 is removed
- by setting <link linkend="GUESTOK"> on any share.
- </p></div><p>Default: <b class="command">restrict anonymous = 0</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ROOT"></a>root (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="ROOTDIRECTORY">.
- </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ROOTDIR"></a>root dir (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="ROOTDIRECTORY">.
- </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ROOTDIRECTORY"></a>root directory (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The server will <b class="command">chroot()</b> (i.e.
- Change its root directory) to this directory on startup. This is
- not strictly necessary for secure operation. Even without it the
- server will deny access to files not in one of the service entries.
- It may also check for, and deny access to, soft links to other
- parts of the filesystem, or attempts to use ".." in file names
- to access other directories (depending on the setting of the <link linkend="WIDELINKS">
- parameter).
- </p><p>Adding a <i class="parameter"><tt>root directory</tt></i> entry other
- than "/" adds an extra level of security, but at a price. It
- absolutely ensures that no access is given to files not in the
- sub-tree specified in the <i class="parameter"><tt>root directory</tt></i>
- option, <span class="emphasis"><em>including</em></span> some files needed for
- complete operation of the server. To maintain full operability
- of the server you will need to mirror some system files
- into the <i class="parameter"><tt>root directory</tt></i> tree. In particular
- you will need to mirror <tt class="filename">/etc/passwd</tt> (or a
- subset of it), and any binaries or configuration files needed for
- printing (if required). The set of files that must be mirrored is
- operating system dependent.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">root directory = /</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">root directory = /homes/smb</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ROOTPOSTEXEC"></a>root postexec (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is the same as the <i class="parameter"><tt>postexec</tt></i>
- parameter except that the command is run as root. This
- is useful for unmounting filesystems
- (such as CDROMs) after a connection is closed.</p><p>See also <link linkend="POSTEXEC">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">root postexec = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ROOTPREEXEC"></a>root preexec (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is the same as the <i class="parameter"><tt>preexec</tt></i>
- parameter except that the command is run as root. This
- is useful for mounting filesystems (such as CDROMs) when a
- connection is opened.</p><p>See also <link linkend="PREEXEC"> and <link linkend="PREEXECCLOSE">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">root preexec = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="ROOTPREEXECCLOSE"></a>root preexec close (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is the same as the <i class="parameter"><tt>preexec close
- </tt></i> parameter except that the command is run as root.</p><p>See also <link linkend="PREEXEC"> and <link linkend="PREEXECCLOSE">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">root preexec close = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SECURITY"></a>security (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option affects how clients respond to
- Samba and is one of the most important settings in the <tt class="filename">
- smb.conf</tt> file.</p><p>The option sets the "security mode bit" in replies to
- protocol negotiations with <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> to turn share level security on or off. Clients decide
- based on this bit whether (and how) to transfer user and password
- information to the server.</p><p>The default is <b class="command">security = user</b>, as this is
- the most common setting needed when talking to Windows 98 and
- Windows NT.</p><p>The alternatives are <b class="command">security = share</b>,
- <b class="command">security = server</b> or <b class="command">security = domain
- </b>.</p><p>In versions of Samba prior to 2.0.0, the default was
- <b class="command">security = share</b> mainly because that was
- the only option at one stage.</p><p>There is a bug in WfWg that has relevance to this
- setting. When in user or server level security a WfWg client
- will totally ignore the password you type in the "connect
- drive" dialog box. This makes it very difficult (if not impossible)
- to connect to a Samba service as anyone except the user that
- you are logged into WfWg as.</p><p>If your PCs use usernames that are the same as their
- usernames on the UNIX machine then you will want to use
- <b class="command">security = user</b>. If you mostly use usernames
- that don't exist on the UNIX box then use <b class="command">security =
- share</b>.</p><p>You should also use <b class="command">security = share</b> if you
- want to mainly setup shares without a password (guest shares). This
- is commonly used for a shared printer server. It is more difficult
- to setup guest shares with <b class="command">security = user</b>, see
- the <link linkend="MAPTOGUEST">parameter for details.</p><p>It is possible to use <b class="command">smbd</b> in a <span class="emphasis"><em>
- hybrid mode</em></span> where it is offers both user and share
- level security under different <link linkend="NETBIOSALIASES">. </p><p>The different settings will now be explained.</p><p><a name="SECURITYEQUALSSHARE"></a><span class="emphasis"><em>SECURITY = SHARE</em></span></p><p>When clients connect to a share level security server they
- need not log onto the server with a valid username and password before
- attempting to connect to a shared resource (although modern clients
- such as Windows 95/98 and Windows NT will send a logon request with
- a username but no password when talking to a <b class="command">security = share
- </b> server). Instead, the clients send authentication information
- (passwords) on a per-share basis, at the time they attempt to connect
- to that share.</p><p>Note that <b class="command">smbd</b> <span class="emphasis"><em>ALWAYS</em></span>
- uses a valid UNIX user to act on behalf of the client, even in
- <b class="command">security = share</b> level security.</p><p>As clients are not required to send a username to the server
- in share level security, <b class="command">smbd</b> uses several
- techniques to determine the correct UNIX user to use on behalf
- of the client.</p><p>A list of possible UNIX usernames to match with the given
- client password is constructed using the following methods :</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>If the <link linkend="GUESTONLY"> parameter is set, then all the other
- stages are missed and only the <link linkend="GUESTACCOUNT"> username is checked.
- </p></li><li><p>Is a username is sent with the share connection
- request, then this username (after mapping - see <link linkend="USERNAMEMAP">),
- is added as a potential username.
- </p></li><li><p>If the client did a previous <span class="emphasis"><em>logon
- </em></span> request (the SessionSetup SMB call) then the
- username sent in this SMB will be added as a potential username.
- </p></li><li><p>The name of the service the client requested is
- added as a potential username.
- </p></li><li><p>The NetBIOS name of the client is added to
- the list as a potential username.
- </p></li><li><p>Any users on the <link linkend="USER"> list are added as potential usernames.
- </p></li></ul></div><p>If the <i class="parameter"><tt>guest only</tt></i> parameter is
- not set, then this list is then tried with the supplied password.
- The first user for whom the password matches will be used as the
- UNIX user.</p><p>If the <i class="parameter"><tt>guest only</tt></i> parameter is
- set, or no username can be determined then if the share is marked
- as available to the <i class="parameter"><tt>guest account</tt></i>, then this
- guest user will be used, otherwise access is denied.</p><p>Note that it can be <span class="emphasis"><em>very</em></span> confusing
- in share-level security as to which UNIX username will eventually
- be used in granting access.</p><p>See also the section <link linkend="VALIDATIONSECT">.</p><p><a name="SECURITYEQUALSUSER"></a><span class="emphasis"><em>SECURITY = USER</em></span></p><p>This is the default security setting in Samba 3.0.
- With user-level security a client must first "log-on" with a
- valid username and password (which can be mapped using the <link linkend="USERNAMEMAP">
- parameter). Encrypted passwords (see the <link linkend="ENCRYPTPASSWORDS"> parameter) can also
- be used in this security mode. Parameters such as <link linkend="USER"> and <link linkend="GUESTONLY"> if set are then applied and
- may change the UNIX user to use on this connection, but only after
- the user has been successfully authenticated.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Note</em></span> that the name of the resource being
- requested is <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> sent to the server until after
- the server has successfully authenticated the client. This is why
- guest shares don't work in user level security without allowing
- the server to automatically map unknown users into the <link linkend="GUESTACCOUNT">.
- See the <link linkend="MAPTOGUEST"> parameter for details on doing this.</p><p>See also the section <link linkend="VALIDATIONSECT">.</p><p><a name="SECURITYEQUALSDOMAIN"></a><span class="emphasis"><em>SECURITY = DOMAIN</em></span></p><p>This mode will only work correctly if <a href="net.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">net</span>(8)</span></a> has been used to add this
- machine into a Windows NT Domain. It expects the <link linkend="ENCRYPTPASSWORDS"> parameter to be set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>. In this
- mode Samba will try to validate the username/password by passing
- it to a Windows NT Primary or Backup Domain Controller, in exactly
- the same way that a Windows NT Server would do.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Note</em></span> that a valid UNIX user must still
- exist as well as the account on the Domain Controller to allow
- Samba to have a valid UNIX account to map file access to.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Note</em></span> that from the client's point
- of view <b class="command">security = domain</b> is the same
- as <b class="command">security = user</b>. It only
- affects how the server deals with the authentication,
- it does not in any way affect what the client sees.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Note</em></span> that the name of the resource being
- requested is <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> sent to the server until after
- the server has successfully authenticated the client. This is why
- guest shares don't work in user level security without allowing
- the server to automatically map unknown users into the <link linkend="GUESTACCOUNT">.
- See the <link linkend="MAPTOGUEST"> parameter for details on doing this.</p><p>See also the section <link linkend="VALIDATIONSECT">.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="PASSWORDSERVER"> parameter and the <link linkend="ENCRYPTPASSWORDS"> parameter.</p><p><a name="SECURITYEQUALSSERVER"></a><span class="emphasis"><em>SECURITY = SERVER</em></span></p><p>In this mode Samba will try to validate the username/password
- by passing it to another SMB server, such as an NT box. If this
- fails it will revert to <b class="command">security =
- user</b>. It expects the <link linkend="ENCRYPTPASSWORDS"> parameter
- to be set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>, unless the remote server
- does not support them. However note that if encrypted passwords have been
- negotiated then Samba cannot revert back to checking the UNIX password file,
- it must have a valid <tt class="filename">smbpasswd</tt> file to check
- users against. See the chapter about the User Database in the Samba HOWTO Collection for details on how to set this up.</p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>This mode of operation has
- significant pitfalls, due to the fact that is activly initiates a
- man-in-the-middle attack on the remote SMB server. In particular,
- this mode of operation can cause significant resource consuption on
- the PDC, as it must maintain an active connection for the duration
- of the user's session. Furthermore, if this connection is lost,
- there is no way to reestablish it, and futher authenticaions to the
- Samba server may fail. (From a single client, till it disconnects).
- </p></div><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>From the client's point of
- view <b class="command">security = server</b> is the
- same as <b class="command">security = user</b>. It
- only affects how the server deals with the authentication, it does
- not in any way affect what the client sees.</p></div><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Note</em></span> that the name of the resource being
- requested is <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> sent to the server until after
- the server has successfully authenticated the client. This is why
- guest shares don't work in user level security without allowing
- the server to automatically map unknown users into the <link linkend="GUESTACCOUNT">.
- See the <link linkend="MAPTOGUEST"> parameter for details on doing this.</p><p>See also the section <link linkend="VALIDATIONSECT">.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="PASSWORDSERVER"> parameter and the <link linkend="ENCRYPTPASSWORDS"> parameter.</p><p><a name="SECURITYEQUALSADS"></a><span class="emphasis"><em>SECURITY = ADS</em></span></p><p>In this mode, Samba will act as a domain member in an ADS realm. To operate
- in this mode, the machine running Samba will need to have Kerberos installed
- and configured and Samba will need to be joined to the ADS realm using the
- net utility. </p><p>Note that this mode does NOT make Samba operate as a Active Directory Domain
- Controller. </p><p>Read the chapter about Domain Membership in the HOWTO for details.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="ADSSERVER"> parameter, the <link linkend="REALM"> paramter and the <link linkend="ENCRYPTPASSWORDS"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">security = USER</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">security = DOMAIN</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SECURITYMASK"></a>security mask (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls what UNIX permission
- bits can be modified when a Windows NT client is manipulating
- the UNIX permission on a file using the native NT security
- dialog box.</p><p>This parameter is applied as a mask (AND'ed with) to
- the changed permission bits, thus preventing any bits not in
- this mask from being modified. Essentially, zero bits in this
- mask may be treated as a set of bits the user is not allowed
- to change.</p><p>If not set explicitly this parameter is 0777, allowing
- a user to modify all the user/group/world permissions on a file.
- </p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Note</em></span> that users who can access the
- Samba server through other means can easily bypass this
- restriction, so it is primarily useful for standalone
- "appliance" systems. Administrators of most normal systems will
- probably want to leave it set to <tt class="constant">0777</tt>.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="FORCEDIRECTORYSECURITYMODE">,
- <link linkend="DIRECTORYSECURITYMASK">, <link linkend="FORCESECURITYMODE"> parameters.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">security mask = 0777</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">security mask = 0770</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SERVERSCHANNEL"></a>server schannel (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls whether the server offers or even
- demands the use of the netlogon schannel.
- <i class="parameter"><tt>server schannel = no</tt></i> does not
- offer the schannel, <i class="parameter"><tt>server schannel =
- auto</tt></i> offers the schannel but does not
- enforce it, and <i class="parameter"><tt>server schannel =
- yes</tt></i> denies access if the client is not
- able to speak netlogon schannel. This is only the case
- for Windows NT4 before SP4.</p><p>Please note that with this set to
- <i class="parameter"><tt>no</tt></i> you will have to apply the
- WindowsXP requireSignOrSeal-Registry patch found in
- the docs/Registry subdirectory.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">server schannel = auto</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">server schannel = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SERVERSIGNING"></a>server signing (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls whether the server offers or requires
- the client it talks to to use SMB signing. Possible values
- are <span class="emphasis"><em>auto</em></span>, <span class="emphasis"><em>mandatory</em></span>
- and <span class="emphasis"><em>disabled</em></span>.
- </p><p>When set to auto, SMB signing is offered, but not enforced.
- When set to mandatory, SMB signing is required and if set
- to disabled, SMB signing is not offered either.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">client signing = False</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SERVERSTRING"></a>server string (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls what string will show up in the printer comment box in print
- manager and next to the IPC connection in <b class="command">net view</b>. It
- can be any string that you wish to show to your users.</p><p>It also sets what will appear in browse lists next
- to the machine name.</p><p>A <i class="parameter"><tt>%v</tt></i> will be replaced with the Samba
- version number.</p><p>A <i class="parameter"><tt>%h</tt></i> will be replaced with the
- hostname.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">server string = Samba %v</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">server string = University of GNUs Samba
- Server</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SETDIRECTORY"></a>set directory (S)</span></dt><dd><p>If <b class="command">set directory = no</b>, then
- users of the service may not use the setdir command to change
- directory.</p><p>The <b class="command">setdir</b> command is only implemented
- in the Digital Pathworks client. See the Pathworks documentation
- for details.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">set directory = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SETPRIMARYGROUPSCRIPT"></a>set primary group script (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Thanks to the Posix subsystem in NT a Windows User has a
- primary group in addition to the auxiliary groups. This script
- sets the primary group in the unix userdatase when an
- administrator sets the primary group from the windows user
- manager or when fetching a SAM with <b class="command">net rpc
- vampire</b>. <i class="parameter"><tt>%u</tt></i> will be replaced
- with the user whose primary group is to be set.
- <i class="parameter"><tt>%g</tt></i> will be replaced with the group to
- set.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>No default value</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">set primary group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -g '%g' '%u'</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SETQUOTACOMMAND"></a>set quota command (G)</span></dt><dd><p>The <b class="command">set quota command</b> should only be used
- whenever there is no operating system API available from the OS that
- samba can use.</p><p>This parameter should specify the path to a script that
- can set quota for the specified arguments.</p><p>The specified script should take the following arguments:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>1 - quota type
- </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="circle"><li><p>1 - user quotas</p></li><li><p>2 - user default quotas (uid = -1)</p></li><li><p>3 - group quotas</p></li><li><p>4 - group default quotas (gid = -1)</p></li></ul></div><p>
- </p></li><li><p>2 - id (uid for user, gid for group, -1 if N/A)</p></li><li><p>3 - quota state (0 = disable, 1 = enable, 2 = enable and enforce)</p></li><li><p>4 - block softlimit</p></li><li><p>5 - block hardlimit</p></li><li><p>6 - inode softlimit</p></li><li><p>7 - inode hardlimit</p></li><li><p>8(optional) - block size, defaults to 1024</p></li></ul></div><p>The script should output at least one line of data.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="GETQUOTACOMMAND"> parameter.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">set quota command = </b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">set quota command = /usr/local/sbin/set_quota</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SHAREMODES"></a>share modes (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This enables or disables the honoring of
- the <i class="parameter"><tt>share modes</tt></i> during a file open. These
- modes are used by clients to gain exclusive read or write access
- to a file.</p><p>These open modes are not directly supported by UNIX, so
- they are simulated using shared memory, or lock files if your
- UNIX doesn't support shared memory (almost all do).</p><p>The share modes that are enabled by this option are
- <tt class="constant">DENY_DOS</tt>, <tt class="constant">DENY_ALL</tt>,
- <tt class="constant">DENY_READ</tt>, <tt class="constant">DENY_WRITE</tt>,
- <tt class="constant">DENY_NONE</tt> and <tt class="constant">DENY_FCB</tt>.
- </p><p>This option gives full share compatibility and enabled
- by default.</p><p>You should <span class="emphasis"><em>NEVER</em></span> turn this parameter
- off as many Windows applications will break if you do so.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">share modes = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SHORTPRESERVECASE"></a>short preserve case (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean parameter controls if new files
- which conform to 8.3 syntax, that is all in upper case and of
- suitable length, are created upper case, or if they are forced
- to be the <link linkend="DEFAULTCASE">. This option can be use with <link linkend="PRESERVECASE"> to permit long filenames to retain their case, while short
- names are lowered. </p><p>See the section on <link linkend="NAMEMANGLINGSECT">.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">short preserve case = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SHOWADDPRINTERWIZARD"></a>show add printer wizard (G)</span></dt><dd><p>With the introduction of MS-RPC based printing support
- for Windows NT/2000 client in Samba 2.2, a "Printers..." folder will
- appear on Samba hosts in the share listing. Normally this folder will
- contain an icon for the MS Add Printer Wizard (APW). However, it is
- possible to disable this feature regardless of the level of privilege
- of the connected user.</p><p>Under normal circumstances, the Windows NT/2000 client will
- open a handle on the printer server with OpenPrinterEx() asking for
- Administrator privileges. If the user does not have administrative
- access on the print server (i.e is not root or a member of the
- <i class="parameter"><tt>printer admin</tt></i> group), the OpenPrinterEx()
- call fails and the client makes another open call with a request for
- a lower privilege level. This should succeed, however the APW
- icon will not be displayed.</p><p>Disabling the <i class="parameter"><tt>show add printer wizard</tt></i>
- parameter will always cause the OpenPrinterEx() on the server
- to fail. Thus the APW icon will never be displayed. <span class="emphasis"><em>
- Note :</em></span>This does not prevent the same user from having
- administrative privilege on an individual printer.</p><p>See also <link linkend="ADDPRINTERCOMMAND">, <link linkend="DELETEPRINTERCOMMAND">, <link linkend="PRINTERADMIN"></p><p>Default :<b class="command">show add printer wizard = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SHUTDOWNSCRIPT"></a>shutdown script (G)</span></dt><dd><p><span class="emphasis"><em>This parameter only exists in the HEAD cvs branch</em></span>
- This a full path name to a script called by <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> that should start a shutdown procedure.</p><p>This command will be run as the user connected to the server.</p><p>%m %t %r %f parameters are expanded:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>%m</tt></i> will be substituted with the
- shutdown message sent to the server.</p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>%t</tt></i> will be substituted with the
- number of seconds to wait before effectively starting the
- shutdown procedure.</p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>%r</tt></i> will be substituted with the
- switch <span class="emphasis"><em>-r</em></span>. It means reboot after shutdown
- for NT.</p></li><li><p><i class="parameter"><tt>%f</tt></i> will be substituted with the
- switch <span class="emphasis"><em>-f</em></span>. It means force the shutdown
- even if applications do not respond for NT.</p></li></ul></div><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>None</em></span>.</p><p>Example: <b class="command">shutdown script = /usr/local/samba/sbin/shutdown %m %t %r %f</b></p><p>Shutdown script example:
-</p><pre class="programlisting">
-let "time/60"
-let "time++"
-/sbin/shutdown $3 $4 +$time $1 &amp;
-Shutdown does not return so we need to launch it in background.
-</p><p>See also <link linkend="ABORTSHUTDOWNSCRIPT">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SMBPASSWDFILE"></a>smb passwd file (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option sets the path to the encrypted smbpasswd file. By
- default the path to the smbpasswd file is compiled into Samba.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">smb passwd file = ${prefix}/private/smbpasswd</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SMBPORTS"></a>smb ports (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Specifies which ports the server should listen on for SMB traffic.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">smb ports = 445 139</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SOCKETADDRESS"></a>socket address (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option allows you to control what
- address Samba will listen for connections on. This is used to
- support multiple virtual interfaces on the one server, each
- with a different configuration.</p><p>By default Samba will accept connections on any
- address.</p><p>Example: <b class="command">socket address =</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SOCKETOPTIONS"></a>socket options (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option allows you to set socket options
- to be used when talking with the client.</p><p>Socket options are controls on the networking layer
- of the operating systems which allow the connection to be
- tuned.</p><p>This option will typically be used to tune your Samba server
- for optimal performance for your local network. There is no way
- that Samba can know what the optimal parameters are for your net,
- so you must experiment and choose them yourself. We strongly
- suggest you read the appropriate documentation for your operating
- system first (perhaps <b class="command">man
- setsockopt</b> will help).</p><p>You may find that on some systems Samba will say
- "Unknown socket option" when you supply an option. This means you
- either incorrectly typed it or you need to add an include file
- to includes.h for your OS. If the latter is the case please
- send the patch to <ulink url="">
-</ulink>.</p><p>Any of the supported socket options may be combined
- in any way you like, as long as your OS allows it.</p><p>This is the list of socket options currently settable
- using this option:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>SO_KEEPALIVE</p></li><li><p>SO_REUSEADDR</p></li><li><p>SO_BROADCAST</p></li><li><p>TCP_NODELAY</p></li><li><p>IPTOS_LOWDELAY</p></li><li><p>IPTOS_THROUGHPUT</p></li><li><p>SO_SNDBUF *</p></li><li><p>SO_RCVBUF *</p></li><li><p>SO_SNDLOWAT *</p></li><li><p>SO_RCVLOWAT *</p></li></ul></div><p>Those marked with a <span class="emphasis"><em>'*'</em></span> take an integer
- argument. The others can optionally take a 1 or 0 argument to enable
- or disable the option, by default they will be enabled if you
- don't specify 1 or 0.</p><p>To specify an argument use the syntax SOME_OPTION = VALUE
- for example <b class="command">SO_SNDBUF = 8192</b>. Note that you must
- not have any spaces before or after the = sign.</p><p>If you are on a local network then a sensible option
- might be:</p><p><b class="command">socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY</b></p><p>If you have a local network then you could try:</p><p><b class="command">socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY TCP_NODELAY</b></p><p>If you are on a wide area network then perhaps try
- setting IPTOS_THROUGHPUT. </p><p>Note that several of the options may cause your Samba
- server to fail completely. Use these options with caution!</p><p>Default: <b class="command">socket options = TCP_NODELAY</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SOURCEENVIRONMENT"></a>source environment (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter causes Samba to set environment
- variables as per the content of the file named.</p><p>If the value of this parameter starts with a "|" character
- then Samba will treat that value as a pipe command to open and
- will set the environment variables from the output of the pipe.</p><p>The contents of the file or the output of the pipe should
- be formatted as the output of the standard Unix <b class="command">env(1)</b> command. This is of the form:</p><p>Example environment entry:</p><p><b class="command">SAMBA_NETBIOS_NAME = myhostname</b></p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>No default value</em></span></p><p>Examples: <b class="command">source environment = |/etc/</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">source environment =
- /usr/local/smb_env_vars</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="STATCACHE"></a>stat cache (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter determines if <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> will use a cache in order to
- speed up case insensitive name mappings. You should never need
- to change this parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">stat cache = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="STRICTALLOCATE"></a>strict allocate (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a boolean that controls the handling of
- disk space allocation in the server. When this is set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>
- the server will change from UNIX behaviour of not committing real
- disk storage blocks when a file is extended to the Windows behaviour
- of actually forcing the disk system to allocate real storage blocks
- when a file is created or extended to be a given size. In UNIX
- terminology this means that Samba will stop creating sparse files.
- This can be slow on some systems.</p><p>When strict allocate is <tt class="constant">no</tt> the server does sparse
- disk block allocation when a file is extended.</p><p>Setting this to <tt class="constant">yes</tt> can help Samba return
- out of quota messages on systems that are restricting the disk quota
- of users.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">strict allocate = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="STRICTLOCKING"></a>strict locking (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a boolean that controls the handling of
- file locking in the server. When this is set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>,
- the server will check every read and write access for file locks, and
- deny access if locks exist. This can be slow on some systems.</p><p>When strict locking is disabled, the server performs file
- lock checks only when the client explicitly asks for them.</p><p>Well-behaved clients always ask for lock checks when it
- is important. So in the vast majority of cases, <b class="command">strict
- locking = no</b> is preferable.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">strict locking = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="STRICTSYNC"></a>strict sync (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Many Windows applications (including the Windows 98 explorer
- shell) seem to confuse flushing buffer contents to disk with doing
- a sync to disk. Under UNIX, a sync call forces the process to be
- suspended until the kernel has ensured that all outstanding data in
- kernel disk buffers has been safely stored onto stable storage.
- This is very slow and should only be done rarely. Setting this
- parameter to <tt class="constant">no</tt> (the default) means that
- <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> ignores the Windows
- applications requests for a sync call. There is only a possibility
- of losing data if the operating system itself that Samba is running
- on crashes, so there is little danger in this default setting. In
- addition, this fixes many performance problems that people have
- reported with the new Windows98 explorer shell file copies.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="SYNCALWAYS"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">strict sync = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SYNCALWAYS"></a>sync always (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a boolean parameter that controls
- whether writes will always be written to stable storage before
- the write call returns. If this is <tt class="constant">no</tt> then the server will be
- guided by the client's request in each write call (clients can
- set a bit indicating that a particular write should be synchronous).
- If this is <tt class="constant">yes</tt> then every write will be followed by a <b class="command">fsync()
- </b> call to ensure the data is written to disk. Note that
- the <i class="parameter"><tt>strict sync</tt></i> parameter must be set to
- <tt class="constant">yes</tt> in order for this parameter to have
- any affect.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="STRICTSYNC"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">sync always = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SYSLOG"></a>syslog (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter maps how Samba debug messages
- are logged onto the system syslog logging levels. Samba debug
- level zero maps onto syslog <tt class="constant">LOG_ERR</tt>, debug
- level one maps onto <tt class="constant">LOG_WARNING</tt>, debug level
- two maps onto <tt class="constant">LOG_NOTICE</tt>, debug level three
- maps onto LOG_INFO. All higher levels are mapped to <tt class="constant">
- LOG_DEBUG</tt>.</p><p>This parameter sets the threshold for sending messages
- to syslog. Only messages with debug level less than this value
- will be sent to syslog.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">syslog = 1</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="SYSLOGONLY"></a>syslog only (G)</span></dt><dd><p>If this parameter is set then Samba debug
- messages are logged into the system syslog only, and not to
- the debug log files.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">syslog only = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="TEMPLATEHOMEDIR"></a>template homedir (G)</span></dt><dd><p>When filling out the user information for a Windows NT
- user, the <a href="winbindd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">winbindd</span>(8)</span></a> daemon uses this
- parameter to fill in the home directory for that user. If the
- string <i class="parameter"><tt>%D</tt></i> is present it
- is substituted with the user's Windows NT domain name. If the
- string <i class="parameter"><tt>%U</tt></i> is present it
- is substituted with the user's Windows NT user name.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">template homedir = /home/%D/%U</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="TEMPLATEPRIMARYGROUP"></a>template primary group (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option defines the default primary group for
- each user created by <a href="winbindd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">winbindd</span>(8)</span></a>'s local account management
- functions (similar to the 'add user script').
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">template primary group = nobody</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="TEMPLATESHELL"></a>template shell (G)</span></dt><dd><p>When filling out the user information for a Windows NT
- user, the <a href="winbindd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">winbindd</span>(8)</span></a> daemon uses this
- parameter to fill in the login shell for that user.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">template shell = /bin/false</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="TIMEOFFSET"></a>time offset (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter is a setting in minutes to add
- to the normal GMT to local time conversion. This is useful if
- you are serving a lot of PCs that have incorrect daylight
- saving time handling.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">time offset = 0</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">time offset = 60</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="TIMESERVER"></a>time server (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter determines if <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a> advertises itself as a time server to Windows
- clients.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">time server = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="TIMESTAMPLOGS"></a>timestamp logs (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="DEBUGTIMESTAMP">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="UNICODE"></a>unicode (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Specifies whether Samba should try
- to use unicode on the wire by default. Note: This does NOT
- mean that samba will assume that the unix machine uses unicode!
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">unicode = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="UNIXCHARSET"></a>unix charset (G)</span></dt><dd><p>Specifies the charset the unix machine
- Samba runs on uses. Samba needs to know this in order to be able to
- convert text to the charsets other SMB clients use.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">unix charset = UTF8</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">unix charset = ASCII</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="UNIXEXTENSIONS"></a>unix extensions (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean parameter controls whether Samba
- implments the CIFS UNIX extensions, as defined by HP.
- These extensions enable Samba to better serve UNIX CIFS clients
- by supporting features such as symbolic links, hard links, etc...
- These extensions require a similarly enabled client, and are of
- no current use to Windows clients.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">unix extensions = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="UNIXPASSWORDSYNC"></a>unix password sync (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean parameter controls whether Samba
- attempts to synchronize the UNIX password with the SMB password
- when the encrypted SMB password in the smbpasswd file is changed.
- If this is set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt> the program specified in the <i class="parameter"><tt>passwd
- program</tt></i>parameter is called <span class="emphasis"><em>AS ROOT</em></span> -
- to allow the new UNIX password to be set without access to the
- old UNIX password (as the SMB password change code has no
- access to the old password cleartext, only the new).</p><p>See also <link linkend="PASSWDPROGRAM">, <link linkend="PASSWDCHAT">.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">unix password sync = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="UPDATEENCRYPTED"></a>update encrypted (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean parameter allows a user logging on with
- a plaintext password to have their encrypted (hashed) password in
- the smbpasswd file to be updated automatically as they log
- on. This option allows a site to migrate from plaintext
- password authentication (users authenticate with plaintext
- password over the wire, and are checked against a UNIX account
- database) to encrypted password authentication (the SMB
- challenge/response authentication mechanism) without forcing all
- users to re-enter their passwords via smbpasswd at the time the
- change is made. This is a convenience option to allow the change
- over to encrypted passwords to be made over a longer period.
- Once all users have encrypted representations of their passwords
- in the smbpasswd file this parameter should be set to
- <tt class="constant">no</tt>.</p><p>In order for this parameter to work correctly the <link linkend="ENCRYPTPASSWORDS"> parameter must
- be set to <tt class="constant">no</tt> when this parameter is set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>.</p><p>Note that even when this parameter is set a user
- authenticating to <b class="command">smbd</b> must still enter a valid
- password in order to connect correctly, and to update their hashed
- (smbpasswd) passwords.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">update encrypted = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="USECLIENTDRIVER"></a>use client driver (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter applies only to Windows NT/2000
- clients. It has no effect on Windows 95/98/ME clients. When
- serving a printer to Windows NT/2000 clients without first installing
- a valid printer driver on the Samba host, the client will be required
- to install a local printer driver. From this point on, the client
- will treat the print as a local printer and not a network printer
- connection. This is much the same behavior that will occur
- when <b class="command">disable spoolss = yes</b>.
- </p><p>The differentiating factor is that under normal
- circumstances, the NT/2000 client will attempt to open the network
- printer using MS-RPC. The problem is that because the client
- considers the printer to be local, it will attempt to issue the
- OpenPrinterEx() call requesting access rights associated with the
- logged on user. If the user possesses local administator rights but
- not root privilegde on the Samba host (often the case), the
- OpenPrinterEx() call will fail. The result is that the client will
- now display an "Access Denied; Unable to connect" message
- in the printer queue window (even though jobs may successfully be
- printed). </p><p>If this parameter is enabled for a printer, then any attempt
- to open the printer with the PRINTER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER right is mapped
- to PRINTER_ACCESS_USE instead. Thus allowing the OpenPrinterEx()
- call to succeed. <span class="emphasis"><em>This parameter MUST not be able enabled
- on a print share which has valid print driver installed on the Samba
- server.</em></span></p><p>See also <link linkend="DISABLESPOOLSS"></p><p>Default: <b class="command">use client driver = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="USEMMAP"></a>use mmap (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This global parameter determines if the tdb internals of Samba can
- depend on mmap working correctly on the running system. Samba requires a coherent
- mmap/read-write system memory cache. Currently only HPUX does not have such a
- coherent cache, and so this parameter is set to <tt class="constant">no</tt> by
- default on HPUX. On all other systems this parameter should be left alone. This
- parameter is provided to help the Samba developers track down problems with
- the tdb internal code.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">use mmap = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="USER"></a>user (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="USERNAME">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="USERNAME"></a>username (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Multiple users may be specified in a comma-delimited
- list, in which case the supplied password will be tested against
- each username in turn (left to right).</p><p>The <i class="parameter"><tt>username</tt></i> line is needed only when
- the PC is unable to supply its own username. This is the case
- for the COREPLUS protocol or where your users have different WfWg
- usernames to UNIX usernames. In both these cases you may also be
- better using the \\server\share%user syntax instead.</p><p>The <i class="parameter"><tt>username</tt></i> line is not a great
- solution in many cases as it means Samba will try to validate
- the supplied password against each of the usernames in the
- <i class="parameter"><tt>username</tt></i> line in turn. This is slow and
- a bad idea for lots of users in case of duplicate passwords.
- You may get timeouts or security breaches using this parameter
- unwisely.</p><p>Samba relies on the underlying UNIX security. This
- parameter does not restrict who can login, it just offers hints
- to the Samba server as to what usernames might correspond to the
- supplied password. Users can login as whoever they please and
- they will be able to do no more damage than if they started a
- telnet session. The daemon runs as the user that they log in as,
- so they cannot do anything that user cannot do.</p><p>To restrict a service to a particular set of users you
- can use the <link linkend="VALIDUSERS"> parameter.</p><p>If any of the usernames begin with a '@' then the name
- will be looked up first in the NIS netgroups list (if Samba
- is compiled with netgroup support), followed by a lookup in
- the UNIX groups database and will expand to a list of all users
- in the group of that name.</p><p>If any of the usernames begin with a '+' then the name
- will be looked up only in the UNIX groups database and will
- expand to a list of all users in the group of that name.</p><p>If any of the usernames begin with a '&amp;' then the name
- will be looked up only in the NIS netgroups database (if Samba
- is compiled with netgroup support) and will expand to a list
- of all users in the netgroup group of that name.</p><p>Note that searching though a groups database can take
- quite some time, and some clients may time out during the
- search.</p><p>See the section <link linkend="VALIDATIONSECT"> for more information on how
- this parameter determines access to the services.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">The guest account if a guest service,
- else &lt;empty string&gt;.</b></p><p>Examples:<b class="command">username = fred, mary, jack, jane,
- @users, @pcgroup</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="USERNAMELEVEL"></a>username level (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option helps Samba to try and 'guess' at
- the real UNIX username, as many DOS clients send an all-uppercase
- username. By default Samba tries all lowercase, followed by the
- username with the first letter capitalized, and fails if the
- username is not found on the UNIX machine.</p><p>If this parameter is set to non-zero the behavior changes.
- This parameter is a number that specifies the number of uppercase
- combinations to try while trying to determine the UNIX user name. The
- higher the number the more combinations will be tried, but the slower
- the discovery of usernames will be. Use this parameter when you have
- strange usernames on your UNIX machine, such as <tt class="constant">AstrangeUser
- </tt>.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">username level = 0</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">username level = 5</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="USERNAMEMAP"></a>username map (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This option allows you to specify a file containing
- a mapping of usernames from the clients to the server. This can be
- used for several purposes. The most common is to map usernames
- that users use on DOS or Windows machines to those that the UNIX
- box uses. The other is to map multiple users to a single username
- so that they can more easily share files.</p><p>The map file is parsed line by line. Each line should
- contain a single UNIX username on the left then a '=' followed
- by a list of usernames on the right. The list of usernames on the
- right may contain names of the form @group in which case they
- will match any UNIX username in that group. The special client
- name '*' is a wildcard and matches any name. Each line of the
- map file may be up to 1023 characters long.</p><p>The file is processed on each line by taking the
- supplied username and comparing it with each username on the right
- hand side of the '=' signs. If the supplied name matches any of
- the names on the right hand side then it is replaced with the name
- on the left. Processing then continues with the next line.</p><p>If any line begins with a '#' or a ';' then it is ignored</p><p>If any line begins with an '!' then the processing
- will stop after that line if a mapping was done by the line.
- Otherwise mapping continues with every line being processed.
- Using '!' is most useful when you have a wildcard mapping line
- later in the file.</p><p>For example to map from the name <tt class="constant">admin</tt>
- or <tt class="constant">administrator</tt> to the UNIX name <tt class="constant">
- root</tt> you would use:</p><p><b class="command">root = admin administrator</b></p><p>Or to map anyone in the UNIX group <tt class="constant">system</tt>
- to the UNIX name <tt class="constant">sys</tt> you would use:</p><p><b class="command">sys = @system</b></p><p>You can have as many mappings as you like in a username map file.</p><p>If your system supports the NIS NETGROUP option then
- the netgroup database is checked before the <tt class="filename">/etc/group
- </tt> database for matching groups.</p><p>You can map Windows usernames that have spaces in them
- by using double quotes around the name. For example:</p><p><b class="command">tridge = "Andrew Tridgell"</b></p><p>would map the windows username "Andrew Tridgell" to the
- unix username "tridge".</p><p>The following example would map mary and fred to the
- unix user sys, and map the rest to guest. Note the use of the
- '!' to tell Samba to stop processing if it gets a match on
- that line.</p><pre class="programlisting">
-!sys = mary fred
-guest = *
-</pre><p>Note that the remapping is applied to all occurrences
- of usernames. Thus if you connect to \\server\fred and <tt class="constant">
- fred</tt> is remapped to <tt class="constant">mary</tt> then you
- will actually be connecting to \\server\mary and will need to
- supply a password suitable for <tt class="constant">mary</tt> not
- <tt class="constant">fred</tt>. The only exception to this is the
- username passed to the <link linkend="PASSWORDSERVER"> (if you have one). The password
- server will receive whatever username the client supplies without
- modification.</p><p>Also note that no reverse mapping is done. The main effect
- this has is with printing. Users who have been mapped may have
- trouble deleting print jobs as PrintManager under WfWg will think
- they don't own the print job.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no username map</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">username map = /usr/local/samba/lib/</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="USERS"></a>users (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="USERNAME">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="USESENDFILE"></a>use sendfile (S)</span></dt><dd><p>If this parameter is <tt class="constant">yes</tt>, and Samba
- was built with the --with-sendfile-support option, and the underlying operating
- system supports sendfile system call, then some SMB read calls (mainly ReadAndX
- and ReadRaw) will use the more efficient sendfile system call for files that
- are exclusively oplocked. This may make more efficient use of the system CPU's
- and cause Samba to be faster. This is off by default as it's effects are unknown
- as yet.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">use sendfile = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="USESPNEGO"></a>use spnego (G)</span></dt><dd><p> This variable controls controls whether samba will try
- to use Simple and Protected NEGOciation (as specified by rfc2478) with
- WindowsXP and Windows2000 clients to agree upon an authentication mechanism.
- Unless further issues are discovered with our SPNEGO
- implementation, there is no reason this should ever be
- disabled.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>use spnego = yes</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="UTMP"></a>utmp (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean parameter is only available if
- Samba has been configured and compiled with the option <b class="command">
- --with-utmp</b>. If set to <tt class="constant">yes</tt> then Samba will attempt
- to add utmp or utmpx records (depending on the UNIX system) whenever a
- connection is made to a Samba server. Sites may use this to record the
- user connecting to a Samba share.</p><p>Due to the requirements of the utmp record, we
- are required to create a unique identifier for the
- incoming user. Enabling this option creates an n^2
- algorithm to find this number. This may impede
- performance on large installations. </p><p>See also the <link linkend="UTMPDIRECTORY"> parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">utmp = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="UTMPDIRECTORY"></a>utmp directory (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter is only available if Samba has
- been configured and compiled with the option <b class="command">
- --with-utmp</b>. It specifies a directory pathname that is
- used to store the utmp or utmpx files (depending on the UNIX system) that
- record user connections to a Samba server. See also the <link linkend="UTMP"> parameter. By default this is
- not set, meaning the system will use whatever utmp file the
- native system is set to use (usually
- <tt class="filename">/var/run/utmp</tt> on Linux).</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no utmp directory</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">utmp directory = /var/run/utmp</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="-VALID"></a>-valid (S)</span></dt><dd><p> This parameter indicates whether a share is
- valid and thus can be used. When this parameter is set to false,
- the share will be in no way visible nor accessible.
- </p><p>
- This option should not be
- used by regular users but might be of help to developers.
- Samba uses this option internally to mark shares as deleted.
- </p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>True</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="VALIDUSERS"></a>valid users (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a list of users that should be allowed
- to login to this service. Names starting with '@', '+' and '&amp;'
- are interpreted using the same rules as described in the
- <i class="parameter"><tt>invalid users</tt></i> parameter.</p><p>If this is empty (the default) then any user can login.
- If a username is in both this list and the <i class="parameter"><tt>invalid
- users</tt></i> list then access is denied for that user.</p><p>The current servicename is substituted for <i class="parameter"><tt>%S
- </tt></i>. This is useful in the [homes] section.</p><p>See also <link linkend="INVALIDUSERS"></p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>No valid users list (anyone can login)
- </em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">valid users = greg, @pcusers</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="VETOFILES"></a>veto files (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a list of files and directories that
- are neither visible nor accessible. Each entry in the list must
- be separated by a '/', which allows spaces to be included
- in the entry. '*' and '?' can be used to specify multiple files
- or directories as in DOS wildcards.</p><p>Each entry must be a unix path, not a DOS path and
- must <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> include the unix directory
- separator '/'.</p><p>Note that the <i class="parameter"><tt>case sensitive</tt></i> option
- is applicable in vetoing files.</p><p>One feature of the veto files parameter that it
- is important to be aware of is Samba's behaviour when
- trying to delete a directory. If a directory that is
- to be deleted contains nothing but veto files this
- deletion will <span class="emphasis"><em>fail</em></span> unless you also set
- the <i class="parameter"><tt>delete veto files</tt></i> parameter to
- <i class="parameter"><tt>yes</tt></i>.</p><p>Setting this parameter will affect the performance
- of Samba, as it will be forced to check all files and directories
- for a match as they are scanned.</p><p>See also <link linkend="HIDEFILES"> and <link linkend="CASESENSITIVE">.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>No files or directories are vetoed.
- </em></span></p><p>Examples:
-</p><pre class="programlisting">
-; Veto any files containing the word Security,
-; any ending in .tmp, and any directory containing the
-; word root.
-veto files = /*Security*/*.tmp/*root*/
-; Veto the Apple specific files that a NetAtalk server
-; creates.
-veto files = /.AppleDouble/.bin/.AppleDesktop/Network Trash Folder/
-</pre></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="VETOOPLOCKFILES"></a>veto oplock files (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter is only valid when the <link linkend="OPLOCKS">
- parameter is turned on for a share. It allows the Samba administrator
- to selectively turn off the granting of oplocks on selected files that
- match a wildcarded list, similar to the wildcarded list used in the
- <link linkend="VETOFILES">
- parameter.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>No files are vetoed for oplock grants</em></span></p><p>You might want to do this on files that you know will
- be heavily contended for by clients. A good example of this
- is in the NetBench SMB benchmark program, which causes heavy
- client contention for files ending in <tt class="filename">.SEM</tt>.
- To cause Samba not to grant oplocks on these files you would use
- the line (either in the [global] section or in the section for
- the particular NetBench share :</p><p>Example: <b class="command">veto oplock files = /*.SEM/</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="VFSOBJECT"></a>vfs object (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for
- <link linkend="VFSOBJECTS">.
- </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="VFSOBJECTS"></a>vfs objects (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the backend names which
- are used for Samba VFS I/O operations. By default, normal
- disk I/O operations are used but these can be overloaded
- with one or more VFS objects. </p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no value</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">vfs objects = extd_audit recycle</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="VOLUME"></a>volume (S)</span></dt><dd><p> This allows you to override the volume label
- returned for a share. Useful for CDROMs with installation programs
- that insist on a particular volume label.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>the name of the share</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WIDELINKS"></a>wide links (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls whether or not links
- in the UNIX file system may be followed by the server. Links
- that point to areas within the directory tree exported by the
- server are always allowed; this parameter controls access only
- to areas that are outside the directory tree being exported.</p><p>Note that setting this parameter can have a negative
- effect on your server performance due to the extra system calls
- that Samba has to do in order to perform the link checks.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">wide links = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINBINDCACHETIME"></a>winbind cache time (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies the number of
- seconds the <a href="winbindd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">winbindd</span>(8)</span></a> daemon will cache
- user and group information before querying a Windows NT server
- again.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">winbind cache type = 300</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINBINDENABLELOCALACCOUNTS"></a>winbind enable local accounts (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls whether or not winbindd
- will act as a stand in replacement for the various account
- management hooks in smb.conf (e.g. 'add user script').
- If enabled, winbindd will support the creation of local
- users and groups as another source of UNIX account information
- available via getpwnam() or getgrgid(), etc...
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">winbind enable local accounts = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINBINDENUMGROUPS"></a>winbind enum groups (G)</span></dt><dd><p>On large installations using <a href="winbindd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">winbindd</span>(8)</span></a> it may be necessary to suppress
- the enumeration of groups through the <b class="command">setgrent()</b>,
- <b class="command">getgrent()</b> and
- <b class="command">endgrent()</b> group of system calls. If
- the <i class="parameter"><tt>winbind enum groups</tt></i> parameter is
- <tt class="constant">no</tt>, calls to the <b class="command">getgrent()</b> system
- call will not return any data. </p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Warning:</em></span> Turning off group
- enumeration may cause some programs to behave oddly.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">winbind enum groups = yes </b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINBINDENUMUSERS"></a>winbind enum users (G)</span></dt><dd><p>On large installations using <a href="winbindd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">winbindd</span>(8)</span></a> it may be
- necessary to suppress the enumeration of users through the <b class="command">setpwent()</b>,
- <b class="command">getpwent()</b> and
- <b class="command">endpwent()</b> group of system calls. If
- the <i class="parameter"><tt>winbind enum users</tt></i> parameter is
- <tt class="constant">no</tt>, calls to the <b class="command">getpwent</b> system call
- will not return any data. </p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>Warning:</em></span> Turning off user
- enumeration may cause some programs to behave oddly. For
- example, the finger program relies on having access to the
- full user list when searching for matching
- usernames. </p><p>Default: <b class="command">winbind enum users = yes </b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINBINDGID"></a>winbind gid (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter is now an alias for <b class="command">idmap gid</b></p><p>The winbind gid parameter specifies the range of group
- ids that are allocated by the <a href="winbindd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">winbindd</span>(8)</span></a> daemon. This range of group ids should have no
- existing local or NIS groups within it as strange conflicts can
- occur otherwise.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">winbind gid = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">winbind gid = 10000-20000</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINBINDSEPARATOR"></a>winbind separator (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter allows an admin to define the character
- used when listing a username of the form of <i class="replaceable"><tt>DOMAIN
- </tt></i>\<i class="replaceable"><tt>user</tt></i>. This parameter
- is only applicable when using the <tt class="filename"></tt>
- and <tt class="filename"></tt> modules for UNIX services.
- </p><p>Please note that setting this parameter to + causes problems
- with group membership at least on glibc systems, as the character +
- is used as a special character for NIS in /etc/group.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">winbind separator = '\'</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">winbind separator = +</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINBINDTRUSTEDDOMAINSONLY"></a>winbind trusted domains only (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter is designed to allow Samba servers that
- are members of a Samba controlled domain to use UNIX accounts
- distributed vi NIS, rsync, or LDAP as the uid's for winbindd users
- in the hosts primary domain. Therefore, the user 'SAMBA\user1' would
- be mapped to the account 'user1' in /etc/passwd instead of allocating
- a new uid for him or her.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">winbind trusted domains only = &lt;no&gt;</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINBINDUID"></a>winbind uid (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter is now an alias for <b class="command">idmap uid</b></p><p>The winbind gid parameter specifies the range of user ids that are allocated by the
- <a href="winbindd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">winbindd</span>(8)</span></a>
- daemon. This range of ids should have no existing local or NIS users within it as strange
- conflicts can occur otherwise.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">winbind uid = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">winbind uid = 10000-20000</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINBINDUSEDEFAULTDOMAIN"></a>winbind use default domain (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter specifies whether the
- <a href="winbindd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">winbindd</span>(8)</span></a> daemon should operate on users
- without domain component in their username. Users without a domain
- component are treated as is part of the winbindd server's own
- domain. While this does not benifit Windows users, it makes SSH, FTP and
- e-mail function in a way much closer to the way they
- would in a native unix system.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">winbind use default domain = &lt;no&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">winbind use default domain = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINSHOOK"></a>wins hook (G)</span></dt><dd><p>When Samba is running as a WINS server this
- allows you to call an external program for all changes to the
- WINS database. The primary use for this option is to allow the
- dynamic update of external name resolution databases such as
- dynamic DNS.</p><p>The wins hook parameter specifies the name of a script
- or executable that will be called as follows:</p><p><b class="command">wins_hook operation name nametype ttl IP_list</b></p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>The first argument is the operation and is
- one of "add", "delete", or
- "refresh". In most cases the operation
- can be ignored as the rest of the parameters
- provide sufficient information. Note that
- "refresh" may sometimes be called when
- the name has not previously been added, in that
- case it should be treated as an add.</p></li><li><p>The second argument is the NetBIOS name. If the
- name is not a legal name then the wins hook is not called.
- Legal names contain only letters, digits, hyphens, underscores
- and periods.</p></li><li><p>The third argument is the NetBIOS name
- type as a 2 digit hexadecimal number. </p></li><li><p>The fourth argument is the TTL (time to live)
- for the name in seconds.</p></li><li><p>The fifth and subsequent arguments are the IP
- addresses currently registered for that name. If this list is
- empty then the name should be deleted.</p></li></ul></div><p>An example script that calls the BIND dynamic DNS update
- program <b class="command">nsupdate</b> is provided in the examples
- directory of the Samba source code. </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINSPARTNERS"></a>wins partners (G)</span></dt><dd><p>A space separated list of partners' IP addresses for
- WINS replication. WINS partners are always defined as push/pull
- partners as defining only one way WINS replication is unreliable.
- WINS replication is currently experimental and unreliable between
- samba servers.
- </p><p>Default: <b class="command">wins partners = </b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">wins partners =</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINSPROXY"></a>wins proxy (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a boolean that controls if <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a> will respond to broadcast name
- queries on behalf of other hosts. You may need to set this
- to <tt class="constant">yes</tt> for some older clients.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">wins proxy = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINSSERVER"></a>wins server (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This specifies the IP address (or DNS name: IP
- address for preference) of the WINS server that <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a> should register with. If you have a WINS server on
- your network then you should set this to the WINS server's IP.</p><p>You should point this at your WINS server if you have a
- multi-subnetted network.</p><p>If you want to work in multiple namespaces, you can
- give every wins server a 'tag'. For each tag, only one
- (working) server will be queried for a name. The tag should be
- seperated from the ip address by a colon.
- </p><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>You need to set up Samba to point
- to a WINS server if you have multiple subnets and wish cross-subnet
- browsing to work correctly.</p></div><p>See the <link linkend="NetworkBrowsing">.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>not enabled</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">wins server = mary: fred: mary:</b></p><p>For this example when querying a certain name, will
- be asked first and if that doesn't respond If either
- of those doesn't know the name will be queried.
- </p><p>Example: <b class="command">wins server =</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WINSSUPPORT"></a>wins support (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This boolean controls if the <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a> process in Samba will act as a WINS server. You should
- not set this to <tt class="constant">yes</tt> unless you have a multi-subnetted network and
- you wish a particular <b class="command">nmbd</b> to be your WINS server.
- Note that you should <span class="emphasis"><em>NEVER</em></span> set this to <tt class="constant">yes</tt>
- on more than one machine in your network.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">wins support = no</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WORKGROUP"></a>workgroup (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This controls what workgroup your server will
- appear to be in when queried by clients. Note that this parameter
- also controls the Domain name used with
- the <link linkend="SECURITYEQUALSDOMAIN">
- setting.</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>set at compile time to WORKGROUP</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">workgroup = MYGROUP</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WRITABLE"></a>writable (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Synonym for <link linkend="WRITEABLE"> for people who can't spell :-).</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WRITEABLE"></a>writeable (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Inverted synonym for <link linkend="READONLY">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WRITECACHESIZE"></a>write cache size (S)</span></dt><dd><p>If this integer parameter is set to non-zero value,
- Samba will create an in-memory cache for each oplocked file
- (it does <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> do this for
- non-oplocked files). All writes that the client does not request
- to be flushed directly to disk will be stored in this cache if possible.
- The cache is flushed onto disk when a write comes in whose offset
- would not fit into the cache or when the file is closed by the client.
- Reads for the file are also served from this cache if the data is stored
- within it.</p><p>This cache allows Samba to batch client writes into a more
- efficient write size for RAID disks (i.e. writes may be tuned to
- be the RAID stripe size) and can improve performance on systems
- where the disk subsystem is a bottleneck but there is free
- memory for userspace programs.</p><p>The integer parameter specifies the size of this cache
- (per oplocked file) in bytes.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">write cache size = 0</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">write cache size = 262144</b></p><p>for a 256k cache size per file.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WRITELIST"></a>write list (S)</span></dt><dd><p>This is a list of users that are given read-write
- access to a service. If the connecting user is in this list then
- they will be given write access, no matter what the <link linkend="READONLY">
- option is set to. The list can include group names using the
- @group syntax.</p><p>Note that if a user is in both the read list and the
- write list then they will be given write access.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="READLIST"> option.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">write list = &lt;empty string&gt;</b></p><p>Example: <b class="command">write list = admin, root, @staff</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WRITEOK"></a>write ok (S)</span></dt><dd><p>Inverted synonym for <link linkend="READONLY">.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WRITERAW"></a>write raw (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter controls whether or not the server
- will support raw write SMB's when transferring data from clients.
- You should never need to change this parameter.</p><p>Default: <b class="command">write raw = yes</b></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a name="WTMPDIRECTORY"></a>wtmp directory (G)</span></dt><dd><p>This parameter is only available if Samba has
- been configured and compiled with the option <b class="command">
- --with-utmp</b>. It specifies a directory pathname that is
- used to store the wtmp or wtmpx files (depending on the UNIX system) that
- record user connections to a Samba server. The difference with
- the utmp directory is the fact that user info is kept after a user
- has logged out.</p><p>See also the <link linkend="UTMP"> parameter. By default this is
- not set, meaning the system will use whatever utmp file the
- native system is set to use (usually
- <tt class="filename">/var/run/wtmp</tt> on Linux).</p><p>Default: <span class="emphasis"><em>no wtmp directory</em></span></p><p>Example: <b class="command">wtmp directory = /var/log/wtmp</b></p></dd></dl></div></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><h2>WARNINGS</h2><p>Although the configuration file permits service names
- to contain spaces, your client software may not. Spaces will
- be ignored in comparisons anyway, so it shouldn't be a
- problem - but be aware of the possibility.</p><p>On a similar note, many clients - especially DOS clients -
- limit service names to eight characters. <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a> has no such limitation, but attempts to connect from such
- clients will fail if they truncate the service names. For this reason
- you should probably keep your service names down to eight characters
- in length.</p><p>Use of the [homes] and [printers] special sections make life
- for an administrator easy, but the various combinations of default
- attributes can be tricky. Take extreme care when designing these
- sections. In particular, ensure that the permissions on spool
- directories are correct.</p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><h2>VERSION</h2><p>This man page is correct for version 3.0 of the Samba suite.</p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><h2>SEE ALSO</h2><p>
- <a href="samba.7.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">samba</span>(7)</span></a>, <a href="smbpasswd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbpasswd</span>(8)</span></a>, <a href="swat.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">swat</span>(8)</span></a>, <a href="smbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbd</span>(8)</span></a>, <a href="nmbd.8.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmbd</span>(8)</span></a>, <a href="smbclient.1.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">smbclient</span>(1)</span></a>, <a href="nmblookup.1.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">nmblookup</span>(1)</span></a>, <a href="testparm.1.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">testparm</span>(1)</span></a>, <a href="testprns.1.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">testprns</span>(1)</span></a>.</p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en"><h2>AUTHOR</h2><p>The original Samba software and related utilities
- were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed
- by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar
- to the way the Linux kernel is developed.</p><p>The original Samba man pages were written by Karl Auer.
- The man page sources were converted to YODL format (another
- excellent piece of Open Source software, available at <ulink url="">
-</ulink>) and updated for the Samba 2.0
- release by Jeremy Allison. The conversion to DocBook for
- Samba 2.2 was done by Gerald Carter. The conversion to DocBook XML 4.2
- for Samba 3.0 was done by Alexander Bokovoy.</p></div></div></body></html>