path: root/docs/manpages/nmblookup.1
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authorAlexander Bokovoy <>2003-04-30 22:52:23 +0000
committerAlexander Bokovoy <>2003-04-30 22:52:23 +0000
commit94f33628d8251b614d47b75fd4fd19d1a9965ffa (patch)
tree227349f40958db9cd63c92fd247edef6da2e5434 /docs/manpages/nmblookup.1
parent721195f77b49e7c341970ad78834a71641ae9577 (diff)
Rebuild docs
(This used to be commit 7cafdf9e9576f7988d72fccbc2fad3fbcd3c67df)
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/manpages/nmblookup.1')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/docs/manpages/nmblookup.1 b/docs/manpages/nmblookup.1
index 6154528a9a..2f16025593 100644
--- a/docs/manpages/nmblookup.1
+++ b/docs/manpages/nmblookup.1
@@ -1,198 +1,185 @@
-.\" This manpage has been automatically generated by docbook2man
-.\" from a DocBook document. This tool can be found at:
-.\" <>
-.\" Please send any bug reports, improvements, comments, patches,
-.\" etc. to Steve Cheng <>.
-.TH "NMBLOOKUP" "1" "19 april 2003" "" ""
+.\"Generated by db2man.xsl. Don't modify this, modify the source. Sh \" Subsection
+.if t .Sp 5
+.. Sp \" Vertical space (when we can't use .PP)
+.if t .sp .5v
+.if n .sp
+.. Ip \" List item \\n(.$>=3 .ne \\$3
+.el .ne 3
+.IP "\\$1" \\$2
+.TH "NMBLOOKUP" 1 "" "" ""
-nmblookup \- NetBIOS over TCP/IP client used to lookup NetBIOS names
+nmblookup \- NetBIOS over TCP/IP client used to lookup NetBIOS names
-\fBnmblookup\fR [ \fB-M\fR ] [ \fB-R\fR ] [ \fB-S\fR ] [ \fB-r\fR ] [ \fB-A\fR ] [ \fB-h\fR ] [ \fB-B <broadcast address>\fR ] [ \fB-U <unicast address>\fR ] [ \fB-d <debug level>\fR ] [ \fB-s <smb config file>\fR ] [ \fB-i <NetBIOS scope>\fR ] [ \fB-T\fR ] [ \fB-f\fR ] \fBname\fR
+\fBnmblookup\fR [-M] [-R] [-S] [-r] [-A] [-h] [-B <broadcast address>] [-U <unicast
+ address>] [-d <debug level>] [-s <smb config file>] [-i <NetBIOS scope>]
+ [-T] [-f] {name}
-This tool is part of the \fBSamba\fR(7) suite.
+This tool is part of the \fBSamba\fR(7) suite\&.
-\fBnmblookup\fR is used to query NetBIOS names
-and map them to IP addresses in a network using NetBIOS over TCP/IP
-queries. The options allow the name queries to be directed at a
-particular IP broadcast area or to a particular machine. All queries
-are done over UDP.
+\fBnmblookup\fR is used to query NetBIOS names and map them to IP addresses in a network using NetBIOS over TCP/IP queries\&. The options allow the name queries to be directed at a particular IP broadcast area or to a particular machine\&. All queries are done over UDP\&.
+Searches for a master browser by looking up the NetBIOS name \fIname\fR with a type of \fB0x1d\fR\&. If \fI name\fR is "-" then it does a lookup on the special name \fB__MSBROWSE__\fR\&. Please note that in order to use the name "-", you need to make sure "-" isn't parsed as an argument, e\&.g\&. use : \fBnmblookup -M -- -\fR\&.
+Set the recursion desired bit in the packet to do a recursive lookup\&. This is used when sending a name query to a machine running a WINS server and the user wishes to query the names in the WINS server\&. If this bit is unset the normal (broadcast responding) NetBIOS processing code on a machine is used instead\&. See RFC1001, RFC1002 for details\&.
+Once the name query has returned an IP address then do a node status query as well\&. A node status query returns the NetBIOS names registered by a host\&.
+Try and bind to UDP port 137 to send and receive UDP datagrams\&. The reason for this option is a bug in Windows 95 where it ignores the source port of the requesting packet and only replies to UDP port 137\&. Unfortunately, on most UNIX systems root privilege is needed to bind to this port, and in addition, if the \fBnmbd\fR(8) daemon is running on this machine it also binds to this port\&.
+Interpret \fIname\fR as an IP Address and do a node status query on this address\&.
+-n <primary NetBIOS name>
+This option allows you to override the NetBIOS name that Samba uses for itself\&. This is identical to setting the \fINetBIOS name\fR parameter in the \fBsmb.conf\fR(5) file\&. However, a command line setting will take precedence over settings in \fBsmb.conf\fR(5)\&.
+-i <scope>
+This specifies a NetBIOS scope that \fBnmblookup\fR will use to communicate with when generating NetBIOS names\&. For details on the use of NetBIOS scopes, see rfc1001\&.txt and rfc1002\&.txt\&. NetBIOS scopes are \fBvery\fR rarely used, only set this parameter if you are the system administrator in charge of all the NetBIOS systems you communicate with\&.
+Set the SMB domain of the username\&. This overrides the default domain which is the domain defined in smb\&.conf\&. If the domain specified is the same as the servers NetBIOS name, it causes the client to log on using the servers local SAM (as opposed to the Domain SAM)\&.
+-O socket options
+TCP socket options to set on the client socket\&. See the socket options parameter in the \fBsmb.conf\fR(5) manual page for the list of valid options\&.
+Print a summary of command line options\&.
+-B <broadcast address>
+Send the query to the given broadcast address\&. Without this option the default behavior of nmblookup is to send the query to the broadcast address of the network interfaces as either auto-detected or defined in the \fIinterfaces\fR parameter of the \fBsmb.conf\fR(5) file\&.
+-U <unicast address>
+Do a unicast query to the specified address or host \fIunicast address\fR\&. This option (along with the \fI-R\fR option) is needed to query a WINS server\&.
-Searches for a master browser by looking
-up the NetBIOS name \fIname\fR with a
-type of 0x1d. If \fI name\fR is "-" then it does a lookup on the special name
-Set the recursion desired bit in the packet
-to do a recursive lookup. This is used when sending a name
-query to a machine running a WINS server and the user wishes
-to query the names in the WINS server. If this bit is unset
-the normal (broadcast responding) NetBIOS processing code
-on a machine is used instead. See RFC1001, RFC1002 for details.
-Once the name query has returned an IP
-address then do a node status query as well. A node status
-query returns the NetBIOS names registered by a host.
-Try and bind to UDP port 137 to send and receive UDP
-datagrams. The reason for this option is a bug in Windows 95
-where it ignores the source port of the requesting packet
-and only replies to UDP port 137. Unfortunately, on most UNIX
-systems root privilege is needed to bind to this port, and
-in addition, if the \fBnmbd\fR(8) daemon is running on this machine it also binds to this port.
-Interpret \fIname\fR as
-an IP Address and do a node status query on this address.
-\fB-n <primary NetBIOS name>\fR
-This option allows you to override
-the NetBIOS name that Samba uses for itself. This is identical
-to setting the \fINetBIOS
-name\fR parameter in the \fBsmb.conf\fR(5) file. However, a command
-line setting will take precedence over settings in
-\fB-i <scope>\fR
-This specifies a NetBIOS scope that
-\fBnmblookup\fR will use to communicate with when
-generating NetBIOS names. For details on the use of NetBIOS
-scopes, see rfc1001.txt and rfc1002.txt. NetBIOS scopes are
-\fBvery\fR rarely used, only set this parameter
-if you are the system administrator in charge of all the
-NetBIOS systems you communicate with.
-Set the SMB domain of the username. This
-overrides the default domain which is the domain defined in
-smb.conf. If the domain specified is the same as the servers
-NetBIOS name, it causes the client to log on using the servers local
-SAM (as opposed to the Domain SAM).
-\fB-O socket options\fR
-TCP socket options to set on the client
-socket. See the socket options parameter in
-the \fBsmb.conf\fR(5) manual page for the list of valid
-Print a summary of command line options.
-\fB-B <broadcast address>\fR
-Send the query to the given broadcast address. Without
-this option the default behavior of nmblookup is to send the
-query to the broadcast address of the network interfaces as
-either auto-detected or defined in the \fIinterfaces\fR
- parameter of the \fBsmb.conf\fR(5) file.
-\fB-U <unicast address>\fR
-Do a unicast query to the specified address or
-host \fIunicast address\fR. This option
-(along with the \fI-R\fR option) is needed to
-query a WINS server.
-Prints the version number for
-\fB-s <configuration file>\fR
-The file specified contains the
-configuration details required by the server. The
-information in this file includes server-specific
-information such as what printcap file to use, as well
-as descriptions of all the services that the server is
-to provide. See \fIsmb.conf(5)\fR for more information.
-The default configuration file name is determined at
-compile time.
-\fIdebuglevel\fR is an integer
-from 0 to 10. The default value if this parameter is
-not specified is zero.
-The higher this value, the more detail will be
-logged to the log files about the activities of the
-server. At level 0, only critical errors and serious
-warnings will be logged. Level 1 is a reasonable level for
-day to day running - it generates a small amount of
-information about operations carried out.
-Levels above 1 will generate considerable
-amounts of log data, and should only be used when
-investigating a problem. Levels above 3 are designed for
-use only by developers and generate HUGE amounts of log
-data, most of which is extremely cryptic.
-Note that specifying this parameter here will
-override the log
-level file.
-File name for log/debug files. The extension
-".client" will be appended. The log file is
-never removed by the client.
-This causes any IP addresses found in the
-lookup to be looked up via a reverse DNS lookup into a
-DNS name, and printed out before each
-\fBIP address .... NetBIOS name\fR
-pair that is the normal output.
-Show which flags apply to the name that has been looked up. Possible
-answers are zero or more of: Response, Authoritative,
-Truncated, Recursion_Desired, Recursion_Available, Broadcast.
-This is the NetBIOS name being queried. Depending
-upon the previous options this may be a NetBIOS name or IP address.
-If a NetBIOS name then the different name types may be specified
-by appending '#<type>' to the name. This name may also be
-\&'*', which will return all registered names within a broadcast
+Prints the version number for \fBsmbd\fR\&.
+-s <configuration file>
+The file specified contains the configuration details required by the server\&. The information in this file includes server-specific information such as what printcap file to use, as well as descriptions of all the services that the server is to provide\&. See \fI smb\&.conf(5)\fR for more information\&. The default configuration file name is determined at compile time\&.
+\fIdebuglevel\fR is an integer from 0 to 10\&. The default value if this parameter is not specified is zero\&.
+The higher this value, the more detail will be logged to the log files about the activities of the server\&. At level 0, only critical errors and serious warnings will be logged\&. Level 1 is a reasonable level for day to day running - it generates a small amount of information about operations carried out\&.
+Levels above 1 will generate considerable amounts of log data, and should only be used when investigating a problem\&. Levels above 3 are designed for use only by developers and generate HUGE amounts of log data, most of which is extremely cryptic\&.
+Note that specifying this parameter here will override the log level parameter in the \fIsmb\&.conf(5)\fR file\&.
+File name for log/debug files\&. The extension \fB"\&.client"\fR will be appended\&. The log file is never removed by the client\&.
+This causes any IP addresses found in the lookup to be looked up via a reverse DNS lookup into a DNS name, and printed out before each
+\fBIP address \&.\&.\&.\&. NetBIOS name\fR
+pair that is the normal output\&.
+Show which flags apply to the name that has been looked up\&. Possible answers are zero or more of: Response, Authoritative, Truncated, Recursion_Desired, Recursion_Available, Broadcast\&.
+This is the NetBIOS name being queried\&. Depending upon the previous options this may be a NetBIOS name or IP address\&. If a NetBIOS name then the different name types may be specified by appending '#<type>' to the name\&. This name may also be '*', which will return all registered names within a broadcast area\&.
-\fBnmblookup\fR can be used to query
-a WINS server (in the same way \fBnslookup\fR is
-used to query DNS servers). To query a WINS server, \fBnmblookup\fR
-must be called like this:
+\fBnmblookup\fR can be used to query a WINS server (in the same way \fBnslookup\fR is used to query DNS servers)\&. To query a WINS server, \fBnmblookup\fR must be called like this:
\fBnmblookup -U server -R 'name'\fR
For example, running :
\fBnmblookup -U -R 'IRIX#1B'\fR
-would query the WINS server for the domain
-master browser (1B name type) for the IRIX workgroup.
+would query the WINS server samba\&.org for the domain master browser (1B name type) for the IRIX workgroup\&.
-This man page is correct for version 3.0 of
-the Samba suite.
+This man page is correct for version 3\&.0 of the Samba suite\&.
-\fBnmbd\fR(8), \fBsamba\fR(7), and \fBsmb.conf\fR(5).
+\fBnmbd\fR(8), \fBsamba\fR(7), and \fBsmb.conf\fR(5)\&.
-The original Samba software and related utilities
-were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed
-by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar
-to the way the Linux kernel is developed.
+The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell\&. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed\&.
-The original Samba man pages were written by Karl Auer.
-The man page sources were converted to YODL format (another
-excellent piece of Open Source software, available at <URL:>) and updated for the Samba 2.0
-release by Jeremy Allison. The conversion to DocBook for
-Samba 2.2 was done by Gerald Carter. The conversion to DocBook
-XML 4.2 for Samba 3.0 was done by Alexander Bokovoy.
+The original Samba man pages were written by Karl Auer\&. The man page sources were converted to YODL format (another excellent piece of Open Source software, available at ftp://ftp\&.icce\&.rug\&.nl/pub/unix/) and updated for the Samba 2\&.0 release by Jeremy Allison\&. The conversion to DocBook for Samba 2\&.2 was done by Gerald Carter\&. The conversion to DocBook XML 4\&.2 for Samba 3\&.0 was done by Alexander Bokovoy\&.