path: root/source4/librpc/idl/dcom.idl
diff options
authorJelmer Vernooij <>2007-02-18 18:44:56 +0000
committerGerald (Jerry) Carter <>2007-10-10 14:48:33 -0500
commit0515f728e64dde0c197aee6180dce79ad281d5f8 (patch)
treea90230e7c7bf5b93a8922852163291f729e39f39 /source4/librpc/idl/dcom.idl
parentd425796fff07b8bc7b9eb49bc8db71aff9c1161f (diff)
r21433: Get rid of the COM support code - it's not used and unmaintained. We can
always bring it back if we need to. This code was getting in the way while refactoring. Add some tests for TDR. Get rid of typedef in lib/registry/tdr_regf.idl and fix the TDR code to be able to deal with it. (This used to be commit 1ad0f99a439f0d52a735b391bf9900d50171aca5)
Diffstat (limited to 'source4/librpc/idl/dcom.idl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 299 deletions
diff --git a/source4/librpc/idl/dcom.idl b/source4/librpc/idl/dcom.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index 75430f7624..0000000000
--- a/source4/librpc/idl/dcom.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
- DCOM interfaces
- */
- uuid("18f70770-8e64-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4"),
- pointer_default(unique),
- version(0.0)
-] interface dcom_Unknown
- void UseProtSeq();
- void GetCustomProtseqInfo();
- void UpdateResolverBindings();
- object,
- uuid("00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"),
- pointer_default(unique),
- helpstring("Base interface for all COM interfaces")
-interface IUnknown
- /*****************/
- /* Function 0x00 */
- /* Returns the interface with the specified IID
- if implemented by this object */
- [local] WERROR QueryInterface([in,unique] GUID *iid,
- [out,iid_is(riid)] IUnknown **data);
- /*****************/
- /* Function 0x01 */
- [local] uint32 AddRef();
- /*****************/
- /* Function 0x02 */
- [local] uint32 Release();
- object,
- uuid("00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"),
- pointer_default(unique)
-] interface IClassFactory : IUnknown
- [local] WERROR CreateInstance([in,unique] MInterfacePointer *pUnknown,
- [in,unique] GUID *iid,
- [out, iid_is(riid)] MInterfacePointer **ppv);
- [call_as(CreateInstance)] WERROR RemoteCreateInstance();
- /* Set lock to TRUE when you want to do a lock
- and set it to FALSE when you want to unlock */
- [local] WERROR LockServer([in] uint8 lock);
- [call_as(LockServer)] WERROR RemoteLockServer();
-/* The remote version of IUnknown. This interface exists on every */
-/* OXID (whether an OXID represents either a thread or a process is */
-/* implementation specific). It is used by clients to query for new */
-/* interfaces, get additional references (for marshaling), and release */
-/* outstanding references. */
-/* This interface is passed along during OXID resolution. */
-/* */
- uuid("00000131-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"),
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- helpstring("Remote version of IUnknown")
-interface IRemUnknown : IUnknown
- typedef [public] struct
- {
- WERROR hResult; /* result of call */
- STDOBJREF std; /* data for returned interface */
- }
- [call_as(QueryInterface)] WERROR RemQueryInterface (
- [in,unique] GUID *ripid, /* interface to QI on */
- [in] uint32 cRefs, /* count of AddRefs requested */
- [in] uint16 cIids, /* count of IIDs that follow */
- [in, unique, size_is(cIids)] GUID *iids, /* IIDs to QI for */
- [out, size_is(cIids)] MInterfacePointer **ip
- );
- typedef struct
- {
- GUID ipid; /* ipid to AddRef/Release */
- uint32 cPublicRefs;
- uint32 cPrivateRefs;
- [call_as(AddRef)] WERROR RemAddRef (
- [in] uint16 cInterfaceRefs,
- [in, size_is(cInterfaceRefs)] REMINTERFACEREF InterfaceRefs[],
- [out, size_is(cInterfaceRefs)] WERROR **pResults
- );
- [call_as(Release)] WERROR RemRelease (
- [in] uint16 cInterfaceRefs,
- [in, size_is(cInterfaceRefs)] REMINTERFACEREF InterfaceRefs[]
- );
- uuid("00000140-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"),
- pointer_default(unique),
- object
-] interface IClassActivator : IUnknown
- void GetClassObject([in] GUID clsid,
- [in] uint32 context,
- [in] uint32 locale,
- [in] GUID iid,
- [out, iid_is(iid)] MInterfacePointer *data);
- uuid("00000136-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"),
- pointer_default(unique),
- object
-] interface ISCMLocalActivator : IClassActivator
- WERROR ISCMLocalActivator_CreateInstance( );
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid("c6f3ee72-ce7e-11d1-b71e-00c04fc3111a")
-] interface IMachineLocalActivator
- WERROR IMachineLocalActivator_foo();
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid("e60c73e6-88f9-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4")
-] interface ILocalObjectExporter
- WERROR ILocalObjectExporter_Foo();
-/* Looks like this is the equivalent of .NET's
- System.Activator class */
- uuid("000001a0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046"),
- pointer_default(unique),
- object
- interface ISystemActivator : IClassActivator
- WERROR ISystemActivatorRemoteCreateInstance([in] hyper unknown1, /* OXID ? */
- [in] MInterfacePointer iface1,
- [in] hyper unknown2,
- [out,ref] uint32 *unknown3,
- [out,ref] MInterfacePointer *iface2);
-/* Derived from IRemUnknown, this interface supports Remote Query interface */
-/* for objects that supply additional data beyond the STDOBJREF in their */
-/* marshaled interface packets. */
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid("00000143-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")
-interface IRemUnknown2 : IRemUnknown
- [call_as(QueryInterface2)] WERROR RemQueryInterface2 (
- [in, unique] GUID *ripid,
- [in] uint16 cIids,
- [in, size_is(cIids)] GUID **iids,
- [out, size_is(cIids)] WERROR **phr,
- [out, size_is(cIids)] MInterfacePointer **ppMIF
- );
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid("00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")
-] interface IDispatch : IUnknown
- /*****************/
- /* Function 0x03 */
- WERROR GetTypeInfoCount([out] uint16 *pctinfo);
- typedef struct {
- } REF_ITypeInfo;
- /*****************/
- /* Function 0x04 */
- WERROR GetTypeInfo (
- [in] uint16 iTInfo,
- [in] uint32 lcid,
- [out] REF_ITypeInfo **ppTInfo);
- /*****************/
- /* Function 0x05 */
- WERROR GetIDsOfNames(
- [in, unique] GUID *riid,
- /*FIXME[in,size_is(cNames)] OLESTR *rgszNames[], */
- [in] uint16 cNames,
- [in] uint32 lcid,
- [out,size_is(cNames)] uint32 **rgDispId);
- typedef struct {
- uint16 vartype;
- uint16 unknown /* FIXME */;
- typedef struct {
- uint16 unknown /* FIXME */;
- /* Exception ? */
- typedef struct {
- uint16 unknown /* FIXME */;
- /*****************/
- /* Function 0x06 */
- WERROR Invoke(
- [in] uint32 dispIdMember,
- [in, unique] GUID *riid,
- [in] uint32 lcid,
- [in] uint16 wFlags,
- [out,in, unique] DISPPARAMS *pDispParams,
- [out] VARIANT **pVarResult,
- [out] EXCEPINFO **pExcepInfo,
- [out] uint16 **puArgErr);
- object,
- local,
- uuid("00000003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")
-] interface IMarshal : IUnknown
- WERROR MarshalInterface();
- WERROR UnMarshalInterface();
- uuid(DA23F6DB-6F45-466C-9EED-0B65286F2D78),
- helpstring("ICoffeeMachine Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique),
- object
-] interface ICoffeeMachine : IUnknown
- WERROR MakeCoffee([in,string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *flavor);
- uuid("db7c21f8-fe33-4c11-aea5-ceb56f076fbb"),
- helpstring("coffeemachine class")
-] coclass coffeemachine
- interface icoffeemachine;
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid("0000000C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"),
- helpstring("Stream")
-interface IStream : IUnknown
- WERROR Read(
- [out, size_is(num_requested), length_is(*num_read)] uint8 pv[],
- [in] uint32 num_requested,
- [in, unique] uint32 *num_readx,
- [out,ref] uint32 *num_read
- );
- WERROR Write(
- [in,size_is(num_requested),unique] uint8 *data,
- [in] uint32 num_requested,
- [out,ref] uint32 *num_written);
- uuid("5e9ddec7-5767-11cf-beab-00aa006c3606"),
- progid("Samba.Simple"),
- helpstring("simple class"),
- internal
-] coclass simple
- interface IStream;