path: root/source4/pidl/lib
diff options
authorGünther Deschner <>2008-01-24 17:43:38 +0100
committerGünther Deschner <>2008-01-24 17:43:44 +0100
commitc495c4eda91dd0f67ff6a5cf6eb62df2abea4900 (patch)
tree55fc009b6599431029e23f74a99b58003bdd4e7e /source4/pidl/lib
parent43040be5b9c959c2f9c305eec9d66c103edc14af (diff)
Add pidl --samba3-libnetapi option.
Guenther (This used to be commit fe299e0336fcff780ef69a6b4f56cd1e0d0c50a8)
Diffstat (limited to 'source4/pidl/lib')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source4/pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba3/ b/source4/pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8476bfb749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source4/pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba3/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# Samba3 libnetapi generator for IDL structures
+# on top of Samba4 style NDR functions
+# Copyright 2005-2006
+# Copyright 2008
+# released under the GNU GPL
+package Parse::Pidl::Samba3::libnetapi;
+use Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(ParseFunction $res $res_hdr);
+use strict;
+use Parse::Pidl qw(fatal warning);
+use Parse::Pidl::Typelist qw(hasType getType mapTypeName scalar_is_reference);
+use Parse::Pidl::Util qw(has_property is_constant ParseExpr);
+use Parse::Pidl::NDR qw(GetPrevLevel GetNextLevel ContainsDeferred);
+use Parse::Pidl::Samba4 qw(DeclLong);
+use Parse::Pidl::Samba4::Header qw(GenerateFunctionInEnv);
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+sub indent($) { my ($self) = @_; $self->{tabs}.="\t"; }
+sub deindent($) { my ($self) = @_; $self->{tabs} = substr($self->{tabs}, 1); }
+sub pidl($$) { my ($self,$txt) = @_; $self->{res} .= $txt ? "$self->{tabs}$txt\n" : "\n"; }
+sub pidl_hdr($$) { my ($self, $txt) = @_; $self->{res_hdr} .= "$txt\n"; }
+sub fn_declare($$) { my ($self,$n) = @_; $self->pidl($n); $self->pidl_hdr("$n;"); }
+sub genpad($)
+ my ($s) = @_;
+ my $nt = int((length($s)+1)/8);
+ my $lt = ($nt*8)-1;
+ my $ns = (length($s)-$lt);
+ return "\t"x($nt)." "x($ns);
+sub new($)
+ my ($class) = shift;
+ my $self = { res => "", res_hdr => "", tabs => "" };
+ bless($self, $class);
+sub ParseFunction($$$)
+ my ($self, $if, $fn) = @_;
+ my $fn_args = "";
+ my $fn_args2 = "ctx";
+ my $uif = uc($if);
+ my $ufn = "NDR_".uc($fn->{NAME});
+ my $fn_str = "NET_API_STATUS $fn->{NAME}";
+# my $fn_str2 = "werr = libnetapi_$fn->{NAME}";
+ my $fn_str_l = "werr = $fn->{NAME}_l";
+ my $fn_str_r = "werr = $fn->{NAME}_r";
+ my $pad = genpad($fn_str);
+# my $pad2 = genpad(" "x(8).$fn_str2);
+ my $pad2 = genpad(" "x(16).$fn_str_l);
+ foreach (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ $fn_args .= ($fn_args eq "") ? DeclLong($_):",\n".$pad.DeclLong($_);
+ }
+ foreach (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ $fn_args2 .= ",\n" . $pad2 . $_->{NAME};
+ }
+ $self->pidl("/****************************************************************");
+ $self->pidl(" $fn->{NAME}");
+ $self->pidl("****************************************************************/");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->fn_declare("$fn_str($fn_args)");
+ $self->pidl_hdr("WERROR $fn->{NAME}_r(struct libnetapi_ctx *ctx,\n$pad$fn_args);");
+ $self->pidl_hdr("WERROR $fn->{NAME}_l(struct libnetapi_ctx *ctx,\n$pad$fn_args);");
+ $self->pidl("{");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("struct libnetapi_ctx *ctx = NULL;");
+ $self->pidl("NET_API_STATUS status;");
+ $self->pidl("WERROR werr;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("status = libnetapi_getctx(&ctx);");
+ $self->pidl("if (status != 0) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return status;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+# $self->pidl("$fn_str2($fn_args2);");
+ $self->pidl("if (LIBNETAPI_LOCAL_SERVER($fn->{ELEMENTS}[0]->{NAME})) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$fn_str_l($fn_args2);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("} else {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("$fn_str_r($fn_args2);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return W_ERROR_V(werr);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("return NET_API_STATUS_SUCCESS;");
+ $self->pidl("NTSTATUS status;");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("/* In parameters */");
+ foreach (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ if (grep(/in/, @{$_->{DIRECTION}})) {
+ $self->pidl("$_->{NAME} = $_->{NAME};");
+ }
+ }
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (DEBUGLEVEL >= 10) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("NDR_PRINT_IN_DEBUG($fn->{NAME}, &r);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("status = cli_do_rpc_ndr(cli,");
+ $self->pidl("\t\t\tmem_ctx,");
+ $self->pidl("\t\t\tPI_$uif,");
+ $self->pidl("\t\t\t&ndr_table_$if,");
+ $self->pidl("\t\t\t$ufn,");
+ $self->pidl("\t\t\t&r);");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return status;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (DEBUGLEVEL >= 10) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("NDR_PRINT_OUT_DEBUG($fn->{NAME}, &r);");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("if (NT_STATUS_IS_ERR(status)) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("return status;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("/* Return variables */");
+ foreach my $e (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
+ next unless (grep(/out/, @{$e->{DIRECTION}}));
+ my $level = 0;
+ fatal($e->{ORIGINAL}, "[out] argument is not a pointer or array") if ($e->{LEVELS}[0]->{TYPE} ne "POINTER" and $e->{LEVELS}[0]->{TYPE} ne "ARRAY");
+ if ($e->{LEVELS}[0]->{TYPE} eq "POINTER") {
+ $level = 1;
+ if ($e->{LEVELS}[0]->{POINTER_TYPE} ne "ref") {
+ $self->pidl("if ($e->{NAME} && r.out.$e->{NAME}) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($e->{LEVELS}[$level]->{TYPE} eq "ARRAY") {
+ # This is a call to GenerateFunctionInEnv intentionally.
+ # Since the data is being copied into a user-provided data
+ # structure, the user should be able to know the size beforehand
+ # to allocate a structure of the right size.
+ my $env = GenerateFunctionInEnv($fn, "r.");
+ my $size_is = ParseExpr($e->{LEVELS}[$level]->{SIZE_IS}, $env, $e->{ORIGINAL});
+ $self->pidl("memcpy($e->{NAME}, r.out.$e->{NAME}, $size_is);");
+ } else {
+ $self->pidl("*$e->{NAME} = *r.out.$e->{NAME};");
+ }
+ if ($e->{LEVELS}[0]->{TYPE} eq "POINTER") {
+ if ($e->{LEVELS}[0]->{POINTER_TYPE} ne "ref") {
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("/* Return result */");
+ if (not $fn->{RETURN_TYPE}) {
+ $self->pidl("return NET_API_STATUS_SUCCESS;");
+ } elsif ($fn->{RETURN_TYPE} eq "NET_API_STATUS") {
+ $self->pidl("return r.out.result;");
+ } elsif ($fn->{RETURN_TYPE} eq "WERROR") {
+ $self->pidl("if (werror) {");
+ $self->indent;
+ $self->pidl("*werror = r.out.result;");
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("return werror_to_ntstatus(r.out.result);");
+ } else {
+ warning($fn->{ORIGINAL}, "Unable to convert $fn->{RETURN_TYPE} to NTSTATUS");
+ $self->pidl("return NT_STATUS_OK;");
+ }
+ $self->deindent;
+ $self->pidl("}");
+ $self->pidl("");
+sub ParseInterface($$)
+ my ($self, $if) = @_;
+ my $uif = uc($if->{NAME});
+ $self->pidl_hdr("#ifndef __LIBNETAPI_$uif\__");
+ $self->pidl_hdr("#define __LIBNETAPI_$uif\__");
+ $self->ParseFunction($if->{NAME}, $_) foreach (@{$if->{FUNCTIONS}});
+ $self->pidl_hdr("#endif /* __LIBNETAPI_$uif\__ */");
+sub Parse($$$$)
+ my($self,$ndr,$header,$ndr_header) = @_;
+ $self->pidl("/*");
+ $self->pidl(" * Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.");
+ $self->pidl(" * libnetapi auto-generated by pidl. DO NOT MODIFY!");
+ $self->pidl(" */");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ $self->pidl("#include \"includes.h\"");
+ $self->pidl("#include \"lib/netapi/netapi.h\"");
+ $self->pidl("#include \"$header\"");
+# $self->pidl_hdr("#include \"$ndr_header\"");
+ $self->pidl("");
+ foreach (@$ndr) {
+ $self->ParseInterface($_) if ($_->{TYPE} eq "INTERFACE");
+ }
+ return ($self->{res}, $self->{res_hdr});