path: root/source4/scripting/bin
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authorNadezhda Ivanova <>2010-01-13 12:02:31 +0200
committerNadezhda Ivanova <>2010-01-13 12:02:31 +0200
commit9b3871ed293f76e770e572cd6b59f59670f1f6f8 (patch)
tree2b79286e3a6f7af9e26466393a0b26075a238be8 /source4/scripting/bin
parent309473f938d18b9993c2c4f120eeff7b4641985a (diff)
parentca847952054f5bbde1d40ad4260589b6fcc9721d (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of git://
Diffstat (limited to 'source4/scripting/bin')
2 files changed, 90 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/source4/scripting/bin/ b/source4/scripting/bin/
index f20ad145c1..de4485fc07 100755
--- a/source4/scripting/bin/
+++ b/source4/scripting/bin/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ RSUFFIX=$(echo $DOMAIN | sed s/[\.]/,DC=/g)
PRIVATEDIR=$(bin/testparm --section-name=global --parameter-name='private dir' --suppress-prompt 2> /dev/null)
-OBJECTGUID=$(bin/ldbsearch -H "$PRIVATEDIR/sam.ldb" -b "CN=NTDS Settings,CN=$HOSTNAME,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=$RSUFFIX" objectguid|grep ^objectGUID| cut -d: -f2)
+OBJECTGUID=$(bin/ldbsearch -s base -H "$PRIVATEDIR/sam.ldb" -b "CN=NTDS Settings,CN=$HOSTNAME,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=$RSUFFIX" objectguid|grep ^objectGUID| cut -d: -f2)
echo "Found objectGUID $OBJECTGUID"
diff --git a/source4/scripting/bin/upgradeprovision b/source4/scripting/bin/upgradeprovision
index da827ace42..23980cd3da 100755
--- a/source4/scripting/bin/upgradeprovision
+++ b/source4/scripting/bin/upgradeprovision
@@ -66,8 +66,10 @@ GUESS = 0x04
-# Attributes that not copied from the reference provision even if they do not exists in the destination object
-# This is most probably because they are populated automatcally when object is created
+# Attributes that are never copied from the reference provision (even if they
+# do not exist in the destination object).
+# This is most probably because they are populated automatcally when object is
+# created
hashAttrNotCopied = { "dn": 1,"whenCreated": 1,"whenChanged": 1,"objectGUID": 1,"replPropertyMetaData": 1,"uSNChanged": 1,\
"uSNCreated": 1,"parentGUID": 1,"objectCategory": 1,"distinguishedName": 1,\
"showInAdvancedViewOnly": 1,"instanceType": 1, "cn": 1, "msDS-Behavior-Version":1, "nextRid":1,\
@@ -75,8 +77,9 @@ hashAttrNotCopied = { "dn": 1,"whenCreated": 1,"whenChanged": 1,"objectGUID": 1
"dBCSPwd":1,"supplementalCredentials":1,"gPCUserExtensionNames":1, "gPCMachineExtensionNames":1,\
"maxPwdAge":1, "mail":1, "secret":1,"possibleInferiors":1, "sAMAccountType":1}
-# Usually for an object that already exists we do not overwrite attributes as they might have been changed for good
-# reasons. Anyway for a few of thems it's mandatory to replace them otherwise the provision will be broken somehow.
+# Usually for an object that already exists we do not overwrite attributes as
+# they might have been changed for good reasons. Anyway for a few of them it's
+# mandatory to replace them otherwise the provision will be broken somehow.
hashOverwrittenAtt = { "prefixMap": replace, "systemMayContain": replace,"systemOnly":replace, "searchFlags":replace,\
"mayContain":replace, "systemFlags":replace,"description":replace,
"oEMInformation":replace, "operatingSystemVersion":replace, "adminPropertyPages":replace,
@@ -167,11 +170,13 @@ def get_paths(targetdir=None,smbconf=None):
lp = param.LoadParm()
-# Normaly we need the domain name for this function but for our needs it's pointless
+# Normally we need the domain name for this function but for our needs it's
+# pointless
paths = provision_paths_from_lp(lp,"foo")
return paths
-# This function guess(fetch) informations needed to make a fresh provision from the current provision
+# This function guesses (fetches) informations needed to make a fresh provision
+# from the current provision
# It includes: realm, workgroup, partitions, netbiosname, domain guid, ...
def guess_names_from_current_provision(credentials,session_info,paths):
lp = param.LoadParm()
@@ -191,11 +196,13 @@ def guess_names_from_current_provision(credentials,session_info,paths):
names.netbiosname = str(res[0]["sAMAccountName"]).replace("$","")
names.smbconf = smbconf
- #It's important here to let ldb load with the old module or it's quite certain that the LDB won't load ...
+ # It's important here to let ldb load with the old module or it's quite
+ # certain that the LDB won't load ...
samdb = Ldb(paths.samdb, session_info=session_info,
credentials=credentials, lp=lp, options=["modules:samba_dsdb"])
- # That's a bit simplistic but it's ok as long as we have only 3 partitions
+ # That's a bit simplistic but it's ok as long as we have only 3
+ # partitions
attrs2 = ["defaultNamingContext", "schemaNamingContext","configurationNamingContext","rootDomainNamingContext"]
current ="(objectClass=*)",base="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=attrs2)
@@ -311,9 +318,10 @@ def newprovision(names,setup_dir,creds,session,smbconf):
return provdir
-# This function sorts two dn in the lexicographical order and put higher level DN before
-# So given the dns cn=bar,cn=foo and cn=foo the later will be return as smaller (-1) as it has less
-# level
+# This function sorts two DNs in the lexicographical order and put higher level
+# DN before.
+# So given the dns cn=bar,cn=foo and cn=foo the later will be return as smaller
+# (-1) as it has less level
def dn_sort(x,y):
p = re.compile(r'(?<!\\),')
tab1 = p.split(str(x))
@@ -343,7 +351,7 @@ def dn_sort(x,y):
return -1
return ret
-# check from security descriptors modifications return 1 if it is 0 otherwise
+# Check for security descriptors modifications return 1 if it is and 0 otherwise
# it also populate hash structure for later use in the upgrade process
def handle_security_desc(ischema,att,msgElt,hashallSD,old,new):
if ischema == 1 and att == "defaultSecurityDescriptor" and msgElt.flags() == ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE:
@@ -361,8 +369,8 @@ def handle_security_desc(ischema,att,msgElt,hashallSD,old,new):
return 1
return 0
-# Hangle special cases ... That's when we want to update an attribute only
-# if it has a certain value or if it's for a certain object or
+# Handle special cases ... That's when we want to update a particular attribute
+# only, e.g. if it has a certain value or if it's for a certain object or
# a class of object.
# It can be also if we want to do a merge of value instead of a simple replace
def handle_special_case(att,delta,new,old,ischema):
@@ -431,7 +439,8 @@ def update_secrets(newpaths,paths,creds,session):
for i in range(0,len(reference)):
hash_new[str(reference[i]["dn"]).lower()] = reference[i]["dn"]
- # Create a hash for speeding the search of existing object in the current provision
+ # Create a hash for speeding the search of existing object in the
+ # current provision
for i in range(0,len(current)):
hash[str(current[i]["dn"]).lower()] = current[i]["dn"]
@@ -486,9 +495,9 @@ def update_secrets(newpaths,paths,creds,session):
# Check difference between the current provision and the reference provision.
-# It looks for all object which base DN is name if ischema is false then scan is done in
-# cross partition mode.
-# If ischema is true, then special handling is done for dealing with schema
+# It looks for all objects which base DN is name. If ischema is "false" then
+# the scan is done in cross partition mode.
+# If "ischema" is true, then special handling is done for dealing with schema
def check_diff_name(newpaths,paths,creds,session,basedn,names,ischema):
hash_new = {}
hash = {}
@@ -497,7 +506,8 @@ def check_diff_name(newpaths,paths,creds,session,basedn,names,ischema):
listPresent = []
reference = []
current = []
- # Connect to the reference provision and get all the attribute in the partition referred by name
+ # Connect to the reference provision and get all the attribute in the
+ # partition referred by name
newsam_ldb = Ldb(newpaths.samdb, session_info=session, credentials=creds,lp=lp)
sam_ldb = Ldb(paths.samdb, session_info=session, credentials=creds,lp=lp, options=["modules:samba_dsdb"])
@@ -513,7 +523,8 @@ def check_diff_name(newpaths,paths,creds,session,basedn,names,ischema):
for i in range(0,len(reference)):
hash_new[str(reference[i]["dn"]).lower()] = reference[i]["dn"]
- # Create a hash for speeding the search of existing object in the current provision
+ # Create a hash for speeding the search of existing object in the
+ # current provision
for i in range(0,len(current)):
hash[str(current[i]["dn"]).lower()] = current[i]["dn"]
@@ -523,40 +534,78 @@ def check_diff_name(newpaths,paths,creds,session,basedn,names,ischema):
- # Sort the missing object in order to have object of the lowest level first (which can be
- # containers for higher level objects)
+ # Sort the missing object in order to have object of the lowest level
+ # first (which can be containers for higher level objects)
if ischema:
- # The following lines (up to the for loop) is to load the up to date schema into our current LDB
- # a complete schema is needed as the insertion of attributes and class is done against it
+ # The following lines (up to the for loop) is to load the up to
+ # date schema into our current LDB
+ # a complete schema is needed as the insertion of attributes
+ # and class is done against it
# and the schema is self validated
- # The double ldb open and schema validation is taken from the initial provision script
+ # The double ldb open and schema validation is taken from the
+ # initial provision script
# it's not certain that it is really needed ....
sam_ldb = Ldb(session_info=session, credentials=creds, lp=lp)
schema = Schema(setup_path, names.domainsid, schemadn=basedn, serverdn=str(names.serverdn))
# Load the schema from the one we computed earlier
- # And now we can connect to the DB - the schema won't be loaded from the DB
+ # And now we can connect to the DB - the schema won't be loaded
+ # from the DB
sam_ldb = Ldb(paths.samdb, session_info=session, credentials=creds,lp=lp, options=["modules:samba_dsdb"])
- empty = ldb.Message()
- message(SIMPLE,"There are %d missing objects"%(len(listMissing)))
- for dn in listMissing:
- reference ="dn=%s"%(str(dn)),base=basedn, scope=SCOPE_SUBTREE,controls=["search_options:1:2"])
- delta = sam_ldb.msg_diff(empty,reference[0])
- for att in hashAttrNotCopied.keys():
- delta.remove(att)
- for att in backlinked:
- delta.remove(att)
- delta.dn = dn
+ err_num = 0
+ err_msg = ""
+ while len(listMissing) > 0:
+ listMissing2 = []
+ empty = ldb.Message()
+ message(SIMPLE,"There are still %d objects missing"%(len(listMissing)))
- sam_ldb.add(delta,["relax:0"])
+ for dn in listMissing:
+ reference ="dn=%s" % (str(dn)),
+ base=basedn, scope=SCOPE_SUBTREE,
+ controls=["search_options:1:2"])
+ delta = sam_ldb.msg_diff(empty,reference[0])
+ for att in hashAttrNotCopied.keys():
+ delta.remove(att)
+ for att in backlinked:
+ delta.remove(att)
+ delta.dn = dn
+ try:
+ sam_ldb.add(delta,["relax:0"])
+ # This is needed here since otherwise the
+ # "replmd_meta_data" module doesn't see the
+ # updated data
+ sam_ldb.transaction_commit()
+ sam_ldb.transaction_start()
+ except LdbError, (num, msg):
+ # An exception can happen if a linked object
+ # doesn't exist which can happen if it is also
+ # to be added
+ err_num = num
+ err_msg = msg
+ listMissing2.append(dn)
+ if len(listMissing2) == len(listMissing):
+ # We couldn't add any object in this iteration ->
+ # we have to resign and hope that the user manually
+ # fixes the damage
+ message(ERROR, "The script isn't capable to do the upgrade fully automatically!")
+ message(ERROR, "Often this happens when important system objects moved their location. Please look for them (for example doable using the displayed 'sAMAccountName' attribute), backup if personally changed and remove them.")
+ message(ERROR, "Reinvoke this script and reapply eventual modifications done before. It is possible to get this error more than once (for each problematic object).")
+ raise LdbError(err_num, err_msg)
+ listMissing = listMissing2
changed = 0
for dn in listPresent:
@@ -626,7 +675,8 @@ def check_updated_sd(newpaths,paths,creds,session,names):
print "%s new sddl/sddl in ref"%key
print "%s\n%s"%(sddl,hash_new[key])
-# Simple update method for updating the SD that rely on the fact that nobody should have modified the SD
+# Simple update method for updating the SD that rely on the fact that nobody
+# should have modified the SD
# This assumption is safe right now (alpha9) but should be removed asap
def update_sd(paths,creds,session,names):
sam_ldb = Ldb(paths.samdb, session_info=session, credentials=creds,lp=lp,options=["modules:samba_dsdb"])
@@ -748,7 +798,7 @@ def update_machine_account_password(paths,creds,session,names):
secretsdb_self_join(secrets_ldb, domain=names.domain,
- domainsid=names.domainsid,
+ domainsid=names.domainsid,