path: root/source4/scripting
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authorZahari Zahariev <>2010-05-10 13:53:56 +0300
committerAnatoliy Atanasov <>2010-05-10 17:24:03 +0300
commit658dac9e7e037e171cf5d267b404e82768e2ea9e (patch)
tree3b987c61dee9e1c8bf5203a17c18c455aa10ec62 /source4/scripting
parentc3cbb846d0bfbaa11fd255bada7fa5fe502d4d96 (diff)
v2 Latest enhancements in ldapcmp tool
- Added support for replicating hosts versus hosts in different domains - Added switches for the following modes: = two - ignores additional attributes that cannot be the same in two different provisions (domains) = quiet - display nothing, only return code = verbose - display all dn objects through compare fase = default - display only objects with differences - Added more placeholders for nETBIOSDomainName and ServerName
Diffstat (limited to 'source4/scripting')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/source4/scripting/devel/ldapcmp b/source4/scripting/devel/ldapcmp
index 5864ccb837..19ebff2a92 100755
--- a/source4/scripting/devel/ldapcmp
+++ b/source4/scripting/devel/ldapcmp
@@ -47,10 +47,30 @@ class LDAPBase(object): = "ldap://" + host + ":389"
self.ldb = Ldb(, credentials=creds, lp=lp,
+ = host
self.base_dn = self.find_basedn()
- self.netbios_name = self.find_netbios()
+ self.domain_netbios = self.find_netbios()
+ self.server_names = self.find_servers()
self.domain_name = re.sub("[Dd][Cc]=", "", self.base_dn).replace(",", ".")
self.domain_sid_bin = self.get_object_sid(self.base_dn)
+ #
+ #print "@",
+ #print "@", self.base_dn
+ #print "@", self.domain_netbios
+ #print "@", self.server_names
+ #print "@", self.domain_name
+ #print "@", self.domain_sid_bin
+ def find_servers(self):
+ """
+ """
+ res ="OU=Domain Controllers,%s" % self.base_dn, \
+ scope=SCOPE_SUBTREE, expression="(objectClass=computer)", attrs=["cn"])
+ assert len(res) > 0
+ srv = []
+ for x in res:
+ srv.append(x["cn"][0])
+ return srv
def find_netbios(self):
res ="CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,%s" % self.base_dn, \
@@ -105,40 +125,86 @@ class LDAPBase(object):
return res[0]["nTSecurityDescriptor"][0]
-class AdObject(object):
- def __init__(self, con, dn, summary):
- self.con = con
+class LDAPObject(object):
+ def __init__(self, connection, dn, summary, cmd_opts):
+ self.con = connection
+ self.two_domains = cmd_opts.two
+ self.quiet = cmd_opts.quiet
+ self.verbose = cmd_opts.verbose
self.summary = summary
self.dn = dn.replace("${DOMAIN_DN}", self.con.base_dn)
+ self.dn = self.dn.replace("CN=${DOMAIN_NETBIOS}", "CN=%s" % self.con.domain_netbios)
+ for x in self.con.server_names:
+ self.dn = self.dn.replace("CN=${SERVERNAME}", "CN=%s" % x)
self.attributes = self.con.get_attributes(self.dn)
- # attributes that are considered always to be different e.g based on timestamp etc.
- self.ignore_attributes = ["objectCategory", "objectGUID", \
- "whenChanged", "objectSid", "whenCreated", "uSNChanged", "pwdLastSet", \
- "uSNCreated", "logonCount", "badPasswordTime", "lastLogon", "creationTime", \
- "modifiedCount", "priorSetTime", "rIDManagerReference", "gPLink", "ipsecNFAReference", \
- "fRSPrimaryMember", "fSMORoleOwner", "masteredBy", "ipsecOwnersReference", "wellKnownObjects", \
- "badPwdCount", "ipsecISAKMPReference", "ipsecFilterReference", "msDs-masteredBy", "lastSetTime", \
- "ipsecNegotiationPolicyReference", "subRefs", "gPCFileSysPath", "accountExpires", "dSCorePropagationData", \
+ # Attributes that are considered always to be different e.g based on timestamp etc.
+ #
+ # One domain - two domain controllers
+ self.ignore_attributes = [
+ # Default Naming Context
+ "lastLogon", "lastLogoff", "badPwdCount", "logonCount", "badPasswordTime", "modifiedCount",
+ "operatingSystemVersion","oEMInformation",
+ # Configuration Naming Context
+ "repsFrom", "dSCorePropagationData", "msExchServer1HighestUSN",
+ "replUpToDateVector", "repsTo", "whenChanged", "uSNChanged", "uSNCreated",
+ # Schema Naming Context
+ "prefixMap",]
+ self.dn_attributes = []
+ self.domain_attributes = []
+ self.servername_attributes = []
+ self.netbios_attributes = []
+ self.other_attributes = []
+ # Two domains - two domain controllers
+ if self.two_domains:
+ self.ignore_attributes += [
+ "objectCategory", "objectGUID", "objectSid", "whenCreated", "pwdLastSet", "uSNCreated", "creationTime",
+ "modifiedCount", "priorSetTime", "rIDManagerReference", "gPLink", "ipsecNFAReference",
+ "fRSPrimaryMember", "fSMORoleOwner", "masteredBy", "ipsecOwnersReference", "wellKnownObjects",
+ "badPwdCount", "ipsecISAKMPReference", "ipsecFilterReference", "msDs-masteredBy", "lastSetTime",
+ "ipsecNegotiationPolicyReference", "subRefs", "gPCFileSysPath", "accountExpires", "invocationId",
# After Exchange preps
"targetAddress", "msExchMailboxGuid", "siteFolderGUID"]
- #self.ignore_attributes = []
- self.ignore_attributes = [x.upper() for x in self.ignore_attributes]
- #
- # Attributes that contain the unique DN tail part e.g. 'DC=samba,DC=org'
- self.dn_attributes = ["distinguishedName", "defaultObjectCategory", \
- "member", "memberOf", "siteList", "nCName", "homeMDB", "homeMTA", "interSiteTopologyGenerator", \
+ #
+ # Attributes that contain the unique DN tail part e.g. 'DC=samba,DC=org'
+ self.dn_attributes = [
+ "distinguishedName", "defaultObjectCategory", "member", "memberOf", "siteList", "nCName",
+ "homeMDB", "homeMTA", "interSiteTopologyGenerator", "serverReference",
+ "msDS-HasInstantiatedNCs", "hasMasterNCs", "msDS-hasMasterNCs", "msDS-HasDomainNCs", "dMDLocation",
+ "msDS-IsDomainFor", "rIDSetReferences", "serverReferenceBL",
# After Exchange preps
- "msExchHomeRoutingGroup", "msExchResponsibleMTAServer", "siteFolderServer", "msExchRoutingMasterDN", \
- "msExchRoutingGroupMembersBL", "homeMDBBL", "msExchHomePublicMDB", "msExchOwningServer", "templateRoots", \
- "addressBookRoots", "msExchPolicyRoots", "globalAddressList", "msExchOwningPFTree", \
+ "msExchHomeRoutingGroup", "msExchResponsibleMTAServer", "siteFolderServer", "msExchRoutingMasterDN",
+ "msExchRoutingGroupMembersBL", "homeMDBBL", "msExchHomePublicMDB", "msExchOwningServer", "templateRoots",
+ "addressBookRoots", "msExchPolicyRoots", "globalAddressList", "msExchOwningPFTree",
"msExchResponsibleMTAServerBL", "msExchOwningPFTreeBL",]
- self.dn_attributes = [x.upper() for x in self.dn_attributes]
+ self.dn_attributes = [x.upper() for x in self.dn_attributes]
+ #
+ # Attributes that contain the Domain name e.g. ''
+ self.domain_attributes = [
+ "proxyAddresses", "mail", "userPrincipalName", "msExchSmtpFullyQualifiedDomainName",
+ "dnsHostName", "networkAddress", "dnsRoot", "servicePrincipalName",]
+ self.domain_attributes = [x.upper() for x in self.domain_attributes]
+ #
+ self.servername_attributes = [ "distinguishedName", "name", "CN", "sAMAccountName", "dNSHostName",
+ "servicePrincipalName", "rIDSetReferences", "serverReference", "serverReferenceBL",
+ "msDS-IsDomainFor", "interSiteTopologyGenerator",]
+ self.servername_attributes = [x.upper() for x in self.servername_attributes]
+ #
+ self.netbios_attributes = [ "servicePrincipalName", "CN", "distinguishedName", "nETBIOSName", "name",]
+ self.netbios_attributes = [x.upper() for x in self.netbios_attributes]
+ #
+ self.other_attributes = [ "name", "DC",]
+ self.other_attributes = [x.upper() for x in self.other_attributes]
- # Attributes that contain the Domain name e.g. ''
- self.domain_attributes = ["proxyAddresses", "mail", "userPrincipalName", "msExchSmtpFullyQualifiedDomainName", \
- "dnsHostName", "networkAddress", "dnsRoot", "servicePrincipalName"]
- self.domain_attributes = [x.upper() for x in self.domain_attributes]
+ self.ignore_attributes = [x.upper() for x in self.ignore_attributes]
+ def log(self, msg):
+ """
+ Log on the screen if there is no --quiet oprion set
+ """
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print msg
def fix_dn(self, s):
res = "%s" % s
@@ -148,43 +214,48 @@ class AdObject(object):
def fix_domain_name(self, s):
res = "%s" % s
- if res.upper().endswith(self.con.domain_name.upper()):
- res = res[:len(res)-len(self.con.domain_name)] + "${DOMAIN_NAME}"
+ res = res.replace(self.con.domain_name.lower(), self.con.domain_name.upper())
+ res = res.replace(self.con.domain_name.upper(), "${DOMAIN_NAME}")
return res
- def fix_netbios_name(self, s):
+ def fix_domain_netbios(self, s):
res = "%s" % s
- if res.upper().endswith(self.con.netbios_name.upper()):
- res = res[:len(res)-len(self.con.netbios_name)] + "${NETBIOS_NAME}"
+ res = res.replace(self.con.domain_netbios.lower(), self.con.domain_netbios.upper())
+ res = res.replace(self.con.domain_netbios.upper(), "${DOMAIN_NETBIOS}")
+ return res
+ def fix_server_name(self, s):
+ res = "%s" % s
+ for x in self.con.server_names:
+ res = res.upper().replace(x, "${SERVERNAME}")
return res
def __eq__(self, other):
- res = True
+ res = ""
self.unique_attrs = []
self.df_value_attrs = []
other.unique_attrs = []
if self.attributes.keys() != other.attributes.keys():
- print 4*" " + "Different number of attributes!"
- title = 4*" " + "Attributes found only in %s:" % self.con.base_dn
+ title = 4*" " + "Attributes found only in %s:" %
for x in self.attributes.keys():
- if not x.upper() in [q.upper() for q in other.attributes.keys()]:
+ if not x in other.attributes.keys() and \
+ not x.upper() in [q.upper() for q in other.ignore_attributes]:
if title:
- print title
+ res += title + "\n"
title = None
- print 8*" " + x
+ res += 8*" " + x + "\n"
- title = 4*" " + "Attributes found only in %s:" % other.con.base_dn
+ title = 4*" " + "Attributes found only in %s:" %
for x in other.attributes.keys():
- if not x.upper() in [q.upper() for q in self.attributes.keys()]:
+ if not x in self.attributes.keys() and \
+ not x.upper() in [q.upper() for q in self.ignore_attributes]:
if title:
- print title
+ res += title + "\n"
title = None
- print 8*" " + x
+ res += 8*" " + x + "\n"
- #
- res = False
missing_attrs = [x.upper() for x in self.unique_attrs]
missing_attrs += [x.upper() for x in other.unique_attrs]
@@ -198,34 +269,70 @@ class AdObject(object):
if self.attributes[x] != other.attributes[x]:
p = None
q = None
- # Attribute values that are list that contain DN based values that may differ
- if x.upper() in self.dn_attributes:
- p = [self.fix_dn(j) for j in self.attributes[x]]
- q = [other.fix_dn(j) for j in other.attributes[x]]
- if p == q:
- continue
- elif x.upper() in ["DC",]:
- # Usually displayed as the first part of the Domain DN
+ m = None
+ n = None
+ # First check if the difference can be fixed but shunting the first part
+ # of the DomainHostName e.g. 'mysamba4.test.local' => 'mysamba4'
+ if x.upper() in self.other_attributes:
p = [self.con.domain_name.split(".")[0] == j for j in self.attributes[x]]
q = [other.con.domain_name.split(".")[0] == j for j in other.attributes[x]]
if p == q:
+ # Attribute values that are list that contain DN based values that may differ
+ elif x.upper() in self.dn_attributes:
+ m = p
+ n = q
+ if not p and not q:
+ m = self.attributes[x]
+ n = other.attributes[x]
+ p = [self.fix_dn(j) for j in m]
+ q = [other.fix_dn(j) for j in n]
+ if p == q:
+ continue
# Attributes that contain the Domain name in them
- elif x.upper() in self.domain_attributes:
- p = [self.fix_domain_name(j) for j in self.attributes[x]]
- q = [other.fix_domain_name(j) for j in other.attributes[x]]
+ if x.upper() in self.domain_attributes:
+ m = p
+ n = q
+ if not p and not q:
+ m = self.attributes[x]
+ n = other.attributes[x]
+ p = [self.fix_domain_name(j) for j in m]
+ q = [other.fix_domain_name(j) for j in n]
+ if p == q:
+ continue
+ #
+ if x.upper() in self.servername_attributes:
+ # Attributes with SERVERNAME
+ m = p
+ n = q
+ if not p and not q:
+ m = self.attributes[x]
+ n = other.attributes[x]
+ p = [self.fix_server_name(j) for j in m]
+ q = [other.fix_server_name(j) for j in n]
+ if p == q:
+ continue
+ #
+ if x.upper() in self.netbios_attributes:
+ # Attributes with NETBIOS Domain name
+ m = p
+ n = q
+ if not p and not q:
+ m = self.attributes[x]
+ n = other.attributes[x]
+ p = [self.fix_domain_netbios(j) for j in m]
+ q = [other.fix_domain_netbios(j) for j in n]
if p == q:
if title:
- print title
+ res += title + "\n"
title = None
if p and q:
- print 8*" " + x + " -> \n* %s\n* %s" % (p, q)
+ res += 8*" " + x + " => \n%s\n%s" % (p, q) + "\n"
- print 8*" " + x + " -> \n* %s\n* %s" % (self.attributes[x], other.attributes[x])
+ res += 8*" " + x + " => \n%s\n%s" % (self.attributes[x], other.attributes[x]) + "\n"
- res = False
if self.unique_attrs + other.unique_attrs != []:
assert self.unique_attrs != other.unique_attrs
@@ -234,12 +341,19 @@ class AdObject(object):
other.summary["unique_attrs"] += other.unique_attrs
other.summary["df_value_attrs"] += self.df_value_attrs # they are the same
- return res
+ self.screen_output = res[:-1]
+ other.screen_output = res[:-1]
+ #
+ return res == ""
-class AdBundel(object):
- def __init__(self, con, context=None, dn_list=None):
- self.con = con
+class LDAPBundel(object):
+ def __init__(self, connection, context, cmd_opts, dn_list=None):
+ self.con = connection
+ self.cmd_opts = cmd_opts
+ self.two_domains = cmd_opts.two
+ self.quiet = cmd_opts.quiet
+ self.verbose = cmd_opts.verbose
self.summary = {}
self.summary["unique_attrs"] = []
self.summary["df_value_attrs"] = []
@@ -251,12 +365,28 @@ class AdBundel(object):
self.context = context.upper()
self.dn_list = self.get_dn_list(context)
- raise Exception("Unknown initialization data for AdBundel().")
- self.dn_list = [x[:len(x)-len(self.con.base_dn)] + "${DOMAIN_DN}" for x in self.dn_list]
+ raise Exception("Unknown initialization data for LDAPBundel().")
+ counter = 0
+ while counter < len(self.dn_list):
+ # Use alias reference
+ tmp = self.dn_list[counter]
+ tmp = tmp[:len(tmp)-len(self.con.base_dn)] + "${DOMAIN_DN}"
+ tmp = tmp.replace("CN=%s" % self.con.domain_netbios, "CN=${DOMAIN_NETBIOS}")
+ for x in self.con.server_names:
+ tmp = tmp.replace("CN=%s" % x, "CN=${SERVERNAME}")
+ self.dn_list[counter] = tmp
+ counter += 1
self.dn_list = list(set(self.dn_list))
self.dn_list = sorted(self.dn_list)
self.size = len(self.dn_list)
+ def log(self, msg):
+ """
+ Log on the screen if there is no --quiet oprion set
+ """
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print msg
def update_size(self):
self.size = len(self.dn_list)
self.dn_list = sorted(self.dn_list)
@@ -264,50 +394,69 @@ class AdBundel(object):
def __eq__(self, other):
res = True
if self.size != other.size:
- print "Lists have different size: %s != %s" % (self.size, other.size)
+ self.log( "\n* Lists have different size: %s != %s" % (self.size, other.size) )
res = False
- print "\n* DNs found only in %s:" % self.con.base_dn
+ title= "\n* DNs found only in %s:" %
for x in self.dn_list:
if not x.upper() in [q.upper() for q in other.dn_list]:
- print " %s" % x
+ if title:
+ self.log( title )
+ title = None
+ self.log( 4*" " + x )
self.dn_list[self.dn_list.index(x)] = ""
self.dn_list = [x for x in self.dn_list if x]
- print "\n* DNs found only in %s:" % other.con.base_dn
+ title= "\n* DNs found only in %s:" %
for x in other.dn_list:
if not x.upper() in [q.upper() for q in self.dn_list]:
- print " %s" % x
+ if title:
+ self.log( title )
+ title = None
+ self.log( 4*" " + x )
other.dn_list[other.dn_list.index(x)] = ""
other.dn_list = [x for x in other.dn_list if x]
- print "%s == %s" % (self.size, other.size)
assert self.size == other.size
assert sorted([x.upper() for x in self.dn_list]) == sorted([x.upper() for x in other.dn_list])
+ self.log( "\n* Objets to be compared: %s" % self.size )
index = 0
while index < self.size:
skip = False
- object1 = AdObject(self.con, self.dn_list[index], self.summary)
+ object1 = LDAPObject(connection=self.con,
+ dn=self.dn_list[index],
+ summary=self.summary,
+ cmd_opts = self.cmd_opts)
except LdbError, (ERR_NO_SUCH_OBJECT, _):
- print "\n!!! Object not found:", self.dn_list[index]
+ self.log( "\n!!! Object not found: %s" % self.dn_list[index] )
skip = True
- object2 = AdObject(other.con, other.dn_list[index], other.summary)
+ object2 = LDAPObject(connection=other.con,
+ dn=other.dn_list[index],
+ summary=other.summary,
+ cmd_opts = self.cmd_opts)
except LdbError, (ERR_NO_SUCH_OBJECT, _):
- print "\n!!! Object not found:", other.dn_list[index]
+ self.log( "\n!!! Object not found: %s" % other.dn_list[index] )
skip = True
if skip:
index += 1
- print "\nComparing:\n'%s'\n'%s'" % (object1.dn, object2.dn)
if object1 == object2:
- print 4*" " + "OK"
+ if self.verbose:
+ self.log( "\nComparing:" )
+ self.log( "'%s' [%s]" % (object1.dn, )
+ self.log( "'%s' [%s]" % (object2.dn, )
+ self.log( 4*" " + "OK" )
- print 4*" " + "FAILED"
+ self.log( "\nComparing:" )
+ self.log( "'%s' [%s]" % (object1.dn, )
+ self.log( "'%s' [%s]" % (object2.dn, )
+ self.log( object1.screen_output )
+ self.log( 4*" " + "FAILED" )
res = False
self.summary = object1.summary
other.summary = object2.summary
@@ -315,44 +464,6 @@ class AdBundel(object):
return res
- def is_ignored(self, dn):
- ignore_list = {
- "DOMAIN" : [
- # Default naming context
- "^CN=BCKUPKEY_[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} Secret,CN=System,",
- "^CN=BCKUPKEY_[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} Secret,CN=System,",
- "^CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=NTFRS Subscriptions,CN=.+?,OU=Domain Controllers,",
- "^CN=NTFRS Subscriptions,CN=.+?,OU=Domain Controllers,",
- "^CN=RID Set,CN=.+?,OU=Domain Controllers,",
- "^CN=.+?,CN=Domain System Volume \(SYSVOL share\),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System,",
- "^CN=.+?,OU=Domain Controllers,",
- # After Exchange preps
- "^CN=OWAScratchPad.[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}.,CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects,",
- "^CN=StoreEvents.[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}.,CN=Microsoft ExchangeSystem Objects,",
- "^CN=SystemMailbox.[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}.,CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects,",
- ],
- # Configuration naming context
- "^CN=[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12},CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,",
- "^CN=[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12},CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,",
- "^CN=NTDS Settings,CN=.+?,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,",
- "^CN=.+?,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,",
- "^CN=%s,CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration," % self.con.netbios_name,
- # This one has to be investigated
- "^CN=Default Query Policy,CN=Query-Policies,CN=Directory Service,CN=WindowsNT,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,",
- # After Exchange preps
- "^CN=SMTP \(.+?-\{[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\}\),CN=Connections,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,", # x 3 times
- ],
- "SCHEMA" : [
- ],
- }
- #ignore_list = {}
- for x in ignore_list[self.context]:
- if re.match(x.upper(), dn.upper()):
- return True
- return False
def get_dn_list(self, context):
""" Query LDAP server about the DNs of certain naming self.con.ext Domain (or Default), Configuration, Schema.
Parse all DNs and filter those that are 'strange' or abnormal.
@@ -372,20 +483,16 @@ class AdBundel(object):
global summary
- print "\nIgnored (strange) DNs in %s:" % self.con.base_dn
+ title = "\n* Ignored (DNS related) DNs in %s:" %
for x in dn_list:
xx = "".join(re.findall("[Cc][Nn]=.*?,", x)) \
+ "".join(re.findall("[Oo][Uu]=.*?,", x)) \
- + "".join(re.findall("[Dd][Cc]=.*?,", x)) +"([Dd][Cc]=[\w^=]*?$)", x).group()
+ + "".join(re.findall("[Dd][Cc]=.*?,", x)) +"([Dd][Cc]=[\w]+$)", x).group()
if x != xx:
- print 4*" " + x
- dn_list[dn_list.index(x)] = ""
- #
- print "\nKnown DN ignore list for %s" % self.con.base_dn
- for x in dn_list:
- if self.is_ignored(x):
- print 4*" " + x
+ if title:
+ self.log( title )
+ title = None
+ self.log( 4*" " + x )
dn_list[dn_list.index(x)] = ""
dn_list = [x for x in dn_list if x]
@@ -395,12 +502,14 @@ class AdBundel(object):
self.summary["unique_attrs"] = list(set(self.summary["unique_attrs"]))
self.summary["df_value_attrs"] = list(set(self.summary["df_value_attrs"]))
- print "\nAttributes found only in %s:" % self.con.base_dn
- print "".join([str("\n" + 4*" " + x) for x in self.summary["unique_attrs"]])
+ if self.summary["unique_attrs"]:
+ self.log( "\nAttributes found only in %s:" % )
+ self.log( "".join([str("\n" + 4*" " + x) for x in self.summary["unique_attrs"]]) )
- print "\nAttributes with different values:"
- print "".join([str("\n" + 4*" " + x) for x in self.summary["df_value_attrs"]])
- self.summary["df_value_attrs"] = []
+ if self.summary["df_value_attrs"]:
+ self.log( "\nAttributes with different values:" )
+ self.log( "".join([str("\n" + 4*" " + x) for x in self.summary["df_value_attrs"]]) )
+ self.summary["df_value_attrs"] = []
@@ -418,32 +527,45 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
help="IP of the first LDAP server",)
parser.add_option("", "--host2", dest="host2",
help="IP of the second LDAP server",)
+ parser.add_option("-w", "--two", dest="two", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Hosts are in two different domains",)
+ parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Do not print anything but relay on just exit code",)
+ parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Print all DN pairs that have been compared",)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not (len(args) == 1 and args[0].upper() in ["DOMAIN", "CONFIGURATION", "SCHEMA"]):
parser.error("Incorrect arguments")
+ if options.verbose and options.quiet:
+ parser.error("You cannot set --verbose and --quiet together")
con1 = LDAPBase(, creds, lp)
assert len(con1.base_dn) > 0
con2 = LDAPBase(options.host2, creds2, lp)
assert len(con2.base_dn) > 0
- b1 = AdBundel(con1, args[0])
- b2 = AdBundel(con2, args[0])
+ b1 = LDAPBundel(con1, context=args[0], cmd_opts=options)
+ b2 = LDAPBundel(con2, context=args[0], cmd_opts=options)
if b1 == b2:
- print "\n\nFinal result: SUCCESS!"
+ if not options.quiet:
+ print "\n* Final result: SUCCESS"
status = 0
- print "\n\nFinal result: FAILURE!"
- status = 1
+ if not options.quiet:
+ print "\n* Final result: FAILURE"
+ print "\nSUMMARY"
+ print "---------"
+ status = -1
assert len(b1.summary["df_value_attrs"]) == len(b2.summary["df_value_attrs"])
+ b2.summary["df_value_attrs"] = []
- print "\nSUMMARY"
- print "---------"
- b1.print_summary()
- b2.print_summary()
+ if not options.quiet:
+ b1.print_summary()
+ b2.print_summary()