path: root/swat/apps
diff options
authorDerrell Lipman <>2006-12-30 05:09:59 +0000
committerGerald (Jerry) Carter <>2007-10-10 14:30:29 -0500
commit1170417ceeb8c49a46cda522a38eaa71c9cae30c (patch)
treedbf4c3fdcdb1af928dbd55f642ea40f00d09283a /swat/apps
parent23ccdca41670085da4486841b0d4900b4c8b02f3 (diff)
r20414: Start to make SWAT usable by others. This is just a start...
(This used to be commit 26a34037a7ca6fbd05c5a6f7c2d5973e34bc6918)
Diffstat (limited to 'swat/apps')
16 files changed, 0 insertions, 2931 deletions
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/Makefile b/swat/apps/swat/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index aa17420c73..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-QOOXDOO = ../qooxdoo-0.6.3-sdk
-SCRIPTNAME = swat.js
-APPCLASS = swat.main.Main
-LOCALINSTALLDIR = /usr/local/samba/share/swat/apps/swat
-FRONTEND = $(QOOXDOO)/frontend
-FRAMEWORK = $(FRONTEND)/framework
-API = $(FRONTEND)/api
-CACHE = $(FRAMEWORK)/.cache
-ifeq ($(INCLUDEALL),false)
- INCLUDE = --include $(APPCLASS)
-ifeq ($(OPTIMIZESTRINGS),true)
- OPTIMIZESTR = --optimize-strings
- OPTIMIZEVAR = --optimize-variables
-ifneq ($(SOURCELOADER),)
- SOURCELDR = --source-loader-type $(SOURCELOADER)
-all: build
-source: info-source \
- generate-script-source \
- generate-api-data
-build: info-build \
- generate-script-build \
- generate-api-data \
- copy-build-files \
- fix-build-rights
-api: generate-api-build generate-api-data
- @echo
- @echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- @echo " * Copying file..."
- @cp -f $(API)/source/index.html api/index.html
-pretty: generate-pretty
-fix: generate-fix
- @echo
- @echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- @echo " * Deleting files..."
- @rm -f source/script/$(SCRIPTNAME) build/script/$(SCRIPTNAME)
-realclean: clean
- @echo
- @echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- @echo " * Deleting files..."
- @nice -n $(NICE) rm -rf build
-distclean: realclean
- @echo
- @echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- @echo " * Deleting files..."
- @nice -n $(NICE) find . -name "*~" -o -name "*.bak" -o -name "*.old" | xargs rm -rf
- @nice -n $(NICE) rm -rf $(CACHE)
- @chmod u+x $(GENERATOR) && nice -n $(NICE) $(GENERATOR) \
- --script-input $(FRAMEWORK)/source/class \
- --source-script-path ../$(FRAMEWORK)/source/class \
- --script-input $(API)/source/class \
- --source-script-path ../$(API)/source/class \
- --script-input source/class \
- --source-script-path class \
- --generate-source-script $(SOURCELDR) \
- $(INCLUDE) \
- --source-script-file source/script/$(SCRIPTNAME) \
- --define-runtime-setting qx.manager.object.AliasManager.resourceUri:../$(FRAMEWORK)/source/resource \
- --cache-directory $(CACHE) \
- --add-new-lines
-# djl: --script-input begins a set for which --resource-input and
-# --resource-output apply. Since there is a --resource-input and a
-# --resource-output defined for one set, it must be defined for each set
- @chmod u+x $(GENERATOR) && nice -n $(NICE) $(GENERATOR) \
- --script-input $(FRAMEWORK)/source/class \
- --resource-input $(FRAMEWORK)/source/resource \
- --resource-output build/resource \
- --script-input $(API)/source/class \
- --resource-input $(API)/source/resource \
- --resource-output build/resource \
- --script-input source/class \
- --resource-input source/resource \
- --resource-output build/resource \
- --generate-compiled-script \
- --compiled-script-file build/script/$(SCRIPTNAME) \
- --copy-resources \
- --define-runtime-setting qx.manager.object.AliasManager.resourceUri:./resource \
- --cache-directory $(CACHE) \
- --add-new-lines
- @chmod u+x $(GENERATOR) && nice -n $(NICE) $(GENERATOR) \
- --script-input $(FRAMEWORK)/source/class \
- --resource-input $(FRAMEWORK)/source/resource \
- --resource-output api/resource/qooxdoo \
- --script-input $(API)/source/class \
- --resource-input $(API)/source/resource \
- --resource-output api/resource \
- --include api \
- --generate-compiled-script \
- --compiled-script-file api/script/api.js \
- --define-runtime-setting qx.manager.object.AliasManager.resourceUri:resource/qooxdoo \
- --define-runtime-setting api.Viewer.title:Swat \
- --copy-resources \
- --cache-directory $(CACHE)
- @chmod u+x $(GENERATOR) && nice -n $(NICE) $(GENERATOR) \
- --script-input $(FRAMEWORK)/source/class \
- --script-input $(API)/source/class \
- --script-input source/class \
- --generate-api-documentation \
- --api-documentation-json-file build/script/data.js \
- --cache-directory $(CACHE)
- @chmod u+x $(GENERATOR) && nice -n $(NICE) $(GENERATOR) \
- --script-input source/class \
- --script-input $(FRAMEWORK)/source/class \
- --include-without-dependencies api.* \
- --pretty-print \
- --cache-directory $(CACHE)
- @chmod u+x $(GENERATOR) && nice -n $(NICE) $(GENERATOR) \
- --script-input source/class \
- --script-input $(FRAMEWORK)/source/class \
- --include-without-dependencies api.* \
- --fix-source \
- --cache-directory $(CACHE)
- @echo
- @echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- @echo " * Copying file..."
- @cp -f source/index.html build/index.html
- @echo
- @echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- @echo " * Fixing file rights..."
- @nice -n $(NICE) find build -type d | xargs chmod a+rx
- @nice -n $(NICE) find build -type f | xargs chmod a+r
- @echo "****************************************************************************"
- @echo "****************************************************************************"
- @echo "****************************************************************************"
- @echo "****************************************************************************"
- @echo "****************************************************************************"
- @echo "****************************************************************************"
- @echo " * Installing swat files..."
- @rsync -av --exclude=crystalsvg --delete build/ $(LOCALINSTALLDIR)
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/.ignore b/swat/apps/swat/source/.ignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 84f7e31d99..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/.ignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/main/Gui.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/main/Gui.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d18f5f38a..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/main/Gui.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * The graphical user interface for the main menu
- */
-qx.Class.currentCanvas = null;
-qx.Class.buildGui = function(moduleList)
- var o;
- // Header colors
- var topColor = new qx.renderer.color.Color("#ffff64");
- var bottomColor = new qx.renderer.color.Color("#3878cd");
- // Create the yellow bar at the top
- o = new qx.ui.basic.Terminator();
- o.set({
- top: 0,
- left: 0,
- right: 0,
- height: 40
- });
- o.setBackgroundColor(topColor);
- o.addToDocument();
- // Create the tag line
- var title = new qx.ui.basic.Label("Samba Web Administration Tool");
- title.set({
- top: 12,
- left: 20
- });
- title.setBackgroundColor(topColor);
- title.setFont("bold");
- title.addToDocument();
- // Create a small black separator between the yellow and blue bars
- o = new qx.ui.basic.Terminator();
- o.set({
- top: 40,
- left: 0,
- right: 0,
- height: 1
- });
- o.setBackgroundColor("black");
- o.addToDocument();
- // Create the yellow bar at the top
- o = new qx.ui.basic.Terminator();
- o.set({
- top: 41,
- left: 0,
- right: 0,
- height: 60
- });
- o.setBackgroundColor(bottomColor);
- o.addToDocument();
- // Create the "Samba" image
- o = new qx.ui.basic.Image("../../../images/logo.png");
- o.set({
- top: 16,
- right: 20
- });
- o.setZIndex(100000000);
- o.addToDocument();
- // Create a menu bar
- var menubar = new qx.ui.toolbar.ToolBar();
- menubar.set({
- top: 100,
- height: 20,
- left: 0,
- right: 0
- });
- menubar.addToDocument();
- // Create a menu item for selecting the requested module
- var menubutton = new qx.ui.toolbar.MenuButton("Modules");
- menubar.add(menubutton);
- // Create a Command to be executed upon any menu selection
- var command = new qx.client.Command();
- // command.addEventListener("execute", fsm.eventListener, fsm);
- // Create a radio manager for selecting one of the modules
- var moduleManager = new qx.manager.selection.RadioManager("main.gui.Module");
- // Create a menu containing the subitems
- var menu = new;
- // We'll also track the current module's canvas in the modules object
- swat.main.Gui.currentCanvas = null;
- // For each menu item...
- for (moduleName in moduleList)
- {
- // create a radio button menu item
- o = new, null, command);
- // Associate this button menu item with the module list
- o.moduleName = moduleName;
- // Associate the menu item with the radio manager
- moduleManager.add(o);
- // Create this module's canvas
- var canvas = new qx.ui.layout.CanvasLayout();
- canvas.set({
- top: 120,
- bottom: 0,
- left: 0,
- right: 0
- });
- canvas.setBackgroundColor("white");
- canvas.setDisplay(false); // initially not displayed
- var fsm = moduleList[moduleName].fsm;
- fsm.addObject("swat.module.canvas", canvas);
- canvas.addEventListener("appear", fsm.eventListener, fsm);
- canvas.addEventListener("disappear", fsm.eventListener, fsm);
- // Save the canvas
- moduleList[moduleName].canvas = canvas;
- // Add the canvas to the document
- canvas.addToDocument();
- // When a Module menu item is selected:
- o.addEventListener("changeChecked", function(e)
- {
- var canvas = moduleList[this.moduleName].canvas;
- // If there's a current canvas, ...
- if (swat.main.Gui.currentCanvas)
- {
- // ... then remove display of it.
- swat.main.Gui.currentCanvas.setDisplay(false);
- // Dispatch an event on the canvas to notify old
- // module it's coming into disuse.
- canvas.createDispatchEvent("disappear");
- }
- // If we are being selected...
- if (e.getData())
- {
- // then display our canvas
- var canvas = moduleList[this.moduleName].canvas;
- canvas.setDisplay(true);
- // Track the current canvas (now ours)
- swat.main.Gui.currentCanvas = canvas;
- // Dispatch an event on the canvas to notify new
- // module it's coming into use.
- canvas.createDispatchEvent("appear");
- // Set the application title
- title.setHtml("<span>" +
- "Samba Web Administration Tool" +
- " &raquo; " +
- this.moduleName +
- "</span>");
- // Set the browser title as well
- document.title =
- "Swat: " + this.moduleName;
- }
- });
- // Add the menu item to the menu
- menu.add(o);
- }
- // We've built a complete menu. Add it to the document.
- menu.addToDocument();
- // Specify that the menu is to be displayed upon menu button selection
- menubutton.setMenu(menu);
- // Create a menu item for selecting debug options
- var menubutton = new qx.ui.toolbar.MenuButton("Debug");
- menubar.add(menubutton);
- // Create a menu containing the subitems
- var menu = new;
- var menu_01 = new"Show Debug Window", null, command);
- menu.add(menu_01);
- menu.addToDocument();
- // Specify that the menu is to be displayed upon menu button selection
- menubutton.setMenu(menu);
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/main/Main.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/main/Main.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dc3bbc031e..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/main/Main.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * Swat main menu
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("swat.main.Main", qx.component.AbstractApplication,
- * Register our supported modules
- */
-new swat.module.Module("Statistics",
- swat.module.statistics.Statistics);
-new swat.module.Module("LDB Browser",
- swat.module.ldbbrowse.LdbBrowse);
-new swat.module.Module("API Documentation",
- swat.module.documentation.Documentation);
-qx.Proto.initialize = function()
- // Set the resource URI
- qx.Settings.setCustom("resourceUri", "./resource");
- // Turn on JSON debugging for the time being
- qx.Settings.setCustomOfClass("", "enableDebug", true);
- // For each module...
- var moduleList = swat.module.Module.getList();
- for (moduleName in moduleList)
- {
- // ... call the module's buildInitialFsm() function
- var module = moduleList[moduleName]["class"].getInstance();
- module.buildInitialFsm(moduleList[moduleName]);
- }
-qx.Proto.main = function()
- var moduleList = swat.module.Module.getList();
- // Initialize the gui for the main menu
- swat.main.Gui.buildGui(moduleList);
- // Similarly, now that we have a canvas for each module, ...
- for (moduleName in moduleList)
- {
- // ... call the module's buildInitialGui() function
- var module = moduleList[moduleName]["class"].getInstance();
- module.buildInitialGui(moduleList[moduleName]);
- }
-qx.Proto.finalize = function()
- // Call each module's finalization function
- var moduleList = swat.module.Module.getList();
- for (moduleName in moduleList)
- {
- var module = moduleList[moduleName]["class"].getInstance();
- module.finalize(moduleList[moduleName]);
- }
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/AbstractModule.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/AbstractModule.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 19bcc88a13..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/AbstractModule.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * Abstract Module class. All modules should extend this class.
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("swat.module.AbstractModule", qx.core.Object,
- this.debug("AbstractModule constructor");
- * Build the initial finite state machine.
- *
- * In order to prevent long load times, as minimal as possible of an initial
- * FSM should be created. The FSM will receive an "appear" event when the
- * module is first selected (and each subsequent time), and the FSM can use
- * that event to build the complete FSM.
- *
- * @param module {swat.module.Module}
- * The module descriptor for the module.
- */
-qx.Proto.buildInitialFsm = function(module)
- // Create a new finite state machine
- var fsm = new qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine(;
- // For this simple example application, show all debug messages.
- qx.Settings.setCustomOfClass(
- "qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine",
- "debugFlags",
- (qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.EVENTS |
- qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.TRANSITIONS |
- qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.FUNCTION_DETAIL |
- qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND));
- /*
- * State: Idle
- *
- * Transition on:
- * "appear" on swat.module.canvas
- */
- var state = new qx.util.fsm.State(
- "State_Idle",
- {
- "events" :
- {
- // When we get an appear event the first time, run the transition
- // that will load the module's finite state machine and graphical
- // user interface.
- "appear" :
- {
- "swat.module.canvas" :
- "Transition_Idle_to_Idle_Load_Gui"
- }
- }
- });
- fsm.addState(state);
- /*
- * Transition: Idle to (replaced) Idle
- *
- * Cause: "appear" on canvas for the first time
- *
- * Action:
- * Load module's finite state machine and graphical user interface
- */
- var thisModule = this;
- var trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "Transition_Idle_to_Idle_Load_Gui",
- {
- "nextState" :
- qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.CURRENT_STATE,
- "ontransition" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- // Make the "Loading" message go away. (We need to learn how to
- // remove it entirely. Just doing canvas.removeAll() leaves
- // something in the widget queue and we get spurious error
- // messages.)
- var children = module.canvas.getVisibleChildren();
- for (var child in children)
- {
- children[child].hide();
- }
- // Call the module's initialAppear function to build FSM and GUI.
- // That function should *replace* this state, State_Idle, to which
- // we'll transition.
- thisModule.initialAppear(module);
- }
- });
- state.addTransition(trans);
- // Save the finite state machine for this module
- module.fsm = fsm;
- // Save the module descriptor in the finite state machine
- fsm.addObject("swat.module.module", module);
- // Create an RPC object for use by this module
- module.rpc = new;
- module.rpc.setUrl("/services/");
- module.rpc.setTimeout(10000);
- module.rpc.setCrossDomain(false);
- module.rpc.addEventListener("completed", fsm.eventListener, fsm);
- module.rpc.addEventListener("failed", fsm.eventListener, fsm);
- module.rpc.addEventListener("timeout", fsm.eventListener, fsm);
- module.rpc.addEventListener("aborted", fsm.eventListener, fsm);
- fsm.addObject("swat.module.rpc", module.rpc);
- // Start the finite state machine
- fsm.start();
- * Build the initial graphical user interface.
- *
- * In order to prevent long load times, as minimal as possible of an initial
- * GUI should be created. Generally, this is just a "Loading..." message.
- *
- * @param module {Object}
- * An object containing at least the following properties:
- * fsm -
- * The finite state machine for this module. It should be filled in
- * by this function.
- * canvas -
- * The canvas on which to create the gui for this module
- * name -
- * The name of this module
- * class -
- * The class for this module
- *
- */
-qx.Proto.buildInitialGui = function(module)
- // For now, just create the "Loading" text
- var o = new qx.ui.basic.Label("Loading module '" + + "'...");
- o.set({
- top: 12,
- left: 20
- });
- o.setFont("bold");
- module.canvas.add(o);
-qx.Proto.finalize = function(module)
- this.debug("AbstractModule.finalize()");
- * Singleton Instance Getter
- */
-qx.Class.getInstance = qx.util.Return.returnInstance;
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/AbstractModuleFsm.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/AbstractModuleFsm.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 57b8baaac9..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/AbstractModuleFsm.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * Common facilities for modules' finite state machines. Each module's FSM
- * should extend this class.
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("swat.module.AbstractModuleFsm", qx.core.Object, function()
-qx.Proto.buildFsm = function(module)
- throw new Error("Module must overload buildFsm() " +
- "to build its custom finite state machine.");
-qx.Proto.addAwaitRpcResultState = function(module)
- var fsm = module.fsm;
- /*
- * State: AwaitRpcResult
- *
- * Actions upon entry:
- * - enable any objects in group "swat.module.fsmUtils.enable_during_rpc"
- * - disable any objects in group "swat.module.fsmUtils.disable_during_rpc"
- *
- * Actions upon exit:
- * - disable any objects in group "swat.module.fsmUtils.enable_during_rpc"
- * - enable any objects in group "swat.module.fsmUtils.disable_during_rpc"
- *
- * Transition on:
- * "completed" (on RPC)
- * "failed" (on RPC)
- * "execute" on swat.module.fsmUtils.abort_rpc
- */
- var state = new qx.util.fsm.State(
- "State_AwaitRpcResult",
- {
- "autoActionsBeforeOnentry" :
- {
- // The name of a function.
- "setEnabled" :
- [
- {
- // We want to enable objects in the group
- // swat.module.fsmUtils.enable_during_rpc
- "parameters" : [ true ],
- // Call this.getObject(<object>).setEnabled(true) on
- // state entry, for each <object> in the group called
- // "swat.module.fsmUtils.enable_during_rpc".
- "groups" : [ "swat.module.fsmUtils.enable_during_rpc" ]
- },
- {
- // We want to disable objects in the group
- // swat.module.fsmUtils.disable_during_rpc
- "parameters" : [ false ],
- // Call this.getObject(<object>).setEnabled(false) on
- // state entry, for each <object> in the group called
- // "swat.module.fsmUtils.disable_during_rpc".
- "groups" : [ "swat.module.fsmUtils.disable_during_rpc" ]
- }
- ]
- },
- "autoActionsBeforeOnexit" :
- {
- // The name of a function.
- "setEnabled" :
- [
- {
- // We want to re-disable objects we had enabled, in the group
- // swat.module.fsmUtils.enable_during_rpc
- "parameters" : [ false ],
- // Call this.getObject(<object>).setEnabled(false) on
- // state entry, for each <object> in the group called
- // "swat.module.fsmUtils.enable_during_rpc".
- "groups" : [ "swat.module.fsmUtils.enable_during_rpc" ]
- },
- {
- // We want to re-enable objects we had disabled, in the group
- // swat.module.fsmUtils.disable_during_rpc
- "parameters" : [ true ],
- // Call this.getObject(<object>).setEnabled(true) on
- // state entry, for each <object> in the group called
- // "swat.module.fsmUtils.disable_during_rpc".
- "groups" : [ "swat.module.fsmUtils.disable_during_rpc" ]
- }
- ]
- },
- "onentry" :
- function(fsm, state)
- {
- // If we're coming from some other start...
- if (fsm.getPreviousState() != "State_AwaitRpcResult")
- {
- // ... then push the previous state onto the state stack
- fsm.pushState(false);
- }
- },
- "events" :
- {
- "execute" :
- {
- "swat.module.fsmUtils.abort_rpc" :
- "Transition_AwaitRpcResult_to_AwaitRpcResult_via_button_abort"
- },
- "completed" :
- "Transition_AwaitRpcResult_to_PopStack_via_complete",
- "failed" :
- "Transition_AwaitRpcResult_to_PopStack_via_failed"
- }
- });
- fsm.addState(state);
- /*
- * Transition: AwaitRpcResult to AwaitRpcResult
- *
- * Cause: "execute" on swat.module.fsmUtils.abort_rpc
- */
- var trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "Transition_AwaitRpcResult_to_AwaitRpcResult_via_button_abort",
- {
- "nextState" :
- "State_AwaitRpcResult",
- "ontransition" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- // Get the request object
- var request = fsm.getObject("swat.module.fsmUtils.request");
- // Issue an abort for the pending request
- request.abort();
- }
- });
- state.addTransition(trans);
- /*
- * Transition: AwaitRpcResult to PopStack
- *
- * Cause: "complete" (on RPC)
- */
- var trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "Transition_AwaitRpcResult_to_PopStack_via_complete",
- {
- "nextState" :
- qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.POP_STATE_STACK,
- "ontransition" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- // Get the request object
- var request = fsm.getObject("swat.module.fsmUtils.request");
- // Generate the result for a completed request
- request.setUserData("result",
- {
- type : "complete",
- data : event.getData()
- });
- }
- });
- state.addTransition(trans);
- /*
- * Transition: AwaitRpcResult to PopStack
- *
- * Cause: "failed" (on RPC)
- */
- var trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "Transition_AwaitRpcResult_to_PopStack_via_failed",
- {
- "nextState" :
- qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.POP_STATE_STACK,
- "ontransition" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- // Get the request object
- var request = fsm.getObject("swat.module.fsmUtils.request");
- // Generate the result for a completed request
- request.setUserData("result",
- {
- type : "failed",
- data : event.getData()
- });
- }
- });
- state.addTransition(trans);
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/Module.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/Module.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e7180d2895..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/Module.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * This class defines a module descriptor (the registration of a module) and
- * maintains the list of modules that have been registered.
- *
- * A Module object contains the following public properties which may be
- * accessed directly by name:
- *
- * fsm -
- * The finite state machine for this module.
- *
- * canvas -
- * The canvas on which to create the gui for this module
- *
- * name -
- * The name of this module
- *
- * class -
- * The class for this module
- *
- * @param moduleName {string}
- * The name of the module being registered. This is the name that will
- * appear in the Modules menu.
- *
- * @param class {class}
- * The class which contains the module implementation. That class must
- * extend swat.module.AbstractModule and implement a singleton interface
- * that provides a public method called initialAppear() which takes this
- * Module object as a parameter, and creates the finite state machine for
- * the module (if applicable) and builds the graphical user interface for
- * the module.
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("swat.module.Module", qx.core.Object,
-function(moduleName, class)
- // Initialize commonly-used properties of a module
- this.canvas = null;
- this.fsm = null;
- this.gui = null;
- // Save the module name
- = moduleName;
- // Save this class name
- this.class = class;
- // Add this new module to the module list.
- swat.module.Module._list[moduleName] = this;
- * Return the list of modules
- */
-qx.Class.getList = function()
- return swat.module.Module._list;
- * The list of modules which have been registered.
- */
-qx.Class._list = { };
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/documentation/Documentation.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/documentation/Documentation.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 03191cacc2..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/documentation/Documentation.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * Swat statistics class
- */
- swat.module.AbstractModule,
- * Load the documentation data
- *
- * This function is called the first time a module is actually selected to
- * appear. Creation of the module's GUI has been deferred until it was
- * actually needed (now), so we need to create it.
- *
- * @param module {swat.module.Module}
- * The module descriptor for the module.
- */
-qx.Proto.initialAppear = function(module)
- qx.manager.object.AliasManager.getInstance().add("api", "./resource/image");
- // Include CSS file.
- // (This is the hard way; I can't get qx.dom.StyleSheet.includeFile to load)
- var el = document.createElement("link");
- el.type = "text/css";
- el.rel = "stylesheet";
- el.href = "./resource/css/apiviewer.css";
- var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- head.appendChild(el);
- // avoid redundant naming by api viewer
- qx.Settings.setCustomOfClass("apiviewer.Viewer", "title", "");
- var viewer = new api.Viewer();
- module.canvas.add(viewer);
- viewer.load("script/data.js");
- // Replace the existing (temporary) finite state machine with a null one
- swat.module.documentation.Fsm.getInstance().buildFsm(module);
- * Singleton Instance Getter
- */
-qx.Class.getInstance = qx.util.Return.returnInstance;
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/documentation/Fsm.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/documentation/Fsm.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9df878b4f1..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/documentation/Fsm.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * Swat statistics class finite state machine
- */
- swat.module.AbstractModuleFsm,
-qx.Proto.buildFsm = function(module)
- var fsm = module.fsm;
- /*
- * State: Idle
- *
- * This is a null state to replace the one that loads the API viewer. The
- * API viewer does not use the finite state machine.
- */
- var state = new qx.util.fsm.State(
- "State_Idle",
- {
- "events" :
- {
- // We need at least one event listed due to FSM requirements
- "appear" :
- {
- "swat.module.canvas" :
- "Transition_Idle_to_Idle_via_appear"
- }
- }
- });
- // Replace the initial Idle state with this one
- fsm.replaceState(state, true);
- /*
- * Transition: Idle to Idle
- *
- * Cause: "appear" on canvas
- *
- * Action:
- * None.
- */
- var trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "Transition_Idle_to_Idle_via_appear",
- {
- "nextState" :
- "State_Idle"
- });
- state.addTransition(trans);
- * Singleton Instance Getter
- */
-qx.Class.getInstance = qx.util.Return.returnInstance;
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/ldbbrowse/Fsm.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/ldbbrowse/Fsm.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9362ef7687..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/ldbbrowse/Fsm.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * Swat LDB Browser class finite state machine
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("swat.module.ldbbrowse.Fsm", swat.module.AbstractModuleFsm,
-qx.Proto.buildFsm = function(module)
- var fsm = module.fsm;
- /*
- * State: Idle
- *
- * Actions upon entry
- * - if returning from RPC, display the result
- *
- * Transition on:
- * "execute" on find button
- * "treeopenwhileempty" on tree
- * "changeselection" on tree
- */
- var state = new qx.util.fsm.State(
- "State_Idle",
- {
- "onentry" :
- function(fsm, state)
- {
- // Did we just return from an RPC request?
- if (fsm.getPreviousState() == "State_AwaitRpcResult")
- {
- // Yup. Display the result. We need to get the request object
- var request = fsm.getObject("swat.module.fsmUtils.request");
- // We don't need the request object to be saved any more
- fsm.removeObject("swat.module.fsmUtils.request");
- // Display the result
- var gui = swat.module.ldbbrowse.Gui.getInstance();
- gui.displayData(module, request);
- // Dispose of the request
- request.dispose();
- request = null;
- }
- },
- "events" :
- {
- // If the find button is activated, issue a find request
- "execute" :
- {
- "find" :
- "Transition_Idle_to_AwaitRpcResult_via_find"
- },
- // If a previously unexpanded tree node is expanded, issue a request
- // to retrieve its contents.
- "treeOpenWhileEmpty":
- {
- "tree" :
- "Transition_Idle_to_AwaitRpcResult_via_tree_open"
- },
- // If the selection changes, issue a request to retrieve contents to
- // populate the attribute/value table.
- "changeSelection":
- {
- "tree:manager" :
- "Transition_Idle_to_AwaitRpcResult_via_tree_selection_changed",
- "dbName":
- "Transition_Idle_to_AwaitRpcResult_via_db_changed"
- }
- }
- });
- // Replace the initial Idle state with this one
- fsm.replaceState(state, true);
- /*
- * Transition: Idle to AwaitRpcResult
- *
- * Cause: "execute" on find button
- *
- * Action:
- * Issue a search request
- */
- var trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "Transition_Idle_to_AwaitRpcResult_via_find",
- {
- "nextState" :
- "State_AwaitRpcResult",
- "ontransition" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- // Obtain the RPC object
- var rpc = fsm.getObject("swat.module.rpc");
- // Get our module descriptor
- var module = fsm.getObject("swat.module.module");
- // Retrieve the database handle
- var dbHandle = module.dbHandle;
- // Retrieve the search expression
- var searchExpr = fsm.getObject("searchExpr").getValue();
- // Retrieve the base DN
- var baseDN = fsm.getObject("baseDN").getValue();
- // Retrieve the selected scope
- var scope = fsm.getObject("scope").getSelected().getValue();
- // We want all attributes
- var attributes = [ "*" ];
- rpc.setServiceName("samba.ldb");
- var request = rpc.callAsyncListeners(true, // coalesce failure events
- "search",
- dbHandle,
- searchExpr,
- baseDN,
- scope,
- attributes);
- // When we get the result, we'll need to know what type of request
- // we made.
- request.setUserData("requestType", "find");
- // Save the request object
- fsm.addObject("swat.module.fsmUtils.request", request);
- }
- });
- state.addTransition(trans);
- /*
- * Transition: Idle to AwaitRpcResult
- *
- * Cause: "treeOpenWhileEmpty" on tree
- *
- * Action:
- * Issue a search request
- */
- var trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "Transition_Idle_to_AwaitRpcResult_via_tree_open",
- {
- "nextState" :
- "State_AwaitRpcResult",
- "ontransition" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- var parent = event.getData();
- var hierarchy = parent.getHierarchy(new Array());
- parent.debug("Requesting children...");
- // Strip off the root node
- hierarchy.shift();
- // Get the tree object
- var tree = fsm.getObject("tree");
- // Determine the children. Differs depending on root or otherwise
- var attributes;
- var scope;
- var baseDN;
- // If parent is the root...
- if (parent == tree)
- {
- // ... then we want the defaultNamingContext, ...
- attributes = [ "defaultNamingContext" ];
- // ... and we want only base scope
- scope = "base";
- // ... and an empty base DN
- baseDN = "";
- }
- else
- {
- // otherwise, retrieve the DN,
- attributes = [ "dn" ];
- // ... and we want one level of scope
- scope = "one";
- // ... and base DN is the parent
- baseDN = hierarchy.reverse().join(",");
- }
- // Build the search expression
- var searchExpr = "(objectclass=*)";
- // Obtain the RPC object
- var rpc = fsm.getObject("swat.module.rpc");
- // Get our module descriptor
- var module = fsm.getObject("swat.module.module");
- // Retrieve the database handle
- var dbHandle = module.dbHandle;
- rpc.setServiceName("samba.ldb");
- var request = rpc.callAsyncListeners(true, // coalesce failure events
- "search",
- dbHandle,
- searchExpr,
- baseDN,
- scope,
- attributes);
- // When we get the result, we'll need to know what type of request
- // we made.
- request.setUserData("requestType", "tree_open");
- // We'll also need some of our parameters
- request.setUserData("parent", parent);
- request.setUserData("attributes", attributes);
- // Save the request object
- fsm.addObject("swat.module.fsmUtils.request", request);
- }
- });
- state.addTransition(trans);
- /*
- * Transition: Idle to AwaitRpcResult
- *
- * Cause: "changeSelection" on tree
- *
- * Action:
- * Issue a search request
- */
- var trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "Transition_Idle_to_AwaitRpcResult_via_tree_selection_changed",
- {
- "nextState" :
- "State_AwaitRpcResult",
- "predicate" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- var element = event.getData()[0];
- var hierarchy = element.getHierarchy(new Array());
- // Strip off the root node
- hierarchy.shift();
- // Get the tree object
- var tree = fsm.getObject("tree");
- // If element is the root...
- if (element == tree)
- {
- // ... then just clear out the attribute/value table.
- var tableModel = fsm.getObject("tableModel:browse");
- tableModel.setData([]);
- return null; // don't search additional transitionis
- }
- return true;
- },
- "ontransition" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- var element = event.getData()[0];
- var hierarchy = element.getHierarchy(new Array());
- // Strip off the root node
- hierarchy.shift();
- // Get the tree object
- var tree = fsm.getObject("tree");
- // Determine the children. Differs depending on root or otherwise
- var attributes;
- var scope;
- var baseDN;
- // We want all attributes
- attributes = [ "*" ];
- // We want the attributes only for the current element
- scope = "base";
- // Base DN is the current element
- baseDN = hierarchy.reverse().join(",");
- // Build the search expression
- var searchExpr = "(objectclass=*)";
- // Obtain the RPC object
- var rpc = fsm.getObject("swat.module.rpc");
- // Get our module descriptor
- var module = fsm.getObject("swat.module.module");
- // Retrieve the database handle
- var dbHandle = module.dbHandle;
- rpc.setServiceName("samba.ldb");
- var request = rpc.callAsyncListeners(true, // coalesce failure events
- "search",
- dbHandle,
- searchExpr,
- baseDN,
- scope,
- attributes);
- // When we get the result, we'll need to know what type of request
- // we made.
- request.setUserData("requestType", "tree_selection_changed");
- // Save the request object
- fsm.addObject("swat.module.fsmUtils.request", request);
- }
- });
- state.addTransition(trans);
- /*
- * Transition: Idle to AwaitRpcResult
- *
- * Cause: "changeSelection" on dbName
- *
- * Action:
- * Issue a connect request
- */
- var trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "Transition_Idle_to_AwaitRpcResult_via_db_changed",
- {
- "nextState" :
- "State_AwaitRpcResult",
- "ontransition" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- // Obtain the RPC object
- var rpc = fsm.getObject("swat.module.rpc");
- // Obtain the name of the database to be connected to
- var dbName = fsm.getObject("dbName").getValue();
- rpc.setServiceName("samba.ldb");
- var request = rpc.callAsyncListeners(true, // coalesce failure events
- "connect",
- dbName);
- // When we get the result, we'll need to know what type of request
- // we made.
- request.setUserData("requestType", "database_name_changed");
- // Save the request object
- fsm.addObject("swat.module.fsmUtils.request", request);
- }
- });
- state.addTransition(trans);
- // Add the AwaitRpcResult state and all of its transitions
- this.addAwaitRpcResultState(module);
- * Singleton Instance Getter
- */
-qx.Class.getInstance = qx.util.Return.returnInstance;
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/ldbbrowse/Gui.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/ldbbrowse/Gui.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e86be25e9..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/ldbbrowse/Gui.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * Swat LDB Browser class graphical user interface
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("swat.module.ldbbrowse.Gui", qx.core.Object,
- * Build the raw graphical user interface.
- */
-qx.Proto.buildGui = function(module)
- var o;
- var fsm = module.fsm;
- // We need a horizontal box layout for the database name
- var hlayout = new qx.ui.layout.HorizontalBoxLayout();
- hlayout.set({
- top: 20,
- left: 20,
- right: 20,
- height: 30
- });
- // Create a label for the database name
- o = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("Database:");
- o.setWidth(100);
- o.setHorizontalChildrenAlign("right");
- // Add the label to the horizontal layout
- hlayout.add(o);
- // Create a combo box for for the database name
- o = new qx.ui.form.ComboBox();
- o.getField().setWidth("100%");
- o.setEditable(false);
- // Add our global database name (the only option, for now)
- var item = new qx.ui.form.ListItem(module.dbFile);
- o.add(item);
- // We want to be notified if the selection changes
- o.addEventListener("changeSelection", fsm.eventListener, fsm);
- // Save the database name object so we can react to changes
- fsm.addObject("dbName", o);
- // Add the combo box to the horizontal layout
- hlayout.add(o);
- // Add the database name selection to the canvas
- module.canvas.add(hlayout);
- // Create and position the tabview
- var tabView_ = new qx.ui.pageview.tabview.TabView;
- tabView_.set({
- top: 60,
- left: 20,
- right: 20,
- bottom: 20
- });
- // Create each of the tabs
- var tabView_Search =
- new qx.ui.pageview.tabview.Button("Search");
- var tabView_Browse =
- new qx.ui.pageview.tabview.Button("Browse");
- // Specify the initially-selected tab
- tabView_Search.setChecked(true);
- // Add each of the tabs to the tabview
- tabView_.getBar().add(tabView_Search, tabView_Browse);
- // Create the pages to display when each tab is selected
- var tabViewPage_Search =
- new qx.ui.pageview.tabview.Page(tabView_Search);
- var tabViewPage_Browse =
- new qx.ui.pageview.tabview.Page(tabView_Browse);
- // Build the search page
- this._buildPageSearch(module, tabViewPage_Search);
- // Build the browse page
- this._buildPageBrowse(module, tabViewPage_Browse);
- // Add the pages to the tabview
- tabView_.getPane().add(tabViewPage_Search, tabViewPage_Browse);
- // Add the tabview to our canvas
- module.canvas.add(tabView_);
- * Populate the graphical user interface with the specified data
- *
- * @param module {swat.module.Module}
- * The module descriptor for the module.
- *
- * @result {Object}
- * The result returned by SAMBA to our request. We display the data
- * provided by this result.
- */
-qx.Proto.displayData = function(module, request)
- var gui = module.gui;
- var fsm = module.fsm;
- var result = request.getUserData("result")
- var requestType = request.getUserData("requestType");
- // Did the request fail?
- if (result.type == "failed")
- {
- // Yup. We're not going to do anything particularly elegant...
- alert("Async(" + + ") exception: " +;
- return;
- }
- // Dispatch to the appropriate handler, depending on the request type
- switch(requestType)
- {
- case "find":
- this._displayFindResults(module, request);
- break;
- case "tree_open":
- this._displayTreeOpenResults(module, request);
- break;
- case "tree_selection_changed":
- this._displayTreeSelectionChangedResults(module, request);
- break;
- case "database_name_changed":
- this._clearAllFields(module, request);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error("Unexpected request type: " + requestType);
- }
- // Force flushing of pending DOM updates. This is actually a
- // work-around for a bug. Without this, occasionally, updates to the
- // gui aren't displayed until some 'action' takes place, e.g. key
- // press or mouse movement.
- qx.ui.core.Widget.flushGlobalQueues();
-qx.Proto._setAppearances = function()
- // Modify the default appearance of a ComboBox for use in Search tab:
- // use more of the available width.
- //
- // If we had multiple uses, we'd create a new appearance which didn't
- // contain a width. That way, we'd be able to assign a specific width to
- // each ComboBox instance. Since we don't have multiple of them, we can
- // just modify this default appearance.
- //
- // See for an
- // explanation of what's going on here. The missing significant point in
- // the discussion is that in the current qooxdoo appearance
- // implementation, it's not possible to override a specific widget's
- // appearance with explicit settings just for that widget (stupid!). I
- // expect that to change in a future version.
- var appMgr = qx.manager.object.AppearanceManager.getInstance();
- var theme = appMgr.getAppearanceTheme();
- var appearance = theme._appearances["combo-box"];
- if (! appearance)
- {
- return;
- }
- var oldInitial = appearance.initial;
- appearance.initial = function(vTheme)
- {
- var res = oldInitial ? oldInitial.apply(this, arguments) : {};
- res.width = "80%";
- return res;
- }
-qx.Proto._buildPageSearch = function(module, page)
- var fsm = module.fsm;
- // We need a vertical box layout for the various input fields
- var vlayout = new qx.ui.layout.VerticalBoxLayout();
- vlayout.setWidth("100%");
- // We need a horizontal box layout for the search combo box and its label
- var hlayout = new qx.ui.layout.HorizontalBoxLayout();
- hlayout.setWidth("100%");
- hlayout.setHeight(25);
- // Create a label for the list of required attributes
- var label = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("Search Expression:");
- label.setWidth(100);
- label.setHorizontalChildrenAlign("right");
- // Add the label to the horizontal layout
- hlayout.add(label);
- // Create a combo box for entry of the search expression
- var search = new qx.ui.form.ComboBox();
- search.getField().setWidth("100%");
- search.setEditable(true);
- fsm.addObject("searchExpr", search);
- // Add the combo box to the horizontal layout
- hlayout.add(search);
- // Add the horizontal layout to the vertical layout
- vlayout.add(hlayout);
- // We need a horizontal box layout for the base combo box and its label
- hlayout = new qx.ui.layout.HorizontalBoxLayout();
- hlayout.setWidth("100%");
- hlayout.setHeight(25);
- // Create a label for the list of required attributes
- var label = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("Base:");
- label.setWidth(100);
- label.setHorizontalChildrenAlign("right");
- // Add the label to the horizontal layout
- hlayout.add(label);
- // Create a combo box for entry of the search expression
- var base = new qx.ui.form.ComboBox();
- base.getField().setWidth("100%");
- base.setEditable(true);
- fsm.addObject("baseDN", base);
- // Add the combo box to the horizontal layout
- hlayout.add(base);
- // Add the horizontal layout to the vertical layout
- vlayout.add(hlayout);
- // We need a horizontal box layout for scope radio buttons
- hlayout = new qx.ui.layout.HorizontalBoxLayout();
- hlayout.setWidth("100%");
- hlayout.setHeight(25);
- // Create a label for the list of required attributes
- var label = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("Scope:");
- label.setWidth(100);
- label.setHorizontalChildrenAlign("right");
- // Add the label to the horizontal layout
- hlayout.add(label);
- // Create a radio button for each scope
- var rbDefault = new qx.ui.form.RadioButton("Default", "default");
- var rbBase = new qx.ui.form.RadioButton("Base", "base");
- var rbOne = new qx.ui.form.RadioButton("One Level", "one");
- var rbSubtree = new qx.ui.form.RadioButton("Subtree", "subtree");
- // Use a default of "Default"
- rbBase.setChecked(true);
- // Add the radio buttons to the horizontal layout
- hlayout.add(rbDefault, rbBase, rbOne, rbSubtree);
- // Group the radio buttons so only one in the group may be selected
- var scope = new qx.manager.selection.RadioManager("scope",
- [
- rbDefault,
- rbBase,
- rbOne,
- rbSubtree
- ]);
- fsm.addObject("scope", scope);
- // Right-justify the 'Find' button
- var spacer = new qx.ui.basic.HorizontalSpacer;
- hlayout.add(spacer);
- // Create the 'Find' button
- var find = new qx.ui.form.Button('Find');
- find.setWidth(100);
- find.addEventListener("execute", fsm.eventListener, fsm);
- // We'll be receiving events on the find object, so save its friendly name
- fsm.addObject("find", find, "swat.module.fsmUtils.disable_during_rpc");
- hlayout.add(find);
- // Add the Find button line to the vertical layout
- vlayout.add(hlayout);
- // Add the horizontal box layout to the page
- page.add(vlayout);
- // Create a simple table model
- var tableModel = new qx.ui.table.SimpleTableModel();
- tableModel.setColumns([ "Distinguished Name", "Attribute", "Value" ]);
- tableModel.setColumnEditable(0, false);
- tableModel.setColumnEditable(1, false);
- tableModel.setColumnEditable(2, false);
- fsm.addObject("tableModel:search", tableModel);
- // Create a table
- var table = new qx.ui.table.Table(tableModel);
- table.set({
- top: 80,
- left: 0,
- right: 0,
- bottom: 10,
- statusBarVisible: false,
- columnVisibilityButtonVisible: false
- });
- table.setColumnWidth(0, 300);
- table.setColumnWidth(1, 180);
- table.setColumnWidth(2, 240);
- table.setMetaColumnCounts([ 1, -1 ]);// h-scroll attribute and value together
- fsm.addObject("table:search", table);
- page.add(table);
-qx.Proto._buildPageBrowse = function(module, page)
- var fsm = module.fsm;
- // Create a vertical splitpane for tree (top) and table (bottom)
- var splitpane = new qx.ui.splitpane.VerticalSplitPane("1*", "2*");
- splitpane.setEdge(0);
- // Create a tree row structure for the tree root
- var trsInstance = qx.ui.treefullcontrol.TreeRowStructure.getInstance();
- var trs = trsInstance.standard(module.dbFile);
- // Create the tree and set its characteristics
- var tree = new qx.ui.treefullcontrol.Tree(trs);
- tree.set({
- backgroundColor: 255,
- border: qx.renderer.border.BorderPresets.getInstance().inset,
- overflow: "auto",
- height: null,
- top: 10,
- left: 0,
- right: 0,
- bottom: 10,
- open: false,
- alwaysShowPlusMinusSymbol: true
- });
- // All subtrees will use this root node's event listeners. Create an event
- // listener for an open while empty.
- tree.addEventListener("treeOpenWhileEmpty", fsm.eventListener, fsm);
- // All subtrees will use this root node's event listeners. Create an event
- // listener for selection changed, to populate attribute/value table
- tree.getManager().addEventListener("changeSelection",
- fsm.eventListener,
- fsm);
- // We'll be receiving events on the tree object, so save its friendly name
- fsm.addObject("tree", tree);
- fsm.addObject("tree:manager", tree.getManager());
- // Add the tree to the page.
- splitpane.addTop(tree);
- // Create a simple table model
- var tableModel = new qx.ui.table.SimpleTableModel();
- tableModel.setColumns([ "Attribute", "Value" ]);
- tableModel.setColumnEditable(0, false);
- tableModel.setColumnEditable(1, false);
- fsm.addObject("tableModel:browse", tableModel);
- // Create a table
- var table = new qx.ui.table.Table(tableModel);
- table.set({
- top: 10,
- left: 0,
- right: 0,
- bottom: 10,
- statusBarVisible: false,
- columnVisibilityButtonVisible: false
- });
- table.setColumnWidth(0, 200);
- table.setColumnWidth(1, 440);
- table.setMetaColumnCounts([1, -1]);
- fsm.addObject("table:browse", table);
- // Add the table to the bottom portion of the splitpane
- splitpane.addBottom(table);
- // Add the first splitpane to the page
- page.add(splitpane);
-qx.Proto._displayFindResults = function(module, request)
- var rowData = [];
- var fsm = module.fsm;
- // Track the maximum length of the attribute values
- var maxLen = 0;
- // Obtain the result object
- result = request.getUserData("result").data;
- if (result && result["length"])
- {
- len = result["length"];
- for (var i = 0; i < result["length"]; i++)
- {
- var o = result[i];
- if (typeof(o) != "object")
- {
- alert("Found unexpected result, type " +
- typeof(o) +
- ", " +
- o +
- "\n");
- continue;
- }
- for (var field in o)
- {
- // skip dn and distinguishedName fields;
- // they're shown in each row anyway.
- if (field == "dn" || field == "distinguishedName")
- {
- continue;
- }
- // If it's multi-valued (type is an array)...
- if (typeof(o[field]) == "object")
- {
- // ... then add each value with same name
- var a = o[field];
- for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
- {
- if (a[i].length > maxLen)
- {
- maxLen = a[i].length;
- }
- rowData.push( [
- o["dn"],
- field,
- a[i]
- ] );
- }
- }
- else // single-valued
- {
- // ... add its name and value to the table
- // dataset
- if (o[field].length > maxLen)
- {
- maxLen = o[field].length;
- }
- rowData.push( [
- o["dn"],
- field,
- o[field]
- ] );
- }
- }
- // Obtain the table and tableModel objects
- var table = fsm.getObject("table:search");
- var tableModel = fsm.getObject("tableModel:search");
- // Adjust the width of the value column based on
- // maxLen
- table.setColumnWidth(2, maxLen * 7);
- // Tell the table to use the new data
- tableModel.setData(rowData);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- alert("No rows returned.");
- }
-qx.Proto._displayTreeOpenResults = function(module, request)
- var t;
- var trs;
- var child;
- // Obtain the result object
- var result = request.getUserData("result").data;
- // We also need some of the original parameters passed to the request
- var parent = request.getUserData("parent");
- var attributes = request.getUserData("attributes");
- // Any children?
- if (! result || result["length"] == 0)
- {
- // Nope. Allow parent's expand/contract button to be removed
- parent.setAlwaysShowPlusMinusSymbol(false);
- return;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
- {
- var name;
- child = result[i];
- // Determine name for new tree row. If first level, use entire
- // DN. Otherwise, strip off first additional component.
- if (attributes == "defaultNamingContext")
- {
- name = child["defaultNamingContext"];
- }
- else
- {
- name = child["dn"].split(",")[0];
- }
- // Build a standard tree row
- trs = qx.ui.treefullcontrol.TreeRowStructure.getInstance().standard(name);
- // This row is a "folder" (it can have children)
- t = new qx.ui.treefullcontrol.TreeFolder(trs);
- t.setAlwaysShowPlusMinusSymbol(true);
- // Add this row to its parent
- parent.add(t);
- }
-qx.Proto._displayTreeSelectionChangedResults = function(module, request)
- var fsm = module.fsm;
- // Obtain the result object
- var result = request.getUserData("result").data;
- // If we received an empty list, ...
- if (result == null)
- {
- // ... then just clear the attribute/value table.
- tableModel.setData([ ]);
- return;
- }
- // Start with an empty table dataset
- var rowData = [ ];
- // The result contains a single object: attributes
- var attributes = result[0];
- // Track the maximum length of the attribute values
- var maxLen = 0;
- // For each attribute we received...
- for (var attr in attributes)
- {
- // If it's multi-valued (type is an array)...
- if (typeof(attributes[attr]) == "object")
- {
- // ... then add each value with same name
- var a = attributes[attr];
- for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
- {
- if (a[i].length > maxLen)
- {
- maxLen = a[i].length;
- }
- rowData.push([ attr, a[i] ]);
- }
- }
- else // single-valued
- {
- // ... add its name and value to the table dataset
- if (attributes[attr].length > maxLen)
- {
- maxLen = attributes[attr].length;
- }
- rowData.push([ attr, attributes[attr] ]);
- }
- }
- // Obtain the table and tableModel objects
- var table = fsm.getObject("table:browse");
- var tableModel = fsm.getObject("tableModel:browse");
- // Adjust the width of the value column based on maxLen
- table.setColumnWidth(1, maxLen * 7);
- // Add the dataset to the table
- tableModel.setData(rowData);
-qx.Proto._clearAllFields = function(module, request)
- // Obtain the result object
- var result = request.getUserData("result").data;
- // Retrieve the database handle
- module.dbHandle = result;
- // In the future, when we support more than one database, we'll want to
- // clear all fields here. For now, there's no need.
- * Singleton Instance Getter
- */
-qx.Class.getInstance = qx.util.Return.returnInstance;
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/ldbbrowse/LdbBrowse.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/ldbbrowse/LdbBrowse.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 45a4c48930..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/ldbbrowse/LdbBrowse.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * Swat LDB Browser class
- */
- swat.module.AbstractModule,
- * Create the module's finite state machine and graphical user interface.
- *
- * This function is called the first time a module is actually selected to
- * appear. Creation of the module's actual FSM and GUI have been deferred
- * until they were actually needed (now) so we need to create them.
- *
- * @param module {swat.module.Module}
- * The module descriptor for the module.
- */
-qx.Proto.initialAppear = function(module)
- // Initial database to open
- module.dbFile = "sam.ldb";
- // Replace the existing (temporary) finite state machine with the real one
- swat.module.ldbbrowse.Fsm.getInstance().buildFsm(module);
- // Create the real gui
- swat.module.ldbbrowse.Gui.getInstance().buildGui(module);
- // Force the global database to be opened
- var dbName = module.fsm.getObject("dbName");
- dbName.setSelected(dbName.getList().getFirstChild());
- dbName.dispatchEvent(new qx.event.type.Event("changeSelection"), true);
- * Singleton Instance Getter
- */
-qx.Class.getInstance = qx.util.Return.returnInstance;
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/statistics/Fsm.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/statistics/Fsm.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 771044172e..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/statistics/Fsm.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * Swat statistics class finite state machine
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("swat.module.statistics.Fsm", swat.module.AbstractModuleFsm,
-qx.Class._startTimer = function(fsm)
- // Create a timer instance to expire in a few seconds
- var timer = new qx.client.Timer(5000);
- timer.addEventListener("interval", fsm.eventListener, fsm);
- fsm.addObject("timer", timer);
- timer.start();
-qx.Class._stopTimer = function(fsm)
- // ... then stop the timer. Get the timer object.
- var timer = fsm.getObject("timer");
- // If it still exists...
- if (timer)
- {
- // ... then dispose of it.
- timer.dispose();
- fsm.removeObject("timer");
- }
-qx.Proto.buildFsm = function(module)
- var fsm = module.fsm;
- var thisClass = this;
- /*
- * State: Idle
- *
- * Actions upon entry
- * - if returning from RPC, display the result
- * - start an interval timer to request statistics again in a while
- *
- * Transition on:
- * "interval" on interval_timer
- */
- var state = new qx.util.fsm.State(
- "State_Idle",
- {
- "onentry" :
- function(fsm, state)
- {
- // Did we just return from an RPC request?
- if (fsm.getPreviousState() == "State_AwaitRpcResult")
- {
- // Yup. Display the result. We need to get the request object
- var request = fsm.getObject("swat.module.fsmUtils.request");
- // We don't need the request object to be saved any more
- fsm.removeObject("swat.module.fsmUtils.request");
- // Display the result
- var gui = swat.module.statistics.Gui.getInstance();
- gui.displayData(module, request.getUserData("result"));
- // Dispose of the request
- request.dispose();
- request = null;
- // Restart the timer.
- swat.module.statistics.Fsm._startTimer(fsm);
- }
- },
- "onexit" :
- function(fsm, state)
- {
- // If we're not coming right back into this state...
- if (fsm.getNextState() != "State_Idle")
- {
- // ... then stop the timer.
- swat.module.statistics.Fsm._stopTimer(fsm);
- }
- },
- "events" :
- {
- // If the timer expires, send a new statistics request
- "interval" :
- {
- "timer" :
- "Transition_Idle_to_AwaitRpcResult_via_request_statistics"
- },
- // When we get an appear event, start our timer
- "appear" :
- {
- "swat.module.canvas" :
- "Transition_Idle_to_Idle_via_appear"
- },
- // When we get a disappear event, stop our timer
- "disappear" :
- {
- "swat.module.canvas" :
- "Transition_Idle_to_Idle_via_disappear"
- }
- }
- });
- // Replace the initial Idle state with this one
- fsm.replaceState(state, true);
- /*
- * Transition: Idle to AwaitRpcResult
- *
- * Cause: "interval" on timer
- *
- * Action:
- * Issue a Get Statistics request
- */
- var trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "Transition_Idle_to_AwaitRpcResult_via_request_statistics",
- {
- "nextState" :
- "State_AwaitRpcResult",
- "ontransition" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- var rpc = fsm.getObject("swat.module.rpc");
- rpc.setServiceName("");
- var request = rpc.callAsyncListeners(true, // coalesce failure events
- "get_statistics",
- true,
- true);
- // Make the request object available to the AwaitRpcResult state
- fsm.addObject("swat.module.fsmUtils.request", request);
- }
- });
- state.addTransition(trans);
- /*
- * Transition: Idle to Idle
- *
- * Cause: "appear" on canvas
- *
- * Action:
- * Start our timer
- */
- var trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "Transition_Idle_to_Idle_via_appear",
- {
- "nextState" :
- "State_Idle",
- "ontransition" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- swat.module.statistics.Fsm._startTimer(fsm);
- }
- });
- state.addTransition(trans);
- /*
- * Transition: Idle to Idle
- *
- * Cause: "disappear" on canvas
- *
- * Action:
- * Stop our timer
- */
- var trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "Transition_Idle_to_Idle_via_disappear",
- {
- "nextState" :
- "State_Idle",
- "ontransition" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- swat.module.statistics.Fsm._stopTimer(fsm);
- }
- });
- state.addTransition(trans);
- // Add the AwaitRpcResult state and all of its transitions
- this.addAwaitRpcResultState(module);
- * Singleton Instance Getter
- */
-qx.Class.getInstance = qx.util.Return.returnInstance;
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/statistics/Gui.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/statistics/Gui.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 777caa7328..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/statistics/Gui.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * Swat statistics class graphical user interface
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("swat.module.statistics.Gui", qx.core.Object,
- * The result of our request for statistics is in this form:
- *
- * rpc: Object
- * status: INACTIVE
- * smb: Object
- * tcons: Array
- * 0: Object
- * share_name: tmp
- * last_use_time: 1167186771
- * client_ip:
- * tid: 10928
- * connect_time: 1167186757
- * connections: 1
- * sessions: Array
- * 0: Object
- * auth_time: 1167186757
- * vuid: 24588
- * last_use_time: 1167186771
- * client_ip:
- * connect_time: 1167186757
- * account_name: Administrator
- * domain_name: WORKGROUP
- * status: RUNNING
- * ldap: Object
- * status: INACTIVE
- * wins: Object
- * status: DISABLED
- * nbt: Object
- * status: RUNNING
- * statistics: Object
- * total_received: 32
- * total_sent: 4
- * query_count: 0
- * release_count: 0
- * register_count: 0
- * kdc: Object
- * status: INACTIVE
- * cldap: Object
- * status: RUNNING
- */
- * Build the raw graphical user interface.
- */
-qx.Proto.buildGui = function(module)
- var o;
- var fsm = module.fsm;
- var canvas = module.canvas;
- canvas.setOverflow("auto");
- // Create a gui object where we'll put each widget handle that has varying
- // data to be displayed.
- module.gui = { };
- var addCaptionedText = function(caption, dest)
- {
- // Add a row to the destination grid
- dest.addRow();
- var row = dest.getRowCount() - 1;
- dest.setRowHeight(row, 16);
- // Add the caption
- o = new qx.ui.basic.Label(caption);
- dest.add(o, 0, row);
- // Add the text field that will contain varying data
- o = new qx.ui.basic.Label("");
- dest.add(o, 1, row);
- // Give 'em the varying data label
- return o;
- };
- var addGroup = function(legend, top, height, width, left, right, dest)
- {
- // Add a groupbox
- var group = new qx.ui.groupbox.GroupBox(legend);
- group.setTop(top);
- if (left >= 0)
- {
- group.setLeft(left);
- }
- if (right >= 0)
- {
- group.setRight(right);
- }
- if (height >= 0)
- {
- group.setHeight(height);
- }
- if (typeof(width) == "string" || width >= 0)
- {
- group.setWidth(width);
- }
- group.setBackgroundColor("white");
- group.getLegendObject().setBackgroundColor("white");
- var grid = new qx.ui.layout.GridLayout();
- grid.setLocation(0, 0);
- grid.setDimension("100%", "100%");
- grid.setPadding(0, 0);
- grid.setRowCount(0);
- grid.setColumnCount(2);
- grid.setColumnWidth(0, 100);
- grid.setColumnWidth(1, 200);
- group.add(grid);
- dest.add(group);
- return grid;
- };
- // Add the RPC Service group box and its status
- var group = addGroup("RPC Service", 40, 60, "46%", 20, -1, canvas);
- module.gui.rpc =
- {
- status : addCaptionedText("Status:", group)
- };
- // Add the KDC Service group box and its status
- var group = addGroup("KDC Service", 40, 60, "46%", -1, 20, canvas);
- module.gui.kdc =
- {
- status : addCaptionedText("Status:", group)
- };
- // Add the LDAP Service group box and its status
- var group = addGroup("LDAP Service", 120, 60, "46%", 20, -1, canvas);
- module.gui.ldap =
- {
- status : addCaptionedText("Status:", group)
- };
- // Add the CLDAP Service group box and its status
- var group = addGroup("CLDAP Service", 120, 60, "46%", -1, 20, canvas);
- module.gui.cldap =
- {
- status : addCaptionedText("Status:", group)
- };
- // Add the WINS Service group box and its status
- var group = addGroup("WINS Service", 200, 60, "46%", 20, -1, canvas);
- module.gui.wins =
- {
- status : addCaptionedText("Status:", group)
- };
- // Add the NBT Service group box and its status, and the statistics
- var group = addGroup("NBT Service", 200, 140, "46%", -1, 20, canvas);
- module.gui.nbt =
- {
- status : addCaptionedText("Status:", group),
- total_received : addCaptionedText("Total received:", group),
- total_sent : addCaptionedText("Total sent:", group),
- query_count : addCaptionedText("Query count:", group),
- release_count : addCaptionedText("Release count:", group),
- register_count : addCaptionedText("Register count:", group)
- };
- // Add the SMB Service group box (sans grid) and its status
- var group = new qx.ui.groupbox.GroupBox("SMB Service");
- group.set({
- top: 360,
- height: 400,
- left: 20,
- right: 20
- });
- group.setBackgroundColor("white");
- group.getLegendObject().setBackgroundColor("white");
- // Create the Status block
- o = new qx.ui.basic.Label("Status:");
- o.set({
- top : 0,
- left : 0,
- width : 100
- });
- group.add(o);
- o = new qx.ui.basic.Label("");
- o.set({
- top : 0,
- left : 100,
- width : 200
- });
- group.add(o);
- // Add the status and create the table models for sessions and connections
- module.gui.smb =
- {
- status : o,
- sessions : new qx.ui.table.SimpleTableModel(),
- tcons : new qx.ui.table.SimpleTableModel()
- };
- // Begin the Sessions section
- o = new qx.ui.basic.Label("Sessions");
- o.set({
- top : 20,
- left : 20
- });
- group.add(o);
- // Set column labels
- var tableModel = module.gui.smb.sessions;
- tableModel.setColumns([
- "User",
- "Client",
- "Connected at",
- "Authenticated at",
- "Last used at",
- "VUID"
- ]);
- tableModel.setData([ ]);
- // Create the table for sessions
- var table = new qx.ui.table.Table(tableModel);
- table.set({
- top : 40,
- left : 20,
- right : 20,
- height : 160
- });
- table.setMetaColumnCounts([1, -1]);
- table.setStatusBarVisible(false);
- table.setColumnVisibilityButtonVisible(false);
- table.setColumnWidth(0, 260);
- table.setColumnWidth(1, 80);
- table.setColumnWidth(2, 120);
- table.setColumnWidth(3, 120);
- table.setColumnWidth(4, 120);
- table.setColumnWidth(5, 60);
- // Add the table to the groupbox
- group.add(table);
- canvas.add(group);
- // Begin the Connections section
- o = new qx.ui.basic.Label("Connections");
- o.set({
- top : 220,
- left : 20
- });
- group.add(o);
- // Create the table model for tcons
- var tableModel = module.gui.smb.tcons;
- tableModel.setColumns([
- "Share",
- "Client",
- "Connected at",
- "Last used at",
- "TID"
- ]);
- tableModel.setData([ ]);
- // Create the table for sessions
- var table = new qx.ui.table.Table(tableModel);
- table.set({
- top : 240,
- left : 20,
- right : 20,
- bottom : 20
- });
- table.setMetaColumnCounts([1, -1]);
- table.setStatusBarVisible(false);
- table.setColumnVisibilityButtonVisible(false);
- table.setColumnWidth(0, 260);
- table.setColumnWidth(1, 80);
- table.setColumnWidth(2, 120);
- table.setColumnWidth(3, 120);
- table.setColumnWidth(4, 60);
- // Add the table to the groupbox
- group.add(table);
- canvas.add(group);
- * Populate the graphical user interface with the specified data
- *
- * @param module {swat.module.Module}
- * The module descriptor for the module.
- *
- * @result {Object}
- * The result returned by SAMBA to our request for statistics. We display
- * the data provided by this result.
- */
-qx.Proto.displayData = function(module, result)
- var gui = module.gui;
- if (result.type == "failed")
- {
- // Have we already put up the FAILED message?
- if (gui.failed)
- {
- // Yup.
- gui.failed.setDisplay(true);
- return;
- }
- // Create a semi-transparent layover o which to display a failure message
- gui.failed = new qx.ui.layout.CanvasLayout();
- gui.failed.set({
- top: 0,
- bottom: 0,
- left: 0,
- right: 0
- });
- gui.failed.setBackgroundColor("white");
- gui.failed.setDisplay(true); // initially displayed
- gui.failed.setOpacity(0.7); // semi-transparent
- // Add the failure message
- var style =
- "color: red;" +
- "font-size: large;" +
- "font-weight: bold;";
- var o = new qx.ui.basic.Label("<span style='" + style + "'>" +
- "Communication with SAMBA failed!",
- "</span>");
- o.set({
- top : 0,
- left : 20
- });
- gui.failed.add(o);
- // Add the failed layover to the canvas
- module.canvas.add(gui.failed);
- return;
- }
- // Successful RPC request.
- // If the failure message was displayed, we no longer need it.
- if (gui.failed)
- {
- gui.failed.setDisplay(false);
- }
- // Create a function for formatting dates
- var dateFormat = function(unixepoch)
- {
- var d = new Date(unixepoch * 1000);
- return (d.getFullYear() + "-" +
- ("0" + (d.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) + "-" +
- ("0" + d.getDate()).substr(-2) + " " +
- ("0" + d.getHours()).substr(-2) + ":" +
- ("0" + d.getMinutes()).substr(-2));
- }
- // Set the status values
- gui.rpc.status.setHtml(;
- gui.kdc.status.setHtml(;
- gui.ldap.status.setHtml(;
- gui.cldap.status.setHtml(;
- gui.wins.status.setHtml(;
- gui.nbt.status.setHtml(;
- gui.smb.status.setHtml(;
- // If the NBT service is running...
- if ( == "RUNNING")
- {
- // ... then output the statistics
- gui.nbt.total_received.setHtml(
- gui.nbt.total_sent.setHtml(
- gui.nbt.query_count.setHtml(
- gui.nbt.release_count.setHtml(
- gui.nbt.register_count.setHtml(
- }
- else
- {
- // otherwise, clear the statistics fields
- gui.nbt.total_received.setHtml("");
- gui.nbt.total_sent.setHtml("");
- gui.nbt.query_count.setHtml("");
- gui.nbt.release_count.setHtml("");
- gui.nbt.register_count.setHtml("");
- }
- // Initialize data for sessions list
- var rowData = [];
- // If there are any sessions...
- if ( instanceof Array)
- {
- // ... then for each session...
- for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
- {
- // ... add its info to the table data
- var sess =[i];
- rowData.push([
- sess.account_name + "/" + sess.domain_name,
- sess.client_ip,
- dateFormat(sess.connect_time),
- dateFormat(sess.auth_time),
- dateFormat(sess.last_use_time),
- sess.vuid.toString()
- ]);
- }
- }
- // Whether there were sessions or not, reset the session table data
- gui.smb.sessions.setData(rowData);
- // Initialize data for tcons list
- var rowData = [];
- // If there are any tcons...
- if ( instanceof Array)
- {
- // ... then for each tcon...
- for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
- {
- // ... add its info to the table data
- var conn =[i];
- rowData.push([
- conn.share_name,
- conn.client_ip,
- dateFormat(conn.connect_time),
- dateFormat(conn.last_use_time),
- conn.tid.toString()
- ]);
- }
- }
- // Whether there were tcons or not, reset the tcon table data
- gui.smb.tcons.setData(rowData);
- * Singleton Instance Getter
- */
-qx.Class.getInstance = qx.util.Return.returnInstance;
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/statistics/Statistics.js b/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/statistics/Statistics.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1618ab73c5..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/class/swat/module/statistics/Statistics.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright:
- * (C) 2006 by Derrell Lipman
- * All rights reserved
- *
- * License:
- * LGPL 2.1:
- */
- * Swat statistics class
- */
- swat.module.AbstractModule,
- * Create the module's finite state machine and graphical user interface.
- *
- * This function is called the first time a module is actually selected to
- * appear. Creation of the module's actual FSM and GUI have been deferred
- * until they were actually needed (now) so we need to create them.
- *
- * @param module {swat.module.Module}
- * The module descriptor for the module.
- */
-qx.Proto.initialAppear = function(module)
- // Replace the existing (temporary) finite state machine with the real one
- swat.module.statistics.Fsm.getInstance().buildFsm(module);
- // Create the real gui
- swat.module.statistics.Gui.getInstance().buildGui(module);
- * Singleton Instance Getter
- */
-qx.Class.getInstance = qx.util.Return.returnInstance;
diff --git a/swat/apps/swat/source/index.html b/swat/apps/swat/source/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ea7bcfe871..0000000000
--- a/swat/apps/swat/source/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <title>Swat</title>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="script/swat.js"></script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- qx.core.Init.getInstance().setApplication(swat.main.Main);
- </script>
- </body>