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diff --git a/docs/README.Win2kSP2 b/docs/README.Win2kSP2
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--- a/docs/README.Win2kSP2
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-!== README.Win2kSP2
-Author: Gerald (Jerry) Carter <>
-There are several annoyances with Windows 2000 SP2. One of which
-only appears when using a Samba server to host user profiles
-to Windows 2000 SP2 clients in a Windows domain. This assumes
-that Samba is a member of the domain, but the problem will
-likely occur if it is not.
-In order to server profiles successfully to Windows 2000 SP2
-clients (when not operating as a PDC), Samba must have
- nt acl support = no
-added to the file share which houses the roaming profiles.
-If this is not done, then the Windows 2000 SP2 client will
-complain about not being able to access the profile (Access
-Denied) and create multiple copies of it on disk (DOMAIN.user.001,
-DOMAIN.user.002, etc...). See the smb.conf(5) man page
-for more details on this option. Also note that the "nt acl support"
-parameter was formally a global parameter in releases prior
-to Samba 2.2.2.
-The following is a minimal profile share
- [profile]
- path = /export/profile
- create mask = 0600
- directory mask = 0700
- nt acl support = no
- read only = no
-The reason for this bug is that the Win2k SP2 client copies
-the security descriptor for the profile which contains
-the Samba server's SID, and not the domain SID. The client
-compares the SID for SAMBA\user and realizes it is
-different that the one assigned to DOMAIN\user. Hence the reason
-for the "access denied" message.
-By disabling the "nt acl support" parameter, Samba will send
-the Win2k client a response to the QuerySecurityDescriptor
-trans2 call which causes the client to set a default ACL
-for the profile. This default ACL includes
- DOMAIN\user "Full Control"
-NOTE : This bug does not occur when using winbind to
-create accounts on the Samba host for Domain users.
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/BROWSING.txt b/docs/textdocs/BROWSING.txt
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-Author/s: Many (Thanks to Luke, Jeremy, Andrew, etc.)
-Updated: July 5, 1998
-Status: Current - For VERY Advanced Users ONLY
-Summary: This describes how to configure Samba for improved browsing.
-SMB networking provides a mechanism by which clients can access a list
-of machines in a network, a so-called "browse list". This list
-contains machines that are ready to offer file and/or print services
-to other machines within the network. Thus it does not include
-machines which aren't currently able to do server tasks. The browse
-list is heavily used by all SMB clients. Configuration of SMB
-browsing has been problematic for some Samba users, hence this
-Browsing will NOT work if name resolution from NetBIOS names to IP
-addresses does not function correctly. Use of a WINS server is highly
-recommended to aid the resolution of NetBIOS (SMB) names to IP addresses.
-WINS allows remote segment clients to obtain NetBIOS name_type information
-that can NOT be provided by any other means of name resolution.
-Samba now fully supports browsing. The browsing is supported by nmbd
-and is also controlled by options in the smb.conf file (see smb.conf(5)).
-Samba can act as a local browse master for a workgroup and the ability
-for samba to support domain logons and scripts is now available. See
-DOMAIN.txt for more information on domain logons.
-Samba can also act as a domain master browser for a workgroup. This
-means that it will collate lists from local browse masters into a
-wide area network server list. In order for browse clients to
-resolve the names they may find in this list, it is recommended that
-both samba and your clients use a WINS server.
-Note that you should NOT set Samba to be the domain master for a
-workgroup that has the same name as an NT Domain: on each wide area
-network, you must only ever have one domain master browser per workgroup,
-regardless of whether it is NT, Samba or any other type of domain master
-that is providing this service.
-[Note that nmbd can be configured as a WINS server, but it is not
-necessary to specifically use samba as your WINS server. NTAS can
-be configured as your WINS server. In a mixed NT server and
-samba environment on a Wide Area Network, it is recommended that
-you use the NT server's WINS server capabilities. In a samba-only
-environment, it is recommended that you use one and only one nmbd
-as your WINS server].
-To get browsing to work you need to run nmbd as usual, but will need
-to use the "workgroup" option in smb.conf to control what workgroup
-Samba becomes a part of.
-Samba also has a useful option for a Samba server to offer itself for
-browsing on another subnet. It is recommended that this option is only
-used for 'unusual' purposes: announcements over the internet, for
-example. See "remote announce" in the smb.conf man page.
-If something doesn't work then hopefully the log.nmb file will help
-you track down the problem. Try a debug level of 2 or 3 for finding
-problems. Also note that the current browse list usually gets stored
-in text form in a file called browse.dat.
-Note that if it doesn't work for you, then you should still be able to
-type the server name as \\SERVER in filemanager then hit enter and
-filemanager should display the list of available shares.
-Some people find browsing fails because they don't have the global
-"guest account" set to a valid account. Remember that the IPC$
-connection that lists the shares is done as guest, and thus you must
-have a valid guest account.
-Also, a lot of people are getting bitten by the problem of too many
-parameters on the command line of nmbd in inetd.conf. This trick is to
-not use spaces between the option and the parameter (eg: -d2 instead
-of -d 2), and to not use the -B and -N options. New versions of nmbd
-are now far more likely to correctly find your broadcast and network
-address, so in most cases these aren't needed.
-The other big problem people have is that their broadcast address,
-netmask or IP address is wrong (specified with the "interfaces" option
-in smb.conf)
-With the release of Samba 1.9.17(alpha1 and above) Samba has been
-updated to enable it to support the replication of browse lists
-across subnet boundaries. New code and options have been added to
-achieve this. This section describes how to set this feature up
-in different settings.
-To see browse lists that span TCP/IP subnets (ie. networks separated
-by routers that don't pass broadcast traffic) you must set up at least
-one WINS server. The WINS server acts as a DNS for NetBIOS names, allowing
-NetBIOS name to IP address translation to be done by doing a direct
-query of the WINS server. This is done via a directed UDP packet on
-port 137 to the WINS server machine. The reason for a WINS server is
-that by default, all NetBIOS name to IP address translation is done
-by broadcasts from the querying machine. This means that machines
-on one subnet will not be able to resolve the names of machines on
-another subnet without using a WINS server.
-Remember, for browsing across subnets to work correctly, all machines,
-be they Windows 95, Windows NT, or Samba servers must have the IP address
-of a WINS server given to them by a DHCP server, or by manual configuration
-(for Win95 and WinNT, this is in the TCP/IP Properties, under Network
-settings) for Samba this is in the smb.conf file.
-How does cross subnet browsing work ?
-Cross subnet browsing is a complicated dance, containing multiple
-moving parts. It has taken Microsoft several years to get the code
-that achieves this correct, and Samba lags behind in some areas.
-However, with the 1.9.17 release, Samba is capable of cross subnet
-browsing when configured correctly.
-Consider a network set up as follows :
- (DMB)
- N1_A N1_B N1_C N1_D N1_E
- | | | | |
- -------------------------------------------------------
- | subnet 1 |
- +---+ +---+
- |R1 | Router 1 Router 2 |R2 |
- +---+ +---+
- | |
- | subnet 2 subnet 3 |
- -------------------------- ------------------------------------
- | | | | | | | |
- N2_A N2_B N2_C N2_D N3_A N3_B N3_C N3_D
- (WINS)
-Consisting of 3 subnets (1, 2, 3) conneted by two routers
-(R1, R2) - these do not pass broadcasts. Subnet 1 has 5 machines
-on it, subnet 2 has 4 machines, subnet 3 has 4 machines. Assume
-for the moment that all these machines are configured to be in the
-same workgroup (for simplicities sake). Machine N1_C on subnet 1
-is configured as Domain Master Browser (ie. it will collate the
-browse lists for the workgroup). Machine N2_D is configured as
-WINS server and all the other machines are configured to register
-their NetBIOS names with it.
-As all these machines are booted up, elections for master browsers
-will take place on each of the three subnets. Assume that machine
-N1_C wins on subnet 1, N2_B wins on subnet 2, and N3_D wins on
-subnet 3 - these machines are known as local master browsers for
-their particular subnet. N1_C has an advantage in winning as the
-local master browser on subnet 1 as it is set up as Domain Master
-On each of the three networks, machines that are configured to
-offer sharing services will broadcast that they are offering
-these services. The local master browser on each subnet will
-receive these broadcasts and keep a record of the fact that
-the machine is offering a service. This list of records is
-the basis of the browse list. For this case, assume that
-all the machines are configured to offer services so all machines
-will be on the browse list.
-For each network, the local master browser on that network is
-considered 'authoritative' for all the names it receives via
-local broadcast. This is because a machine seen by the local
-master browser via a local broadcast must be on the same
-network as the local master browser and thus is a 'trusted'
-and 'verifiable' resource. Machines on other networks that
-the local master browsers learn about when collating their
-browse lists have not been directly seen - these records are
-called 'non-authoritative'.
-At this point the browse lists look as follows (these are
-the machines you would see in your network neighborhood if
-you looked in it on a particular network right now).
-Subnet Browse Master List
------- ------------- ----
-Subnet1 N1_C N1_A, N1_B, N1_C, N1_D, N1_E
-Subnet2 N2_B N2_A, N2_B, N2_C, N2_D
-Subnet3 N3_D N3_A, N3_B, N3_C, N3_D
-Note that at this point all the subnets are separate, no
-machine is seen across any of the subnets.
-Now examine subnet 2. As soon as N2_B has become the local
-master browser it looks for a Domain master browser to synchronize
-its browse list with. It does this by querying the WINS server
-(N2_D) for the IP address associated with the NetBIOS name
-WORKGROUP<1B>. This name was registerd by the Domain master
-browser (N1_C) with the WINS server as soon as it was booted.
-Once N2_B knows the address of the Domain master browser it
-tells it that is the local master browser for subnet 2 by
-sending a MasterAnnouncement packet as a UDP port 138 packet.
-It then synchronizes with it by doing a NetServerEnum2 call. This
-tells the Domain Master Browser to send it all the server
-names it knows about. Once the domain master browser receives
-the MasterAnnouncement packet it schedules a synchronization
-request to the sender of that packet. After both synchronizations
-are done the browse lists look like :
-Subnet Browse Master List
------- ------------- ----
-Subnet1 N1_C N1_A, N1_B, N1_C, N1_D, N1_E,
- N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*)
-Subnet2 N2_B N2_A, N2_B, N2_C, N2_D
- N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*)
-Subnet3 N3_D N3_A, N3_B, N3_C, N3_D
-Servers with a (*) after them are non-authoritative names.
-At this point users looking in their network neighborhood on
-subnets 1 or 2 will see all the servers on both, users on
-subnet 3 will still only see the servers on their own subnet.
-The same sequence of events that occured for N2_B now occurs
-for the local master browser on subnet 3 (N3_D). When it
-synchronizes browse lists with the domain master browser (N1_A)
-it gets both the server entries on subnet 1, and those on
-subnet 2. After N3_D has synchronized with N1_C and vica-versa
-the browse lists look like.
-Subnet Browse Master List
------- ------------- ----
-Subnet1 N1_C N1_A, N1_B, N1_C, N1_D, N1_E,
- N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*),
- N3_A(*), N3_B(*), N3_C(*), N3_D(*)
-Subnet2 N2_B N2_A, N2_B, N2_C, N2_D
- N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*)
-Subnet3 N3_D N3_A, N3_B, N3_C, N3_D
- N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*),
- N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*)
-Servers with a (*) after them are non-authoritative names.
-At this point users looking in their network neighborhood on
-subnets 1 or 3 will see all the servers on all sunbets, users on
-subnet 2 will still only see the servers on subnets 1 and 2, but not 3.
-Finally, the local master browser for subnet 2 (N2_B) will sync again
-with the domain master browser (N1_C) and will recieve the missing
-server entries. Finally - and as a steady state (if no machines
-are removed or shut off) the browse lists will look like :
-Subnet Browse Master List
------- ------------- ----
-Subnet1 N1_C N1_A, N1_B, N1_C, N1_D, N1_E,
- N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*),
- N3_A(*), N3_B(*), N3_C(*), N3_D(*)
-Subnet2 N2_B N2_A, N2_B, N2_C, N2_D
- N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*)
- N3_A(*), N3_B(*), N3_C(*), N3_D(*)
-Subnet3 N3_D N3_A, N3_B, N3_C, N3_D
- N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*),
- N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*)
-Servers with a (*) after them are non-authoritative names.
-Synchronizations between the domain master browser and local
-master browsers will continue to occur, but this should be a
-steady state situation.
-If either router R1 or R2 fails the following will occur:
-1) Names of computers on each side of the inaccessible network fragments
-will be maintained for as long as 36 minutes, in the network neighbourhood
-2) Attempts to connect to these inaccessible computers will fail, but the
-names will not be removed from the network neighbourhood lists.
-3) If one of the fragments is cut off from the WINS server, it will only
-be able to access servers on its local subnet, by using subnet-isolated
-broadcast NetBIOS name resolution. The effects are similar to that of
-losing access to a DNS server.
-Setting up a WINS server
-Either a Samba machine or a Windows NT Server machine may be set up
-as a WINS server. To set a Samba machine to be a WINS server you must
-add the following option to the smb.conf file on the selected machine :
-in the [globals] section add the line
- wins support = yes
-Versions of Samba previous to 1.9.17 had this parameter default to
-yes. If you have any older versions of Samba on your network it is
-strongly suggested you upgrade to 1.9.17 or above, or at the very
-least set the parameter to 'no' on all these machines.
-Machines with "wins support = yes" will keep a list of all NetBIOS
-names registered with them, acting as a DNS for NetBIOS names.
-You should set up only ONE wins server. Do NOT set the
-"wins support = yes" option on more than one Samba server.
-To set up a Windows NT Server as a WINS server you need to set up
-the WINS service - see your NT documentation for details. Note that
-Windows NT WINS Servers can replicate to each other, allowing more
-than one to be set up in a complex subnet environment. As Microsoft
-refuse to document these replication protocols Samba cannot currently
-participate in these replications. It is possible in the future that
-a Samba->Samba WINS replication protocol may be defined, in which
-case more than one Samba machine could be set up as a WINS server
-but currently only one Samba server should have the "wins support = yes"
-parameter set.
-After the WINS server has been configured you must ensure that all
-machines participating on the network are configured with the address
-of this WINS server. If your WINS server is a Samba machine, fill in
-the Samba machine IP address in the "Primary WINS Server" field of
-the "Control Panel->Network->Protocols->TCP->WINS Server" dialogs
-in Windows 95 or Windows NT. To tell a Samba server the IP address
-of the WINS server add the following line to the [global] section of
-all smb.conf files :
- wins server = <name or IP address>
-where <name or IP address> is either the DNS name of the WINS server
-machine or its IP address.
-Note that this line MUST NOT BE SET in the smb.conf file of the Samba
-server acting as the WINS server itself. If you set both the
-"wins support = yes" option and the "wins server = <name>" option then
-nmbd will fail to start.
-There are two possible scenarios for setting up cross subnet browsing.
-The first details setting up cross subnet browsing on a network containing
-Windows 95, Samba and Windows NT machines that are not configured as
-part of a Windows NT Domain. The second details setting up cross subnet
-browsing on networks that contain NT Domains.
-Setting up Browsing in a WORKGROUP
-To set up cross subnet browsing on a network containing machines
-in up to be in a WORKGROUP, not an NT Domain you need to set up one
-Samba server to be the Domain Master Browser (note that this is *NOT*
-the same as a Primary Domain Controller, although in an NT Domain the
-same machine plays both roles). The role of a Domain master browser is
-to collate the browse lists from local master browsers on all the
-subnets that have a machine participating in the workgroup. Without
-one machine configured as a domain master browser each subnet would
-be an isolated workgroup, unable to see any machines on any other
-subnet. It is the presense of a domain master browser that makes
-cross subnet browsing possible for a workgroup.
-In an WORKGROUP environment the domain master browser must be a
-Samba server, and there must only be one domain master browser per
-workgroup name. To set up a Samba server as a domain master browser,
-set the following option in the [global] section of the smb.conf file :
- domain master = yes
-The domain master browser should also preferrably be the local master
-browser for its own subnet. In order to achieve this set the following
-options in the [global] section of the smb.conf file :
- domain master = yes
- local master = yes
- preferred master = yes
- os level = 65
-The domain master browser may be the same machine as the WINS
-server, if you require.
-Next, you should ensure that each of the subnets contains a
-machine that can act as a local master browser for the
-workgroup. Any NT machine should be able to do this, as will
-Windows 95 machines (although these tend to get rebooted more
-often, so it's not such a good idea to use these). To make a
-Samba server a local master browser set the following
-options in the [global] section of the smb.conf file :
- domain master = no
- local master = yes
- preferred master = yes
- os level = 65
-Do not do this for more than one Samba server on each subnet,
-or they will war with each other over which is to be the local
-master browser.
-The "local master" parameter allows Samba to act as a local master
-browser. The "preferred master" causes nmbd to force a browser
-election on startup and the "os level" parameter sets Samba high
-enough so that it should win any browser elections.
-If you have an NT machine on the subnet that you wish to
-be the local master browser then you can disable Samba from
-becoming a local master browser by setting the following
-options in the [global] section of the smb.conf file :
- domain master = no
- local master = no
- preferred master = no
- os level = 0
-Setting up Browsing in a DOMAIN
-If you are adding Samba servers to a Windows NT Domain then
-you must not set up a Samba server as a domain master browser.
-By default, a Windows NT Primary Domain Controller for a Domain
-name is also the Domain master browser for that name, and many
-things will break if a Samba server registers the Domain master
-browser NetBIOS name (DOMAIN<1B>) with WINS instead of the PDC.
-For subnets other than the one containing the Windows NT PDC
-you may set up Samba servers as local master browsers as
-described. To make a Samba server a local master browser set
-the following options in the [global] section of the smb.conf
-file :
- domain master = no
- local master = yes
- preferred master = yes
- os level = 65
-If you wish to have a Samba server fight the election with machines
-on the same subnet you may set the "os level" parameter to lower
-levels. By doing this you can tune the order of machines that
-will become local master browsers if they are running. For
-more details on this see the section "FORCING SAMBA TO BE THE MASTER"
-If you have Windows NT machines that are members of the domain
-on all subnets, and you are sure they will always be running then
-you can disable Samba from taking part in browser elections and
-ever becoming a local master browser by setting following options
-in the [global] section of the smb.conf file :
- domain master = no
- local master = no
- preferred master = no
- os level = 0
-Who becomes the "master browser" is determined by an election process
-using broadcasts. Each election packet contains a number of parameters
-which determine what precedence (bias) a host should have in the
-election. By default Samba uses a very low precedence and thus loses
-elections to just about anyone else.
-If you want Samba to win elections then just set the "os level" global
-option in smb.conf to a higher number. It defaults to 0. Using 34
-would make it win all elections over every other system (except other
-samba systems!)
-A "os level" of 2 would make it beat WfWg and Win95, but not NTAS. A
-NTAS domain controller uses level 32.
-The maximum os level is 255
-If you want samba to force an election on startup, then set the
-"preferred master" global option in smb.conf to "yes". Samba will
-then have a slight advantage over other potential master browsers
-that are not preferred master browsers. Use this parameter with
-care, as if you have two hosts (whether they are windows 95 or NT or
-samba) on the same local subnet both set with "preferred master" to
-"yes", then periodically and continually they will force an election
-in order to become the local master browser.
-If you want samba to be a "domain master browser", then it is
-recommended that you also set "preferred master" to "yes", because
-samba will not become a domain master browser for the whole of your
-LAN or WAN if it is not also a local master browser on its own
-broadcast isolated subnet.
-It is possible to configure two samba servers to attempt to become
-the domain master browser for a domain. The first server that comes
-up will be the domain master browser. All other samba servers will
-attempt to become the domain master browser every 5 minutes. They
-will find that another samba server is already the domain master
-browser and will fail. This provides automatic redundancy, should
-the current domain master browser fail.
-The domain master is responsible for collating the browse lists of
-multiple subnets so that browsing can occur between subnets. You can
-make samba act as the domain master by setting "domain master = yes"
-in smb.conf. By default it will not be a domain master.
-Note that you should NOT set Samba to be the domain master for a
-workgroup that has the same name as an NT Domain.
-When samba is the domain master and the master browser it will listen
-for master announcements (made roughly every twelve minutes) from local
-master browsers on other subnets and then contact them to synchronise
-browse lists.
-If you want samba to be the domain master then I suggest you also set
-the "os level" high enough to make sure it wins elections, and set
-"preferred master" to "yes", to get samba to force an election on
-Note that all your servers (including samba) and clients should be
-using a WINS server to resolve NetBIOS names. If your clients are only
-using broadcasting to resolve NetBIOS names, then two things will occur:
-a) your local master browsers will be unable to find a domain master
- browser, as it will only be looking on the local subnet.
-b) if a client happens to get hold of a domain-wide browse list, and
- a user attempts to access a host in that list, it will be unable to
- resolve the NetBIOS name of that host.
-If, however, both samba and your clients are using a WINS server, then:
-a) your local master browsers will contact the WINS server and, as long as
- samba has registered that it is a domain master browser with the WINS
- server, your local master browser will receive samba's ip address
- as its domain master browser.
-b) when a client receives a domain-wide browse list, and a user attempts
- to access a host in that list, it will contact the WINS server to
- resolve the NetBIOS name of that host. as long as that host has
- registered its NetBIOS name with the same WINS server, the user will
- be able to see that host.
-If your network uses a "0" based broadcast address (for example if it
-ends in a 0) then you will strike problems. Windows for Workgroups
-does not seem to support a 0's broadcast and you will probably find
-that browsing and name lookups won't work.
-Samba now supports machines with multiple network interfaces. If you
-have multiple interfaces then you will need to use the "interfaces"
-option in smb.conf to configure them. See smb.conf(5) for details.
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/BUGS.txt b/docs/textdocs/BUGS.txt
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-Contributor: Samba Team
-Updated: June 27, 1997
-Subject: This file describes how to report Samba bugs.
->> The email address for bug reports is <<
-Please take the time to read this file before you submit a bug
-report. Also, please see if it has changed between releases, as we
-may be changing the bug reporting mechanism at some time.
-Please also do as much as you can yourself to help track down the
-bug. Samba is maintained by a dedicated group of people who volunteer
-their time, skills and efforts. We receive far more mail about it than
-we can possibly answer, so you have a much higher chance of an answer
-and a fix if you send us a "developer friendly" bug report that lets
-us fix it fast.
-Do not assume that if you post the bug to the comp.protocols.smb
-newsgroup or the mailing list that we will read it. If you suspect that your
-problem is not a bug but a configuration problem then it is better to send
-it to the Samba mailing list, as there are (at last count) 5000 other users on
-that list that may be able to help you.
-You may also like to look though the recent mailing list archives,
-which are conveniently accessible on the Samba web pages
-Before submitting a bug report check your config for silly
-errors. Look in your log files for obvious messages that tell you that
-you've misconfigured something and run testparm to test your config
-file for correct syntax.
-Have you run through DIAGNOSIS.txt? This is very important.
-If you include part of a log file with your bug report then be sure to
-annotate it with exactly what you were doing on the client at the
-time, and exactly what the results were.
-If the bug has anything to do with Samba behaving incorrectly as a
-server (like refusing to open a file) then the log files will probably
-be very useful. Depending on the problem a log level of between 3 and
-10 showing the problem may be appropriate. A higher level givesmore
-detail, but may use too much disk space.
-To set the debug level use "log level =" in your smb.conf. You may
-also find it useful to set the log level higher for just one machine
-and keep separate logs for each machine. To do this use:
-log level = 10
-log file = /usr/local/samba/lib/log.%m
-include = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.%m
-then create a file "/usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.machine" where
-"machine" is the name of the client you wish to debug. In that file
-put any smb.conf commands you want, for example "log level=" may be
-useful. This also allows you to experiment with different security
-systems, protocol levels etc on just one machine.
-The smb.conf entry "log level =" is synonymous with the entry
-"debuglevel =" that has been used in older versions of Samba and
-is being retained for backwards compatibility of smb.conf files.
-As the "log level =" value is increased you will record a significantly
-increasing level of debugging information. For most debugging operations
-you may not need a setting higher than 3. Nearly all bugs can be tracked
-at a setting of 10, but be prepared for a VERY large volume of log data.
-If you get a "INTERNAL ERROR" message in your log files it means that
-Samba got an unexpected signal while running. It is probably a
-segmentation fault and almost certainly means a bug in Samba (unless
-you have faulty hardware or system software)
-If the message came from smbd then it will probably be accompanied by
-a message which details the last SMB message received by smbd. This
-info is often very useful in tracking down the problem so please
-include it in your bug report.
-You should also detail how to reproduce the problem, if
-possible. Please make this reasonably detailed.
-You may also find that a core file appeared in a "corefiles"
-subdirectory of the directory where you keep your samba log
-files. This file is the most useful tool for tracking down the bug. To
-use it you do this:
-gdb smbd core
-adding appropriate paths to smbd and core so gdb can find them. If you
-don't have gdb then try "dbx". Then within the debugger use the
-command "where" to give a stack trace of where the problem
-occurred. Include this in your mail.
-If you known any assembly language then do a "disass" of the routine
-where the problem occurred (if its in a library routine then
-disassemble the routine that called it) and try to work out exactly
-where the problem is by looking at the surrounding code. Even if you
-don't know assembly then incuding this info in the bug report can be
-Unfortunately some unixes (in particular some recent linux kernels)
-refuse to dump a core file if the task has changed uid (which smbd
-does often). To debug with this sort of system you could try to attach
-to the running process using "gdb smbd PID" where you get PID from
-smbstatus. Then use "c" to continue and try to cause the core dump
-using the client. The debugger should catch the fault and tell you
-where it occurred.
-The best sort of bug report is one that includes a fix! If you send us
-patches please use "diff -u" format if your version of diff supports
-it, otherwise use "diff -c4". Make sure your do the diff against a
-clean version of the source and let me know exactly what version you
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/DIAGNOSIS.txt b/docs/textdocs/DIAGNOSIS.txt
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-Contributor: Andrew Tridgell
-Updated: November 1, 1999
-This file contains a list of tests you can perform to validate your
-Samba server. It also tells you what the likely cause of the problem
-is if it fails any one of these steps. If it passes all these tests
-then it is probably working fine.
-You should do ALL the tests, in the order shown. I have tried to
-carefully choose them so later tests only use capabilities verified in
-the earlier tests.
-If you send me an email saying "it doesn't work" and you have not
-followed this test procedure then you should not be surprised if I
-ignore your email.
-In all of the tests I assume you have a Samba server called BIGSERVER
-and a PC called ACLIENT both in workgroup TESTGROUP. I also assume the
-PC is running windows for workgroups with a recent copy of the
-microsoft tcp/ip stack. Alternatively, your PC may be running Windows
-95 or Windows NT (Workstation or Server).
-The procedure is similar for other types of clients.
-I also assume you know the name of an available share in your
-smb.conf. I will assume this share is called "tmp". You can add a
-"tmp" share like by adding the following to smb.conf:
- comment = temporary files
- path = /tmp
- read only = yes
-Please pay attention to the error messages you receive. If any error message
-reports that your server is being unfriendly you should first check that you
-IP name resolution is correctly set up. eg: Make sure your /etc/resolv.conf
-file points to name servers that really do exist.
-Also, if you do not have DNS server access for name resolution please check
-that the settings for your smb.conf file results in "dns proxy = no". The
-best way to check this is with "testparm smb.conf"
-TEST 1:
-In the directory in which you store your smb.conf file, run the command
-"testparm smb.conf". If it reports any errors then your smb.conf
-configuration file is faulty.
-Note: Your smb.conf file may be located in: /etc
- Or in: /usr/local/samba/lib
-TEST 2:
-run the command "ping BIGSERVER" from the PC and "ping ACLIENT" from
-the unix box. If you don't get a valid response then your TCP/IP
-software is not correctly installed.
-Note that you will need to start a "dos prompt" window on the PC to
-run ping.
-If you get a message saying "host not found" or similar then your DNS
-software or /etc/hosts file is not correctly setup. It is possible to
-run samba without DNS entries for the server and client, but I assume
-you do have correct entries for the remainder of these tests.
-Another reason why ping might fail is if your host is running firewall
-software. You will need to relax the rules to let in the workstation
-in question, perhaps by allowing access from another subnet (on Linux
-this is done via the ipfwadm program.)
-TEST 3:
-Run the command "smbclient -L BIGSERVER" on the unix box. You
-should get a list of available shares back.
-If you get a error message containing the string "Bad password" then
-you probably have either an incorrect "hosts allow", "hosts deny" or
-"valid users" line in your smb.conf, or your guest account is not
-valid. Check what your guest account is using "testparm" and
-temporarily remove any "hosts allow", "hosts deny", "valid users" or
-"invalid users" lines.
-If you get a "connection refused" response then the smbd server may
-not be running. If you installed it in inetd.conf then you probably edited
-that file incorrectly. If you installed it as a daemon then check that
-it is running, and check that the netbios-ssn port is in a LISTEN
-state using "netstat -a".
-If you get a "session request failed" then the server refused the
-connection. If it says "Your server software is being unfriendly" then
-its probably because you have invalid command line parameters to smbd,
-or a similar fatal problem with the initial startup of smbd. Also
-check your config file (smb.conf) for syntax errors with "testparm"
-and that the various directories where samba keeps its log and lock
-files exist.
-There are a number of reasons for which smbd may refuse or decline
-a session request. The most common of these involve one or more of
-the following smb.conf file entries:
- hosts deny = ALL
- hosts allow =
- bind interfaces only = Yes
-In the above, no allowance has been made for any session requests that
-will automatically translate to the loopback adaptor address
-To solve this problem change these lines to:
- hosts deny = ALL
- hosts allow = 127.
-Do NOT use the "bind interfaces only" parameter where you may wish to
-use the samba password change facility, or where smbclient may need to
-access local service for name resolution or for local resource
-connections. (Note: the "bind interfaces only" parameter deficiency
-where it will not allow connections to the loopback address will be
-fixed soon).
-Another common cause of these two errors is having something already running
-on port 139, such as Samba (ie: smbd is running from inetd already) or
-something like Digital's Pathworks. Check your inetd.conf file before trying
-to start smbd as a daemon, it can avoid a lot of frustration!
-And yet another possible cause for failure of TEST 3 is when the subnet mask
-and / or broadcast address settings are incorrect. Please check that the
-network interface IP Address / Broadcast Address / Subnet Mask settings are
-correct and that Samba has correctly noted these in the log.nmb file.
-TEST 4:
-Run the command "nmblookup -B BIGSERVER __SAMBA__". You should get the
-IP address of your Samba server back.
-If you don't then nmbd is incorrectly installed. Check your inetd.conf
-if you run it from there, or that the daemon is running and listening
-to udp port 137.
-One common problem is that many inetd implementations can't take many
-parameters on the command line. If this is the case then create a
-one-line script that contains the right parameters and run that from
-TEST 5:
-run the command "nmblookup -B ACLIENT '*'"
-You should get the PCs IP address back. If you don't then the client
-software on the PC isn't installed correctly, or isn't started, or you
-got the name of the PC wrong.
-If ACLIENT doesn't resolve via DNS then use the IP address of the
-client in the above test.
-TEST 6:
-Run the command "nmblookup -d 2 '*'"
-This time we are trying the same as the previous test but are trying
-it via a broadcast to the default broadcast address. A number of
-Netbios/TCPIP hosts on the network should respond, although Samba may
-not catch all of the responses in the short time it listens. You
-should see "got a positive name query response" messages from several
-If this doesn't give a similar result to the previous test then
-nmblookup isn't correctly getting your broadcast address through its
-automatic mechanism. In this case you should experiment use the
-"interfaces" option in smb.conf to manually configure your IP
-address, broadcast and netmask.
-If your PC and server aren't on the same subnet then you will need to
-use the -B option to set the broadcast address to the that of the PCs
-This test will probably fail if your subnet mask and broadcast address are
-not correct. (Refer to TEST 3 notes above).
-TEST 7:
-Run the command "smbclient //BIGSERVER/TMP". You should then be
-prompted for a password. You should use the password of the account
-you are logged into the unix box with. If you want to test with
-another account then add the -U <accountname> option to the end of
-the command line. eg: smbclient //bigserver/tmp -Ujohndoe
-Note: It is possible to specify the password along with the username
-as follows:
- smbclient //bigserver/tmp -Ujohndoe%secret
-Once you enter the password you should get the "smb>" prompt. If you
-don't then look at the error message. If it says "invalid network
-name" then the service "tmp" is not correctly setup in your smb.conf.
-If it says "bad password" then the likely causes are:
-- you have shadow passords (or some other password system) but didn't
-compile in support for them in smbd
-- your "valid users" configuration is incorrect
-- you have a mixed case password and you haven't enabled the "password
-level" option at a high enough level
-- the "path =" line in smb.conf is incorrect. Check it with testparm
-- you enabled password encryption but didn't create the SMB encrypted
-password file
-Once connected you should be able to use the commands "dir" "get"
-"put" etc. Type "help <command>" for instructions. You should
-especially check that the amount of free disk space shown is correct
-when you type "dir".
-TEST 8:
-On the PC type the command "net view \\BIGSERVER". You will need to do
-this from within a "dos prompt" window. You should get back a list of
-available shares on the server.
-If you get a "network name not found" or similar error then netbios
-name resolution is not working. This is usually caused by a problem in
-nmbd. To overcome it you could do one of the following (you only need
-to choose one of them):
-- fixup the nmbd installation
-- add the IP address of BIGSERVER to the "wins server" box in the
-advanced tcp/ip setup on the PC.
-- enable windows name resolution via DNS in the advanced section of
-the tcp/ip setup
-- add BIGSERVER to your lmhosts file on the PC.
-If you get a "invalid network name" or "bad password error" then the
-same fixes apply as they did for the "smbclient -L" test above. In
-particular, make sure your "hosts allow" line is correct (see the man
-Also, do not overlook that fact that when the workstation requests the
-connection to the samba server it will attempt to connect using the
-name with which you logged onto your Windows machine. You need to make
-sure that an account exists on your Samba server with that exact same
-name and password.
-If you get "specified computer is not receiving requests" or similar
-it probably means that the host is not contactable via tcp services.
-Check to see if the host is running tcp wrappers, and if so add an entry in
-the hosts.allow file for your client (or subnet, etc.)
-TEST 9:
-Run the command "net use x: \\BIGSERVER\TMP". You should be prompted
-for a password then you should get a "command completed successfully"
-message. If not then your PC software is incorrectly installed or your
-smb.conf is incorrect. make sure your "hosts allow" and other config
-lines in smb.conf are correct.
-It's also possible that the server can't work out what user name to
-connect you as. To see if this is the problem add the line "user =
-USERNAME" to the [tmp] section of smb.conf where "USERNAME" is the
-username corresponding to the password you typed. If you find this
-fixes things you may need the username mapping option.
-TEST 10:
-Run the command "nmblookup -M TESTGROUP" where TESTGROUP is the name
-of the workgroup that your Samba server and Windows PCs belong to. You
-should get back the IP address of the master browser for that
-If you don't then the election process has failed. Wait a minute to
-see if it is just being slow then try again. If it still fails after
-that then look at the browsing options you have set in smb.conf. Make
-sure you have "preferred master = yes" to ensure that an election is
-held at startup.
-TEST 11:
-From file manager try to browse the server. Your samba server should
-appear in the browse list of your local workgroup (or the one you
-specified in smb.conf). You should be able to double click on the name
-of the server and get a list of shares. If you get a "invalid
-password" error when you do then you are probably running WinNT and it
-is refusing to browse a server that has no encrypted password
-capability and is in user level security mode. In this case either set
-"security = server" AND "password server = Windows_NT_Machine" in your
-smb.conf file, or enable encrypted passwords AFTER compiling in support
-for encrypted passwords (refer to the Makefile).
-Still having troubles?
-Try the mailing list or newsgroup, or use the tcpdump-smb utility to
-sniff the problem. The official samba mailing list can be reached at To find out more about samba and how to
-subscribe to the mailing list check out the samba web page at
-Also look at the other docs in the Samba package!
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/DNIX.txt b/docs/textdocs/DNIX.txt
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-DNIX has a problem with seteuid() and setegid(). These routines are
-needed for Samba to work correctly, but they were left out of the DNIX
-C library for some reason.
-For this reason Samba by default defines the macro NO_EID in the DNIX
-section of includes.h. This works around the problem in a limited way,
-but it is far from ideal, some things still won't work right.
-To fix the problem properly you need to assemble the following two
-functions and then either add them to your C library or link them into
-put this in the file setegid.s:
- .globl _setegid
- moveq #47,d0
- movl #100,a0
- moveq #1,d1
- movl 4(sp),a1
- trap #9
- bccs 1$
- jmp cerror
- clrl d0
- rts
-put this in the file seteuid.s:
- .globl _seteuid
- moveq #47,d0
- movl #100,a0
- moveq #0,d1
- movl 4(sp),a1
- trap #9
- bccs 1$
- jmp cerror
- clrl d0
- rts
-after creating the above files you then assemble them using
-as seteuid.s
-as setegid.s
-that should produce the files seteuid.o and setegid.o
-then you need to add these to the LIBSM line in the DNIX section of
-the Samba Makefile. Your LIBSM line will then look something like this:
-LIBSM = setegid.o seteuid.o -ln
-You should then remove the line:
-#define NO_EID
-from the DNIX section of includes.h
-Then recompile and try it out!
-Note that this file was derived from an email from Peter Olsson
-<>. I don't have DNIX myself, so you're probably better
-off contacting Peter if you have problems.
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-Samba 3.0 prealpha guide to group mapping
-Jean François Micouleau (
-Starting with Samba 3.0 alpha 2, a new group mapping function is available. The
-current method (likely to change) to manage the groups is a new command called
-The first immediate reason to use the group mapping on a PDC, is that
-the 'domain admin group' of smb.conf is now gone. This parameter was
-used to give the listed users local admin rights on their
-workstations. It was some magic stuff that simply worked but didn't
-scale very well for complex setups.
-Let me explain how it works on NT/W2K, to have this magic fade away.
-When installing NT/W2K on a computer, the installer program creates some users
-and groups. Notably the 'Administrators' group, and gives to that group some
-privileges like the ability to change the date and time or to kill any process
-(or close too) running on the local machine. The 'Administrator' user is a
-member of the 'Administrators' group, and thus 'inherit' the 'Administrators'
-group privileges. If a 'joe' user is created and become a member of the
-'Administrator' group, 'joe' has exactly the same rights as 'Administrator'.
-When a NT/W2K machine is joined to a domain, during that phase, the "Domain
-Administrators' group of the PDC is added to the 'Administrators' group of the
-workstation. Every members of the 'Domain Administrators' group 'inherit' the
-rights of the 'Administrators' group when logging on the workstation.
-You are now wondering how to make some of your samba PDC users members of the
-'Domain Administrators' ? That's really easy.
-1) create a unix group (usually in /etc/group), let's call it domadm
-2) add to this group the users that must be Administrators. For example if you
-want joe,john and mary, your entry in /etc/group will look like:
- domadm:x:502:joe,john,mary
-3) map this domadm group to the 'domain admins' group by running the command:
- smbgroupedit -c "Domain Admins" -u domadm
-you're set, joe, john and mary are domain administrators !
-Like the Domain Admins group, you can map any arbitrary Unix group to any NT
-group. You can also make any Unix group a domain group. For example, on a domain
-member machine (an NT/W2K or a samba server running winbind), you would like to
-give access to a certain directory to some users who are member of a group on
-your samba PDC. Flag that group as a domain group by running:
- smbgroupedit -a unixgroup -td
-You can list the various groups in the mapping database like this
- smbgroupedit -v
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/INSTALL.sambatar b/docs/textdocs/INSTALL.sambatar
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-Contributor: Ricky Poulten <>
-Date: Unknown
-Status: Current
-Subject: Using smbtar
-Please see the readme and the man page for general info.
-1) Follow the samba installation instructions.
-2) If all goes well, test it out by creating a share on your PC (called
-backup for example) then doing something like,
- ./smbtar -s mypc -t /dev/rmt/0ubn -x backup
-substituting whatever your tape drive is for the -t option, or set your
-tape environmental variable.
-If all does not go well, feel free to mail the author (
-about bug reports / help / money / pizza / etc.
-3) Read the man page and the NOTES file for more information
-4) Work smbtar into your usual nightly backup scheme (presuming you
-have one :-}).
-If you have problems with smbtar then it's probably best to contact the
-author Ricky Poulten (
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/Imprints.txt b/docs/textdocs/Imprints.txt
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-Imprints (Installation Manager of Printer driver
-Retreival and Installation for Samba) is a project to
-implement a UNIX equivalent of the Windows NT APW.
-It has been taken on in part by the Samba Team, VA Linux
-Systems and Hewlett-Packard. The Imprints toolset seeks
-to provide central repository for users and administrators
-to locate, download, and install all variations Window
-95/98/NT printer drivers on Samba print servers.
-The server portion of Imprints is composed of a database
-server which contains information and locations of various
-printer driver packages. This server can be queried over
-standard HTTP get requests and should therefore be available
-to most administrators behind firewalls. The server's
-database consists of records containing data about each
-known printer driver package. For example, each driver
-record contains a URL from which the Imprints installation
-client can download the package as well as a public key which
-can be used to verify the package's integrity.
-Once downloaded, the installation client will attempt to
-install the printer driver on the defined remote server
-using the username and password provided by the administrator.
-If the username/password pair can be authenticated by the
-remote server (and has the appropriate authorization), then
-the printer driver(s) is (are) installed and the new Printer
-is created.
-From Samba's point of view, the process of creating a new
-printer via the Imprints installation client is identical to
-that of using the Windows NT APW. In fact, Imprints utilizes
-Samba's rpcclient and smbclient tools to issue the same MS-RPC
-and file copy operations as an NT client. This means that
-Imprints can also be used to install printers on remote Windows
-NT print servers.
-For more information on Imprints, visit the project homepage
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/Macintosh_Clients.txt b/docs/textdocs/Macintosh_Clients.txt
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-> Are there any Macintosh clients for Samba?
-Yes. Thursby now have a CIFS Client / Server called DAVE - see
-They test it against Windows 95, Windows NT and samba for
-compatibility issues. At the time of writing, DAVE was at version
-1.0.1. The 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 update is available as a free download from
-the Thursby web site (the speed of finder copies has been greatly
-enhanced, and there are bug-fixes included).
-Alternatives - There are two free implementations of AppleTalk for
-several kinds of UNIX machnes, and several more commercial ones.
-These products allow you to run file services and print services
-natively to Macintosh users, with no additional support required on
-the Macintosh. The two free omplementations are Netatalk,
-, and CAP,
- What Samba offers MS
-Windows users, these packages offer to Macs. For more info on these
-packages, Samba, and Linux (and other UNIX-based systems) see
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/NetBIOS.txt b/docs/textdocs/NetBIOS.txt
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-Contributor: lkcl -
- Copyright 1997 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
-Date: March 1997
-Status: Current
-Updated: 12jun97
-Subject: Definition of NetBIOS Protocol and Name Resolution Modes
-NetBIOS runs over the following tranports: TCP/IP; NetBEUI and IPX/SPX.
-Samba only uses NetBIOS over TCP/IP. For details on the TCP/IP NetBIOS
-Session Service NetBIOS Datagram Service, and NetBIOS Names, see
-rfc1001.txt and rfc1002.txt.
-NetBEUI is a raw NetBIOS frame protocol implementation that allows NetBIOS
-datagrams to be sent out over the 'wire' embedded within LLC frames.
-NetBEUI is not required when using NetBIOS over TCP/IP protocols and it
-is preferable NOT to install NetBEUI if it can be avoided.
-IPX/SPX is also not required when using NetBIOS over TCP/IP, and it is
-preferable NOT to install the IPX/SPX transport unless you are using Novell
-servers. At the very least, it is recommended that you do not install
-'NetBIOS over IPX/SPX'.
-[When installing Windows 95, you will find that NetBEUI and IPX/SPX are
-installed as the default protocols. This is because they are the simplest
-to manage: no Windows 95 user-configuration is required].
-NetBIOS applications (such as samba) offer their services (for example,
-SMB file and print sharing) on a NetBIOS name. They must claim this name
-on the network before doing so. The NetBIOS session service will then
-accept connections on the application's behalf (on the NetBIOS name
-claimed by the application). A NetBIOS session between the application
-and the client can then commence.
-NetBIOS names consist of 15 characters plus a 'type' character. This is
-similar, in concept, to an IP address and a TCP port number, respectively.
-A NetBIOS-aware application on a host will offer different services under
-different NetBIOS name types, just as a host will offer different TCP/IP
-services on different port numbers.
-NetBIOS names must be claimed on a network, and must be defended. The use
-of NetBIOS names is most suitable on a single subnet; a Local Area Network
-or a Wide Area Network.
-NetBIOS names are either UNIQUE or GROUP. Only one application can claim a
-UNIQUE NetBIOS name on a network.
-There are two kinds of NetBIOS Name resolution: Broadcast and Point-to-Point.
-Clients can claim names, and therefore offer services on successfully claimed
-names, on their broadcast-isolated subnet. One way to get NetBIOS services
-(such as browsing: see; and
-SMB file/print sharing: see cifs4.txt) working on a LAN or WAN is to make
-your routers forward all broadcast packets from TCP/IP ports 137, 138 and 139.
-This, however, is not recommended. If you have a large LAN or WAN, you will
-find that some of your hosts spend 95 percent of their time dealing with
-broadcast traffic. [If you have IPX/SPX on your LAN or WAN, you will find
-that this is already happening: a packet analyzer will show, roughly
-every twelve minutes, great swathes of broadcast traffic!].
-rfc1001.txt describes, amongst other things, the implementation and use
-of, a 'NetBIOS Name Service'. NT/AS offers 'Windows Internet Name Service'
-which is fully rfc1001/2 compliant, but has had to take specific action
-with certain NetBIOS names in order to make it useful. (for example, it
-deals with the registration of <1c> <1d> <1e> names all in different ways.
-I recommend the reading of the Microsoft WINS Server Help files for full
-Samba also offers WINS server capabilities. Samba does not interact
-with NT/AS (WINS replication), so if you have a mixed NT server and
-Samba server environment, it is recommended that you use the NT server's
-WINS capabilities, instead of samba's WINS server capabilities.
-The use of a WINS server cuts down on broadcast network traffic for
-NetBIOS name resolution. It has the effect of pulling all the broadcast
-isolated subnets together into a single NetBIOS scope, across your LAN
-or WAN, while avoiding the use of TCP/IP broadcast packets.
-When you have a WINS server on your LAN, WINS clients will be able to
-contact the WINS server to resolve NetBIOS names. Note that only those
-WINS clients that have registered with the same WINS server will be
-visible. The WINS server _can_ have static NetBIOS entries added to its
-database (usually for security reasons you might want to consider putting
-your domain controllers or other important servers as static entries,
-but you should not rely on this as your sole means of security), but for
-the most part, NetBIOS names are registered dynamically.
-[It is important to mention that samba's browsing capabilities (as a WINS
-client) must have access to a WINS server. if you are using samba also
-as a WINS server, then it will have a direct short-cut into the WINS
-This provides some confusion for lots of people, and is worth mentioning
-here: a Browse Server is NOT a WINS Server, even if these services are
-implemented in the same application. A Browse Server _needs_ a WINS server
-because a Browse Server is a WINS client, which is _not_ the same thing].
-Clients can claim names, and therefore offer services on successfully claimed
-names, on their broadcast-isolated subnet. One way to get NetBIOS services
-(such as browsing: see; and
-SMB file/print sharing: see cifs6.txt) working on a LAN or WAN is to make
-your routers forward all broadcast packets from TCP/IP ports 137, 138 and 139.
-You will find, however, if you do this on a large LAN or a WAN, that your
-network is completely swamped by NetBIOS and browsing packets, which is why
-WINS was developed to minimise the necessity of broadcast traffic.
-WINS Clients therefore claim names from the WINS server. If the WINS
-server allows them to register a name, the client's NetBIOS session service
-can then offer services on this name. Other WINS clients will then
-contact the WINS server to resolve a NetBIOS name.
-Samba WINS Capabilities
-To configure samba as a WINS server, you must add "wins support = yes" to
-the [global] section of your smb.conf file. This will enable WINS server
-capabilities in nmbd.
-To configure samba as a WINS client, you must add "wins server = x.x.x.x"
-to the [global] section of your smb.conf file, where x.x.x.x is the TCP/IP
-address of your WINS server. The browsing capabilities in nmbd will then
-register (and resolve) WAN-wide NetBIOS names with this WINS server.
-Note that if samba has "wins support = yes", then the browsing capabilities
-will _not_ use the "wins server" option to resolve NetBIOS names: it will
-go directly to the internal WINS database for NetBIOS name resolution. It
-is therefore invalid to have both "wins support = yes" and
-"wins server = x.x.x.x". Note, in particular, that if you configure the
-"wins server" parameter to be the ip address of your samba server itself
-(as might one intuitively think), that you will run into difficulties.
-Do not use both parameters!
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/Passwords.txt b/docs/textdocs/Passwords.txt
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-Contributor: Unknown
-Date: Updated April 19th 1999.
-Status: Current
-Unix systems use a wide variety of methods for checking the validity
-of a password. This is primarily controlled with the Makefile defines
-mentioned in the Makefile.
-Also note that some clients (notably WfWg) uppercase the password
-before sending it. The server tries the password as it receives it and
-also after lowercasing it.
-The Samba server can also be configured to try different
-upper/lowercase combinations. This is controlled by the [global]
-parameter "password level". A level of N means to try all combinations
-up to N uppercase characters in the password. A high value can chew a
-fair bit of CPU time and can lower the security of your system. Do not
-use this options unless you really need it - the time taken for
-password checking can become so high that clients time out.
-If you do use the "password level" option then you might like to use
--DUFC_CRYPT in your Makefile. On some machine this makes password
-checking _much_ faster. This is also useful if you use the @group
-syntax in the user= option.
-If your site uses AFS (the Andrew File System), you can use the AFS section
-in the Makefile. This will first attempt to authenticate a username and
-password to AFS. If that succeeds, then the associated AFS rights will be
-granted. Otherwise, the password checking routine falls back to whatever
-Unix password checking method you are using. Note that the AFS code is
-only written and tested for AFS 3.3 and later.
-Samba can use a remote server to do its username/password
-validation. This allows you to have one central machine (for example a
-NT box) control the passwords for the Unix box.
-See the section on "security =" in smb.conf(5) for details.
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/Printing.txt b/docs/textdocs/Printing.txt
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-Contributor: Unknown <>
-Revised by: Patrick Powell <>
-Date: August 11, 2000
-Status: Current
-Subject: Debugging Printing Problems
-This is a short description of how to debug printing problems with
-Samba. This describes how to debug problems with printing from a SMB
-client to a Samba server, not the other way around. For the reverse
-see the examples/printing directory.
-Please send enhancements to this file to
-Ok, so you want to print to a Samba server from your PC. The first
-thing you need to understand is that Samba does not actually do any
-printing itself, it just acts as a middleman between your PC client
-and your Unix printing subsystem. Samba receives the file from the PC
-then passes the file to a external "print command". What print command
-you use is up to you.
-The whole things is controlled using options in smb.conf. The most
-relevant options (which you should look up in the smb.conf man page)
- [global]
- print command - send a file to a spooler
- lpq command - get spool queue status
- lprm command - remove a job
- [printers]
- path = /var/spool/lpd/samba
-The following are nice to know about:
- queuepause command - stop a printer or print queue
- queueresume command - start a printer or print queue
- print command = /usr/bin/lpr -r -P%p %s
- lpq command = /usr/bin/lpq -P%p %s
- lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm -P%p %j
- queuepause command = /usr/sbin/lpc -P%p stop
- queuepause command = /usr/sbin/lpc -P%p start
-Samba should set reasonable defaults for these depending on your
-system type, but it isn't clairvoyant. It is not uncommon that you
-have to tweak these for local conditions. The commands should
-always have fully specified pathnames, as the smdb may not have
-the correct PATH values.
-When you send a job to Samba to be printed, it will make a temporary
-copy of it in the directory specified in the [printers] section.
-and it should be periodically cleaned out. The lpr -r option
-requests that the temporary copy be removed after printing; If
-printing fails then you might find leftover files in this directory,
-and it should be periodically cleaned out. Samba used the lpq
-command to determine the "job number" assigned to your print job
-by the spooler.
-The %<letter> are "macros" that get dynamically replaced with appropriate
-values when they are used. The %s gets replaced with the name of the spool
-file that Samba creates and the %p gets replaced with the name of the
-printer. The %j gets replaced with the "job number" which comes from
-the lpq output.
-One way to debug printing problems is to start by replacing these
-command with shell scripts that record the arguments and the contents
-of the print file. A simple example of this kind of things might
- print command = /tmp/saveprint %p %s
- #!/bin/saveprint
- # we make sure that we are the right user
- /usr/bin/id -p >/tmp/tmp.print
- # we run the command and save the error messages
- # replace the command with the one appropriate for your system
- /usr/bin/lpr -r -P$1 $2 2>>&/tmp/tmp.print
-Then you print a file and try removing it. You may find that the
-print queue needs to be stopped in order to see the queue status
-and remove the job:
-h4: {42} % echo hi >/tmp/hi
-h4: {43} % smbclient //localhost/lw4
-added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
-Domain=[ASTART] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.0.7]
-smb: \> print /tmp/hi
-putting file /tmp/hi as hi-17534 (0.0 kb/s) (average 0.0 kb/s)
-smb: \> queue
-1049 3 hi-17534
-smb: \> cancel 1049
-Error cancelling job 1049 : code 0
-smb: \> cancel 1049
-Job 1049 cancelled
-smb: \> queue
-smb: \> exit
-The 'code 0' indicates that the job was removed. The comment
-by the smbclient is a bit misleading on this.
-You can observe the command output and then and look at the
-/tmp/tmp.print file to see what the results are. You can quickly
-find out if the problem is with your printing system. Often people
-have problems with their /etc/printcap file or permissions on
-various print queues.
-You can use the 'testprns' program to check to see if the printer
-name you are using is recognized by Samba. For example, you can
- testprns printer /etc/printcap
-Samba can get its printcap information from a file or from a program.
-You can try the following to see the format of the extracted
- testprns -a printer /etc/printcap
- testprns -a printer '|/bin/cat printcap'
-You may need to set up some printcaps for your Samba system to use.
-It is strongly recommended that you use the facilities provided by
-the print spooler to set up queues and printcap information.
-Samba requires either a printcap or program to deliver printcap
-information. This printcap information has the format:
- name|alias1|alias2...:option=value:...
-For almost all printing systems, the printer 'name' must be composed
-only of alphanumeric or underscore '_' characters. Some systems also
-allow hyphens ('-') as well. An alias is an alternative name for the
-printer, and an alias with a space in it is used as a 'comment'
-about the printer. The printcap format optionally uses a \ at the end of lines
-to extend the printcap to multiple lines.
-Here are some examples of printcap files:
-pr just printer name
-pr|alias printer name and alias
-pr|My Printer printer name, alias used as comment
-pr:sh:\ Same as pr:sh:cm= testing
- :cm= \
- testing
-pr:sh Same as pr:sh:cm= testing
- :cm= testing
-Samba reads the printcap information when first started. If you make
-changes in the printcap information, then you must do the following:
-a) make sure that the print spooler is aware of these changes.
- The LPRng system uses the 'lpc reread' command to do this.
-b) make sure that the spool queues, etc., exist and have the
- correct permissions. The LPRng system uses the 'checkpc -f'
- command to do this.
-c) You now should send a SIGHUP signal to the smbd server to have
- it reread the printcap information.
-This is the most frustrating part of printing. You may have sent the
-job, verified that the job was forwarded, set up a wrapper around
-the command to send the file, but there was no output from the printer.
-First, check to make sure that the job REALLY is getting to the
-right print queue. If you are using a BSD or LPRng print spooler,
-you can temporarily stop the printing of jobs. Jobs can still be
-submitted, but they will not be printed. Use:
- lpc -Pprinter stop
-Now submit a print job and then use 'lpq -Pprinter' to see if the
-job is in the print queue. If it is not in the print queue then
-you will have to find out why it is not being accepted for printing.
-Next, you may want to check to see what the format of the job really
-was. With the assistance of the system administrator you can view
-the submitted jobs files. You may be surprised to find that these
-are not in what you would expect to call a printable format.
-You can use the UNIX 'file' utitily to determine what the job
-format actually is:
- cd /var/spool/lpd/printer # spool directory of print jobs
- ls # find job files
- file dfA001myhost
-You should make sure that your printer supports this format OR that
-your system administrator has installed a 'print filter' that will
-convert the file to a format appropriate for your printer.
-Once you have the job printing, you can then start worrying about
-making it print nicely.
-The most common problem is extra pages of output: banner pages
-OR blank pages at the end.
-If you are getting banner pages, check and make sure that the
-printcap option or printer option is configured for no banners.
-If you have a printcap, this is the :sh (suppress header or banner
-page) option. You should have the following in your printer.
- printer: ... :sh
-If you have this option and are still getting banner pages, there
-is a strong chance that your printer is generating them for you
-automatically. You should make sure that banner printing is disabled
-for the printer. This usually requires using the printer setup software
-or procedures supplied by the printer manufacturer.
-If you get an extra page of output, this could be due to problems
-with your job format, or if you are generating PostScript jobs,
-incorrect setting on your printer driver on the MicroSoft client.
-For example, under Win95 there is a option:
- Printers|Printer Name|(Right Click)Properties|Postscript|Advanced|
-that allows you to choose if a Ctrl-D is appended to all jobs.
-This is a very bad thing to do, as most spooling systems will
-automatically add a ^D to the end of the job if it is detected as
-PostScript. The multiple ^D may cause an additional page of output.
-This is a problem that is usually caused by either the print spooling
-system putting information at the start of the print job that makes
-the printer think the job is a text file, or your printer simply
-does not support PostScript. You may need to enable 'Automatic
-Format Detection' on your printer.
-Note that you can do some pretty magic things by using your
-imagination with the "print command" option and some shell scripts.
-Doing print accounting is easy by passing the %U option to a print
-command shell script. You could even make the print command detect
-the type of output and its size and send it to an appropriate
-If the above debug tips don't help, then maybe you need to bring in
-the bug guns, system tracing. See Tracing.txt in this directory.
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/README.sambatar b/docs/textdocs/README.sambatar
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-Contributor/s: Martin.Kraemer <>
- and Ricky Poulten (
-Date: Unknown - circa 1994
-Status: Obsoleted - smbtar has been a stable part of Samba
- since samba-1.9.13
-Subject: Sambatar (now smbtar)
-This is version 1.4 of my small extension to samba that allows PC shares
-to be backed up directly to a UNIX tape. It only has been tested under
-Solaris 2.3, Linux 1.1.59 and DG/UX 5.4r3.10 with version 1.9.13 of samba.
-See the file INSTALL for installation instructions, and
-the man page and NOTES file for some basic usage. Please let me know if you
-have any problems getting it to work under your flavour of Unix.
-This is only (yet another) intermediate version of sambatar.
-This version also comes with an extra gift, zen.bas, written in
-microsoft qbasic by a colleague. It is (apparently) based on a 70s
-British sci-fi series known as Blake's 7. If you have any questions
-about this program, or any suggestions (e.g. what about servillan.bas
-?), feel free to mail the author (of zen.bas)
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/SCO.txt b/docs/textdocs/SCO.txt
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-Contributor: Geza Makay <>
-Date: Unknown
-Status: Obsolete - Dates to SCO Unix v3.2.4 approx.
-Subject: TCP/IP Bug in SCO Unix
-There is an annoying TCPIP bug in SCO Unix. This causes corruption when
-transferring files with Samba.
-Geza Makay ( sends this information:
-The patch you need is UOD385 Connection Drivers SLS. It is available from
-SCO (, directory SLS, files uod385a.Z and uod385a.ltr.Z).
-You do not need anything else but the above patch. It installs in seconds,
-and corrected the Excel problem. We also had some other minor problems (not
-only with Samba) that disappeared by installing this patch.
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/SMBTAR.notes b/docs/textdocs/SMBTAR.notes
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-Contributor: Unknown
-Date: 1994
-Status: Mostly Current - refer man page
-Subject: Smbtar
-sambatar is just a small extension to the smbclient program distributed with
-samba. A basic front end shell script, smbtar, is provided as an interface
-to the smbclient extensions.
-This release adds the following extensions to smbclient,
-tar [c|x] filename
- creates or restores from a tar file. The tar file may be a tape
-or a unix tar file. tar's behaviour is modified with the newer and tarmode
-tarmode [full|inc|reset|noreset]
- With no arguments, tarmode prints the current tar mode (by default full,
-noreset). In full mode, every file is backed up during a tar command.
-In incremental, only files with the dos archive bit set are backed up.
-The archive bit is reset if in reset mode, or left untouched if in noreset.
-In reset mode, the share has to be writable, which makes sambatar even
-less secure. An alternative might be to use tarmode inc noreset which
-would implement an "expanding incremental" backup (which some may prefer
-setmode <setmode string> filename
- This is a "freebie" - nothing really to do with sambatar. This
-is a crude attrib like command (only the other way around). Setmode string
-is a combination of +-rhsa. So for example -rh would reset the read only
-bit on filename.
-newer filename
- This is in fact part of the 1.9.13 samba distribution, but comes
-into its own with sambatar. This causes tar (or get, mget, etc) to
-only copy files newer than the specified file name. Could be used
-against the previous nights (or whatever) log file to implement incremental
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/Samba-OpenSSL.txt b/docs/textdocs/Samba-OpenSSL.txt
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-Contributor: Christian Starkjohann <>
-Date: May 29, 1998
-Comment: Updated by Lutz Jaenicke <Lutz.Jaenicke@aet.TU-Cottbus.DE>
-Date: July 16, 2001
-Subject: Compiling and using samba with SSL support
-What is SSL and SSLeay/OpenSSL?
-SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a protocol for encrypted and authenticated data
-transport. It is used by secure web servers for shopping malls, telebanking
-and things like that.
-SSLeay is a free implementation of the SSL protocol. The successor of it is
-OpenSSL, available from
-The current version while these lines are written is 0.9.6b. In some countries
-encryption is plagued by legal problems, even though things have relaxed a
-lot in the last years.
-To compile samba with SSL support, you must first compile and install OpenSSL.
-At least version 0.9.5 of OpenSSL is required. Version 0.9.6b is the latest
-version and is strongly recommended.
-OpenSSL consists of a library (which can be linked to other applications like
-samba) and several utility programs needed for key generation, certification
-etc. OpenSSL installs to /usr/local/ssl/ by default.
-Compiling samba with OpenSSL
-1. Get and install OpenSSL. The rest of this documentation assumes that you
- have installed it at the default location, which is /usr/local/ssl/.
-2. Call "configure" with the "--with-ssl" flag. If OpenSSL is not installed in
- the default directory, you can use the "--with-sslinc" and "--with-ssllib"
- flags to specify the location.
-3. Compile and install as usual.
-Configuring SSL in samba
-Before you configure SSL, you should know the basics of cryptography and how
-SSL relates to all of this. A basic introduction can be found further down in
-this document. The following variables in the "[global]" section of the
-configuration file are used to configure SSL:
-ssl = yes
- This variable enables or disables the entire SSL mode. If it is set to
- "no", the SSL enabled samba behaves exactly like the non-SSL samba. If set
- to "yes", it depends on the variables "ssl hosts" and "ssl hosts resign"
- whether an SSL connection will be required.
-ssl hosts =
-ssl hosts resign = 192.168.
- These two variables define whether samba will go into SSL mode or not. If
- none of them is defined, samba will allow only SSL connections. If the
- "ssl hosts" variable lists hosts (by IP-address, IP-address range, net
- group or name), only these hosts will be forced into SSL mode. If the
- "ssl hosts resign" variable lists hosts, only these hosts will NOT be
- forced into SSL mode. The syntax for these two variables is the same as
- for the "hosts allow" and "hosts deny" pair of variables, only that the
- subject of the decision is different: It's not the access right but
- whether SSL is used or not. See the man page of smb.conf (section about
- "allow hosts") for details. The above example requires SSL connections
- from all hosts outside the local net (which is 192.168.*.*).
-ssl CA certDir = /usr/local/ssl/certs
- This variable defines where to look up the Certification Autorities. The
- given directory should contain one file for each CA that samba will trust.
- The file name must be the hash value over the "Distinguished Name" of the
- CA. How this directory is set up is explained later in this document. All
- files within the directory that don't fit into this naming scheme are
- ignored. You don't need this variable if you don't verify client
- certificates.
-ssl CA certFile = /usr/local/ssl/certs/trustedCAs.pem
- This variable is a second way to define the trusted CAs. The certificates
- of the trusted CAs are collected in one big file and this variable points
- to the file. You will probably only use one of the two ways to define your
- CAs. The first choice is preferable if you have many CAs or want to be
- flexible, the second is perferable if you only have one CA and want to
- keep things simple (you won't need to create the hashed file names). You
- don't need this variable if you don't verify client certificates.
-ssl server cert = /usr/local/ssl/certs/samba.pem
- This is the file containing the server's certificate. The server _must_
- have a certificate. The file may also contain the server's private key.
- See later for how certificates and private keys are created.
-ssl server key = /usr/local/ssl/private/samba.pem
- This file contains the private key of the server. If this variable is not
- defined, the key is looked up in the certificate file (it may be appended
- to the certificate). The server _must_ have a private key and the
- certificate _must_ match this private key.
-ssl client cert = /usr/local/ssl/certs/smbclient.pem
- The certificate in this file is used by smbclient if it exists. It's needed
- if the server requires a client certificate.
-ssl client key = /usr/local/ssl/private/smbclient.pem
- This is the private key for smbclient. It's only needed if the client
- should have a certificate.
-ssl require clientcert = yes
- If this variable is set to "yes", the server will not tolerate connections
- from clients that don't have a valid certificate. The directory/file
- given in "ssl CA certDir" and "ssl CA certFile" will be used to look up
- the CAs that issued the client's certificate. If the certificate can't be
- verified positively, the connection will be terminated.
- If this variable is set to "no", clients don't need certificates. Contrary
- to web applications you really _should_ require client certificates. In
- the web environment the client's data is sensitive (credit card numbers)
- and the server must prove to be trustworthy. In a file server environment
- the server's data will be sensitive and the clients must prove to be
- trustworthy.
-ssl require servercert = yes
- If this variable is set to "yes", the smbclient will request a certificate
- from the server. Same as "ssl require clientcert" for the server.
-ssl ciphers = ???
- This variable defines the ciphers that should be offered during SSL
- negotiation. You should not set this variable unless you know what you do.
-ssl version = ssl2or3
- This enumeration variable defines the versions of the SSL protocol that
- will be used. "ssl2or3" allows dynamic negotiation of SSL v2 or v3, "ssl2"
- results SSL v2, "ssl3" results in SSL v3 and "tls1" results in TLS v1. TLS
- (Transport Layer Security) is the (proposed?) new standard for SSL. The
- default value is "ssl2or3".
-ssl compatibility = no
- This variable defines whether SSLeay should be configured for bug
- compatibility with other SSL implementations. This is probably not
- desirable because currently no clients with SSL implementations other than
- SSLeay exist.
-ssl entropy file =
- Specifies a file from which processes will read "random bytes" on startup.
- In order to seed the internal pseudo random number generator, entropy
- must be provided. On system with a /dev/urandom device file, the processes
- will retrieve its entropy from the kernel. On systems without kernel
- entropy support, a file can be supplied that will be read on startup
- and that will be used to seed the PRNG.
-ssl entropy bytes = 256
- Number of bytes that will be read from entropy file. If -1 is given, the
- complete file will be read.
-ssl egd socket =
- Location of the communiation socket of an EGD or PRNGD daemon, from which
- entropy can be retrieved. This option can be used instead of or together
- with the "ssl entropy file" directive. 255bytes of entropy will be
- retrieved from the daemon.
-Running samba with OpenSSL
-Samba is started as usual. The daemon will ask for the private key's pass
-phrase before it goes to background if the private key has been encrypted.
-If you start smbd from inetd, this won't work. Therefore you must not encrypt
-your private key if you run smbd from inetd.
-Windows clients will try to connect to the SSL enabled samba daemon and they
-will fail. This can fill your log with failed SSL negotiation messages. To
-avoid this, you can either not run nmbd (if all clients use DNS to look up
-the server), which will leave the Windows machine unaware of the server, or
-list all (local) Windows machines in the "ssl hosts resign" variable.
-About certificates
-Secure samba servers will not be set up for public use as it is the case with
-secure web servers. Most installations will probably use it for distributed
-offices that use parts of the internet for their intranet, for access to a
-web server that's physically hosted by the provider or simply for teleworking.
-All these applications work with a known group of users that can easily agree
-on a certification authority. The CA can be operated by the company and the
-policy for issuing certificates can be determined by the company. If samba is
-configured to verify client certificates, it (currently) only verifies
-whether a valid certificate exists. It does not verify any of the data within
-the certificate (although it prints some of the data to the log file).
-Which clients are available that support SSL?
-Currently there are only smbclient which is part of the samba package and
-Sharity. Shariy versions newer than 0.14 in the beta branch and 1.01 in the
-main branch can be compiled with SSLeay. Sharity is a CIFS/SMB client
-implementation for Unix. It is a commercial product, but it is available in
-source code and the demo-mode allows access to the first three layers of the
-mounted directory hierarchy. Licenses for universities and students are free.
-Sharity is available at
-Basics about Cryptography and SSL(eay)
-There are many good introductions to cryptography. I assume that the reader
-is familiar with the words "encryption", "digital signature" and RSA. If you
-don't know these terms, please read the cryptography FAQ part 6 and 7, which
-is posted to the usenet newsgroup sci.crypt. It is also available from
-I'll concentrate on the questions specific to SSL and samba here.
-What is a certificate?
-A certificate is issued by an issuer, usually a "Certification Authority"
-(CA), who confirms something by issuing the certificate. The subject of this
-confirmation depends on the CA's policy. CAs for secure web servers (used for
-shopping malls etc.) usually only attest that the given public key belongs the
-the given domain name. Company-wide CAs might attest that you are an employee
-of the company, that you have permissions to use a server or whatever.
-What is an X.509 certificate technically?
-Technically, the certificate is a block of data signed by the certificate
-issuer (the CA). The relevant fields are:
- - unique identifier (name) of the certificate issuer
- - time range during that the certificate is valid
- - unique identifier (name) of the certified subject
- - public key of the certified subject
- - the issuer's signature over all of the above
-If this certificate should be verified, the verifier must have a table of the
-names and public keys of trusted CAs. For simplicity, these tables are lists
-of certificates issued by the respective CAs for themselves (self-signed
-What are the implications of this certificate structure?
- - Because the certificate contains the subject's public key, the
- certificate and the private key together are all that's needed to encrypt
- and decrypt.
- - To verify certificates, you need the certificates of all CAs you trust.
- - The simplest form of a dummy-certificate is one that's signed by the
- subject itself.
- - A CA is needed. The client can't simply issue local certificates for
- servers it trusts because the server determines which certificate it
- presents.
-Setting up files and directories for OpenSSL
-The first thing you should do is to change your PATH environment variable to
-include the bin directory of OpenSSL. E.g.:
- PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/ssl/bin
-If your system's kernel supports a /dev/urandom device, all OpenSSL operations
-will automatically retrieve its entropy from it. If your system does not
-support /dev/urandom, you may install an EGD/PRNGD daemon for entropy
-supply or can generate seed from reading files (that should contain information
-unpredictable/unknown to attackers). Use the "-rand" option to the openssl
-commands to specify the entropy source (if /dev/urandom is not available).
-OpenSSL additionally keeps random seed in the $HOME/.rnd file. You can
-initialize this file using:
- openssl rand -rand /tmp/rfile.txt > $HOME/.rnd
- rm -f /tmp/rfile.txt # nobody must know!!
- openssl rand -rand /path/to/egd-socket > $HOME/.rnd
-How to create a keypair
-This is done with 'genrsa' for RSA keys and 'gendsa' for DSA keys. For an RSA
-key with 1024 bits which is written to the file "key.pem" type:
- openssl genrsa -des3 -rand /path/to/source 1024 > key.pem
-You will be asked for a pass phrase to protect this key. If you don't want to
-protect your private key with a pass phrase, just omit the parameter "-des3".
-If you want a different key size, replace the parameter "1024". You really
-should use a pass phrase.
-If you want to remove the pass phrase from a key use:
- openssl rsa -in key.pem -out newkey.pem
-And to add or change a pass phrase:
- openssl rsa -des3 -in key.pem -out newkey.pem
-How to create a dummy certificate
-If you still have your keypair in the file "key.pem", the command
- openssl req -new -x509 -key key.pem -out cert.pem
-will write a self-signed dummy certificate to the file "cert.pem". This can
-be used for testing or if only encryption and no certification is needed.
-Please bear in mind that encryption without authentication (certification)
-can never be secure. It's open to (at least) "man-in-the-middle" attacks.
-How to create a certificate signing request
-You must not simply send your keypair to the CA for signing because it
-contains the private key which _must_ be kept secret. A signing request
-consists of your public key and some additional information you want to have
-bound to that key by the certificate. If you operate a secure web server,
-this additional information will (among other things) contain the URL of
-your server in the field "Common Name". The certificate signing request is
-created from the keypair with the following command (assuming that the key
-pair is still in "key.pem"):
- openssl req -new -key key.pem -out csr.pem
-This command will ask you for the information which must be included in the
-certificate and will write the signing request to the file "csr.pem". This
-signing request is all the CA needs for signing, at least technically. Most
-CAs will demand bureaucratic material and money, too.
-How to set up a Certification Authority (CA)
-Being a certification authority requires a database that holds the CA's
-keypair, the CA's certificate, a list of all signed certificates and other
-information. This database is kept in a directory hierarchy below a
-configurable starting point. The starting point must be configured in the
-ssleay.conf file. This file is at /usr/local/ssl/lib/ssleay.conf if you have
-not changed the default installation path.
-The first thing you should do is to edit this file according to your needs.
-Let's assume that you want to hold the CA's database at the directory
-"/usr/local/ssl/CA". Change the variable "dir" in section "CA_default" to
-this path. You may also want to edit the default settings for some variables,
-but the values given should be OK. This path is also contained in the shell
-script, which should be at "/usr/local/ssl/bin/". Change the path
-in the shell script:
- CATOP=/usr/local/ssl/CA
- CAKEY=./cakey.pem # relative to $CATOP/
- CACERT=./cacert.pem # relative to $CATOP/private/
-Then create the directory "/usr/local/ssl/CA" and make it writable for the
-user that operates the CA. You should also initialize SSLeay as CA user (set
-up the random number generator). Now you should call the shell script
-to set up the initial database:
- -newca
-This command will ask you whether you want to use an existing certificate or
-create one. Just press enter to create a new key pair and certificate. You
-will be asked the usual questions for certificates: the country, state, city,
-"Common Name", etc. Enter the appropriate values for the CA. When
-finishes, it has set up a bunch of directories and files. A CA must publish
-it's certificate, which is in the file "/usr/local/ssl/CA/cacert.pem".
-How to sign a certificate request
-After setting up the CA stuff, you can start signing certificate requests.
-Make sure that the SSLeay utilities know where the configuration file is.
-The default is compiled in, if you don't use the default location, add the
-parameter "-config <cfg-file>". Make also sure that the configuration file
-contains the correct path to the CA database. If all this is set up properly,
-you can sign the request in the file "csr.pem" with the command:
- openssl ca -policy policy_anything -days 365 -infiles csr.pem >cert.pem
-The resulting certificate (and additional information) will be in "cert.pem".
-If you want the certificate to be valid for a period different from 365 days,
-simply change the "-days" parameter.
-How to install a new CA certificate
-Whereever a certificate must be checked, the CA's certificate must be
-available. Let's take the common case where the client verifies the server's
-certificate. The case where the server verfies the client's certificate works
-the same way. The client receives the server's certificate, which contains
-the "Distinguished Name" of the CA. To verify whether the signature in this
-certificate is OK, it must look up the public key of that CA. Therefore each
-client must hold a database of CAs, indexed by CA name. This database is best
-kept in a directory where each file contains the certificate of one CA and is
-named after the hashvalue (checksum) of the CA's name. This section describes
-how such a database is managed technically. Whether or not to install (and
-thereby trust) a CA is a totally different matter.
-The client must know the directory of the CA database. This can be configured.
-There may also be a configuration option to set up a CA database file which
-contains all CA certs in one file. Let's assume that the CA database is kept
-in the directory "/usr/local/ssl/certs". The following example assumes that
-the CA's certificate is in the file "cacert.pem" and the CA is known as
-"myCA". To install the certificate, do the following:
- cp cacert.pem /usr/local/ssl/cers/myCA.pem
- cd /usr/local/ssl/certs
- ln -s myCA.pem `openssl x509 -noout -hash < myCA.pem`.0
-The last command creates a link from the hashed name to the real file.
-From now on all certificates signed by the myCA authority will be accepted by
-clients that use the directory "/usr/local/ssl/certs/" as their CA certificate
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-Subject: Samba performance issues
-This file tries to outline the ways to improve the speed of a Samba server.
-The Samba server uses TCP to talk to the client. Thus if you are
-trying to see if it performs well you should really compare it to
-programs that use the same protocol. The most readily available
-programs for file transfer that use TCP are ftp or another TCP based
-SMB server.
-If you want to test against something like a NT or WfWg server then
-you will have to disable all but TCP on either the client or
-server. Otherwise you may well be using a totally different protocol
-(such as Netbeui) and comparisons may not be valid.
-Generally you should find that Samba performs similarly to ftp at raw
-transfer speed. It should perform quite a bit faster than NFS,
-although this very much depends on your system.
-Several people have done comparisons between Samba and Novell, NFS or
-WinNT. In some cases Samba performed the best, in others the worst. I
-suspect the biggest factor is not Samba vs some other system but the
-hardware and drivers used on the various systems. Given similar
-hardware Samba should certainly be competitive in speed with other
-Oplocks are the way that SMB clients get permission from a server to
-locally cache file operations. If a server grants an oplock
-(opportunistic lock) then the client is free to assume that it is the
-only one accessing the file and it will agressively cache file
-data. With some oplock types the client may even cache file open/close
-operations. This can give enormous performance benefits.
-With the release of Samba 1.9.18 we now correctly support opportunistic
-locks. This is turned on by default, and can be turned off on a share-
-by-share basis by setting the parameter :
-oplocks = False
-We recommend that you leave oplocks on however, as current benchmark
-tests with NetBench seem to give approximately a 30% improvement in
-speed with them on. This is on average however, and the actual
-improvement seen can be orders of magnitude greater, depending on
-what the client redirector is doing.
-Previous to Samba 1.9.18 there was a 'fake oplocks' option. This
-option has been left in the code for backwards compatibility reasons
-but it's use is now deprecated. A short summary of what the old
-code did follows.
-With Samba 2.0.5 a new capability - level2 (read only) oplocks is
-supported (although the option is off by default - see the smb.conf
-man page for details). Turning on level2 oplocks (on a share-by-share basis)
-by setting the parameter :
-level2 oplocks = true
-should speed concurrent access to files that are not commonly written
-to, such as application serving shares (ie. shares that contain common
-.EXE files - such as a Microsoft Office share) as it allows clients to
-read-ahread cache copies of these files.
-Old 'fake oplocks' option - deprecated.
-Samba can also fake oplocks, by granting a oplock whenever a client
-asks for one. This is controlled using the smb.conf option "fake
-oplocks". If you set "fake oplocks = yes" then you are telling the
-client that it may agressively cache the file data for all opens.
-Enabling 'fake oplocks' on all read-only shares or shares that you know
-will only be accessed from one client at a time you will see a big
-performance improvement on many operations. If you enable this option
-on shares where multiple clients may be accessing the files read-write
-at the same time you can get data corruption.
-There are a number of socket options that can greatly affect the
-performance of a TCP based server like Samba.
-The socket options that Samba uses are settable both on the command
-line with the -O option, or in the smb.conf file.
-The "socket options" section of the smb.conf manual page describes how
-to set these and gives recommendations.
-Getting the socket options right can make a big difference to your
-performance, but getting them wrong can degrade it by just as
-much. The correct settings are very dependent on your local network.
-The socket option TCP_NODELAY is the one that seems to make the
-biggest single difference for most networks. Many people report that
-adding "socket options = TCP_NODELAY" doubles the read performance of
-a Samba drive. The best explanation I have seen for this is that the
-Microsoft TCP/IP stack is slow in sending tcp ACKs.
-The option "read size" affects the overlap of disk reads/writes with
-network reads/writes. If the amount of data being transferred in
-several of the SMB commands (currently SMBwrite, SMBwriteX and
-SMBreadbraw) is larger than this value then the server begins writing
-the data before it has received the whole packet from the network, or
-in the case of SMBreadbraw, it begins writing to the network before
-all the data has been read from disk.
-This overlapping works best when the speeds of disk and network access
-are similar, having very little effect when the speed of one is much
-greater than the other.
-The default value is 16384, but very little experimentation has been
-done yet to determine the optimal value, and it is likely that the best
-value will vary greatly between systems anyway. A value over 65536 is
-pointless and will cause you to allocate memory unnecessarily.
-At startup the client and server negotiate a "maximum transmit" size,
-which limits the size of nearly all SMB commands. You can set the
-maximum size that Samba will negotiate using the "max xmit = " option
-in smb.conf. Note that this is the maximum size of SMB request that
-Samba will accept, but not the maximum size that the *client* will accept.
-The client maximum receive size is sent to Samba by the client and Samba
-honours this limit.
-It defaults to 65536 bytes (the maximum), but it is possible that some
-clients may perform better with a smaller transmit unit. Trying values
-of less than 2048 is likely to cause severe problems.
-In most cases the default is the best option.
-By default Samba does not implement strict locking on each read/write
-call (although it did in previous versions). If you enable strict
-locking (using "strict locking = yes") then you may find that you
-suffer a severe performance hit on some systems.
-The performance hit will probably be greater on NFS mounted
-filesystems, but could be quite high even on local disks.
-Some people find that opening files is very slow. This is often
-because of the "share modes" code needed to fully implement the dos
-share modes stuff. You can disable this code using "share modes =
-no". This will gain you a lot in opening and closing files but will
-mean that (in some cases) the system won't force a second user of a
-file to open the file read-only if the first has it open
-read-write. For many applications that do their own locking this
-doesn't matter, but for some it may. Most Windows applications
-depend heavily on "share modes" working correctly and it is
-recommended that the Samba share mode support be left at the
-default of "on".
-The share mode code in Samba has been re-written in the 1.9.17
-release following tests with the Ziff-Davis NetBench PC Benchmarking
-tool. It is now believed that Samba 1.9.17 implements share modes
-similarly to Windows NT.
-NOTE: In the most recent versions of Samba there is an option to use
-shared memory via mmap() to implement the share modes. This makes
-things much faster. See the Makefile for how to enable this.
-If you set the log level (also known as "debug level") higher than 2
-then you may suffer a large drop in performance. This is because the
-server flushes the log file after each operation, which can be very
-The "wide links" option is now enabled by default, but if you disable
-it (for better security) then you may suffer a performance hit in
-resolving filenames. The performance loss is lessened if you have
-"getwd cache = yes", which is now the default.
-The "read raw" operation is designed to be an optimised, low-latency
-file read operation. A server may choose to not support it,
-however. and Samba makes support for "read raw" optional, with it
-being enabled by default.
-In some cases clients don't handle "read raw" very well and actually
-get lower performance using it than they get using the conventional
-read operations.
-So you might like to try "read raw = no" and see what happens on your
-network. It might lower, raise or not affect your performance. Only
-testing can really tell.
-The "write raw" operation is designed to be an optimised, low-latency
-file write operation. A server may choose to not support it,
-however. and Samba makes support for "write raw" optional, with it
-being enabled by default.
-Some machines may find "write raw" slower than normal write, in which
-case you may wish to change this option.
-Samba can do read prediction on some of the SMB commands. Read
-prediction means that Samba reads some extra data on the last file it
-read while waiting for the next SMB command to arrive. It can then
-respond more quickly when the next read request arrives.
-This is disabled by default. You can enable it by using "read
-prediction = yes".
-Note that read prediction is only used on files that were opened read
-Read prediction should particularly help for those silly clients (such
-as "Write" under NT) which do lots of very small reads on a file.
-Samba will not read ahead more data than the amount specified in the
-"read size" option. It always reads ahead on 1k block boundaries.
-Samba supports reading files via memory mapping them. One some
-machines this can give a large boost to performance, on others it
-makes not difference at all, and on some it may reduce performance.
-To enable you you have to recompile Samba with the -DUSE_MMAP option
-on the FLAGS line of the Makefile.
-Note that memory mapping is only used on files opened read only, and
-is not used by the "read raw" operation. Thus you may find memory
-mapping is more effective if you disable "read raw" using "read raw =
-One person has reported that setting the protocol to COREPLUS rather
-than LANMAN2 gave a dramatic speed improvement (from 10k/s to 150k/s).
-I suspect that his PC's (386sx16 based) were asking for more data than
-they could chew. I suspect a similar speed could be had by setting
-"read raw = no" and "max xmit = 2048", instead of changing the
-protocol. Lowering the "read size" might also help.
-Slow logins are almost always due to the password checking time. Using
-the lowest practical "password level" will improve things a lot. You
-could also enable the "UFC crypt" option in the Makefile.
-Often a speed problem can be traced to the client. The client (for
-example Windows for Workgroups) can often be tuned for better TCP
-See your client docs for details. In particular, I have heard rumours
-that the WfWg options TCPWINDOWSIZE and TCPSEGMENTSIZE can have a
-large impact on performance.
-Also note that some people have found that setting DefaultRcvWindow in
-the [MSTCP] section of the SYSTEM.INI file under WfWg to 3072 gives a
-big improvement. I don't know why.
-My own experience wth DefaultRcvWindow is that I get much better
-performance with a large value (16384 or larger). Other people have
-reported that anything over 3072 slows things down enourmously. One
-person even reported a speed drop of a factor of 30 when he went from
-3072 to 8192. I don't know why.
-It probably depends a lot on your hardware, and the type of unix box
-you have at the other end of the link.
-Some people want to see real numbers in a document like this, so here
-they are. I have a 486sx33 client running WfWg 3.11 with the 3.11b
-tcp/ip stack. It has a slow IDE drive and 20Mb of ram. It has a SMC
-Elite-16 ISA bus ethernet card. The only WfWg tuning I've done is to
-set DefaultRcvWindow in the [MSTCP] section of system.ini to 16384. My
-server is a 486dx3-66 running Linux. It also has 20Mb of ram and a SMC
-Elite-16 card. You can see my server config in the examples/tridge/
-subdirectory of the distribution.
-I get 490k/s on reading a 8Mb file with copy.
-I get 441k/s writing the same file to the samba server.
-Of course, there's a lot more to benchmarks than 2 raw throughput
-figures, but it gives you a ballpark figure.
-I've also tested Win95 and WinNT, and found WinNT gave me the best
-speed as a samba client. The fastest client of all (for me) is
-smbclient running on another linux box. Maybe I'll add those results
-here someday ...
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-Contributor: Paul Cochrane <>
-Organization: Dundee Limb Fitting Centre
-Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998
-Subject: Samba SPEED.TXT comment
-This might be relevant to Client Tuning. I have been trying various methods
-of getting win95 to talk to Samba quicker. The results I have come up with
-1. Install the W2setup.exe file from This is an
-update for the winsock stack and utilities which improve performance.
-2. Configure the win95 TCPIP registry settings to give better
-perfomance. I use a program called MTUSPEED.exe which I got off the
-net. There are various other utilities of this type freely available.
-The setting which give the best performance for me are:
-(a) MaxMTU Remove
-(b) RWIN Remove
-(c) MTUAutoDiscover Disable
-(d) MTUBlackHoleDetect Disable
-(e) Time To Live Enabled
-(f) Time To Live - HOPS 32
-(g) NDI Cache Size 0
-3. I tried virtually all of the items mentioned in the document and
-the only one which made a difference to me was the socket options. It
-turned out I was better off without any!!!!!
-In terms of overall speed of transfer, between various win95 clients
-and a DX2-66 20MB server with a crappy NE2000 compatible and old IDE
-drive (Kernel 2.0.30). The transfer rate was reasonable for 10 baseT.
-The figures are: Put Get
-P166 client 3Com card: 420-440kB/s 500-520kB/s
-P100 client 3Com card: 390-410kB/s 490-510kB/s
-DX4-75 client NE2000: 370-380kB/s 330-350kB/s
-I based these test on transfer two files a 4.5MB text file and a 15MB
-textfile. The results arn't bad considering the hardware Samba is
-running on. It's a crap machine!!!!
-The updates mentioned in 1 and 2 brought up the transfer rates from
-just over 100kB/s in some clients.
-A new client is a P333 connected via a 100MB/s card and hub. The
-transfer rates from this were good: 450-500kB/s on put and 600+kB/s
-on get.
-Looking at standard FTP throughput, Samba is a bit slower (100kB/s
-upwards). I suppose there is more going on in the samba protocol, but
-if it could get up to the rate of FTP the perfomance would be quite
-Paul Cochrane
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-Contributor: Andrew Tridgell <>
-Date: Old
-Status: Questionable
-Subject: How to trace samba system calls for debugging purposes
-This file describes how to do a system call trace on Samba to work out
-what its doing wrong. This is not for the faint of heart, but if you
-are reading this then you are probably desperate.
-Actually its not as bad as the the above makes it sound, just don't
-expect the output to be very pretty :-)
-Ok, down to business. One of the big advantages of unix systems is
-that they nearly all come with a system trace utility that allows you
-to monitor all system calls that a program is making. This is
-extremely using for debugging and also helps when trying to work out
-why something is slower than you expect. You can use system tracing
-without any special compilation options.
-The system trace utility is called different things on different
-systems. On Linux systems its called strace. Under SunOS 4 its called
-trace. Under SVR4 style systems (including solaris) its called
-truss. Under many BSD systems its called ktrace.
-The first thing you should do is read the man page for your native
-system call tracer. In the discussion below I'll assume its called
-strace as strace is the only portable system tracer (its available for
-free for many unix types) and its also got some of the nicest
-Next, try using strace on some simple commands. For example, "strace
-ls" or "strace echo hello".
-You'll notice that it produces a LOT of output. It is showing you the
-arguments to every system call that the program makes and the
-result. Very little happens in a program without a system call so you
-get lots of output. You'll also find that it produces a lot of
-"preamble" stuff showing the loading of shared libraries etc. Ignore
-this (unless its going wrong!)
-For example, the only line that really matters in the "strace echo
-hello" output is:
-write(1, "hello\n", 6) = 6
-all the rest is just setting up to run the program.
-Ok, now you're famialiar with strace. To use it on Samba you need to
-strace the running smbd daemon. The way I tend ot use it is to first
-login from my Windows PC to the Samba server, then use smbstatus to
-find which process ID that client is attached to, then as root I do
-"strace -p PID" to attach to that process. I normally redirect the
-stderr output from this command to a file for later perusal. For
-example, if I'm using a csh style shell:
- strace -f -p 3872 >& strace.out
-or with a sh style shell:
- strace -f -p 3872 > strace.out 2>&1
-Note the "-f" option. This is only available on some systems, and
-allows you to trace not just the current process, but any children it
-forks. This is great for finding printing problems caused by the
-"print command" being wrong.
-Once you are attached you then can do whatever it is on the client
-that is causing problems and you will capture all the system calls
-that smbd makes.
-So how do you interpret the results? Generally I search through the
-output for strings that I know will appear when the problem
-happens. For example, if I am having touble with permissions on a file
-I would search for that files name in the strace output and look at
-the surrounding lines. Another trick is to match up file descriptor
-numbers and "follow" what happens to an open file until it is closed.
-Beyond this you will have to use your initiative. To give you an idea
-of wehat you are looking for here is a piece of strace output that
-shows that /dev/null is not world writeable, which causes printing to
-fail with Samba:
-[pid 28268] open("/dev/null", O_RDWR) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
-[pid 28268] open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
-the process is trying to first open /dev/null read-write then
-read-only. Both fail. This means /dev/null has incorrect permissions.
-Have fun!
-(please send updates/fixes to this file to
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/UNIX-SMB.txt b/docs/textdocs/UNIX-SMB.txt
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-Contributor: Andrew Tridgell <>
-Date: April 1995
-Subject: Discussion of NetBIOS in a Unix World
-This is a short document that describes some of the issues that
-confront a SMB implementation on unix, and how Samba copes with
-them. They may help people who are looking at unix<->PC
-It was written to help out a person who was writing a paper on unix to
-PC connectivity.
-The SMB protocol has only a loose username concept. Early SMB
-protocols (such as CORE and COREPLUS) have no username concept at
-all. Even in later protocols clients often attempt operations
-(particularly printer operations) without first validating a username
-on the server.
-Unix security is based around username/password pairs. A unix box
-should not allow clients to do any substantive operation without some
-sort of validation.
-The problem mostly manifests itself when the unix server is in "share
-level" security mode. This is the default mode as the alternative
-"user level" security mode usually forces a client to connect to the
-server as the same user for each connected share, which is
-inconvenient in many sites.
-In "share level" security the client normally gives a username in the
-"session setup" protocol, but does not supply an accompanying
-password. The client then connects to resources using the "tree
-connect" protocol, and supplies a password. The problem is that the
-user on the PC types the username and the password in different
-contexts, unaware that they need to go together to give access to the
-server. The username is normally the one the user typed in when they
-"logged onto" the PC (this assumes Windows for Workgroups). The
-password is the one they chose when connecting to the disk or printer.
-The user often chooses a totally different username for their login as
-for the drive connection. Often they also want to access different
-drives as different usernames. The unix server needs some way of
-divining the correct username to combine with each password.
-Samba tries to avoid this problem using several methods. These succeed
-in the vast majority of cases. The methods include username maps, the
-service%user syntax, the saving of session setup usernames for later
-validation and the derivation of the username from the service name
-(either directly or via the user= option).
-File Ownership
-The commonly used SMB protocols have no way of saying "you can't do
-that because you don't own the file". They have, in fact, no concept
-of file ownership at all.
-This brings up all sorts of interesting problems. For example, when
-you copy a file to a unix drive, and the file is world writeable but
-owned by another user the file will transfer correctly but will
-receive the wrong date. This is because the utime() call under unix
-only succeeds for the owner of the file, or root, even if the file is
-world writeable. For security reasons Samba does all file operations
-as the validated user, not root, so the utime() fails. This can stuff
-up shared development diectories as programs like "make" will not get
-file time comparisons right.
-There are several possible solutions to this problem, including
-username mapping, and forcing a specific username for particular
-Many SMB clients uppercase passwords before sending them. I have no
-idea why they do this. Interestingly WfWg uppercases the password only
-if the server is running a protocol greater than COREPLUS, so
-obviously it isn't just the data entry routines that are to blame.
-Unix passwords are case sensitive. So if users use mixed case
-passwords they are in trouble.
-Samba can try to cope with this by either using the "password level"
-option which causes Samba to try the offered password with up to the
-specified number of case changes, or by using the "password server"
-option which allows Samba to do its validation via another machine
-(typically a WinNT server).
-Samba supports the password encryption method used by SMB
-clients. Note that the use of password encryption in Microsoft
-networking leads to password hashes that are "plain text equivalent".
-This means that it is *VERY* important to ensure that the Samba
-smbpasswd file containing these password hashes is only readable
-by the root user. See the documentation ENCRYPTION.txt for more
-The locking calls available under a DOS/Windows environment are much
-richer than those available in unix. This means a unix server (like
-Samba) choosing to use the standard fcntl() based unix locking calls
-to implement SMB locking has to improvise a bit.
-One major problem is that dos locks can be in a 32 bit (unsigned)
-range. Unix locking calls are 32 bits, but are signed, giving only a 31
-bit range. Unfortunately OLE2 clients use the top bit to select a
-locking range used for OLE semaphores.
-To work around this problem Samba compresses the 32 bit range into 31
-bits by appropriate bit shifting. This seems to work but is not
-ideal. In a future version a separate SMB lockd may be added to cope
-with the problem.
-It also doesn't help that many unix lockd daemons are very buggy and
-crash at the slightest provocation. They normally go mostly unused in
-a unix environment because few unix programs use byte range
-locking. The stress of huge numbers of lock requests from dos/windows
-clients can kill the daemon on some systems.
-The second major problem is the "opportunistic locking" requested by
-some clients. If a client requests opportunistic locking then it is
-asking the server to notify it if anyone else tries to do something on
-the same file, at which time the client will say if it is willing to
-give up its lock. Unix has no simple way of implementing
-opportunistic locking, and currently Samba has no support for it.
-Deny Modes
-When a SMB client opens a file it asks for a particular "deny mode" to
-be placed on the file. These modes (DENY_NONE, DENY_READ, DENY_WRITE,
-DENY_ALL, DENY_FCB and DENY_DOS) specify what actions should be
-allowed by anyone else who tries to use the file at the same time. If
-DENY_READ is placed on the file, for example, then any attempt to open
-the file for reading should fail.
-Unix has no equivalent notion. To implement this Samba uses either lock
-files based on the files inode and placed in a separate lock
-directory or a shared memory implementation. The lock file method
-is clumsy and consumes processing and file resources,
-the shared memory implementation is vastly prefered and is turned on
-by default for those systems that support it.
-Trapdoor UIDs
-A SMB session can run with several uids on the one socket. This
-happens when a user connects to two shares with different
-usernames. To cope with this the unix server needs to switch uids
-within the one process. On some unixes (such as SCO) this is not
-possible. This means that on those unixes the client is restricted to
-a single uid.
-Note that you can also get the "trapdoor uid" message for other
-reasons. Please see the FAQ for details.
-Port numbers
-There is a convention that clients on sockets use high "unprivilaged"
-port numbers (>1000) and connect to servers on low "privilaged" port
-numbers. This is enforced in Unix as non-root users can't open a
-socket for listening on port numbers less than 1000.
-Most PC based SMB clients (such as WfWg and WinNT) don't follow this
-convention completely. The main culprit is the netbios nameserving on
-udp port 137. Name query requests come from a source port of 137. This
-is a problem when you combine it with the common firewalling technique
-of not allowing incoming packets on low port numbers. This means that
-these clients can't query a netbios nameserver on the other side of a
-low port based firewall.
-The problem is more severe with netbios node status queries. I've
-found that WfWg, Win95 and WinNT3.5 all respond to netbios node status
-queries on port 137 no matter what the source port was in the
-request. This works between machines that are both using port 137, but
-it means it's not possible for a unix user to do a node status request
-to any of these OSes unless they are running as root. The answer comes
-back, but it goes to port 137 which the unix user can't listen
-on. Interestingly WinNT3.1 got this right - it sends node status
-responses back to the source port in the request.
-Protocol Complexity
-There are many "protocol levels" in the SMB protocol. It seems that
-each time new functionality was added to a Microsoft operating system,
-they added the equivalent functions in a new protocol level of the SMB
-protocol to "externalise" the new capabilities.
-This means the protocol is very "rich", offering many ways of doing
-each file operation. This means SMB servers need to be complex and
-large. It also means it is very difficult to make them bug free. It is
-not just Samba that suffers from this problem, other servers such as
-WinNT don't support every variation of every call and it has almost
-certainly been a headache for MS developers to support the myriad of
-SMB calls that are available.
-There are about 65 "top level" operations in the SMB protocol (things
-like SMBread and SMBwrite). Some of these include hundreds of
-sub-functions (SMBtrans has at least 120 sub-functions, like
-DosPrintQAdd and NetSessionEnum). All of them take several options
-that can change the way they work. Many take dozens of possible
-"information levels" that change the structures that need to be
-returned. Samba supports all but 2 of the "top level" functions. It
-supports only 8 (so far) of the SMBtrans sub-functions. Even NT
-doesn't support them all.
-Samba currently supports up to the "NT LM 0.12" protocol, which is the
-one preferred by Win95 and WinNT3.5. Luckily this protocol level has a
-"capabilities" field which specifies which super-duper new-fangled
-options the server suports. This helps to make the implementation of
-this protocol level much easier.
-There is also a problem with the SMB specications. SMB is a X/Open
-spec, but the X/Open book is far from ideal, and fails to cover many
-important issues, leaving much to the imagination. Microsoft recently
-renamed the SMB protocol CIFS (Common Internet File System) and have
-published new specifications. These are far superior to the old
-X/Open documents but there are still undocumented calls and features.
-This specification is actively being worked on by a CIFS developers
-mailing list hosted by Microsft.
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-Copyright (C) 1997 - Samba-Team
-Contributed Date: August 20, 1997
-Last Update: August 20, 1997
-Subject: Windows 95 and Samba Interoperability
-Password Handling:
-Microsoft periodically release updates to all their operating systems. Some of
-these are welcomed while others cause us to change the way we do things. Few
-people like change, particularly if the change is unexpected. The best advice
-always is to read the documentation provided BEFORE applying an update.
-One of the recent Win95 updates (VRDRUPD.EXE) disables plain text (also called
-clear text) password authentication. The effects of this updates are desirable
-where MS Windows NT is providing the password authentication service. This
-update is most undesirable where Samba must provide the authentication service
-unless Samba has been specifically configured to use encrypted passwords _AND_
-has been linked with the libdes library.
-If the above conditions have not been complied with, and you are using Samba,
-then Windows 95 clients will NOT be able to authenticate to a Samba server.
-To re-enable plain text password capabilities AFTER applying this update
-you must create a new value in the Windows 95 registry.
-Either foillow the following procedure or just double click on the
-file Win95_PlainPassword.reg for an easier way to do this.
-1) Launch the Registry Editor as follows:
- Click on: /Start/Run
- Type "regedit" and press enter.
-2) Double click on: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
-3) Locate the following Key:
- /HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/VxD/VNETSUP
-4) From the menu bar select Edit/New/DWORD Value
-5) Rename the entry from "New Value #1" to:
- EnablePlainTextPassword
-6) Press Enter, then double click on the new entry.
- A dialog box will pop up and enable you to set a value.
- You must set this value to 1.
-Windows 95 Updates:
-When using Windows 95 OEM SR2 the following updates are recommended where Samba
-is being used. Please NOTE that the above change will affect you once these
-updates have been installed.
-There are more updates than the ones mentioned here. You are referred to the
-Microsoft Web site for all currently available updates to your specific version
-of Windows 95.
-Kernel Update: KRNLUPD.EXE
-Redirector Update: VRDRUPD.EXE
-Also, if using MS OutLook it is desirable to install the OLEUPD.EXE fix. This
-fix may stop your machine from hanging for an extended period when exiting
-OutLook and you may also notice a significant speedup when accessing network
-neighborhood services.
-The above password information was provided by: Jochen Huppertz <>
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-Contributors: Various
- Password Section - Copyright (C) 1997 - John H Terpstra
- Printing Section - Copyright (C) 1997 - Matthew Harrell
- Priting Info - Copyright (C) 1997 - Frank Varnavas
-Updated: October 16, 1997
-Status: Current
-Subject: Samba and Windows NT Password Handling
-There are some particular issues with Samba and Windows NT.
-One of the most annoying problems with WinNT is that NT refuses to
-connect to a server that is in user level security mode and that
-doesn't support password encryption unless it first prompts the user
-for a password.
-This means even if you have the same password on the NT box and the
-Samba server you will get prompted for a password. Entering the
-correct password will get you connected only if Windows NT can
-communicate with Samba using a compatible mode of password security.
-All versions of Windows NT prior to 4.0 Service Pack 3 could negotiate
-plain text (clear text) passwords. Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 changed
-this default behaviour so it now will only handle encrypted passwords.
-The following registry entry change will re-enable clear text password
-Run regedt32.exe and locate the hive key entry:
-Add the following value:
- EnablePlainTextPassword:REG_DWORD=1
-Alternatively, use the NT4_PlainPassword.reg file in this directory (either
-by double clicking on it, or run regedt32.exe and select "Import Registry
-File" from the "Registry" Menu).
-The other major ramification of this feature of NT is that it can't
-browse a user level non-encrypted server unless it already has a
-connection open. This is because there is no spot for a password
-prompt in the browser window. It works fine if you already have a
-drive mounted (for example, one auto mounted on startup).
-When you mount a printer using the print manager in NT you may find
-the following info from Matthew Harrell <>
- I noticed in your change-log you noted that some people were
-still unable to use print manager under NT. If this is the same problem
-that I encountered, it's caused by the length of time it takes NT to
-determine if the printer is ready.
-The problem occurs when you double-click on a printer to connect it to
-the NT machine. Because it's unable to determine if the printer is ready
-in the short span of time it has, it assumes it isn't and gives some
-strange error about not having enough resources (I forget what the error
-is). A solution to this that seems to work fine for us is to click
-once on the printer, look at the bottom of the window and wait until
-it says it's ready, then clilck on "OK".
-By the way, this problem probably occurs in our group because the
-Samba server doesn't actually have the printers - it queues them to
-remote printers either on other machines or using their own network
-cards. Because of this "middle layer", it takes an extra amount of
-time for the NT machine to get verification that the printer queue
-actually exists.
-I hope this helped in some way...
-Printing Info:
-From: Frank Varnavas <>
-Subject: RE: Samba as a print server
-When an NT client attempts to connect to a printer on a non-NT print
-server the attempt is failed with an error, something like:
- "You have insufficient access to your computer to perform the
- operation because a driver needs to be installed"
-This is because domain users must have 'Power User' status on the
-desktop to connect to printers on a non-NT print server.
-This error occurs regardless of whether the driver in question is
-already installed or not. What it really means is that the server is
-a non-NT server and the client does not have permission to create
-printers locally. Apparently when a connection to a non-NT print
-server is made the printer is defined locally. Such an action can be
-performed by either a local administrator or a Power User.
-Unfortunately there is no way to limit the powers of a Power User, nor
-is there any way to grant the Printer Creation right to another group.
-This permission policy is documented in PSS database WINNT, ID Q101874
-Frank Varnavas (
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-NT Domain Authentication
-Authors: - Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton (
--------- - Paul Ashton (
- - Duncan Stansfield (
- Copyright (C) 1997 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- Copyright (C) 1997 Paul Ashton
- Copyright (C) 1997 Duncan Stansfield
-Version: 0.024 (01Nov97)
-Distribution: Unlimited and encouraged, for the purposes of implementation
-------------- and comments. Feedback welcomed by the authors.
-Liability: Absolutely none accepted implicitly or explicitly, direct
----------- or consequentially, for use, abuse, misuse, lack of use,
- misunderstandings, mistakes, omissions, mis-information for
- anything in or not in, related to or not related to, or
- pertaining to this document, or anything else that a lawyer
- can think of or not think of.
-Warning: Please bear in mind that an incorrect implementation of this
--------- protocol can cause NT workstation to fail irrevocably, for
- which the authors accept no liability (see above). Please
- contact your vendor if you have any problems.
-Sources: - Packet Traces from Netmonitor (Service Pack 1 and above)
--------- - Paul Ashton and Luke Leighton's other "NT Domain" doc.
- - CIFS documentation - cifs6.txt
- - CIFS documentation - cifsrap2.txt
---------- (Controlled copy maintained by
-Credits: - Paul Ashton: loads of work with Net Monitor;
--------- understanding the NT authentication system;
- reference implementation of the NT domain support on which
- this document is originally based.
- - Duncan Stansfield: low-level analysis of MSRPC Pipes.
- - Linus Nordberg: producing c-code from Paul's crypto spec.
- - Windows Sourcer development team
- 1) Introduction
- 2) Structures and notes
- 2.1) Notes
- 2.3) Enumerations
- 2.3) Structures
- 3) Transact Named Pipe Header/Tail
- 3.1) MSRPC Pipes
- 3.2) Header
- 3.3) Tail
- 4) NTLSA Transact Named Pipe
- 4.1) LSA Open Policy
- 4.2) LSA Query Info Policy
- 4.3) LSA Enumerate Trusted Domains
- 4.4) LSA Open Secret
- 4.5) LSA Close
- 4.6) LSA Lookup SIDS
- 4.7) LSA Lookup Names
- 5) NETLOGON rpc Transact Named Pipe
- 5.1) LSA Request Challenge
- 5.2) LSA Authenticate 2
- 5.3) LSA Server Password Set
- 5.4) LSA SAM Logon
- 5.5) LSA SAM Logoff
- 6.1) Query for PDC
- 6.2) SAM Logon
- 7) SRVSVC Transact Named Pipe
- 7.1) Net Share Enum
- 7.2) Net Server Get Info
- A1) Cryptographic side of NT Domain Authentication
- A1.1) Definitions
- A1.2) Protocol
- A1.3) Comments
- A2) SIDs and RIDs
- A2.1) Well-known SIDs
- A2.1.1) Universal well-known SIDs
- A2.1.2) NT well-known SIDs
- A2.2) Well-known RIDS
- A2.2.1) Well-known RID users
- A2.2.2) Well-known RID groups
- A2.2.3) Well-known RID aliases
-1) Introduction
-This document contains information to provide an NT workstation with login
-services, without the need for an NT server.
-It should be possible to select a domain instead of a workgroup (in the NT
-workstation's TCP/IP settings) and after the obligatory reboot, type in a
-username, password, select a domain and successfully log in. I would
-appreciate any feedback on your experiences with this process, and any
-comments, corrections and additions to this document.
-The packets described here can be easily derived from (and are probably
-better understood using) Netmon.exe. You will need to use the version
-of Netmon that matches your system, in order to correctly decode the
-NETLOGON, lsarpc and srvsvc Transact pipes. This document is derived from
-NT Service Pack 1 and its corresponding version of Netmon. It is intended
-that an annotated packet trace be produced, which will likely be more
-instructive than this document.
-Also needed, to fully implement NT Domain Login Services, is the
-document describing the cryptographic part of the NT authentication.
-This document is available from comp.protocols.smb; from the
-digest and from the samba digest, amongst other sources.
-A copy is available from:
-A c-code implementation, provided by Linus Nordberg <>
-of this protocol is available from:
-Also used to provide debugging information is the Check Build version of
-NT workstation, and enabling full debugging in NETLOGON. This is
-achieved by setting the following REG_SZ registry key to 0x1ffffff:
-- Incorrect direct editing of the registry can cause your machine to fail.
- Then again, so can incorrect implementation of this protocol.
- See "Liability:" above.
-Bear in mind that each packet over-the-wire will have its origin in an
-API call. Therefore, there are likely to be structures, enumerations
-and defines that are usefully documented elsewhere.
-This document is by no means complete or authoritative. Missing sections
-include, but are not limited to:
-- the meaning (and use by NT) of SIDs and RIDs.
-- mappings of RIDs to usernames (and vice-versa).
-- what a User ID is and what a Group ID is.
-- the exact meaning/definition of various magic constants or enumerations.
-- the reply error code and use of that error code when a workstation
- becomes a member of a domain (to be described later). Failure to
- return this error code will make the workstation report that it is
- already a member of the domain.
-- the cryptographic side of the NetrServerPasswordSet command, which would
- allow the workstation to change its password. This password is used to
- generate the long-term session key. [It is possible to reject this
- command, and keep the default workstation password].
-2) Notes and Structures
-2.1) Notes
-- In the SMB Transact pipes, some "Structures", described here, appear to be
- 4-byte aligned with the SMB header, at their start. Exactly which
- "Structures" need aligning is not precisely known or documented.
-- In the UDP NTLOGON Mailslots, some "Structures", described here, appear to be
- 2-byte aligned with the start of the mailslot, at their start.
-- Domain SID is of the format S-revision-version-auth1-auth2...authN.
- e.g S-1-5-123-456-789-123-456. the 5 could be a sub-revision.
-- any undocumented buffer pointers must be non-zero if the string buffer it
- refers to contains characters. exactly what value they should be is unknown.
- 0x0000 0002 seems to do the trick to indicate that the buffer exists. a
- NULL buffer pointer indicates that the string buffer is of zero length.
- If the buffer pointer is NULL, then it is suspected that the structure it
- refers to is NOT put into (or taken out of) the SMB data stream. This is
- empirically derived from, for example, the LSA SAM Logon response packet,
- where if the buffer pointer is NULL, the user information is not inserted
- into the data stream. Exactly what happens with an array of buffer pointers
- is not known, although an educated guess can be made.
-- an array of structures (a container) appears to have a count and a pointer.
- if the count is zero, the pointer is also zero. no further data is put
- into or taken out of the SMB data stream. if the count is non-zero, then
- the pointer is also non-zero. immediately following the pointer is the
- count again, followed by an array of container sub-structures. the count
- appears a third time after the last sub-structure.
-2.2) Enumerations
-- MSRPC Header type. command number in the msrpc packet header
- MSRPC_Request: 0x00
- MSRPC_Response: 0x02
- MSRPC_Bind: 0x0B
- MSRPC_BindAck: 0x0C
-- MSRPC Packet info. the meaning of these flags is undocumented
- FirstFrag: 0x01
- LastFrag: 0x02
- NotaFrag: 0x04
- RecRespond: 0x08
- NoMultiplex: 0x10
- NotForIdemp: 0x20
- NotforBcast: 0x40
- NoUuid: 0x80
-2.3) Structures
-- sizeof VOID* is 32 bits.
-- sizeof char is 8 bits.
-- UTIME is 32 bits, indicating time in seconds since 01jan1970. documented
- in cifs6.txt (section 3.5 page, page 30).
-- NTTIME is 64 bits. documented in cifs6.txt (section 3.5 page, page 30).
-- DOM_SID (domain SID structure) :
- UINT32 num of sub-authorities in domain SID
- UINT8 SID revision number
- UINT8 num of sub-authorities in domain SID
- UINT8[6] 6 bytes for domain SID - Identifier Authority.
- UINT16[n_subauths] domain SID sub-authorities
- Note: the domain SID is documented elsewhere.
-- STR (string) :
- char[] null-terminated string of ascii characters.
-- UNIHDR (unicode string header) :
- UINT16 length of unicode string
- UINT16 max length of unicode string
- UINT32 4 - undocumented.
-- UNIHDR2 (unicode string header plus buffer pointer) :
- UNIHDR unicode string header
- VOID* undocumented buffer pointer
-- UNISTR (unicode string) :
- UINT16[] null-terminated string of unicode characters.
-- NAME (length-indicated unicode string) :
- UINT32 length of unicode string
- UINT16[] null-terminated string of unicode characters.
-- UNISTR2 (aligned unicode string) :
- UINT8[] padding to get unicode string 4-byte aligned
- with the start of the SMB header.
- UINT32 max length of unicode string
- UINT32 0 - undocumented
- UINT32 length of unicode string
- UINT16[] string of uncode characters.
-- OBJ_ATTR (object attributes) :
- UINT32 0x18 - length (in bytes) including the length field.
- VOID* 0 - root directory (pointer)
- VOID* 0 - object name (pointer)
- UINT32 0 - attributes (undocumented)
- VOID* 0 - security descriptior (pointer)
- UINT32 0 - security quality of service
-- POL_HND (LSA policy handle) :
- char[20] policy handle
-- DOM_SID2 (domain SID structure, SIDS stored in unicode) :
- UINT32 5 - SID type
- UINT32 0 - undocumented
- UNIHDR2 domain SID unicode string header
- UNISTR domain SID unicode string
- Note: there is a conflict between the unicode string header and the
- unicode string itself as to which to use to indicate string
- length. this will need to be resolved.
- Note: the SID type indicates, for example, an alias; a well-known group etc.
- this is documented somewhere.
-- DOM_RID (domain RID structure) :
- UINT32 5 - well-known SID. 1 - user SID (see ShowACLs)
- UINT32 5 - undocumented
- UINT32 domain RID
- UINT32 0 - domain index out of above reference domains
-- LOG_INFO (server, account, client structure) :
- Note: logon server name starts with two '\' characters and is upper case.
- Note: account name is the logon client name from the LSA Request Challenge,
- with a $ on the end of it, in upper case.
- VOID* undocumented buffer pointer
- UNISTR2 logon server unicode string
- UNISTR2 account name unicode string
- UINT16 sec_chan - security channel type
- UNISTR2 logon client machine unicode string
-- CLNT_SRV (server, client names structure) :
- Note: logon server name starts with two '\' characters and is upper case.
- VOID* undocumented buffer pointer
- UNISTR2 logon server unicode string
- VOID* undocumented buffer pointer
- UNISTR2 logon client machine unicode string
-- CREDS (credentials + time stamp)
- char[8] credentials
- UTIME time stamp
-- CLNT_INFO2 (server, client structure, client credentials) :
- Note: whenever this structure appears in a request, you must take a copy
- of the client-calculated credentials received, because they will be
- used in subsequent credential checks. the presumed intention is to
- maintain an authenticated request/response trail.
- CLNT_SRV client and server names
- UINT8[] ???? padding, for 4-byte alignment with SMB header.
- VOID* pointer to client credentials.
- CREDS client-calculated credentials + client time
-- CLNT_INFO (server, account, client structure, client credentials) :
- Note: whenever this structure appears in a request, you must take a copy
- of the client-calculated credentials received, because they will be
- used in subsequent credential checks. the presumed intention is to
- maintain an authenticated request/response trail.
- LOG_INFO logon account info
- CREDS client-calculated credentials + client time
-- ID_INFO_1 (id info structure, auth level 1) :
- VOID* ptr_id_info_1
- UNIHDR domain name unicode header
- UINT32 param control
- UINT64 logon ID
- UNIHDR user name unicode header
- UNIHDR workgroup name unicode header
- char[16] arc4 LM OWF Password
- char[16] arc4 NT OWF Password
- UNISTR2 domain name unicode string
- UNISTR2 user name unicode string
- UNISTR2 workstation name unicode string
-- SAM_INFO (sam logon/logoff id info structure) :
- Note: presumably, the return credentials is supposedly for the server to
- verify that the credential chain hasn't been compromised.
- CLNT_INFO2 client identification/authentication info
- VOID* pointer to return credentials.
- CRED return credentials - ignored.
- UINT16 logon level
- UINT16 switch value
- switch (switch_value)
- case 1:
- {
- ID_INFO_1 id_info_1;
- }
-- GID (group id info) :
- UINT32 group id
- UINT32 user attributes (only used by NT 3.1 and 3.51)
-- DOM_REF (domain reference info) :
- VOID* undocumented buffer pointer.
- UINT32 num referenced domains?
- VOID* undocumented domain name buffer pointer.
- UINT32 32 - max number of entries
- UINT32 4 - num referenced domains?
- UNIHDR2 domain name unicode string header
- UNIHDR2[num_ref_doms-1] referenced domain unicode string headers
- UNISTR domain name unicode string
- DOM_SID[num_ref_doms] referenced domain SIDs
-- DOM_INFO (domain info, levels 3 and 5 are the same)) :
- UINT8[] ??? padding to get 4-byte alignment with start of SMB header
- UINT16 domain name string length * 2
- UINT16 domain name string length * 2
- VOID* undocumented domain name string buffer pointer
- VOID* undocumented domain SID string buffer pointer
- UNISTR2 domain name (unicode string)
- DOM_SID domain SID
-- USER_INFO (user logon info) :
- Note: it would be nice to know what the 16 byte user session key is for.
- NTTIME logon time
- NTTIME logoff time
- NTTIME kickoff time
- NTTIME password last set time
- NTTIME password can change time
- NTTIME password must change time
- UNIHDR username unicode string header
- UNIHDR user's full name unicode string header
- UNIHDR logon script unicode string header
- UNIHDR profile path unicode string header
- UNIHDR home directory unicode string header
- UNIHDR home directory drive unicode string header
- UINT16 logon count
- UINT16 bad password count
- UINT32 User ID
- UINT32 Group ID
- UINT32 num groups
- VOID* undocumented buffer pointer to groups.
- UINT32 user flags
- char[16] user session key
- UNIHDR logon server unicode string header
- UNIHDR logon domain unicode string header
- VOID* undocumented logon domain id pointer
- char[40] 40 undocumented padding bytes. future expansion?
- UINT32 0 - num_other_sids?
- VOID* NULL - undocumented pointer to other domain SIDs.
- UNISTR2 username unicode string
- UNISTR2 user's full name unicode string
- UNISTR2 logon script unicode string
- UNISTR2 profile path unicode string
- UNISTR2 home directory unicode string
- UNISTR2 home directory drive unicode string
- UINT32 num groups
- GID[num_groups] group info
- UNISTR2 logon server unicode string
- UNISTR2 logon domain unicode string
- DOM_SID domain SID
- DOM_SID[num_sids] other domain SIDs?
-- SH_INFO_1_PTR (pointers to level 1 share info strings):
-Note: see cifsrap2.txt section5, page 10.
- 0 for shi1_type indicates a Disk.
- 1 for shi1_type indicates a Print Queue.
- 2 for shi1_type indicates a Device.
- 3 for shi1_type indicates an IPC pipe.
- 0x8000 0000 (top bit set in shi1_type) indicates a hidden share.
- VOID* shi1_netname - pointer to net name
- UINT32 shi1_type - type of share. 0 - undocumented.
- VOID* shi1_remark - pointer to comment.
-- SH_INFO_1_STR (level 1 share info strings) :
- UNISTR2 shi1_netname - unicode string of net name
- UNISTR2 shi1_remark - unicode string of comment.
- share container with 0 entries:
- UINT32 0 - EntriesRead
- UINT32 0 - Buffer
- share container with > 0 entries:
- UINT32 EntriesRead
- UINT32 non-zero - Buffer
- UINT32 EntriesRead
- SH_INFO_1_PTR[EntriesRead] share entry pointers
- SH_INFO_1_STR[EntriesRead] share entry strings
- UINT8[] padding to get unicode string 4-byte
- aligned with start of the SMB header.
- UINT32 EntriesRead
- UINT32 0 - padding
-- SERVER_INFO_101 :
-Note: see cifs6.txt section 6.4 - the fields described therein will be
- of assistance here. for example, the type listed below is the
- same as fServerType, which is described in 6.4.1.
- SV_TYPE_WORKSTATION 0x00000001 All workstations
- SV_TYPE_SERVER 0x00000002 All servers
- SV_TYPE_SQLSERVER 0x00000004 Any server running with SQL
- server
- SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL 0x00000008 Primary domain controller
- SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_BAKCTRL 0x00000010 Backup domain controller
- SV_TYPE_TIME_SOURCE 0x00000020 Server running the timesource
- service
- SV_TYPE_AFP 0x00000040 Apple File Protocol servers
- SV_TYPE_NOVELL 0x00000080 Novell servers
- SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_MEMBER 0x00000100 Domain Member
- SV_TYPE_PRINTQ_SERVER 0x00000200 Server sharing print queue
- SV_TYPE_DIALIN_SERVER 0x00000400 Server running dialin service.
- SV_TYPE_XENIX_SERVER 0x00000800 Xenix server
- SV_TYPE_NT 0x00001000 NT server
- SV_TYPE_WFW 0x00002000 Server running Windows for
- SV_TYPE_SERVER_NT 0x00008000 Windows NT non DC server
- SV_TYPE_POTENTIAL_BROWSER 0x00010000 Server that can run the browser
- service
- SV_TYPE_BACKUP_BROWSER 0x00020000 Backup browser server
- SV_TYPE_MASTER_BROWSER 0x00040000 Master browser server
- SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_MASTER 0x00080000 Domain Master Browser server
- SV_TYPE_LOCAL_LIST_ONLY 0x40000000 Enumerate only entries marked
- "local"
- SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_ENUM 0x80000000 Enumerate Domains. The pszServer
- and pszDomain parameters must be
- UINT32 500 - platform_id
- VOID* pointer to name
- UINT32 5 - major version
- UINT32 4 - minor version
- UINT32 type (SV_TYPE_... bit field)
- VOID* pointer to comment
- UNISTR2 sv101_name - unicode string of server name
- UNISTR2 sv_101_comment - unicode string of server comment.
- UINT8[] padding to get unicode string 4-byte
- aligned with start of the SMB header.
-3) MSRPC over Transact Named Pipe
-For details on the SMB Transact Named Pipe, see cifs6.txt
-3.1) MSRPC Pipes
-The MSRPC is conducted over an SMB Transact Pipe with a name of "\PIPE\".
-You must first obtain a 16 bit file handle, by sending a SMBopenX with the
-pipe name "\PIPE\srvsvc" for example. You can then perform an SMB Trans,
-and must carry out an SMBclose on the file handle once you are finished.
-Trans Requests must be sent with two setup UINT16s, no UINT16 params (none
-known about), and UINT8 data parameters sufficient to contain the MSRPC
-header, and MSRPC data. The first UINT16 setup parameter must be either
-0x0026 to indicate an RPC, or 0x0001 to indicate Set Named Pipe Handle
-state. The second UINT16 parameter must be the file handle for the pipe,
-obtained above.
-The Data section for an API Command of 0x0026 (RPC pipe) in the Trans
-Request is the RPC Header, followed by the RPC Data. The Data section for
-an API Command of 0x0001 (Set Named Pipe Handle state) is two bytes. The
-only value seen for these two bytes is 0x00 0x43.
-MSRPC Responses are sent as response data inside standard SMB Trans
-responses, with the MSRPC Header, MSRPC Data and MSRPC tail.
-It is suspected that the Trans Requests will need to be at least 2-byte
-aligned (probably 4-byte). This is standard practice for SMBs. It is also
-independent of the observed 4-byte alignments with the start of the MSRPC
-header, including the 4-byte alignment between the MSRPC header and the
-MSRPC data.
-First, an SMBtconX connection is made to the IPC$ share. The connection
-must be made using encrypted passwords, not clear-text. Then, an SMBopenX
-is made on the pipe. Then, a Set Named Pipe Handle State must be sent,
-after which the pipe is ready to accept API commands. Lastly, and SMBclose
-is sent.
-To be resolved:
- lkcl/01nov97 there appear to be two additional bytes after the null-
- terminated \PIPE\ name for the RPC pipe. Values seen so far are
- listed below:
- initial SMBopenX request: RPC API command 0x26 params:
- "\\PIPE\\lsarpc" 0x65 0x63; 0x72 0x70; 0x44 0x65;
- "\\PIPE\\srvsvc" 0x73 0x76; 0x4E 0x00; 0x5C 0x43;
-3.2) Header
-[section to be rewritten, following receipt of work by Duncan Stansfield]
-Interesting note: if you set packed data representation to 0x0100 0000
-then all 4-byte and 2-byte word ordering is turned around!
-The start of each of the NTLSA and NETLOGON named pipes begins with:
-00 UINT8 5 - RPC major version
-01 UINT8 0 - RPC minor version
-02 UINT8 2 - RPC response packet
-03 UINT8 3 - (FirstFrag bit-wise or with LastFrag)
-04 UINT32 0x1000 0000 - packed data representation
-08 UINT16 fragment length - data size (bytes) inc header and tail.
-0A UINT16 0 - authentication length
-0C UINT32 call identifier. matches 12th UINT32 of incoming RPC data.
-10 UINT32 allocation hint - data size (bytes) minus header and tail.
-14 UINT16 0 - presentation context identifier
-16 UINT8 0 - cancel count
-17 UINT8 in replies: 0 - reserved; in requests: opnum - see #defines.
-18 ...... start of data (goes on for allocation_hint bytes)
-RPC_Packet for request, response, bind and bind acknowledgement.
- UINT8 versionmaj # reply same as request (0x05)
- UINT8 versionmin # reply same as request (0x00)
- UINT8 type # one of the MSRPC_Type enums
- UINT8 flags # reply same as request (0x00 for Bind, 0x03 for Request)
- UINT32 representation # reply same as request (0x00000010)
- UINT16 fraglength # the length of the data section of the SMB trans packet
- UINT16 authlength
- UINT32 callid # call identifier. (e.g. 0x00149594)
- * stub USE TvPacket # the remainder of the packet depending on the "type"
-# the interfaces are numbered. as yet I haven't seen more than one interface
-# used on the same pipe name
-# srvsvc
-# abstract (0x4B324FC8, 0x01D31670, 0x475A7812, 0x88E16EBF, 0x00000003)
-# transfer (0x8A885D04, 0x11C91CEB, 0x0008E89F, 0x6048102B, 0x00000002)
-RPC_Iface RW
- UINT8 byte[16] # 16 bytes of number
- UINT32 version # the interface number
-# the remainder of the packet after the header if "type" was Bind
-# in the response header, "type" should be BindAck
-RPC_ReqBind RW
- UINT16 maxtsize # maximum transmission fragment size (0x1630)
- UINT16 maxrsize # max receive fragment size (0x1630)
- UINT32 assocgid # associated group id (0x0)
- UINT32 numelements # the number of elements (0x1)
- UINT16 contextid # presentation context identifier (0x0)
- UINT8 numsyntaxes # the number of syntaxes (has always been 1?)(0x1)
- UINT8[] # 4-byte alignment padding, against SMB header
- * abstractint USE RPC_Iface # num and vers. of interface client is using
- * transferint USE RPC_Iface # num and vers. of interface to use for replies
-RPC_Address RW
- UINT16 length # length of the string including null terminator
- * port USE string # the string above in single byte, null terminated form
-# the response to place after the header in the reply packet
-RPC_ResBind RW
- UINT16 maxtsize # same as request
- UINT16 maxrsize # same as request
- UINT32 assocgid # zero
- * secondaddr USE RPC_Address # the address string, as described earlier
- UINT8[] # 4-byte alignment padding, against SMB header
- UINT8 numresults # the number of results (0x01)
- UINT8[] # 4-byte alignment padding, against SMB header
- UINT16 result # result (0x00 = accept)
- UINT16 reason # reason (0x00 = no reason specified)
- * transfersyntax USE RPC_Iface # the transfer syntax from the request
-# the remainder of the packet after the header for every other other
-# request
-RPC_ReqNorm RW
- UINT32 allochint # the size of the stub data in bytes
- UINT16 prescontext # presentation context identifier (0x0)
- UINT16 opnum # operation number (0x15)
- * stub USE TvPacket # a packet dependent on the pipe name
- # (probably the interface) and the op number)
-# response to a request
-RPC_ResNorm RW
- UINT32 allochint # size of the stub data in bytes
- UINT16 prescontext # presentation context identifier (same as request)
- UINT8 cancelcount # cancel count? (0x0)
- UINT8 reserved # 0 - one byte padding
- * stub USE TvPacket # the remainder of the reply
-3.3) Tail
-The end of each of the NTLSA and NETLOGON named pipes ends with:
- ...... end of data
- UINT32 return code
-3.4 RPC Bind / Bind Ack
-RPC Binds are the process of associating an RPC pipe (e.g \PIPE\lsarpc)
-with a "transfer syntax" (see RPC_Iface structure). The purpose for doing
-this is unknown.
-Note: The RPC_ResBind SMB Transact request is sent with two uint16 setup
- parameters. The first is 0x0026; the second is the file handle
- returned by the SMBopenX Transact response.
-Note: The RPC_ResBind members maxtsize, maxrsize and assocgid are the
- same in the response as the same members in the RPC_ReqBind. The
- RPC_ResBind member transfersyntax is the same in the response as
- the
-Note: The RPC_ResBind response member secondaddr contains the name
- of what is presumed to be the service behind the RPC pipe. The
- mapping identified so far is:
- initial SMBopenX request: RPC_ResBind response:
- "\\PIPE\\srvsvc" "\\PIPE\\ntsvcs"
- "\\PIPE\\samr" "\\PIPE\\lsass"
- "\\PIPE\\lsarpc" "\\PIPE\\lsass"
- "\\PIPE\\wkssvc" "\\PIPE\\wksvcs"
-Note: The RPC_Packet fraglength member in both the Bind Request and Bind
- Acknowledgment must contain the length of the entire RPC data,
- including the RPC_Packet header.
- RPC_Packet
- RPC_ReqBind
- RPC_Packet
- RPC_ResBind
-4) NTLSA Transact Named Pipe
-The sequence of actions taken on this pipe are:
-- Establish a connection to the IPC$ share (SMBtconX). use encrypted passwords.
-- Open an RPC Pipe with the name "\\PIPE\\lsarpc". Store the file handle.
-- Using the file handle, send a Set Named Pipe Handle state to 0x4300.
-- Send an LSA Open Policy request. Store the Policy Handle.
-- Using the Policy Handle, send LSA Query Info Policy requests, etc.
-- Using the Policy Handle, send an LSA Close.
-- Close the IPC$ share.
-Defines for this pipe, identifying the query are:
-- LSA Open Policy: 0x2c
-- LSA Query Info Policy: 0x07
-- LSA Enumerate Trusted Domains: 0x0d
-- LSA Open Secret: 0xff
-- LSA Lookup SIDs: 0xfe
-- LSA Lookup Names: 0xfd
-- LSA Close: 0x00
-4.1) LSA Open Policy
-Note: The policy handle can be anything you like.
- VOID* buffer pointer
- UNISTR2 server name - unicode string starting with two '\'s
- OBJ_ATTR object attributes
- UINT32 1 - desired access
- POL_HND LSA policy handle
- return 0 - indicates success
-4.2) LSA Query Info Policy
-Note: The info class in response must be the same as that in the request.
- POL_HND LSA policy handle
- UINT16 info class (also a policy handle?)
- VOID* undocumented buffer pointer
- UINT16 info class (same as info class in request).
- switch (info class)
- case 3:
- case 5:
- {
- DOM_INFO domain info, levels 3 and 5 (are the same).
- }
- return 0 - indicates success
-4.3) LSA Enumerate Trusted Domains
- no extra data
- UINT32 0 - enumeration context
- UINT32 0 - entries read
- UINT32 0 - trust information
- return 0x8000 001a - "no trusted domains" success code
-4.4) LSA Open Secret
- no extra data
- UINT32 0 - undocumented
- UINT32 0 - undocumented
- UINT32 0 - undocumented
- UINT32 0 - undocumented
- UINT32 0 - undocumented
- return 0x0C00 0034 - "no such secret" success code
-4.5) LSA Close
- POL_HND policy handle to be closed
- POL_HND 0s - closed policy handle (all zeros)
- return 0 - indicates success
-4.6) LSA Lookup SIDS
-Note: num_entries in response must be same as num_entries in request.
- POL_HND LSA policy handle
- UINT32 num_entries
- VOID* undocumented domain SID buffer pointer
- VOID* undocumented domain name buffer pointer
- VOID*[num_entries] undocumented domain SID pointers to be looked up.
- DOM_SID[num_entries] domain SIDs to be looked up.
- char[16] completely undocumented 16 bytes.
- DOM_REF domain reference response
- UINT32 num_entries (listed above)
- VOID* undocumented buffer pointer
- UINT32 num_entries (listed above)
- DOM_SID2[num_entries] domain SIDs (from Request, listed above).
- UINT32 num_entries (listed above)
- return 0 - indicates success
-4.7) LSA Lookup Names
-Note: num_entries in response must be same as num_entries in request.
- POL_HND LSA policy handle
- UINT32 num_entries
- UINT32 num_entries
- VOID* undocumented domain SID buffer pointer
- VOID* undocumented domain name buffer pointer
- NAME[num_entries] names to be looked up.
- char[] undocumented bytes - falsely translated SID structure?
- DOM_REF domain reference response
- UINT32 num_entries (listed above)
- VOID* undocumented buffer pointer
- UINT32 num_entries (listed above)
- DOM_RID[num_entries] domain SIDs (from Request, listed above).
- UINT32 num_entries (listed above)
- return 0 - indicates success
-5) NETLOGON rpc Transact Named Pipe
-The sequence of actions taken on this pipe are:
-- Establish a connection to the IPC$ share (SMBtconX). use encrypted passwords.
-- Open an RPC Pipe with the name "\\PIPE\\NETLOGON". Store the file handle.
-- Using the file handle, send a Set Named Pipe Handle state to 0x4300.
-- Create Client Challenge. Send LSA Request Challenge. Store Server Challenge.
-- Calculate Session Key. Send an LSA Auth 2 Challenge. Store Auth2 Challenge.
-- Calc/Verify Client Creds. Send LSA Srv PW Set. Calc/Verify Server Creds.
-- Calc/Verify Client Creds. Send LSA SAM Logon . Calc/Verify Server Creds.
-- Calc/Verify Client Creds. Send LSA SAM Logoff. Calc/Verify Server Creds.
-- Close the IPC$ share.
-Defines for this pipe, identifying the query are:
-- LSA Request Challenge: 0x04
-- LSA Server Password Set: 0x06
-- LSA SAM Logon: 0x02
-- LSA SAM Logoff: 0x03
-- LSA Auth 2: 0x0f
-- LSA Logon Control: 0x0e
-5.1) LSA Request Challenge
-Note: logon server name starts with two '\' characters and is upper case.
-Note: logon client is the machine, not the user.
-Note: the initial LanManager password hash, against which the challenge
- is issued, is the machine name itself (lower case). there will be
- calls issued (LSA Server Password Set) which will change this, later.
- refusing these calls allows you to always deal with the same password
- (i.e the LM# of the machine name in lower case).
- VOID* undocumented buffer pointer
- UNISTR2 logon server unicode string
- UNISTR2 logon client unicode string
- char[8] client challenge
- char[8] server challenge
- return 0 - indicates success
-5.2) LSA Authenticate 2
-Note: in between request and response, calculate the client credentials,
- and check them against the client-calculated credentials (this
- process uses the previously received client credentials).
-Note: neg_flags in the response is the same as that in the request.
-Note: you must take a copy of the client-calculated credentials received
- here, because they will be used in subsequent authentication packets.
- LOG_INFO client identification info
- char[8] client-calculated credentials
- UINT8[] padding to 4-byte align with start of SMB header.
- UINT32 neg_flags - negotiated flags (usual value is 0x0000 01ff)
- char[8] server credentials.
- UINT32 neg_flags - same as neg_flags in request.
- return 0 - indicates success. failure value unknown.
-5.3) LSA Server Password Set
-Note: the new password is suspected to be a DES encryption using the old
- password to generate the key.
-Note: in between request and response, calculate the client credentials,
- and check them against the client-calculated credentials (this
- process uses the previously received client credentials).
-Note: the server credentials are constructed from the client-calculated
- credentials and the client time + 1 second.
-Note: you must take a copy of the client-calculated credentials received
- here, because they will be used in subsequent authentication packets.
- CLNT_INFO client identification/authentication info
- char[] new password - undocumented.
- CREDS server credentials. server time stamp appears to be ignored.
- return 0 - indicates success; 0xC000 006a indicates failure
-5.4) LSA SAM Logon
-Note: valid_user is True iff the username and password hash are valid for
- the requested domain.
- SAM_INFO sam_id structure
- VOID* undocumented buffer pointer
- CREDS server credentials. server time stamp appears to be ignored.
- if (valid_user)
- {
- UINT16 3 - switch value indicating USER_INFO structure.
- VOID* non-zero - pointer to USER_INFO structure
- USER_INFO user logon information
- UINT32 1 - Authoritative response; 0 - Non-Auth?
- return 0 - indicates success
- }
- else
- {
- UINT16 0 - switch value. value to indicate no user presumed.
- VOID* 0x0000 0000 - indicates no USER_INFO structure.
- UINT32 1 - Authoritative response; 0 - Non-Auth?
- return 0xC000 0064 - NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER.
- }
-5.5) LSA SAM Logoff
-Note: presumably, the SAM_INFO structure is validated, and a (currently
- undocumented) error code returned if the Logoff is invalid.
- SAM_INFO sam_id structure
- VOID* undocumented buffer pointer
- CREDS server credentials. server time stamp appears to be ignored.
- return 0 - indicates success. undocumented failure indication.
-Note: mailslots will contain a response mailslot, to which the response
- should be sent. the target NetBIOS name is REQUEST_NAME<20>, where
- REQUEST_NAME is the name of the machine that sent the request.
-6.1) Query for PDC
-Note: NTversion, LMNTtoken, LM20token in response are the same as those
- given in the request.
- UINT16 0x0007 - Query for PDC
- STR machine name
- STR response mailslot
- UINT8[] padding to 2-byte align with start of mailslot.
- UNISTR machine name
- UINT32 NTversion
- UINT16 LMNTtoken
- UINT16 LM20token
- UINT16 0x000A - Respose to Query for PDC
- STR machine name (in uppercase)
- UINT8[] padding to 2-byte align with start of mailslot.
- UNISTR machine name
- UNISTR domain name
- UINT32 NTversion (same as received in request)
- UINT16 LMNTtoken (same as received in request)
- UINT16 LM20token (same as received in request)
-6.2) SAM Logon
-Note: machine name in response is preceded by two '\' characters.
-Note: NTversion, LMNTtoken, LM20token in response are the same as those
- given in the request.
-Note: user name in the response is presumably the same as that in the request.
- UINT16 0x0012 - SAM Logon
- UINT16 request count
- UNISTR machine name
- UNISTR user name
- STR response mailslot
- UINT32 alloweable account
- UINT32 domain SID size
- char[sid_size] domain SID, of sid_size bytes.
- UINT8[] ???? padding to 4? 2? -byte align with start of mailslot.
- UINT32 NTversion
- UINT16 LMNTtoken
- UINT16 LM20token
- UINT16 0x0013 - Response to SAM Logon
- UNISTR machine name
- UNISTR user name - workstation trust account
- UNISTR domain name
- UINT32 NTversion
- UINT16 LMNTtoken
- UINT16 LM20token
-7) SRVSVC Transact Named Pipe
-Defines for this pipe, identifying the query are:
-- Net Share Enum : 0x0f
-- Net Server Get Info : 0x15
-7.1) Net Share Enum
-Note: share level and switch value in the response are presumably the
- same as those in the request.
-Note: cifsrap2.txt (section 5) may be of limited assistance here.
- VOID* pointer (to server name?)
- UNISTR2 server name
- UINT8[] padding to get unicode string 4-byte aligned
- with the start of the SMB header.
- UINT32 share level
- UINT32 switch value
- VOID* pointer to SHARE_INFO_1_CTR
- SHARE_INFO_1_CTR share info with 0 entries
- UINT32 preferred maximum length (0xffff ffff)
- UINT32 share level
- UINT32 switch value
- VOID* pointer to SHARE_INFO_1_CTR
- SHARE_INFO_1_CTR share info (only added if share info ptr is non-zero)
- return 0 - indicates success
-7.2) Net Server Get Info
-Note: level is the same value as in the request.
- UNISTR2 server name
- UINT32 switch level
- UINT32 switch level
- VOID* pointer to SERVER_INFO_101
- SERVER_INFO_101 server info (only added if server info ptr is non-zero)
- return 0 - indicates success
-A1) Cryptographic side of NT Domain Authentication
-A1.1) Definitions
-Add(A1,A2): Intel byte ordered addition of corresponding 4 byte words
-in arrays A1 and A2
-E(K,D): DES ECB encryption of 8 byte data D using 7 byte key K
-lmowf(): Lan man hash
-ntowf(): NT hash
-PW: md4(machine_password) == md4(lsadump $machine.acc) ==
-pwdump(machine$) (initially) == md4(lmowf(unicode(machine)))
-ARC4(K,Lk,D,Ld): ARC4 encryption of data D of length Ld with key K of
-length Lk
-v[m..n(,l)]: subset of v from bytes m to n, optionally padded with
-zeroes to length l
-Cred(K,D): E(K[7..7,7],E(K[0..6],D)) computes a credential
-Time(): 4 byte current time
-Cc,Cs: 8 byte client and server challenges Rc,Rs: 8 byte client and
-server credentials
-A1.2) Protocol
-C->S ReqChal,Cc S->C Cs
-C & S compute session key Ks = E(PW[9..15],E(PW[0..6],Add(Cc,Cs)))
-C: Rc = Cred(Ks,Cc) C->S Authenticate,Rc S: Rs = Cred(Ks,Cs),
-assert(Rc == Cred(Ks,Cc)) S->C Rs C: assert(Rs == Cred(Ks,Cs))
-On joining the domain the client will optionally attempt to change its
-password and the domain controller may refuse to update it depending
-on registry settings. This will also occur weekly afterwards.
-C: Tc = Time(), Rc' = Cred(Ks,Rc+Tc) C->S ServerPasswordSet,Rc',Tc,
-arc4(Ks[0..7,16],lmowf(randompassword()) C: Rc = Cred(Ks,Rc+Tc+1) S:
-assert(Rc' == Cred(Ks,Rc+Tc)), Ts = Time() S: Rs' = Cred(Ks,Rs+Tc+1)
-S->C Rs',Ts C: assert(Rs' == Cred(Ks,Rs+Tc+1)) S: Rs = Rs'
-User: U with password P wishes to login to the domain (incidental data
-such as workstation and domain omitted)
-C: Tc = Time(), Rc' = Cred(Ks,Rc+Tc) C->S NetLogonSamLogon,Rc',Tc,U,
-arc4(Ks[0..7,16],16,ntowf(P),16), arc4(Ks[0..7,16],16,lmowf(P),16) S:
-assert(Rc' == Cred(Ks,Rc+Tc)) assert(passwords match those in SAM) S:
-Ts = Time()
-S->C Cred(Ks,Cred(Ks,Rc+Tc+1)),userinfo(logon script,UID,SIDs,etc) C:
-assert(Rs == Cred(Ks,Cred(Rc+Tc+1)) C: Rc = Cred(Ks,Rc+Tc+1)
-A1.3) Comments
-On first joining the domain the session key could be computed by
-anyone listening in on the network as the machine password has a well
-known value. Until the machine is rebooted it will use this session
-key to encrypt NT and LM one way functions of passwords which are
-password equivalents. Any user who logs in before the machine has been
-rebooted a second time will have their password equivalent exposed. Of
-course the new machine password is exposed at this time anyway.
-None of the returned user info such as logon script, profile path and
-SIDs *appear* to be protected by anything other than the TCP checksum.
-The server time stamps appear to be ignored.
-The client sends a ReturnAuthenticator in the SamLogon request which I
-can't find a use for. However its time is used as the timestamp
-returned by the server.
-The password OWFs should NOT be sent over the network reversibly
-encrypted. They should be sent using ARC4(Ks,md4(owf)) with the server
-computing the same function using the owf values in the SAM.
-A2) SIDs and RIDs
-SIDs and RIDs are well documented elsewhere.
-A SID is an NT Security ID (see DOM_SID structure). They are of the form:
- S-revision-NN-SubAuth1-SubAuth2-SubAuth3...
- S-revision-0xNNNNNNNNNNNN-SubAuth1-SubAuth2-SubAuth3...
-currently, the SID revision is 1.
-The Sub-Authorities are known as Relative IDs (RIDs).
-A2.1) Well-known SIDs
-A2.1.1) Universal well-known SIDs
- Null SID S-1-0-0
- World S-1-1-0
- Local S-1-2-0
- Creator Owner ID S-1-3-0
- Creator Group ID S-1-3-1
- Creator Owner Server ID S-1-3-2
- Creator Group Server ID S-1-3-3
- (Non-unique IDs) S-1-4
-A2.1.2) NT well-known SIDs
- NT Authority S-1-5
- Dialup S-1-5-1
- Network S-1-5-2
- Batch S-1-5-3
- Interactive S-1-5-4
- Service S-1-5-6
- AnonymousLogon S-1-5-7 (aka null logon session)
- Proxy S-1-5-8
- ServerLogon S-1-5-8 (aka domain controller account)
- (Logon IDs) S-1-5-5-X-Y
- (NT non-unique IDs) S-1-5-0x15-...
- (Built-in domain) s-1-5-0x20
-A2.2) Well-known RIDS
-A RID is a sub-authority value, as part of either a SID, or in the case
-of Group RIDs, part of the DOM_GID structure, in the USER_INFO_1
-structure, in the LSA SAM Logon response.
-A2.2.1) Well-known RID users
-A2.2.2) Well-known RID groups
-A2.2.3) Well-known RID aliases
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/outdated/NTDOMAIN.txt b/docs/textdocs/outdated/NTDOMAIN.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8408acb979..0000000000
--- a/docs/textdocs/outdated/NTDOMAIN.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-!== NTDOMAIN.txt for Samba release 2.0.4 18 May 1999
-Contributor: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton (
- Copyright (C) 1997 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
-Created: October 20, 1997
-Updated: February 25, 1999 (Jerry Carter)
-Subject: NT Domain Logons
-As of 1.9.18alpha1, Samba supports logins for NT 3.51 and 4.0 Workstations,
-without the need, use or intervention of NT Server. This document describes
-how to set this up. Over the continued development of the 1.9.18alpha
-series, this process (and therefore this document) should become simpler.
-One useful thing to do is to get this version of Samba up and running
-with Win95 profiles, as you would for the current stable version of
-Samba (currently at 1.9.17p4), and is fully documented. You will need
-to set up encrypted passwords. Even if you don't have any Win95 machines,
-using your Samba Server to store the profile for one of your NT Workstation
-users is a good test that you have 1.9.18alpha1 correctly configured *prior*
-to attempting NT Domain Logons.
-The support is still experimental, so should be used at your own risk.
-NT is not as robust as you might have been led to believe: during the
-development of the Domain Logon Support, one person reported having to
-reinstall NT from scratch: their workstation had become totally unuseable.
-[further reports on by independent administrators showing
- similar symptoms lead us to believe that the SAM database file may be
- corruptible. this _is_ recoverable (or, at least the machine is accessible),
- by deleting the SAM file, under which circumstances all user account details
- are lost, but at least the Administrator can log in with a blank password.
- this is *not* possible except if the NT system is installed in a FAT
- partition.]
-This *has* been reported to the NTBUGTRAQ@LISTSERV.NTBUGTRAQ.COM digest.
-Please note that Samba 2.0 does not **officially** support domain logons
-for Windows NT clients. Of course, domain logon support for Windows 9x
-clients is complete and official. These are two different issues.
-Samba's capability to act as a Primary Domain Controller for Windows NT
-domains is not advertised as it is not completed yet. For more information
-regarding how to obtain the latest development (HEAD branch) source code
-and what features are available, please refer to the NT Domain FAQ on-line
-at the Samba web site under the documentation page.
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/outdated/PROJECTS b/docs/textdocs/outdated/PROJECTS
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/textdocs/outdated/PROJECTS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- Samba Projects Directory
- ========================
-This is a list of who's working on what in Samba. It's not guaranteed
-to be uptodate or accurate but I hope it will help us getting
-If you are working on something to do with Samba and you aren't here
-then please let me know! Also, if you are listed below and you have
-any corrections or updates then please let me know.
-Email contact:
-Documentation and FAQ
-Docs and FAQ files for the Samba suite of software.
-Contact with the diffs. These are urgently
-The FAQ is being added to on an ad hoc basis, see the web pages for info.
-Mark Preston was working on a set of formatted docs for Samba. Is this
-still happening? Contact
-Status last updated 2nd October 1996
-Netbeui support
-This aimed to produce patches so that Samba can be used with clients
-that do not have TCP/IP. It will try to remain as portable as possible.
-Contact Brian.Onn@Canada.Sun.COM (Brian Onn) Unfortunately it died, and
-although a lot of people have expressed interest nobody has come forward
-to do it. The Novell port (see Samba web pages) includes NetBEUI
-functionality in a proprietrary library which should still be helpful as
-we have the interfaces. Alan Cox ( has the information
-required to write the state machine if someone is going to do the work.
-Status last updated 2nd October 1996
-A mountable smb filesystem for Linux using the userfs userspace filesystem
-Contact (Volker Lendecke)
-This works really well, and is measurably more efficient than commercial
-client software. It is now part of the Linux kernel. Long filename support
-is in use.
-Status last updated June 1997
-Admin Tool
-Aims to produce a nice smb.conf editor and other useful tools for
-administering a Samba system.
-Contact: Steve Brown (
-In the design phase.
-Status last updated 4th September 1994
-Lanman Client.
-Contact: (John Stewart)
-Aims to produce a reliable LANMAN Client implementation for LINUX,
-and possibly other variations of UNIX. Project ably started by
-Tor Lillqvist;
-Status last updated 17th January 1995
diff --git a/docs/textdocs/security_level.txt b/docs/textdocs/security_level.txt
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/textdocs/security_level.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-Contributor: Andrew Tridgell
-Updated: June 27, 1997
-Status: Current
-Subject: Description of SMB security levels.
-Samba supports the following options to the global smb.conf parameter
-"security =":
- share, user, server
-Note: Samba-2.0.0 now adds the "domain" security mode. Please refer to
-the smb.conf man page for usage information and to the document
-docs/textdocs/DOMAIN_MEMBER.txt for further background details.
-Of the above, "security = server" means that Samba reports to clients that
-it is running in "user mode" but actually passes off all authentication
-requests to another "user mode" server. This requires an additional
-parameter "password server =" that points to the real authentication server.
-That real authentication server can be another Samba server or can be a
-Windows NT server, the later natively capable of encrypted password support.
-Below is a more complete description of security levels.
-A SMB server tells the client at startup what "security level" it is
-running. There are two options "share level" and "user level". Which
-of these two the client receives affects the way the client then tries
-to authenticate itself. It does not directly affect (to any great
-extent) the way the Samba server does security. I know this is
-strange, but it fits in with the client/server approach of SMB. In SMB
-everything is initiated and controlled by the client, and the server
-can only tell the client what is available and whether an action is
-I'll describe user level security first, as its simpler. In user level
-security the client will send a "session setup" command directly after
-the protocol negotiation. This contains a username and password. The
-server can either accept or reject that username/password
-combination. Note that at this stage the server has no idea what
-share the client will eventually try to connect to, so it can't base
-the "accept/reject" on anything other than:
-- the username/password
-- the machine that the client is coming from
-If the server accepts the username/password then the client expects to
-be able to mount any share (using a "tree connection") without
-specifying a password. It expects that all access rights will be as
-the username/password specified in the "session setup".
-It is also possible for a client to send multiple "session setup"
-requests. When the server responds it gives the client a "uid" to use
-as an authentication tag for that username/password. The client can
-maintain multiple authentication contexts in this way (WinDD is an
-example of an application that does this)
-Ok, now for share level security. In share level security the client
-authenticates itself separately for each share. It will send a
-password along with each "tree connection" (share mount). It does not
-explicitly send a username with this operation. The client is
-expecting a password to be associated with each share, independent of
-the user. This means that samba has to work out what username the
-client probably wants to use. It is never explicitly sent the
-username. Some commercial SMB servers such as NT actually associate
-passwords directly with shares in share level security, but samba
-always uses the unix authentication scheme where it is a
-username/password that is authenticated, not a "share/password".
-Many clients send a "session setup" even if the server is in share
-level security. They normally send a valid username but no
-password. Samba records this username in a list of "possible
-usernames". When the client then does a "tree connection" it also adds
-to this list the name of the share they try to connect to (useful for
-home directories) and any users listed in the "user =" smb.conf
-line. The password is then checked in turn against these "possible
-usernames". If a match is found then the client is authenticated as
-that user.
-Finally "server level" security. In server level security the samba
-server reports to the client that it is in user level security. The
-client then does a "session setup" as described earlier. The samba
-server takes the username/password that the client sends and attempts
-to login to the "password server" by sending exactly the same
-username/password that it got from the client. If that server is in
-user level security and accepts the password then samba accepts the
-clients connection. This allows the samba server to use another SMB
-server as the "password server".
-You should also note that at the very start of all this, where the
-server tells the client what security level it is in, it also tells
-the client if it supports encryption. If it does then it supplies the
-client with a random "cryptkey". The client will then send all
-passwords in encrypted form. You have to compile samba with encryption
-enabled to support this feature, and you have to maintain a separate
-smbpasswd file with SMB style encrypted passwords. It is
-cryptographically impossible to translate from unix style encryption
-to SMB style encryption, although there are some fairly simple management
-schemes by which the two could be kept in sync.
diff --git a/docs/yodldocs/README-NOW b/docs/yodldocs/README-NOW
deleted file mode 100644
index 592d38c135..0000000000
--- a/docs/yodldocs/README-NOW
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-!== Notice of change of documentation format
-Samba is no longer using yodl as the source markup
-language for our documentation. As of release 2.2.0,
-we are using DocBook V4.1 exclusively (assuming you are not
-counting the ASCII files yet to be converted).
-Please see ../docbook/docbook.txt for more information
-on this.
-jerry carter
diff --git a/examples/VFS/block/Makefile b/examples/VFS/block/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/examples/VFS/block/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/examples/VFS/block/ b/examples/VFS/block/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3126dfa3b8..0000000000
--- a/examples/VFS/block/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-MAKEFILE = Makefile.vfs
-include $(MAKEFILE)
-CC = @CC@
-LIBTOOL = libtool
-LDSHFLAGS = -shared
-srcdir = @builddir@
-FLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -Iinclude -I$(srcdir)/include -I$(srcdir)/ubiqx -I$(srcdir)/smbwrapper -I. $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(srcdir)
-# Default target
-default: $(VFS_OBJS)
-# if file doesn't exist try to create one;
-# it is possible that some variables will be
-# defined correctly
- @echo -ne "VFS_OBJS\t= " > $(MAKEFILE); \
- for i in *.c; do \
- echo -n $$i" " | sed -e 's/\(.*\)\.c\(.*\)/\1\.so\2/g' >> $(MAKEFILE); \
- done; \
- echo -ne "\nVFS_CFLAGS\t= \nVFS_CPPFLAGS\t= \nVFS_LDFLAGS\t= \n" >> $(MAKEFILE)
- make
-# Pattern rules
- %.lo
- $(LIBTOOL) $(CC) $(LDSHFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-%.lo: %.c
- $(LIBTOOL) $(CC) $(FLAGS) -c $<
-# Misc targets
- rm -rf .libs
- rm -f core *~ *% *.bak \
- $(VFS_OBJS) $( $(
diff --git a/examples/VFS/block/block.c b/examples/VFS/block/block.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9478b75f0f..0000000000
--- a/examples/VFS/block/block.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Block access from links to dev mount points specified in PARAMCONF file
- *
- * Copyright (C) Ronald Kuetemeier, 2001
- * Copyright (C) Alexander Bokovoy, 2002
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_UTIME_H
-#include <utime.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <syslog.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <includes.h>
-#include <vfs.h>
-static DIR *block_opendir(connection_struct *conn, char *fname);
-static int block_connect(connection_struct *conn, const char *service, const char *user);
-static void block_disconnect(connection_struct *conn);
-static struct smb_vfs_handle_struct *block_handle;
-/* VFS operations */
-static struct vfs_ops default_vfs_ops; /* For passthrough operation */
-static vfs_op_tuple block_vfs_ops[] = {
- /* Disk operations */
- /* Directory operations */
-#ifndef PARAMCONF
-#define PARAMCONF "/etc/samba-block.conf"
-extern BOOL pm_process(char *FileName, BOOL (*sfunc)(char *), BOOL(*pfunc)(char * , char *));
-static BOOL enter_pblock_mount(char *dir);
-static BOOL get_section(char *sect);
-static BOOL get_parameter_value(char *param, char *value);
-static BOOL load_param(void);
-static BOOL search(struct stat *stat_buf);
-static BOOL dir_search(char *link, char *dir);
-static BOOL enter_pblock_dir(char *dir);
-typedef struct block_dir
- dev_t st_dev;
- int str_len;
- char *dir_name;
- struct block_dir *next;
-} block_dir;
-static char *params[] = {"mount_point","dir_name"};
-static struct block_dir *pblock_mountp = NULL;
-static struct block_dir *pblock_dir = NULL;
- * Load the conf file into a table
- */
-static BOOL load_param(void)
- if ((pm_process(PARAMCONF,&get_section,&get_parameter_value)) == TRUE)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- * Enter the key and data into the list
- *
- */
-static BOOL enter_pblock_mount(char *dir)
- struct stat stat_buf;
- static struct block_dir *tmp_pblock;
- if((stat(dir,&stat_buf)) != 0)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(pblock_mountp == NULL)
- {
- pblock_mountp = calloc(1, sizeof(block_dir));
- if( pblock_mountp == NULL)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- tmp_pblock = pblock_mountp;
- tmp_pblock->next = NULL;
- }else
- {
- tmp_pblock->next = calloc(1, sizeof(block_dir));
- if(tmp_pblock->next == NULL)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- tmp_pblock = tmp_pblock->next;
- tmp_pblock->next = NULL;
- }
- tmp_pblock->st_dev = stat_buf.st_dev;
- tmp_pblock->dir_name = strdup(dir);
- return TRUE;
- * Enter the key and data into the list
- *
- */
-static BOOL enter_pblock_dir(char *dir)
- static struct block_dir *tmp_pblock;
- if(pblock_dir == NULL)
- {
- pblock_dir = calloc(1, sizeof(block_dir));
- if( pblock_dir == NULL)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- tmp_pblock = pblock_dir;
- tmp_pblock->next = NULL;
- }else
- {
- tmp_pblock->next = calloc(1, sizeof(block_dir));
- if(tmp_pblock->next == NULL)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- tmp_pblock = tmp_pblock->next;
- tmp_pblock->next = NULL;
- }
- tmp_pblock->dir_name = strdup(dir);
- tmp_pblock->str_len = strlen(dir);
- return TRUE;
- * Function callback for config section names
- */
-static BOOL get_section(char *sect)
- return TRUE;
- * Function callback for config parameter value pairs
- *
- */
-static BOOL get_parameter_value(char *param, char *value)
- int i = 0, maxargs = sizeof(params) / sizeof(char *);
- for( i= 0; i < maxargs; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(param,params[i]) == 0)
- {
- switch(i)
- {
- case MOUNT_POINT :
- enter_pblock_mount(value);
- break;
- case DIR_NAME :
- enter_pblock_dir(value);
- break;
- default :
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
-/* VFS initialisation function. Return initialised vfs_op_tuple array
- back to SAMBA. */
-vfs_op_tuple *vfs_init(int *vfs_version, struct vfs_ops *def_vfs_ops,
- struct smb_vfs_handle_struct *vfs_handle)
- memcpy(&default_vfs_ops, def_vfs_ops, sizeof(struct vfs_ops));
- block_handle = vfs_handle;
- return block_vfs_ops;
-/* VFS finalization function. */
-void vfs_done(connection_struct *conn)
- * VFS connect and param file loading
- */
-static int block_connect(connection_struct *conn, const char *service, const char *user)
- if((load_param()) == FALSE)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- DEBUG(0,("%s connecting \n",conn->user));
- return (default_vfs_ops.connect(conn, service,user));
- * Free allocated structures and disconnect
- *
- */
-static void block_disconnect(struct connection_struct *conn)
- struct block_dir *tmp_pblock = (pblock_mountp == NULL ? pblock_dir : pblock_mountp);
- struct block_dir *free_pblock = NULL;
- while(tmp_pblock != NULL)
- {
- free(tmp_pblock->dir_name);
- free_pblock = tmp_pblock;
- tmp_pblock = tmp_pblock->next;
- free(free_pblock);
- if(tmp_pblock == NULL && pblock_dir != NULL)
- {
- tmp_pblock = (pblock_mountp == NULL ? pblock_dir : NULL);
- pblock_dir = NULL;
- }
- }
- default_vfs_ops.disconnect(conn);
- * VFS opendir
- */
-static DIR *block_opendir(struct connection_struct *conn, char *fname)
- char *dir_name = NULL;
- struct stat stat_buf;
- dir_name = alloca((strlen(conn->origpath) + strlen(fname) + 2) * sizeof(char));
- pstrcpy(dir_name,conn->origpath);
- pstrcat(dir_name, "/");
- strncat(dir_name, fname, strcspn(fname,"/"));
- if((lstat(dir_name,&stat_buf)) == 0)
- {
- if((S_ISLNK(stat_buf.st_mode)) == 1)
- {
- stat(dir_name,&stat_buf);
- if((search(&stat_buf) || dir_search(dir_name, fname) ) == TRUE)
- {
- DEBUG(0,("%s used link to blocked dir: %s \n", conn->user, dir_name));
- errno = EACCES;
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- return (default_vfs_ops.opendir(conn, fname));
- * Find mount point to block in list
- */
-static BOOL search(struct stat *stat_buf)
- struct block_dir *tmp_pblock = pblock_mountp;
- while(tmp_pblock != NULL)
- {
- if(tmp_pblock->st_dev == stat_buf->st_dev)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- tmp_pblock = tmp_pblock->next;
- }
- return FALSE;
- * Find dir in list to block id the starting point is link from a share
- */
-static BOOL dir_search(char *link, char *dir)
- char buf[PATH_MAX +1], *ext_path;
- int len = 0;
- struct block_dir *tmp_pblock = pblock_dir;
- if((len = readlink(link,buf,sizeof(buf))) == -1)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }else
- {
- buf[len] = '\0';
- }
- if((ext_path = strchr(dir,'/')) != NULL)
- {
- pstrcat(buf,&ext_path[1]);
- len = strlen(buf);
- }
- while(tmp_pblock != NULL)
- {
- if(len < tmp_pblock->str_len)
- {
- tmp_pblock = tmp_pblock->next;
- continue;
- }
- if((strstr(buf,tmp_pblock->dir_name)) != NULL)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- tmp_pblock = tmp_pblock->next;
- }
- return FALSE;
diff --git a/examples/VFS/block/samba-block.conf b/examples/VFS/block/samba-block.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a137980b7..0000000000
--- a/examples/VFS/block/samba-block.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-[ blocked ]
-mount_point = /
-mount_point = /boot
-mount_point = /proc
-dir_name = /usr/local/src/samba
-dir_name = /usr/bin
diff --git a/examples/VFS/block/smb.conf b/examples/VFS/block/smb.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 368155f1f8..0000000000
--- a/examples/VFS/block/smb.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- comment = Home Directories
- vfs object = /usr/local/samba/lib/
- browseable = yes
- writable = yes
diff --git a/source3/include/sids.h b/source3/include/sids.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 860d96b193..0000000000
--- a/source3/include/sids.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- SMB parameters and setup
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1992-2000
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-2000
- Copyright (C) Elrond 2000
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#ifndef _SIDS_H
-#define _SIDS_H
-extern DOM_SID global_sam_sid;
-extern fstring global_sam_name;
-extern DOM_SID global_member_sid;
-extern DOM_SID global_sid_S_1_5_32; /* local well-known domain */
-extern DOM_SID global_sid_S_1_1; /* Global Domain */
-extern DOM_SID global_sid_NULL;
-extern const DOM_SID *global_sid_everyone;
-extern const DOM_SID *global_sid_system; /* SYSTEM */
-extern const DOM_SID *global_sid_builtin;
-#endif /* _SIDS_H */
diff --git a/source3/libsmb/cli_dfs.c b/source3/libsmb/cli_dfs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fc27b9c3b..0000000000
--- a/source3/libsmb/cli_dfs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- RPC pipe client
- Copyright (C) Tim Potter 2000-2001,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
-/* Query DFS support */
-NTSTATUS cli_dfs_exist(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- BOOL *dfs_exists)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_dfs_q_dfs_exist(&q);
- if (!dfs_io_q_dfs_exist("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, DFS_EXIST, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!dfs_io_r_dfs_exist("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return result */
- *dfs_exists = (r.status != 0);
- result = NT_STATUS_OK;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-NTSTATUS cli_dfs_add(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- char *entrypath, char *servername, char *sharename,
- char *comment, uint32 flags)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_dfs_q_dfs_add(&q, entrypath, servername, sharename, comment,
- flags);
- if (!dfs_io_q_dfs_add("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, DFS_ADD, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!dfs_io_r_dfs_add("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return result */
- result = werror_to_ntstatus(r.status);
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-NTSTATUS cli_dfs_remove(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- char *entrypath, char *servername, char *sharename)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_dfs_q_dfs_remove(&q, entrypath, servername, sharename);
- if (!dfs_io_q_dfs_remove("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, DFS_REMOVE, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!dfs_io_r_dfs_remove("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return result */
- result = werror_to_ntstatus(r.status);
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-NTSTATUS cli_dfs_get_info(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- char *entrypath, char *servername, char *sharename,
- uint32 info_level, DFS_INFO_CTR *ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_dfs_q_dfs_get_info(&q, entrypath, servername, sharename,
- info_level);
- if (!dfs_io_q_dfs_get_info("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, DFS_GET_INFO, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!dfs_io_r_dfs_get_info("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return result */
- result = werror_to_ntstatus(r.status);
- *ctr = r.ctr;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Enumerate dfs shares */
-NTSTATUS cli_dfs_enum(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 info_level, DFS_INFO_CTR *ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_dfs_q_dfs_enum(&q, info_level, ctr);
- if (!dfs_io_q_dfs_enum("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, DFS_ENUM, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- r.ctr = ctr;
- if (!dfs_io_r_dfs_enum("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return result */
- result = werror_to_ntstatus(r.status);
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
diff --git a/source3/libsmb/cli_lsarpc.c b/source3/libsmb/cli_lsarpc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dfee46fae..0000000000
--- a/source3/libsmb/cli_lsarpc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1168 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- RPC pipe client
- Copyright (C) Tim Potter 2000-2001,
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1992-1997,2000,
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-1997,2000,
- Copyright (C) Paul Ashton 1997,2000,
- Copyright (C) Elrond 2000,
- Copyright (C) Rafal Szczesniak 2002
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
-/** @defgroup lsa LSA - Local Security Architecture
- * @ingroup rpc_client
- *
- * @{
- **/
- * @file cli_lsarpc.c
- *
- * RPC client routines for the LSA RPC pipe. LSA means "local
- * security authority", which is half of a password database.
- **/
-/** Open a LSA policy handle
- *
- * @param cli Handle on an initialised SMB connection */
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_open_policy(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- BOOL sec_qos, uint32 des_access, POLICY_HND *pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- LSA_SEC_QOS qos;
- NTSTATUS result;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- if (sec_qos) {
- init_lsa_sec_qos(&qos, 2, 1, 0);
- init_q_open_pol(&q, '\\', 0, des_access, &qos);
- } else {
- init_q_open_pol(&q, '\\', 0, des_access, NULL);
- }
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!lsa_io_q_open_pol("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_OPENPOLICY, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!lsa_io_r_open_pol("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- *pol = r.pol;
-#ifdef __INSURE__
- pol->marker = malloc(1);
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Open a LSA policy handle
- *
- * @param cli Handle on an initialised SMB connection
- */
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_open_policy2(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- BOOL sec_qos, uint32 des_access, POLICY_HND *pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- LSA_SEC_QOS qos;
- NTSTATUS result;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- if (sec_qos) {
- init_lsa_sec_qos(&qos, 2, 1, 0);
- init_q_open_pol2(&q, cli->srv_name_slash, 0, des_access,
- &qos);
- } else {
- init_q_open_pol2(&q, cli->srv_name_slash, 0, des_access,
- NULL);
- }
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!lsa_io_q_open_pol2("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_OPENPOLICY2, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!lsa_io_r_open_pol2("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- *pol = r.pol;
-#ifdef __INSURE__
- pol->marker = (char *)malloc(1);
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Close a LSA policy handle */
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_close(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NTSTATUS result;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_lsa_q_close(&q, pol);
- if (!lsa_io_q_close("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_CLOSE, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!lsa_io_r_close("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
-#ifdef __INSURE__
- SAFE_FREE(pol->marker);
- *pol = r.pol;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Lookup a list of sids */
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_lookup_sids(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, int num_sids, DOM_SID *sids,
- char ***domains, char ***names, uint32 **types)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- DOM_R_REF ref;
- NTSTATUS result;
- int i;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_q_lookup_sids(mem_ctx, &q, pol, num_sids, sids, 1);
- if (!lsa_io_q_lookup_sids("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_LOOKUPSIDS, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- ZERO_STRUCT(t_names);
- r.dom_ref = &ref;
- r.names = &t_names;
- if (!lsa_io_r_lookup_sids("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- result = r.status;
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result) &&
- /* An actual error occured */
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (r.mapped_count == 0) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (!((*domains) = (char **)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(char *) *
- num_sids))) {
- DEBUG(0, ("cli_lsa_lookup_sids(): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- if (!((*names) = (char **)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(char *) *
- num_sids))) {
- DEBUG(0, ("cli_lsa_lookup_sids(): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- if (!((*types) = (uint32 *)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(uint32) *
- num_sids))) {
- DEBUG(0, ("cli_lsa_lookup_sids(): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < num_sids; i++) {
- fstring name, dom_name;
- uint32 dom_idx =[i].domain_idx;
- /* Translate optimised name through domain index array */
- if (dom_idx != 0xffffffff) {
- rpcstr_pull_unistr2_fstring(
- dom_name, &ref.ref_dom[dom_idx].uni_dom_name);
- rpcstr_pull_unistr2_fstring(
- name, &t_names.uni_name[i]);
- (*names)[i] = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, name);
- (*domains)[i] = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, dom_name);
- (*types)[i] =[i].sid_name_use;
- if (((*names)[i] == NULL) || ((*domains)[i] == NULL)) {
- DEBUG(0, ("cli_lsa_lookup_sids(): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- } else {
- (*names)[i] = NULL;
- (*types)[i] = SID_NAME_UNKNOWN;
- }
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Lookup a list of names */
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_lookup_names(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, int num_names,
- const char **names, DOM_SID **sids,
- uint32 **types)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- DOM_R_REF ref;
- NTSTATUS result;
- int i;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_q_lookup_names(mem_ctx, &q, pol, num_names, names);
- if (!lsa_io_q_lookup_names("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_LOOKUPNAMES, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- r.dom_ref = &ref;
- if (!lsa_io_r_lookup_names("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- result = r.status;
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result) && NT_STATUS_V(result) !=
- /* An actual error occured */
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (r.mapped_count == 0) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (!((*sids = (DOM_SID *)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(DOM_SID) *
- num_names)))) {
- DEBUG(0, ("cli_lsa_lookup_sids(): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- if (!((*types = (uint32 *)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(uint32) *
- num_names)))) {
- DEBUG(0, ("cli_lsa_lookup_sids(): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < num_names; i++) {
- DOM_RID2 *t_rids = r.dom_rid;
- uint32 dom_idx = t_rids[i].rid_idx;
- uint32 dom_rid = t_rids[i].rid;
- DOM_SID *sid = &(*sids)[i];
- /* Translate optimised sid through domain index array */
- if (dom_idx != 0xffffffff) {
- sid_copy(sid, &ref.ref_dom[dom_idx].ref_dom.sid);
- if (dom_rid != 0xffffffff) {
- sid_append_rid(sid, dom_rid);
- }
- (*types)[i] = t_rids[i].type;
- } else {
- (*types)[i] = SID_NAME_UNKNOWN;
- }
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Query info policy
- *
- * @param domain_sid - returned remote server's domain sid */
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_query_info_policy(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint16 info_class,
- fstring domain_name, DOM_SID *domain_sid)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NTSTATUS result;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_q_query(&q, pol, info_class);
- if (!lsa_io_q_query("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_QUERYINFOPOLICY, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!lsa_io_r_query("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- ZERO_STRUCTP(domain_sid);
- domain_name[0] = '\0';
- switch (info_class) {
- case 3:
- if (r.dom.id3.buffer_dom_name != 0) {
- unistr2_to_ascii(domain_name,
- &r.dom.id3.
- uni_domain_name,
- sizeof (fstring) - 1);
- }
- if (r.dom.id3.buffer_dom_sid != 0) {
- *domain_sid = r.dom.id3.dom_sid.sid;
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- if (r.dom.id5.buffer_dom_name != 0) {
- unistr2_to_ascii(domain_name, &r.dom.id5.
- uni_domain_name,
- sizeof (fstring) - 1);
- }
- if (r.dom.id5.buffer_dom_sid != 0) {
- *domain_sid = r.dom.id5.dom_sid.sid;
- }
- break;
- default:
- DEBUG(3, ("unknown info class %d\n", info_class));
- break;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- * Enumerate list of trusted domains
- *
- * @param cli client state (cli_state) structure of the connection
- * @param mem_ctx memory context
- * @param pol opened lsa policy handle
- * @param enum_ctx enumeration context ie. index of first returned domain entry
- * @param pref_num_domains preferred max number of entries returned in one response
- * @param num_domains total number of trusted domains returned by response
- * @param domain_names returned trusted domain names
- * @param domain_sids returned trusted domain sids
- *
- * @return nt status code of response
- **/
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_enum_trust_dom(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 *enum_ctx,
- uint32 *pref_num_domains, uint32 *num_domains,
- char ***domain_names, DOM_SID **domain_sids)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NTSTATUS result;
- int i;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_q_enum_trust_dom(&q, pol, *enum_ctx, *pref_num_domains);
- if (!lsa_io_q_enum_trust_dom("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_ENUMTRUSTDOM, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!lsa_io_r_enum_trust_dom("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- result = r.status;
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result) &&
- /* An actual error ocured */
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (r.num_domains) {
- /* Allocate memory for trusted domain names and sids */
- *domain_names = (char **)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(char *) *
- r.num_domains);
- if (!*domain_names) {
- DEBUG(0, ("cli_lsa_enum_trust_dom(): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- *domain_sids = (DOM_SID *)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(DOM_SID) *
- r.num_domains);
- if (!domain_sids) {
- DEBUG(0, ("cli_lsa_enum_trust_dom(): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- /* Copy across names and sids */
- for (i = 0; i < r.num_domains; i++) {
- fstring tmp;
- unistr2_to_ascii(tmp, &r.uni_domain_name[i],
- sizeof(tmp) - 1);
- (*domain_names)[i] = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, tmp);
- sid_copy(&(*domain_sids)[i], &r.domain_sid[i].sid);
- }
- }
- *num_domains = r.num_domains;
- *enum_ctx = r.enum_context;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Enumerate privileges*/
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_enum_privilege(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 *enum_context, uint32 pref_max_length,
- uint32 *count, char ***privs_name, uint32 **privs_high, uint32 **privs_low)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NTSTATUS result;
- int i;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_q_enum_privs(&q, pol, *enum_context, pref_max_length);
- if (!lsa_io_q_enum_privs("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_ENUM_PRIVS, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!lsa_io_r_enum_privs("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- *enum_context = r.enum_context;
- *count = r.count;
- if (!((*privs_name = (char **)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(char *) * r.count)))) {
- DEBUG(0, ("(cli_lsa_enum_privilege): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- if (!((*privs_high = (uint32 *)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(uint32) * r.count)))) {
- DEBUG(0, ("(cli_lsa_enum_privilege): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- if (!((*privs_low = (uint32 *)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(uint32) * r.count)))) {
- DEBUG(0, ("(cli_lsa_enum_privilege): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < r.count; i++) {
- fstring name;
- rpcstr_pull_unistr2_fstring( name, &r.privs[i].name);
- (*privs_name)[i] = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, name);
- (*privs_high)[i] = r.privs[i].luid_high;
- (*privs_low)[i] = r.privs[i].luid_low;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Get privilege name */
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_get_dispname(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, char *name, uint16 lang_id, uint16 lang_id_sys,
- fstring description, uint16 *lang_id_desc)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NTSTATUS result;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_lsa_priv_get_dispname(&q, pol, name, lang_id, lang_id_sys);
- if (!lsa_io_q_priv_get_dispname("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_PRIV_GET_DISPNAME, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!lsa_io_r_priv_get_dispname("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- rpcstr_pull_unistr2_fstring(description , &r.desc);
- *lang_id_desc = r.lang_id;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Enumerate list of SIDs */
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_enum_sids(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 *enum_ctx, uint32 pref_max_length,
- uint32 *num_sids, DOM_SID **sids)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NTSTATUS result;
- int i;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_lsa_q_enum_accounts(&q, pol, *enum_ctx, pref_max_length);
- if (!lsa_io_q_enum_accounts("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_ENUM_ACCOUNTS, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!lsa_io_r_enum_accounts("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- result = r.status;
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (r.sids.num_entries==0)
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- *sids = (DOM_SID *)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(DOM_SID) * r.sids.num_entries);
- if (!*sids) {
- DEBUG(0, ("(cli_lsa_enum_sids): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- /* Copy across names and sids */
- for (i = 0; i < r.sids.num_entries; i++) {
- sid_copy(&(*sids)[i], &r.sids.sid[i].sid);
- }
- *num_sids= r.sids.num_entries;
- *enum_ctx = r.enum_context;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Open a LSA user handle
- *
- * @param cli Handle on an initialised SMB connection */
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_open_account(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *dom_pol, DOM_SID *sid, uint32 des_access,
- POLICY_HND *user_pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NTSTATUS result;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_lsa_q_open_account(&q, dom_pol, sid, des_access);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!lsa_io_q_open_account("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_OPENACCOUNT, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!lsa_io_r_open_account("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- *user_pol = r.pol;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Enumerate user privileges
- *
- * @param cli Handle on an initialised SMB connection */
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_enum_privsaccount(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 *count, LUID_ATTR **set)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NTSTATUS result;
- int i;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_lsa_q_enum_privsaccount(&q, pol);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!lsa_io_q_enum_privsaccount("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_ENUMPRIVSACCOUNT, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!lsa_io_r_enum_privsaccount("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (r.count == 0)
- goto done;
- if (!((*set = (LUID_ATTR *)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(LUID_ATTR) * r.count)))) {
- DEBUG(0, ("(cli_lsa_enum_privsaccount): out of memory\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- for (i=0; i<r.count; i++) {
- (*set)[i].luid.low = r.set.set[i].luid.low;
- (*set)[i].luid.high = r.set.set[i].luid.high;
- (*set)[i].attr = r.set.set[i].attr;
- }
- *count=r.count;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Get a privilege value given its name */
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_lookupprivvalue(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, char *name, LUID *luid)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NTSTATUS result;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_lsa_q_lookupprivvalue(&q, pol, name);
- if (!lsa_io_q_lookupprivvalue("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_LOOKUPPRIVVALUE, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!lsa_io_r_lookupprivvalue("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- (*luid).low=r.luid.low;
- (*luid).high=r.luid.high;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Query LSA security object */
-NTSTATUS cli_lsa_query_secobj(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 sec_info,
- SEC_DESC_BUF **psdb)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NTSTATUS result;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_q_query_sec_obj(&q, pol, sec_info);
- if (!lsa_io_q_query_sec_obj("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, LSA_QUERYSECOBJ, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!lsa_io_r_query_sec_obj("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (psdb)
- *psdb = r.buf;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-#if 0
-/** An example of how to use the routines in this file. Fetch a DOMAIN
- sid. Does complete cli setup / teardown anonymously. */
-BOOL fetch_domain_sid( char *domain, char *remote_machine, DOM_SID *psid)
- extern pstring global_myname;
- struct cli_state cli;
- NTSTATUS result;
- POLICY_HND lsa_pol;
- BOOL ret = False;
- if(cli_initialise(&cli) == False) {
- DEBUG(0,("fetch_domain_sid: unable to initialize client connection.\n"));
- return False;
- }
- if(!resolve_name( remote_machine, &cli.dest_ip, 0x20)) {
- DEBUG(0,("fetch_domain_sid: Can't resolve address for %s\n", remote_machine));
- goto done;
- }
- if (!cli_connect(&cli, remote_machine, &cli.dest_ip)) {
- DEBUG(0,("fetch_domain_sid: unable to connect to SMB server on \
-machine %s. Error was : %s.\n", remote_machine, cli_errstr(&cli) ));
- goto done;
- }
- if (!attempt_netbios_session_request(&cli, global_myname, remote_machine, &cli.dest_ip)) {
- DEBUG(0,("fetch_domain_sid: machine %s rejected the NetBIOS session request.\n",
- remote_machine));
- goto done;
- }
- cli.protocol = PROTOCOL_NT1;
- if (!cli_negprot(&cli)) {
- DEBUG(0,("fetch_domain_sid: machine %s rejected the negotiate protocol. \
-Error was : %s.\n", remote_machine, cli_errstr(&cli) ));
- goto done;
- }
- if (cli.protocol != PROTOCOL_NT1) {
- DEBUG(0,("fetch_domain_sid: machine %s didn't negotiate NT protocol.\n",
- remote_machine));
- goto done;
- }
- /*
- * Do an anonymous session setup.
- */
- if (!cli_session_setup(&cli, "", "", 0, "", 0, "")) {
- DEBUG(0,("fetch_domain_sid: machine %s rejected the session setup. \
-Error was : %s.\n", remote_machine, cli_errstr(&cli) ));
- goto done;
- }
- if (!(cli.sec_mode & NEGOTIATE_SECURITY_USER_LEVEL)) {
- DEBUG(0,("fetch_domain_sid: machine %s isn't in user level security mode\n",
- remote_machine));
- goto done;
- }
- if (!cli_send_tconX(&cli, "IPC$", "IPC", "", 1)) {
- DEBUG(0,("fetch_domain_sid: machine %s rejected the tconX on the IPC$ share. \
-Error was : %s.\n", remote_machine, cli_errstr(&cli) ));
- goto done;
- }
- /* Fetch domain sid */
- if (!cli_nt_session_open(&cli, PIPE_LSARPC)) {
- DEBUG(0, ("fetch_domain_sid: Error connecting to SAM pipe\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- result = cli_lsa_open_policy(&cli, cli.mem_ctx, True, SEC_RIGHTS_QUERY_VALUE, &lsa_pol);
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) {
- DEBUG(0, ("fetch_domain_sid: Error opening lsa policy handle. %s\n",
- nt_errstr(result) ));
- goto done;
- }
- result = cli_lsa_query_info_policy(&cli, cli.mem_ctx, &lsa_pol, 5, domain, psid);
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) {
- DEBUG(0, ("fetch_domain_sid: Error querying lsa policy handle. %s\n",
- nt_errstr(result) ));
- goto done;
- }
- ret = True;
- done:
- cli_shutdown(&cli);
- return ret;
-/** @} **/
diff --git a/source3/libsmb/cli_netlogon.c b/source3/libsmb/cli_netlogon.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d32e0e77e4..0000000000
--- a/source3/libsmb/cli_netlogon.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,664 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- NT Domain Authentication SMB / MSRPC client
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1992-2000
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-2000
- Copyright (C) Tim Potter 2001
- Copyright (C) Paul Ashton 1997.
- Copyright (C) Jeremy Allison 1998.
- Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett 2001.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
-/* LSA Request Challenge. Sends our challenge to server, then gets
- server response. These are used to generate the credentials. */
-NTSTATUS new_cli_net_req_chal(struct cli_state *cli, DOM_CHAL *clnt_chal,
- DOM_CHAL *srv_chal)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- extern pstring global_myname;
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, cli->mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, cli->mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* create and send a MSRPC command with api NET_REQCHAL */
- DEBUG(4,("new_cli_net_req_chal: LSA Request Challenge from %s to %s: %s\n",
- global_myname, cli->desthost, credstr(clnt_chal->data)));
- /* store the parameters */
- init_q_req_chal(&q, cli->srv_name_slash, global_myname, clnt_chal);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!net_io_q_req_chal("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, NET_REQCHAL, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarhall response */
- if (!net_io_r_req_chal("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- result = r.status;
- /* Return result */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) {
- memcpy(srv_chal,, sizeof(srv_chal->data));
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-LSA Authenticate 2
-Send the client credential, receive back a server credential.
-Ensure that the server credential returned matches the session key
-encrypt of the server challenge originally received. JRA.
-NTSTATUS new_cli_net_auth2(struct cli_state *cli,
- uint16 sec_chan,
- uint32 neg_flags, DOM_CHAL *srv_chal)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NET_Q_AUTH_2 q;
- NET_R_AUTH_2 r;
- extern pstring global_myname;
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, cli->mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, cli->mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* create and send a MSRPC command with api NET_AUTH2 */
- DEBUG(4,("new_cli_net_auth2: srv:%s acct:%s sc:%x mc: %s chal %s neg: %x\n",
- cli->srv_name_slash, cli->mach_acct, sec_chan, global_myname,
- credstr(cli->, neg_flags));
- /* store the parameters */
- init_q_auth_2(&q, cli->srv_name_slash, cli->mach_acct,
- sec_chan, global_myname, &cli->clnt_cred.challenge,
- neg_flags);
- /* turn parameters into data stream */
- if (!net_io_q_auth_2("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, NET_AUTH2, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!net_io_r_auth_2("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- result = r.status;
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) {
- UTIME zerotime;
- /*
- * Check the returned value using the initial
- * server received challenge.
- */
- zerotime.time = 0;
- if (cred_assert( &r.srv_chal, cli->sess_key, srv_chal,
- zerotime) == 0) {
- /*
- * Server replied with bad credential. Fail.
- */
- DEBUG(0,("new_cli_net_auth2: server %s replied with bad credential (bad machine \
-password ?).\n", cli->desthost ));
- goto done;
- }
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Initialize domain session credentials */
-NTSTATUS new_cli_nt_setup_creds(struct cli_state *cli,
- uint16 sec_chan,
- const unsigned char mach_pwd[16])
- DOM_CHAL clnt_chal;
- DOM_CHAL srv_chal;
- UTIME zerotime;
- NTSTATUS result;
- /******************* Request Challenge ********************/
- generate_random_buffer(, 8, False);
- /* send a client challenge; receive a server challenge */
- result = new_cli_net_req_chal(cli, &clnt_chal, &srv_chal);
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) {
- DEBUG(0,("new_cli_nt_setup_creds: request challenge failed\n"));
- return result;
- }
- /**************** Long-term Session key **************/
- /* calculate the session key */
- cred_session_key(&clnt_chal, &srv_chal, mach_pwd,
- cli->sess_key);
- memset((char *)cli->sess_key+8, '\0', 8);
- /******************* Authenticate 2 ********************/
- /* calculate auth-2 credentials */
- zerotime.time = 0;
- cred_create(cli->sess_key, &clnt_chal, zerotime,
- &cli->clnt_cred.challenge);
- /*
- * Send client auth-2 challenge.
- * Receive an auth-2 challenge response and check it.
- */
- result = new_cli_net_auth2(cli, sec_chan, 0x000001ff,
- &srv_chal);
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) {
- DEBUG(1,("cli_nt_setup_creds: auth2 challenge failed %s\n",
- nt_errstr(result)));
- }
- return result;
-/* Logon Control 2 */
-NTSTATUS cli_netlogon_logon_ctrl2(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 query_level)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_net_q_logon_ctrl2(&q, cli->srv_name_slash, query_level);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!net_io_q_logon_ctrl2("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, NET_LOGON_CTRL2, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!net_io_r_logon_ctrl2("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-Generate the next creds to use. Yuck - this is a cut&paste from another
-file. They should be combined at some stage. )-:
-static void gen_next_creds( struct cli_state *cli, DOM_CRED *new_clnt_cred)
- /*
- * Create the new client credentials.
- */
- cli->clnt_cred.timestamp.time = time(NULL);
- memcpy(new_clnt_cred, &cli->clnt_cred, sizeof(*new_clnt_cred));
- /* Calculate the new credentials. */
- cred_create(cli->sess_key, &(cli->clnt_cred.challenge),
- new_clnt_cred->timestamp, &(new_clnt_cred->challenge));
-/* Sam synchronisation */
-NTSTATUS cli_netlogon_sam_sync(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, DOM_CRED *ret_creds,
- uint32 database_id, uint32 *num_deltas,
- SAM_DELTA_HDR **hdr_deltas,
- SAM_DELTA_CTR **deltas)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- DOM_CRED clnt_creds;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- gen_next_creds(cli, &clnt_creds);
- init_net_q_sam_sync(&q, cli->srv_name_slash, cli->clnt_name_slash + 2,
- &clnt_creds, ret_creds, database_id);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!net_io_q_sam_sync("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, NET_SAM_SYNC, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!net_io_r_sam_sync("", cli->sess_key, &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return results */
- result = r.status;
- *num_deltas = r.num_deltas2;
- *hdr_deltas = r.hdr_deltas;
- *deltas = r.deltas;
- memcpy(ret_creds, &r.srv_creds, sizeof(*ret_creds));
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Sam synchronisation */
-NTSTATUS cli_netlogon_sam_deltas(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 database_id, UINT64_S seqnum,
- uint32 *num_deltas,
- SAM_DELTA_HDR **hdr_deltas,
- SAM_DELTA_CTR **deltas)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- DOM_CRED clnt_creds;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- gen_next_creds(cli, &clnt_creds);
- init_net_q_sam_deltas(&q, cli->srv_name_slash,
- cli->clnt_name_slash + 2, &clnt_creds,
- database_id, seqnum);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!net_io_q_sam_deltas("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, NET_SAM_DELTAS, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!net_io_r_sam_deltas("", cli->sess_key, &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return results */
- result = r.status;
- *num_deltas = r.num_deltas2;
- *hdr_deltas = r.hdr_deltas;
- *deltas = r.deltas;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Logon domain user */
-NTSTATUS cli_netlogon_sam_logon(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- char *username, char *password,
- int logon_type)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- DOM_CRED clnt_creds, dummy_rtn_creds;
- extern pstring global_myname;
- NET_USER_INFO_3 user;
- int validation_level = 3;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- gen_next_creds(cli, &clnt_creds);
- q.validation_level = validation_level;
- memset(&dummy_rtn_creds, '\0', sizeof(dummy_rtn_creds));
- dummy_rtn_creds.timestamp.time = time(NULL);
- ctr.switch_value = logon_type;
- switch (logon_type) {
- unsigned char lm_owf_user_pwd[16], nt_owf_user_pwd[16];
- nt_lm_owf_gen(password, nt_owf_user_pwd, lm_owf_user_pwd);
- init_id_info1(&ctr.auth.id1, lp_workgroup(),
- 0, /* param_ctrl */
- 0xdead, 0xbeef, /* LUID? */
- username, cli->clnt_name_slash,
- cli->sess_key, lm_owf_user_pwd,
- nt_owf_user_pwd);
- break;
- }
- case NET_LOGON_TYPE: {
- uint8 chal[8];
- unsigned char local_lm_response[24];
- unsigned char local_nt_response[24];
- generate_random_buffer(chal, 8, False);
- SMBencrypt(password, chal, local_lm_response);
- SMBNTencrypt(password, chal, local_nt_response);
- init_id_info2(&ctr.auth.id2, lp_workgroup(),
- 0, /* param_ctrl */
- 0xdead, 0xbeef, /* LUID? */
- username, cli->clnt_name_slash, chal,
- local_lm_response, 24, local_nt_response, 24);
- break;
- }
- default:
- DEBUG(0, ("switch value %d not supported\n",
- ctr.switch_value));
- goto done;
- }
- init_sam_info(&q.sam_id, cli->srv_name_slash, global_myname,
- &clnt_creds, &dummy_rtn_creds, logon_type,
- &ctr);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!net_io_q_sam_logon("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, NET_SAMLOGON, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- r.user = &user;
- if (!net_io_r_sam_logon("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return results */
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- * Logon domain user with an 'network' SAM logon
- *
- * @param info3 Pointer to a NET_USER_INFO_3 already allocated by the caller.
- **/
-NTSTATUS cli_netlogon_sam_network_logon(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- const char *username, const char *domain, const char *workstation,
- const uint8 chal[8],
- DATA_BLOB lm_response, DATA_BLOB nt_response,
- NET_USER_INFO_3 *info3)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- DOM_CRED clnt_creds, dummy_rtn_creds;
- extern pstring global_myname;
- int validation_level = 3;
- char *workstation_name_slash;
- workstation_name_slash = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "\\\\%s", workstation);
- if (!workstation_name_slash) {
- DEBUG(0, ("talloc_asprintf failed!\n"));
- }
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- gen_next_creds(cli, &clnt_creds);
- q.validation_level = validation_level;
- memset(&dummy_rtn_creds, '\0', sizeof(dummy_rtn_creds));
- dummy_rtn_creds.timestamp.time = time(NULL);
- ctr.switch_value = NET_LOGON_TYPE;
- init_id_info2(&ctr.auth.id2, domain,
- 0, /* param_ctrl */
- 0xdead, 0xbeef, /* LUID? */
- username, workstation_name_slash, (const uchar*)chal,
-, lm_response.length,, nt_response.length);
- init_sam_info(&q.sam_id, cli->srv_name_slash, global_myname,
- &clnt_creds, &dummy_rtn_creds, NET_LOGON_TYPE,
- &ctr);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!net_io_q_sam_logon("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, NET_SAMLOGON, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- r.user = info3;
- if (!net_io_r_sam_logon("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return results */
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-LSA Server Password Set.
-NTSTATUS cli_net_srv_pwset(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- char* machine_name, uint8 hashed_mach_pwd[16])
- prs_struct rbuf;
- prs_struct qbuf;
- DOM_CRED new_clnt_cred;
- uint16 sec_chan_type = 2;
- NTSTATUS nt_status;
- char *mach_acct;
- gen_next_creds( cli, &new_clnt_cred);
- prs_init(&qbuf , 1024, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* create and send a MSRPC command with api NET_SRV_PWSET */
- mach_acct = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%s$", machine_name);
- if (!mach_acct) {
- DEBUG(0,("talloc_asprintf failed!\n"));
- nt_status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
- goto done;
- }
- DEBUG(4,("cli_net_srv_pwset: srv:%s acct:%s sc: %d mc: %s clnt %s %x\n",
- cli->srv_name_slash, mach_acct, sec_chan_type, machine_name,
- credstr(, new_clnt_cred.timestamp.time));
- /* store the parameters */
- init_q_srv_pwset(&q_s, cli->srv_name_slash, cli->sess_key,
- mach_acct, sec_chan_type, machine_name,
- &new_clnt_cred, (char *)hashed_mach_pwd);
- /* turn parameters into data stream */
- if(!net_io_q_srv_pwset("", &q_s, &qbuf, 0)) {
- DEBUG(0,("cli_net_srv_pwset: Error : failed to marshall NET_Q_SRV_PWSET struct.\n"));
- goto done;
- }
- /* send the data on \PIPE\ */
- if (rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, NET_SRVPWSET, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- {
- if (!net_io_r_srv_pwset("", &r_s, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- nt_status = r_s.status;
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(r_s.status))
- {
- /* report error code */
- DEBUG(0,("cli_net_srv_pwset: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status)));
- goto done;
- }
- /* Update the credentials. */
- if (!clnt_deal_with_creds(cli->sess_key, &(cli->clnt_cred), &(r_s.srv_cred)))
- {
- /*
- * Server replied with bad credential. Fail.
- */
- DEBUG(0,("cli_net_srv_pwset: server %s replied with bad credential (bad machine \
-password ?).\n", cli->desthost ));
- }
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return nt_status;
diff --git a/source3/libsmb/cli_pipe_util.c b/source3/libsmb/cli_pipe_util.c
deleted file mode 100644
index de1c832e44..0000000000
--- a/source3/libsmb/cli_pipe_util.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- RPC pipe client utility functions
- Copyright (C) Tim Potter 2001,
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
-/** \defgroup rpc_client RPC Client routines
- */
-/* Opens a SMB connection to a named pipe */
-struct cli_state *cli_pipe_initialise(struct cli_state *cli, char *system_name,
- char *pipe_name,
- struct ntuser_creds *creds)
- struct in_addr dest_ip;
- struct nmb_name calling, called;
- fstring dest_host;
- extern pstring global_myname;
- struct ntuser_creds anon;
- /* Initialise cli_state information */
- if (!cli_initialise(cli)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!creds) {
- ZERO_STRUCT(anon);
- anon.pwd.null_pwd = 1;
- creds = &anon;
- }
- cli_init_creds(cli, creds);
- /* Establish a SMB connection */
- if (!resolve_srv_name(system_name, dest_host, &dest_ip)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- make_nmb_name(&called, dns_to_netbios_name(dest_host), 0x20);
- make_nmb_name(&calling, dns_to_netbios_name(global_myname), 0);
- if (!cli_establish_connection(cli, dest_host, &dest_ip, &calling,
- &called, "IPC$", "IPC", False, True)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Open a NT session thingy */
- if (!cli_nt_session_open(cli, pipe_name)) {
- cli_shutdown(cli);
- return NULL;
- }
- return cli;
-/* Shut down a SMB connection to the SAMR pipe */
-void cli_pipe_shutdown(struct cli_state *cli)
- if (cli->fd != -1) cli_ulogoff(cli);
- cli_shutdown(cli);
diff --git a/source3/libsmb/cli_reg.c b/source3/libsmb/cli_reg.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aaf18882f7..0000000000
--- a/source3/libsmb/cli_reg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- RPC Pipe client
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1992-1998,
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-1998,
- Copyright (C) Paul Ashton 1997-1998.
- Copyright (C) Jeremy Allison 1999.
- Copyright (C) Simo Sorce 2001
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
-/* Shutdown a server */
-NTSTATUS cli_reg_shutdown(struct cli_state * cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- const char *msg, uint32 timeout, uint16 flags)
- prs_struct qbuf;
- prs_struct rbuf;
- ZERO_STRUCT (q_s);
- ZERO_STRUCT (r_s);
- prs_init(&qbuf , MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_reg_q_shutdown(&q_s, msg, timeout, flags);
- if (!reg_io_q_shutdown("", &q_s, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, REG_SHUTDOWN, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if(reg_io_r_shutdown("", &r_s, &rbuf, 0))
- result = r_s.status;
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- return result;
-/* Abort a server shutdown */
-NTSTATUS cli_reg_abort_shutdown(struct cli_state * cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx)
- prs_struct rbuf;
- prs_struct qbuf;
- ZERO_STRUCT (q_s);
- ZERO_STRUCT (r_s);
- prs_init(&qbuf , MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_reg_q_abort_shutdown(&q_s);
- if (!reg_io_q_abort_shutdown("", &q_s, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, REG_ABORT_SHUTDOWN, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (reg_io_r_abort_shutdown("", &r_s, &rbuf, 0))
- result = r_s.status;
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf );
- return result;
diff --git a/source3/libsmb/cli_samr.c b/source3/libsmb/cli_samr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 91577b3325..0000000000
--- a/source3/libsmb/cli_samr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1294 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- RPC pipe client
- Copyright (C) Tim Potter 2000-2001,
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1992-1997,2000,
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-1997,2000,
- Copyright (C) Paul Ashton 1997,2000,
- Copyright (C) Elrond 2000.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
-/* Connect to SAMR database */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_connect(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 access_mask, POLICY_HND *connect_pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_connect(&q, cli->desthost, access_mask);
- if (!samr_io_q_connect("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_CONNECT, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_connect("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- *connect_pol = r.connect_pol;
-#ifdef __INSURE__
- connect_pol->marker = malloc(1);
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Close SAMR handle */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_close(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *connect_pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_close_hnd(&q, connect_pol);
- if (!samr_io_q_close_hnd("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_CLOSE_HND, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_close_hnd("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
-#ifdef __INSURE__
- SAFE_FREE(connect_pol->marker);
- *connect_pol = r.pol;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Open handle on a domain */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_open_domain(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *connect_pol, uint32 access_mask,
- const DOM_SID *domain_sid, POLICY_HND *domain_pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_open_domain(&q, connect_pol, access_mask, domain_sid);
- if (!samr_io_q_open_domain("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_OPEN_DOMAIN, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_open_domain("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- *domain_pol = r.domain_pol;
-#ifdef __INSURE__
- domain_pol->marker = malloc(1);
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Open handle on a user */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_open_user(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *domain_pol, uint32 access_mask,
- uint32 user_rid, POLICY_HND *user_pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_open_user(&q, domain_pol, access_mask, user_rid);
- if (!samr_io_q_open_user("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_OPEN_USER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_open_user("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- *user_pol = r.user_pol;
-#ifdef __INSURE__
- user_pol->marker = malloc(1);
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Open handle on a group */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_open_group(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *domain_pol, uint32 access_mask,
- uint32 group_rid, POLICY_HND *group_pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_open_group(&q, domain_pol, access_mask, group_rid);
- if (!samr_io_q_open_group("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_OPEN_GROUP, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_open_group("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- *group_pol = r.pol;
-#ifdef __INSURE__
- group_pol->marker = malloc(1);
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Query user info */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_query_userinfo(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *user_pol, uint16 switch_value,
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_query_userinfo(&q, user_pol, switch_value);
- if (!samr_io_q_query_userinfo("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_QUERY_USERINFO, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_query_userinfo("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- *ctr = r.ctr;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Query group info */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_query_groupinfo(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *group_pol, uint32 info_level,
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_query_groupinfo(&q, group_pol, info_level);
- if (!samr_io_q_query_groupinfo("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_QUERY_GROUPINFO, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- r.ctr = ctr;
- if (!samr_io_r_query_groupinfo("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Query user groups */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_query_usergroups(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *user_pol, uint32 *num_groups,
- DOM_GID **gid)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_query_usergroups(&q, user_pol);
- if (!samr_io_q_query_usergroups("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_QUERY_USERGROUPS, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_query_usergroups("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- *num_groups = r.num_entries;
- *gid = r.gid;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Query user aliases */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_query_useraliases(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *user_pol, uint32 num_sids, DOM_SID2 *sid,
- uint32 *num_aliases, uint32 **als_rids)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- unsigned int ptr=1;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_query_useraliases(&q, user_pol, num_sids, &ptr, sid);
- if (!samr_io_q_query_useraliases("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_QUERY_USERALIASES, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_query_useraliases("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- *num_aliases = r.num_entries;
- *als_rids = r.rid;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Query user groups */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_query_groupmem(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *group_pol, uint32 *num_mem,
- uint32 **rid, uint32 **attr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_query_groupmem(&q, group_pol);
- if (!samr_io_q_query_groupmem("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_QUERY_GROUPMEM, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_query_groupmem("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- *num_mem = r.num_entries;
- *rid = r.rid;
- *attr = r.attr;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Enumerate domain groups */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_enum_dom_groups(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 *start_idx,
- uint32 size, struct acct_info **dom_groups,
- uint32 *num_dom_groups)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- uint32 name_idx, i;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_enum_dom_groups(&q, pol, *start_idx, size);
- if (!samr_io_q_enum_dom_groups("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_ENUM_DOM_GROUPS, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_enum_dom_groups("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result) &&
- goto done;
- *num_dom_groups = r.num_entries2;
- if (!((*dom_groups) = (struct acct_info *)
- talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(struct acct_info) * *num_dom_groups))) {
- goto done;
- }
- memset(*dom_groups, 0, sizeof(struct acct_info) * *num_dom_groups);
- name_idx = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < *num_dom_groups; i++) {
- (*dom_groups)[i].rid = r.sam[i].rid;
- if (r.sam[i].hdr_name.buffer) {
- unistr2_to_ascii((*dom_groups)[i].acct_name,
- &r.uni_grp_name[name_idx],
- sizeof(fstring) - 1);
- name_idx++;
- }
- *start_idx = r.next_idx;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Enumerate domain groups */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_enum_als_groups(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 *start_idx,
- uint32 size, struct acct_info **dom_groups,
- uint32 *num_dom_groups)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- uint32 name_idx, i;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_enum_dom_aliases(&q, pol, *start_idx, size);
- if (!samr_io_q_enum_dom_aliases("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_ENUM_DOM_ALIASES, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_enum_dom_aliases("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result) &&
- goto done;
- }
- *num_dom_groups = r.num_entries2;
- if (!((*dom_groups) = (struct acct_info *)
- talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(struct acct_info) * *num_dom_groups))) {
- goto done;
- }
- memset(*dom_groups, 0, sizeof(struct acct_info) * *num_dom_groups);
- name_idx = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < *num_dom_groups; i++) {
- (*dom_groups)[i].rid = r.sam[i].rid;
- if (r.sam[i].hdr_name.buffer) {
- unistr2_to_ascii((*dom_groups)[i].acct_name,
- &r.uni_grp_name[name_idx],
- sizeof(fstring) - 1);
- name_idx++;
- }
- *start_idx = r.next_idx;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Query alias members */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_query_aliasmem(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *alias_pol, uint32 *num_mem,
- DOM_SID **sids)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- uint32 i;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_query_aliasmem(&q, alias_pol);
- if (!samr_io_q_query_aliasmem("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_QUERY_ALIASMEM, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_query_aliasmem("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- *num_mem = r.num_sids;
- if (!(*sids = talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(DOM_SID) * *num_mem))) {
- goto done;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < *num_mem; i++) {
- (*sids)[i] = r.sid[i].sid;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Open handle on an alias */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_open_alias(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *domain_pol, uint32 access_mask,
- uint32 alias_rid, POLICY_HND *alias_pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NTSTATUS result;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_open_alias(&q, domain_pol, access_mask, alias_rid);
- if (!samr_io_q_open_alias("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_OPEN_ALIAS, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_open_alias("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- *alias_pol = r.pol;
-#ifdef __INSURE__
- alias_pol->marker = malloc(1);
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Query domain info */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_query_dom_info(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *domain_pol, uint16 switch_value,
- SAM_UNK_CTR *ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_query_dom_info(&q, domain_pol, switch_value);
- if (!samr_io_q_query_dom_info("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_QUERY_DOMAIN_INFO, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- r.ctr = ctr;
- if (!samr_io_r_query_dom_info("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Query display info */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_query_dispinfo(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *domain_pol, uint32 *start_idx,
- uint16 switch_value, uint32 *num_entries,
- uint32 max_entries, SAM_DISPINFO_CTR *ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_query_dispinfo(&q, domain_pol, switch_value,
- *start_idx, max_entries);
- if (!samr_io_q_query_dispinfo("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_QUERY_DISPINFO, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- r.ctr = ctr;
- if (!samr_io_r_query_dispinfo("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result) &&
- goto done;
- }
- *num_entries = r.num_entries;
- *start_idx += r.num_entries; /* No next_idx in this structure! */
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Lookup rids. Note that NT4 seems to crash if more than ~1000 rids are
- looked up in one packet. */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_lookup_rids(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *domain_pol, uint32 flags,
- uint32 num_rids, uint32 *rids,
- uint32 *num_names, char ***names,
- uint32 **name_types)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- uint32 i;
- if (num_rids > 1000) {
- DEBUG(2, ("cli_samr_lookup_rids: warning: NT4 can crash if "
- "more than ~1000 rids are looked up at once.\n"));
- }
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_lookup_rids(mem_ctx, &q, domain_pol, flags,
- num_rids, rids);
- if (!samr_io_q_lookup_rids("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_LOOKUP_RIDS, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_lookup_rids("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (r.num_names1 == 0) {
- *num_names = 0;
- *names = NULL;
- goto done;
- }
- *num_names = r.num_names1;
- *names = talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(char *) * r.num_names1);
- *name_types = talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(uint32) * r.num_names1);
- for (i = 0; i < r.num_names1; i++) {
- fstring tmp;
- unistr2_to_ascii(tmp, &r.uni_name[i], sizeof(tmp) - 1);
- (*names)[i] = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, tmp);
- (*name_types)[i] = r.type[i];
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Lookup names */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_lookup_names(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *domain_pol, uint32 flags,
- uint32 num_names, const char **names,
- uint32 *num_rids, uint32 **rids,
- uint32 **rid_types)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- uint32 i;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_lookup_names(mem_ctx, &q, domain_pol, flags,
- num_names, names);
- if (!samr_io_q_lookup_names("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_LOOKUP_NAMES, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_lookup_names("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (r.num_rids1 == 0) {
- *num_rids = 0;
- goto done;
- }
- *num_rids = r.num_rids1;
- *rids = talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(uint32) * r.num_rids1);
- *rid_types = talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(uint32) * r.num_rids1);
- for (i = 0; i < r.num_rids1; i++) {
- (*rids)[i] = r.rids[i];
- (*rid_types)[i] = r.types[i];
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Create a domain user */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_create_dom_user(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *domain_pol, const char *acct_name,
- uint32 acb_info, uint32 unknown,
- POLICY_HND *user_pol, uint32 *rid)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_create_user(&q, domain_pol, acct_name, acb_info, unknown);
- if (!samr_io_q_create_user("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_CREATE_USER, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_create_user("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (user_pol)
- *user_pol = r.user_pol;
- if (rid)
- *rid = r.user_rid;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Set userinfo */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_set_userinfo(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *user_pol, uint16 switch_value,
- uchar sess_key[16], SAM_USERINFO_CTR *ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- q.ctr = ctr;
- init_samr_q_set_userinfo(&q, user_pol, sess_key, switch_value,
- ctr->;
- if (!samr_io_q_set_userinfo("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_SET_USERINFO, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_set_userinfo("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Set userinfo2 */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_set_userinfo2(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *user_pol, uint16 switch_value,
- uchar sess_key[16], SAM_USERINFO_CTR *ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_set_userinfo2(&q, user_pol, sess_key, switch_value, ctr);
- if (!samr_io_q_set_userinfo2("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_SET_USERINFO2, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_set_userinfo2("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result = r.status)) {
- goto done;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Delete domain user */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_delete_dom_user(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *user_pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_delete_dom_user(&q, user_pol);
- if (!samr_io_q_delete_dom_user("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_DELETE_DOM_USER, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_delete_dom_user("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Query user security object */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_query_sec_obj(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *user_pol, uint16 switch_value,
- TALLOC_CTX *ctx, SEC_DESC_BUF **sec_desc_buf)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_query_sec_obj(&q, user_pol, switch_value);
- if (!samr_io_q_query_sec_obj("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_QUERY_SEC_OBJECT, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_query_sec_obj("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- *sec_desc_buf=dup_sec_desc_buf(ctx, r.buf);
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Get domain password info */
-NTSTATUS cli_samr_get_dom_pwinfo(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint16 *unk_0, uint16 *unk_1, uint16 *unk_2)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- init_samr_q_get_dom_pwinfo(&q, cli->desthost);
- if (!samr_io_q_get_dom_pwinfo("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SAMR_GET_DOM_PWINFO, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!samr_io_r_get_dom_pwinfo("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) {
- if (unk_0)
- *unk_0 = r.unk_0;
- if (unk_1)
- *unk_1 = r.unk_1;
- if (unk_2)
- *unk_2 = r.unk_2;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
diff --git a/source3/libsmb/cli_spoolss.c b/source3/libsmb/cli_spoolss.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 18e17758d6..0000000000
--- a/source3/libsmb/cli_spoolss.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2156 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- RPC pipe client
- Copyright (C) Gerald Carter 2001-2002,
- Copyright (C) Tim Potter 2000-2002,
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1994-2000,
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-2000,
- Copyright (C) Jean-Francois Micouleau 1999-2000.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
-/** @defgroup spoolss SPOOLSS - NT printing routines
- * @ingroup rpc_client
- *
- * @{
- **/
- Initialize a new spoolss buff for use by a client rpc
-static void init_buffer(NEW_BUFFER *buffer, uint32 size, TALLOC_CTX *ctx)
- buffer->ptr = (size != 0);
- buffer->size = size;
- buffer->string_at_end = size;
- prs_init(&buffer->prs, size, ctx, MARSHALL);
- buffer->struct_start = prs_offset(&buffer->prs);
- Decode various spoolss rpc's and info levels
- ********************************************************************/
-static void decode_printer_info_0(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 returned, PRINTER_INFO_0 **info)
- uint32 i;
- PRINTER_INFO_0 *inf;
- inf=(PRINTER_INFO_0 *)talloc(mem_ctx, returned*sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_0));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- smb_io_printer_info_0("", buffer, &inf[i], 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printer_info_1(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 returned, PRINTER_INFO_1 **info)
- uint32 i;
- PRINTER_INFO_1 *inf;
- inf=(PRINTER_INFO_1 *)talloc(mem_ctx, returned*sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_1));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- smb_io_printer_info_1("", buffer, &inf[i], 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printer_info_2(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 returned, PRINTER_INFO_2 **info)
- uint32 i;
- PRINTER_INFO_2 *inf;
- inf=(PRINTER_INFO_2 *)talloc(mem_ctx, returned*sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- /* a little initialization as we go */
- inf[i].secdesc = NULL;
- smb_io_printer_info_2("", buffer, &inf[i], 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printer_info_3(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 returned, PRINTER_INFO_3 **info)
- uint32 i;
- PRINTER_INFO_3 *inf;
- inf=(PRINTER_INFO_3 *)talloc(mem_ctx, returned*sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_3));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- inf[i].secdesc = NULL;
- smb_io_printer_info_3("", buffer, &inf[i], 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_port_info_1(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 returned, PORT_INFO_1 **info)
- uint32 i;
- PORT_INFO_1 *inf;
- inf=(PORT_INFO_1*)talloc(mem_ctx, returned*sizeof(PORT_INFO_1));
- prs_set_offset(&buffer->prs, 0);
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- smb_io_port_info_1("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_port_info_2(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 returned, PORT_INFO_2 **info)
- uint32 i;
- PORT_INFO_2 *inf;
- inf=(PORT_INFO_2*)talloc(mem_ctx, returned*sizeof(PORT_INFO_2));
- prs_set_offset(&buffer->prs, 0);
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- smb_io_port_info_2("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printer_driver_1(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 returned, DRIVER_INFO_1 **info)
- uint32 i;
- DRIVER_INFO_1 *inf;
- inf=(DRIVER_INFO_1 *)talloc(mem_ctx, returned*sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_1));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- smb_io_printer_driver_info_1("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printer_driver_2(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 returned, DRIVER_INFO_2 **info)
- uint32 i;
- DRIVER_INFO_2 *inf;
- inf=(DRIVER_INFO_2 *)talloc(mem_ctx, returned*sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_2));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- smb_io_printer_driver_info_2("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printer_driver_3(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 returned, DRIVER_INFO_3 **info)
- uint32 i;
- DRIVER_INFO_3 *inf;
- inf=(DRIVER_INFO_3 *)talloc(mem_ctx, returned*sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_3));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- smb_io_printer_driver_info_3("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printerdriverdir_1 (TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 returned, DRIVER_DIRECTORY_1 **info
- inf=(DRIVER_DIRECTORY_1 *)talloc(mem_ctx, sizeof(DRIVER_DIRECTORY_1));
- prs_set_offset(&buffer->prs, 0);
- smb_io_driverdir_1("", buffer, inf, 0);
- *info=inf;
-/** Return a handle to the specified printer or print server.
- *
- * @param cli Pointer to client state structure which is open
- * on the SPOOLSS pipe.
- *
- * @param mem_ctx Pointer to an initialised talloc context.
- *
- * @param printername The name of the printer or print server to be
- * opened in UNC format.
- *
- * @param datatype Specifies the default data type for the printer.
- *
- * @param access_required The access rights requested on the printer or
- * print server.
- *
- * @param station The UNC name of the requesting workstation.
- *
- * @param username The name of the user requesting the open.
- *
- * @param pol Returned policy handle.
- */
- Win32 API - OpenPrinter()
- ********************************************************************************/
-WERROR cli_spoolss_open_printer_ex(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- char *printername, char *datatype, uint32 access_required,
- char *station, char *username, POLICY_HND *pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_open_printer_ex(&q, printername, datatype,
- access_required, station, username);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_open_printer_ex("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_OPENPRINTEREX, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_open_printer_ex("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(result))
- *pol = r.handle;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Close a printer handle
- *
- * @param cli Pointer to client state structure which is open
- * on the SPOOLSS pipe.
- *
- * @param mem_ctx Pointer to an initialised talloc context.
- *
- * @param pol Policy handle of printer or print server to close.
- */
- Win32 API - ClosePrinter()
- ********************************************************************************/
-WERROR cli_spoolss_close_printer(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_closeprinter(&q, pol);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_closeprinter("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_CLOSEPRINTER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_closeprinter("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(result))
- *pol = r.handle;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Enumerate printers on a print server.
- *
- * @param cli Pointer to client state structure which is open
- * on the SPOOLSS pipe.
- * @param mem_ctx Pointer to an initialised talloc context.
- *
- * @param offered Buffer size offered in the request.
- * @param needed Number of bytes needed to complete the request.
- * may be NULL.
- *
- * @param flags Selected from PRINTER_ENUM_* flags.
- * @param level Request information level.
- *
- * @param num_printers Pointer to number of printers returned. May be
- * NULL.
- * @param ctr Return structure for printer information. May
- * be NULL.
- */
- Win32 API - EnumPrinters()
- ********************************************************************************/
-WERROR cli_spoolss_enum_printers(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 offered, uint32 *needed,
- uint32 flags, uint32 level,
- uint32 *num_printers, PRINTER_INFO_CTR *ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- fstring server;
- slprintf (server, sizeof(fstring)-1, "\\\\%s", cli->desthost);
- strupper (server);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_buffer(&buffer, offered, mem_ctx);
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- make_spoolss_q_enumprinters(&q, flags, server, level, &buffer,
- offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_enumprinters("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_ENUMPRINTERS, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (spoolss_io_r_enumprinters("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- if (needed)
- *needed = r.needed;
- }
- result = r.status;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(r.status))
- goto done;
- if (num_printers)
- *num_printers = r.returned;
- if (!ctr)
- goto done;
- switch (level) {
- case 0:
- decode_printer_info_0(mem_ctx, r.buffer, r.returned,
- &ctr->printers_0);
- break;
- case 1:
- decode_printer_info_1(mem_ctx, r.buffer, r.returned,
- &ctr->printers_1);
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_printer_info_2(mem_ctx, r.buffer, r.returned,
- &ctr->printers_2);
- break;
- case 3:
- decode_printer_info_3(mem_ctx, r.buffer, r.returned,
- &ctr->printers_3);
- break;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- Win32 API - EnumPorts()
- ********************************************************************************/
-/** Enumerate printer ports on a print server.
- *
- * @param cli Pointer to client state structure which is open
- * on the SPOOLSS pipe.
- * @param mem_ctx Pointer to an initialised talloc context.
- *
- * @param offered Buffer size offered in the request.
- * @param needed Number of bytes needed to complete the request.
- * May be NULL.
- *
- * @param level Requested information level.
- *
- * @param num_ports Pointer to number of ports returned. May be NULL.
- * @param ctr Pointer to structure holding port information.
- * May be NULL.
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_enum_ports(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 offered, uint32 *needed,
- uint32 level, int *num_ports, PORT_INFO_CTR *ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- fstring server;
- slprintf (server, sizeof(fstring)-1, "\\\\%s", cli->desthost);
- strupper (server);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_buffer(&buffer, offered, mem_ctx);
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- make_spoolss_q_enumports(&q, server, level, &buffer, offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_enumports("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_ENUMPORTS, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (spoolss_io_r_enumports("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- if (needed)
- *needed = r.needed;
- }
- result = r.status;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(result))
- goto done;
- if (num_ports)
- *num_ports = r.returned;
- if (!ctr)
- goto done;
- switch (level) {
- case 1:
- decode_port_info_1(mem_ctx, r.buffer, r.returned,
- &ctr->port.info_1);
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_port_info_2(mem_ctx, r.buffer, r.returned,
- &ctr->port.info_2);
- break;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- Win32 API - GetPrinter()
- ********************************************************************************/
-WERROR cli_spoolss_getprinter(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 offered, uint32 *needed,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 level,
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_buffer(&buffer, offered, mem_ctx);
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- make_spoolss_q_getprinter(mem_ctx, &q, pol, level, &buffer, offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_getprinter("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_GETPRINTER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_getprinter("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- if (needed)
- *needed = r.needed;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(result)) {
- switch (level) {
- case 0:
- decode_printer_info_0(mem_ctx, r.buffer, 1, &ctr->printers_0);
- break;
- case 1:
- decode_printer_info_1(mem_ctx, r.buffer, 1, &ctr->printers_1);
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_printer_info_2(mem_ctx, r.buffer, 1, &ctr->printers_2);
- break;
- case 3:
- decode_printer_info_3(mem_ctx, r.buffer, 1, &ctr->printers_3);
- break;
- }
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- Win32 API - SetPrinter()
- ********************************************************************************/
-/** Set printer info
- *
- * @param cli Pointer to client state structure which is open
- * on the SPOOLSS pipe.
- * @param mem_ctx Pointer to an initialised talloc context.
- *
- * @param pol Policy handle on printer to set info.
- * @param level Information level to set.
- * @param ctr Pointer to structure holding printer information.
- * @param command Specifies the action performed. See
- *
- * for details.
- *
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_setprinter(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 level,
- PRINTER_INFO_CTR *ctr, uint32 command)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- make_spoolss_q_setprinter(mem_ctx, &q, pol, level, ctr, command);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_setprinter("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_SETPRINTER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_setprinter("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- result = r.status;
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- Win32 API - GetPrinterDriver()
- ********************************************************************************/
-/** Get installed printer drivers for a given printer
- *
- * @param cli Pointer to client state structure which is open
- * on the SPOOLSS pipe.
- *
- * @param mem_ctx Pointer to an initialised talloc context.
- *
- * @param offered Buffer size offered in the request.
- * @param needed Number of bytes needed to complete the request.
- * may be NULL.
- *
- * @param pol Pointer to an open policy handle for the printer
- * opened with cli_spoolss_open_printer_ex().
- * @param level Requested information level.
- * @param env The print environment or archictecture. This is
- * "Windows NT x86" for NT4.
- * @param ctr Returned printer driver information.
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_getprinterdriver(struct cli_state *cli,
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 offered, uint32 *needed,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 level,
- char *env, PRINTER_DRIVER_CTR *ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- fstring server;
- fstrcpy (server, cli->desthost);
- strupper (server);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_buffer(&buffer, offered, mem_ctx);
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- make_spoolss_q_getprinterdriver2(&q, pol, env, level, 2, 2,
- &buffer, offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_getprinterdriver2 ("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req (cli, SPOOLSS_GETPRINTERDRIVER2, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (spoolss_io_r_getprinterdriver2 ("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- if (needed)
- *needed = r.needed;
- }
- result = r.status;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(result))
- goto done;
- if (!ctr)
- goto done;
- switch (level) {
- case 1:
- decode_printer_driver_1(mem_ctx, r.buffer, 1, &ctr->info1);
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_printer_driver_2(mem_ctx, r.buffer, 1, &ctr->info2);
- break;
- case 3:
- decode_printer_driver_3(mem_ctx, r.buffer, 1, &ctr->info3);
- break;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- Win32 API - EnumPrinterDrivers()
- ********************************************************************************/
- * Get installed printer drivers for a given printer
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_enumprinterdrivers (struct cli_state *cli,
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 offered, uint32 *needed,
- uint32 level, char *env,
- uint32 *num_drivers,
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- fstring server;
- slprintf (server, sizeof(fstring)-1, "\\\\%s", cli->desthost);
- strupper (server);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_buffer(&buffer, offered, mem_ctx);
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Write the request */
- make_spoolss_q_enumprinterdrivers(&q, server, env, level, &buffer,
- offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_enumprinterdrivers ("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req (cli, SPOOLSS_ENUMPRINTERDRIVERS, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_enumprinterdrivers ("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- if (needed)
- *needed = r.needed;
- if (num_drivers)
- *num_drivers = r.returned;
- result = r.status;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) && (r.returned != 0)) {
- *num_drivers = r.returned;
- switch (level) {
- case 1:
- decode_printer_driver_1(mem_ctx, r.buffer, r.returned, &ctr->info1);
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_printer_driver_2(mem_ctx, r.buffer, r.returned, &ctr->info2);
- break;
- case 3:
- decode_printer_driver_3(mem_ctx, r.buffer, r.returned, &ctr->info3);
- break;
- }
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- Win32 API - GetPrinterDriverDirectory()
- ********************************************************************************/
- * Get installed printer drivers for a given printer
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_getprinterdriverdir (struct cli_state *cli,
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 offered, uint32 *needed,
- uint32 level, char *env,
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- fstring server;
- slprintf (server, sizeof(fstring)-1, "\\\\%s", cli->desthost);
- strupper (server);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_buffer(&buffer, offered, mem_ctx);
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Write the request */
- make_spoolss_q_getprinterdriverdir(&q, server, env, level, &buffer,
- offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_getprinterdriverdir ("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (spoolss_io_r_getprinterdriverdir ("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- if (needed)
- *needed = r.needed;
- }
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(result)) {
- switch (level) {
- case 1:
- decode_printerdriverdir_1(mem_ctx, r.buffer, 1,
- &ctr->info1);
- break;
- }
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- Win32 API - AddPrinterDriver()
- ********************************************************************************/
- * Install a printer driver
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_addprinterdriver (struct cli_state *cli,
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, uint32 level,
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- fstring server;
- slprintf (server, sizeof(fstring)-1, "\\\\%s", cli->desthost);
- strupper (server);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Write the request */
- make_spoolss_q_addprinterdriver (mem_ctx, &q, server, level, ctr);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_addprinterdriver ("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req (cli, SPOOLSS_ADDPRINTERDRIVER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_addprinterdriver ("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- Win32 API - AddPrinter()
- ********************************************************************************/
- * Install a printer
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_addprinterex (struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 level, PRINTER_INFO_CTR*ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- fstring server,
- client,
- user;
- slprintf (client, sizeof(fstring)-1, "\\\\%s", cli->desthost);
- strupper (client);
- slprintf (server, sizeof(fstring)-1, "\\\\%s", cli->desthost);
- strupper (server);
- fstrcpy (user, cli->user_name);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Write the request */
- make_spoolss_q_addprinterex (mem_ctx, &q, server, client, user,
- level, ctr);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_addprinterex ("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req (cli, SPOOLSS_ADDPRINTEREX, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_addprinterex ("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- Win32 API - DeltePrinterDriver()
- ********************************************************************************/
- * Delete a Printer Driver from the server (does not remove
- * the driver files
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_deleteprinterdriver (struct cli_state *cli,
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, char *arch,
- char *driver)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- fstring server;
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- slprintf (server, sizeof(fstring)-1, "\\\\%s", cli->desthost);
- strupper (server);
- /* Write the request */
- make_spoolss_q_deleteprinterdriver(mem_ctx, &q, server, arch, driver);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_deleteprinterdriver ("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req (cli,SPOOLSS_DELETEPRINTERDRIVER , &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_deleteprinterdriver ("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- Win32 API - GetPrinterProcessorDirectory()
- ********************************************************************************/
-WERROR cli_spoolss_getprintprocessordirectory(struct cli_state *cli,
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 offered, uint32 *needed,
- char *name, char *environment,
- fstring procdir)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- int level = 1;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_buffer(&buffer, offered, mem_ctx);
- make_spoolss_q_getprintprocessordirectory(
- &q, name, environment, level, &buffer, offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_getprintprocessordirectory("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_getprintprocessordirectory("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (needed)
- *needed = r.needed;
- if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(result))
- fstrcpy(procdir, "Not implemented!");
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Add a form to a printer.
- *
- * @param cli Pointer to client state structure which is open
- * on the SPOOLSS pipe.
- * @param mem_ctx Pointer to an initialised talloc context.
- *
- * @param handle Policy handle opened with cli_spoolss_open_printer_ex
- * or cli_spoolss_addprinterex.
- * @param level Form info level to add - should always be 1.
- * @param form A pointer to the form to be added.
- *
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_addform(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *handle, uint32 level, FORM *form)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_addform(&q, handle, level, form);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_addform("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_ADDFORM, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_addform("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Set a form on a printer.
- *
- * @param cli Pointer to client state structure which is open
- * on the SPOOLSS pipe.
- * @param mem_ctx Pointer to an initialised talloc context.
- *
- * @param handle Policy handle opened with cli_spoolss_open_printer_ex
- * or cli_spoolss_addprinterex.
- * @param level Form info level to set - should always be 1.
- * @param form A pointer to the form to be set.
- *
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_setform(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *handle, uint32 level, char *form_name,
- FORM *form)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_setform(&q, handle, level, form_name, form);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_setform("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_SETFORM, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_setform("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(result))
- goto done;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Get a form on a printer.
- *
- * @param cli Pointer to client state structure which is open
- * on the SPOOLSS pipe.
- * @param mem_ctx Pointer to an initialised talloc context.
- *
- * @param handle Policy handle opened with cli_spoolss_open_printer_ex
- * or cli_spoolss_addprinterex.
- * @param formname Name of the form to get
- * @param level Form info level to get - should always be 1.
- *
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_getform(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 offered, uint32 *needed,
- POLICY_HND *handle, char *formname, uint32 level,
- FORM_1 *form)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- init_buffer(&buffer, offered, mem_ctx);
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_getform(&q, handle, formname, level, &buffer, offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_getform("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_GETFORM, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_getform("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (needed)
- *needed = r.needed;
- if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(result))
- smb_io_form_1("", r.buffer, form, 0);
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** Delete a form on a printer.
- *
- * @param cli Pointer to client state structure which is open
- * on the SPOOLSS pipe.
- * @param mem_ctx Pointer to an initialised talloc context.
- *
- * @param handle Policy handle opened with cli_spoolss_open_printer_ex
- * or cli_spoolss_addprinterex.
- * @param form The name of the form to delete.
- *
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_deleteform(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *handle, char *form_name)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_deleteform(&q, handle, form_name);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_deleteform("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_DELETEFORM, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_deleteform("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-static void decode_forms_1(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 num_forms, FORM_1 **forms)
- int i;
- *forms = (FORM_1 *)talloc(mem_ctx, num_forms * sizeof(FORM_1));
- buffer->prs.data_offset = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_forms; i++)
- smb_io_form_1("", buffer, &((*forms)[i]), 0);
-/** Enumerate forms
- *
- * @param cli Pointer to client state structure which is open
- * on the SPOOLSS pipe.
- * @param mem_ctx Pointer to an initialised talloc context.
- *
- * @param offered Buffer size offered in the request.
- * @param needed Number of bytes needed to complete the request.
- * may be NULL.
- * or cli_spoolss_addprinterex.
- * @param level Form info level to get - should always be 1.
- * @param handle Open policy handle
- *
- */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_enumforms(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 offered, uint32 *needed,
- POLICY_HND *handle, int level, uint32 *num_forms,
- FORM_1 **forms)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- init_buffer(&buffer, offered, mem_ctx);
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_enumforms(&q, handle, level, &buffer, offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_enumforms("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_ENUMFORMS, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_enumforms("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (needed)
- *needed = r.needed;
- if (num_forms)
- *num_forms = r.numofforms;
- decode_forms_1(mem_ctx, r.buffer, *num_forms, forms);
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-static void decode_jobs_1(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 num_jobs, JOB_INFO_1 **jobs)
- uint32 i;
- *jobs = (JOB_INFO_1 *)talloc(mem_ctx, num_jobs * sizeof(JOB_INFO_1));
- buffer->prs.data_offset = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_jobs; i++)
- smb_io_job_info_1("", buffer, &((*jobs)[i]), 0);
-static void decode_jobs_2(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- uint32 num_jobs, JOB_INFO_2 **jobs)
- uint32 i;
- *jobs = (JOB_INFO_2 *)talloc(mem_ctx, num_jobs * sizeof(JOB_INFO_2));
- buffer->prs.data_offset = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_jobs; i++)
- smb_io_job_info_2("", buffer, &((*jobs)[i]), 0);
-/* Enumerate jobs */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_enumjobs(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 offered, uint32 *needed,
- POLICY_HND *hnd, uint32 level, uint32 firstjob,
- uint32 num_jobs, uint32 *returned, JOB_INFO_CTR *ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- init_buffer(&buffer, offered, mem_ctx);
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_enumjobs(&q, hnd, firstjob, num_jobs, level, &buffer,
- offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_enumjobs("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_ENUMJOBS, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_enumjobs("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (needed)
- *needed = r.needed;
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(r.status))
- goto done;
- *returned = r.returned;
- switch(level) {
- case 1:
- decode_jobs_1(mem_ctx, r.buffer, r.returned,
- ctr->job.job_info_1);
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_jobs_2(mem_ctx, r.buffer, r.returned,
- ctr->job.job_info_2);
- break;
- default:
- DEBUG(3, ("unsupported info level %d", level));
- break;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Set job */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_setjob(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *hnd, uint32 jobid, uint32 level,
- uint32 command)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_setjob(&q, hnd, jobid, level, command);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_setjob("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_SETJOB, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_setjob("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Get job */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_getjob(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 offered, uint32 *needed,
- POLICY_HND *hnd, uint32 jobid, uint32 level,
- JOB_INFO_CTR *ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- init_buffer(&buffer, offered, mem_ctx);
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_getjob(&q, hnd, jobid, level, &buffer, offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_getjob("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_GETJOB, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_getjob("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (needed)
- *needed = r.needed;
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(r.status))
- goto done;
- switch(level) {
- case 1:
- decode_jobs_1(mem_ctx, r.buffer, 1, ctr->job.job_info_1);
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_jobs_2(mem_ctx, r.buffer, 1, ctr->job.job_info_2);
- break;
- default:
- DEBUG(3, ("unsupported info level %d", level));
- break;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Startpageprinter. Sent to notify the spooler when a page is about to be
- sent to a printer. */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_startpageprinter(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *hnd)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_startpageprinter(&q, hnd);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_startpageprinter("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_STARTPAGEPRINTER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_startpageprinter("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Endpageprinter. Sent to notify the spooler when a page has finished
- being sent to a printer. */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_endpageprinter(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *hnd)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_endpageprinter(&q, hnd);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_endpageprinter("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_ENDPAGEPRINTER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_endpageprinter("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Startdocprinter. Sent to notify the spooler that a document is about
- to be spooled for printing. */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_startdocprinter(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *hnd, char *docname,
- char *outputfile, char *datatype,
- uint32 *jobid)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- uint32 level = 1;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_startdocprinter(&q, hnd, level, docname, outputfile,
- datatype);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_startdocprinter("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_STARTDOCPRINTER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_startdocprinter("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(result))
- *jobid = r.jobid;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Enddocprinter. Sent to notify the spooler that a document has finished
- being spooled. */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_enddocprinter(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *hnd)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_enddocprinter(&q, hnd);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_enddocprinter("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_ENDDOCPRINTER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_enddocprinter("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Get printer data */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_getprinterdata(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 offered, uint32 *needed,
- POLICY_HND *hnd, char *valuename,
- uint32 *data_type, char **data,
- uint32 *data_size)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_getprinterdata(&q, hnd, valuename, offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_getprinterdata("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_GETPRINTERDATA, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_getprinterdata("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- result = r.status;
- if (needed)
- *needed = r.needed;
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(r.status))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- if (data_type)
- *data_type = r.type;
- if (data) {
- *data = (char *)talloc(mem_ctx, r.needed);
- memcpy(*data,, r.needed);
- }
- if (data_size)
- *data_size = r.needed;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Set printer data */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_setprinterdata(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *hnd, char *value,
- uint32 data_type, char *data,
- uint32 data_size)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_setprinterdata(&q, hnd, value, data, data_size);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_setprinterdata("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_SETPRINTERDATA, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_setprinterdata("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- result = r.status;
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(r.status))
- goto done;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Enum printer data */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_enumprinterdata(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *hnd, uint32 ndx,
- uint32 value_offered, uint32 data_offered,
- uint32 *value_needed, uint32 *data_needed,
- char **value, uint32 *data_type, char **data,
- uint32 *data_size)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_enumprinterdata(&q, hnd, ndx, value_offered, data_offered);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_enumprinterdata("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_ENUMPRINTERDATA, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_enumprinterdata("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- result = r.status;
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(r.status))
- goto done;
- /* Return data */
- if (value_needed)
- *value_needed = r.realvaluesize;
- if (data_needed)
- *data_needed = r.realdatasize;
- if (data_type)
- *data_type = r.type;
- if (value) {
- fstring the_value;
- rpcstr_pull(the_value, r.value, sizeof(the_value), -1,
- *value = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, the_value);
- }
- if (data)
- *data = talloc_memdup(mem_ctx,, r.realdatasize);
- if (data_size)
- *data_size = r.realdatasize;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Write data to printer */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_writeprinter(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *hnd, uint32 data_size, char *data,
- uint32 *num_written)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_writeprinter(&q, hnd, data_size, data);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_writeprinter("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_WRITEPRINTER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_writeprinter("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- result = r.status;
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(r.status))
- goto done;
- if (num_written)
- *num_written = r.buffer_written;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Delete printer data */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_deleteprinterdata(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *hnd, char *valuename)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_deleteprinterdata(&q, hnd, valuename);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_deleteprinterdata("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_DELETEPRINTERDATA, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_deleteprinterdata("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- result = r.status;
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(r.status))
- goto done;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/** @} **/
diff --git a/source3/libsmb/cli_spoolss_notify.c b/source3/libsmb/cli_spoolss_notify.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 922b0fbb1d..0000000000
--- a/source3/libsmb/cli_spoolss_notify.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- RPC pipe client
- Copyright (C) Gerald Carter 2001-2002,
- Copyright (C) Tim Potter 2000-2002,
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1994-2000,
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-2000,
- Copyright (C) Jean-Francois Micouleau 1999-2000.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
- * SPOOLSS Client RPC's used by servers as the notification
- * back channel.
- */
-/* Send a ReplyOpenPrinter request. This rpc is made by the printer
- server to the printer client in response to a rffpcnex request.
- The rrfpcnex request names a printer and a handle (the printerlocal
- value) and this rpc establishes a back-channel over which printer
- notifications are performed. */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_reply_open_printer(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- char *printer, uint32 printerlocal, uint32 type,
- POLICY_HND *handle)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- make_spoolss_q_replyopenprinter(&q, printer, printerlocal, type);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_replyopenprinter("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req (cli, SPOOLSS_REPLYOPENPRINTER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_replyopenprinter("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return result */
- memcpy(handle, &r.handle, sizeof(r.handle));
- result = r.status;
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-/* Close a back-channel notification connection */
-WERROR cli_spoolss_reply_close_printer(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *handle)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- make_spoolss_q_reply_closeprinter(&q, handle);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_replycloseprinter("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req (cli, SPOOLSS_REPLYCLOSEPRINTER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_replycloseprinter("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return result */
- result = r.status;
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- This SPOOLSS_ROUTERREPLYPRINTER function is used to send a change
- notification event when the registration **did not** use
- SPOOL_NOTIFY_OPTION_TYPE structure to specify the events to monitor.
- Also see cli_spolss_reply_rrpcn()
- *********************************************************************/
-WERROR cli_spoolss_routerreplyprinter(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 condition, uint32 change_id)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- make_spoolss_q_routerreplyprinter(&q, pol, condition, change_id);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!spoolss_io_q_routerreplyprinter("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req (cli, SPOOLSS_ROUTERREPLYPRINTER, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!spoolss_io_r_routerreplyprinter("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- /* Return output parameters */
- result = r.status;
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
- This SPOOLSS_REPLY_RRPCN function is used to send a change
- notification event when the registration **did** use
- SPOOL_NOTIFY_OPTION_TYPE structure to specify the events to monitor
- Also see cli_spoolss_routereplyprinter()
- *********************************************************************/
-WERROR cli_spoolss_rrpcn(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- POLICY_HND *pol, uint32 notify_data_len,
- SPOOL_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA *notify_data,
- uint32 change_low, uint32 change_high)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- SPOOL_NOTIFY_INFO notify_info;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- ZERO_STRUCT(notify_info);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- notify_info.version = 0x2;
- notify_info.flags = 0x00020000; /* ?? */
- notify_info.count = notify_data_len;
- = notify_data;
- /* create and send a MSRPC command with api */
- /* store the parameters */
- make_spoolss_q_reply_rrpcn(&q, pol, change_low, change_high,
- &notify_info);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if(!spoolss_io_q_reply_rrpcn("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SPOOLSS_RRPCN, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if(!spoolss_io_r_reply_rrpcn("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- if (r.unknown0 == 0x00080000)
- DEBUG(8,("cli_spoolss_reply_rrpcn: I think the spooler resonded that the notification was ignored.\n"));
- result = r.status;
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
diff --git a/source3/libsmb/cli_srvsvc.c b/source3/libsmb/cli_srvsvc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dc12d726c..0000000000
--- a/source3/libsmb/cli_srvsvc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- NT Domain Authentication SMB / MSRPC client
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1994-2000
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-2000
- Copyright (C) Tim Potter 2001
- Copyright (C) Jim McDonough 2002
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
-NTSTATUS cli_srvsvc_net_srv_get_info(struct cli_state *cli,
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 switch_value, SRV_INFO_CTR *ctr)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- NTSTATUS result;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_srv_q_net_srv_get_info(&q, cli->srv_name_slash, switch_value);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!srv_io_q_net_srv_get_info("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SRV_NET_SRV_GET_INFO, &qbuf, &rbuf)) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* Unmarshall response */
- r.ctr = ctr;
- if (!srv_io_r_net_srv_get_info("", &r, &rbuf, 0)) {
- goto done;
- }
- result = werror_to_ntstatus(r.status);
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-WERROR cli_srvsvc_net_share_enum(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 info_level, SRV_SHARE_INFO_CTR *ctr,
- int preferred_len, ENUM_HND *hnd)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- int i;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_srv_q_net_share_enum(
- &q, cli->srv_name_slash, info_level, preferred_len, hnd);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!srv_io_q_net_share_enum("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SRV_NET_SHARE_ENUM_ALL, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!srv_io_r_net_share_enum("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- result = r.status;
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(result))
- goto done;
- /* Oh yuck yuck yuck - we have to copy all the info out of the
- SRV_SHARE_INFO_CTR in the SRV_R_NET_SHARE_ENUM as when we do a
- prs_mem_free() it will all be invalidated. The various share
- info structures suck badly too. This really is gross. */
- ctr->info_level = info_level;
- ctr->num_entries = r.ctr.num_entries;
- switch(info_level) {
- case 1:
- ctr->share.info1 = (SRV_SHARE_INFO_1 *)talloc(
- mem_ctx, sizeof(SRV_SHARE_INFO_1) * ctr->num_entries);
- memset(ctr->share.info1, 0, sizeof(SRV_SHARE_INFO_1));
- for (i = 0; i < ctr->num_entries; i++) {
- SRV_SHARE_INFO_1 *info1 = &ctr->share.info1[i];
- char *s;
- /* Copy pointer crap */
- memcpy(&info1->info_1, &r.ctr.share.info1[i].info_1,
- sizeof(SH_INFO_1));
- /* Duplicate strings */
- s = unistr2_tdup(mem_ctx, &r.ctr.share.info1[i].info_1_str.uni_netname);
- if (s)
- init_unistr2(&info1->info_1_str.uni_netname, s, strlen(s) + 1);
- s = unistr2_tdup(mem_ctx, &r.ctr.share.info1[i].info_1_str.uni_remark);
- if (s)
- init_unistr2(&info1->info_1_str.uni_remark, s, strlen(s) + 1);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- ctr->share.info2 = (SRV_SHARE_INFO_2 *)talloc(
- mem_ctx, sizeof(SRV_SHARE_INFO_2) * ctr->num_entries);
- memset(ctr->share.info2, 0, sizeof(SRV_SHARE_INFO_2));
- for (i = 0; i < ctr->num_entries; i++) {
- SRV_SHARE_INFO_2 *info2 = &ctr->share.info2[i];
- char *s;
- /* Copy pointer crap */
- memcpy(&info2->info_2, &r.ctr.share.info2[i].info_2,
- sizeof(SH_INFO_2));
- /* Duplicate strings */
- s = unistr2_tdup(mem_ctx, &r.ctr.share.info2[i].info_2_str.uni_netname);
- if (s)
- init_unistr2(&info2->info_2_str.uni_netname, s, strlen(s) + 1);
- s = unistr2_tdup(mem_ctx, &r.ctr.share.info2[i].info_2_str.uni_remark);
- if (s)
- init_unistr2(&info2->info_2_str.uni_remark, s, strlen(s) + 1);
- s = unistr2_tdup(mem_ctx, &r.ctr.share.info2[i].info_2_str.uni_path);
- if (s)
- init_unistr2(&info2->info_2_str.uni_path, s, strlen(s) + 1);
- s = unistr2_tdup(mem_ctx, &r.ctr.share.info2[i].info_2_str.uni_passwd);
- if (s)
- init_unistr2(&info2->info_2_str.uni_passwd, s, strlen(s) + 1);
- }
- break;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-WERROR cli_srvsvc_net_share_del(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- const char *sharename)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_srv_q_net_share_del(&q, cli->srv_name_slash, sharename);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!srv_io_q_net_share_del("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SRV_NET_SHARE_DEL, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!srv_io_r_net_share_del("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-WERROR cli_srvsvc_net_share_add(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- char *netname, uint32 type, char *remark,
- uint32 perms, uint32 max_uses, uint32 num_uses,
- char *path, char *passwd)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- init_srv_q_net_share_add(&q,cli->srv_name_slash, netname, type, remark,
- perms, max_uses, num_uses, path, passwd);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!srv_io_q_net_share_add("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SRV_NET_SHARE_ADD, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!srv_io_r_net_share_add("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-WERROR cli_srvsvc_net_remote_tod(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- char *server, TIME_OF_DAY_INFO *tod)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_srv_q_net_remote_tod(&q, cli->srv_name_slash);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!srv_io_q_net_remote_tod("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SRV_NET_REMOTE_TOD, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- r.tod = tod;
- if (!srv_io_r_net_remote_tod("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- result = r.status;
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(result))
- goto done;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-WERROR cli_srvsvc_net_file_enum(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 file_level, char *user_name,
- SRV_FILE_INFO_CTR *ctr, int preferred_len,
- ENUM_HND *hnd)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- int i;
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_srv_q_net_file_enum(&q, cli->srv_name_slash, NULL, user_name,
- file_level, ctr, preferred_len, hnd);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!srv_io_q_net_file_enum("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SRV_NET_FILE_ENUM, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!srv_io_r_net_file_enum("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- result = r.status;
- if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(result))
- goto done;
- /* copy the data over to the ctr */
- ctr->switch_value = file_level;
- ctr->num_entries = ctr->num_entries2 = r.ctr.num_entries;
- switch(file_level) {
- case 3:
- ctr->file.info3 = (SRV_FILE_INFO_3 *)talloc(
- mem_ctx, sizeof(SRV_FILE_INFO_3) * ctr->num_entries);
- memset(ctr->file.info3, 0,
- sizeof(SRV_FILE_INFO_3) * ctr->num_entries);
- for (i = 0; i < r.ctr.num_entries; i++) {
- SRV_FILE_INFO_3 *info3 = &ctr->file.info3[i];
- char *s;
- /* Copy pointer crap */
- memcpy(&info3->info_3, &r.ctr.file.info3[i].info_3,
- sizeof(FILE_INFO_3));
- /* Duplicate strings */
- s = unistr2_tdup(mem_ctx, &r.ctr.file.info3[i].info_3_str.uni_path_name);
- if (s)
- init_unistr2(&info3->info_3_str.uni_path_name, s, strlen(s) + 1);
- s = unistr2_tdup(mem_ctx, &r.ctr.file.info3[i].info_3_str.uni_user_name);
- if (s)
- init_unistr2(&info3->info_3_str.uni_user_name, s, strlen(s) + 1);
- }
- break;
- }
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
-WERROR cli_srvsvc_net_file_close(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- uint32 file_id)
- prs_struct qbuf, rbuf;
- WERROR result = W_ERROR(ERRgeneral);
- /* Initialise parse structures */
- prs_init(&qbuf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- /* Initialise input parameters */
- init_srv_q_net_file_close(&q, cli->srv_name_slash, file_id);
- /* Marshall data and send request */
- if (!srv_io_q_net_file_close("", &q, &qbuf, 0) ||
- !rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, SRV_NET_FILE_CLOSE, &qbuf, &rbuf))
- goto done;
- /* Unmarshall response */
- if (!srv_io_r_net_file_close("", &r, &rbuf, 0))
- goto done;
- result = r.status;
- done:
- prs_mem_free(&qbuf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return result;
diff --git a/source3/libsmb/cli_wkssvc.c b/source3/libsmb/cli_wkssvc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 97b948bf62..0000000000
--- a/source3/libsmb/cli_wkssvc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- NT Domain Authentication SMB / MSRPC client
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1994-2000
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-2000
- Copyright (C) Tim Potter 2001
- Copytight (C) Rafal Szczesniak 2002
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
- * WksQueryInfo rpc call (like query for server's capabilities)
- *
- * @param initialised client structure with \PIPE\wkssvc opened
- * @param mem_ctx memory context assigned to this rpc binding
- * @param wks100 WksQueryInfo structure
- *
- * @return NTSTATUS of rpc call
- */
-NTSTATUS cli_wks_query_info(struct cli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
- WKS_INFO_100 *wks100)
- prs_struct buf;
- prs_struct rbuf;
- if (cli == NULL || wks100 == NULL)
- /* init rpc parse structures */
- prs_init(&buf, MAX_PDU_FRAG_LEN, mem_ctx, MARSHALL);
- prs_init(&rbuf, 0, mem_ctx, UNMARSHALL);
- DEBUG(4, ("WksQueryInfo\n"));
- /* init query structure with rpc call arguments */
- init_wks_q_query_info(&q_o, cli->desthost, 100);
- /* marshall data */
- if (!wks_io_q_query_info("", &q_o, &buf, 0)) {
- prs_mem_free(&buf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- }
- /* actual rpc call over \PIPE\wkssvc */
- if (!rpc_api_pipe_req(cli, WKS_QUERY_INFO, &buf, &rbuf)) {
- prs_mem_free(&buf);
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- }
- prs_mem_free(&buf);
- r_o.wks100 = wks100;
- /* get call results from response buffer */
- if (!wks_io_r_query_info("", &r_o, &rbuf, 0)) {
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- }
- /* check returnet status code */
- if (NT_STATUS_IS_ERR(r_o.status)) {
- /* report the error */
- DEBUG(0,("WKS_R_QUERY_INFO: %s\n", nt_errstr(r_o.status)));
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return r_o.status;
- }
- /* do clean up */
- prs_mem_free(&rbuf);
- return NT_STATUS_OK;
diff --git a/source3/nsswitch/winbindd_proto.h b/source3/nsswitch/winbindd_proto.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d4dbbb06b..0000000000
--- a/source3/nsswitch/winbindd_proto.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is automatically generated with "make proto". DO NOT EDIT */
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd.c */
-void winbind_process_packet(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-void winbind_client_read(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-int winbind_setup_common(void);
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_ads.c */
-ADS_STATUS ads_do_search_retry(ADS_STRUCT *ads, const char *bind_path, int scope,
- const char *exp,
- const char **attrs, void **res);
-ADS_STATUS ads_search_retry(ADS_STRUCT *ads, void **res,
- const char *exp,
- const char **attrs);
-ADS_STATUS ads_search_retry_dn(ADS_STRUCT *ads, void **res,
- const char *dn,
- const char **attrs);
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_cache.c */
-void wcache_flush_cache(void);
-void winbindd_check_cache_size(time_t t);
-struct cache_entry *centry_start(struct winbindd_domain *domain, NTSTATUS status);
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_cm.c */
-CLI_POLICY_HND *cm_get_lsa_handle(char *domain);
-CLI_POLICY_HND *cm_get_sam_handle(char *domain);
-CLI_POLICY_HND *cm_get_sam_dom_handle(char *domain, DOM_SID *domain_sid);
-CLI_POLICY_HND *cm_get_sam_user_handle(char *domain, DOM_SID *domain_sid,
- uint32 user_rid);
-CLI_POLICY_HND *cm_get_sam_group_handle(char *domain, DOM_SID *domain_sid,
- uint32 group_rid);
-NTSTATUS cm_get_netlogon_cli(char *domain, unsigned char *trust_passwd,
- struct cli_state **cli);
-void winbindd_cm_status(void);
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_dual.c */
-int dual_select_setup(fd_set *fds, int maxfd);
-void dual_select(fd_set *fds);
-void dual_send_request(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-void do_dual_daemon(void);
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_group.c */
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_getgrnam(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_getgrgid(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_setgrent(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_endgrent(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_getgrent(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_list_groups(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_getgroups(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_idmap.c */
-BOOL winbindd_idmap_get_uid_from_sid(DOM_SID *sid, uid_t *uid);
-BOOL winbindd_idmap_get_gid_from_sid(DOM_SID *sid, gid_t *gid);
-BOOL winbindd_idmap_get_uid_from_rid(const char *dom_name, uint32 rid, uid_t *uid);
-BOOL winbindd_idmap_get_gid_from_rid(const char *dom_name, uint32 rid, gid_t *gid);
-BOOL get_sid_from_id(int id, DOM_SID *sid, BOOL isgroup);
-BOOL winbindd_idmap_get_sid_from_uid(uid_t uid, DOM_SID *sid);
-BOOL winbindd_idmap_get_sid_from_gid(gid_t gid, DOM_SID *sid);
-BOOL winbindd_idmap_get_rid_from_uid(uid_t uid, uint32 *user_rid,
- struct winbindd_domain **domain);
-BOOL winbindd_idmap_get_rid_from_gid(gid_t gid, uint32 *group_rid,
- struct winbindd_domain **domain);
-BOOL winbindd_idmap_init(void);
-BOOL winbindd_idmap_close(void);
-void winbindd_idmap_status(void);
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_misc.c */
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_check_machine_acct(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_list_trusted_domains(struct winbindd_cli_state
- *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_show_sequence(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_ping(struct winbindd_cli_state
- *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_info(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_interface_version(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_domain_name(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_pam.c */
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_pam_auth(struct winbindd_cli_state *state) ;
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_pam_auth_crap(struct winbindd_cli_state *state) ;
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_pam_chauthtok(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_rpc.c */
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_sid.c */
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_lookupsid(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_lookupname(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_sid_to_uid(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_sid_to_gid(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_uid_to_sid(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_gid_to_sid(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_user.c */
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_getpwnam(struct winbindd_cli_state *state) ;
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_getpwuid(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_setpwent(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_endpwent(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_getpwent(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_list_users(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_util.c */
-struct winbindd_domain *domain_list(void);
-void free_domain_list(void);
-void rescan_trusted_domains(void);
-BOOL init_domain_list(void);
-struct winbindd_domain *find_domain_from_name(const char *domain_name);
-struct winbindd_domain *find_domain_from_sid(DOM_SID *sid);
-BOOL winbindd_lookup_sid_by_name(struct winbindd_domain *domain,
- const char *name, DOM_SID *sid,
- enum SID_NAME_USE *type);
-BOOL winbindd_lookup_name_by_sid(DOM_SID *sid,
- fstring dom_name,
- fstring name,
- enum SID_NAME_USE *type);
-void free_getent_state(struct getent_state *state);
-BOOL winbindd_param_init(void);
-BOOL check_domain_env(char *domain_env, char *domain);
-BOOL parse_domain_user(const char *domuser, fstring domain, fstring user);
-void fill_domain_username(fstring name, const char *domain, const char *user);
-/* The following definitions come from nsswitch/winbindd_wins.c */
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_wins_byip(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-enum winbindd_result winbindd_wins_byname(struct winbindd_cli_state *state);
-#endif /* _WINBINDD_PROTO_H_ */
diff --git a/source3/passdb/passgrp.c b/source3/passdb/passgrp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f73591793f..0000000000
--- a/source3/passdb/passgrp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- Password and authentication handling
- Copyright (C) Jeremy Allison 1996-1998
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-1998
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
-#undef DBGC_CLASS
- * NOTE. All these functions are abstracted into a structure
- * that points to the correct function for the selected database. JRA.
- *
- * the API does NOT fill in the gaps if you set an API function
- * to NULL: it will deliberately attempt to call the NULL function.
- *
- */
-static struct passgrp_ops *pwgrp_ops;
- Initialise the passgrp operations.
-BOOL initialise_passgrp_db(void)
- if (pwgrp_ops)
- {
- return True;
- }
- pwgrp_ops = nisplus_initialise_password_grp();
-#elif defined(WITH_LDAP)
- pwgrp_ops = ldap_initialize_password_grp();
- pwgrp_ops = file_initialise_password_grp();
- return (pwgrp_ops != NULL);
- * Functions that return/manipulate a struct smb_passwd.
- */
- Utility function to search smb passwd by rid.
-struct smb_passwd *iterate_getsmbgrprid(uint32 user_rid,
- uint32 **grps, int *num_grps,
- uint32 **alss, int *num_alss)
- return iterate_getsmbgrpuid(pwdb_user_rid_to_uid(user_rid),
- grps, num_grps, alss, num_alss);
- Utility function to search smb passwd by uid. use this if your database
- does not have search facilities.
-struct smb_passwd *iterate_getsmbgrpuid(uid_t smb_userid,
- uint32 **grps, int *num_grps,
- uint32 **alss, int *num_alss)
- struct smb_passwd *pwd = NULL;
- void *fp = NULL;
- DEBUG(10, ("search by smb_userid: %x\n", (int)smb_userid));
- /* Open the smb password database - not for update. */
- fp = startsmbgrpent(False);
- if (fp == NULL)
- {
- DEBUG(0, ("unable to open smb passgrp database.\n"));
- return NULL;
- }
- while ((pwd = getsmbgrpent(fp, grps, num_grps, alss, num_alss)) != NULL && pwd->smb_userid != smb_userid)
- ;
- if (pwd != NULL)
- {
- DEBUG(10, ("found by smb_userid: %x\n", (int)smb_userid));
- }
- endsmbgrpent(fp);
- return pwd;
- Utility function to search smb passwd by name. use this if your database
- does not have search facilities.
-struct smb_passwd *iterate_getsmbgrpnam(char *name,
- uint32 **grps, int *num_grps,
- uint32 **alss, int *num_alss)
- struct smb_passwd *pwd = NULL;
- void *fp = NULL;
- DEBUG(10, ("search by name: %s\n", name));
- /* Open the passgrp file - not for update. */
- fp = startsmbgrpent(False);
- if (fp == NULL)
- {
- DEBUG(0, ("unable to open smb passgrp database.\n"));
- return NULL;
- }
- while ((pwd = getsmbgrpent(fp, grps, num_grps, alss, num_alss)) != NULL && !strequal(pwd->smb_name, name))
- ;
- if (pwd != NULL)
- {
- DEBUG(10, ("found by name: %s\n", name));
- }
- endsmbgrpent(fp);
- return pwd;
- Start to enumerate the smb or sam passwd list. Returns a void pointer
- to ensure no modification outside this module.
- Note that currently it is being assumed that a pointer returned
- from this function may be used to enumerate struct sam_passwd
- entries as well as struct smb_passwd entries. This may need
- to change. JRA.
-void *startsmbgrpent(BOOL update)
- return pwgrp_ops->startsmbgrpent(update);
- End enumeration of the smb or sam passwd list.
- Note that currently it is being assumed that a pointer returned
- from this function may be used to enumerate struct sam_passwd
- entries as well as struct smb_passwd entries. This may need
- to change. JRA.
-void endsmbgrpent(void *vp)
- pwgrp_ops->endsmbgrpent(vp);
- Routine to return the next entry in the smb passwd list.
- *************************************************************************/
-struct smb_passwd *getsmbgrpent(void *vp,
- uint32 **grps, int *num_grps,
- uint32 **alss, int *num_alss)
- return pwgrp_ops->getsmbgrpent(vp, grps, num_grps, alss, num_alss);
- Routine to search smb passwd by name.
-struct smb_passwd *getsmbgrpnam(char *name,
- uint32 **grps, int *num_grps,
- uint32 **alss, int *num_alss)
- return pwgrp_ops->getsmbgrpnam(name, grps, num_grps, alss, num_alss);
- Routine to search smb passwd by user rid.
-struct smb_passwd *getsmbgrprid(uint32 user_rid,
- uint32 **grps, int *num_grps,
- uint32 **alss, int *num_alss)
- return pwgrp_ops->getsmbgrprid(user_rid, grps, num_grps, alss, num_alss);
- Routine to search smb passwd by uid.
-struct smb_passwd *getsmbgrpuid(uid_t smb_userid,
- uint32 **grps, int *num_grps,
- uint32 **alss, int *num_alss)
- return pwgrp_ops->getsmbgrpuid(smb_userid, grps, num_grps, alss, num_alss);
diff --git a/source3/rpc_client/cli_login.c b/source3/rpc_client/cli_login.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b5bf90c5d..0000000000
--- a/source3/rpc_client/cli_login.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- NT Domain Authentication SMB / MSRPC client
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1994-1997
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-1997
- Copyright (C) Jeremy Allison 1999.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
-extern fstring global_myworkgroup;
-extern pstring global_myname;
-Initialize domain session credentials.
-NTSTATUS cli_nt_setup_creds(struct cli_state *cli, unsigned char mach_pwd[16])
- NTSTATUS result;
- DOM_CHAL clnt_chal;
- DOM_CHAL srv_chal;
- UTIME zerotime;
- /******************* Request Challenge ********************/
- generate_random_buffer(, 8, False);
- /* send a client challenge; receive a server challenge */
- if (!cli_net_req_chal(cli, &clnt_chal, &srv_chal))
- {
- DEBUG(0,("cli_nt_setup_creds: request challenge failed\n"));
- }
- /**************** Long-term Session key **************/
- /* calculate the session key */
- cred_session_key(&clnt_chal, &srv_chal, (char *)mach_pwd, cli->sess_key);
- memset((char *)cli->sess_key+8, '\0', 8);
- /******************* Authenticate 2 ********************/
- /* calculate auth-2 credentials */
- zerotime.time = 0;
- cred_create(cli->sess_key, &clnt_chal, zerotime, &(cli->clnt_cred.challenge));
- /*
- * Send client auth-2 challenge.
- * Receive an auth-2 challenge response and check it.
- */
- result = cli_net_auth2(cli, (lp_server_role() == ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER) ?
- SEC_CHAN_WKSTA : SEC_CHAN_BDC, 0x000001ff, &srv_chal);
- if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result))
- {
- DEBUG(0,("cli_nt_setup_creds: auth2 challenge failed\n"));
- return result;
- }
- return NT_STATUS_OK;
-NT login - interactive.
-*NEVER* use this code. This method of doing a logon (sending the cleartext
-password equivalents, protected by the session key) is inherently insecure
-given the current design of the NT Domain system. JRA.
- ****************************************************************************/
-NTSTATUS cli_nt_login_interactive(struct cli_state *cli, char *domain, char *username,
- uint32 smb_userid_low, char *password,
- NET_ID_INFO_CTR *ctr, NET_USER_INFO_3 *user_info3)
- uchar lm_owf_user_pwd[16];
- uchar nt_owf_user_pwd[16];
- DEBUG(5,("cli_nt_login_interactive: %d\n", __LINE__));
- nt_lm_owf_gen(password, nt_owf_user_pwd, lm_owf_user_pwd);
- DEBUG(100,("nt owf of user password: "));
- dump_data(100, (char *)lm_owf_user_pwd, 16);
- DEBUG(100,("nt owf of user password: "));
- dump_data(100, (char *)nt_owf_user_pwd, 16);
- DEBUG(5,("cli_nt_login_interactive: %d\n", __LINE__));
- /* indicate an "interactive" login */
- ctr->switch_value = INTERACTIVE_LOGON_TYPE;
- /* Create the structure needed for SAM logon. */
- init_id_info1(&ctr->auth.id1, domain, 0,
- smb_userid_low, 0,
- username, cli->clnt_name_slash,
- (char *)cli->sess_key, lm_owf_user_pwd, nt_owf_user_pwd);
- /* Ensure we overwrite all the plaintext password
- equivalents. */
- memset(lm_owf_user_pwd, '\0', sizeof(lm_owf_user_pwd));
- memset(nt_owf_user_pwd, '\0', sizeof(nt_owf_user_pwd));
- /* Send client sam-logon request - update credentials on success. */
- ret = cli_net_sam_logon(cli, ctr, user_info3);
- memset(ctr->, '\0', sizeof(lm_owf_user_pwd));
- memset(ctr->, '\0', sizeof(nt_owf_user_pwd));
- return ret;
-NT login - network.
-*ALWAYS* use this call to validate a user as it does not expose plaintext
-password equivalents over the network. JRA.
-NTSTATUS cli_nt_login_network(struct cli_state *cli,
- const auth_usersupplied_info *user_info,
- uchar chal[8],
- uint32 smb_userid_low, NET_ID_INFO_CTR *ctr,
- NET_USER_INFO_3 *user_info3)
- DEBUG(5,("cli_nt_login_network: %d\n", __LINE__));
- /* indicate a "network" login */
- ctr->switch_value = NET_LOGON_TYPE;
- /* Create the structure needed for SAM logon. */
- init_id_info2(&ctr->auth.id2, user_info->domain.str, 0, smb_userid_low, 0,
- user_info->smb_name.str,
- /* Send our cleint's workstaion name if we have it, otherwise ours */
- ((user_info->wksta_name.len > 0) ?
- user_info->wksta_name.str :
- cli->clnt_name_slash),
- chal,
- user_info->, user_info->lm_resp.length,
- user_info->, user_info->nt_resp.length);
- /* Send client sam-logon request - update credentials on success. */
- return cli_net_sam_logon(cli, ctr, user_info3);
-NT Logoff.
-BOOL cli_nt_logoff(struct cli_state *cli, NET_ID_INFO_CTR *ctr)
- DEBUG(5,("cli_nt_logoff: %d\n", __LINE__));
- /* Send client sam-logoff request - update credentials on success. */
- return cli_net_sam_logoff(cli, ctr);
diff --git a/source3/rpc_client/msrpc_spoolss.c b/source3/rpc_client/msrpc_spoolss.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 56c70730ba..0000000000
--- a/source3/rpc_client/msrpc_spoolss.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,812 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- NT Domain Authentication SMB / MSRPC client
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1994-2000
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-2000
- Copyright (C) Jean-Francois Micouleau 1999-2000
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
-#include "nterr.h"
-#include "rpc_parse.h"
-#include "rpcclient.h"
-#undef DBGC_CLASS
-extern FILE* out_hnd;
-extern struct user_creds *usr_creds;
-initialize a spoolss NEW_BUFFER.
-void init_buffer(NEW_BUFFER *buffer, uint32 size, TALLOC_CTX *ctx)
- buffer->ptr = (size!=0)? 1:0;
- buffer->size=size;
- buffer->string_at_end=size;
- prs_init(&buffer->prs, size, ctx, MARSHALL);
- buffer->struct_start = prs_offset(&buffer->prs);
-static void decode_printer_info_0(NEW_BUFFER *buffer, uint32 returned,
- PRINTER_INFO_0 **info)
- uint32 i;
- PRINTER_INFO_0 *inf;
- inf=(PRINTER_INFO_0 *)malloc(returned*sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_0));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- new_smb_io_printer_info_0("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printer_info_1(NEW_BUFFER *buffer, uint32 returned,
- PRINTER_INFO_1 **info)
- uint32 i;
- PRINTER_INFO_1 *inf;
- inf=(PRINTER_INFO_1 *)malloc(returned*sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_1));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- new_smb_io_printer_info_1("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printer_info_2(NEW_BUFFER *buffer, uint32 returned,
- PRINTER_INFO_2 **info)
- uint32 i;
- PRINTER_INFO_2 *inf;
- inf=(PRINTER_INFO_2 *)malloc(returned*sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- /* a little initialization as we go */
- inf[i].secdesc = NULL;
- new_smb_io_printer_info_2("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printer_info_3(NEW_BUFFER *buffer, uint32 returned,
- PRINTER_INFO_3 **info)
- uint32 i;
- PRINTER_INFO_3 *inf;
- inf=(PRINTER_INFO_3 *)malloc(returned*sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_3));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- new_smb_io_printer_info_3("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printer_driver_1(NEW_BUFFER *buffer, uint32 returned,
- DRIVER_INFO_1 **info)
- uint32 i;
- DRIVER_INFO_1 *inf;
- inf=(DRIVER_INFO_1 *)malloc(returned*sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_1));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- new_smb_io_printer_driver_info_1("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printer_driver_2(NEW_BUFFER *buffer, uint32 returned,
- DRIVER_INFO_2 **info)
- uint32 i;
- DRIVER_INFO_2 *inf;
- inf=(DRIVER_INFO_2 *)malloc(returned*sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_2));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- new_smb_io_printer_driver_info_2("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printer_driver_3(NEW_BUFFER *buffer, uint32 returned,
- DRIVER_INFO_3 **info)
- uint32 i;
- DRIVER_INFO_3 *inf;
- inf=(DRIVER_INFO_3 *)malloc(returned*sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_3));
- buffer->prs.data_offset=0;
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- new_smb_io_printer_driver_info_3("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-static void decode_printerdriverdir_info_1(NEW_BUFFER *buffer, DRIVER_DIRECTORY_1 *info)
- inf=(DRIVER_DIRECTORY_1 *)malloc(returned*sizeof(DRIVER_DIRECTORY_1));
- prs_set_offset(&buffer->prs, 0);
- new_smb_io_driverdir_1("", buffer, info, 0);
-/* *info=inf;*/
- Decode a PORT_INFO_1 struct from a NEW_BUFFER
-void decode_port_info_1(NEW_BUFFER *buffer, uint32 returned,
- PORT_INFO_1 **info)
- uint32 i;
- PORT_INFO_1 *inf;
- inf=(PORT_INFO_1*)malloc(returned*sizeof(PORT_INFO_1));
- prs_set_offset(&buffer->prs, 0);
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- new_smb_io_port_info_1("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
- Decode a PORT_INFO_2 struct from a NEW_BUFFER
-void decode_port_info_2(NEW_BUFFER *buffer, uint32 returned,
- PORT_INFO_2 **info)
- uint32 i;
- PORT_INFO_2 *inf;
- inf=(PORT_INFO_2*)malloc(returned*sizeof(PORT_INFO_2));
- prs_set_offset(&buffer->prs, 0);
- for (i=0; i<returned; i++) {
- new_smb_io_port_info_2("", buffer, &(inf[i]), 0);
- }
- *info=inf;
-nt spoolss query
-BOOL msrpc_spoolss_enum_printers(char* srv_name, uint32 flags,
- uint32 level, PRINTER_INFO_CTR ctr)
- NTSTATUS status;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- uint32 needed;
- uint32 returned;
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = NULL;
- if ((mem_ctx=talloc_init()) == NULL)
- {
- DEBUG(0,("msrpc_spoolss_enum_printers: talloc_init failed!\n"));
- return False;
- }
- init_buffer(&buffer, 0, mem_ctx);
- /* send a NULL buffer first */
- status=spoolss_enum_printers(flags, srv_name, level, &buffer, 0,
- &needed, &returned);
- init_buffer(&buffer, needed, mem_ctx);
- status=spoolss_enum_printers(flags, srv_name, level, &buffer,
- needed, &needed, &returned);
- }
- if (status!=NT_STATUS_OK)
- {
- DEBUG(0,("spoolss_enum_printers: %s\n", nt_errstr(status)));
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- return False;
- }
- /* is there anything to process? */
- if (returned != 0)
- {
- switch (level) {
- case 1:
- decode_printer_info_1(&buffer, returned, &(ctr.printers_1));
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_printer_info_2(&buffer, returned, &(ctr.printers_2));
- break;
- case 3:
- decode_printer_info_3(&buffer, returned, &(ctr.printers_3));
- break;
- }
- display_printer_info_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_HEADER , level, returned, ctr);
- display_printer_info_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_ENUMERATE, level, returned, ctr);
- display_printer_info_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_FOOTER , level, returned, ctr);
- }
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- return True;
-nt spoolss query
-BOOL msrpc_spoolss_enum_ports(char* srv_name,
- uint32 level, PORT_INFO_CTR *ctr)
- NTSTATUS status;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- uint32 needed;
- uint32 returned;
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = NULL;
- if ((mem_ctx=talloc_init()) == NULL)
- {
- DEBUG(0,("msrpc_spoolss_enum_ports: talloc_init failed!\n"));
- return False;
- }
- init_buffer(&buffer, 0, mem_ctx);
- /* send a NULL buffer first */
- status=spoolss_enum_ports(srv_name, level, &buffer, 0,
- &needed, &returned);
- init_buffer(&buffer, needed, mem_ctx);
- status=spoolss_enum_ports(srv_name, level, &buffer,
- needed, &needed, &returned);
- }
- report(out_hnd, "\tstatus:[%d (%x)]\n", status, status);
- if (status!=NT_STATUS_OK)
- {
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- return False;
- }
- /* is there anything to process? */
- if (returned != 0)
- {
- switch (level) {
- case 1:
- decode_port_info_1(&buffer, returned, &ctr->port.info_1);
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_port_info_2(&buffer, returned, &ctr->port.info_2);
- break;
- default:
- DEBUG(0,("Unable to decode unknown PORT_INFO_%d\n", level));
- break;
- }
- display_port_info_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_HEADER , level, returned, ctr);
- display_port_info_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_ENUMERATE, level, returned, ctr);
- display_port_info_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_FOOTER , level, returned, ctr);
- }
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- return True;
-nt spoolss query
-uint32 msrpc_spoolss_getprinterdata( const char* printer_name,
- const char* station,
- const char* user_name,
- const char* value_name,
- uint32 *type,
- NEW_BUFFER *buffer,
- void *fn)
- NTSTATUS status;
- uint32 needed;
- uint32 size;
- char *data;
- UNISTR2 uni_val_name;
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = NULL;
- DEBUG(4,("spoolgetdata - printer: %s server: %s user: %s value: %s\n",
- printer_name, station, user_name, value_name));
- if(!spoolss_open_printer_ex( printer_name, 0, 0, station, user_name,
- &hnd))
- {
- }
- init_unistr2(&uni_val_name, value_name, 0);
- size = 0;
- data = NULL;
- if ((mem_ctx=talloc_init()) == NULL)
- {
- DEBUG(0,("msrpc_spoolss_getprinterdata: talloc_init failed!\n"));
- return False;
- }
- init_buffer(buffer, size, mem_ctx);
- status = spoolss_getprinterdata(&hnd, &uni_val_name, size, type, &size,
- (unsigned char *)data, &needed);
- {
- size = needed;
- init_buffer(buffer, size, mem_ctx);
- data = prs_data_p(&buffer->prs);
- status = spoolss_getprinterdata(&hnd, &uni_val_name,
- size, type, &size,
- (unsigned char *)data, &needed);
- }
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- if (status != NT_STATUS_OK)
- {
- if (!spoolss_closeprinter(&hnd))
- return status;
- }
-#if 0
- if (fn != NULL)
- fn(printer_name, station, level, returned, *ctr);
- return status;
-nt spoolss query
-BOOL msrpc_spoolss_enum_jobs( const char* printer_name,
- const char* station, const char* user_name,
- uint32 level,
- void ***ctr, JOB_INFO_FN(fn))
- NTSTATUS status;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- uint32 needed;
- uint32 returned;
- uint32 firstjob=0;
- uint32 numofjobs=0xffff;
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = NULL;
- DEBUG(4,("spoolopen - printer: %s server: %s user: %s\n",
- printer_name, station, user_name));
- if(!spoolss_open_printer_ex( printer_name, 0, 0, station, user_name, &hnd))
- return False;
- if ((mem_ctx=talloc_init()) == NULL)
- {
- DEBUG(0,("msrpc_spoolss_enum_jobs: talloc_init failed!\n"));
- return False;
- }
- init_buffer(&buffer, 0, mem_ctx);
- status = spoolss_enum_jobs(&hnd, firstjob, numofjobs, level,
- &buffer, 0, &needed, &returned);
- {
- init_buffer(&buffer, needed, mem_ctx);
- status = spoolss_enum_jobs( &hnd, firstjob, numofjobs, level,
- &buffer, needed, &needed, &returned);
- }
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- if (status!=NT_STATUS_OK) {
- if (!spoolss_closeprinter(&hnd))
- return False;
- return False;
- }
- if (fn != NULL)
- fn(printer_name, station, level, returned, *ctr);
- return True;
-nt spoolss query
-BOOL msrpc_spoolss_enum_printerdata( const char* printer_name,
- const char* station, const char* user_name )
- NTSTATUS status;
- uint32 idx;
- uint32 valuelen;
- uint16 *value;
- uint32 rvaluelen;
- uint32 type;
- uint32 datalen;
- uint8 *data;
- uint32 rdatalen;
- uint32 maxvaluelen;
- uint32 maxdatalen;
- DEBUG(4,("msrpc_spoolss_enum_printerdata - printer: %s\n", printer_name));
- if(!spoolss_open_printer_ex( printer_name, 0, 0, station, user_name, &hnd))
- return False;
- idx=0;
- valuelen=0;
- rvaluelen=0;
- type=0;
- datalen=0;
- rdatalen=0;
- status = spoolss_enum_printerdata(&hnd, idx, &valuelen, value,
- &rvaluelen, &type, &datalen,
- data, &rdatalen);
- DEBUG(4,("spoolenum_printerdata - got size: biggest value:[%d], biggest data:[%d]\n", rvaluelen, rdatalen));
- maxvaluelen=valuelen=rvaluelen;
- maxdatalen=datalen=rdatalen;
- value=(uint16 *)malloc(valuelen*sizeof(uint16));
- data=(uint8 *)malloc(datalen*sizeof(uint8));
- display_printer_enumdata(out_hnd, ACTION_HEADER, idx, valuelen,
- value, rvaluelen, type, datalen, data, rdatalen);
- do {
- valuelen=maxvaluelen;
- datalen=maxdatalen;
- status = spoolss_enum_printerdata(&hnd, idx, &valuelen,
- value, &rvaluelen, &type,
- &datalen, data, &rdatalen);
- display_printer_enumdata(out_hnd, ACTION_ENUMERATE, idx,
- valuelen, value, rvaluelen, type,
- datalen, data, rdatalen);
- idx++;
- } while (status != 0x0103); /* NO_MORE_ITEMS */
- display_printer_enumdata(out_hnd, ACTION_FOOTER, idx, valuelen,
- value, rvaluelen, type, datalen, data, rdatalen);
- if (status!=NT_STATUS_OK) {
- /*
- * the check on this if statement is redundant
- * since is the status is bad we're going to
- * return False anyways. The caller will be
- * unable to determine if there really was a problem
- * with the spoolss_closeprinter() call --jerry
- */
- spoolss_closeprinter(&hnd);
- return False;
- }
- return True;
-nt spoolss query
-BOOL msrpc_spoolss_getprinter( const char* printer_name, const uint32 level,
- const char* station, const char* user_name,
- NTSTATUS status=0;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- uint32 needed=1000;
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = NULL;
- DEBUG(4,("spoolenum_getprinter - printer: %s\n", printer_name));
- if(!spoolss_open_printer_ex( printer_name, "", PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS, station, user_name, &hnd))
- return False;
- if ((mem_ctx=talloc_init()) == NULL)
- {
- DEBUG(0,("msrpc_spoolss_getprinter: talloc_init failed!\n"));
- return False;
- }
- init_buffer(&buffer, needed, mem_ctx);
- status = spoolss_getprinter(&hnd, level, &buffer, needed, &needed);
- init_buffer(&buffer, needed, mem_ctx);
- status = spoolss_getprinter(&hnd, level, &buffer, needed, &needed);
- }
- report(out_hnd, "\tstatus:[%d (%x)]\n", status, status);
- if (status!=NT_STATUS_OK)
- {
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- return False;
- }
- switch (level) {
- case 0:
- decode_printer_info_0(&buffer, 1, &(ctr.printers_0));
- break;
- case 1:
- decode_printer_info_1(&buffer, 1, &(ctr.printers_1));
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_printer_info_2(&buffer, 1, &(ctr.printers_2));
- break;
- case 3:
- decode_printer_info_3(&buffer, 1, &(ctr.printers_3));
- break;
- }
- display_printer_info_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_HEADER , level, 1, ctr);
- display_printer_info_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_ENUMERATE, level, 1, ctr);
- display_printer_info_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_FOOTER , level, 1, ctr);
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- if (status!=NT_STATUS_OK) {
- if (!spoolss_closeprinter(&hnd))
- return False;
- return False;
- }
- return True;
-nt spoolss query
-BOOL msrpc_spoolss_getprinterdriver( const char* printer_name,
- const char *environment, const uint32 level,
- const char* station, const char* user_name,
- NTSTATUS status=0;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- uint32 needed;
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = NULL;
- DEBUG(4,("msrpc_spoolss_enum_getprinterdriver - printer: %s\n", printer_name));
- if(!spoolss_open_printer_ex( printer_name, "", PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS, station, user_name, &hnd))
- return False;
- if ((mem_ctx=talloc_init()) == NULL)
- {
- DEBUG(0,("msrpc_spoolss_getprinterdriver: talloc_init failed!\n"));
- return False;
- }
- init_buffer(&buffer, 0, mem_ctx);
- status = spoolss_getprinterdriver(&hnd, environment, level, &buffer, 0, &needed);
- init_buffer(&buffer, needed, mem_ctx);
- status = spoolss_getprinterdriver(&hnd, environment, level, &buffer, needed, &needed);
- }
- /* report(out_hnd, "\tstatus:[%d (%x)]\n", status, status); */
- if (status!=NT_STATUS_OK)
- {
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- return False;
- }
- switch (level) {
- case 1:
- decode_printer_driver_1(&buffer, 1, &(ctr.info1));
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_printer_driver_2(&buffer, 1, &(ctr.info2));
- break;
- case 3:
- decode_printer_driver_3(&buffer, 1, &(ctr.info3));
- break;
- }
- display_printer_driver_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_HEADER , level, 1, ctr);
- display_printer_driver_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_ENUMERATE, level, 1, ctr);
- display_printer_driver_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_FOOTER , level, 1, ctr);
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- if (status!=NT_STATUS_OK) {
- if (!spoolss_closeprinter(&hnd))
- return False;
- return False;
- }
- return True;
-nt spoolss query
-BOOL msrpc_spoolss_enumprinterdrivers( const char* srv_name,
- const char *environment, const uint32 level,
- NTSTATUS status=0;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- uint32 needed;
- uint32 returned;
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = NULL;
- DEBUG(4,("msrpc_spoolss_enum_enumprinterdrivers - server: %s\n", srv_name));
- if ((mem_ctx=talloc_init()) == NULL)
- {
- DEBUG(0,("msrpc_spoolss_enumprinterdrivers: talloc_init failed!\n"));
- return False;
- }
- init_buffer(&buffer, 0, mem_ctx);
- status = spoolss_enum_printerdrivers(srv_name, environment,
- level, &buffer, 0, &needed, &returned);
- {
- init_buffer(&buffer, needed, mem_ctx);
- status = spoolss_enum_printerdrivers( srv_name, environment,
- level, &buffer, needed, &needed, &returned);
- }
- report(out_hnd, "\tstatus:[%d (%x)]\n", status, status);
- if (status!=NT_STATUS_OK)
- {
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- return False;
- }
- switch (level)
- {
- case 1:
- decode_printer_driver_1(&buffer, returned, &(ctr.info1));
- break;
- case 2:
- decode_printer_driver_2(&buffer, returned, &(ctr.info2));
- break;
- case 3:
- decode_printer_driver_3(&buffer, returned, &(ctr.info3));
- break;
- }
- display_printer_driver_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_HEADER , level, returned, ctr);
- display_printer_driver_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_ENUMERATE, level, returned, ctr);
- display_printer_driver_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_FOOTER , level, returned, ctr);
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- return True;
-nt spoolss query
-BOOL msrpc_spoolss_getprinterdriverdir(char* srv_name, char* env_name, uint32 level, DRIVER_DIRECTORY_CTR ctr)
- NTSTATUS status;
- NEW_BUFFER buffer;
- uint32 needed;
- TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = NULL;
- if ((mem_ctx=talloc_init()) == NULL)
- {
- DEBUG(0,("msrpc_spoolss_getprinterdriverdir: talloc_init failed!\n"));
- return False;
- }
- init_buffer(&buffer, 0, mem_ctx);
- /* send a NULL buffer first */
- status=spoolss_getprinterdriverdir(srv_name, env_name, level, &buffer, 0, &needed);
- init_buffer(&buffer, needed, mem_ctx);
- status=spoolss_getprinterdriverdir(srv_name, env_name, level, &buffer, needed, &needed);
- }
- report(out_hnd, "\tstatus:[%d (%x)]\n", status, status);
- if (status!=NT_STATUS_OK)
- {
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- return False;
- }
- switch (level) {
- case 1:
- decode_printerdriverdir_info_1(&buffer, &(ctr.driver.info_1));
- break;
- }
- display_printerdriverdir_info_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_HEADER , level, ctr);
- display_printerdriverdir_info_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_ENUMERATE, level, ctr);
- display_printerdriverdir_info_ctr(out_hnd, ACTION_FOOTER , level, ctr);
- if (mem_ctx)
- talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);
- return True;
diff --git a/source3/rpc_client/ntclienttrust.c b/source3/rpc_client/ntclienttrust.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 284fd491f8..0000000000
--- a/source3/rpc_client/ntclienttrust.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- NT Domain Authentication SMB / MSRPC client
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1994-1997
- Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-1997
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "includes.h"
- check workstation trust account status
- ************************************************************************/
-BOOL trust_account_check(struct in_addr dest_ip, char *dest_host,
- char *hostname, char *domain, fstring mach_acct,
- fstring new_mach_pwd)
- pstring tmp;
- fstring mach_pwd;
- struct cli_state cli_trust;
- uchar lm_owf_mach_pwd[16];
- uchar nt_owf_mach_pwd[16];
- uchar lm_sess_pwd[24];
- uchar nt_sess_pwd[24];
- BOOL right_error_code = False;
- uint8 err_cls;
- uint32 err_num;
- char *start_mach_pwd;
- char *change_mach_pwd;
- /* initial machine password */
- fstrcpy(mach_pwd, hostname);
- strlower(mach_pwd);
- slprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp) - 1,"Enter Workstation Trust Account password for [%s].\nDefault is [%s].\nPassword:",
- mach_acct, mach_pwd);
- start_mach_pwd = (char*)getpass(tmp);
- if (start_mach_pwd[0] != 0)
- {
- fstrcpy(mach_pwd, start_mach_pwd);
- }
- slprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp)-1, "Enter new Workstation Trust Account password for [%s]\nPress Return to leave at old value.\nNew Password:",
- mach_acct);
- change_mach_pwd = (char*)getpass(tmp);
- if (change_mach_pwd[0] != 0)
- {
- fstrcpy(new_mach_pwd, change_mach_pwd);
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUG(1,("trust_account_check: password change not requested\n"));
- change_mach_pwd[0] = 0;
- }
- DEBUG(1,("initialise cli_trust connection\n"));
- if (!cli_initialise(&cli_trust))
- {
- DEBUG(1,("cli_initialise failed for cli_trust\n"));
- return False;
- }
- DEBUG(1,("server connect for cli_trust\n"));
- if (!server_connect_init(&cli_trust, hostname, dest_ip, dest_host))
- {
- cli_error(&cli_trust, &err_cls, &err_num, NULL);
- DEBUG(1,("server_connect_init failed (%s)\n", cli_errstr(&cli_trust)));
- cli_shutdown(&cli_trust);
- return False;
- }
- DEBUG(1,("server connect cli_trust succeeded\n"));
- nt_lm_owf_gen(mach_pwd, nt_owf_mach_pwd, lm_owf_mach_pwd);
- DEBUG(5,("generating nt owf from initial machine pwd: %s\n", mach_pwd));
- DEBUG(100,("client cryptkey: "));
- dump_data(100, cli_trust.cryptkey, sizeof(cli_trust.cryptkey));
- SMBencrypt(nt_owf_mach_pwd, cli_trust.cryptkey, nt_sess_pwd);
- DEBUG(100,("nt_owf_mach_pwd: "));
- dump_data(100, nt_owf_mach_pwd, sizeof(lm_owf_mach_pwd));
- DEBUG(100,("nt_sess_pwd: "));
- dump_data(100, nt_sess_pwd, sizeof(nt_sess_pwd));
- SMBencrypt(lm_owf_mach_pwd, cli_trust.cryptkey, lm_sess_pwd);
- DEBUG(100,("lm_owf_mach_pwd: "));
- dump_data(100, lm_owf_mach_pwd, sizeof(lm_owf_mach_pwd));
- DEBUG(100,("lm_sess_pwd: "));
- dump_data(100, lm_sess_pwd, sizeof(lm_sess_pwd));
- right_error_code = False;
- if (cli_session_setup(&cli_trust, mach_acct,
- nt_owf_mach_pwd, sizeof(nt_owf_mach_pwd),
- nt_owf_mach_pwd, sizeof(nt_owf_mach_pwd), domain))
- {
- DEBUG(0,("cli_session_setup: NO ERROR! AAAGH! BUG IN SERVER DETECTED!!!\n"));
- cli_shutdown(&cli_trust);
- return False;
- }
- cli_error(&cli_trust, &err_cls, &err_num, NULL);
- {
- DEBUG(1,("cli_send_tconX: valid workstation trust account exists\n"));
- right_error_code = True;
- }
- if (err_num == (0xC0000000 | NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER))
- {
- DEBUG(1,("cli_send_tconX: workstation trust account does not exist\n"));
- right_error_code = False;
- }
- if (!right_error_code)
- {
- DEBUG(1,("server_validate failed (%s)\n", cli_errstr(&cli_trust)));
- }
- cli_shutdown(&cli_trust);
- return right_error_code;
diff --git a/source3/smbd/ssl.c b/source3/smbd/ssl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fcb48a954..0000000000
--- a/source3/smbd/ssl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
- Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
- SSLeay utility functions
- Copyright (C) Christian Starkjohann <> 1998
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- * since includes.h pulls in config.h which is were WITH_SSL will be
- * defined, we want to include includes.h before testing for WITH_SSL
- * RJS 26-Jan-1999
- */
-#include "includes.h"
-#ifdef WITH_SSL /* should always be defined if this module is compiled */
-#include <openssl/ssl.h>
-#include <openssl/err.h>
-BOOL sslEnabled;
-SSL *ssl = NULL;
-int sslFd = -1;
-static SSL_CTX *sslContext = NULL;
-extern int DEBUGLEVEL;
-static int ssl_verify_cb(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
-char buffer[256];
- X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(ctx->current_cert),
- buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- if(ok){
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: Certificate OK: %s\n", buffer));
- }else{
- switch (ctx->error){
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: Cert error: CA not known: %s\n", buffer));
- break;
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: Cert error: Cert not yet valid: %s\n", buffer));
- break;
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: Cert error: illegal \'not before\' field: %s\n",
- buffer));
- break;
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: Cert error: Cert expired: %s\n", buffer));
- break;
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: Cert error: invalid \'not after\' field: %s\n",
- buffer));
- break;
- default:
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: Cert error: unknown error %d in %s\n", ctx->error,
- buffer));
- break;
- }
- }
- return ok;
-static RSA *ssl_temp_rsa_cb(SSL *ssl, int is_export, int keylength)
-static RSA *rsa = NULL;
- if(rsa == NULL)
- rsa = RSA_generate_key(keylength, RSA_F4, NULL, NULL);
- return rsa;
-/* This is called before we fork. It should ask the user for the pass phrase
- * if necessary. Error output can still go to stderr because the process
- * has a terminal.
- */
-int sslutil_init(int isServer)
-int err, entropybytes;
-char *certfile, *keyfile, *ciphers, *cacertDir, *cacertFile;
-char *egdsocket, *entropyfile;
- SSL_load_error_strings();
- SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms();
- egdsocket = lp_ssl_egdsocket();
- if (egdsocket != NULL && *egdsocket != 0)
- RAND_egd(egdsocket);
- entropyfile = lp_ssl_entropyfile();
- entropybytes = lp_ssl_entropybytes();
- if (entropyfile != NULL && *entropyfile != 0)
- RAND_load_file(entropyfile, entropybytes);
- switch(lp_ssl_version()){
- case SMB_SSL_V2: sslContext = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv2_method()); break;
- case SMB_SSL_V3: sslContext = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_method()); break;
- default:
- case SMB_SSL_V23: sslContext = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method()); break;
- case SMB_SSL_TLS1: sslContext = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_method()); break;
- }
- if(sslContext == NULL){
- err = ERR_get_error();
- fprintf(stderr, "SSL: Error allocating context: %s\n",
- ERR_error_string(err, NULL));
- exit(1);
- }
- if(lp_ssl_compatibility()){
- SSL_CTX_set_options(sslContext, SSL_OP_ALL);
- }
- certfile = isServer ? lp_ssl_server_cert() : lp_ssl_client_cert();
- if((certfile == NULL || *certfile == 0) && isServer){
- fprintf(stderr, "SSL: No cert file specified in config file!\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "The server MUST have a certificate!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- keyfile = isServer ? lp_ssl_server_privkey() : lp_ssl_client_privkey();
- if(keyfile == NULL || *keyfile == 0)
- keyfile = certfile;
- if(certfile != NULL && *certfile != 0){
- if(!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(sslContext, certfile)){
- err = ERR_get_error();
- fprintf(stderr, "SSL: error reading certificate from file %s: %s\n",
- certfile, ERR_error_string(err, NULL));
- exit(1);
- }
- if(!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(sslContext, keyfile, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)){
- err = ERR_get_error();
- fprintf(stderr, "SSL: error reading private key from file %s: %s\n",
- keyfile, ERR_error_string(err, NULL));
- exit(1);
- }
- if(!SSL_CTX_check_private_key(sslContext)){
- err = ERR_get_error();
- fprintf(stderr, "SSL: Private key does not match public key in cert!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- cacertDir = lp_ssl_cacertdir();
- cacertFile = lp_ssl_cacertfile();
- if(cacertDir != NULL && *cacertDir == 0)
- cacertDir = NULL;
- if(cacertFile != NULL && *cacertFile == 0)
- cacertFile = NULL;
- if(!SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(sslContext, cacertFile, cacertDir)){
- err = ERR_get_error();
- if (cacertFile || cacertDir) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SSL: Error error setting CA cert locations: %s\n",
- ERR_error_string(err, NULL));
- fprintf(stderr, "trying default locations.\n");
- }
- cacertFile = cacertDir = NULL;
- if(!SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(sslContext)){
- err = ERR_get_error();
- fprintf(stderr, "SSL: Error error setting default CA cert location: %s\n",
- ERR_error_string(err, NULL));
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback(sslContext, ssl_temp_rsa_cb);
- if((ciphers = lp_ssl_ciphers()) != NULL && *ciphers != 0)
- SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(sslContext, ciphers);
- if((isServer && lp_ssl_reqClientCert()) || (!isServer && lp_ssl_reqServerCert())){
- SSL_CTX_set_verify(sslContext,
- }else{
- SSL_CTX_set_verify(sslContext, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ssl_verify_cb);
- }
-#if 1 /* don't know what this is good for, but s_server in SSLeay does it, too */
- if(isServer){
- SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(sslContext, SSL_load_client_CA_file(certfile));
- }
- return 0;
-int sslutil_accept(int fd)
-int err;
- if(ssl != NULL){
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: internal error: more than one SSL connection (server)\n"));
- return -1;
- }
- if((ssl = SSL_new(sslContext)) == NULL){
- err = ERR_get_error();
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: Error allocating handle: %s\n",
- ERR_error_string(err, NULL)));
- return -1;
- }
- SSL_set_fd(ssl, fd);
- sslFd = fd;
- if(SSL_accept(ssl) <= 0){
- err = ERR_get_error();
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: Error accepting on socket: %s\n",
- ERR_error_string(err, NULL)));
- return -1;
- }
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: negotiated cipher: %s\n", SSL_get_cipher(ssl)));
- return 0;
-int sslutil_fd_is_ssl(int fd)
- return fd == sslFd;
-int sslutil_connect(int fd)
-int err;
- if(ssl != NULL){
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: internal error: more than one SSL connection (client)\n"));
- return -1;
- }
- if((ssl = SSL_new(sslContext)) == NULL){
- err = ERR_get_error();
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: Error allocating handle: %s\n",
- ERR_error_string(err, NULL)));
- return -1;
- }
- SSL_set_fd(ssl, fd);
- sslFd = fd;
- if(SSL_connect(ssl) <= 0){
- err = ERR_get_error();
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: Error conencting socket: %s\n",
- ERR_error_string(err, NULL)));
- return -1;
- }
- DEBUG(0, ("SSL: negotiated cipher: %s\n", SSL_get_cipher(ssl)));
- return 0;
-int sslutil_disconnect(int fd)
- if(fd == sslFd && ssl != NULL){
- SSL_free(ssl);
- ssl = NULL;
- sslFd = -1;
- }
- return 0;
-int sslutil_negotiate_ssl(int fd, int msg_type)
-unsigned char buf[5] = {0x83, 0, 0, 1, 0x81};
-char *reqHosts, *resignHosts;
- reqHosts = lp_ssl_hosts();
- resignHosts = lp_ssl_hosts_resign();
- if(!allow_access(resignHosts, reqHosts, get_socket_name(fd), get_socket_addr(fd))){
- sslEnabled = False;
- return 0;
- }
- if(msg_type != 0x81){ /* first packet must be a session request */
- DEBUG( 0, ( "Client %s did not use session setup; access denied\n",
- client_addr() ) );
- if (!send_smb(fd, (char *)buf))
- DEBUG(0, ("sslutil_negotiate_ssl: send_smb failed.\n"));
- return -1;
- }
- buf[4] = 0x8e; /* negative session response: use SSL */
- if (!send_smb(fd, (char *)buf)) {
- DEBUG(0,("sslutil_negotiate_ssl: send_smb failed.\n"));
- return -1;
- }
- if(sslutil_accept(fd) != 0){
- DEBUG( 0, ( "Client %s failed SSL negotiation!\n", client_addr() ) );
- return -1;
- }
- return 1;
-#else /* WITH_SSL */
- void ssl_dummy(void);
- void ssl_dummy(void) {;} /* So some compilers don't complain. */
-#endif /* WITH_SSL */