path: root/buildtools/wafadmin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'buildtools/wafadmin/')
1 files changed, 1033 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildtools/wafadmin/ b/buildtools/wafadmin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e7c72c4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildtools/wafadmin/
@@ -0,0 +1,1033 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Thomas Nagy, 2005 (ita)
+Dependency tree holder
+The class Build holds all the info related to a build:
+* file system representation (tree of Node instances)
+* various cached objects (task signatures, file scan results, ..)
+There is only one Build object at a time (bld singleton)
+import os, sys, errno, re, glob, gc, datetime, shutil
+try: import cPickle
+except: import pickle as cPickle
+import Runner, TaskGen, Node, Scripting, Utils, Environment, Task, Logs, Options
+from Logs import debug, error, info
+from Constants import *
+SAVED_ATTRS = 'root srcnode bldnode node_sigs node_deps raw_deps task_sigs id_nodes'.split()
+"Build class members to save"
+bld = None
+"singleton - safe to use when Waf is not used as a library"
+class BuildError(Utils.WafError):
+ def __init__(self, b=None, t=[]):
+ self.bld = b
+ self.tasks = t
+ self.ret = 1
+ Utils.WafError.__init__(self, self.format_error())
+ def format_error(self):
+ lst = ['Build failed:']
+ for tsk in self.tasks:
+ txt = tsk.format_error()
+ if txt: lst.append(txt)
+ sep = ' '
+ if len(lst) > 2:
+ sep = '\n'
+ return sep.join(lst)
+def group_method(fun):
+ """
+ sets a build context method to execute after the current group has finished executing
+ this is useful for installing build files:
+ * calling install_files/install_as will fail if called too early
+ * people do not want to define install method in their task classes
+ TODO: try it
+ """
+ def f(*k, **kw):
+ if not k[0].is_install:
+ return False
+ postpone = True
+ if 'postpone' in kw:
+ postpone = kw['postpone']
+ del kw['postpone']
+ # TODO waf 1.6 in theory there should be no reference to the TaskManager internals here
+ if postpone:
+ m = k[0].task_manager
+ if not m.groups: m.add_group()
+ m.groups[m.current_group].post_funs.append((fun, k, kw))
+ if not 'cwd' in kw:
+ kw['cwd'] = k[0].path
+ else:
+ fun(*k, **kw)
+ return f
+class BuildContext(Utils.Context):
+ "holds the dependency tree"
+ def __init__(self):
+ # not a singleton, but provided for compatibility
+ global bld
+ bld = self
+ self.task_manager = Task.TaskManager()
+ # instead of hashing the nodes, we assign them a unique id when they are created
+ self.id_nodes = 0
+ self.idx = {}
+ # map names to environments, the 'default' must be defined
+ self.all_envs = {}
+ # ======================================= #
+ # code for reading the scripts
+ # project build directory - do not reset() from load_dirs()
+ self.bdir = ''
+ # the current directory from which the code is run
+ # the folder changes everytime a wscript is read
+ self.path = None
+ # Manual dependencies.
+ self.deps_man = Utils.DefaultDict(list)
+ # ======================================= #
+ # cache variables
+ # local cache for absolute paths - cache_node_abspath[variant][node]
+ self.cache_node_abspath = {}
+ # list of folders that are already scanned
+ # so that we do not need to stat them one more time
+ self.cache_scanned_folders = {}
+ # list of targets to uninstall for removing the empty folders after uninstalling
+ self.uninstall = []
+ # ======================================= #
+ # tasks and objects
+ # build dir variants (release, debug, ..)
+ for v in 'cache_node_abspath task_sigs node_deps raw_deps node_sigs'.split():
+ var = {}
+ setattr(self, v, var)
+ self.cache_dir_contents = {}
+ self.all_task_gen = []
+ self.task_gen_cache_names = {}
+ self.cache_sig_vars = {}
+ self.log = None
+ self.root = None
+ self.srcnode = None
+ self.bldnode = None
+ # bind the build context to the nodes in use
+ # this means better encapsulation and no build context singleton
+ class node_class(Node.Node):
+ pass
+ self.node_class = node_class
+ self.node_class.__module__ = "Node"
+ self.node_class.__name__ = "Nodu"
+ self.node_class.bld = self
+ self.is_install = None
+ def __copy__(self):
+ "nodes are not supposed to be copied"
+ raise Utils.WafError('build contexts are not supposed to be cloned')
+ def load(self):
+ "load the cache from the disk"
+ try:
+ env = Environment.Environment(os.path.join(self.cachedir, ''))
+ except (IOError, OSError):
+ pass
+ else:
+ if env['version'] < HEXVERSION:
+ raise Utils.WafError('Version mismatch! reconfigure the project')
+ for t in env['tools']:
+ self.setup(**t)
+ try:
+ gc.disable()
+ f = data = None
+ Node.Nodu = self.node_class
+ try:
+ f = open(os.path.join(self.bdir, DBFILE), 'rb')
+ except (IOError, EOFError):
+ # handle missing file/empty file
+ pass
+ try:
+ if f: data = cPickle.load(f)
+ except AttributeError:
+ # handle file of an old Waf version
+ # that has an attribute which no longer exist
+ # (e.g. AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'BuildDTO')
+ if Logs.verbose > 1: raise
+ if data:
+ for x in SAVED_ATTRS: setattr(self, x, data[x])
+ else:
+ debug('build: Build cache loading failed')
+ finally:
+ if f: f.close()
+ gc.enable()
+ def save(self):
+ "store the cache on disk, see self.load"
+ gc.disable()
+ self.root.__class__.bld = None
+ # some people are very nervous with ctrl+c so we have to make a temporary file
+ Node.Nodu = self.node_class
+ db = os.path.join(self.bdir, DBFILE)
+ file = open(db + '.tmp', 'wb')
+ data = {}
+ for x in SAVED_ATTRS: data[x] = getattr(self, x)
+ cPickle.dump(data, file, -1)
+ file.close()
+ # do not use shutil.move
+ try: os.unlink(db)
+ except OSError: pass
+ os.rename(db + '.tmp', db)
+ self.root.__class__.bld = self
+ gc.enable()
+ # ======================================= #
+ def clean(self):
+ debug('build: clean called')
+ # does not clean files created during the configuration
+ precious = set([])
+ for env in self.all_envs.values():
+ for x in env[CFG_FILES]:
+ node = self.srcnode.find_resource(x)
+ if node:
+ precious.add(
+ def clean_rec(node):
+ for x in list(node.childs.keys()):
+ nd = node.childs[x]
+ tp = & 3
+ if tp == Node.DIR:
+ clean_rec(nd)
+ elif tp == Node.BUILD:
+ if in precious: continue
+ for env in self.all_envs.values():
+ try: os.remove(nd.abspath(env))
+ except OSError: pass
+ node.childs.__delitem__(x)
+ clean_rec(self.srcnode)
+ for v in 'node_sigs node_deps task_sigs raw_deps cache_node_abspath'.split():
+ setattr(self, v, {})
+ def compile(self):
+ """The cache file is not written if nothing was build at all (build is up to date)"""
+ debug('build: compile called')
+ """
+ import cProfile, pstats
+"import Build\nBuild.bld.flush()", 'profi.txt')
+ p = pstats.Stats('profi.txt')
+ p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(80)
+ """
+ self.flush()
+ #"""
+ self.generator = Runner.Parallel(self,
+ def dw(on=True):
+ if Options.options.progress_bar:
+ if on: sys.stderr.write(Logs.colors.cursor_on)
+ else: sys.stderr.write(Logs.colors.cursor_off)
+ debug('build: executor starting')
+ back = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.bldnode.abspath())
+ try:
+ try:
+ dw(on=False)
+ self.generator.start()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ dw()
+ # if self.generator.processed != 1: TODO
+ raise
+ except Exception:
+ dw()
+ # do not store anything, for something bad happened
+ raise
+ else:
+ dw()
+ #if self.generator.processed != 1: TODO
+ if self.generator.error:
+ raise BuildError(self, self.task_manager.tasks_done)
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(back)
+ def install(self):
+ "this function is called for both install and uninstall"
+ debug('build: install called')
+ self.flush()
+ # remove empty folders after uninstalling
+ if self.is_install < 0:
+ lst = []
+ for x in self.uninstall:
+ dir = os.path.dirname(x)
+ if not dir in lst: lst.append(dir)
+ lst.sort()
+ lst.reverse()
+ nlst = []
+ for y in lst:
+ x = y
+ while len(x) > 4:
+ if not x in nlst: nlst.append(x)
+ x = os.path.dirname(x)
+ nlst.sort()
+ nlst.reverse()
+ for x in nlst:
+ try: os.rmdir(x)
+ except OSError: pass
+ def new_task_gen(self, *k, **kw):
+ if self.task_gen_cache_names:
+ self.task_gen_cache_names = {}
+ kw['bld'] = self
+ if len(k) == 0:
+ ret = TaskGen.task_gen(*k, **kw)
+ else:
+ cls_name = k[0]
+ try: cls = TaskGen.task_gen.classes[cls_name]
+ except KeyError: raise Utils.WscriptError('%s is not a valid task generator -> %s' %
+ (cls_name, [x for x in TaskGen.task_gen.classes]))
+ ret = cls(*k, **kw)
+ return ret
+ def __call__(self, *k, **kw):
+ if self.task_gen_cache_names:
+ self.task_gen_cache_names = {}
+ kw['bld'] = self
+ return TaskGen.task_gen(*k, **kw)
+ def load_envs(self):
+ try:
+ lst = Utils.listdir(self.cachedir)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+ raise Utils.WafError('The project was not configured: run "waf configure" first!')
+ else:
+ raise
+ if not lst:
+ raise Utils.WafError('The cache directory is empty: reconfigure the project')
+ for file in lst:
+ if file.endswith(CACHE_SUFFIX):
+ env = Environment.Environment(os.path.join(self.cachedir, file))
+ name = file[:-len(CACHE_SUFFIX)]
+ self.all_envs[name] = env
+ self.init_variants()
+ for env in self.all_envs.values():
+ for f in env[CFG_FILES]:
+ newnode = self.path.find_or_declare(f)
+ try:
+ hash = Utils.h_file(newnode.abspath(env))
+ except (IOError, AttributeError):
+ error("cannot find "+f)
+ hash = SIG_NIL
+ self.node_sigs[env.variant()][] = hash
+ # TODO: hmmm, these nodes are removed from the tree when calling rescan()
+ self.bldnode = self.root.find_dir(self.bldnode.abspath())
+ self.path = self.srcnode = self.root.find_dir(self.srcnode.abspath())
+ self.cwd = self.bldnode.abspath()
+ def setup(self, tool, tooldir=None, funs=None):
+ "setup tools for build process"
+ if isinstance(tool, list):
+ for i in tool: self.setup(i, tooldir)
+ return
+ if not tooldir: tooldir = Options.tooldir
+ module = Utils.load_tool(tool, tooldir)
+ if hasattr(module, "setup"): module.setup(self)
+ def init_variants(self):
+ debug('build: init variants')
+ lstvariants = []
+ for env in self.all_envs.values():
+ if not env.variant() in lstvariants:
+ lstvariants.append(env.variant())
+ self.lst_variants = lstvariants
+ debug('build: list of variants is %r', lstvariants)
+ for name in lstvariants+[0]:
+ for v in 'node_sigs cache_node_abspath'.split():
+ var = getattr(self, v)
+ if not name in var:
+ var[name] = {}
+ # ======================================= #
+ # node and folder handling
+ # this should be the main entry point
+ def load_dirs(self, srcdir, blddir, load_cache=1):
+ "this functions should be the start of everything"
+ assert(os.path.isabs(srcdir))
+ assert(os.path.isabs(blddir))
+ self.cachedir = os.path.join(blddir, CACHE_DIR)
+ if srcdir == blddir:
+ raise Utils.WafError("build dir must be different from srcdir: %s <-> %s " % (srcdir, blddir))
+ self.bdir = blddir
+ # try to load the cache file, if it does not exist, nothing happens
+ self.load()
+ if not self.root:
+ Node.Nodu = self.node_class
+ self.root = Node.Nodu('', None, Node.DIR)
+ if not self.srcnode:
+ self.srcnode = self.root.ensure_dir_node_from_path(srcdir)
+ debug('build: srcnode is %s and srcdir %s',, srcdir)
+ self.path = self.srcnode
+ # create this build dir if necessary
+ try: os.makedirs(blddir)
+ except OSError: pass
+ if not self.bldnode:
+ self.bldnode = self.root.ensure_dir_node_from_path(blddir)
+ self.init_variants()
+ def rescan(self, src_dir_node):
+ """
+ look the contents of a (folder)node and update its list of childs
+ The intent is to perform the following steps
+ * remove the nodes for the files that have disappeared
+ * remove the signatures for the build files that have disappeared
+ * cache the results of os.listdir
+ * create the build folder equivalent (mkdir) for each variant
+ src/bar -> build/default/src/bar, build/release/src/bar
+ when a folder in the source directory is removed, we do not check recursively
+ to remove the unused nodes. To do that, call 'waf clean' and build again.
+ """
+ # do not rescan over and over again
+ # TODO use a single variable in waf 1.6
+ if self.cache_scanned_folders.get(, None): return
+ self.cache_scanned_folders[] = True
+ # TODO remove in waf 1.6
+ if hasattr(self, 'repository'): self.repository(src_dir_node)
+ if not and sys.platform == 'win32':
+ # the root has no name, contains drive letters, and cannot be listed
+ return
+ # first, take the case of the source directory
+ parent_path = src_dir_node.abspath()
+ try:
+ lst = set(Utils.listdir(parent_path))
+ except OSError:
+ lst = set([])
+ # TODO move this at the bottom
+ self.cache_dir_contents[] = lst
+ # hash the existing source files, remove the others
+ cache = self.node_sigs[0]
+ for x in src_dir_node.childs.values():
+ if & 3 != Node.FILE: continue
+ if in lst:
+ try:
+ cache[] = Utils.h_file(x.abspath())
+ except IOError:
+ raise Utils.WafError('The file %s is not readable or has become a dir' % x.abspath())
+ else:
+ try: del cache[]
+ except KeyError: pass
+ del src_dir_node.childs[]
+ # first obtain the differences between srcnode and src_dir_node
+ h1 = self.srcnode.height()
+ h2 = src_dir_node.height()
+ lst = []
+ child = src_dir_node
+ while h2 > h1:
+ lst.append(
+ child = child.parent
+ h2 -= 1
+ lst.reverse()
+ # list the files in the build dirs
+ try:
+ for variant in self.lst_variants:
+ sub_path = os.path.join(self.bldnode.abspath(), variant , *lst)
+ self.listdir_bld(src_dir_node, sub_path, variant)
+ except OSError:
+ # listdir failed, remove the build node signatures for all variants
+ for node in src_dir_node.childs.values():
+ if & 3 != Node.BUILD:
+ continue
+ for dct in self.node_sigs.values():
+ if in dct:
+ dct.__delitem__(
+ # the policy is to avoid removing nodes representing directories
+ src_dir_node.childs.__delitem__(
+ for variant in self.lst_variants:
+ sub_path = os.path.join(self.bldnode.abspath(), variant , *lst)
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(sub_path)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ # ======================================= #
+ def listdir_src(self, parent_node):
+ """do not use, kept for compatibility"""
+ pass
+ def remove_node(self, node):
+ """do not use, kept for compatibility"""
+ pass
+ def listdir_bld(self, parent_node, path, variant):
+ """in this method we do not add timestamps but we remove them
+ when the files no longer exist (file removed in the build dir)"""
+ i_existing_nodes = [x for x in parent_node.childs.values() if & 3 == Node.BUILD]
+ lst = set(Utils.listdir(path))
+ node_names = set([ for x in i_existing_nodes])
+ remove_names = node_names - lst
+ # remove the stamps of the build nodes that no longer exist on the filesystem
+ ids_to_remove = [ for x in i_existing_nodes if in remove_names]
+ cache = self.node_sigs[variant]
+ for nid in ids_to_remove:
+ if nid in cache:
+ cache.__delitem__(nid)
+ def get_env(self):
+ return self.env_of_name('default')
+ def set_env(self, name, val):
+ self.all_envs[name] = val
+ env = property(get_env, set_env)
+ def add_manual_dependency(self, path, value):
+ if isinstance(path, Node.Node):
+ node = path
+ elif os.path.isabs(path):
+ node = self.root.find_resource(path)
+ else:
+ node = self.path.find_resource(path)
+ self.deps_man[].append(value)
+ def launch_node(self):
+ """return the launch directory as a node"""
+ # p_ln is kind of private, but public in case if
+ try:
+ return self.p_ln
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.p_ln = self.root.find_dir(Options.launch_dir)
+ return self.p_ln
+ def glob(self, pattern, relative=True):
+ "files matching the pattern, seen from the current folder"
+ path = self.path.abspath()
+ files = [self.root.find_resource(x) for x in glob.glob(path+os.sep+pattern)]
+ if relative:
+ files = [x.path_to_parent(self.path) for x in files if x]
+ else:
+ files = [x.abspath() for x in files if x]
+ return files
+ ## the following methods are candidates for the stable apis ##
+ def add_group(self, *k):
+ self.task_manager.add_group(*k)
+ def set_group(self, *k, **kw):
+ self.task_manager.set_group(*k, **kw)
+ def hash_env_vars(self, env, vars_lst):
+ """hash environment variables
+ ['CXX', ..] -> [env['CXX'], ..] -> md5()"""
+ # ccroot objects use the same environment for building the .o at once
+ # the same environment and the same variables are used
+ idx = str(id(env)) + str(vars_lst)
+ try: return self.cache_sig_vars[idx]
+ except KeyError: pass
+ lst = [str(env[a]) for a in vars_lst]
+ ret = Utils.h_list(lst)
+ debug('envhash: %r %r', ret, lst)
+ # next time
+ self.cache_sig_vars[idx] = ret
+ return ret
+ def name_to_obj(self, name, env):
+ """retrieve a task generator from its name or its target name
+ remember that names must be unique"""
+ cache = self.task_gen_cache_names
+ if not cache:
+ # create the index lazily
+ for x in self.all_task_gen:
+ vt = x.env.variant() + '_'
+ if
+ cache[vt +] = x
+ else:
+ if isinstance(, str):
+ target =
+ else:
+ target = ' '.join(
+ v = vt + target
+ if not cache.get(v, None):
+ cache[v] = x
+ return cache.get(env.variant() + '_' + name, None)
+ def flush(self, all=1):
+ """tell the task generators to create the tasks"""
+ self.ini =
+ # force the initialization of the mapping name->object in flush
+ # name_to_obj can be used in userland scripts, in that case beware of incomplete mapping
+ self.task_gen_cache_names = {}
+ self.name_to_obj('', self.env)
+ debug('build: delayed operation TaskGen.flush() called')
+ if Options.options.compile_targets:
+ debug('task_gen: posting objects %r listed in compile_targets', Options.options.compile_targets)
+ mana = self.task_manager
+ to_post = []
+ min_grp = 0
+ # ensure the target names exist, fail before any post()
+ target_objects = Utils.DefaultDict(list)
+ for target_name in Options.options.compile_targets.split(','):
+ # trim target_name (handle cases when the user added spaces to targets)
+ target_name = target_name.strip()
+ for env in self.all_envs.values():
+ tg = self.name_to_obj(target_name, env)
+ if tg:
+ target_objects[target_name].append(tg)
+ m = mana.group_idx(tg)
+ if m > min_grp:
+ min_grp = m
+ to_post = [tg]
+ elif m == min_grp:
+ to_post.append(tg)
+ if not target_name in target_objects and all:
+ raise Utils.WafError("target '%s' does not exist" % target_name)
+ debug('group: Forcing up to group %s for target %s', mana.group_name(min_grp), Options.options.compile_targets)
+ # post all the task generators in previous groups
+ for i in xrange(len(mana.groups)):
+ mana.current_group = i
+ if i == min_grp:
+ break
+ g = mana.groups[i]
+ debug('group: Forcing group %s', mana.group_name(g))
+ for t in g.tasks_gen:
+ debug('group: Posting %s', or
+ # then post the task generators listed in compile_targets in the last group
+ for t in to_post:
+ else:
+ debug('task_gen: posting objects (normal)')
+ ln = self.launch_node()
+ # if the build is started from the build directory, do as if it was started from the top-level
+ # for the pretty-printing (, the two lines below cannot be moved to Build::launch_node
+ if ln.is_child_of(self.bldnode) or not ln.is_child_of(self.srcnode):
+ ln = self.srcnode
+ # if the project file is located under the source directory, build all targets by default
+ # else 'waf configure build' does nothing
+ proj_node = self.root.find_dir(os.path.split(Utils.g_module.root_path)[0])
+ if !=
+ ln = self.srcnode
+ for i in xrange(len(self.task_manager.groups)):
+ g = self.task_manager.groups[i]
+ self.task_manager.current_group = i
+ if Logs.verbose:
+ groups = [x for x in self.task_manager.groups_names if id(self.task_manager.groups_names[x]) == id(g)]
+ name = groups and groups[0] or 'unnamed'
+ Logs.debug('group: group', name)
+ for tg in g.tasks_gen:
+ if not tg.path.is_child_of(ln):
+ continue
+ if Logs.verbose:
+ Logs.debug('group: %s' % tg)
+ def env_of_name(self, name):
+ try:
+ return self.all_envs[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ error('no such environment: '+name)
+ return None
+ def progress_line(self, state, total, col1, col2):
+ n = len(str(total))
+ Utils.rot_idx += 1
+ ind = Utils.rot_chr[Utils.rot_idx % 4]
+ ini = self.ini
+ pc = (100.*state)/total
+ eta = Utils.get_elapsed_time(ini)
+ fs = "[%%%dd/%%%dd][%%s%%2d%%%%%%s][%s][" % (n, n, ind)
+ left = fs % (state, total, col1, pc, col2)
+ right = '][%s%s%s]' % (col1, eta, col2)
+ cols = Utils.get_term_cols() - len(left) - len(right) + 2*len(col1) + 2*len(col2)
+ if cols < 7: cols = 7
+ ratio = int((cols*state)/total) - 1
+ bar = ('='*ratio+'>').ljust(cols)
+ msg = Utils.indicator % (left, bar, right)
+ return msg
+ # do_install is not used anywhere
+ def do_install(self, src, tgt, chmod=O644):
+ """returns true if the file was effectively installed or uninstalled, false otherwise"""
+ if self.is_install > 0:
+ if not Options.options.force:
+ # check if the file is already there to avoid a copy
+ try:
+ st1 = os.stat(tgt)
+ st2 = os.stat(src)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # same size and identical timestamps -> make no copy
+ if st1.st_mtime >= st2.st_mtime and st1.st_size == st2.st_size:
+ return False
+ srclbl = src.replace(self.srcnode.abspath(None)+os.sep, '')
+ info("* installing %s as %s" % (srclbl, tgt))
+ # following is for shared libs and stale inodes (-_-)
+ try: os.remove(tgt)
+ except OSError: pass
+ try:
+ shutil.copy2(src, tgt)
+ os.chmod(tgt, chmod)
+ except IOError:
+ try:
+ os.stat(src)
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ error('File %r does not exist' % src)
+ raise Utils.WafError('Could not install the file %r' % tgt)
+ return True
+ elif self.is_install < 0:
+ info("* uninstalling %s" % tgt)
+ self.uninstall.append(tgt)
+ try:
+ os.remove(tgt)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ if not getattr(self, 'uninstall_error', None):
+ self.uninstall_error = True
+ Logs.warn('build: some files could not be uninstalled (retry with -vv to list them)')
+ if Logs.verbose > 1:
+ Logs.warn('could not remove %s (error code %r)' % (e.filename, e.errno))
+ return True
+ red = re.compile(r"^([A-Za-z]:)?[/\\\\]*")
+ def get_install_path(self, path, env=None):
+ "installation path prefixed by the destdir, the variables like in '${PREFIX}/bin' are substituted"
+ if not env: env = self.env
+ destdir = env.get_destdir()
+ path = path.replace('/', os.sep)
+ destpath = Utils.subst_vars(path, env)
+ if destdir:
+ destpath = os.path.join(destdir,'', destpath))
+ return destpath
+ def install_dir(self, path, env=None):
+ """
+ create empty folders for the installation (very rarely used)
+ """
+ if env:
+ assert isinstance(env, Environment.Environment), "invalid parameter"
+ else:
+ env = self.env
+ if not path:
+ return []
+ destpath = self.get_install_path(path, env)
+ if self.is_install > 0:
+ info('* creating %s' % destpath)
+ Utils.check_dir(destpath)
+ elif self.is_install < 0:
+ info('* removing %s' % destpath)
+ self.uninstall.append(destpath + '/xxx') # yes, ugly
+ def install_files(self, path, files, env=None, chmod=O644, relative_trick=False, cwd=None):
+ """To install files only after they have been built, put the calls in a method named
+ post_build on the top-level wscript
+ The files must be a list and contain paths as strings or as Nodes
+ The relative_trick flag can be set to install folders, use bld.path.ant_glob() with it
+ """
+ if env:
+ assert isinstance(env, Environment.Environment), "invalid parameter"
+ else:
+ env = self.env
+ if not path: return []
+ if not cwd:
+ cwd = self.path
+ if isinstance(files, str) and '*' in files:
+ gl = cwd.abspath() + os.sep + files
+ lst = glob.glob(gl)
+ else:
+ lst = Utils.to_list(files)
+ if not getattr(lst, '__iter__', False):
+ lst = [lst]
+ destpath = self.get_install_path(path, env)
+ Utils.check_dir(destpath)
+ installed_files = []
+ for filename in lst:
+ if isinstance(filename, str) and os.path.isabs(filename):
+ alst = Utils.split_path(filename)
+ destfile = os.path.join(destpath, alst[-1])
+ else:
+ if isinstance(filename, Node.Node):
+ nd = filename
+ else:
+ nd = cwd.find_resource(filename)
+ if not nd:
+ raise Utils.WafError("Unable to install the file %r (not found in %s)" % (filename, cwd))
+ if relative_trick:
+ destfile = os.path.join(destpath, filename)
+ Utils.check_dir(os.path.dirname(destfile))
+ else:
+ destfile = os.path.join(destpath,
+ filename = nd.abspath(env)
+ if self.do_install(filename, destfile, chmod):
+ installed_files.append(destfile)
+ return installed_files
+ def install_as(self, path, srcfile, env=None, chmod=O644, cwd=None):
+ """
+ srcfile may be a string or a Node representing the file to install
+ returns True if the file was effectively installed, False otherwise
+ """
+ if env:
+ assert isinstance(env, Environment.Environment), "invalid parameter"
+ else:
+ env = self.env
+ if not path:
+ raise Utils.WafError("where do you want to install %r? (%r?)" % (srcfile, path))
+ if not cwd:
+ cwd = self.path
+ destpath = self.get_install_path(path, env)
+ dir, name = os.path.split(destpath)
+ Utils.check_dir(dir)
+ # the source path
+ if isinstance(srcfile, Node.Node):
+ src = srcfile.abspath(env)
+ else:
+ src = srcfile
+ if not os.path.isabs(srcfile):
+ node = cwd.find_resource(srcfile)
+ if not node:
+ raise Utils.WafError("Unable to install the file %r (not found in %s)" % (srcfile, cwd))
+ src = node.abspath(env)
+ return self.do_install(src, destpath, chmod)
+ def symlink_as(self, path, src, env=None, cwd=None):
+ """example: bld.symlink_as('${PREFIX}/lib/', '') """
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ # well, this *cannot* work
+ return
+ if not path:
+ raise Utils.WafError("where do you want to install %r? (%r?)" % (src, path))
+ tgt = self.get_install_path(path, env)
+ dir, name = os.path.split(tgt)
+ Utils.check_dir(dir)
+ if self.is_install > 0:
+ link = False
+ if not os.path.islink(tgt):
+ link = True
+ elif os.readlink(tgt) != src:
+ link = True
+ if link:
+ try: os.remove(tgt)
+ except OSError: pass
+ info('* symlink %s (-> %s)' % (tgt, src))
+ os.symlink(src, tgt)
+ return 0
+ else: # UNINSTALL
+ try:
+ info('* removing %s' % (tgt))
+ os.remove(tgt)
+ return 0
+ except OSError:
+ return 1
+ def exec_command(self, cmd, **kw):
+ # 'runner' zone is printed out for waf -v, see wafadmin/
+ debug('runner: system command -> %s', cmd)
+ if self.log:
+ self.log.write('%s\n' % cmd)
+ kw['log'] = self.log
+ try:
+ if not kw.get('cwd', None):
+ kw['cwd'] = self.cwd
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.cwd = kw['cwd'] = self.bldnode.abspath()
+ return Utils.exec_command(cmd, **kw)
+ def printout(self, s):
+ f = self.log or sys.stderr
+ f.write(s)
+ f.flush()
+ def add_subdirs(self, dirs):
+ self.recurse(dirs, 'build')
+ def pre_recurse(self, name_or_mod, path, nexdir):
+ if not hasattr(self, 'oldpath'):
+ self.oldpath = []
+ self.oldpath.append(self.path)
+ self.path = self.root.find_dir(nexdir)
+ return {'bld': self, 'ctx': self}
+ def post_recurse(self, name_or_mod, path, nexdir):
+ self.path = self.oldpath.pop()
+ ###### user-defined behaviour
+ def pre_build(self):
+ if hasattr(self, 'pre_funs'):
+ for m in self.pre_funs:
+ m(self)
+ def post_build(self):
+ if hasattr(self, 'post_funs'):
+ for m in self.post_funs:
+ m(self)
+ def add_pre_fun(self, meth):
+ try: self.pre_funs.append(meth)
+ except AttributeError: self.pre_funs = [meth]
+ def add_post_fun(self, meth):
+ try: self.post_funs.append(meth)
+ except AttributeError: self.post_funs = [meth]
+ def use_the_magic(self):
+ Task.algotype = Task.MAXPARALLEL
+ Task.file_deps = Task.extract_deps
+ self.magic = True
+ install_as = group_method(install_as)
+ install_files = group_method(install_files)
+ symlink_as = group_method(symlink_as)