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-<chapter id="AdvancedNetworkManagement">
- &author.jht;
- <pubdate>April 3 2003</pubdate>
-<title>Advanced Network Management</title>
-This section documents peripheral issues that are of great importance to network
-administrators who want to improve network resource access control, to automate the user
-environment and to make their lives a little easier.
-<title>Features and Benefits</title>
-Often the difference between a working network environment and a well appreciated one can
-best be measured by the <emphasis>little things</emphasis> that make everything work more
-harmoniously. A key part of every network environment solution is the
-ability to remotely
-manage MS Windows workstations, remotely access the Samba server, provide customized
-logon scripts, as well as other housekeeping activities that help to sustain more reliable
-network operations.
-This chapter presents information on each of these areas. They are placed here, and not in
-other chapters, for ease of reference.
-<title>Remote Server Administration</title>
-<para><quote>How do I get `User Manager' and `Server Manager'?</quote></para>
-<indexterm><primary>User Manager</primary></indexterm>
-<indexterm><primary>Server Manager</primary></indexterm>
-<indexterm><primary>Event Viewer</primary></indexterm>
-Since I do not need to buy an <application>NT4 Server</application>, how do I get the `User Manager for Domains'
-and the `Server Manager'?
-Microsoft distributes a version of these tools called <filename>Nexus.exe</filename> for installation
-on <application>Windows 9x/Me</application> systems. The tools set includes:
- <listitem><para>Server Manager</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>User Manager for Domains</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>Event Viewer</para></listitem>
-Download the archived file at <ulink noescape="1" url=""></ulink>
-The <application>Windows NT 4.0</application> version of the `User Manager for
-Domains' and `Server Manager' are available from Microsoft <ulink url="">via ftp</ulink>.
-<title>Remote Desktop Management</title>
-There are a number of possible remote desktop management solutions that range from free
-through costly. Do not let that put you off. Sometimes the most costly solution is the
-most cost effective. In any case, you will need to draw your own conclusions as to which
-is the best tool in your network environment.
- <sect2>
- <title>Remote Management from NoMachine.Com</title>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>NoMachine.Com</primary></indexterm>
- The following information was posted to the Samba mailing list at Apr 3 23:33:50 GMT 2003.
- It is presented in slightly edited form (with author details omitted for privacy reasons).
- The entire answer is reproduced below with some comments removed.
- </para>
- <para><quote>
- I have a wonderful Linux/Samba server running as pdc for a network. Now I would like to add remote
- desktop capabilities so users outside could login to the system and get their desktop up from home or
- another country.
- </quote></para>
- <para><quote>
- Is there a way to accomplish this? Do I need a Windows Terminal Server? Do I need to configure it so
- it is a member of the domain or a BDC,PDC? Are there any hacks for MS Windows XP to enable remote login
- even if the computer is in a domain?
- </quote></para>
- <para>
- Answer provided: Check out the new offer from NoMachine, <quote>NX</quote> software:
- <ulink noescape="1" url=""></ulink>.
- </para>
- <para>
- It implements an easy-to-use interface to the Remote X protocol as
- well as incorporating VNC/RFB and rdesktop/RDP into it, but at a speed
- performance much better than anything you may have ever seen.
- </para>
- <para>
- Remote X is not new at all, but what they did achieve successfully is
- a new way of compression and caching technologies that makes the thing
- fast enough to run even over slow modem/ISDN connections.
- </para>
- <para>
- I could test drive their (public) Red Hat machine in Italy, over a loaded
- Internet connection, with enabled thumbnail previews in KDE konqueror
- which popped up immediately on <quote>mouse-over</quote>. From inside that (remote X)
- session I started a rdesktop session on another, a Windows XP machine.
- To test the performance, I played Pinball. I am proud to announce
- that my score was 631750 points at first try.
- </para>
- <para>
- NX performs better on my local LAN than any of the other <quote>pure</quote>
- connection methods I am using from time to time: TightVNC, rdesktop or
- Remote X. It is even faster than a direct crosslink connection between
- two nodes.
- </para>
- <para>
- I even got sound playing from the Remote X app to my local boxes, and
- had a working <quote>copy'n'paste</quote> from an NX window (running a KDE session
- in Italy) to my Mozilla mailing agent. These guys are certainly doing
- something right!
- </para>
- <para>
- I recommend to test drive NX to anybody with a only a passing interest in remote computing
- <ulink noescape="1" url=""></ulink>.
- </para>
- <para>
- Just download the free of charge client software (available for Red Hat,
- SuSE, Debian and Windows) and be up and running within five minutes (they
- need to send you your account data, though, because you are assigned
- a real UNIX account on their box.
- </para>
- <para>
- They plan to get to the point were you can have NX application servers
- running as a cluster of nodes, and users simply start an NX session locally,
- and can select applications to run transparently (apps may even run on
- another NX node, but pretend to be on the same as used for initial login,
- because it displays in the same window. You also can run it
- fullscreen, and after a short time you forget that it is a remote session
- at all).
- </para>
- <para>
- Now the best thing for last: All the core compression and caching
- technologies are released under the GPL and available as source code
- to anybody who wants to build on it! These technologies are working,
- albeit started from the command line only (and very inconvenient to
- use in order to get a fully running remote X session up and running.)
- </para>
- <para>
- To answer your questions:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>
- You do not need to install a terminal server; XP has RDP support built in.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- NX is much cheaper than Citrix &smbmdash; and comparable in performance, probably faster.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- You do not need to hack XP &smbmdash; it just works.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- You log into the XP box from remote transparently (and I think there is no
- need to change anything to get a connection, even if authentication is against a domain).
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- The NX core technologies are all Open Source and released under the GPL &smbmdash;
- you can now use a (very inconvenient) commandline at no cost,
- but you can buy a comfortable (proprietary) NX GUI frontend for money.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- NoMachine are encouraging and offering help to OSS/Free Software implementations
- for such a frontend too, even if it means competition to them (they have written
- to this effect even to the LTSP, KDE and GNOME developer mailing lists).
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </sect2>
-<title>Network Logon Script Magic</title>
-There are several opportunities for creating a custom network startup configuration environment.
- <listitem><para>No Logon Script.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>Simple universal Logon Script that applies to all users.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>Use of a conditional Logon Script that applies per user or per group attributes.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>Use of Samba's preexec and postexec functions on access to the NETLOGON share to create
- a custom logon script and then execute it.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>User of a tool such as KixStart.</para></listitem>
-The Samba source code tree includes two logon script generation/execution tools.
-See <filename>examples</filename> directory <filename>genlogon</filename> and
-<filename>ntlogon</filename> subdirectories.
-The following listings are from the genlogon directory.
-This is the <filename></filename> file:
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- #
- #
- #
- # Perl script to generate user logon scripts on the fly, when users
- # connect from a Windows client. This script should be called from
- # smb.conf with the %U, %G and %L parameters. I.e:
- #
- # root preexec = %U %G %L
- #
- # The script generated will perform
- # the following:
- #
- # 1. Log the user connection to /var/log/samba/netlogon.log
- # 2. Set the PC's time to the Linux server time (which is maintained
- # daily to the National Institute of Standard's Atomic clock on the
- # internet.
- # 3. Connect the user's home drive to H: (H for Home).
- # 4. Connect common drives that everyone uses.
- # 5. Connect group-specific drives for certain user groups.
- # 6. Connect user-specific drives for certain users.
- # 7. Connect network printers.
- # Log client connection
- #($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
- ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
- open LOG, ">>/var/log/samba/netlogon.log";
- print LOG "$mon/$mday/$year $hour:$min:$sec";
- print LOG " - User $ARGV[0] logged into $ARGV[1]\n";
- close LOG;
- # Start generating logon script
- open LOGON, ">/shared/netlogon/$ARGV[0].bat";
- print LOGON "\@ECHO OFF\r\n";
- # Connect shares just use by Software Development group
- if ($ARGV[1] eq "SOFTDEV" || $ARGV[0] eq "softdev")
- {
- print LOGON "NET USE M: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\SOURCE\r\n";
- }
- # Connect shares just use by Technical Support staff
- if ($ARGV[1] eq "SUPPORT" || $ARGV[0] eq "support")
- {
- print LOGON "NET USE S: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\SUPPORT\r\n";
- }
- # Connect shares just used by Administration staff
- If ($ARGV[1] eq "ADMIN" || $ARGV[0] eq "admin")
- {
- print LOGON "NET USE L: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\ADMIN\r\n";
- print LOGON "NET USE K: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\MKTING\r\n";
- }
- # Now connect Printers. We handle just two or three users a little
- # differently, because they are the exceptions that have desktop
- # printers on LPT1: - all other user's go to the LaserJet on the
- # server.
- if ($ARGV[0] eq 'jim'
- || $ARGV[0] eq 'yvonne')
- {
- print LOGON "NET USE LPT2: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\LJET3\r\n";
- print LOGON "NET USE LPT3: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\FAXQ\r\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print LOGON "NET USE LPT1: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\LJET3\r\n";
- print LOGON "NET USE LPT3: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\FAXQ\r\n";
- }
- # All done! Close the output file.
- close LOGON;
-Those wishing to use more elaborate or capable logon processing system should check out these sites:
- <listitem><para><ulink noescape="1" url=""></ulink></para></listitem>
- <listitem><para><ulink noescape="1" url=""></ulink></para></listitem>
-<title>Adding Printers without User Intervention</title>
-Printers may be added automatically during logon script processing through the use of:
-&dosprompt;<userinput>rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /?</userinput>
-See the documentation in the <ulink url=";en-us;189105">Microsoft knowledgebase article 189105.</ulink>