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-<chapter id="CUPS-printing">
- <author>
- <firstname>Kurt</firstname><surname>Pfeifle</surname>
- <affiliation>
- <orgname>Danka Deutschland GmbH </orgname>
- <address><email></email></address>
- </affiliation>
- </author>
- <author>
- <firstname>Ciprian</firstname><surname>Vizitiu</surname>
- <affiliation>
- <address><email></email></address>
- </affiliation>
- <contrib>drawings</contrib>
- </author>
- <author>&person.jelmer;<contrib>drawings</contrib></author>
- <pubdate> (3 June 2003) </pubdate>
-<title>CUPS Printing Support</title>
- <title>Introduction</title>
- <sect2>
- <title>Features and Benefits</title>
- <para>
- The Common UNIX Print System (<ulink url="">CUPS</ulink>)
- has become quite popular. All major Linux distributions now ship it as their default printing
- system. To many, it is still a mystical tool. Mostly, it just works.
- People tend to regard it as a <quote>black box</quote>
- that they do not want to look into as long as it works. But once
- there is a little problem, they are in trouble to find out where to
- start debugging it. Refer to the chapter <quote>Classical Printing</quote> that
- contains a lot of information that is relevant for CUPS.
- </para>
- <para>
- CUPS sports quite a few unique and powerful features. While their
- basic functions may be grasped quite easily, they are also
- new. Because they are different from other, more traditional printing
- systems, it is best not to try and apply any prior knowledge about
- printing to this new system. Rather, try to understand CUPS
- from the beginning. This documentation will lead you to a
- complete understanding of CUPS. Let's start with the most basic
- things first.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Overview</title>
- <para>
- CUPS is more than just a print spooling system. It is a complete
- printer management system that complies with the new
- Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). IPP is an industry
- and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
- standard for network printing. Many of its functions can be managed
- remotely (or locally) via a Web browser (giving you a
- platform-independent access to the CUPS print server). Additionally, it
- has the traditional command line and several more modern GUI interfaces
- (GUI interfaces developed by third parties, like KDE's
- overwhelming <ulink url="">KDEPrint</ulink>).
- </para>
- <para>
- CUPS allows creation of <quote>raw</quote> printers (i.e., no print file
- format translation) as well as <quote>smart</quote> printers (i.e., CUPS does
- file format conversion as required for the printer). In many ways
- this gives CUPS similar capabilities to the MS Windows print
- monitoring system. Of course, if you are a CUPS advocate, you would
- argue that CUPS is better! In any case, let us now move on to
- explore how one may configure CUPS for interfacing with MS Windows
- print clients via Samba.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <title>Basic CUPS Support Configuration</title>
- <para>
- Printing with CUPS in the most basic &smb.conf; setup in Samba-3.0 (as was true for 2.2.x) only needs two
- settings: <smbconfoption><name>printing</name><value>cups</value></smbconfoption> and
- <smbconfoption><name>printcap</name><value>cups</value></smbconfoption>. CUPS does not need a printcap file.
- However, the <filename>cupsd.conf</filename> configuration file knows of two related directives that control
- how such a file will be automatically created and maintained by CUPS for the convenience of third-party
- applications (example: <parameter>Printcap /etc/printcap</parameter> and <parameter>PrintcapFormat BSD</parameter>).
- Legacy programs often require the existence of a printcap file containing printer names or they will refuse to
- print. Make sure CUPS is set to generate and maintain a printcap file. For details, see
- <command>man cupsd.conf</command> and other CUPS-related documentation, like the wealth of documents on your CUPS server
- itself: <ulink noescape="1" url="http://localhost:631/documentation.html">http://localhost:631/documentation.html</ulink>.
- </para>
- <sect2>
- <title>Linking smbd with</title>
- <para>
- Samba has a special relationship to CUPS. Samba can be compiled with CUPS library support.
- Most recent installations have this support enabled. Per default, CUPS linking is compiled
- into smbd and other Samba binaries. Of course, you can use CUPS even
- if Samba is not linked against <filename></filename> &smbmdash; but
- there are some differences in required or supported configuration.
- </para>
- <para>
- When Samba is compiled against <filename>libcups</filename>, <smbconfoption><name>printcap</name><value>cups</value></smbconfoption>
- uses the CUPS API to list printers, submit jobs, query queues, and so on. Otherwise it maps to the System V
- commands with an additional <command>-oraw</command> option for printing. On a Linux
- system, you can use the <command>ldd</command> utility to find out details (ldd may not be present on
- other OS platforms, or its function may be embodied by a different command):
- </para>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>ldd `which smbd`</userinput> =&gt; /usr/lib/ (0x4002d000) =&gt; /usr/lib/ (0x4005a000) =&gt; /usr/lib/ (0x40123000)
- <para>
- The line <computeroutput> =&gt; /usr/lib/ (0x40123000)</computeroutput> shows
- there is CUPS support compiled into this version of Samba. If this is the case, and printing = cups
- is set, then <emphasis>any otherwise manually set print command in &smb.conf; is ignored</emphasis>.
- This is an important point to remember!
- </para>
- <tip><para> Should it be necessary, for any reason, to set your own print commands, you can do this by setting
- <smbconfoption><name>printing</name><value>sysv</value></smbconfoption>. However, you will loose all the benefits
- of tight CUPS/Samba integration. When you do this you must manually configure the printing system commands
- (most important:
- <smbconfoption><name>print command</name></smbconfoption>; other commands are
- <smbconfoption><name>lppause command</name></smbconfoption>,
- <smbconfoption><name>lpresume command</name></smbconfoption>,
- <smbconfoption><name>lpq command</name></smbconfoption>,
- <smbconfoption><name>lprm command</name></smbconfoption>,
- <smbconfoption><name>queuepause command</name></smbconfoption> and
- <smbconfoption><name>queue resume command</name></smbconfoption>).</para></tip>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Simple &smb.conf; Settings for CUPS</title>
- <para>
- To summarize, <link linkend="cups-exam-simple"/> shows simplest printing-related setup for &smb.conf; to enable basic CUPS support:
- </para>
- <para><smbconfexample id="cups-exam-simple">
- <title>Simplest printing-related smb.conf</title>
- <smbconfsection>[global]</smbconfsection>
- <smbconfoption><name>load printers</name><value>yes</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>printing</name><value>cups</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>printcap name</name><value>cups</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfsection>[printers]</smbconfsection>
- <smbconfoption><name>comment</name><value>All Printers</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>path</name><value>/var/spool/samba</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>browseable</name><value>no</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>public</name><value>yes</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>guest ok</name><value>yes</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>writable</name><value>no</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>printable</name><value>yes</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>printer admin</name><value>root, @ntadmins</value></smbconfoption>
- </smbconfexample></para>
- <para>
- This is all you need for basic printing setup for CUPS. It will print
- all graphic, text, PDF, and PostScript files submitted from Windows
- clients. However, most of your Windows users would not know how to
- send these kinds of files to print without opening a GUI
- application. Windows clients tend to have local printer drivers
- installed, and the GUI application's print buttons start a printer
- driver. Your users also rarely send files from the command
- line. Unlike UNIX clients, they hardly submit graphic, text or PDF
- formatted files directly to the spooler. They nearly exclusively print
- from GUI applications with a <quote>printer driver</quote> hooked in between the
- application's native format and the print-data-stream. If the backend
- printer is not a PostScript device, the print data stream is <quote>binary,</quote>
- sensible only for the target printer. Read on to learn which problem
- this may cause and how to avoid it.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>More Complex CUPS &smb.conf; Settings</title>
- <para>
- <link linkend="overridesettings"/> is a slightly more complex printing-related setup
- for &smb.conf;. It enables general CUPS printing
- support for all printers, but defines one printer share, which is set
- up differently.
- </para>
- <para><smbconfexample id="overridesettings">
- <title>Overriding global CUPS settings for one printer</title>
- <smbconfsection>[global]</smbconfsection>
- <smbconfoption><name>printing</name><value>cups</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>printcap name</name><value>cups</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>load printers</name><value>yes</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfsection>[printers]</smbconfsection>
- <smbconfoption><name>comment</name><value>All Printers</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>path</name><value>/var/spool/samba</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>public</name><value>yes</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>guest ok</name><value>yes</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>writable</name><value>no</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>printable</name><value>yes</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>printer admin</name><value>root, @ntadmins</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfsection>[special_printer]</smbconfsection>
- <smbconfoption><name>comment</name><value>A special printer with his own settings</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>path</name><value>/var/spool/samba-special</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>printing</name><value>sysv</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>printcap</name><value>lpstat</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>print command</name><value>echo "NEW: `date`: printfile %f" >> /tmp/smbprn.log ; \</value></smbconfoption>
- <member><parameter>echo " `date`: p-%p s-%s f-%f" >> /tmp/smbprn.log ; \</parameter></member>
- <member><parameter>echo " `date`: j-%j J-%J z-%z c-%c" >> /tmp/smbprn.log : rm %f</parameter></member>
- <smbconfoption><name>public</name><value>no</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>guest ok</name><value>no</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>writeable</name><value>no</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>printable</name><value>yes</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>printer admin</name><value>kurt</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>hosts deny</name><value></value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfoption><name>hosts allow</name><value>turbo_xp,,</value></smbconfoption>
- </smbconfexample></para>
- <para>
- This special share is only there for testing purposes. It does not write the print job to a file. It just logs the job parameters
- known to Samba into the <filename>/tmp/smbprn.log</filename> file and deletes the jobfile. Moreover, the
- <smbconfoption><name>printer admin</name></smbconfoption> of this share is <quote>kurt</quote> (not the <quote>@ntadmins</quote> group),
- guest access is not allowed, the share isn't published to the Network Neighborhood (so you need to know it is there), and it only
- allows access from only three hosts. To prevent CUPS kicking in and taking over the print jobs for that share, we need to set
- <smbconfoption><name>printing</name><value>sysv</value></smbconfoption> and
- <smbconfoption><name>printcap</name><value>lpstat</value></smbconfoption>.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <title>Advanced Configuration</title>
- <para>
- Before we delve into all the configuration options, let us clarify a few
- points. <emphasis>Network printing needs to be organized and setup
- correctly</emphasis>. This frequently doesn't happen. Legacy systems
- or small business LAN environments often lack design and good housekeeping.
- </para>
- <sect2>
- <title>Central Spooling vs. <quote>Peer-to-Peer</quote> Printing</title>
- <para>
- Many small office or home networks, as well as badly organized larger
- environments, allow each client a direct access to available network
- printers. This is generally a bad idea. It often blocks one client's
- access to the printer when another client's job is printing. It might
- freeze the first client's application while it is waiting to get
- rid of the job. Also, there are frequent complaints about various jobs
- being printed with their pages mixed with each other. A better concept
- is the usage of a print server: it routes all jobs through one
- central system, which responds immediately, takes jobs from multiple
- concurrent clients at the same time, and in turn transfers them to the
- printer(s) in the correct order.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Raw Print Serving &smbmdash; Vendor Drivers on Windows Clients</title>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>spooling-only</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>"raw" printing</primary></indexterm>
- Most traditionally configured UNIX print servers acting on behalf of
- Samba's Windows clients represented a really simple setup. Their only
- task was to manage the <quote>raw</quote> spooling of all jobs handed to them by
- Samba. This approach meant that the Windows clients were expected to
- prepare the print job file that its ready to be sent to the printing
- device. Here is a native (vendor-supplied) Windows printer
- driver for the target device needed to be installed on each and every
- client.
- </para>
- <para>
- It is possible to configure CUPS, Samba and your Windows clients in the
- same traditional and simple way. When CUPS printers are configured
- for RAW print-through mode operation, it is the responsibility of the
- Samba client to fully render the print job (file). The file must be
- sent in a format that is suitable for direct delivery to the
- printer. Clients need to run the vendor-provided drivers to do
- this. In this case, CUPS will not do any print file format conversion
- work.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Installation of Windows Client Drivers</title>
- <para>
- The printer drivers on the Windows clients may be installed
- in two functionally different ways:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>Manually install the drivers locally on each client,
- one by one; this yields the old <emphasis>LanMan</emphasis> style
- printing and uses a <filename>\\sambaserver\printershare</filename>
- type of connection.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- <indexterm><primary>point 'n' print</primary></indexterm>
- Deposit and prepare the drivers (for later download) on
- the print server (Samba); this enables the clients to use
- <quote>Point'n'Print</quote> to get drivers semi-automatically installed the
- first time they access the printer; with this method NT/200x/XP
- clients use the <emphasis>SPOOLSS/MS-RPC</emphasis>
- type printing calls.</para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- The second method is recommended for use over the first.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="cups-raw">
- <title>Explicitly Enable <quote>raw</quote> Printing for <emphasis>application/octet-stream</emphasis></title>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>application/octet-stream</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>raw printing</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>MIME</primary><secondary>raw</secondary></indexterm>
- If you use the first option (drivers are installed on the client
- side), there is one setting to take care of: CUPS needs to be told
- that it should allow <quote>raw</quote> printing of deliberate (binary) file
- formats. The CUPS files that need to be correctly set for RAW mode
- printers to work are:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para><filename>/etc/cups/mime.types</filename></para></listitem>
- <listitem><para><filename>/etc/cups/mime.convs</filename></para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- Both contain entries (at the end of the respective files) which must
- be uncommented to allow RAW mode operation.
- In <filename>/etc/cups/mime.types</filename>, make sure this line is
- present:
- <filterline>
- application/octet-stream
- </filterline>
- <indexterm><primary>/etc/cups/mime.convs</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>/etc/cups/mime.types</primary></indexterm>
- In <filename>/etc/cups/mime.convs</filename>,
- have this line:
- <indexterm><primary>application/vnd.cups-raw</primary></indexterm>
- <filterline>
- application/octet-stream application/vnd.cups-raw 0 -
- </filterline>
- If these two files are not set up correctly for raw Windows client
- printing, you may encounter the dreaded <computeroutput>Unable to
- convert file 0</computeroutput> in your CUPS error_log file.
- </para>
- <note><para>Editing the <filename>mime.convs</filename> and the
- <filename>mime.types</filename> file does not
- <emphasis>enforce</emphasis> <quote>raw</quote> printing, it only
- <emphasis>allows</emphasis> it.
- </para></note>
- <formalpara><title>Background</title>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>application/octet-stream</primary></indexterm>
- CUPS being a more security-aware printing system than traditional ones
- does not by default allow a user to send deliberate (possibly binary)
- data to printing devices. This could be easily abused to launch a
- <quote>Denial of Service</quote> attack on your printer(s), causing at least
- the loss of a lot of paper and ink. <quote>Unknown</quote> data are tagged by CUPS
- as <parameter>MIME type: application/octet-stream</parameter> and not
- allowed to go to the printer. By default, you can only send other
- (known) MIME types <quote>raw</quote>. Sending data <quote>raw</quote> means that CUPS does not
- try to convert them and passes them to the printer untouched (see the next
- chapter for even more background explanations).
- </para>
- </formalpara>
- <para>
- This is all you need to know to get the CUPS/Samba combo printing
- <quote>raw</quote> files prepared by Windows clients, which have vendor drivers
- locally installed. If you are not interested in background information about
- more advanced CUPS/Samba printing, simply skip the remaining sections
- of this chapter.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Driver Upload Methods</title>
- <para>
- This section describes three familiar methods, plus one new one, by which
- printer drivers may be uploaded.
- </para>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>point 'n' print</primary></indexterm>
- If you want to use the MS-RPC type printing, you must upload the
- drivers onto the Samba server first (<smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection>
- share). For a discussion on how to deposit printer drivers on the
- Samba host (so the Windows clients can download and use them via
- <quote>Point'n'Print</quote>), please refer to the previous chapter of this
- HOWTO Collection. There you will find a description or reference to
- three methods of preparing the client drivers on the Samba server:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>
- <indexterm><primary>add printer wizard</primary></indexterm>
- The GUI, <quote>Add Printer Wizard</quote>
- <emphasis>upload-from-a-Windows-client</emphasis>
- method.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>The command line, <quote>smbclient/rpcclient</quote>
- upload-from-a-UNIX-workstation method.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- <indexterm><primary>imprints</primary></indexterm>
- The Imprints Toolset
- method.</para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- These three methods apply to CUPS all the same. A new and more
- convenient way to load the Windows drivers into Samba is provided
- if you use CUPS:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>
- <indexterm><primary>cupsaddsmb</primary></indexterm>
- the <parameter>cupsaddsmb</parameter>
- utility.</para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- <command>cupsaddsmb</command> is discussed in much detail further below. But we first
- explore the CUPS filtering system and compare the Windows and UNIX printing architectures.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <title>Advanced Intelligent Printing with PostScript Driver Download</title>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>PostScript</primary><seealso>Ghostscript</seealso></indexterm>
- We now know
- how to set up a <quote>dump</quote> printserver, that is, a server which is spooling
- printjobs <quote>raw</quote>, leaving the print data untouched.
- </para>
- <para>
- Possibly you need to setup CUPS in a smarter way. The reasons could
- be manifold:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>Maybe your boss wants to get monthly statistics: Which
- printer did how many pages? What was the average data size of a job?
- What was the average print run per day? What are the typical hourly
- peaks in printing? Which department prints how much?</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>Maybe you are asked to setup a print quota system:
- Users should not be able to print more jobs, once they have surpassed
- a given limit per period.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>Maybe your previous network printing setup is a mess
- and must be re-organized from a clean beginning.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>Maybe you have experiencing too many <quote>blue screens</quote>
- originating from poorly debugged printer drivers running in NT <quote>kernel mode</quote>?</para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- These goals cannot be achieved by a raw print server. To build a
- server meeting these requirements, you'll first need to learn about
- how CUPS works and how you can enable its features.
- </para>
- <para>
- What follows is the comparison of some fundamental concepts for
- Windows and UNIX printing; then follows a description of the
- CUPS filtering system, how it works and how you can tweak it.
- </para>
- <sect2 id="gdipost">
- <title>GDI on Windows -- PostScript on UNIX</title>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>GDI</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>PostScript</primary></indexterm>
- Network printing is one of the most complicated and error-prone
- day-to-day tasks any user or administrator may encounter. This is
- true for all OS platforms. And there are reasons for this.
- </para>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>PCL</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>PDL</primary></indexterm>
- You can't expect most file formats to just throw them toward
- printers and they get printed. There needs to be a file format
- conversion in between. The problem is that there is no common standard for
- print file formats across all manufacturers and printer types. While
- PostScript (trademark held by Adobe) and, to an
- extent, PCL (trademark held by HP) have developed
- into semi-official <quote>standards</quote> by being the most widely used PDLs
- Page Description Languages (PDLs), there are still
- many manufacturers who <quote>roll their own</quote> (their reasons may be
- unacceptable license fees for using printer-embedded PostScript
- interpreters, and so on).
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Windows Drivers, GDI and EMF</title>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>GDI</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>EMF</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>WYSIWYG</primary></indexterm>
- In Windows OS, the format conversion job is done by the printer
- drivers. On MS Windows OS platforms all application programmers have
- at their disposal a built-in API, the Graphical Device
- Interface (GDI), as part and parcel of the OS itself to base
- themselves on. This GDI core is used as one common unified ground for
- all Windows programs to draw pictures, fonts and documents
- <emphasis>on screen</emphasis> as well as <emphasis>on
- paper</emphasis> (print). Therefore, printer driver developers can
- standardize on a well-defined GDI output for their own driver
- input. Achieving WYSIWYG (<quote>What You See Is What You Get</quote>) is
- relatively easy, because the on-screen graphic primitives, as well as
- the on-paper drawn objects, come from one common source. This source,
- the GDI, often produces a file format called Enhanced
- MetaFile (EMF). The EMF is processed by the printer driver and
- converted to the printer-specific file format.
- </para>
- <note><para>
- <indexterm><primary>PDF</primary></indexterm>
- To the GDI foundation in MS Windows, Apple has chosen to
- put paper and screen output on a common foundation for their
- (BSD-UNIX-based, did you know?) Mac OS X and Darwin Operating
- <indexterm><primary>X Window System</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>PostScript</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>PCL</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>Xprint</primary></indexterm>
- Systems. Their <emphasis>Core Graphic Engine</emphasis> uses a
- <emphasis>PDF</emphasis> derivative for all display work.
- </para></note>
- <para>
- <image><imagedescription>Windows printing to a local printer.</imagedescription><imagefile>1small</imagefile></image>
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>UNIX Printfile Conversion and GUI Basics</title>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>X Window System</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>PostScript</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>PCL</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>Xprint</primary></indexterm>
- In UNIX and Linux, there is no comparable layer built into the OS
- kernel(s) or the X (screen display) server. Every application is
- responsible for itself to create its print output. Fortunately, most
- use PostScript and that at least gives some common ground. Unfortunately,
- there are many different levels of quality for this PostScript. And
- worse, there is a huge difference (and no common root) in the way
- the same document is displayed on screen and how it is presented on
- paper. WYSIWYG is more difficult to achieve. This goes back to the
- time, decades ago, when the predecessors of,
- designing the UNIX foundations and protocols for Graphical User
- Interfaces, refused to take responsibility for <quote>paper output</quote>
- also, as some had demanded at the time, and restricted itself to
- <quote>on-screen only.</quote> (For some years now, the <quote>Xprint</quote> project has been
- under development, attempting to build printing support into the X
- framework, including a PostScript and a PCL driver, but it is not yet
- ready for prime time.) You can see this unfavorable inheritance up to
- the present day by looking into the various <quote>font</quote> directories on your
- system; there are separate ones for fonts used for X display and fonts
- to be used on paper.
- </para>
- <formalpara>
- <title>Background</title>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>PostScript</primary></indexterm>
- The PostScript programming language is an <quote>invention</quote> by Adobe Inc.,
- but its specifications have been published to the full. Its strength
- lies in its powerful abilities to describe graphical objects (fonts,
- shapes, patterns, lines, curves, and dots), their attributes (color,
- linewidth) and the way to manipulate (scale, distort, rotate,
- shift) them. Because of its open specification, anybody with the
- skill can start writing his own implementation of a PostScript
- interpreter and use it to display PostScript files on screen or on
- paper. Most graphical output devices are based on the concept of
- <quote>raster images</quote> or <quote>pixels</quote> (one notable exception is pen
- plotters). Of course, you can look at a PostScript file in its textual
- form and you will be reading its PostScript code, the language
- instructions which need to be interpreted by a rasterizer. Rasterizers
- produce pixel images, which may be displayed on screen by a viewer
- program or on paper by a printer.
- </para>
- </formalpara>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="post-and-ghost">
- <title>PostScript and Ghostscript</title>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>PostScript</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>GhostScript</primary><seealso>PostScript</seealso></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>PostScript</primary><secondary>RIP</secondary></indexterm>
- So, UNIX is lacking a common ground for printing on paper and
- displaying on screen. Despite this unfavorable legacy for UNIX, basic
- printing is fairly easy if you have PostScript printers at your
- disposal. The reason is these devices have a built-in PostScript
- language <quote>interpreter,</quote> also called a Raster Image
- Processor (RIP) (which makes them more expensive than
- other types of printers); throw PostScript toward them, and they will
- spit out your printed pages. Their RIP is doing all the hard work of
- converting the PostScript drawing commands into a bitmap picture as
- you see it on paper, in a resolution as done by your printer. This is
- no different to PostScript printing a file from a Windows origin.
- </para>
- <note><para>
- <indexterm><primary>PPD</primary></indexterm>
- Traditional UNIX programs and printing systems &smbmdash; while
- using PostScript &smbmdash; are largely not PPD-aware. PPDs are <quote>PostScript
- Printer Description</quote> files. They enable you to specify and control all
- options a printer supports: duplexing, stapling and punching. Therefore,
- UNIX users for a long time couldn't choose many of the supported
- device and job options, unlike Windows or Apple users. But now there
- is CUPS.
- </para>
- </note>
- <para>
- <image><imagedescription>Printing to a PostScript printer.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>2small</imagefile></image>
- </para>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>PDL</primary></indexterm>
- However, there are other types of printers out there. These do not know
- how to print PostScript. They use their own Page Description
- Language (PDL, often proprietary). To print to them is much
- more demanding. Since your UNIX applications mostly produce
- PostScript, and since these devices do not understand PostScript, you
- need to convert the printfiles to a format suitable for your printer
- on the host before you can send it away.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Ghostscript &smbmdash; the Software RIP for Non-PostScript Printers</title>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>GhostScript</primary></indexterm>
- Here is where Ghostscript kicks in. Ghostscript is
- the traditional (and quite powerful) PostScript interpreter used on
- UNIX platforms. It is a RIP in software, capable of doing a
- <emphasis>lot</emphasis> of file format conversions for a very broad
- spectrum of hardware devices as well as software file formats.
- Ghostscript technology and drivers are what enable PostScript printing
- to non-PostScript hardware.
- </para>
- <para>
- <image><imagedescription>Ghostscript as a RIP for non-postscript printers.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>3small</imagefile>
- </image>
- </para>
- <tip><para>
- Use the <quote>gs -h</quote> command to check for all built-in <quote>devices</quote>
- of your Ghostscript version. If you specify a parameter of
- <parameter>-sDEVICE=png256</parameter> on your Ghostscript command
- line, you are asking Ghostscript to convert the input into a PNG
- file. Naming a <quote>device</quote> on the command line is the most important
- single parameter to tell Ghostscript exactly how it should render the
- input. New Ghostscript versions are released at fairly regular
- intervals, now by artofcode LLC. They are initially put under the
- <quote>AFPL</quote> license, but re-released under the GNU GPL as soon as the next
- AFPL version appears. GNU Ghostscript is probably the version
- installed on most Samba systems. But it has some deficiencies.
- <indexterm><primary>Ghostscript</primary><secondary>ESP</secondary><see>ESP GhostScript</see></indexterm>
- Therefore, ESP Ghostscript was developed as an
- enhancement over GNU Ghostscript, with lots of bug-fixes, additional
- devices and improvements. It is jointly maintained by developers from
- CUPS, Gimp-Print, MandrakeSoft, SuSE, RedHat, and Debian. It includes
- the <quote>cups</quote> device (essential to print to non-PS printers from CUPS).
- </para></tip>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>PostScript Printer Description (PPD) Specification</title>
- <para>
- <indexterm><primary>PPD</primary></indexterm>
- While PostScript in essence is a Page Description
- Language (PDL) to represent the page layout in a
- device-independent way, real-world print jobs are
- always ending up being output on hardware with device-specific
- features. To take care of all the differences in hardware and to
- allow for innovations, Adobe has specified a syntax and file format
- for PostScript Printer Description (PPD)
- files. Every PostScript printer ships with one of these files.
- </para>
- <para>
- PPDs contain all the information about general and special features of the
- given printer model: Which different resolutions can it handle? Does
- it have a Duplexing Unit? How many paper trays are there? What media
- types and sizes does it take? For each item, it also names the special
- command string to be sent to the printer (mostly inside the PostScript
- file) in order to enable it.
- </para>
- <para>
- Information from these PPDs is meant to be taken into account by the
- printer drivers. Therefore, installed as part of the Windows
- PostScript driver for a given printer is the printer's PPD. Where it
- makes sense, the PPD features are presented in the drivers' UI dialogs
- to display to the user a choice of print options. In the end, the
- user selections are somehow written (in the form of special
- PostScript, PJL, JCL or vendor-dependent commands) into the PostScript
- file created by the driver.
- </para>
- <warning><para>
- <indexterm><primary>PDF</primary></indexterm>
- A PostScript file that was created to contain device-specific commands
- for achieving a certain print job output (e.g., duplexed, stapled and
- punched) on a specific target machine, may not print as expected, or
- may not be printable at all on other models; it also may not be fit
- for further processing by software (e.g., by a PDF distilling program).
- </para></warning>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Using Windows-Formatted Vendor PPDs</title>
- <para>
- CUPS can handle all spec-compliant PPDs as supplied by the
- manufacturers for their PostScript models. Even if a
- vendor might not have mentioned our favorite
- OS in his manuals and brochures, you can safely trust this:
- <emphasis>If you get the Windows NT version of the PPD, you
- can use it unchanged in CUPS</emphasis> and thus access the full
- power of your printer just like a Windows NT user could!
- </para>
- <tip><para>
- To check the spec compliance of any PPD online, go to <ulink
- noescape="1" url=""></ulink>
- and upload your PPD. You will see the results displayed
- immediately. CUPS in all versions after 1.1.19 has a much more strict
- internal PPD parsing and checking code enabled; in case of printing
- trouble, this online resource should be one of your first pitstops.
- </para></tip>
- <warning><para>
- <indexterm><primary>foomatic</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>cupsomatic</primary></indexterm>
- For real PostScript printers, <emphasis>do not</emphasis> use the
- <emphasis>Foomatic</emphasis> or <emphasis>cupsomatic</emphasis>
- PPDs from With these devices, the original
- vendor-provided PPDs are always the first choice!
- </para></warning>
- <tip><para>
- If you are looking for an original vendor-provided PPD of a specific
- device, and you know that an NT4 box (or any other Windows box) on
- your LAN has the PostScript driver installed, just use
- <command>smbclient //NT4-box/print\$ -U username</command> to
- access the Windows directory where all printer driver files are
- stored. First look in the <filename>W32X86/2</filename> subdir for
- the PPD you are seeking.
- </para></tip>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>CUPS Also Uses PPDs for Non-PostScript Printers</title>
- <para>
- CUPS also uses specially crafted PPDs to handle non-PostScript
- printers. These PPDs are usually not available from the vendors (and
- no, you can't just take the PPD of a PostScript printer with the same
- model name and hope it works for the non-PostScript version too). To
- understand how these PPDs work for non-PS printers, we first need to
- dive deeply into the CUPS filtering and file format conversion
- architecture. Stay tuned.
- </para>
- </sect2>
-<title>The CUPS Filtering Architecture</title>
-The core of the CUPS filtering system is based on
-Ghostscript. In addition to Ghostscript, CUPS
-uses some other filters of its own. You (or your OS vendor) may have
-plugged in even more filters. CUPS handles all data file formats under
-the label of various MIME types. Every incoming
-printfile is subjected to an initial
-auto-typing. The auto-typing determines its given
-MIME type. A given MIME type implies zero or more possible filtering
-chains relevant to the selected target printer. This section discusses
-how MIME types recognition and conversion rules interact. They are
-used by CUPS to automatically setup a working filtering chain for any
-given input data format.
-If CUPS rasterizes a PostScript file natively to
-a bitmap, this is done in two stages:
- <listitem><para>The first stage uses a Ghostscript device named <quote>cups</quote>
-(this is since version 1.1.15) and produces a generic raster format
-called <quote>CUPS raster</quote>.
-<listitem><para>The second stage uses a <quote>raster driver</quote> that converts
- the generic CUPS raster to a device-specific raster.</para></listitem>
-Make sure your Ghostscript version has the <quote>cups</quote> device compiled in
-(check with <command>gs -h | grep cups</command>). Otherwise you
-may encounter the dreaded <computeroutput>Unable to convert file
-0</computeroutput> in your CUPS error_log file. To have <quote>cups</quote> as a
-device in your Ghostscript, you either need to patch GNU
-Ghostscript and re-compile, or use <indexterm><primary>ESP</primary><secondary>Ghostscript</secondary></indexterm><ulink
-url="">ESP Ghostscript</ulink>. The
-superior alternative is ESP Ghostscript. It supports not just CUPS,
-but 300 other devices too (while GNU Ghostscript supports only about
-180). Because of this broad output device support, ESP Ghostscript is
-the first choice for non-CUPS spoolers, too. It is now recommended by for all spoolers.
-CUPS printers may be setup to use external
-rendering paths. One of the most common is provided by the
-Foomatic/cupsomatic concept from <ulink
-url=""></ulink> This
-uses the classical Ghostscript approach, doing everything in one
-step. It does not use the <quote>cups</quote> device, but one of the many
-others. However, even for Foomatic/cupsomatic usage, best results and
-broadest printer model support is provided by ESP Ghostscript (more
-about cupsomatic/Foomatic, particularly the new version called now
-<emphasis>foomatic-rip</emphasis>, follows below).
-<title>MIME Types and CUPS Filters</title>
- <indexterm><primary>MIME</primary></indexterm>
-CUPS reads the file <filename>/etc/cups/mime.types</filename>
-(and all other files carrying a <filename>*.types</filename> suffix
-in the same directory) upon startup. These files contain the MIME
-type recognition rules that are applied when CUPS runs its
-auto-typing routines. The rule syntax is explained in the man page
-for <filename>mime.types</filename> and in the comments section of the
-<filename>mime.types</filename> file itself. A simple rule reads
-like this:
- application/pdf pdf string(0,%PDF)
-This means if a filename has either a
-<filename>.pdf</filename> suffix or if the magic
-string <emphasis>%PDF</emphasis> is right at the
-beginning of the file itself (offset 0 from the start), then it is
-a PDF file (<parameter>application/pdf</parameter>).
-Another rule is this:
- application/postscript ai eps ps string(0,%!) string(0,&lt;04&gt;%!)
-If the filename has one of the suffixes
-<filename>.ai</filename>, <filename>.eps</filename>,
-<filename>.ps</filename> or if the file itself starts with one of the
-strings <emphasis>%!</emphasis> or <emphasis><![CDATA[<04>%!]]></emphasis>, it
-is a generic PostScript file
-Don't confuse the other mime.types files your system might be using
-with the one in the <filename>/etc/cups/</filename> directory.
-There is an important difference between two similar MIME types in
-CUPS: one is <parameter>application/postscript</parameter>, the other is
-<parameter>application/vnd.cups-postscript</parameter>. While
-<parameter>application/postscript</parameter> is meant to be device
-independent (job options for the file are still outside the PS file
-content, embedded in command line or environment variables by CUPS),
-<parameter>application/vnd.cups-postscript</parameter> may have the job
-options inserted into the PostScript data itself (where
-applicable). The transformation of the generic PostScript
-(<parameter>application/postscript</parameter>) to the device-specific version
-(<parameter>application/vnd.cups-postscript</parameter>) is the responsibility of the
-CUPS <parameter>pstops</parameter> filter. pstops uses information
-contained in the PPD to do the transformation.
-CUPS can handle ASCII text, HP-GL, PDF, PostScript, DVI, and
-many image formats (GIF. PNG, TIFF, JPEG, Photo-CD, SUN-Raster,
-PNM, PBM, SGI-RGB, and more) and their associated MIME types
-with its filters.
-<title>MIME Type Conversion Rules</title>
-CUPS reads the file <filename>/etc/cups/mime.convs</filename>
-(and all other files named with a <filename>*.convs</filename>
-suffix in the same directory) upon startup. These files contain
-lines naming an input MIME type, an output MIME type, a format
-conversion filter that can produce the output from the input type
-and virtual costs associated with this conversion. One example line
-reads like this:
- application/pdf application/postscript 33 pdftops
-This means that the <parameter>pdftops</parameter> filter will take
-<parameter>application/pdf</parameter> as input and produce
-<parameter>application/postscript</parameter> as output; the virtual
-cost of this operation is 33 CUPS-$. The next filter is more
-expensive, costing 66 CUPS-$:
- application/vnd.hp-HPGL application/postscript 66 hpgltops
-This is the <parameter>hpgltops</parameter>, which processes HP-GL
-plotter files to PostScript.
- application/octet-stream
-Here are two more examples:
- application/x-shell application/postscript 33 texttops
- text/plain application/postscript 33 texttops
-The last two examples name the <parameter>texttops</parameter> filter
-to work on <parameter>text/plain</parameter> as well as on <parameter>application/x-shell</parameter>. (Hint:
-This differentiation is needed for the syntax highlighting feature of
-<title>Filtering Overview</title>
-There are many more combinations named in <filename>mime.convs</filename>. However, you
-are not limited to use the ones pre-defined there. You can plug in any
-filter you like into the CUPS framework. It must meet, or must be made
-to meet, some minimal requirements. If you find (or write) a cool
-conversion filter of some kind, make sure it complies to what CUPS
-needs and put in the right lines in <filename>mime.types</filename>
-and <filename>mime.convs</filename>, then it will work seamlessly
-inside CUPS.
-<title>Filter requirements</title>
-The mentioned <quote>CUPS requirements</quote> for filters are simple. Take
-filenames or <filename>stdin</filename> as input and write to
-<filename>stdout</filename>. They should take these 5 or 6 arguments:
-<emphasis>printer job user title copies options [filename]</emphasis>
-<varlistentry><term>Printer </term>
-<listitem><para>The name of the printer queue (normally this is the
-name of the filter being run).</para></listitem>
-<varlistentry><term>job </term>
-<listitem><para>The numeric job ID for the job being
-<varlistentry><term>user </term>
-<listitem><para>The string from the originating-user-name
-<varlistentry><term>title </term>
-<listitem><para>The string from the job-name attribute.</para></listitem>
-<varlistentry><term>copies </term>
-<listitem><para>The numeric value from the number-copies
-<varlistentry><term>options </term>
-<listitem><para>The job options.</para></listitem>
-<varlistentry><term>filename </term>
-<listitem><para>(Optionally) The print request file (if missing,
-filters expected data fed through <filename>stdin</filename>). In most
-cases, it is easy to write a simple wrapper script around existing
-filters to make them work with CUPS.</para></listitem>
-As previously stated, PostScript is the central file format to any UNIX-based
-printing system. From PostScript, CUPS generates raster data to feed
-non-PostScript printers.
-But what happens if you send one of the supported non-PS formats
-to print? Then CUPS runs <quote>pre-filters</quote> on these input formats to
-generate PostScript first. There are pre-filters to create PS from
-ASCII text, PDF, DVI, or HP-GL. The outcome of these filters is always
-of MIME type <parameter>application/postscript</parameter> (meaning that
-any device-specific print options are not yet embedded into the
-PostScript by CUPS, and that the next filter to be called is
-pstops). Another pre-filter is running on all supported image formats,
-the <parameter>imagetops</parameter> filter. Its outcome is always of
-MIME type <parameter>application/vnd.cups-postscript</parameter>
-(not application/postscript), meaning it has the
-print options already embedded into the file.
- <image scale="25"><imagedescription>Pre-filtering in CUPS to form PostScript.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>4small</imagefile>
-<emphasis>pstops</emphasis> is the filter to convert
-<parameter>application/postscript</parameter> to <?latex \linebreak ?>
-<parameter>application/vnd.cups-postscript</parameter>. It was said
-above that this filter inserts all device-specific print options
-(commands to the printer to ask for the duplexing of output, or
-stapling and punching it, and so on) into the PostScript file.
- <image scale="25"><imagedescription>Adding device-specific print options.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>5small</imagefile>
- </image>
-This is not all. Other tasks performed by it are:
-Selecting the range of pages to be printed (if you choose to
-print only pages <quote>3, 6, 8-11, 16, 19-21</quote>, or only the odd numbered
-Putting 2 or more logical pages on one sheet of paper (the
-so-called <quote>number-up</quote> function).
-<listitem><para>Counting the pages of the job to insert the accounting
-information into the <filename>/var/log/cups/page_log</filename>.
-<parameter>pstoraster</parameter> is at the core of the CUPS filtering
-system. It is responsible for the first stage of the rasterization
-process. Its input is of MIME type application/vnd.cups-postscript;
-its output is application/vnd.cups-raster. This output format is not
-yet meant to be printable. Its aim is to serve as a general purpose
-input format for more specialized <emphasis>raster drivers</emphasis>
-that are able to generate device-specific printer data.
- <image scale="25"><imagedescription>PostScript to intermediate raster format.</imagedescription><imagefile>6small</imagefile></image>
-CUPS raster is a generic raster format with powerful features. It is
-able to include per-page information, color profiles, and more, to be
-used by the following downstream raster drivers. Its MIME type is
-registered with IANA and its specification is, of course, completely
-open. It is designed to make it quite easy and inexpensive for
-manufacturers to develop Linux and UNIX raster drivers for their
-printer models, should they choose to do so. CUPS always takes care
-for the first stage of rasterization so these vendors do not need to care
-about Ghostscript complications (in fact, there is currently more
-than one vendor financing the development of CUPS raster drivers).
- <image><imagedescription>CUPS-raster production using Ghostscript.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>7small</imagefile>
- </image>
-CUPS versions before version 1.1.15 were shipping a binary (or source
-code) standalone filter, named <parameter>pstoraster</parameter>. <parameter>pstoraster</parameter> was derived
-from GNU Ghostscript 5.50, and could be installed besides and in
-addition to any GNU or AFPL Ghostscript package without conflicting.
->From version 1.1.15, this has changed. The functions for this have been
-integrated back into Ghostscript (now based on GNU Ghostscript version
-7.05). The <parameter>pstoraster</parameter> filter is now a simple shell script calling
-<command>gs</command> with the <command>-sDEVICE=cups</command>
-parameter. If your Ghostscript does not show a success on asking for
-<command>gs -h |grep cups</command>, you might not be able to
-print. Update your Ghostscript.
-<title>imagetops and imagetoraster</title>
-In the section about pre-filters, we mentioned the pre-filter
-that generates PostScript from image formats. The <parameter>imagetoraster</parameter>
-filter is used to convert directly from image to raster, without the
-intermediate PostScript stage. It is used more often than the above
-mentioned pre-filters. A summarizing flowchart of image file
-filtering is shown in <link linkend="small8"/>.
- <image id="small8"><imagedescription>Image format to CUPS-raster format conversion.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>8small</imagefile>
- </image>
-<title>rasterto [printers specific]</title>
-CUPS ships with quite different raster drivers processing CUPS
-raster. On my system I find in /usr/lib/cups/filter/ these:
-<parameter>rastertoalps</parameter>, <parameter>rastertobj</parameter>, <parameter>rastertoepson</parameter>, <parameter>rastertoescp</parameter>,
-<parameter>rastertopcl</parameter>, <parameter>rastertoturboprint</parameter>, <parameter>rastertoapdk</parameter>, <parameter>rastertodymo</parameter>,
-<parameter>rastertoescp</parameter>, <parameter>rastertohp</parameter>, and
-<parameter>rastertoprinter</parameter>. Don't worry if you have less
-than this; some of these are installed by commercial add-ons to CUPS
-(like <parameter>rastertoturboprint</parameter>), others (like
-<parameter>rastertoprinter</parameter>) by third-party driver
-development projects (such as Gimp-Print) wanting to cooperate as
-closely as possible with CUPS.
- <image id="small9"><imagedescription>Raster to printer-specific formats.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>9small</imagefile>
- </image>
-<title>CUPS Backends</title>
-The last part of any CUPS filtering chain is a backend. Backends
-are special programs that send the print-ready file to the final
-device. There is a separate backend program for any transfer
-protocol of sending printjobs over the network, or for every local
-interface. Every CUPS print queue needs to have a CUPS <quote>device-URI</quote>
-associated with it. The device URI is the way to encode the backend
-used to send the job to its destination. Network device-URIs are using
-two slashes in their syntax, local device URIs only one, as you can
-see from the following list. Keep in mind that local interface names
-may vary much from my examples, if your OS is not Linux:
- <varlistentry><term>usb </term>
- <listitem><para>
- This backend sends printfiles to USB-connected printers. An
- example for the CUPS device-URI to use is:
- <filename>usb:/dev/usb/lp0</filename>.
- </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- <varlistentry><term>serial </term>
- <listitem><para>
- This backend sends printfiles to serially connected printers.
- An example for the CUPS device-URI to use is:
- <filename>serial:/dev/ttyS0?baud=11500</filename>.
- </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- <varlistentry><term>parallel </term>
- <listitem><para>
- This backend sends printfiles to printers connected to the
- parallel port. An example for the CUPS device-URI to use is:
- <filename>parallel:/dev/lp0</filename>.
- </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- <varlistentry><term>scsi </term>
- <listitem><para>
- This backend sends printfiles to printers attached to the
- SCSI interface. An example for the CUPS device-URI to use is:
- <filename>scsi:/dev/sr1</filename>.
- </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- <varlistentry><term>lpd </term>
- <listitem><para>
- This backend sends printfiles to LPR/LPD connected network
- printers. An example for the CUPS device-URI to use is:
- <filename>lpd://remote_host_name/remote_queue_name</filename>.
- </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- <varlistentry><term>AppSocket/HP JetDirect </term>
- <listitem><para>
- This backend sends printfiles to AppSocket (a.k.a. "HP
- JetDirect") connected network printers. An example for the CUPS
- device-URI to use is:
- <filename>socket://</filename>.
- </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- <varlistentry><term>ipp </term>
- <listitem><para>
- This backend sends printfiles to IPP connected network
- printers (or to other CUPS servers). Examples for CUPS device-URIs
- to use are:
- <filename>ipp:://</filename>
- (for many HP printers) or
- <filename>ipp://remote_cups_server/printers/remote_printer_name</filename>.
- </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- <varlistentry><term>http </term>
- <listitem><para>
- This backend sends printfiles to HTTP connected printers.
- (The http:// CUPS backend is only a symlink to the ipp:// backend.)
- Examples for the CUPS device-URIs to use are:
- <filename>http:://</filename>
- (for many HP printers) or
- <filename>http://remote_cups_server:631/printers/remote_printer_name</filename>.
- </para></listitem></varlistentry>
- <varlistentry><term>smb </term>
- <listitem><para>
- This backend sends printfiles to printers shared by a Windows
- host. An example for CUPS device-URIs that may be used includes:
- </para>
- <para>
- <simplelist>
- <member><filename>smb://workgroup/server/printersharename</filename></member>
- <member><filename>smb://server/printersharename</filename></member>
- <member><filename>smb://username:password@workgroup/server/printersharename</filename></member>
- <member><filename>smb://username:password@server/printersharename</filename></member>
- </simplelist>
- </para>
- <para>
- The smb:// backend is a symlink to the Samba utility
- <parameter>smbspool</parameter> (does not ship with CUPS). If the
- symlink is not present in your CUPS backend directory, have your
- root user create it: <command>ln -s `which smbspool'
- /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb</command>.
- </para></listitem></varlistentry>
-It is easy to write your own backends as shell or Perl scripts, if you
-need any modification or extension to the CUPS print system. One
-reason could be that you want to create <quote>special</quote> printers that send
-the printjobs as email (through a <quote>mailto:/</quote> backend), convert them to
-PDF (through a <quote>pdfgen:/</quote> backend) or dump them to <quote>/dev/null</quote>. (In
-fact I have the system-wide default printer set up to be connected to
-a devnull:/ backend: there are just too many people sending jobs
-without specifying a printer, or scripts and programs which do not name
-a printer. The system-wide default deletes the job and sends a polite
-email back to the $USER asking him to always specify the correct
-printer name.)
-Not all of the mentioned backends may be present on your system or
-usable (depending on your hardware configuration). One test for all
-available CUPS backends is provided by the <emphasis>lpinfo</emphasis>
-utility. Used with the <option>-v</option> parameter, it lists
-all available backends:
-&prompt;<userinput>lpinfo -v</userinput>
-<title>The Role of <parameter>cupsomatic/foomatic</parameter></title>
-<parameter>cupsomatic</parameter> filters may be the most widely used on CUPS
-installations. You must be clear about the fact that these were not
-developed by the CUPS people. They are a third party add-on to
-CUPS. They utilize the traditional Ghostscript devices to render jobs
-for CUPS. When troubleshooting, you should know about the
-difference. Here the whole rendering process is done in one stage,
-inside Ghostscript, using an appropriate device for the target
-printer. <parameter>cupsomatic</parameter> uses PPDs that are generated from the Foomatic
-Printer &amp; Driver Database at
-You can recognize these PPDs from the line calling the
-<parameter>cupsomatic</parameter> filter:
- *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 cupsomatic"
-You may find this line among the first 40 or so lines of the PPD
-file. If you have such a PPD installed, the printer shows up in the
-CUPS Web interface with a <parameter>foomatic</parameter> namepart for
-the driver description. <parameter>cupsomatic</parameter> is a Perl script that runs
-Ghostscript with all the complicated command line options
-auto-constructed from the selected PPD and command line options give to
-the printjob.
-<indexterm><primary>point 'n' print</primary></indexterm>
- However, <parameter>cupsomatic</parameter> is now deprecated. Its PPDs (especially the first
-generation of them, still in heavy use out there) are not meeting the
-Adobe specifications. You might also suffer difficulties when you try
-to download them with <quote>Point'n'Print</quote> to Windows clients. A better
-and more powerful successor is now in a stable beta-version: it is called <parameter>foomatic-rip</parameter>. To use
-<parameter>foomatic-rip</parameter> as a filter with CUPS, you need the new-type PPDs. These
-have a similar but different line:
- *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip"
-The PPD generating engine at has been revamped.
-The new PPDs comply to the Adobe spec. On top, they also provide a
-new way to specify different quality levels (hi-res photo, normal
-color, grayscale, and draft) with a single click, whereas before you
-could have required five or more different selections (media type,
-resolution, inktype and dithering algorithm). There is support for
-custom-size media built in. There is support to switch
-print-options from page to page in the middle of a job. And the
-best thing is the new foomatic-rip now works seamlessly with all
-legacy spoolers too (like LPRng, BSD-LPD, PDQ, PPR and so on), providing
-for them access to use PPDs for their printing.
-<title>The Complete Picture</title>
-If you want to see an overview of all the filters and how they
-relate to each other, the complete picture of the puzzle is at the end
-of this document.
-CUPS auto-constructs all possible filtering chain paths for any given
-MIME type, and every printer installed. But how does it decide in
-favor or against a specific alternative? (There may often be cases
-where there is a choice of two or more possible filtering chains for
-the same target printer.) Simple. You may have noticed the figures in
-the third column of the mime.convs file. They represent virtual costs
-assigned to this filter. Every possible filtering chain will sum up to
-a total <quote>filter cost.</quote> CUPS decides for the most <quote>inexpensive</quote> route.
-The setting of <parameter>FilterLimit 1000</parameter> in
-<filename>cupsd.conf</filename> will not allow more filters to
-run concurrently than will consume a total of 1000 virtual filter
-cost. This is an efficient way to limit the load of any CUPS
-server by setting an appropriate <quote>FilterLimit</quote> value. A FilterLimit of
-200 allows roughly one job at a time, while a FilterLimit of 1000 allows
-approximately five jobs maximum at a time.
- <title><quote>Raw</quote> Printing</title>
- You can tell CUPS to print (nearly) any file <quote>raw</quote>. <quote>Raw</quote> means it
- will not be filtered. CUPS will send the file to the printer <quote>as is</quote>
-without bothering if the printer is able to digest it. Users need to
-take care themselves that they send sensible data formats only. Raw
-printing can happen on any queue if the <quote><parameter>-o raw</parameter></quote> option is specified
-on the command line. You can also set up raw-only queues by simply not
-associating any PPD with it. This command:
-&prompt;<userinput>lpadmin -P rawprinter -v socket:// -E</userinput>
- sets up a queue named <quote>rawprinter</quote>, connected via the <quote>socket</quote>
- protocol (a.k.a. <quote>HP JetDirect</quote>) to the device at IP address
-, using port 9100. (If you had added a PPD with
-<command>-P /path/to/PPD</command> to this command line, you would
-have installed a <quote>normal</quote> print queue.
-CUPS will automatically treat each job sent to a queue as a <quote>raw</quote> one,
-if it can't find a PPD associated with the queue. However, CUPS will
-only send known MIME types (as defined in its own mime.types file) and
-refuse others.
-<title>application/octet-stream Printing</title>
-Any MIME type with no rule in the
-<filename>/etc/cups/mime.types</filename> file is regarded as unknown
-or <parameter>application/octet-stream</parameter> and will not be
-sent. Because CUPS refuses to print unknown MIME types per default,
-you will probably have experienced the fact that print jobs originating
-from Windows clients were not printed. You may have found an error
-message in your CUPS logs like:
- Unable to convert file 0 to printable format for job
-To enable the printing of <parameter>application/octet-stream</parameter> files, edit
-these two files:
-Both contain entries (at the end of the respective files) which must
-be uncommented to allow RAW mode operation for
-<parameter>application/octet-stream</parameter>. In <filename>/etc/cups/mime.types</filename>
-make sure this line is present:
-This line (with no specific auto-typing rule set) makes all files
-not otherwise auto-typed a member of <parameter>application/octet-stream</parameter>. In
-<filename>/etc/cups/mime.convs</filename>, have this
-application/octet-stream application/vnd.cups-raw 0 -
-This line tells CUPS to use the <emphasis>Null Filter</emphasis>
-(denoted as <quote>-</quote>, doing nothing at all) on
-<parameter>application/octet-stream</parameter>, and tag the result as
-<parameter>application/vnd.cups-raw</parameter>. This last one is
-always a green light to the CUPS scheduler to now hand the file over
-to the backend connecting to the printer and sending it over.
-<note><para>Editing the <filename>mime.convs</filename> and the
-<filename>mime.types</filename> file does not
-<emphasis>enforce</emphasis> <quote>raw</quote> printing, it only
-<emphasis>allows</emphasis> it.
-CUPS being a more security-aware printing system than traditional ones
-does not by default allow one to send deliberate (possibly binary)
-data to printing devices. (This could be easily abused to launch a
-Denial of Service attack on your printer(s), causing at least the loss
-of a lot of paper and ink...) <quote>Unknown</quote> data are regarded by CUPS
-as <emphasis>MIME type</emphasis>
-<emphasis>application/octet-stream</emphasis>. While you
-<emphasis>can</emphasis> send data <quote>raw</quote>, the MIME type for these must
-be one that is known to CUPS and an allowed one. The file
-<filename>/etc/cups/mime.types</filename> defines the <quote>rules</quote> of how CUPS
-recognizes MIME types. The file
-<filename>/etc/cups/mime.convs</filename> decides which file
-conversion filter(s) may be applied to which MIME types.
-<title>PostScript Printer Descriptions (PPDs) for Non-PS Printers</title>
-Originally PPDs were meant to be used for PostScript printers
-only. Here, they help to send device-specific commands and settings
-to the RIP which processes the jobfile. CUPS has extended this
-scope for PPDs to cover non-PostScript printers too. This was not
-difficult, because it is a standardized file format. In a way
-it was logical too: CUPS handles PostScript and uses a PostScript
-RIP (Ghostscript) to process the jobfiles. The only difference is:
-a PostScript printer has the RIP built-in, for other types of
-printers the Ghostscript RIP runs on the host computer.
-PPDs for a non-PS printer have a few lines that are unique to
-CUPS. The most important one looks similar to this:
- *cupsFilter: application/vnd.cups-raster 66 rastertoprinter
-It is the last piece in the CUPS filtering puzzle. This line tells the
-CUPS daemon to use as a last filter <parameter>rastertoprinter</parameter>. This filter
-should be served as input an <parameter>application/vnd.cups-raster</parameter> MIME type
-file. Therefore, CUPS should auto-construct a filtering chain, which
-delivers as its last output the specified MIME type. This is then
-taken as input to the specified <parameter>rastertoprinter</parameter> filter. After this
-the last filter has done its work (<parameter>rastertoprinter</parameter> is a Gimp-Print
-filter), the file should go to the backend, which sends it to the
-output device.
-CUPS by default ships only a few generic PPDs, but they are good for
-several hundred printer models. You may not be able to control
-different paper trays, or you may get larger margins than your
-specific model supports. See <link linkend="cups-ppds"/> for summary information.
-<table frame="all" id="cups-ppds">
- <title>PPDs shipped with CUPS</title>
- <tgroup cols="2" align="left">
- <colspec align="left"/>
- <colspec align="justify" width="1*"/>
- <thead><row><entry>PPD file</entry><entry>Printer type</entry></row></thead>
- <tbody>
- <row><entry>deskjet.ppd</entry><entry>older HP inkjet printers and compatible</entry></row>
- <row><entry>deskjet2.ppd</entry> <entry>newer HP inkjet printers and compatible </entry> </row>
- <row><entry>dymo.ppd</entry> <entry>label printers </entry> </row>
- <row><entry>epson9.ppd</entry> <entry>Epson 24pin impact printers and compatible </entry> </row>
- <row><entry>epson24.ppd</entry> <entry>Epson 24pin impact printers and compatible </entry> </row>
- <row><entry>okidata9.ppd</entry> <entry>Okidata 9pin impact printers and compatible </entry> </row>
- <row><entry>okidat24.ppd</entry> <entry>Okidata 24pin impact printers and compatible </entry> </row>
- <row><entry>stcolor.ppd</entry> <entry>older Epson Stylus Color printers </entry> </row>
- <row><entry>stcolor2.ppd</entry> <entry>newer Epson Stylus Color printers </entry> </row>
- <row><entry>stphoto.ppd</entry> <entry>older Epson Stylus Photo printers </entry> </row>
- <row><entry>stphoto2.ppd</entry> <entry>newer Epson Stylus Photo printers </entry> </row>
- <row><entry>laserjet.ppd</entry> <entry>all PCL printers. Further below is a discussion
- of several other driver/PPD-packages suitable for use with CUPS. </entry> </row>
- </tbody>
- </tgroup>
-<title><emphasis>cupsomatic/foomatic-rip</emphasis> Versus <emphasis>native CUPS</emphasis> Printing</title>
-Native CUPS rasterization works in two steps:
-First is the <parameter>pstoraster</parameter> step. It uses the special CUPS
-device from ESP Ghostscript 7.05.x as its tool.
-Second comes the <parameter>rasterdriver</parameter> step. It uses various
-device-specific filters; there are several vendors who provide good
-quality filters for this step. Some are free software, some are
-shareware/non-free and some are proprietary.</para></listitem>
-Often this produces better quality (and has several more
-advantages) than other methods.
- <image id="cupsomatic-dia"><imagedescription>cupsomatic/foomatic Processing versus Native CUPS.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>10small</imagefile>
- </image>
-One other method is the <parameter>cupsomatic/foomatic-rip</parameter>
-way. Note that <parameter>cupsomatic</parameter> is <emphasis>not</emphasis> made by the CUPS
-developers. It is an independent contribution to printing development,
-made by people from <footnote>see also <ulink
- noescape="1" url=""></ulink></footnote>.
-<parameter>cupsomatic</parameter> is no longer developed and maintained and is no longer
-supported. It has now been replaced by
-<parameter>foomatic-rip</parameter>. <parameter>foomatic-rip</parameter> is a complete re-write
-of the old <parameter>cupsomatic</parameter> idea, but very much improved and generalized to
-other (non-CUPS) spoolers. An upgrade to foomatic-rip is strongly
-advised, especially if you are upgrading to a recent version of CUPS,
- <indexterm><primary>cupsomatic</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>foomatic</primary></indexterm>
-Both the <parameter>cupsomatic</parameter> (old) and the <parameter>foomatic-rip</parameter> (new) methods from use the traditional Ghostscript print file
-processing, doing everything in a single step. It therefore relies on
-all the other devices built into Ghostscript. The quality is as
-good (or bad) as Ghostscript rendering is in other spoolers. The
-advantage is that this method supports many printer models not
-supported (yet) by the more modern CUPS method.
-Of course, you can use both methods side by side on one system (and
-even for one printer, if you set up different queues) and find out
-which works best for you.
-<parameter>cupsomatic</parameter> kidnaps the printfile after the
-<parameter>application/vnd.cups-postscript</parameter> stage and
-deviates it through the CUPS-external, system-wide Ghostscript
-installation. Therefore the printfile bypasses the <parameter>pstoraster</parameter> filter
-(and also bypasses the CUPS-raster-drivers
-<parameter>rastertosomething</parameter>). After Ghostscript finished its rasterization,
-<parameter>cupsomatic</parameter> hands the rendered file directly to the CUPS backend. The
-flowchart in <link linkend="cupsomatic-dia"/> illustrates the difference between native CUPS
-rendering and the <parameter>Foomatic/cupsomatic</parameter> method.
-<title>Examples for Filtering Chains</title>
-Here are a few examples of commonly occurring filtering chains to
-illustrate the workings of CUPS.
-Assume you want to print a PDF file to an HP JetDirect-connected
-PostScript printer, but you want to print the pages 3-5, 7, 11-13
-only, and you want to print them <quote>two-up</quote> and <quote>duplex</quote>:
-<listitem><para>Your print options (page selection as required, two-up,
-duplex) are passed to CUPS on the command line.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The (complete) PDF file is sent to CUPS and autotyped as
-<listitem><para>The file therefore must first pass the
-<parameter>pdftops</parameter> pre-filter, which produces PostScript
-MIME type <parameter>application/postscript</parameter> (a preview here
-would still show all pages of the original PDF).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The file then passes the <parameter>pstops</parameter>
-filter that applies the command line options: it selects the pages
-2-5, 7 and 11-13, creates an imposed layout <quote>2 pages on 1 sheet</quote> and
-inserts the correct <quote>duplex</quote> command (as defined in the printer's
-PPD) into the new PostScript file; the file is now of PostScript MIME
-<listitem><para>The file goes to the <parameter>socket</parameter>
-backend, which transfers the job to the printers.</para></listitem>
- The resulting filter chain, therefore, is as drawn in <link linkend="pdftosocket"/>.
-<image id="pdftosocket"><imagefile>pdftosocket</imagefile><imagedescription>PDF to socket chain.</imagedescription></image>
-Assume your want to print the same filter to an USB-connected
-Epson Stylus Photo printer installed with the CUPS
-<filename>stphoto2.ppd</filename>. The first few filtering stages
-are nearly the same:
-<listitem><para>Your print options (page selection as required, two-up,
-duplex) are passed to CUPS on the commandline.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The (complete) PDF file is sent to CUPS and autotyped as
-<listitem><para>The file must first pass the
-<parameter>pdftops</parameter> pre-filter, which produces PostScript
-MIME type <parameter>application/postscript</parameter> (a preview here
-would still show all pages of the original PDF).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The file then passes the <quote>pstops</quote> filter that applies
-the commandline options: it selects the pages 2-5, 7 and 11-13,
-creates an imposed layout <quote>two pages on one sheet</quote> and inserts the
-correct <quote>duplex</quote> command... (Oops &smbmdash; this printer and PPD
-do not support duplex printing at all &smbmdash; so this option will
-be ignored) into the new PostScript file; the file is now of PostScript
-MIME type
-<listitem><para>The file then passes the
- <!--FIXME-->
-<parameter>pstoraster</parameter> stage and becomes MIME type
-<listitem><para>Finally, the <parameter>rastertoepson</parameter> filter
-does its work (as indicated in the printer's PPD), creating the
-rinter-specific raster data and embedding any user-selected
-print-options into the print data stream.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The file goes to the <parameter>usb</parameter> backend,
-which transfers the job to the printers.</para></listitem>
-The resulting filter chain therefore is as drawn in <link linkend="pdftoepsonusb"/>.
-<image id="pdftoepsonusb"><imagefile>pdftoepsonusb</imagefile><imagedescription>PDF to USB chain.</imagedescription></image>
-<title>Sources of CUPS Drivers/PPDs</title>
-On the Internet you can now find many thousands of CUPS-PPD files
-(with their companion filters), in many national languages
-supporting more than thousand non-PostScript models.
-<indexterm><primary>ESP</primary><secondary>Print Pro</secondary></indexterm>
-<indexterm><primary>PrintPro</primary><see>ESP Print Pro</see></indexterm>
-<listitem><para><ulink url="">ESP
-PrintPro</ulink> (commercial,
-non-free) is packaged with more than three thousand PPDs, ready for
-successful use <quote>out of the box</quote> on Linux, Mac OS X, IBM-AIX,
-HP-UX, Sun-Solaris, SGI-IRIX, Compaq Tru64, Digital UNIX, and some
-more commercial Unices (it is written by the CUPS developers
-themselves and its sales help finance the further development of
-CUPS, as they feed their creators).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The <ulink
-</ulink> (GPL, free software)
-provides around 140 PPDs (supporting nearly 400 printers, many driven
-to photo quality output), to be used alongside the Gimp-Print CUPS
-<listitem><para><ulink url="">TurboPrint
-</ulink> (shareware, non-free) supports
-roughly the same amount of printers in excellent
-(LPGL, free) is a package made by IBM, now containing support for more
-than 400 printers, stemming from the inheritance of IBM OS/2 Know-How
-ported over to Linux (CUPS support is in a beta-stage at
-<listitem><para><ulink url="">HPIJS
-</ulink> (BSD-style licenses, free)
-supports around 150 of HP's own printers and is also providing
-excellent print quality now (currently available only via the Foomatic
-</ulink> (LPGL, free) from are providing PPDs for practically every Ghostscript
-filter known to the world (including Omni, Gimp-Print and
-<title>Printing with Interface Scripts</title>
-CUPS also supports the usage of <quote>interface scripts</quote> as known from
-System V AT&amp;T printing systems. These are often used for PCL
-printers, from applications that generate PCL print jobs. Interface
-scripts are specific to printer models. They have a similar role as
-PPDs for PostScript printers. Interface scripts may inject the Escape
-sequences as required into the print data stream, if the user has
-chosen to select a certain paper tray, or print landscape, or use A3
-paper, etc. Interfaces scripts are practically unknown in the Linux
-realm. On HP-UX platforms they are more often used. You can use any
-working interface script on CUPS too. Just install the printer with
-the <command>-i</command> option:
-&rootprompt;<userinput>lpadmin -p pclprinter -v socket:// \
- -i /path/to/interface-script</userinput>
-Interface scripts might be the <quote>unknown animal</quote> to many. However,
-with CUPS they provide the easiest way to plug in your own
-custom-written filtering script or program into one specific print
-queue (some information about the traditional usage of interface scripts is
-to be found at <ulink
- noescape="1" url=""></ulink>).
- <title>Network Printing (Purely Windows)</title>
-Network printing covers a lot of ground. To understand what exactly
-goes on with Samba when it is printing on behalf of its Windows
-clients, let's first look at a <quote>purely Windows</quote> setup: Windows clients
-with a Windows NT print server.
-<title>From Windows Clients to an NT Print Server</title>
-Windows clients printing to an NT-based print server have two
-options. They may:
- <listitem><para>Execute the driver locally and render the GDI output
- (EMF) into the printer-specific format on their own.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>Send the GDI output (EMF) to the server, where the
-driver is executed to render the printer specific
-Both print paths are shown in the flowcharts in <link linkend="small11"/> and <link linkend="small12"/>.
-<title>Driver Execution on the Client</title>
-In the first case the print server must spool the file as raw,
-meaning it shouldn't touch the jobfile and try to convert it in any
-way. This is what a traditional UNIX-based print server can do too, and
-at a better performance and more reliably than an NT print server. This
-is what most Samba administrators probably are familiar with. One
-advantage of this setup is that this <quote>spooling-only</quote> print server may
-be used even if no driver(s) for UNIX are available it is sufficient
-to have the Windows client drivers available; and installed on the
- <image id="small11"><imagedescription>Print driver execution on the client.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>11small</imagefile>
- </image>
-<title>Driver Execution on the Server</title>
-The other path executes the printer driver on the server. The client
-transfers print files in EMF format to the server. The server uses the
-PostScript, PCL, ESC/P or other driver to convert the EMF file into
-the printer-specific language. It is not possible for UNIX to do the
-same. Currently, there is no program or method to convert a Windows
-client's GDI output on a UNIX server into something a printer could
- <image id="small12"><imagedescription>Print driver execution on the server.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>12small</imagefile>
- </image>
-However, there is something similar possible with CUPS. Read on.
-<title>Network Printing (Windows Clients &smbmdash; UNIX/Samba Print
-Since UNIX print servers <emphasis>cannot</emphasis> execute the Win32
-program code on their platform, the picture is somewhat
-different. However, this does not limit your options all that
-much. On the contrary, you may have a way here to implement printing
-features that are not possible otherwise.
-<title>From Windows Clients to a CUPS/Samba Print Server</title>
-Here is a simple recipe showing how you can take advantage of CUPS'
-powerful features for the benefit of your Windows network printing
-<listitem><para>Let the Windows clients send PostScript to the CUPS
-<listitem><para>Let the CUPS server render the PostScript into device-specific raster format.</para></listitem>
-This requires the clients to use a PostScript driver (even if the
-printer is a non-PostScript model. It also requires that you have a
-driver on the CUPS server.
-First, to enable CUPS-based rinting through Samba the
-following options should be set in your &smb.conf; file [global]
-When these parameters are specified, all manually set print directives
-(like <smbconfoption><name>print command</name></smbconfoption>, or <smbconfoption><name>lppause command</name></smbconfoption>) in &smb.conf; (as well as
-in Samba itself) will be ignored. Instead, Samba will directly
-interface with CUPS through its application program interface (API),
-as long as Samba has been compiled with CUPS library (libcups)
-support. If Samba has not been compiled with CUPS support, and if no
-other print commands are set up, then printing will use the
-<emphasis>System V</emphasis> AT&amp;T command set, with the -oraw
-option automatically passing through (if you want your own defined
-print commands to work with a Samba that has CUPS support compiled in,
-simply use <smbconfoption><name>printing</name><value>sysv</value></smbconfoption>).
-<image><imagedescription>Printing via CUPS/Samba server.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>13small</imagefile>
-<title>Samba Receiving Jobfiles and Passing Them to CUPS</title>
-Samba <emphasis>must</emphasis> use its own spool directory (it is set
-by a line similar to <smbconfoption><name>path</name><value>/var/spool/samba</value></smbconfoption>,
-in the <smbconfsection>[printers]</smbconfsection> or
-<smbconfsection>[printername]</smbconfsection> section of
-&smb.conf;). Samba receives the job in its own
-spool space and passes it into the spool directory of CUPS (the CUPS
-spooling directory is set by the <parameter>RequestRoot</parameter>
-directive, in a line that defaults to <parameter>RequestRoot
-/var/spool/cups</parameter>). CUPS checks the access rights of its
-spool dir and resets it to healthy values with every restart. We have
-seen quite a few people who had used a common spooling space for Samba
-and CUPS, and were struggling for weeks with this <quote>problem.</quote>
-A Windows user authenticates only to Samba (by whatever means is
-configured). If Samba runs on the same host as CUPS, you only need to
-allow <quote>localhost</quote> to print. If they run on different machines, you
-need to make sure the Samba host gets access to printing on CUPS.
-<title>Network PostScript RIP</title>
-This section discusses the use of CUPS filters on the server &smbmdash; configuration where
-clients make use of a PostScript driver with CUPS-PPDs.
-PPDs can control all print device options. They are usually provided
-by the manufacturer, if you own a PostScript printer, that is. PPD
-files (PostScript Printer Descriptions) are always a component of
-PostScript printer drivers on MS Windows or Apple Mac OS systems. They
-are ASCII files containing user-selectable print options, mapped to
-appropriate PostScript, PCL or PJL commands for the target
-printer. Printer driver GUI dialogs translate these options
-<quote>on-the-fly</quote> into buttons and drop-down lists for the user to select.
-CUPS can load, without any conversions, the PPD file from any Windows
-(NT is recommended) PostScript driver and handle the options. There is
-a Web browser interface to the print options (select <ulink
-noescape="1" url="http://localhost:631/printers/">http://localhost:631/printers/</ulink>
-and click on one <guibutton>Configure Printer</guibutton> button to see
-it), or a command line interface (see <command>man lpoptions</command>
-or see if you have <command>lphelp</command> on your system). There are also some
-different GUI frontends on Linux/UNIX, which can present PPD options
-to users. PPD options are normally meant to be evaluated by the
-PostScript RIP on the real PostScript printer.
-<title>PPDs for Non-PS Printers on UNIX</title>
-CUPS does not limit itself to <quote>real</quote> PostScript printers in its usage
-of PPDs. The CUPS developers have extended the scope of the PPD
-concept to also describe available device and driver options for
-non-PostScript printers through CUPS-PPDs.
-This is logical, as CUPS includes a fully featured PostScript
-interpreter (RIP). This RIP is based on Ghostscript. It can process
-all received PostScript (and additionally many other file formats)
-from clients. All CUPS-PPDs geared to non-PostScript printers contain
-an additional line, starting with the keyword
-<parameter>*cupsFilter</parameter>. This line tells the CUPS print
-system which printer-specific filter to use for the interpretation of
-the supplied PostScript. Thus CUPS lets all its printers appear as
-PostScript devices to its clients, because it can act as a PostScript
-RIP for those printers, processing the received PostScript code into a
-proper raster print format.
-<title>PPDs for Non-PS Printers on Windows</title>
-CUPS-PPDs can also be used on Windows-Clients, on top of a
-<quote>core</quote> PostScript driver (now recommended is the "CUPS PostScript
-Driver for WindowsNT/200x/XP"; you can also use the Adobe one, with
-limitations). This feature enables CUPS to do a few tricks no other
-spooler can do:
-<listitem><para>Act as a networked PostScript RIP (Raster Image
-Processor), handling printfiles from all client platforms in a uniform
-<listitem><para>Act as a central accounting and billing server, since
-all files are passed through the pstops filter and are, therefore,
-logged in the CUPS <filename>page_log</filename> file.
-<emphasis>Note:</emphasis> this cannot happen with <quote>raw</quote> print jobs,
-which always remain unfiltered per definition.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Enable clients to consolidate on a single PostScript
-driver, even for many different target printers.</para></listitem>
-Using CUPS PPDs on Windows clients enables these to control
-all print job settings just as a UNIX client can do.
-<title>Windows Terminal Servers (WTS) as CUPS Clients</title>
-This setup may be of special interest to people experiencing major
-problems in WTS environments. WTS often need a multitude of
-non-PostScript drivers installed to run their clients' variety of
-different printer models. This often imposes the price of much
-increased instability.
-<title>Printer Drivers Running in <quote>Kernel Mode</quote> Cause Many
- In Windows NT printer drivers which run in <quote>Kernel
-Mode</quote>, introduces a high risk for the stability of the system
-if the driver is not really stable and well-tested. And there are a
-lot of bad drivers out there! Especially notorious is the example
-of the PCL printer driver that had an additional sound module
-running, to notify users via soundcard of their finished jobs. Do I
-need to say that this one was also reliably causing <quote>blue screens
-of death</quote> on a regular basis?
-PostScript drivers are generally well tested. They are not known
-to cause any problems, even though they also run in kernel mode. This
-might be because there have been so far only two different PostScript
-drivers: the ones from Adobe and the one from Microsoft. Both are
-well tested and are as stable as you can imagine on
-Windows. The CUPS driver is derived from the Microsoft one.
-<title>Workarounds Impose Heavy Limitations</title>
-In many cases, in an attempt to work around this problem, site
-administrators have resorted to restricting the allowed drivers installed
-on their WTS to one generic PCL and one PostScript driver. This,
-however, restricts the clients in the number of printer options
-available for them. Often they can't get out more than simplex
-prints from one standard paper tray, while their devices could do much
-better, if driven by a different driver!
-<title>CUPS: A <quote>Magical Stone</quote>?</title>
-Using a PostScript driver, enabled with a CUPS-PPD, seems to be a very
-elegant way to overcome all these shortcomings. There are, depending
-on the version of Windows OS you use, up to three different PostScript
-drivers available: Adobe, Microsoft and CUPS PostScript drivers. None
-of them is known to cause major stability problems on WTS (even if
-used with many different PPDs). The clients will be able to (again)
-chose paper trays, duplex printing and other settings. However, there
-is a certain price for this too: a CUPS server acting as a PostScript
-RIP for its clients requires more CPU and RAM than when just acting as
-a <quote>raw spooling</quote> device. Plus, this setup is not yet widely tested,
-although the first feedbacks look very promising.
-<title>PostScript Drivers with No Major Problems &smbmdash; Even in Kernel
-More recent printer drivers on W200x and XP no longer run in kernel mode
-(unlike Windows NT). However, both operating systems can still
-use the NT drivers, running in kernel mode (you can roughly tell which
-is which as the drivers in subdirectory <quote>2</quote> of <quote>W32X86</quote> are <quote>old</quote>
-ones). As was said before, the Adobe as well as the Microsoft
-PostScript drivers are not known to cause any stability problems. The
-CUPS driver is derived from the Microsoft one. There is a simple
-reason for this: The MS DDK (Device Development Kit) for Windows NT (which
-used to be available at no cost to licensees of Visual Studio)
-includes the source code of the Microsoft driver, and licensees of
-Visual Studio are allowed to use and modify it for their own driver
-development efforts. This is what the CUPS people have done. The
-license does not allow them to publish the whole of the source code.
-However, they have released the <quote>diff</quote> under the GPL, and if you are
-the owner of an <quote>MS DDK for Windows NT,</quote> you can check the driver yourself.
-<title>Configuring CUPS for Driver Download</title>
-As we have said before, all previously known methods to prepare client
-printer drivers on the Samba server for download and Point'n'Print
-convenience of Windows workstations are working with CUPS, too. These
-methods were described in the previous chapter. In reality, this is a
-pure Samba business and only relates to the Samba/Windows client
-<title><emphasis>cupsaddsmb</emphasis>: The Unknown Utility</title>
-The <command>cupsaddsmb</command> utility (shipped with all current CUPS versions) is an
-alternate method to transfer printer drivers into the Samba
-<smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection> share. Remember, this share is where
-clients expect drivers deposited and setup for download and
-installation. It makes the sharing of any (or all) installed CUPS
-printers quite easy. <command>cupsaddsmb</command> can use the Adobe PostScript driver as
-well as the newly developed CUPS PostScript Driver for
-Windows NT/200x/XP. <parameter>cupsaddsmb</parameter> does
-<emphasis>not</emphasis> work with arbitrary vendor printer drivers,
-but only with the <emphasis>exact</emphasis> driver files that are
-named in its man page.
-The CUPS printer driver is available from the CUPS download site. Its
-package name is <filename>cups-samba-[version].tar.gz</filename> . It
-is preferred over the Adobe drivers since it has a number of
-<listitem><para>It supports a much more accurate page
-<listitem><para>It supports banner pages, and page labels on all
-<listitem><para>It supports the setting of a number of job IPP
-attributes (such as job-priority, page-label and
-However, currently only Windows NT, 2000 and XP are supported by the
-CUPS drivers. You will also need to get the respective part of Adobe driver
-if you need to support Windows 95, 98 and ME clients.
- <title>Prepare Your &smb.conf; for <command>cupsaddsmb</command></title>
-Prior to running <command>cupsaddsmb</command>, you need the settings in
-&smb.conf; as shown in <link linkend="cupsadd-ex"/>:
-<para><smbconfexample id="cupsadd-ex">
-<title>smb.conf for cupsaddsmb usage</title>
-<smbconfoption><name>load printers</name><value>yes</value></smbconfoption>
-<smbconfoption><name>printcap name</name><value>cups</value></smbconfoption>
-<smbconfoption><name>comment</name><value>All Printers</value></smbconfoption>
-<smbconfcomment>setting depends on your requirements</smbconfcomment>
-<smbconfoption><name>guest ok</name><value>yes</value></smbconfoption>
-<smbconfoption><name>printer admin</name><value>root</value></smbconfoption>
- <smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection>
-<smbconfoption><name>comment</name><value>Printer Drivers</value></smbconfoption>
-<smbconfoption><name>guest ok</name><value>no</value></smbconfoption>
-<smbconfoption><name>read only</name><value>yes</value></smbconfoption>
-<smbconfoption><name>write list</name><value>root</value></smbconfoption>
-<title>CUPS <quote>PostScript Driver for Windows NT/200x/XP</quote></title>
-CUPS users may get the exact same packages from <ulink
-noescape="1" url=""></ulink>.
-It is a separate package from the CUPS base software files, tagged as
-CUPS 1.1.x Windows NT/200x/XP Printer Driver for Samba
-(tar.gz, 192k). The filename to download is
-<filename>cups-samba-1.1.x.tar.gz</filename>. Upon untar and unzipping,
-it will reveal these files:
-&rootprompt;<userinput>tar xvzf cups-samba-1.1.19.tar.gz</userinput>
-<indexterm><primary>ESP</primary><secondary>meta packager</secondary></indexterm>
-<indexterm><primary>EPM</primary><see>ESP meta packager</see></indexterm>
-These have been packaged with the ESP meta packager software
-EPM. The <filename>*.install</filename> and
-<filename>*.remove</filename> files are simple shell scripts, which
-untars the <filename>*.ss</filename> (the <filename>*.ss</filename> is
-nothing else but a tar-archive, which can be untarred by <quote>tar</quote>
-too). Then it puts the content into
-<filename>/usr/share/cups/drivers/</filename>. This content includes three
-&rootprompt;<userinput>tar tv</userinput>
-The <parameter>cups-samba.install</parameter> shell scripts are easy to
-Installing software...
-Updating file permissions...
-Running post-install commands...
-Installation is complete.
-The script should automatically put the driver files into the
-<filename>/usr/share/cups/drivers/</filename> directory.
-Due to a bug, one recent CUPS release puts the
-<filename>cups.hlp</filename> driver file
-into<filename>/usr/share/drivers/</filename> instead of
-<filename>/usr/share/cups/drivers/</filename>. To work around this,
-copy/move the file (after running the
-<command>./cups-samba.install</command> script) manually to the
-correct place.
-&rootprompt;<userinput>cp /usr/share/drivers/cups.hlp /usr/share/cups/drivers/</userinput>
-This new CUPS PostScript driver is currently binary-only, but free of
-charge. No complete source code is provided (yet). The reason is that
-it has been developed with the help of the Microsoft Driver
-Developer Kit (DDK) and compiled with Microsoft Visual
-Studio 6. Driver developers are not allowed to distribute the whole of
-the source code as free software. However, CUPS developers released
-the <quote>diff</quote> in source code under the GPL, so anybody with a license of
-Visual Studio and a DDK will be able to compile for him/herself.
-<title>Recognizing Different Driver Files</title>
-The CUPS drivers do not support the older Windows 95/98/Me, but only
-the Windows NT/2000/XP client.
-<para>Windows NT, 2000 and XP are supported by:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>cups.hlp</listitem>
- <listitem>cupsdrvr.dll</listitem>
- <listitem>cupsui.dll</listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
-Adobe drivers are available for the older Windows 95/98/Me as well as
-the Windows NT/2000/XP clients. The set of files is different from the
-different platforms.
-<para>Windows 95, 98 and ME are supported by:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>ADFONTS.MFM</listitem>
- <listitem>ADOBEPS4.DRV</listitem>
- <listitem>ADOBEPS4.HLP</listitem>
- <listitem>DEFPRTR2.PPD</listitem>
- <listitem>ICONLIB.DLL</listitem>
- <listitem>PSMON.DLL</listitem>
-<para>Windows NT, 2000 and XP are supported by:</para>
- <listitem>ADOBEPS5.DLL</listitem>
- <listitem>ADOBEPSU.DLL</listitem>
- <listitem>ADOBEPSU.HLP</listitem>
-If both the Adobe driver files and the CUPS driver files for the
-support of Windows NT/200x/XP are present in FIXME, the Adobe ones will be ignored
-and the CUPS ones will be used. If you prefer &smbmdash; for whatever reason
-&smbmdash; to use Adobe-only drivers, move away the three CUPS driver files. The
-Windows 9x/Me clients use the Adobe drivers in any case.
-<title>Acquiring the Adobe Driver Files</title>
-Acquiring the Adobe driver files seems to be unexpectedly difficult
-for many users. They are not available on the Adobe Web site as single
-files and the self-extracting and/or self-installing Windows-.exe is
-not easy to locate either. Probably you need to use the included
-native installer and run the installation process on one client
-once. This will install the drivers (and one Generic PostScript
-printer) locally on the client. When they are installed, share the
-Generic PostScript printer. After this, the client's
-<smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection> share holds the Adobe files, from
-where you can get them with smbclient from the CUPS host.
-<title>ESP Print Pro PostScript Driver for Windows NT/200x/XP</title>
-<indexterm><primary>ESP</primary><secondary>Print Pro</secondary></indexterm>
-Users of the ESP Print Pro software are able to install their Samba
-drivers package for this purpose with no problem. Retrieve the driver
-files from the normal download area of the ESP Print Pro software
-at <ulink
- noescape="1" url=""></ulink>.
-You need to locate the link labelled <quote>SAMBA</quote> among the
-<guilabel>Download Printer Drivers for ESP Print Pro 4.x</guilabel>
-area and download the package. Once installed, you can prepare any
-driver by simply highlighting the printer in the Printer Manager GUI
-and select <guilabel>Export Driver...</guilabel> from the menu. Of
-course you need to have prepared Samba beforehand to handle the
-driver files; i.e., setup the <smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection>
-share, and so on. The ESP Print Pro package includes the CUPS driver files
-as well as a (licensed) set of Adobe drivers for the Windows 95/98/Me
-client family.
-<title>Caveats to be Considered</title>
-Once you have run the install script (and possibly manually
-moved the <filename>cups.hlp</filename> file to
-<filename>/usr/share/cups/drivers/</filename>), the driver is
-ready to be put into Samba's <smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection> share (which often maps to
-<filename>/etc/samba/drivers/</filename> and contains a subdirectory
-tree with <emphasis>WIN40</emphasis> and
-<emphasis>W32X86</emphasis> branches). You do this by running
-<command>cupsaddsmb</command> (see also <command>man cupsaddsmb</command> for
-CUPS since release 1.1.16).
-<indexterm><primary>Single Sign On</primary></indexterm>
-You may need to put root into the smbpasswd file by running
-<command>smbpasswd</command>; this is especially important if you
-should run this whole procedure for the first time, and are not
-working in an environment where everything is configured for
-<emphasis>single sign on</emphasis> to a Windows Domain Controller.
-Once the driver files are in the <smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection> share
-and are initialized, they are ready to be downloaded and installed by
-the Windows NT/200x/XP clients.
-Win 9x/Me clients will not work with the CUPS PostScript driver. For
-these you still need to use the <filename>ADOBE*.*</filename>
-drivers as previously stated.
-It is not harmful if you still have the
-<filename>ADOBE*.*</filename> driver files from previous
-installations in the <filename>/usr/share/cups/drivers/</filename>
-directory. The new <command>cupsaddsmb</command> (from 1.1.16) will
-automatically prefer its own drivers if it finds both.
-<indexterm><primary>"Printers" folder</primary></indexterm>
-Should your Windows clients have had the old <filename>ADOBE*.*</filename>
-files for the Adobe PostScript driver installed, the download and
-installation of the new CUPS PostScript driver for Windows NT/200x/XP
-will fail at first. You need to wipe the old driver from the clients
-first. It is not enough to <quote>delete</quote> the printer, as the driver files
-will still be kept by the clients and re-used if you try to re-install
-the printer. To really get rid of the Adobe driver files on the
-clients, open the <guilabel>Printers</guilabel> folder (possibly via <guilabel>Start > Settings > Control Panel > Printers</guilabel>),
-right-click on the folder background and select <guimenuitem>Server
-Properties</guimenuitem>. When the new dialog opens, select the
-<guilabel>Drivers</guilabel> tab. On the list select the driver you
-want to delete and click the <guilabel>Delete</guilabel>
-button. This will only work if there is not one single printer left
-that uses that particular driver. You need to <quote>delete</quote> all printers
-using this driver in the <guilabel>Printers</guilabel> folder first. You will need
-Administrator privileges to do this.
-Once you have successfully downloaded the CUPS PostScript driver to a
-client, you can easily switch all printers to this one by proceeding
-as described in <link linkend="printing"/>. Either change
-a driver for an existing printer by running the <guilabel>Printer Properties</guilabel>
-dialog, or use <command>rpcclient</command> with the
-<command>setdriver</command> subcommand.
-<title>Windows CUPS PostScript Driver Versus Adobe Driver</title>
-Are you interested in a comparison between the CUPS and the Adobe
-PostScript drivers? For our purposes these are the most important
-items that weigh in favor of the CUPS ones:
-<listitem><para>No hassle with the Adobe EULA.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>No hassle with the question <quote>Where do I
-get the ADOBE*.* driver files from?</quote></para></listitem>
-The Adobe drivers (on request of the printer PPD
-associated with them) often put a PJL header in front of the main
-PostScript part of the print file. Thus, the printfile starts with
-<parameter>&lt;1B &gt;%-12345X</parameter> or
-<parameter>&lt;escape&gt;%-12345X</parameter> instead
-of <parameter>%!PS</parameter>). This leads to the
-CUPS daemon auto-typing the incoming file as a print-ready file,
-not initiating a pass through the <parameter>pstops</parameter> filter (to speak more
-technically, it is not regarded as the generic MIME-type
-<parameter>application/postscript</parameter>, but as
-the more special MIME type
-which therefore also leads to the page accounting in
-<parameter>/var/log/cups/page_log</parameter> not
-receiving the exact number of pages; instead the dummy page number
-of <quote>1</quote> is logged in a standard setup).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The Adobe driver has more options to misconfigure the
-PostScript generated by it (like setting it inadvertently to
-<guilabel>Optimize for Speed</guilabel>, instead of
-<guilabel>Optimize for Portability</guilabel>, which
-could lead to CUPS being unable to process it).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The CUPS PostScript driver output sent by Windows
-clients to the CUPS server is guaranteed to auto-type
-as the generic MIME type <parameter>application/postscript</parameter>,
-thus passing through the CUPS <parameter>pstops</parameter> filter and logging the
-correct number of pages in the <filename>page_log</filename> for
-accounting and quota purposes.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The CUPS PostScript driver supports the sending of
-additional standard (IPP) print options by Windows NT/200x/XP clients. Such
-additional print options are: naming the CUPS standard
-<emphasis>banner pages</emphasis> (or the custom ones, should they be
-installed at the time of driver download), using the CUPS
-page-label option, setting a
-job-priority, and setting the scheduled
-time of printing (with the option to support additional
-useful IPP job attributes in the future).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The CUPS PostScript driver supports the inclusion of
-the new <parameter>*cupsJobTicket</parameter> comments at the
-beginning of the PostScript file (which could be used in the future
-for all sort of beneficial extensions on the CUPS side, but which will
-not disturb any other applications as they will regard it as a comment
-and simply ignore it).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The CUPS PostScript driver will be the heart of the
-fully fledged CUPS IPP client for Windows NT/200x/XP to be released soon
-(probably alongside the first beta release for CUPS
-<title>Run cupsaddsmb (Quiet Mode)</title>
-<indexterm><primary>point 'n' print</primary></indexterm>
-The <command>cupsaddsmb</command> command copies the needed files into your
-<smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection> share. Additionally, the PPD
-associated with this printer is copied from
-<filename>/etc/cups/ppd/</filename> to
-<smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection>. There the files wait for convenient
-Windows client installations via Point'n'Print. Before we can run the
-command successfully, we need to be sure that we can authenticate
-toward Samba. If you have a small network, you are probably using user-level
-security (<smbconfoption><name>security</name><value>user</value></smbconfoption>).
-Here is an example of a successfully run <command>cupsaddsmb</command> command:
-&rootprompt;<userinput>cupsaddsmb -U root infotec_IS2027</userinput>
-Password for root required to access localhost via Samba: <userinput>['secret']</userinput>
-To share <emphasis>all</emphasis> printers and drivers, use the
-<option>-a</option> parameter instead of a printer name. Since
-<command>cupsaddsmb</command> <quote>exports</quote> the printer drivers to Samba, it should be
-obvious that it only works for queues with a CUPS driver associated.
-<title>Run cupsaddsmb with Verbose Output</title>
-Probably you want to see what's going on. Use the
-<option>-v</option> parameter to get a more verbose output. The
-output below was edited for better readability: all <quote>\</quote> at the end of
-a line indicate that I inserted an artificial line break plus some
-indentation here:
-You will see the root password for the Samba account printed on
- <screen>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>cupsaddsmb -U root -v infotec_2105</userinput>
-Password for root required to access localhost via &example.server.samba;:
-Running command: smbclient //localhost/print\$ -N -U'root%secret' \
- -c 'mkdir W32X86; \
- put /var/spool/cups/tmp/3e98bf2d333b5 W32X86/infotec_2105.ppd; \
- put /usr/share/cups/drivers/cupsdrvr.dll W32X86/cupsdrvr.dll; \
- put /usr/share/cups/drivers/cupsui.dll W32X86/cupsui.dll; \
- put /usr/share/cups/drivers/cups.hlp W32X86/cups.hlp'
-added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
-Domain=[CUPS-PRINT] OS=[UNIX] Server=[Samba 2.2.7a]
-NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION making remote directory \W32X86
-putting file /var/spool/cups/tmp/3e98bf2d333b5 as \W32X86/infotec_2105.ppd
-putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/cupsdrvr.dll as \W32X86/cupsdrvr.dll
-putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/cupsui.dll as \W32X86/cupsui.dll
-putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/cups.hlp as \W32X86/cups.hlp
-Running command: rpcclient localhost -N -U'root%secret'
- -c 'adddriver "Windows NT x86" \
- "infotec_2105:cupsdrvr.dll:infotec_2105.ppd:cupsui.dll:cups.hlp:NULL: \
-cmd = adddriver "Windows NT x86" \
- "infotec_2105:cupsdrvr.dll:infotec_2105.ppd:cupsui.dll:cups.hlp:NULL: \
-Printer Driver infotec_2105 successfully installed.
-Running command: smbclient //localhost/print\$ -N -U'root%secret' \
--c 'mkdir WIN40; \
- put /var/spool/cups/tmp/3e98bf2d333b5 WIN40/infotec_2105.PPD; \
- put /usr/share/cups/drivers/ADFONTS.MFM WIN40/ADFONTS.MFM; \
- put /usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPS4.DRV WIN40/ADOBEPS4.DRV; \
- put /usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPS4.HLP WIN40/ADOBEPS4.HLP; \
- put /usr/share/cups/drivers/DEFPRTR2.PPD WIN40/DEFPRTR2.PPD; \
- put /usr/share/cups/drivers/ICONLIB.DLL WIN40/ICONLIB.DLL; \
- put /usr/share/cups/drivers/PSMON.DLL WIN40/PSMON.DLL;'
- added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
- Domain=[CUPS-PRINT] OS=[UNIX] Server=[Samba 2.2.7a]
- NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION making remote directory \WIN40
- putting file /var/spool/cups/tmp/3e98bf2d333b5 as \WIN40/infotec_2105.PPD
- putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/ADFONTS.MFM as \WIN40/ADFONTS.MFM
- putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPS4.DRV as \WIN40/ADOBEPS4.DRV
- putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/ADOBEPS4.HLP as \WIN40/ADOBEPS4.HLP
- putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/DEFPRTR2.PPD as \WIN40/DEFPRTR2.PPD
- putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/ICONLIB.DLL as \WIN40/ICONLIB.DLL
- putting file /usr/share/cups/drivers/PSMON.DLL as \WIN40/PSMON.DLL
- Running command: rpcclient localhost -N -U'root%secret' \
- -c 'adddriver "Windows 4.0" \
- "infotec_2105:ADOBEPS4.DRV:infotec_2105.PPD:NULL:ADOBEPS4.HLP: \
- cmd = adddriver "Windows 4.0" "infotec_2105:ADOBEPS4.DRV:\
- Printer Driver infotec_2105 successfully installed.
- Running command: rpcclient localhost -N -U'root%secret' \
- -c 'setdriver infotec_2105 infotec_2105'
- cmd = setdriver infotec_2105 infotec_2105
- Successfully set infotec_2105 to driver infotec_2105.
-If you look closely, you'll discover your root password was transferred
-unencrypted over the wire, so beware! Also, if you look further,
-you'll discover error messages like <?latex \linebreak ?>NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION in between. They occur, because the directories WIN40 and W32X86 already existed in the <smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection> driver download share (from a previous driver installation). They are harmless here.
-<title>Understanding cupsaddsmb</title>
-What has happened? What did <command>cupsaddsmb</command> do? There are five stages of
-the procedure:
- <listitem><para>
- <indexterm><primary>IPP</primary></indexterm>
- Call the CUPS server via IPP and request the
-driver files and the PPD file for the named printer.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Store the files temporarily in the local
-TEMPDIR (as defined in
-<listitem><para>Connect via smbclient to the Samba server's
- <smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection> share and put the files into the
- share's WIN40 (for Windows 9x/Me) and W32X86/ (for Windows NT/200x/XP) subdirectories.</para></listitem>
- Connect via rpcclient to the Samba server and
-execute the <command>adddriver</command> command with the correct
- Connect via rpcclient to the Samba server a second
-time and execute the <command>setdriver</command> command.</para></listitem>
-You can run the <command>cupsaddsmb</command> utility with parameters to
-specify one remote host as Samba host and a second remote host as CUPS
-host. Especially if you want to get a deeper understanding, it is a
-good idea to try it and see more clearly what is going on (though in real
-life most people will have their CUPS and Samba servers run on the
-same host):
-&rootprompt;<userinput>cupsaddsmb -H sambaserver -h cupsserver -v printer</userinput>
-<title>How to Recognize If cupsaddsmb Completed Successfully</title>
-You <emphasis>must</emphasis> always check if the utility completed
-successfully in all fields. You need as a minimum these three messages
-among the output:
-<listitem><para><emphasis>Printer Driver infotec_2105 successfully
-installed.</emphasis> # (for the W32X86 == Windows NT/200x/XP
-<listitem><para><emphasis>Printer Driver infotec_2105 successfully
-installed.</emphasis> # (for the WIN40 == Windows 9x/Me
-<listitem><para><emphasis>Successfully set [printerXPZ] to driver
-These messages are probably not easily recognized in the general
-output. If you run <command>cupsaddsmb</command> with the <option>-a</option>
-parameter (which tries to prepare <emphasis>all</emphasis> active CUPS
-printer drivers for download), you might miss if individual printers
-drivers had problems installing properly. Here a redirection of the
-output will help you analyze the results in retrospective.
-It is impossible to see any diagnostic output if you do not run
-<command>cupsaddsmb</command> in verbose mode. Therefore, we strongly recommend to not
-use the default quiet mode. It will hide any problems from you that
-might occur.
-<title>cupsaddsmb with a Samba PDC</title>
-Can't get the standard <command>cupsaddsmb</command> command to run on a Samba PDC?
-Are you asked for the password credential all over again and again and
-the command just will not take off at all? Try one of these
-&rootprompt;<userinput>cupsaddsmb -U &example.workgroup;\\root -v printername</userinput>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>cupsaddsmb -H &example.pdc.samba; -U &example.workgroup;\\root -v printername</userinput>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>cupsaddsmb -H &example.pdc.samba; -U &example.workgroup;\\root -h cups-server -v printername</userinput>
-(Note the two backslashes: the first one is required to
-<quote>escape</quote> the second one).
-<title>cupsaddsmb Flowchart</title>
-<link linkend="small14"/> shows a chart about the procedures, commandflows and
-dataflows of the <command>cupaddsmb</command> command. Note again: cupsaddsmb is
-not intended to, and does not work with, raw queues!
- <image id="small14"><imagedescription>cupsaddsmb flowchart.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>14small</imagefile></image>
-<title>Installing the PostScript Driver on a Client</title>
-<indexterm><primary>point 'n' print</primary></indexterm>
-After <command>cupsaddsmb</command> is completed, your driver is prepared for the clients to
-use. Here are the steps you must perform to download and install it
-via Point'n'Print. From a Windows client, browse to the CUPS/Samba
-<indexterm><primary>"Printers" folder</primary></indexterm>
-Open the <guilabel>Printers</guilabel>
-share of Samba in Network Neighborhood.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Right-click on the printer in
-<listitem><para>From the opening context-menu select
-<guimenuitem>Install...</guimenuitem> or
-<guimenuitem>Connect...</guimenuitem> (depending on the Windows version you
-After a few seconds, there should be a new printer in your
-client's <emphasis>local</emphasis> <guilabel>Printers</guilabel> folder. On Windows
-XP it will follow a naming convention of <emphasis>PrinterName on
-SambaServer</emphasis>. (In my current case it is "infotec_2105 on
-kde-bitshop"). If you want to test it and send your first job from
-an application like Winword, the new printer appears in a
-<filename>\\SambaServer\PrinterName</filename> entry in the
-drop-down list of available printers.
-<command>cupsaddsmb</command> will only reliably work with CUPS version 1.1.15 or higher
-and Samba from 2.2.4. If it does not work, or if the automatic printer
-driver download to the clients does not succeed, you can still manually
-install the CUPS printer PPD on top of the Adobe PostScript driver on
-clients. Then point the client's printer queue to the Samba printer
-share for a UNC type of connection:
-&dosprompt;<userinput>net use lpt1: \\sambaserver\printershare /user:ntadmin</userinput>
-should you desire to use the CUPS networked PostScript RIP
-functions. (Note that user <quote>ntadmin</quote> needs to be a valid Samba user
-with the required privileges to access the printershare.) This
-sets up the printer connection in the traditional
-<emphasis>LanMan</emphasis> way (not using MS-RPC).
-<title>Avoiding Critical PostScript Driver Settings on the Client</title>
-Printing works, but there are still problems. Most jobs print
-well, some do not print at all. Some jobs have problems with fonts,
-which do not look very good. Some jobs print fast and some are
-dead-slow. Many of these problems can be greatly reduced or even
-completely eliminated if you follow a few guidelines. Remember, if
-your print device is not PostScript-enabled, you are treating your
-Ghostscript installation on your CUPS host with the output your client
-driver settings produce. Treat it well:
-<listitem><para>Avoid the PostScript Output Option: Optimize
-for Speed setting. Use the Optimize for
-Portability instead (Adobe PostScript
-<listitem><para>Don't use the Page Independence:
-NO setting. Instead, use Page Independence
-YES (CUPS PostScript Driver).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Recommended is the True Type Font
-Downloading Option: Native True Type over
-Automatic and Outline; you
-should by all means avoid Bitmap (Adobe
-PostScript Driver).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Choose True Type Font: Download as Softfont
-into Printer over the default Replace by Device
-Font (for exotic fonts, you may need to change it back to
-get a printout at all) (Adobe).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Sometimes you can choose PostScript Language
-Level: In case of problems try 2
-instead of 3 (the latest ESP Ghostscript package
-handles Level 3 PostScript very well) (Adobe).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Say Yes to PostScript
-Error Handler (Adobe).</para></listitem>
-<title>Installing PostScript Driver Files Manually Using rpcclient</title>
-Of course, you can run all the commands that are embedded into the
-cupsaddsmb convenience utility yourself, one by one, and hereby upload
-and prepare the driver files for future client downloads.
-<listitem><para>Prepare Samba (A CUPS print queue with the name of the
-printer should be there. We are providing the driver
-<listitem><para>Copy all files to
- <smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection>.</para></listitem>
-Run <command>rpcclient adddriver</command>
-(for each client architecture you want to support).</para></listitem>
-Run <command>rpcclient
-We are going to do this now. First, read the man page on <parameter>rpcclient</parameter>
-to get a first idea. Look at all the printing related
-subcommands. <command>enumprinters</command>,
-<command>enumdrivers</command>, <command>enumports</command>,
-<command>adddriver</command>, <command>setdriver</command> are among
-the most interesting ones. <parameter>rpcclient</parameter> implements an important part of
-the MS-RPC protocol. You can use it to query (and command) a Windows NT
-(or 200x/XP) PC, too. MS-RPC is used by Windows clients, among other
-things, to benefit from the Point'n'Print features. Samba can now
-mimic this as well.
-<title>A Check of the rpcclient man Page</title>
- First let's check the <parameter>rpcclient</parameter> man page. Here are
-two relevant passages:
-<command>adddriver &lt;arch&gt; &lt;config&gt;</command> Execute an
-<command>AddPrinterDriver()</command> RPC to install the printer driver information on
-the server. The driver files should already exist in the
-directory returned by <command>getdriverdir</command>. Possible
-values for <parameter>arch</parameter> are the same as those for the
-<command>getdriverdir</command> command. The
-<parameter>config</parameter> parameter is defined as follows:
-Long Printer Name:\
-Driver File Name:\
-Data File Name:\
-Config File Name:\
-Help File Name:\
-Language Monitor Name:\
-Default Data Type:\
-Comma Separated list of Files
-<para>Any empty fields should be enter as the string <quote>NULL</quote>. </para>
-<para>Samba does not need to support the concept of Print Monitors
-since these only apply to local printers whose driver can make use of
-a bi-directional link for communication. This field should be <quote>NULL</quote>.
-On a remote NT print server, the Print Monitor for a driver must
-already be installed prior to adding the driver or else the RPC will
-<command>setdriver &lt;printername&gt; &lt;drivername&gt;</command>
-Execute a <command>SetPrinter()</command> command to update the
-printer driver associated with an installed printer. The printer
-driver must already be correctly installed on the print server.
-<para>See also the <command>enumprinters</command> and <command>enumdrivers</command> commands for
-obtaining a list of installed printers and drivers.
-<title>Understanding the rpcclient man Page</title>
-The <emphasis>exact</emphasis> format isn't made too clear by the man
-page, since you have to deal with some parameters containing
-spaces. Here is a better description for it. We have line-broken the
-command and indicated the breaks with <quote>\</quote>. Usually you would type the
-command in one line without the linebreaks:
- adddriver "Architecture" \
- "LongPrinterName:DriverFile:DataFile:ConfigFile:HelpFile:\
- LanguageMonitorFile:DataType:ListOfFiles,Comma-separated"
-What the man pages denote as a simple <parameter>&lt;config&gt;</parameter>
-keyword, in reality consists of eight colon-separated fields. The
-last field may take multiple (in some very insane cases, even
-20 different additional) files. This might sound confusing at first.
-What the man pages names the <quote>LongPrinterName</quote> in
-reality should be called the <quote>Driver Name</quote>. You can name it
-anything you want, as long as you use this name later in the
-<command>rpcclient ... setdriver</command> command. For
-practical reasons, many name the driver the same as the
-It isn't simple at all. I hear you asking:
-<quote>How do I know which files are "Driver
-File</quote>, <quote>Data File</quote>, <quote>Config File</quote>, <quote>Help File</quote> and <quote>Language
-Monitor File" in each case?</quote> &smbmdash; For an answer, you may
-want to have a look at how a Windows NT box with a shared printer
-presents the files to us. Remember, that this whole procedure has
-to be developed by the Samba team by overhearing the traffic caused
-by Windows computers on the wire. We may as well turn to a Windows
-box now and access it from a UNIX workstation. We will query it
-with <command>rpcclient</command> to see what it tells us and
-try to understand the man page more clearly that we've read just
-<title>Producing an Example by Querying a Windows Box</title>
- <indexterm><primary>rpcclient</primary><secondary>getdriver</secondary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>rpcclient</primary><secondary>getprinter</secondary></indexterm>
-We could run <command>rpcclient</command> with a
-<command>getdriver</command> or a <command>getprinter</command>
-subcommand (in level 3 verbosity) against it. Just sit down at a UNIX or
-Linux workstation with the Samba utilities installed, then type the
-following command:
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -U'user%secret' NT-SERVER -c 'getdriver printername 3'</userinput>
-From the result it should become clear which is which. Here is an example from my installation:
- <screen>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -U'Danka%xxxx' W200xSERVER \
- -c'getdriver "DANKA InfoStream Virtual Printer" 3'</userinput>
- cmd = getdriver "DANKA InfoStream Virtual Printer" 3
- [Windows NT x86]
- Printer Driver Info 3:
- Version: [2]
- Driver Name: [DANKA InfoStream]
- Architecture: [Windows NT x86]
- Driver Path: [C:\WINNT\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\2\PSCRIPT.DLL]
- Datafile: [C:\WINNT\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\2\INFOSTRM.PPD]
- Configfile: [C:\WINNT\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\2\PSCRPTUI.DLL]
- Helpfile: [C:\WINNT\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\2\PSCRIPT.HLP]
- Dependentfiles: []
- Dependentfiles: []
- Dependentfiles: []
- Dependentfiles: []
- Dependentfiles: []
- Dependentfiles: []
- Dependentfiles: []
- Monitorname: []
- Defaultdatatype: []
-Some printer drivers list additional files under the label
-<parameter>Dependentfiles</parameter> and these would go into the last field
-<parameter>ListOfFiles,Comma-separated</parameter>. For the CUPS
-PostScript drivers, we do not need any (nor would we for the Adobe
-PostScript driver), therefore, the field will get a <quote>NULL</quote> entry.
-<title>Requirements for adddriver and setdriver to Succeed</title>
->From the man page (and from the quoted output
-of <command>cupsaddsmb</command> above) it becomes clear that you
-need to have certain conditions in order to make the manual uploading
-and initializing of the driver files succeed. The two <command>rpcclient</command>
-subcommands (<command>adddriver</command> and
-<command>setdriver</command>) need to encounter the following
-preconditions to complete successfully:
-<listitem><para>You are connected as <smbconfoption><name>printer admin</name></smbconfoption> or root (this is <emphasis>not</emphasis> the <quote>Printer Operators</quote> group in
-NT, but the <emphasis>printer admin</emphasis> group as defined in
-the <smbconfsection>[global]</smbconfsection> section of
-<listitem><para>Copy all required driver files to
-<filename>\\SAMBA\print$\w32x86</filename> and
-<filename>\\SAMBA\print$\win40</filename> as appropriate. They
-will end up in the <quote>0</quote> respective <quote>2</quote> subdirectories later. For now,
-<emphasis>do not</emphasis> put them there, they'll be automatically
-used by the <command>adddriver</command> subcommand. (If you use
-<command>smbclient</command> to put the driver files into the share, note that you need
-to escape the <quote>$</quote>: <command>smbclient //sambaserver/print\$ -U
-<listitem><para>The user you're connecting as must be able to write to
-the <smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection> share and create
-<listitem><para>The printer you are going to setup for the Windows
-clients needs to be installed in CUPS already.</para></listitem>
- <indexterm><primary>rpcclient</primary><secondary>setdriver</secondary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>rpcclient</primary><secondary>enumprinters</secondary></indexterm>
- The CUPS printer must be known to Samba, otherwise the
-<command>setdriver</command> subcommand fails with an
-NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL error. To check if the printer is known by
-Samba, you may use the <command>enumprinters</command> subcommand to
-<command>rpcclient</command>. A long-standing bug prevented a proper update of the
-printer list until every smbd process had received a SIGHUP or was
-restarted. Remember this in case you've created the CUPS printer just
-recently and encounter problems: try restarting
-<title>Manual Driver Installation in 15 Steps</title>
-We are going to install a printer driver now by manually executing all
-required commands. As this may seem a rather complicated process at
-first, we go through the procedure step by step, explaining every
-single action item as it comes up.
- <title>Manual Driver Installation</title>
-<title>Install the printer on CUPS.</title>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>lpadmin -p mysmbtstprn -v socket:// -E \
- -P canonIR85.ppd</userinput>
-This installs a printer with the name <parameter>mysmbtstprn</parameter>
-to the CUPS system. The printer is accessed via a socket
-(a.k.a. JetDirect or Direct TCP/IP) connection. You need to be root
-for this step.
-<title>(Optional) Check if the printer is recognized by Samba.</title>
- &rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -Uroot%xxxx -c 'enumprinters' localhost \
- | grep -C2 mysmbtstprn</userinput>
-This should show the printer in the list. If not, stop and restart
-the Samba daemon (smbd), or send a HUP signal:
-&rootprompt;<userinput>kill -HUP `pidof smbd`</userinput>
-</screen>Check again. Troubleshoot and repeat until
-successful. Note the <quote>empty</quote> field between the two commas in the
-<quote>description</quote> line. The driver name would appear here if there was one already. You need to know root's Samba password (as set by the
-<command>smbpasswd</command> command) for this step and most of the
-following steps. Alternately, you can authenticate as one of the
-users from the <quote>write list</quote> as defined in &smb.conf; for
-<title>(Optional) Check if Samba knows a driver for the printer.</title>
- <indexterm><primary>rpcclient</primary><secondary>getprinter</secondary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>rpcclient</primary><secondary>getdriver</secondary></indexterm>
- <screen>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -Uroot%xxxx -c 'getprinter mysmbtstprn 2' localhost \
- | grep driver </userinput>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -Uroot%xxxx -c 'getprinter mysmbtstprn 2' localhost \
- | grep -C4 driv</userinput>
-portname:[Samba Printer Port]
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -U root%xxxx -c 'getdriver mysmbtstprn' localhost</userinput>
-None of the three commands shown above should show a driver.
-This step was done for the purpose of demonstrating this condition. An
-attempt to connect to the printer at this stage will prompt the
-message along the lines of: <quote>The server does not have the required printer
-driver installed.</quote>
-<title>Put all required driver files into Samba's
-&rootprompt;<userinput>smbclient //localhost/print\$ -U 'root%xxxx' \
- -c 'cd W32X86; \
- put /etc/cups/ppd/mysmbtstprn.ppd mysmbtstprn.PPD; \
- put /usr/share/cups/drivers/cupsui.dll cupsui.dll; \
- put /usr/share/cups/drivers/cupsdrvr.dll cupsdrvr.dll; \
- put /usr/share/cups/drivers/cups.hlp cups.hlp'</userinput>
-(This command should be entered in one long single
-line. Line-breaks and the line-end indicated by <quote>\</quote> have been inserted
-for readability reasons.) This step is <emphasis>required</emphasis>
-for the next one to succeed. It makes the driver files physically
-present in the <smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection> share. However, clients
-would still not be able to install them, because Samba does not yet
-treat them as driver files. A client asking for the driver would still
-be presented with a <quote>not installed here</quote> message.
-<title>Verify where the driver files are now.</title>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>ls -l /etc/samba/drivers/W32X86/</userinput>
-total 669
-drwxr-sr-x 2 root ntadmin 532 May 25 23:08 2
-drwxr-sr-x 2 root ntadmin 670 May 16 03:15 3
--rwxr--r-- 1 root ntadmin 14234 May 25 23:21 cups.hlp
--rwxr--r-- 1 root ntadmin 278380 May 25 23:21 cupsdrvr.dll
--rwxr--r-- 1 root ntadmin 215848 May 25 23:21 cupsui.dll
--rwxr--r-- 1 root ntadmin 169458 May 25 23:21 mysmbtstprn.PPD
-The driver files now are in the W32X86 architecture <quote>root</quote> of
-<title>Tell Samba that these are driver files (<command>adddriver</command>).</title>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -Uroot%xxxx -c `adddriver "Windows NT x86" \
- "mydrivername:cupsdrvr.dll:mysmbtstprn.PPD: \
- cupsui.dll:cups.hlp:NULL:RAW:NULL" \
- localhost</userinput>
-Printer Driver mydrivername successfully installed.
-You cannot repeat this step if it fails. It could fail even
-as a result of a simple typo. It will most likely have moved a part of
-the driver files into the <quote>2</quote> subdirectory. If this step fails, you
-need to go back to the fourth step and repeat it before you can try
-this one again. In this step, you need to choose a name for your
-driver. It is normally a good idea to use the same name as is used for
-the printer name; however, in big installations you may use this driver
-for a number of printers that obviously have different names, so the
-name of the driver is not fixed.
-<title>Verify where the driver files are now.</title>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>ls -l /etc/samba/drivers/W32X86/</userinput>
-total 1
-drwxr-sr-x 2 root ntadmin 532 May 25 23:22 2
-drwxr-sr-x 2 root ntadmin 670 May 16 03:15 3
-&rootprompt;<userinput>ls -l /etc/samba/drivers/W32X86/2</userinput>
-total 5039
--rwxr--r-- 1 root ntadmin 14234 May 25 23:21 cups.hlp
--rwxr--r-- 1 root ntadmin 278380 May 13 13:53 cupsdrvr.dll
--rwxr--r-- 1 root ntadmin 215848 May 13 13:53 cupsui.dll
--rwxr--r-- 1 root ntadmin 169458 May 25 23:21 mysmbtstprn.PPD
-Notice how step 6 also moved the driver files to the appropriate
-subdirectory. Compare this with the situation after step 5.
-<title>(Optional) Verify if Samba now recognizes the driver.</title>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -Uroot%xxxx -c 'enumdrivers 3' \
- localhost | grep -B2 -A5 mydrivername</userinput>
-Printer Driver Info 3:
-Version: [2]
-Driver Name: [mydrivername]
-Architecture: [Windows NT x86]
-Driver Path: [\\kde-bitshop\print$\W32X86\2\cupsdrvr.dll]
-Datafile: [\\kde-bitshop\print$\W32X86\2\mysmbtstprn.PPD]
-Configfile: [\\kde-bitshop\print$\W32X86\2\cupsui.dll]
-Helpfile: [\\kde-bitshop\print$\W32X86\2\cups.hlp]
-Remember, this command greps for the name you chose for the
-driver in step 6. This command must succeed before you can proceed.
-<para>Tell Samba which printer should use these driver files (<command>setdriver</command>).</para>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -Uroot%xxxx -c 'setdriver mysmbtstprn mydrivername' \
- localhost</userinput>
-Successfully set mysmbtstprn to driver mydrivername
-Since you can bind any printername (print queue) to any driver, this
-is a convenient way to setup many queues that use the same
-driver. You do not need to repeat all the previous steps for the
-setdriver command to succeed. The only preconditions are:
-<command>enumdrivers</command> must find the driver and
-<command>enumprinters</command> must find the printer.
- <title>(Optional) Verify if Samba has recognized this association.</title>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -Uroot%xxxx -c 'getprinter mysmbtstprn 2' localhost \
- | grep driver</userinput>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -Uroot%xxxx -c 'getprinter mysmbtstprn 2' localhost \
- | grep -C4 driv</userinput>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -U root%xxxx -c 'getdriver mysmbtstprn' localhost</userinput>
-[Windows NT x86]
-Printer Driver Info 3:
- Version: [2]
- Driver Name: [mydrivername]
- Architecture: [Windows NT x86]
- Driver Path: [\\kde-bitshop\print$\W32X86\2\cupsdrvr.dll]
- Datafile: [\\kde-bitshop\print$\W32X86\2\mysmbtstprn.PPD]
- Configfile: [\\kde-bitshop\print$\W32X86\2\cupsui.dll]
- Helpfile: [\\kde-bitshop\print$\W32X86\2\cups.hlp]
- Monitorname: []
- Defaultdatatype: [RAW]
- Monitorname: []
- Defaultdatatype: [RAW]
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient -Uroot%xxxx -c 'enumprinters' localhost \
- | grep mysmbtstprn</userinput>
- name:[\\kde-bitshop\mysmbtstprn]
- description:[\\kde-bitshop\mysmbtstprn,mydrivername,mysmbtstprn]
- comment:[mysmbtstprn]
-Compare these results with the ones from steps 2 and 3. Every one of these commands show the driver is installed. Even
-the <command>enumprinters</command> command now lists the driver
-on the <quote>description</quote> line.
-<title>(Optional) Tickle the driver into a correct
-device mode.</title>
-<indexterm><primary>"Printers" folder</primary></indexterm>
-You certainly know how to install the driver on the client. In case
-you are not particularly familiar with Windows, here is a short
-recipe: Browse the Network Neighborhood, go to the Samba server, and look
-for the shares. You should see all shared Samba printers.
-Double-click on the one in question. The driver should get
-installed and the network connection set up. An alternate way is to
-open the <guilabel>Printers (and Faxes)</guilabel> folder, right-click on the printer in
-question and select <guilabel>Connect</guilabel> or <guilabel>Install</guilabel>. As a result, a new printer
-should have appeared in your client's local <guilabel>Printers (and Faxes)</guilabel>
-folder, named something like <guilabel>printersharename on Sambahostname</guilabel>.
-It is important that you execute this step as a Samba printer admin
-(as defined in &smb.conf;). Here is another method
-to do this on Windows XP. It uses a command line, which you may type
-into the <quote>DOS box</quote> (type root's smbpassword when prompted):
-&dosprompt;<userinput>runas /netonly /user:root "rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry \
- /in /n \\sambaserver\mysmbtstprn"</userinput>
-Change any printer setting once (like changing <emphasis><guilabel>portrait</guilabel> to
- <guilabel>landscape</guilabel></emphasis>), click on <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>; change the setting
-<title>Install the printer on a client
-<indexterm significance="preferred"><primary>point 'n' print</primary></indexterm>
- <screen>
-&dosprompt;<userinput>rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n <quote>\\sambaserver\mysmbtstprn</quote></userinput>
-If it does not work it could be a permission problem with the
-<smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection> share.
-<title>(Optional) Print a test page.</title>
-&dosprompt;<userinput>rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /p /n "\\sambaserver\mysmbtstprn"</userinput>
-Then hit [TAB] five times, [ENTER] twice, [TAB] once and [ENTER] again
-and march to the printer.
-<title>(Recommended) Study the test page.</title>
-Hmmm.... just kidding! By now you know everything about printer
-installations and you do not need to read a word. Just put it in a
-frame and bolt it to the wall with the heading "MY FIRST
-RPCCLIENT-INSTALLED PRINTER" &smbmdash; why not just throw it away!
-<title>(Obligatory) Enjoy. Jump. Celebrate your
-&rootprompt;<userinput>echo "Cheeeeerioooooo! Success..." &gt;&gt; /var/log/samba/log.smbd</userinput>
-<title>Troubleshooting Revisited</title>
-The setdriver command will fail, if in Samba's mind the queue is not
-already there. You had promising messages about the:
- Printer Driver ABC successfully installed.
-after the <command>adddriver</command> parts of the procedure? But you are also seeing
-a disappointing message like this one?
-It is not good enough that you
-can see the queue in CUPS, using
-the <command>lpstat -p ir85wm</command> command. A
-bug in most recent versions of Samba prevents the proper update of
-the queuelist. The recognition of newly installed CUPS printers
-fails unless you restart Samba or send a HUP to all smbd
-processes. To verify if this is the reason why Samba does not
-execute the <command>setdriver</command> command successfully, check if Samba <quote>sees</quote>
-the printer:
- <screen>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient transmeta -N -U'root%xxxx' -c 'enumprinters 0'|grep ir85wm</userinput>
- printername:[ir85wm]
-An alternate command could be this:
- <screen>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>rpcclient transmeta -N -U'root%secret' -c 'getprinter ir85wm' </userinput>
- cmd = getprinter ir85wm
- flags:[0x800000]
- name:[\\transmeta\ir85wm]
- description:[\\transmeta\ir85wm,ir85wm,DPD]
- comment:[CUPS PostScript-Treiber for Windows NT/200x/XP]
-By the way, you can use these commands, plus a few more, of course,
-to install drivers on remote Windows NT print servers too!
-<title>The Printing <filename>*.tdb</filename> Files</title>
-Some mystery is associated with the series of files with a
-tdb suffix appearing in every Samba installation. They are
-<filename>messages.tdb</filename> ,
-<filename>sessionid.tdb</filename> and
-<filename>secrets.tdb</filename>. What is their purpose?
-<title>Trivial Database Files</title>
-A Windows NT (print) server keeps track of all information needed to serve
-its duty toward its clients by storing entries in the Windows
-registry. Client queries are answered by reading from the registry,
-Administrator or user configuration settings that are saved by writing into
-the registry. Samba and UNIX obviously do not have such a
-Registry. Samba instead keeps track of all client related information in a
-series of <filename>*.tdb</filename> files. (TDB = Trivial Data
-Base). These are often located in <filename>/var/lib/samba/</filename>
-or <filename>/var/lock/samba/</filename>. The printing related files
-are <filename>ntprinters.tdb</filename>,
-<filename>printing.tdb</filename>,<filename>ntforms.tdb</filename> and
-<title>Binary Format</title>
-<filename>*.tdb</filename> files are not human readable. They are
-written in a binary format. <quote>Why not ASCII?</quote>, you may ask. <quote>After all,
-ASCII configuration files are a good and proven tradition on UNIX.</quote>
-The reason for this design decision by the Samba team is mainly
-performance. Samba needs to be fast; it runs a separate
-<command>smbd</command> process for each client connection, in some
-environments many thousands of them. Some of these smbds might need to
-write-access the same <filename>*.tdb</filename> file <emphasis>at the
-same time</emphasis>. The file format of Samba's
-<filename>*.tdb</filename> files allows for this provision. Many smbd
-processes may write to the same <filename>*.tdb</filename> file at the
-same time. This wouldn't be possible with pure ASCII files.
-<title>Losing <filename>*.tdb</filename> Files</title>
-It is very important that all <filename>*.tdb</filename> files remain
-consistent over all write and read accesses. However, it may happen
-that these files <emphasis>do</emphasis> get corrupted. (A
-<command>kill -9 `pidof smbd'</command> while a write access is in
-progress could do the damage as well as a power interruption,
-etc.). In cases of trouble, a deletion of the old printing-related
-<filename>*.tdb</filename> files may be the only option. After that you need to
-re-create all print-related setup or you have made a
-backup of the <filename>*.tdb</filename> files in time.
-<title>Using <command>tdbbackup</command></title>
-<indexterm><primary>TDB</primary><secondary>backing up</secondary><see>tdbbackup</see></indexterm>
-Samba ships with a little utility that helps the root user of your
-system to backup your <filename>*.tdb</filename> files. If you run it
-with no argument, it prints a usage message:
- Usage: tdbbackup [options] &lt;fname...&gt;
- Version:3.0a
- -h this help message
- -s suffix set the backup suffix
- -v verify mode (restore if corrupt)
-Here is how I backed up my <filename>printing.tdb</filename> file:
-. browse.dat locking.tdb ntdrivers.tdb printing.tdb
-.. share_info.tdb connections.tdb messages.tdb ntforms.tdb
-printing.tdbkp unexpected.tdb brlock.tdb gmon.out namelist.debug
-ntprinters.tdb sessionid.tdb
-&rootprompt;<userinput>tdbbackup -s .bak printing.tdb</userinput>
- printing.tdb : 135 records
-&rootprompt;<userinput>ls -l printing.tdb*</userinput>
- -rw------- 1 root root 40960 May 2 03:44 printing.tdb
- -rw------- 1 root root 40960 May 2 03:44 printing.tdb.bak
-<title>CUPS Print Drivers from</title>
-CUPS ships with good support for HP LaserJet-type printers. You can
-install the generic driver as follows:
- <screen>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>lpadmin -p laserjet4plus -v parallel:/dev/lp0 -E -m laserjet.ppd</userinput>
-The <option>-m</option> switch will retrieve the
-<filename>laserjet.ppd</filename> from the standard repository for
-not-yet-installed-PPDs, which CUPS typically stores in
-<filename>/usr/share/cups/model</filename>. Alternately, you may use
-<option>-P /path/to/your.ppd</option>.
-The generic <filename>laserjet.ppd,</filename> however, does not support every special option
-for every LaserJet-compatible model. It constitutes a sort of <quote>least common
-denominator</quote> of all the models. If for some reason
-you must pay for the commercially available ESP Print Pro drivers, your
-first move should be to consult the database on <ulink
-noescape="1" url=""></ulink>. has excellent recommendations about which driver is
-best used for each printer. Its database is kept current by the
-tireless work of Till Kamppeter from MandrakeSoft, who is also the
-principal author of the <command>foomatic-rip</command> utility.
-The former <command>cupsomatic</command> concept is now being replaced by the new
-successor, a much
-more powerful <command>foomatic-rip</command>.
-<command>cupsomatic</command> is no longer maintained. Here is the new URL
-to the Foomatic-3.0 database: <ulink
-noescape="1" url=""></ulink>.
-If you upgrade to <command>foomatic-rip</command>, remember to also upgrade to the
-new-style PPDs for your Foomatic-driven printers. foomatic-rip will
-not work with PPDs generated for the old <command>cupsomatic</command>. The new-style
-PPDs are 100% compliant to the Adobe PPD specification. They are
-also intended to be used by Samba and the cupsaddsmb utility, to
-provide the driver files for the Windows clients!
-<title>foomatic-rip and Foomatic Explained</title>
-<indexterm significance="preferred"><primary>foomatic</primary></indexterm>
-<indexterm significance="preferred"><primary>foomatic-rip</primary></indexterm>
-Nowadays, most Linux distributions rely on the utilities of
-to create their printing-related software (which, by the way, works on all
-UNIXes and on Mac OS X or Darwin, too). It is not known as well as it
-should be, that it also has a very end-user-friendly interface that
-allows for an easy update of drivers and PPDs for all supported
-models, all spoolers, all operating systems, and all package formats
-(because there is none). Its history goes back a few years.
-Recently, Foomatic has achieved the astonishing milestone of <ulink
-listed</ulink> printer models. keeps all the
-important facts about printer drivers, supported models and which
-options are available for the various driver/printer combinations in
-its <ulink
-database. Currently there are <ulink
-url="">245 drivers</ulink>
-in the database. Many drivers support various models, and many models
-may be driven by different drivers &smbmdash; its your choice!
-<title>690 <quote>Perfect</quote> Printers</title>
-At present, there are 690 devices dubbed as working perfectly, 181
-mostly, 96 partially, and 46 are paperweights. Keeping in mind
-that most of these are non-PostScript models (PostScript printers are
-automatically supported by CUPS to perfection, by using
-their own manufacturer-provided Windows-PPD), and that a
-multifunctional device never qualifies as working perfectly if it
-does not also scan and copy and fax under GNU/Linux &smbmdash; then this is a
-truly astonishing achievement! Three years ago the number was not
-more than 500, and Linux or UNIX printing at the time wasn't
-anywhere near the quality it is today.
-<title>How the Printing HOWTO Started It All</title>
-A few years ago <ulink url="">Grant Taylor</ulink>
-started it all. The roots of today's are in the
-first <ulink url="">Linux Printing
-HOWTO</ulink> that he authored. As a side-project to this document,
-which served many Linux users and admins to guide their first steps in
-this complicated and delicate setup (to a scientist, printing is
-<quote>applying a structured deposition of distinct patterns of ink or toner
-particles on paper substrates</quote>, he started to
-build in a little Postgres database with information about the
-hardware and driver zoo that made up Linux printing of the time. This
-database became the core component of today's Foomatic collection of
-tools and data. In the meantime, it has moved to an XML representation
-of the data.
-<title>Foomatic's Strange Name</title>
-<quote>Why the funny name?</quote> you ask. When it really took off, around spring
-2000, CUPS was far less popular than today, and most systems used LPD,
-LPRng or even PDQ to print. CUPS shipped with a few generic drivers
-(good for a few hundred different printer models). These didn't
-support many device-specific options. CUPS also shipped with its own
-built-in rasterization filter (<parameter>pstoraster</parameter>, derived from
-Ghostscript). On the other hand, CUPS provided brilliant support for
-<emphasis>controlling</emphasis> all printer options through
-standardized and well-defined PPD files (PostScript Printers
-Description files). Plus, CUPS was designed to be easily extensible.
-Taylor already had in his database a respectable compilation
-of facts about many more printers and the Ghostscript <quote>drivers</quote>
-they run with. His idea, to generate PPDs from the database information
-and use them to make standard Ghostscript filters work within CUPS,
-proved to work very well. It also killed several birds with one
-<listitem><para>It made all current and future Ghostscript filter
-developments available for CUPS.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>It made available a lot of additional printer models
-to CUPS users (because often the traditional Ghostscript way of
-printing was the only one available).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>It gave all the advanced CUPS options (Web interface,
-GUI driver configurations) to users wanting (or needing) to use
-Ghostscript filters.</para></listitem>
-<title>cupsomatic, pdqomatic, lpdomatic, directomatic</title>
-CUPS worked through a quickly-hacked up filter script named <ulink
-cupsomatic ran the printfile through Ghostscript, constructing
-automatically the rather complicated command line needed. It just
-needed to be copied into the CUPS system to make it work. To
-configure the way cupsomatic controls the Ghostscript rendering
-process, it needs a CUPS-PPD. This PPD is generated directly from the
-contents of the database. For CUPS and the respective printer/filter
-combo, another Perl script named CUPS-O-Matic did the PPD
-generation. After that was working, Taylor implemented within a few
-days a similar thing for two other spoolers. Names chosen for the
-config-generator scripts were <ulink
-(for PDQ) and <ulink
-(for &smbmdash; you guessed it &smbmdash; LPD); the configuration here didn't use PPDs
-but other spooler-specific files.
-From late summer of that year, <ulink url="">Till Kamppeter</ulink>
-started to put work into the database. Kamppeter had been newly employed by
-<ulink url="">MandrakeSoft</ulink> to
-convert its printing system over to CUPS, after they had seen his
-<ulink url="">FLTK</ulink>-based <ulink
-url="">XPP</ulink> (a GUI frontend to
-the CUPS lp-command). He added a huge amount of new information and new
-printers. He also developed the support for other spoolers, like
-<ulink url="">PPR</ulink> (via ppromatic),
-<ulink url="">GNUlpr</ulink> and
-<ulink url="">LPRng</ulink> (both via an extended
-lpdomatic) and spoolerless printing (<ulink
-So, to answer your question: <quote>Foomatic</quote> is the general name for all
-the overlapping code and data behind the <quote>*omatic</quote> scripts.
-Foomatic, up to versions 2.0.x, required (ugly) Perl data structures
-attached to PPDs for CUPS. It had a different
-<quote>*omatic</quote> script for every spooler, as well as different printer
-configuration files.
-<title>The <emphasis>Grand Unification</emphasis> Achieved</title>
-This has all changed in Foomatic versions 2.9 (beta) and released as
-<quote>stable</quote> 3.0. It has now achieved the convergence of all *omatic
-scripts and is called the <ulink
-This single script is the unification of the previously different
-spooler-specific *omatic scripts. foomatic-rip is used by all the
-different spoolers alike and because it can read PPDs (both the
-original PostScript printer PPDs and the
-ones), all of a sudden all supported spoolers can have the power of
-PPDs at their disposal. Users only need to plug foomatic-rip into
-their system. For users there is improved media type and source
-support &smbmdash; paper sizes and trays are easier to configure.
-Also, the New Generation of PPDs no longer contains
-Perl data structures. If you are a distro maintainer and have
-used the previous version of Foomatic, you may want to give the new
-one a spin, but remember to generate a new-version set of PPDs
-via the new <ulink
-Individual users just need to generate a single new PPD specific to
-their model by <ulink
-the steps</ulink> outlined in the Foomatic tutorial or in this chapter. This new development is truly amazing.
-foomatic-rip is a very clever wrapper around the need to run
-Ghostscript with a different syntax, options, device selections, and/or filters for each different printer
-or spooler. At the same time it can read the PPD associated
-with a print queue and modify the print job according to the user
-selections. Together with this comes the 100% compliance of the new
-Foomatic PPDs with the Adobe spec. Some innovative features of
-the Foomatic concept may surprise users. It will support custom paper
-sizes for many printers and will support printing on media drawn
-from different paper trays within the same job (in both cases, even
-where there is no support for this from Windows-based vendor printer
-<title>Driver Development Outside</title>
-Most driver development itself does not happen within Drivers are written by independent maintainers. just pools all the information and stores it in its
-database. In addition, it also provides the Foomatic glue to integrate
-the many drivers into any modern (or legacy) printing system known to
-the world.
-Speaking of the different driver development groups, most of
-the work is currently done in three projects. These are:
-&smbmdash; a free software project by IBM that tries to convert their printer
-driver knowledge from good-ol' OS/2 times into a modern, modular,
-universal driver architecture for Linux/UNIX (still beta). This
-currently supports 437 models.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para><ulink url="">HPIJS</ulink> &smbmdash;
-a free software project by HP to provide the support for their own
-range of models (very mature, printing in most cases is perfect and
-provides true photo quality). This currently supports 369
-url="">Gimp-Print</ulink> &smbmdash; a free software
-effort, started by Michael Sweet (also lead developer for CUPS), now
-directed by Robert Krawitz, which has achieved an amazing level of
-photo print quality (many Epson users swear that its quality is
-better than the vendor drivers provided by Epson for the Microsoft
-platforms). This currently supports 522 models.</para></listitem>
-<title>Forums, Downloads, Tutorials, Howtos &smbmdash; also for Mac OS X and Commercial UNIX</title>
-<para> today is the one-stop shop to download printer
-drivers. Look for printer information and <ulink
-or solve printing problems in its popular <ulink
-url="">forums.</ulink> This forum
-it's not just for GNU/Linux users, but admins of <ulink
-url="">commercial UNIX
-systems</ulink> are also going there, and the relatively new <ulink
-OS X forum</ulink> has turned out to be one of the most frequented
-forums after only a few weeks.
-<para> and the Foomatic driver wrappers around Ghostscript
-are now a standard toolchain for printing on all the important
-distros. Most of them also have CUPS underneath. While in recent years
-most printer data had been added by Kamppeter (who works at Mandrake), many
-additional contributions came from engineers with SuSE, RedHat,
-Connectiva, Debian, and others. Vendor-neutrality is an important goal
-of the Foomatic project.
-Till Kamppeter from MandrakeSoft is doing an excellent job in his
-spare time to maintain and Foomatic. So if you use
-it often, please send him a note showing your appreciation.
-<title>Foomatic Database-Generated PPDs</title>
-The Foomatic database is an amazing piece of ingenuity in itself. Not
-only does it keep the printer and driver information, but it is
-organized in a way that it can generate PPD files on the fly from
-its internal XML-based datasets. While these PPDs are modelled to the
-Adobe specification of PostScript Printer Descriptions (PPDs), the do not normally drive PostScript
-printers. They are used to describe all the bells and whistles you
-could ring or blow on an Epson Stylus inkjet, or a HP Photosmart, or
-what-have-you. The main trick is one little additional line, not
-envisaged by the PPD specification, starting with the <parameter>*cupsFilter</parameter>
-keyword. It tells the CUPS daemon how to proceed with the PostScript
-print file (old-style Foomatic-PPDs named the
-cupsomatic filter script, while the new-style
-PPDs are now call foomatic-rip). This filter
-script calls Ghostscript on the host system (the recommended variant
-is ESP Ghostscript) to do the rendering work. foomatic-rip knows which
-filter or internal device setting it should ask from Ghostscript to
-convert the PostScript printjob into a raster format ready for the
-target device. This usage of PPDs to describe the options of non-PS
-printers was the invention of the CUPS developers. The rest is easy.
-GUI tools (like KDE's marvelous <ulink
-or the GNOME <ulink
-url="">gtklp,</ulink> xpp and the CUPS
-Web interface) read the PPD as well and use this information to present
-the available settings to the user as an intuitive menu selection.
-<title>foomatic-rip and Foomatic-PPD Download and Installation</title>
-Here are the steps to install a foomatic-rip driven LaserJet 4 Plus-compatible
-printer in CUPS (note that recent distributions of SuSE, UnitedLinux and
-Mandrake may ship with a complete package of Foomatic-PPDs plus the
-<command>foomatic-rip</command> utility. Going directly to ensures that you get the latest driver/PPD files):
-<listitem><para>Open your browser at the printer list<ulink url="">page.</ulink>
-<listitem><para>Check the complete list of printers in the
-<ulink url="">database.</ulink>.
-<listitem><para>Select your model and click on the link.
-<listitem><para>You'll arrive at a page listing all drivers working with this
-model (for all printers, there will always be <emphasis>one</emphasis>
-recommended driver. Try this one first).
-<listitem><para>In our case (HP LaserJet 4 Plus), we'll arrive at the default driver for the
-<ulink url="">HP-LaserJet 4 Plus.</ulink>
-<listitem><para>The recommended driver is ljet4.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Several links are provided here. You should visit them all if you
-are not familiar with the database.
-<listitem><para>There is a link to the database page for the
-<ulink url="">ljet4.</ulink>
-On the driver's page, you'll find important and detailed information
-about how to use that driver within the various available
-<listitem><para>Another link may lead you to the homepage of the
-driver author or the driver.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Important links are the ones that provide hints with
-setup instructions for <ulink noescape="1" url="">CUPS</ulink>,
-<ulink url="">PDQ</ulink>,
-<ulink url="">LPD, LPRng and GNUlpr</ulink>)
-as well as <ulink url="">PPR</ulink>
-or <quote>spooler-less</quote> <ulink url="">printing.</ulink>
-<listitem><para>You can view the PPD in your browser through this link:
-<ulink noescape="1" url=";printer=HP-LaserJet_4_Plus&amp;show=1">;printer=HP-LaserJet_4_Plus&amp;show=1</ulink>
-</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Most importantly, you can also generate and download
-the <ulink url=";printer=HP-LaserJet_4_Plus&amp;show=0">PPD.</ulink>
-<listitem><para>The PPD contains all the information needed to use our
-model and the driver; once installed, this works transparently
-for the user. Later you'll only need to choose resolution, paper size,
-and so on from the Web-based menu, or from the print dialog GUI, or from
-the command line.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>If you ended up on the drivers
-<ulink url="">page</ulink>
-you can choose to use the <quote>PPD-O-Matic</quote> online PPD generator
-<listitem><para>Select the exact model and check either <guilabel>Download</guilabel> or
-<guilabel>Display PPD file</guilabel> and click <guilabel>Generate PPD file</guilabel>.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>If you save the PPD file from the browser view, please
-do not use cut and paste (since it could possibly damage line endings
-and tabs, which makes the PPD likely to fail its duty), but use <guimenuitem>Save
-as...</guimenuitem> in your browser's menu. (It is best to use the <guilabel>Download</guilabel> option
-directly from the Web page).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Another interesting part on each driver page is
-the <guimenuitem>Show execution details</guimenuitem> button. If you
-select your printer model and click on that button,
-a complete Ghostscript command line will be displayed, enumerating all options
-available for that combination of driver and printer model. This is a great way to
-<quote>learn Ghostscript by doing</quote>. It is also an excellent cheat sheet
-for all experienced users who need to re-construct a good command line
-for that damn printing script, but can't remember the exact
-syntax. </para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Some time during your visit to, save
-the PPD to a suitable place on your harddisk, say
-<filename>/path/to/my-printer.ppd</filename> (if you prefer to install
-your printers with the help of the CUPS Web interface, save the PPD to
-the <filename>/usr/share/cups/model/</filename> path and restart
-<listitem><para>Then install the printer with a suitable command line,
-like this:
-&rootprompt;<userinput>lpadmin -p laserjet4plus -v parallel:/dev/lp0 -E \
- -P path/to/my-printer.ppd</userinput>
-<listitem><para>For all the new-style <quote>Foomatic-PPDs</quote>
-from, you also need a special CUPS filter named
-<listitem><para>The foomatic-rip Perlscript itself also makes some
-interesting <ulink url=";show=1">reading</ulink>
-because it is well documented by Kamppeter's inline comments (even
-non-Perl hackers will learn quite a bit about printing by reading
-<listitem><para>Save foomatic-rip either directly in
-<filename>/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip</filename> or somewhere in
-your $PATH (and remember to make it world-executable). Again,
-do not save by copy and paste but use the appropriate link or the
-<guimenuitem>Save as...</guimenuitem> menu item in your browser.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>If you save foomatic-rip in your $PATH, create a symlink:
-&rootprompt;<userinput>cd /usr/lib/cups/filter/ ; ln -s `which foomatic-rip'</userinput>
-CUPS will discover this new available filter at startup after restarting
-Once you print to a print queue set up with the Foomatic-PPD, CUPS will
-insert the appropriate commands and comments into the resulting
-PostScript jobfile. foomatic-rip is able to read and act upon
-these and uses some specially encoded Foomatic comments
-embedded in the jobfile. These in turn are used to construct
-(transparently for you, the user) the complicated Ghostscript command
-line telling the printer driver exactly how the resulting raster
-data should look and which printer commands to embed into the
-data stream. You need:
-<listitem><para>A <quote>foomatic+something</quote> PPD &smbmdash; but this is not enough
-to print with CUPS (it is only <emphasis>one</emphasis> important
-<listitem><para>The <parameter>foomatic-rip</parameter> filter script (Perl) in
-<listitem><para>Perl to make foomatic-rip run.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Ghostscript (because it is doing the main work,
-controlled by the PPD/foomatic-rip combo) to produce the raster data
-fit for your printer model's consumption.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Ghostscript <emphasis>must</emphasis> (depending on
-the driver/model) contain support for a certain device representing
-the selected driver for your model (as shown by <command>gs
- -h</command>).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>foomatic-rip needs a new version of PPDs (PPD versions
-produced for cupsomatic do not work with
-<title>Page Accounting with CUPS</title>
-<indexterm><primary>CUPS</primary><secondary>Page Accounting</secondary></indexterm>
-Often there are questions regarding print quotas where Samba users
-(that is, Windows clients) should not be able to print beyond a
-certain number of pages or data volume per day, week or month. This
-feature is dependent on the real print subsystem you're using.
-Samba's part is always to receive the job files from the clients
-(filtered <emphasis>or</emphasis> unfiltered) and hand it over to this
-printing subsystem.
-Of course one could hack things with one's own scripts. But then
-there is CUPS. CUPS supports quotas that can be based on the size of
-jobs or on the number of pages or both, and span any time
-period you want.
-<title>Setting Up Quotas</title>
-This is an example command of how root would set a print quota in CUPS,
-assuming an existing printer named <quote>quotaprinter</quote>:
- <screen>
-&rootprompt;<userinput>lpadmin -p quotaprinter -o job-quota-period=604800 \
- -o job-k-limit=1024 -o job-page-limit=100</userinput>
-This would limit every single user to print 100 pages or 1024 KB of
-data (whichever comes first) within the last 604,800 seconds ( = 1
-<title>Correct and Incorrect Accounting</title>
-For CUPS to count correctly, the printfile needs to pass the CUPS
-pstops filter, otherwise it uses a dummy count of <quote>one</quote>. Some
-print files do not pass it (e.g., image files) but then those are mostly one-
-page jobs anyway. This also means that proprietary drivers for the
-target printer running on the client computers and CUPS/Samba, which
-then spool these files as <quote>raw</quote> (i.e., leaving them untouched, not
-filtering them), will be counted as one-pagers too!
-You need to send PostScript from the clients (i.e., run a PostScript
-driver there) to have the chance to get accounting done. If the
-printer is a non-PostScript model, you need to let CUPS do the job to
-convert the file to a print-ready format for the target printer. This
-is currently working for about a thousand different printer models.
-Linuxprinting has a driver
-<ulink url="">list.</ulink>
-<title>Adobe and CUPS PostScript Drivers for Windows Clients</title>
-Before CUPS 1.1.16, your only option was to use the Adobe PostScript
-Driver on the Windows clients. The output of this driver was not
-always passed through the <command>pstops</command> filter on the CUPS/Samba side, and
-therefore was not counted correctly (the reason is that it often,
-depending on the PPD being used, wrote a PJL-header in front of
-the real PostScript which caused CUPS to skip <command>pstops</command> and go directly
-to the <command>pstoraster</command> stage).
-From CUPS 1.1.16 onward, you can use the CUPS PostScript Driver for
-Windows <?latex \linebreak ?>NT/200x/XP clients (which is tagged in the download area of
-<filename></filename> as the <filename>cups-samba-1.1.16.tar.gz</filename>
-package). It does <emphasis>not</emphasis> work for Windows 9x/ME clients, but it guarantees:
-<listitem><para> <indexterm><primary>PJL</primary></indexterm> To not write a PJL-header.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>To still read and support all PJL-options named in the
-driver PPD with its own means.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>That the file will pass through the <command>pstops</command> filter
-on the CUPS/Samba server.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>To page-count correctly the print file.</para></listitem>
-You can read more about the setup of this combination in the man page
-for <command>cupsaddsmb</command> (which is only present with CUPS installed, and only
-current from CUPS 1.1.16).
-<title>The page_log File Syntax</title>
-These are the items CUPS logs in the <filename>page_log</filename> for every
-page of a job:
-<listitem><para>Printer name</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>User name</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Job ID</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Time of printing</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The page number</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The number of copies</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>A billing information string (optional)</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The host that sent the job (included since version 1.1.19)</para></listitem>
-Here is an extract of my CUPS server's <filename>page_log</filename> file to illustrate the
-format and included items:
-tec_IS2027 kurt 401 [22/Apr/2003:10:28:43 +0100] 1 3 #marketing
-tec_IS2027 kurt 401 [22/Apr/2003:10:28:43 +0100] 2 3 #marketing
-tec_IS2027 kurt 401 [22/Apr/2003:10:28:43 +0100] 3 3 #marketing
-tec_IS2027 kurt 401 [22/Apr/2003:10:28:43 +0100] 4 3 #marketing
-Dig9110 boss 402 [22/Apr/2003:10:33:22 +0100] 1 440 finance-dep
-This was job ID <parameter>401</parameter>, printed on <parameter>tec_IS2027</parameter>
-by user <parameter>kurt</parameter>, a 64-page job printed in three copies and billed to
-<parameter>#marketing</parameter>, sent from IP address <constant></constant>
- The next job had ID <parameter>402</parameter>, was sent by user <parameter>boss</parameter>
-from IP address <constant></constant>, printed from one page 440 copies and
-is set to be billed to <parameter>finance-dep</parameter>.
-<title>Possible Shortcomings</title>
-What flaws or shortcomings are there with this quota system?
-<listitem><para>The ones named above (wrongly logged job in case of
-printer hardware failure, and so on).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>In reality, CUPS counts the job pages that are being
-processed in <emphasis>software</emphasis> (that is, going through the
-RIP) rather than the physical sheets successfully leaving the
-printing device. Thus if there is a jam while printing the fifth sheet out
-of a thousand and the job is aborted by the printer, the page count will
-still show the figure of a thousand for that job.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>All quotas are the same for all users (no flexibility
-to give the boss a higher quota than the clerk) and no support for
-<listitem><para>No means to read out the current balance or the
-<quote>used-up</quote> number of current quota.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>A user having used up 99 sheets of a 100 quota will
-still be able to send and print a thousand sheet job.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>A user being denied a job because of a filled-up quota
-does not get a meaningful error message from CUPS other than
-<title>Future Developments</title>
-This is the best system currently available, and there are huge
-improvements under development for CUPS 1.2:
-<listitem><para>Page counting will go into the backends (these talk
-directly to the printer and will increase the count in sync with the
-actual printing process; thus, a jam at the fifth sheet will lead to a
-stop in the counting).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Quotas will be handled more flexibly.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Probably there will be support for users to inquire
-about their accounts in advance.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Probably there will be support for some other tools
-around this topic.</para></listitem>
-<!-- FIXME
-<title>Other Accounting Tools</title>
-PrintAnalyzer, pyKota, printbill, LogReport.
-<title>Additional Material</title>
-A printer queue with <emphasis>no</emphasis> PPD associated to it is a
-<quote>raw</quote> printer and all files will go directly there as received by the
-spooler. The exceptions are file types <parameter>application/octet-stream</parameter>
-that need passthrough feature enabled. <quote>Raw</quote> queues do not do any
-filtering at all, they hand the file directly to the CUPS backend.
-This backend is responsible for sending the data to the device
-(as in the <quote>device URI</quote> notation: <filename>lpd://, socket://,
-smb://, ipp://, http://, parallel:/, serial:/, usb:/</filename>, and so on).
-cupsomatic/Foomatic are <emphasis>not</emphasis> native CUPS drivers
-and they do not ship with CUPS. They are a third party add-on
-developed at As such, they are a brilliant hack to
-make all models (driven by Ghostscript drivers/filters in traditional
-spoolers) also work via CUPS, with the same (good or bad!) quality as
-in these other spoolers. <parameter>cupsomatic</parameter> is only a vehicle to execute a
-Ghostscript commandline at that stage in the CUPS filtering chain,
-where normally the native CUPS <parameter>pstoraster</parameter> filter would kick
-in. cupsomatic bypasses pstoraster, kidnaps the printfile from CUPS
-away and redirects it to go through Ghostscript. CUPS accepts this,
-because the associated cupsomatic/foomatic-PPD specifies:
- *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 cupsomatic"
-This line persuades CUPS to hand the file to cupsomatic, once it has
-successfully converted it to the MIME type
-<parameter>application/vnd.cups-postscript</parameter>. This conversion will not happen for
-Jobs arriving from Windows that are auto-typed
-<parameter>application/octet-stream</parameter>, with the according changes in
-<filename>/etc/cups/mime.types</filename> in place.
-CUPS is widely configurable and flexible, even regarding its filtering
-mechanism. Another workaround in some situations would be to have in
-<filename>/etc/cups/mime.types</filename> entries as follows:
- application/postscript application/vnd.cups-raw 0 -
- application/vnd.cups-postscript application/vnd.cups-raw 0 -
-This would prevent all PostScript files from being filtered (rather,
-they will through the virtual <emphasis>nullfilter</emphasis>
-denoted with <quote>-</quote>). This could only be useful for PS printers. If you
-want to print PS code on non-PS printers (provided they support ASCII
-text printing), an entry as follows could be useful:
- */* application/vnd.cups-raw 0 -
-and would effectively send <emphasis>all</emphasis> files to the
-backend without further processing.
-You could have the following entry:
-application/vnd.cups-postscript application/vnd.cups-raw 0 \
- my_PJL_stripping_filter
-You will need to write a <parameter>my_PJL_stripping_filter</parameter>
-(which could be a shell script) that parses the PostScript and removes the
-unwanted PJL. This needs to conform to CUPS filter design
-(mainly, receive and pass the parameters printername, job-id,
-username, jobtitle, copies, print options and possibly the
-filename). It is installed as world executable into
-<filename>/usr/lib/cups/filters/</filename> and is called by CUPS
-if it encounters a MIME type <parameter>application/vnd.cups-postscript</parameter>.
-CUPS can handle <parameter>-o job-hold-until=indefinite</parameter>.
-This keeps the job in the queue on hold. It will only be printed
-upon manual release by the printer operator. This is a requirement in
-many central reproduction departments, where a few operators manage
-the jobs of hundreds of users on some big machine, where no user is
-allowed to have direct access (such as when the operators often need
-to load the proper paper type before running the 10,000 page job
-requested by marketing for the mailing, and so on).
-<title>Auto-Deletion or Preservation of CUPS Spool Files</title>
-Samba print files pass through two spool directories. One is the
-incoming directory managed by Samba, (set in the
-directive in the <smbconfsection>[printers]</smbconfsection> section of
-&smb.conf;). The other is the spool directory of
-your UNIX print subsystem. For CUPS it is normally
-<filename>/var/spool/cups/</filename>, as set by the <filename>cupsd.conf</filename>
-directive <filename>RequestRoot /var/spool/cups</filename>.
-<title>CUPS Configuration Settings Explained</title>
-Some important parameter settings in the CUPS configuration file
-<filename>cupsd.conf</filename> are:
-<varlistentry><term>PreserveJobHistory Yes</term>
-This keeps some details of jobs in cupsd's mind (well it keeps the
-c12345, c12346, and so on, files in the CUPS spool directory, which do a
-similar job as the old-fashioned BSD-LPD control files). This is set
-to <quote>Yes</quote> as a default.
-<varlistentry><term>PreserveJobFiles Yes</term>
-This keeps the job files themselves in cupsd's mind
-(it keeps the d12345, d12346 etc. files in the CUPS spool
-directory). This is set to <quote>No</quote> as the CUPS
-<varlistentry><term><emphasis><quote>MaxJobs 500</quote></emphasis></term>
-This directive controls the maximum number of jobs
-that are kept in memory. Once the number of jobs reaches the limit,
-the oldest completed job is automatically purged from the system to
-make room for the new one. If all of the known jobs are still
-pending or active, then the new job will be rejected. Setting the
-maximum to 0 disables this functionality. The default setting is
-(There are also additional settings for <parameter>MaxJobsPerUser</parameter> and
-For everything to work as announced, you need to have three
-<listitem><para>A Samba-smbd that is compiled against <filename>libcups</filename> (check
-on Linux by running <userinput>ldd `which smbd'</userinput>).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>A Samba-&smb.conf; setting of
- <smbconfoption><name>printing</name><value>cups</value></smbconfoption>.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Another Samba-&smb.conf; setting of
- <smbconfoption><name>printcap</name><value>cups</value></smbconfoption>.</para></listitem>
-In this case, all other manually set printing-related commands (like
-<smbconfoption><name>print command</name></smbconfoption>,
-<smbconfoption><name>lpq command</name></smbconfoption>,
-<smbconfoption><name>lprm command</name></smbconfoption>,
-<smbconfoption><name>lppause command</name></smbconfoption> or
-<smbconfoption><name>lpresume command</name></smbconfoption>) are ignored and they should normally have no
-influence whatsoever on your printing.
-<title>Manual Configuration</title>
-If you want to do things manually, replace the <smbconfoption><name>printing</name><value>cups</value></smbconfoption>
-by <smbconfoption><name>printing</name><value>bsd</value></smbconfoption>. Then your manually set commands may work
-(I haven't tested this), and a <smbconfoption><name>print command</name><value>lp -d %P %s; rm %s"</value></smbconfoption>
-may do what you need.
-<title>Printing from CUPS to Windows Attached Printers</title>
->From time to time the question arises, how can you print
-<emphasis>to</emphasis> a Windows attached printer
-<emphasis>from</emphasis> Samba? Normally the local connection
-from Windows host to printer would be done by USB or parallel
-cable, but this does not matter to Samba. From here only an SMB
-connection needs to be opened to the Windows host. Of course, this
-printer must be shared first. As you have learned by now, CUPS uses
-<emphasis>backends</emphasis> to talk to printers and other
-servers. To talk to Windows shared printers, you need to use the
-<filename>smb</filename> (surprise, surprise!) backend. Check if this
-is in the CUPS backend directory. This usually resides in
-<filename>/usr/lib/cups/backend/</filename>. You need to find an <filename>smb</filename>
-file there. It should be a symlink to <filename>smbspool</filename>
-and the file must exist and be executable:
-&rootprompt;<userinput>ls -l /usr/lib/cups/backend/</userinput>
-total 253
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 720 Apr 30 19:04 .
-drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 125 Dec 19 17:13 ..
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10692 Feb 16 21:29 canon
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10692 Feb 16 21:29 epson
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Apr 17 22:50 http -&gt; ipp
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17316 Apr 17 22:50 ipp
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15420 Apr 20 17:01 lpd
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8656 Apr 20 17:01 parallel
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2162 Mar 31 23:15 pdfdistiller
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Apr 30 19:04 ptal -&gt; /usr/sbin/ptal-cups
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6284 Apr 20 17:01 scsi
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Apr 2 03:11 smb -&gt; /usr/bin/smbspool
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7912 Apr 20 17:01 socket
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9012 Apr 20 17:01 usb
-&rootprompt;<userinput>ls -l `which smbspool`</userinput>
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 563245 Dec 28 14:49 /usr/bin/smbspool
-If this symlink does not exist, create it:
-&rootprompt;<userinput>ln -s `which smbspool` /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb</userinput>
-<command>smbspool</command> has been written by Mike Sweet from the CUPS folks. It is
-included and ships with Samba. It may also be used with print
-subsystems other than CUPS, to spool jobs to Windows printer shares. To
-set up printer <replaceable>winprinter</replaceable> on CUPS, you need to have a driver for
-it. Essentially this means to convert the print data on the CUPS/Samba
-host to a format that the printer can digest (the Windows host is
-unable to convert any files you may send). This also means you should
-be able to print to the printer if it were hooked directly at your
-Samba/CUPS host. For troubleshooting purposes, this is what you
-should do to determine if that part of the process chain is in
-order. Then proceed to fix the network connection/authentication to
-the Windows host, and so on.
-To install a printer with the <parameter>smb</parameter> backend on CUPS, use this command:
-&rootprompt;<userinput>lpadmin -p winprinter -v smb://WINDOWSNETBIOSNAME/printersharename \
- -P /path/to/PPD</userinput>
-The PPD must be able to direct CUPS to generate
-the print data for the target model. For PostScript printers, just use
-the PPD that would be used with the Windows NT PostScript driver. But
-what can you do if the printer is only accessible with a password? Or
-if the printer's host is part of another workgroup? This is provided
-for: You can include the required parameters as part of the
-<filename>smb://</filename> device-URI like this:
- <listitem><filename>smb://WORKGROUP/WINDOWSNETBIOSNAME/printersharename</filename></listitem>
- <listitem><filename>smb://username:password@WORKGROUP/WINDOWSNETBIOSNAME/printersharename</filename></listitem>
- <listitem><filename>smb://username:password@WINDOWSNETBIOSNAME/printersharename</filename></listitem>
-Note that the device-URI will be visible in the process list of the
-Samba server (e.g., when someone uses the <command>ps -aux</command>
-command on Linux), even if the username and passwords are sanitized
-before they get written into the log files. So this is an inherently
-insecure option, however, it is the only one. Don't use it if you want
-to protect your passwords. Better share the printer in a way that
-does not require a password! Printing will only work if you have a
-working netbios name resolution up and running. Note that this is a
-feature of CUPS and you do not necessarily need to have smbd running.
-<title>More CUPS-Filtering Chains</title>
-The following diagrams reveal how CUPS handles print jobs.
-<image id="cups1"><imagefile>cups1</imagefile><imagedescription>Filtering chain 1.</imagedescription></image>
-<image id="cups2"><imagefile>cups2</imagefile><imagedescription>Filtering chain with cupsomatic</imagedescription></image>
- <title>Common Errors</title>
- <sect2>
- <title>Windows 9x/ME Client Can't Install Driver</title>
- <para>For Windows 9x/ME, clients require the printer names to be eight
-characters (or <quote>8 plus 3 chars suffix</quote>) max; otherwise, the driver files
-will not get transferred when you want to download them from
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title><quote>cupsaddsmb</quote> Keeps Asking for Root Password in Never-ending Loop</title>
- <para>Have you <smbconfoption><name>security</name><value>user</value></smbconfoption>? Have
-you used <command>smbpasswd</command> to give root a Samba account?
-You can do two things: open another terminal and execute
-<command>smbpasswd -a root</command> to create the account and
-continue entering the password into the first terminal. Or break
-out of the loop by pressing ENTER twice (without trying to type a
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title><quote>cupsaddsmb</quote> Errors</title>
- <para>
- The use of <quote>cupsaddsmb</quote> gives <quote>No PPD file for printer...</quote> Message While PPD File Is Present.
- What might the problem be?
- </para>
- <para>Have you enabled printer sharing on CUPS? This means:
-Do you have a <parameter>&lt;Location
-/printers&gt;....&lt;/Location&gt;</parameter> section in CUPS
-server's <filename>cupsd.conf</filename> that does not deny access to
-the host you run <quote>cupsaddsmb</quote> from? It <emphasis>could</emphasis> be
-an issue if you use cupsaddsmb remotely, or if you use it with a
-<option>-h</option> parameter: <userinput>cupsaddsmb -H
- sambaserver -h cupsserver -v printername</userinput>.
-<para>Is your
-<parameter>TempDir</parameter> directive in
-set to a valid value and is it writeable?
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Client Can't Connect to Samba Printer</title>
- <para>Use <command>smbstatus</command> to check which user
-you are from Samba's point of view. Do you have the privileges to
-write into the <smbconfsection>[print$]</smbconfsection>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>New Account Reconnection from Windows 200x/XP Troubles</title>
-<para>Once you are connected as the wrong user (for
-example, as <constant>nobody</constant>, which often occurs if you have
-<smbconfoption><name>map to guest</name><value>bad user</value></smbconfoption>), Windows Explorer will not accept an
-attempt to connect again as a different user. There will not be any byte
-transfered on the wire to Samba, but still you'll see a stupid error
-message that makes you think Samba has denied access. Use
-<command>smbstatus</command> to check for active connections. Kill the
-PIDs. You still can't re-connect and you get the dreaded
-<computeroutput>You can't connect with a second account from the same
-machine</computeroutput> message, as soon as you are trying. And you
-do not see any single byte arriving at Samba (see logs; use <quote>ethereal</quote>)
-indicating a renewed connection attempt. Shut all Explorer Windows.
-This makes Windows forget what it has cached in its memory as
-established connections. Then reconnect as the right user. The best
-method is to use a DOS terminal window and <emphasis>first</emphasis>
-do <userinput>net use z: \\&example.server.samba;\print$ /user:root</userinput>. Check
-with <command>smbstatus</command> that you are connected under a
-different account. Now open the <guilabel>Printers</guilabel> folder (on the Samba server
-in the <guilabel>Network Neighborhood</guilabel>), right-click on the
-printer in question and select
-<title>Avoid Being Connected to the Samba Server as the Wrong User</title>
-<para>You see per <command>smbstatus</command> that you are
-connected as user nobody; while you want to be root or
-printeradmin. This is probably due to
-<smbconfoption><name>map to guest</name><value>bad user</value></smbconfoption>, which silently connects you under the guest account
-when you gave (maybe by accident) an incorrect username. Remove
-<smbconfoption><name>map to guest</name></smbconfoption>, if you want to prevent
-<title>Upgrading to CUPS Drivers from Adobe Drivers</title>
-This information came from a mailinglist posting regarding problems experienced when
-upgrading from Adobe drivers to CUPS drivers on Microsoft Windows NT/200x/XP Clients.
-<para>First delete all old Adobe-using printers. Then
-delete all old Adobe drivers. (On Windows 200x/XP, right-click in
-the background of <guilabel>Printers</guilabel> folder, select <guimenuitem>Server Properties...</guimenuitem>, select
-tab <guilabel>Drivers</guilabel> and delete here).</para></sect2>
-<sect2><title>Can't Use <quote>cupsaddsmb</quote> on Samba Server Which Is a PDC</title>
-<para>Do you use the <quote>naked</quote> root user name? Try to do it
-this way: <userinput>cupsaddsmb -U <replaceable>DOMAINNAME</replaceable>\\root -v
-<replaceable>printername</replaceable></userinput>> (note the two backslashes: the first one is
-required to <quote>escape</quote> the second one).</para></sect2>
-<sect2><title>Deleted Windows 200x Printer Driver Is Still Shown</title>
-<para>Deleting a printer on the client will not delete the
-driver too (to verify, right-click on the white background of the
-<guilabel>Printers</guilabel> folder, select <guimenuitem>Server Properties</guimenuitem> and click on the
-<guilabel>Drivers</guilabel> tab). These same old drivers will be re-used when you try to
-install a printer with the same name. If you want to update to a new
-driver, delete the old ones first. Deletion is only possible if no
-other printer uses the same driver.</para></sect2>
-<sect2><title>Windows 200x/XP "Local Security Policies"</title>
-<para>Local Security Policies may not
-allow the installation of unsigned drivers. <quote>Local Security Policies</quote>
-may not allow the installation of printer drivers at
-<sect2><title>Administrator Cannot Install Printers for All Local Users</title>
-<para>Windows XP handles SMB printers on a <quote>per-user</quote> basis.
-This means every user needs to install the printer himself. To have a
-printer available for everybody, you might want to use the built-in
-IPP client capabilities of WinXP. Add a printer with the print path of
-We're still looking into this one. Maybe a logon script could
-automatically install printers for all
-<sect2><title>Print Change Notify Functions on NT-clients</title>
-<para>For print change, notify functions on NT++ clients.
-These need to run the <command>Server</command> service first (renamed to
-<command>File &amp; Print Sharing for MS Networks</command> in
-<para>WinXP-SP1 introduced a Point and Print Restriction Policy (this restriction does not apply to
-<quote>Administrator</quote> or <quote>Power User</quote> groups of users). In Group Policy
-Object Editor, go to <guimenu>User Configuration -> Administrative Templates ->
- Control Panel -> Printers</guimenu>. The policy is automatically set to
-<constant>Enabled</constant> and the <constant>Users can only Point
-and Print to machines in their Forest</constant> . You probably need
-to change it to <constant>Disabled</constant> or <constant>Users can
-only Point and Print to these servers</constant> to make
-driver downloads from Samba possible.
-<title>Print Options for All Users Can't Be Set on Windows 200x/XP</title>
-<para>How are you doing it? I bet the wrong way (it is not
-easy to find out, though). There are three different ways to bring
-you to a dialog that <emphasis>seems</emphasis> to set everything. All
-three dialogs <emphasis>look</emphasis> the same, yet only one of them
-does what you intend. You need to be
-Administrator or Print Administrator to do this for all users. Here
-is how I do in on XP:
-<orderedlist numeration="upperalpha">
-<listitem><para>The first wrong way:
-<listitem><para>Open the <guilabel>Printers</guilabel>
-<listitem><para>Right-click on the printer
-(<guilabel>remoteprinter on cupshost</guilabel>) and
-select in context menu <guimenuitem>Printing
-<listitem><para>Look at this dialog closely and remember what it looks
-<listitem><para>The second wrong way:
-<listitem><para>Open the <guilabel>Printers</guilabel>
-<listitem><para>Right-click on the printer (<guilabel>remoteprinter on
-cupshost</guilabel>) and select the context menu
-<listitem><para>Click on the <guilabel>General</guilabel>
-<listitem><para>Click on the button <guibutton>Printing
-<listitem><para>A new dialog opens. Keep this dialog open and go back
-to the parent dialog.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The third, and the correct way:
-<listitem><para>Open the <guilabel>Printers</guilabel>
-<listitem><para>Click on the <guilabel>Advanced</guilabel>
-tab. (If everything is <quote>grayed out,</quote> then you are not logged
-in as a user with enough privileges).</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Click on the <guibutton>Printing
-Defaults...</guibutton> button.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>On any of the two new tabs, click on the
-<listitem><para>A new dialog opens. Compare this one to the other
-identical looking one from <quote>B.5</quote> or A.3".</para></listitem>
-Do you see any difference? I don't either. However, only the last
-one, which you arrived at with steps <quote>C.1.-6.</quote>, will save any settings
-permanently and be the defaults for new users. If you want all clients
-to get the same defaults, you need to conduct these steps <emphasis>as
-Administrator</emphasis> (<smbconfoption><name>printer admin</name></smbconfoption> in
-&smb.conf;) <emphasis>before</emphasis> a client
-downloads the driver (the clients can later set their own
-<emphasis>per-user defaults</emphasis> by following the
-procedures <emphasis>A</emphasis> or <emphasis>B</emphasis>
-<sect2><title>Most Common Blunders in Driver Settings on Windows Clients</title>
-<para>Don't use <parameter>Optimize for
-Speed</parameter>, but use <parameter>Optimize for
-Portability</parameter> instead (Adobe PS Driver). Don't use
-<parameter>Page Independence: No</parameter>: always
-settle with <parameter>Page Independence:
-Yes</parameter> (Microsoft PS Driver and CUPS PS Driver for
-Windows NT/200x/XP). If there are problems with fonts, use
-<parameter>Download as Softfont into
-printer</parameter> (Adobe PS Driver). For
-<guilabel>TrueType Download Options</guilabel>
-choose <constant>Outline</constant>. Use PostScript
-Level 2, if you are having trouble with a non-PS printer and if
-there is a choice.</para></sect2>
-<sect2><title><command>cupsaddsmb</command> Does Not Work with Newly Installed Printer</title>
-<para>Symptom: The last command of
-<command>cupsaddsmb</command> does not complete successfully:
-<command>cmd = setdriver printername printername</command> result was
-NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL then possibly the printer was not yet
-recognized by Samba. Did it show up in Network
-Neighborhood? Did it show up i n <command>rpcclient
-hostname -c `enumprinters'</command>? Restart smbd (or send a
-<command>kill -HUP</command> to all processes listed by
-<command>smbstatus</command> and try
-<title>Permissions on <filename>/var/spool/samba/</filename> Get Reset After Each Reboot</title>
-<para>Have you ever by accident set the CUPS spool directory to
-the same location? (<parameter>RequestRoot /var/spool/samba/</parameter> in <filename>cupsd.conf</filename> or
-the other way round: <filename>/var/spool/cups/</filename> is set as
-<smbconfoption><name>path</name></smbconfoption>> in the <smbconfsection>[printers]</smbconfsection>
-section). These <parameter>must</parameter> be different. Set
-<parameter>RequestRoot /var/spool/cups/</parameter> in
-<filename>cupsd.conf</filename> and <smbconfoption><name>path</name><value>
-/var/spool/samba</value></smbconfoption> in the <smbconfsection>[printers]</smbconfsection>
-section of &smb.conf;. Otherwise cupsd will
-sanitize permissions to its spool directory with each restart and
-printing will not work reliably.</para></sect2>
-<title>Print Queue Called <quote>lp</quote> Mis-handles Print Jobs</title>
-In this case a print queue called <quote>lp</quote> intermittently swallows jobs and
-spits out completely different ones from what was sent.
-<para>It is a bad idea to name any printer <quote>lp</quote>. This
-is the traditional UNIX name for the default printer. CUPS may be set
-up to do an automatic creation of Implicit Classes. This means, to
-group all printers with the same name to a pool of devices, and
-load-balancing the jobs across them in a round-robin fashion. Chances
-are high that someone else has a printer named <quote>lp</quote> too. You may
-receive his jobs and send your own to his device unwittingly. To have
-tight control over the printer names, set <parameter>BrowseShortNames
-No</parameter>. It will present any printer as <replaceable>printername@cupshost</replaceable>
-and then gives you better control over what may happen in a large
-networked environment.</para></sect2>
-<sect2><title>Location of Adobe PostScript Driver Files for <quote>cupsaddsmb</quote></title>
-<para>Use <command>smbclient</command> to connect to any
-Windows box with a shared PostScript printer: <command>smbclient
-//windowsbox/print\$ -U guest</command>. You can navigate to the
-<filename>W32X86/2</filename> subdir to <command>mget ADOBE*</command>
-and other files or to <filename>WIN40/0</filename> to do the same.
-Another option is to download the <filename>*.exe</filename> packaged
-files from the Adobe Web site.</para></sect2>
-<title>Overview of the CUPS Printing Processes</title>
-<para>A complete overview of the CUPS printing processes can be found in <link linkend="a_small"/>.</para>
-<image id="a_small"><imagedescription>CUPS printing overview.</imagedescription>
- <imagefile>a_small</imagefile>