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+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">
+<book id="samba-pdc-howto">
+<title>The Samba 2.2 PDC HowTo </title>
+<!-- ========================================================
+ To produce html from this file
+ jade -E10 -t sgml -d html.dsl ntdom.sgml
+ This assumes that html.dsl is present in the current dir, it includes
+ a couple of defines and then refers to the DSSSL html stylesheet.
+ =========================================================== -->
+ <author><firstname>David</><surname>Bannon</>
+ <affiliation><orgname>La Trobe University</orgname></affiliation>
+ </author>
+ <pubdate>November 2000</pubdate>
+ <para>Comments, corrections and additions to <email></email></para>
+ <para>
+ This document explains how to setup Samba as a Primary Domain Controller and
+ applies to version 2.2.0.
+ Before
+ using these functions make sure you understand what the controller can and cannot do.
+ Please read the sections below in the Introduction.
+ As 2.2.0 is incrementally updated
+ this document will change or become out of date very quickly, make sure you are
+ reading the most current version.
+ </para>
+ <para>Please note this document does not apply to Samba2.2alpha0, Samba2.2alpha1,
+ Samba 2.0.7, TNG nor HEAD branch.</para>
+ <para>It does apply to the current (post November 27th) cvs.</para>
+ <para>
+ Also available is an updated version of Jerry Carter's NTDom <ulink url="samba-pdc-faq.html">
+ FAQ</> that will answer lots of
+ the special 'tuning' questions that are not covered here. Over the next couple of weeks
+ some of the items here will be moved to the FAQ.
+ </para>
+<toc> </toc>
+<!-- ================ I N T R O D U C T I O N ==================== -->
+This document will show you one way of making Version 2.2.0
+of Samba perform some of the tasks of a
+NT Primary Domain Controller. The facilities described are built into Samba as a result of
+development work done over a number of years by a large number of people. These facilities
+are only just beginning to be officially supported and although they do appear to work reliably,
+if you use them then you take the risks upon your self. This document does not cover the
+developmental versions of Samba, particularly
+<ulink url=""><citetitle>Samba-TNG</citetitle></ulink>
+<para>Note that <ulink url="">Samba 2.0.7</>
+ supports significently less of the NT Domain facilities compared with 2.2.0
+ </para>
+ This document does not replace the text files DOMAIN_CONTROL.txt, DOMAIN.txt (by
+ John H Terpstra) or NTDOMAIN.txt (by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton). Those documents provide
+ more detail and an insight to the development
+ cycle and should be considered 'further reading'.
+<sect1><title>What can we do ?</title>
+ <listitem><para>Permit 'domain logons' for Win95/98, NT4 and W2K workstations from one central
+ password database. WRT W2K, please see the section about adding machine
+ accounts and the Intro in the <ulink url="samba-pdc-faq.html">FAQ</>.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Grant Administrator privileges to particular domain users on an
+ NT or W2K workstation.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Apply policies from a domain policy file to NT and W2K (?)
+ workstation.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Run the appropriate logon script when a user logs on to the domain
+ .</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Maintain a user's local profile on the server.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Validate a user using another system via smb (such as smb_pam) and
+ soon winbind (?).</para></listitem>
+<sect1><title>What can't we do ?</title>
+ <listitem><para> Become or work with a Backup Domain Controller (a BDC).</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para> Participate in any sort of trust relationship (with either Samba or NT
+ Servers).</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para> Offer a list of domain users to User Manager for Domains
+ on the Security Tab etc).</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Be a W2K type of Domain Controller. Samba PDC will behave like
+ an NT PDC, W2K workstations connect in legacy mode.</para></listitem>
+<!-- ================== I N S T A L L I N G ===================== -->
+ <para>Installing consists of the usual download, configure, make and make
+ install process. These steps are well documented elsewhere.
+ The <ulink url="samba-pdc-faq.html">FAQ</> discusses getting pre-release versions via CVS.
+ Then you need to configure the server.</para>
+<sect1><title>Start Up Script</title>
+ <para>Skip this section if you have a working Samba already.
+ Everyone has their own favourite startup script. Here is mine, offered with no warrantee
+ at all !</para>
+ #!/bin/sh
+ # Script to control Samba server, David Bannon, 14-6-96
+ #
+ #
+ PATH=/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
+ export PATH
+ case "$1" in
+ 'start')
+ if [ -f /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd ]
+ then
+ /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -D
+ /usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd -D
+ echo "Starting Samba Server"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 'conf')
+ if [ -f /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf ]
+ then
+ vi /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 'pw')
+ if [ -f /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd ]
+ then
+ vi /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 'who')
+ /usr/local/samba/bin/smbstatus -b
+ ;;
+ 'restart')
+ psline=`/bin/ps x | grep smbd | grep -v grep`
+ if [ "$psline" != "" ]
+ then
+ while [ "$psline" != "" ]
+ do
+ psline=`/bin/ps x | fgrep smbd | grep -v grep`
+ if [ "$psline" ]
+ then
+ set -- $psline
+ pid=$1
+ /bin/kill -HUP $pid
+ echo "Stopped $pid line = $psline"
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ echo "Stopped Samba servers"
+ ;;
+ 'stop')
+ psline=`/bin/ps x | grep smbd | grep -v grep`
+ if [ "$psline" != "" ]
+ then
+ while [ "$psline" != "" ]
+ do
+ psline=`/bin/ps x | fgrep smbd | grep -v grep`
+ if [ "$psline" ]
+ then
+ set -- $psline
+ pid=$1
+ /bin/kill -9 $pid
+ echo "Stopped $pid line = $psline"
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ echo "Stopped Samba servers"
+ psline=`/bin/ps x | grep nmbd | grep -v grep`
+ if [ "$psline" ]
+ then
+ set -- $psline
+ pid=$1
+ /bin/kill -9 $pid
+ echo "Stopped Name Server "
+ fi
+ echo "Stopped Name Servers"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "usage: samba {start | restart |stop | conf | pw | who}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+<para> Use this script, or some other one, you will need to ensure its used while the machine
+ is booting. (This typically involves <filename>/etc/rc.d</filename>, we'll be
+ assuming that there is a script called
+ samba in <filename>/etc/rc.d/init.d</filename> further down in this document.)
+<sect1><title>Config File</title>
+<sect2><title id=configfile>A sample conf file</title>
+ <para>Here is a fairly minimal config file to do PDC. It will also make the server
+ become the browse master for the
+ specified domain (not necessary but usually desirable). You will need to change only
+ two parameters to make this
+ file work, <filename>wins server</filename> and <filename>workgroup</filename>, plus
+ you will need to put your own name (not mine!) in the <filename>domain admin users</> fields.
+ Some of the parameters are discussed further down this document.</para>
+ <para>Assuming you have used the default install directories, this file should appear as
+ <filename>/usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf</filename>. It should not be
+ writable by anyone except root.</para>
+ <note><para>The 'add user script' parameter is a work-around, watch for changes !</></>
+ <programlisting>
+ [global]
+ security = user
+ status = yes
+ workgroup = { Your domain name here }
+ wins server = { ip of a wins server if you have one }
+ encrypt passwords = yes
+ domain logons =yes
+ logon script = scripts\%U.bat
+ domain admin users = root dbannon andrew
+ add user script = /usr/sbin/adduser -n -g machines -c Machine -d /dev/null -s /bin/false %m$
+ guest account = ftp
+ share modes=no
+ os level=65
+ [homes]
+ guest ok = no
+ read only = no
+ create mask = 0700
+ directory mask = 0700
+ oplocks = false
+ locking = no
+ [netlogon]
+ path = /usr/local/samba/netlogon
+ writeable = no
+ guest ok = no
+<sect2><title>PDC Config Parameters</title>
+<variablelist><title>There are a huge range of parameters that may appear in a smb.conf file. Some
+ that may be of interest to a PDC are :</title>
+<varlistentry><term>add user script</term>
+ <listitem><para>This parameter specifies a script (or program) that will be run
+ to add a user to the system. Here it is being used to add a machine, not a user.
+ This is probably not very nice and may change. But it does work !</para>
+ <para>For this example, I have a group called 'machines', entries can be added to
+ <filename>/etc/passwd</> using a programme called <filename>/usr/adduser</> and
+ the other parameters are chosen as suitable for a machine account. Works for
+ RH Linux, your system may require changes.</para>
+ </listitem>
+<varlistentry><term>domain admin users = user1 users2</term>
+ <listitem><para>This parameter specifies a unix user who will be granted admin privileges
+ on a NT workstation when
+ logged onto that workstation. See the section called <link linkend=domainadmin>
+ Domain Admin</> Accounts.</para>
+ </listitem>
+<varlistentry><term>encrypt passwords = yes</term>
+ <listitem><para>This parameter must be 'yes' to allow any of the recent service pack NTs to logon. There are some reg hacks that
+ turn off encrypted passwords on the NTws itself but if you are going to use the smbpasswd system (and you
+ should) you must use encrypted passwords.</para>
+ </listitem>
+<varlistentry><term>logon script = scripts\%U.bat</term>
+ <listitem><para>This will make samba look for a logon script named after the user
+ (eg joeblow.bat).
+ See the section further on called <link linkend=logonscript>Logon Scripts</></para>
+ <note><para>Note that the slash is like this '\', not like this '/'.
+ NT is happy with both, win95 is not !</para></note>
+ </listitem>
+<varlistentry><term>logon path</term>
+ <listitem><para>Lets you specify where you would like users profiles kept. The default, that is in the users
+ home directory, does encourage a bit of fiddling.</para>
+ </listitem>
+<sect1><title>Special directories</title>
+ <para>You need to create a couple of special files and directories. Its nice
+ to have some of the binaries handy too, so I create links to them. Assuming
+ you have used the default samba location and have not
+ changed the locations mentioned in the sample config file, do the following :</para>
+ <programlisting>
+ mkdir /usr/local/samba/netlogon
+ mkdir /usr/local/samba/netlogon/scripts
+ mkdir /usr/local/samba/private
+ touch /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd
+ chmod go-rwx /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd
+ cd /usr/local/sbin
+ ln -s /usr/local/samba/bin/smbpasswd
+ ln -s /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient
+ ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/samba
+ <para>Make sure permissions are appropriate !</para>
+ <para>OK, if you have used the scripts above and have a path to where the links are do this to start up
+ the Samba Server :</para>
+ <para><command>samba start</command></para>
+ <para>Instead, you might like to reboot the machine to make sure that you
+ got the init stuff right. Any way, a quick look in the logs
+ <filename>/usr/local/samba/var/log.smbd</filename> and <filename>
+ /usr/local/samba/var/log/nmbd</filename>
+ will give you an idea of what's happening. Assuming all is well, lets create
+ some accounts...</para>
+ <!-- ================== U S E R and M A C H I N E A C C O U N T S ================ -->
+<chapter><title>User and Machine Accounts</title>
+<sect1><title>Logon Accounts</title>
+ <para><emphasis role=bold>This section is very nearly out of date already !</emphasis> It
+ appears that while you are reading it, Jean Francois Micou is making it
+ redundant ! Jean Francois is adding facilities to add users
+ (via User Manager) and machines (when joining the domain) and it looks like these facilities will
+ make it into the official release of 2.2.</para>
+ <para>Every user and NTws (and other samba servers) that will be on the domain
+ must have its own passwd entry in both <filename>/etc/passwd</filename> and
+ <filename>/usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd</filename> .
+ The <filename>/etc/passwd</filename> entry is really
+ only to reserve a user ID. The NT encrypted password is stored in
+ <filename>/usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd</filename>.
+ (Note that win95/98 machines don't need an account as they don't do
+ any security aware things.)</para>
+ <para>Samba 2.2 will now create these entries for us. Carefull set up is required
+ and there may well be some changes to this system before its released.
+ </para>
+<sect1 id=machineaccount><title>Machine Accounts</title>
+ <note><para>There is an entry in the ntdom <ulink url="samba-pdc-faq.html">FAQ</> explaining how to create
+ machine entries manually.</para></note>
+<variablelist><title><emphasis>At present</> to have the machine accounts created when a machine joins
+ the domain a number of conditions must be met :</title>
+<varlistentry><term>Only root can do it !</term>
+ <listitem><para>There must be an entry in <filename>/usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd</filename>
+ for root and root must be mentioned in <filename>domain admins</filename>. This may
+ be fixed some time in the future so any 'domain admin' can do it. If you don't
+ like having root as a windows logon account, make the machine
+ entries manually (both of them).</para>
+ </listitem>
+<varlistentry><term>Use the <filename>add user script</></term>
+ <listitem><para>Again, this looks a bit like a 'work around'. Use a suitable
+ command line to add a machine account <link linkend=configfile>see above</link>,
+ and pass it %m$, that is %m to get machine name plus the '$'. Now, this
+ means you cannot use the <filename>add user script</> to really add users .... </para>
+ </listitem>
+<varlistentry><term>Only for W2K</term>
+ <listitem><para>This automatic creation of machine accounts does not work for
+ NT4ws at present. Watch this space.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
+<sect1><title>Joining the Domain</title>
+ <para>You must have either added the machine account entries manually (NT4 ws)
+ or set up the automatic system (W2K), <link linkend=machineaccount>see Machine Accounts</link>
+ before proceeding.</para>
+<varlistentry><term><command>Windows NT</></term><listitem>
+ <listitem><para> (<emphasis>this step may not be necessary some time in the near future</>).
+ On the samba server that is the PDC, add a machine account manually
+ as per the instructions in the <ulink url="samba-pdc-faq.html">FAQ</>
+ Then give the command <command>smbpasswd -a -m {machine}</> substituting in the
+ client machine name.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para> Logon to the NTws in question as a local admin, go to the
+ <command>Control Panel, Network IdentificationTag</command>.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para> Press the <command>Change</> button.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para> Enter the Domain name (from the 'Workgroup' parameter, smb.conf)
+ in the Domain Field.</para></listitem>
+<!-- <listitem><para> Now enter a user name
+ and password for a Domain Admin <emphasis>(Who must be root
+ until a pre-release bug is fixed)</emphasis> and press
+ 'OK'.</para></listitem> -->
+ <listitem><para> Press OK and after a few seconds you will get a 'Welcome to Whatever Domain'.
+ Allow to reboot.</para></listitem>
+<varlistentry><term><command>Windows 2000</></term><listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Logon to the W2k machine as Administrator, go to the Control
+ Panel and double click on <command>Network and Dialup Connections</>.
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Pull down the <command>Advanced</> menu and choose
+ <command>Network Identification</>. Press <command>Properties
+ </>. </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Choose <command>Domain</> and enter the domain name. Press 'OK'.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Now enter a user name and password for a Domain Admin
+ <emphasis>(Who must be root until a pre-release bug is fixed)</emphasis> and press
+ 'OK'.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Wait for the confirmation, reboot when prompted.</para></listitem>
+ <para>To remove a W2K machine from the domain, follow the first two steps then
+ choose <command>Workgroup</>, enter a work group name (or just WORKGROUP) and follow
+ the prompts.</para>
+<sect1><title id=useraccount>User Accounts</title>
+ <para><emphasis>Again, doing it manually (cos' the auto way is not working pre-release).
+ </emphasis>
+ In our simple case every domain user should have an account on the PDC. The
+ account may have a null shell if they are not allowed to log on to the unix
+ prompt. Again they need an entry in both the <filename>/etc/passwd</filename> and
+ <filename>/usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd</filename>. Again a password is
+ not necessary in <filename>/etc/passwd</filename> but the location
+ of the home directory is honoured.
+ To make an entry for a user called Joe Blow you would typically do the following :</para>
+ <para><command>adduser -g users -c 'Joe Blow' -s /bin/false -n joeblow</command></para>
+ <para><command>smbpasswd -a joeblow</command></para>
+ <para>And you will prompted to enter a password for Joe. Ideally he will be
+ hovering over your shoulder and will, when asked, type in a password of
+ his choice. There are a number of scripts and systems to ease the migration of users
+ from somewhere to samba. Better start looking !</para>
+<sect1><title id=domainadmin>Domain Admin Accounts</title>
+ <para>Certain operations demand that the logged on user has Administrator
+ privileges, typically installing software and
+ doing maintenance tasks. It is very simple to appoint some users as Domain Admins,
+ most likely yourself. Make
+ sure you trust the appointee !</para>
+ <para>Samba 2.2 recognizes particular users as being
+ domain admins and tells the NTws when it thinks that it has got one logged on.
+ In the smb.conf file we declare
+ that the <filename>Domain Admin users = user1 user2</filename>.
+ Any user mentioned here will be treated as a Domain Admin by a NTws when
+ logged onto the Domain. They will have full Administrator rights
+ including the rights to change permissions on files and run the system
+ utilities such as Disk Administrator.</para>
+ <para>Further, and this is very new, they will be allowed to create a
+ new machine account when first connecting a new NT or W2K machine to
+ the domain. <emphasis>At present, ie pre-release, only a Domain Admin who
+ also happens to be root can do so. </emphasis></para>
+<!-- ======== P R O F I L E S P O L I C I E S and L O G O N S C R I P T S ======= -->
+<chapter><title>Profiles, Policies and Logon Scripts</title>
+ <para>NT Profiles should work if you have followed the setup so far.
+ A user's profile contains a whole lot of their personal settings,
+ the contents of their desktop, personal 'My Documents' and so on.
+ When they log off, all of the profile is copied to their directory
+ on the server and is downloaded again when they logon on again, possibly
+ on another client machine.</para>
+ <para>Sounds great but can be a bit of a bug bear sometimes. Users let
+ their profiles get too big and then complain about how long it takes
+ to log on each time. This sample setup only supports NT profiles,
+ rumor has it that it is also possible to do the same on Win95, my
+ users don't know and I'm not telling them.</para>
+ <note><para>There is more info about Profiles (including for W95/98)
+ in the <ulink url="samba-pdc-faq.html">FAQ</>.</para></note>
+ <para>Policies are an easy way to make or enforce specific characteristics across your network. You create a ntconfig.pol
+ file and every time someone logs on with their NTws, the settings you put in ntconfig.pol are applied to the NTws.
+ Typical setting are things like making the date appear the way you want it (none of these 2 figure years here) or
+ maybe suppressing one of the splash screens. Perhaps you want to set the NTws so it does not keep users profiles
+ on the local machine. Cool. The only problem is making the ntconfig.pol file itself. You cannot use the policy editor
+ that comes with NTws.</para>
+ <note><para>See the <ulink url="samba-pdc-faq.html">FAQ</> for pointers on how to get a suitable Policy Editor.</para></note>
+ <para>The Policy Editor (and associated files) will create a
+ <filename>ntconfig.pol</filename> file using the
+ parameters Microsoft thought of and parameters you specify by making your own
+ template file.</para>
+ <para>In our example configuration here, Samba will expect to find
+ the <filename>ntconfig.pol</filename> file in
+ <filename>/usr/local/samba/netlogon</filename>. Needless to say (I hope !),
+ it is vitally important that ordinary users don't have
+ write permission to the Policy files.</para>
+<sect1><title id=logonscript>Logon Scripts</title>
+ <para>In the sample config file above there is a line
+ <filename>logon script = scripts\%U.bat</filename></para>
+ <note><para>Note that the slash is like this '\' not like this '/'.
+ NT is happy with both, win95 is not !</para></note>
+ <para>This allows you to run a dos batch file every time someone logs on. The batch
+ file is located on the server, in the sample install mentioned here,
+ its in <filename>/usr/local/samba/netlogon/scripts</filename> and
+ is named after the user with <filename>.bat</filename> appended, eg Joe
+ Blow's script is called <filename>/usr/local/samba/netlogon/scripts/joeblow.bat</filename>.</para>
+ <note><para>There is a suggestion that user names longer than 8 characters may cause
+ problems with some systems being unable to run logon scripts. This is confirmed in earlier
+ versions when connecting using W95, comments about other combinations ??</para></note>
+ <para>You could use a line like this <filename>logon script = default.bat</> and samba
+ will supply <filename>/usr/local/samba/netlogon/default.bat</> for any client and every
+ user. Maybe you could use %m and get a client machine dependant logon script.
+ You get the idea...</para>
+ <para>Note that the file is a dos batch file not a Unix script. It runs dos commands on the client
+ computer with the logon user's permissions. It must be a dos file with each line ending with
+ the dos cr/lf not a nice clean newline. Generally,
+ its best to create the initial file on a DOS system and copy it across.</para>
+ <para>There is lots of very clever uses of the Samba replaceable variables such
+ ( %U = user, %G = primary group, %H = client machine, see the 'man 5 smb.conf') to
+ give you control over which script runs when a particular person logs
+ on. (Gee, it would be nice to have a default.bat run when nothing else is available.)</para>
+ <para>Again, it is vitally important that ordinary users don't have write
+ permission to other peoples, or even probably their own, logon script files.</para>
+ <para>A typical logon script is reproduced below. Note that it runs separate
+ commands for win95 and NT, that's because NT has slightly different behaviour
+ when using the <filename>net use ..</filename> command. Its useful for lots of
+ other situations too. I don't know what syntax to use for win98, I don't use it
+ here.</para>
+ rem Default logon script, create links to this file.
+ net time \\bioserve /set /yes
+ @echo off
+ if %OS%.==Windows_NT. goto WinNT
+ :Win95
+ net use k: \\trillion\bio_prog
+ net use p: \\bcfile\homes
+ goto end
+ :WinNT
+ net use k: \\trillion\bio_prog /persistent:no
+ net use p: \\bcfile\homes /persistent:no
+ :end
+<chapter><title>Passwords and Authentication</title>
+ <para>So far our configuration assumes that ordinary users don't have unix logon access. A change
+ to the <link linkend=useraccount><filename>adduser</></> line above would allow unix logon
+ but it would be with passwords that may
+ be different from the NT logon. Clearly that won't suit everyone. Trying to explain to users
+ that they need to change their passwords in two seperate places is not fun.
+ Further, even if they cannot do a unix logon there are other processes that
+ might require authentication. We have a nice securely encrypted password in
+ <filename>/usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd</filename>, why not use it ?</para>
+<sect2><title>Syncing Passwords</title>
+ <para>Yes, its possible and seems the easiest way (initially anyway).
+ The <ulink url="samba-pdc-faq.html">FAQ</> details how to
+ do so in the sections <emphasis>What is password sync and should I use it ?</> and <emphasis>
+ How do I get remote password (unix and SMB) changing working ?</></para>
+<sect2><title>Using PAM</title>
+ <para>Pam enabled systems have a much better solution available. The Samba
+ PDC server will offer to authenticate domain users to other processes
+ (either on this server or on the domain). With a suitable pam stack
+ such as <ulink url=""> Pam_smb</ulink>
+ you can get any pam aware application looking to the samba password and
+ can leave the password field in <filename>/etc/shadow</filename>
+ or <filename>/etc/passwd</filename> invalid.</para>
+<sect2><title>Authenticating other Samba Servers</title>
+ <para>In a domain that has a number of servers you only need one password database.
+ The machines that don't have their own ask the PDC to check for them.
+ This will work fine for a domain controlled by either a Samba or NT machine.</para>
+ <para>To do so the Samba machine must be told to refer to the PDC and where the PDC is.
+ See the section in the NTDom <ulink url="samba-pdc-faq.html">FAQ</> called <emphasis>How do I get my samba server to
+ become a member ( not PDC ) of an NT domain?</></para>
+ <para>It might help you understand the limitations of the PDC in Samba if you
+ read something of its history. Well, the history as I understand it anyway.</para>
+ <para>For many years the Samba team have been developing Samba, some time ago
+ a number of people, possibly lead by Luke Leighton started contributing NT
+ PDC stuff. This was added to the 'head' stream (that would eventually
+ become the next version) and later to a seperate stream (NTDom). They did so
+ much that eventually this development stream was so mutated that it could not
+ be merged back into the main stream and was abandoned towards the end of 1999.
+ And that was very sad because many users, myself include had become heavily
+ dependant on the NTController facilities it offered. Oh well...</para>
+ <para>The NTDom team continued on with their new found knowledge however and
+ built the TNG stream. Intended to be carefully controlled so that it can be
+ merged back into the main stream and benefiting from what they learnt, it is
+ a very different product to the origional NTDom product. However, for a
+ number of reasons, the merge did not take place and now TNG is being developed
+ at <ulink url=""></>.</para>
+ <para>Now, the NTDom things that the main strean 2.0.x version does is based more
+ on the old (initial version) abandoned code than on the TNG ideas. It appears
+ that version 2.2.0 will also include an improved version of the 2.0.7 domain
+ controller charactistics, not the TNG ways. The developers have indicated
+ that 2.2.0 will be further developed incrementally and the ideas from TNG
+ incorporated into it.</para>
+ <para>One more little wriggle is worth mentioning. At one stage the NTDom
+ stream was called Samba 2.1.0-prealpha and similar names. This is most
+ unfortunate because at least one book published advises people who want to
+ use NTDom Samba to get version 2.1.0 or later. As main stream Samba will soon
+ be called 2.2.0 and NOT officially supporting NTDom Controlling functions,
+ the potential for confusion is certainly there.</para>
+<sect2><title>The Future</title>
+ <para>There is a document on the Samba mirrors called <emphasis>'Development'
+ </emphasis>. It offers the 'best guess' of what is planned for future releases
+ of Samba.</para>
+ <para>The future of Samba as a Primary Domain Controller appears rosie, however
+ be aware that its the future, not the present. The developers are strongly committed
+ to building a full featured PDC into Samba but it will take time. If this
+ version does not meet your requirements then you should consider (in no particular
+ order) :</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para> Wait. No, we don't know how long. Repeated asking won't help.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Investigate the development versions, TNG perhaps or HEAD where new code is being added
+ all the time. Realise that development code is often unstable, poorly documented and subject to change.
+ You will need to use cvs to download development versions.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Join one of the Samba mailing lists so that you can find out
+ what is happening on the 'bleeding edge'.</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+<sect2><title>Getting further help</title>
+ <para>This document cannot possibly answer all your questions. Please understand that its very
+ likely that someone has been confrounted by the same problem that you have. The
+ <ulink url="samba-pdc-faq.html">FAQ</>
+ discusses a number of possible paths to take to get further help :</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>Documents on the Samba Sites.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Other web sites.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Mailing list.</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>There is some discussion about guide lines for using the Mailing Lists on the
+ accompanying <ulink url="samba-pdc-faq.html">FAQ</>,
+ please read them before posting.</para>