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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
+<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"><title>Chapter 2. Compiling and installing Samba on a Unix host</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="samba.css" type="text/css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.59.1"><link rel="home" href="samba-faq.html" title="Samba FAQ"><link rel="up" href="samba-faq.html" title="Samba FAQ"><link rel="previous" href="FAQ-general.html" title="Chapter 1. General Information"><link rel="next" href="FAQ-Config.html" title="Chapter 3. Configuration problems"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter 2. Compiling and installing Samba on a Unix host</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="FAQ-general.html">Prev</a> </td><th width="60%" align="center"> </th><td width="20%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="FAQ-Config.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr></div><div class="chapter" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title"><a name="FAQ-Install"></a>Chapter 2. Compiling and installing Samba on a Unix host</h2></div></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><a href="FAQ-Install.html#id2808542">I can't see the Samba server in any browse lists!</a></dt><dt><a href="FAQ-Install.html#id2811456">Some files that I KNOW are on the server don't show up when I view the files from my client!</a></dt><dt><a href="FAQ-Install.html#id2811470">Some files on the server show up with really wierd filenames when I view the files from my client!</a></dt><dt><a href="FAQ-Install.html#id2860743">My client reports &quot;cannot locate specified computer&quot; or similar</a></dt><dt><a href="FAQ-Install.html#id2860797">My client reports &quot;cannot locate specified share name&quot; or similar</a></dt><dt><a href="FAQ-Install.html#id2806029">Printing doesn't work</a></dt><dt><a href="FAQ-Install.html#id2807904">My client reports &quot;This server is not configured to list shared resources&quot;</a></dt><dt><a href="FAQ-Install.html#id2807925">Log message &quot;you appear to have a trapdoor uid system&quot; </a></dt><dt><a href="FAQ-Install.html#id2807990">Why are my file's timestamps off by an hour, or by a few hours?</a></dt><dt><a href="FAQ-Install.html#id2811127">How do I set the printer driver name correctly?</a></dt></dl></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2808542"></a>I can't see the Samba server in any browse lists!</h2></div></div><p>
+See Browsing.html in the docs directory of the samba source
+for more information on browsing.
+If your GUI client does not permit you to select non-browsable
+servers, you may need to do so on the command line. For example, under
+Lan Manager you might connect to the above service as disk drive M:
+</p><pre class="programlisting">
+ net use M: \\mary\fred
+The details of how to do this and the specific syntax varies from
+client to client - check your client's documentation.
+</p></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2811456"></a>Some files that I KNOW are on the server don't show up when I view the files from my client!</h2></div></div><p>See the next question.</p></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2811470"></a>Some files on the server show up with really wierd filenames when I view the files from my client!</h2></div></div><p>
+If you check what files are not showing up, you will note that they
+are files which contain upper case letters or which are otherwise not
+DOS-compatible (ie, they are not legal DOS filenames for some reason).
+The Samba server can be configured either to ignore such files
+completely, or to present them to the client in &quot;mangled&quot; form. If you
+are not seeing the files at all, the Samba server has most likely been
+configured to ignore them. Consult the man page smb.conf(5) for
+details of how to change this - the parameter you need to set is
+&quot;mangled names = yes&quot;.
+</p></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2860743"></a>My client reports &quot;cannot locate specified computer&quot; or similar</h2></div></div><p>
+This indicates one of three things: You supplied an incorrect server
+name, the underlying TCP/IP layer is not working correctly, or the
+name you specified cannot be resolved.
+After carefully checking that the name you typed is the name you
+should have typed, try doing things like pinging a host or telnetting
+to somewhere on your network to see if TCP/IP is functioning OK. If it
+is, the problem is most likely name resolution.
+If your client has a facility to do so, hardcode a mapping between the
+hosts IP and the name you want to use. For example, with Lan Manager
+or Windows for Workgroups you would put a suitable entry in the file
+LMHOSTS. If this works, the problem is in the communication between
+your client and the netbios name server. If it does not work, then
+there is something fundamental wrong with your naming and the solution
+is beyond the scope of this document.
+If you do not have any server on your subnet supplying netbios name
+resolution, hardcoded mappings are your only option. If you DO have a
+netbios name server running (such as the Samba suite's nmbd program),
+the problem probably lies in the way it is set up. Refer to Section
+Two of this FAQ for more ideas.
+By the way, remember to REMOVE the hardcoded mapping before further
+tests :-)
+</p></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2860797"></a>My client reports &quot;cannot locate specified share name&quot; or similar</h2></div></div><p>
+This message indicates that your client CAN locate the specified
+server, which is a good start, but that it cannot find a service of
+the name you gave.
+The first step is to check the exact name of the service you are
+trying to connect to (consult your system administrator). Assuming it
+exists and you specified it correctly (read your client's docs on how
+to specify a service name correctly), read on:
+</p><table class="simplelist" border="0" summary="Simple list"><tr><td>Many clients cannot accept or use service names longer than eight characters.</td></tr><tr><td>Many clients cannot accept or use service names containing spaces.</td></tr><tr><td>Some servers (not Samba though) are case sensitive with service names.</td></tr><tr><td>Some clients force service names into upper case.</td></tr></table></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2806029"></a>Printing doesn't work</h2></div></div><p>
+Make sure that the specified print command for the service you are
+connecting to is correct and that it has a fully-qualified path (eg.,
+use &quot;/usr/bin/lpr&quot; rather than just &quot;lpr&quot;).
+Make sure that the spool directory specified for the service is
+writable by the user connected to the service. In particular the user
+&quot;nobody&quot; often has problems with printing, even if it worked with an
+earlier version of Samba. Try creating another guest user other than
+Make sure that the user specified in the service is permitted to use
+the printer.
+Check the debug log produced by smbd. Search for the printer name and
+see if the log turns up any clues. Note that error messages to do with
+a service ipc$ are meaningless - they relate to the way the client
+attempts to retrieve status information when using the LANMAN1
+If using WfWg then you need to set the default protocol to TCP/IP, not
+Netbeui. This is a WfWg bug.
+If using the Lanman1 protocol (the default) then try switching to
+coreplus. Also not that print status error messages don't mean
+printing won't work. The print status is received by a different
+</p></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2807904"></a>My client reports &quot;This server is not configured to list shared resources&quot;</h2></div></div><p>
+Your guest account is probably invalid for some reason. Samba uses the
+guest account for browsing in smbd. Check that your guest account is
+</p><p>See also 'guest account' in smb.conf man page.</p></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2807925"></a>Log message &quot;you appear to have a trapdoor uid system&quot; </h2></div></div><p>
+This can have several causes. It might be because you are using a uid
+or gid of 65535 or -1. This is a VERY bad idea, and is a big security
+hole. Check carefully in your /etc/passwd file and make sure that no
+user has uid 65535 or -1. Especially check the &quot;nobody&quot; user, as many
+broken systems are shipped with nobody setup with a uid of 65535.
+</p><p>It might also mean that your OS has a trapdoor uid/gid system :-)</p><p>
+This means that once a process changes effective uid from root to
+another user it can't go back to root. Unfortunately Samba relies on
+being able to change effective uid from root to non-root and back
+again to implement its security policy. If your OS has a trapdoor uid
+system this won't work, and several things in Samba may break. Less
+things will break if you use user or server level security instead of
+the default share level security, but you may still strike
+The problems don't give rise to any security holes, so don't panic,
+but it does mean some of Samba's capabilities will be unavailable.
+In particular you will not be able to connect to the Samba server as
+two different uids at once. This may happen if you try to print as a
+&quot;guest&quot; while accessing a share as a normal user. It may also affect
+your ability to list the available shares as this is normally done as
+the guest user.
+Complain to your OS vendor and ask them to fix their system.
+Note: the reason why 65535 is a VERY bad choice of uid and gid is that
+it casts to -1 as a uid, and the setreuid() system call ignores (with
+no error) uid changes to -1. This means any daemon attempting to run
+as uid 65535 will actually run as root. This is not good!
+</p></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2807990"></a>Why are my file's timestamps off by an hour, or by a few hours?</h2></div></div><p>
+This is from Paul Eggert
+Most likely it's a problem with your time zone settings.
+Internally, Samba maintains time in traditional Unix format,
+namely, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 Universal Time
+(or ``GMT''), not counting leap seconds.
+On the server side, Samba uses the Unix TZ variable to convert
+internal timestamps to and from local time. So on the server side, there are
+two things to get right.
+</p><table class="simplelist" border="0" summary="Simple list"><tr><td>The Unix system clock must have the correct Universal time. Use the shell command &quot;sh -c 'TZ=UTC0 date'&quot; to check this.</td></tr><tr><td>The TZ environment variable must be set on the server before Samba is invoked. The details of this depend on the server OS, but typically you must edit a file whose name is /etc/TIMEZONE or /etc/default/init, or run the command `zic -l'.</td></tr></table><p>
+</p><p>TZ must have the correct value.</p><p>
+If possible, use geographical time zone settings
+(e.g. TZ='America/Los_Angeles' or perhaps
+ TZ=':US/Pacific'). These are supported by most
+popular Unix OSes, are easier to get right, and are
+more accurate for historical timestamps. If your
+operating system has out-of-date tables, you should be
+able to update them from the public domain time zone
+tables at <a href="" target="_top"></a>.
+</p><p>If your system does not support geographical timezone
+settings, you must use a Posix-style TZ strings, e.g.
+TZ='PST8PDT,M4.1.0/2,M10.5.0/2' for US Pacific time.
+Posix TZ strings can take the following form (with optional
+ items in brackets):
+</p><pre class="programlisting">
+ StdOffset[Dst[Offset],Date/Time,Date/Time]
+ where:
+</p><table class="simplelist" border="0" summary="Simple list"><tr><td>`Std' is the standard time designation (e.g. `PST').</td></tr><tr><td>`Offset' is the number of hours behind UTC (e.g. `8').
+Prepend a `-' if you are ahead of UTC, and
+append `:30' if you are at a half-hour offset.
+Omit all the remaining items if you do not use
+daylight-saving time.</td></tr><tr><td>`Dst' is the daylight-saving time designation
+(e.g. `PDT').</td></tr><tr><td>The optional second `Offset' is the number of
+hours that daylight-saving time is behind UTC.
+The default is 1 hour ahead of standard time.
+</td></tr><tr><td>`Date/Time,Date/Time' specify when daylight-saving
+time starts and ends. The format for a date is
+`Mm.n.d', which specifies the dth day (0 is Sunday)
+of the nth week of the mth month, where week 5 means
+the last such day in the month. The format for a
+time is [h]h[:mm[:ss]], using a 24-hour clock.
+Other Posix string formats are allowed but you don't want
+to know about them.</p><p>
+On the client side, you must make sure that your client's clock and
+time zone is also set appropriately. [[I don't know how to do this.]]
+Samba traditionally has had many problems dealing with time zones, due
+to the bizarre ways that Microsoft network protocols handle time
+</p></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2811127"></a>How do I set the printer driver name correctly?</h2></div></div><p>Question:
+&#8220; On NT, I opened &quot;Printer Manager&quot; and &quot;Connect to Printer&quot;.
+ Enter [&quot;\\ptdi270\ps1&quot;] in the box of printer. I got the
+ following error message
+ &#8221;</p><p>
+ </p><pre class="programlisting">
+ You do not have sufficient access to your machine
+ to connect to the selected printer, since a driver
+ needs to be installed locally.
+ </pre><p>
+ </p><p>Answer:</p><p>In the more recent versions of Samba you can now set the &quot;printer
+driver&quot; in smb.conf. This tells the client what driver to use. For
+example:</p><pre class="programlisting">
+ printer driver = HP LaserJet 4L
+</pre><p>With this, NT knows to use the right driver. You have to get this string
+exactly right.</p><p>To find the exact string to use, you need to get to the dialog box in
+your client where you select which printer driver to install. The
+correct strings for all the different printers are shown in a listbox
+in that dialog box.</p></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="FAQ-general.html">Prev</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="samba-faq.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="FAQ-Config.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Chapter 1. General Information </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="samba-faq.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> Chapter 3. Configuration problems</td></tr></table></div></body></html>