path: root/docs/htmldocs/install.html
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--- a/docs/htmldocs/install.html
+++ b/docs/htmldocs/install.html
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
>How to Install and Test SAMBA</TITLE
-CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.7"><LINK
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
TITLE="SAMBA Project Documentation"
@@ -16,8 +17,8 @@ REL="PREVIOUS"
TITLE="General installation"
-TITLE="Quick Cross Subnet Browsing / Cross Workgroup Browsing guide"
+TITLE="Improved browsing in samba"
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ WIDTH="10%"
@@ -72,59 +73,165 @@ WIDTH="100%"></DIV
->Chapter 1. How to Install and Test SAMBA</H1
+NAME="INSTALL">Chapter 1. How to Install and Test SAMBA</H1
->1.1. Obtaining and installing samba</A
+NAME="AEN26">1.1. Read the man pages</H1
->Binary packages of samba are included in almost any Linux or
- Unix distribution. There are also some packages available at
- <A
->the samba homepage</A
+>The man pages distributed with SAMBA contain
+ lots of useful info that will help to get you started.
+ If you don't know how to read man pages then try
+ something like:</P
+>$ </TT
+>man smbd.8</B
- </P
+ or
+ <TT
+>$ </TT
+>nroff -man smbd.8 | more
+ </B
+> on older unixes.</P
+>Other sources of information are pointed to
+ by the Samba web site,<A
+NAME="AEN36">1.2. Building the Binaries</H1
+>To do this, first run the program <B
+ </B
+> in the source directory. This should automatically
+ configure Samba for your operating system. If you have unusual
+ needs then you may wish to run</P
->If you need to compile samba from source, check the
- appropriate appendix chapter.</P
+>root# </TT
+>./configure --help
+ </B
+>first to see what special options you can enable.
+ Then executing</P
+>root# </TT
+>will create the binaries. Once it's successfully
+ compiled you can use </P
+>root# </TT
+>make install</B
+>to install the binaries and manual pages. You can
+ separately install the binaries and/or man pages using</P
+>root# </TT
+>make installbin
+ </B
+>root# </TT
+>make installman
+ </B
+>Note that if you are upgrading for a previous version
+ of Samba you might like to know that the old versions of
+ the binaries will be renamed with a ".old" extension. You
+ can go back to the previous version with</P
+>root# </TT
+>make revert
+ </B
+>if you find this version a disaster!</P
->1.2. Configuring samba</A
+NAME="AEN64">1.3. The all important step</H1
->Samba's configuration is stored in the smb.conf file,
- that usually resides in <TT
- or <TT
->. You can either
- edit this file yourself or do it using one of the many graphical
- tools that are available, such as the web-based interface swat, that
- is included with samba.</P
+>At this stage you must fetch yourself a
+ coffee or other drink you find stimulating. Getting the rest
+ of the install right can sometimes be tricky, so you will
+ probably need it.</P
+>If you have installed samba before then you can skip
+ this step.</P
->1.2.1. Editing the smb.conf file</A
+NAME="AEN68">1.4. Create the smb configuration file.</H1
>There are sample configuration files in the examples
subdirectory in the distribution. I suggest you read them
@@ -172,18 +279,17 @@ CLASS="FILENAME"
>For more information about security settings for the
[homes] share please refer to the document UNIX_SECURITY.txt.</P
-> Test your config file with
+NAME="AEN82">1.5. Test your config file with
>It's important that you test the validity of your
@@ -202,33 +308,199 @@ CLASS="FILENAME"
+NAME="AEN90">1.6. Starting the smbd and nmbd</H1
+>You must choose to start smbd and nmbd either
+ as daemons or from <B
+>. Don't try
+ to do both! Either you can put them in <TT
+> inetd.conf</TT
+> and have them started on demand
+ by <B
+>, or you can start them as
+ daemons either from the command line or in <TT
+> /etc/rc.local</TT
+>. See the man pages for details
+ on the command line options. Take particular care to read
+ the bit about what user you need to be in order to start
+ Samba. In many cases you must be root.</P
+>The main advantage of starting <B
+ and <B
+> using the recommended daemon method
+ is that they will respond slightly more quickly to an initial connection
+ request.</P
+NAME="AEN100">1.6.1. Starting from inetd.conf</H2
+>NOTE; The following will be different if
+ you use NIS or NIS+ to distributed services maps.</P
+>Look at your <TT
+ What is defined at port 139/tcp. If nothing is defined
+ then add a line like this:</P
+>netbios-ssn 139/tcp</B
+>similarly for 137/udp you should have an entry like:</P
+>netbios-ns 137/udp</B
+>Next edit your <TT
+ and add two lines something like this:</P
+> netbios-ssn stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd smbd
+ netbios-ns dgram udp wait root /usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd nmbd
+ </PRE
+>The exact syntax of <TT
+ varies between unixes. Look at the other entries in inetd.conf
+ for a guide.</P
+>NOTE: Some unixes already have entries like netbios_ns
+ (note the underscore) in <TT
+ You must either edit <TT
+> or
+ <TT
+> to make them consistent.</P
+>NOTE: On many systems you may need to use the
+ "interfaces" option in smb.conf to specify the IP address
+ and netmask of your interfaces. Run <B
+ as root if you don't know what the broadcast is for your
+ net. <B
+> tries to determine it at run
+ time, but fails on some unixes. See the section on "testing nmbd"
+ for a method of finding if you need to do this.</P
+>!!!WARNING!!! Many unixes only accept around 5
+ parameters on the command line in <TT
+ This means you shouldn't use spaces between the options and
+ arguments, or you should use a script, and start the script
+ from <B
+>Restart <B
+>, perhaps just send
+ it a HUP. If you have installed an earlier version of <B
+> nmbd</B
+> then you may need to kill nmbd as well.</P
->1.2.2. SWAT</A
-> SWAT is a web-based interface that helps you configure samba.
- SWAT might not be available in the samba package on your platform,
- but in a seperate package. Please read the swat manpage
- on compiling, installing and configuring swat from source.
- </P
->To launch SWAT just run your favorite web browser and
- point it at "http://localhost:901/". Replace <VAR
-> with the name of the computer you are running samba on if you
- are running samba on a different computer then your browser.</P
->Note that you can attach to SWAT from any IP connected
- machine but connecting from a remote machine leaves your
- connection open to password sniffing as passwords will be sent
- in the clear over the wire. </P
+NAME="AEN129">1.6.2. Alternative: starting it as a daemon</H2
+>To start the server as a daemon you should create
+ a script something like this one, perhaps calling
+ it <TT
+> #!/bin/sh
+ /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -D
+ /usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd -D
+ </PRE
+>then make it executable with <B
+ +x startsmb</B
+>You can then run <B
+> by
+ hand or execute it from <TT
+ </P
+>To kill it send a kill signal to the processes
+ <B
+> and <B
+>NOTE: If you use the SVR4 style init system then
+ you may like to look at the <TT
+ script to make Samba fit into that system.</P
@@ -236,21 +508,23 @@ CLASS="SECT1"
->1.3. Try listing the shares available on your
- server</A
+NAME="AEN145">1.7. Try listing the shares available on your
+ server</H1
->$ </SAMP
+>$ </TT
>smbclient -L
- <VAR
+ <TT
>You should get back a list of shares available on
@@ -273,31 +547,37 @@ CLASS="SECT1"
->1.4. Try connecting with the unix client</A
+NAME="AEN154">1.8. Try connecting with the unix client</H1
->$ </SAMP
+>$ </TT
->smbclient <VAR
+>smbclient <TT
-> //yourhostname/aservice</VAR
+> //yourhostname/aservice</I
->Typically the <VAR
+>Typically the <TT
would be the name of the host where you installed <B
> smbd</B
->. The <VAR
+>. The <TT
> is
any service you have defined in the <TT
@@ -312,13 +592,15 @@ CLASS="FILENAME"
>For example if your unix host is bambi and your login
name is fred you would type:</P
->$ </SAMP
+>$ </TT
>smbclient //bambi/fred
- </KBD
+ </B
@@ -326,40 +608,44 @@ CLASS="SECT1"
->1.5. Try connecting from a DOS, WfWg, Win9x, WinNT,
- Win2k, OS/2, etc... client</A
+NAME="AEN170">1.9. Try connecting from a DOS, WfWg, Win9x, WinNT,
+ Win2k, OS/2, etc... client</H1
>Try mounting disks. eg:</P
->C:\WINDOWS\&#62; </SAMP
+>C:\WINDOWS\&#62; </TT
>net use d: \\servername\service
- </KBD
+ </B
>Try printing. eg:</P
->C:\WINDOWS\&#62; </SAMP
+>C:\WINDOWS\&#62; </TT
>net use lpt1:
- \\servername\spoolservice</KBD
+ \\servername\spoolservice</B
->C:\WINDOWS\&#62; </SAMP
+>C:\WINDOWS\&#62; </TT
>print filename
- </KBD
+ </B
>Celebrate, or send me a bug report!</P
@@ -369,41 +655,49 @@ CLASS="SECT1"
->1.6. What If Things Don't Work?</A
+NAME="AEN184">1.10. What If Things Don't Work?</H1
+>If nothing works and you start to think "who wrote
+ this pile of trash" then I suggest you do step 2 again (and
+ again) till you calm down.</P
->Then you might read the file HOWTO chapter Diagnosis and the
+>Then you might read the file DIAGNOSIS.txt and the
FAQ. If you are still stuck then try the mailing list or
newsgroup (look in the README for details). Samba has been
successfully installed at thousands of sites worldwide, so maybe
someone else has hit your problem and has overcome it. You could
also use the WWW site to scan back issues of the samba-digest.</P
->When you fix the problem <SPAN
-> send some
- updates of the documentation (or source code) to one of
- the documentation maintainers or the list.
- </P
+>When you fix the problem PLEASE send me some updates to the
+ documentation (or source code) so that the next person will find it
+ easier. </P
->1.6.1. Scope IDs</A
+NAME="AEN189">1.10.1. Diagnosing Problems</H2
+>If you have installation problems then go to the
+ <A
+> chapter to try to find the
+ problem.</P
+NAME="AEN193">1.10.2. Scope IDs</H2
>By default Samba uses a blank scope ID. This means
all your windows boxes must also have a blank scope ID.
If you really want to use a non-blank scope ID then you will
need to use the 'netbios scope' smb.conf option.
- All your PCs will need to have the same setting for
+ All your PCs will need to have the same setting for
this to work. I do not recommend scope IDs.</P
@@ -411,9 +705,65 @@ CLASS="SECT2"
->1.6.2. Locking</A
+NAME="AEN196">1.10.3. Choosing the Protocol Level</H2
+>The SMB protocol has many dialects. Currently
+ Samba supports 5, called CORE, COREPLUS, LANMAN1,
+ LANMAN2 and NT1.</P
+>You can choose what maximum protocol to support
+ in the <TT
+> file. The default is
+ NT1 and that is the best for the vast majority of sites.</P
+>In older versions of Samba you may have found it
+ necessary to use COREPLUS. The limitations that led to
+ this have mostly been fixed. It is now less likely that you
+ will want to use less than LANMAN1. The only remaining advantage
+ of COREPLUS is that for some obscure reason WfWg preserves
+ the case of passwords in this protocol, whereas under LANMAN1,
+ LANMAN2 or NT1 it uppercases all passwords before sending them,
+ forcing you to use the "password level=" option in some cases.</P
+>The main advantage of LANMAN2 and NT1 is support for
+ long filenames with some clients (eg: smbclient, Windows NT
+ or Win95). </P
+>See the smb.conf(5) manual page for more details.</P
+>Note: To support print queue reporting you may find
+ that you have to use TCP/IP as the default protocol under
+ WfWg. For some reason if you leave Netbeui as the default
+ it may break the print queue reporting on some systems.
+ It is presumably a WfWg bug.</P
+NAME="AEN205">1.10.4. Printing from UNIX to a Client PC</H2
+>To use a printer that is available via a smb-based
+ server from a unix host with LPR you will need to compile the
+ smbclient program. You then need to install the script
+ "smbprint". Read the instruction in smbprint for more details.
+ </P
+>There is also a SYSV style script that does much
+ the same thing called smbprint.sysv. It contains instructions.</P
+>See the CUPS manual for information about setting up
+ printing from a unix host with CUPS to a smb-based server. </P
+NAME="AEN210">1.10.5. Locking</H2
>One area which sometimes causes trouble is locking.</P
@@ -466,6 +816,17 @@ NAME="AEN111"
or DENY_ALL. There are also special compatibility modes called
+NAME="AEN219">1.10.6. Mapping Usernames</H2
+>If you have different usernames on the PCs and
+ the unix server then take a look at the "username map" option.
+ See the smb.conf man page for details.</P
@@ -502,7 +863,7 @@ WIDTH="33%"
@@ -526,7 +887,7 @@ ACCESSKEY="U"
->Quick Cross Subnet Browsing / Cross Workgroup Browsing guide</TD
+>Improved browsing in samba</TD