path: root/source3/client/clitar.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'source3/client/clitar.c')
1 files changed, 1921 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source3/client/clitar.c b/source3/client/clitar.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..084f87e399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source3/client/clitar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1921 @@
+ Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
+ Tar Extensions
+ Copyright (C) Ricky Poulten 1995-1998
+ Copyright (C) Richard Sharpe 1998
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+/* The following changes developed by Richard Sharpe for Canon Information
+ Systems Research Australia (CISRA)
+ 1. Restore can now restore files with long file names
+ 2. Save now saves directory information so that we can restore
+ directory creation times
+ 3. tar now accepts both UNIX path names and DOS path names. I prefer
+ those lovely /'s to those UGLY \'s :-)
+ 4. the files to exclude can be specified as a regular expression by adding
+ an r flag to the other tar flags. Eg:
+ -TcrX file.tar "*.(obj|exe)"
+ will skip all .obj and .exe files
+#include "includes.h"
+#include "clitar.h"
+#include "client/client_proto.h"
+static int clipfind(char **aret, int ret, char *tok);
+typedef struct file_info_struct file_info2;
+struct file_info_struct {
+ SMB_OFF_T size;
+ uint16 mode;
+ uid_t uid;
+ gid_t gid;
+ /* These times are normally kept in GMT */
+ struct timespec mtime_ts;
+ struct timespec atime_ts;
+ struct timespec ctime_ts;
+ char *name; /* This is dynamically allocated */
+ file_info2 *next, *prev; /* Used in the stack ... */
+typedef struct {
+ file_info2 *top;
+ int items;
+} stack;
+#define SEPARATORS " \t\n\r"
+extern time_t newer_than;
+extern struct cli_state *cli;
+/* These defines are for the do_setrattr routine, to indicate
+ * setting and reseting of file attributes in the function call */
+#define ATTRSET 1
+#define ATTRRESET 0
+static uint16 attribute = aDIR | aSYSTEM | aHIDDEN;
+#define CLIENT_TIMEOUT (30*1000)
+static char *tarbuf, *buffer_p;
+static int tp, ntarf, tbufsiz;
+static double ttarf;
+/* Incremental mode */
+static bool tar_inc=False;
+/* Reset archive bit */
+static bool tar_reset=False;
+/* Include / exclude mode (true=include, false=exclude) */
+static bool tar_excl=True;
+/* use regular expressions for search on file names */
+static bool tar_re_search=False;
+/* Do not dump anything, just calculate sizes */
+static bool dry_run=False;
+/* Dump files with System attribute */
+static bool tar_system=True;
+/* Dump files with Hidden attribute */
+static bool tar_hidden=True;
+/* Be noisy - make a catalogue */
+static bool tar_noisy=True;
+static bool tar_real_noisy=False; /* Don't want to be really noisy by default */
+char tar_type='\0';
+static char **cliplist=NULL;
+static int clipn=0;
+static bool must_free_cliplist = False;
+extern const char *cmd_ptr;
+extern bool lowercase;
+extern uint16 cnum;
+extern bool readbraw_supported;
+extern int max_xmit;
+extern int get_total_time_ms;
+extern int get_total_size;
+static int blocksize=20;
+static int tarhandle;
+static void writetarheader(int f, const char *aname, SMB_BIG_UINT size, time_t mtime,
+ const char *amode, unsigned char ftype);
+static void do_atar(const char *rname_in,char *lname,file_info *finfo1);
+static void do_tar(file_info *finfo, const char *dir);
+static void oct_it(SMB_BIG_UINT value, int ndgs, char *p);
+static void fixtarname(char *tptr, const char *fp, size_t l);
+static int dotarbuf(int f, char *b, int n);
+static void dozerobuf(int f, int n);
+static void dotareof(int f);
+static void initarbuf(void);
+/* restore functions */
+static long readtarheader(union hblock *hb, file_info2 *finfo, const char *prefix);
+static long unoct(char *p, int ndgs);
+static void do_tarput(void);
+static void unfixtarname(char *tptr, char *fp, int l, bool first);
+ * tar specific utitlities
+ */
+Create a string of size size+1 (for the null)
+static char *string_create_s(int size)
+ char *tmp;
+ tmp = (char *)SMB_MALLOC(size+1);
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Out of memory in string_create_s\n"));
+ }
+ return(tmp);
+Write a tar header to buffer
+static void writetarheader(int f, const char *aname, SMB_BIG_UINT size, time_t mtime,
+ const char *amode, unsigned char ftype)
+ union hblock hb;
+ int i, chk, l;
+ char *jp;
+ DEBUG(5, ("WriteTarHdr, Type = %c, Size= %.0f, Name = %s\n", ftype, (double)size, aname));
+ memset(hb.dummy, 0, sizeof(hb.dummy));
+ l=strlen(aname);
+ /* We will be prepending a '.' in fixtarheader so use +2 to
+ * take care of the . and terminating zero. JRA.
+ */
+ if (l+2 >= NAMSIZ) {
+ /* write a GNU tar style long header */
+ char *b;
+ b = (char *)SMB_MALLOC(l+TBLOCK+100);
+ if (!b) {
+ DEBUG(0,("out of memory\n"));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ writetarheader(f, "/./@LongLink", l+2, 0, " 0 \0", 'L');
+ memset(b, 0, l+TBLOCK+100);
+ fixtarname(b, aname, l+2);
+ i = strlen(b)+1;
+ DEBUG(5, ("File name in tar file: %s, size=%d, \n", b, (int)strlen(b)));
+ dotarbuf(f, b, TBLOCK*(((i-1)/TBLOCK)+1));
+ }
+ fixtarname(, aname, (l+2 >= NAMSIZ) ? NAMSIZ : l + 2);
+ if (lowercase)
+ strlower_m(;
+ /* write out a "standard" tar format header */
+ safe_strcpy(hb.dbuf.mode, amode, sizeof(hb.dbuf.mode)-1);
+ oct_it((SMB_BIG_UINT)0, 8, hb.dbuf.uid);
+ oct_it((SMB_BIG_UINT)0, 8, hb.dbuf.gid);
+ oct_it((SMB_BIG_UINT) size, 13, hb.dbuf.size);
+ if (size > (SMB_BIG_UINT)077777777777LL) {
+ /* This is a non-POSIX compatible extention to store files
+ greater than 8GB. */
+ memset(hb.dbuf.size, 0, 4);
+ hb.dbuf.size[0]=128;
+ for (i = 8, jp=(char*)&size; i; i--)
+ hb.dbuf.size[i+3] = *(jp++);
+ }
+ oct_it((SMB_BIG_UINT) mtime, 13, hb.dbuf.mtime);
+ memcpy(hb.dbuf.chksum, " ", sizeof(hb.dbuf.chksum));
+ memset(hb.dbuf.linkname, 0, NAMSIZ);
+ hb.dbuf.linkflag=ftype;
+ for (chk=0, i=sizeof(hb.dummy), jp=hb.dummy; --i>=0;)
+ chk+=(0xFF & *jp++);
+ oct_it((SMB_BIG_UINT) chk, 8, hb.dbuf.chksum);
+ hb.dbuf.chksum[6] = '\0';
+ (void) dotarbuf(f, hb.dummy, sizeof(hb.dummy));
+Read a tar header into a hblock structure, and validate
+static long readtarheader(union hblock *hb, file_info2 *finfo, const char *prefix)
+ long chk, fchk;
+ int i;
+ char *jp;
+ /*
+ * read in a "standard" tar format header - we're not that interested
+ * in that many fields, though
+ */
+ /* check the checksum */
+ for (chk=0, i=sizeof(hb->dummy), jp=hb->dummy; --i>=0;)
+ chk+=(0xFF & *jp++);
+ if (chk == 0)
+ return chk;
+ /* compensate for blanks in chksum header */
+ for (i=sizeof(hb->dbuf.chksum), jp=hb->dbuf.chksum; --i>=0;)
+ chk-=(0xFF & *jp++);
+ chk += ' ' * sizeof(hb->dbuf.chksum);
+ fchk=unoct(hb->dbuf.chksum, sizeof(hb->dbuf.chksum));
+ DEBUG(5, ("checksum totals chk=%ld fchk=%ld chksum=%s\n",
+ chk, fchk, hb->dbuf.chksum));
+ if (fchk != chk) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("checksums don't match %ld %ld\n", fchk, chk));
+ dump_data(5, (uint8 *)hb - TBLOCK, TBLOCK *3);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ((finfo->name = string_create_s(strlen(prefix) + strlen(hb -> + 3)) == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Out of space creating file_info2 for %s\n", hb ->;
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ safe_strcpy(finfo->name, prefix, strlen(prefix) + strlen(hb -> + 3);
+ /* use l + 1 to do the null too; do prefix - prefcnt to zap leading slash */
+ unfixtarname(finfo->name + strlen(prefix), hb->,
+ strlen(hb-> + 1, True);
+ /* can't handle some links at present */
+ if ((hb->dbuf.linkflag != '0') && (hb -> dbuf.linkflag != '5')) {
+ if (hb->dbuf.linkflag == 0) {
+ DEBUG(6, ("Warning: NULL link flag (gnu tar archive ?) %s\n",
+ finfo->name));
+ } else {
+ if (hb -> dbuf.linkflag == 'L') { /* We have a longlink */
+ /* Do nothing here at the moment. do_tarput will handle this
+ as long as the longlink gets back to it, as it has to advance
+ the buffer pointer, etc */
+ } else {
+ DEBUG(0, ("this tar file appears to contain some kind \
+of link other than a GNUtar Longlink - ignoring\n"));
+ return -2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((unoct(hb->dbuf.mode, sizeof(hb->dbuf.mode)) & S_IFDIR) ||
+ (*(finfo->name+strlen(finfo->name)-1) == '\\')) {
+ finfo->mode=aDIR;
+ } else {
+ finfo->mode=0; /* we don't care about mode at the moment, we'll
+ * just make it a regular file */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Bug fix by
+ *
+ * REC: restore times correctly (as does tar)
+ * We only get the modification time of the file; set the creation time
+ * from the mod. time, and the access time to current time
+ */
+ finfo->mtime_ts = finfo->ctime_ts =
+ convert_time_t_to_timespec((time_t)strtol(hb->dbuf.mtime, NULL, 8));
+ finfo->atime_ts = convert_time_t_to_timespec(time(NULL));
+ finfo->size = unoct(hb->dbuf.size, sizeof(hb->dbuf.size));
+ return True;
+Write out the tar buffer to tape or wherever
+static int dotarbuf(int f, char *b, int n)
+ int fail=1, writ=n;
+ if (dry_run) {
+ return writ;
+ }
+ /* This routine and the next one should be the only ones that do write()s */
+ if (tp + n >= tbufsiz) {
+ int diff;
+ diff=tbufsiz-tp;
+ memcpy(tarbuf + tp, b, diff);
+ fail=fail && (1+write(f, tarbuf, tbufsiz));
+ n-=diff;
+ b+=diff;
+ tp=0;
+ while (n >= tbufsiz) {
+ fail=fail && (1 + write(f, b, tbufsiz));
+ n-=tbufsiz;
+ b+=tbufsiz;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n>0) {
+ memcpy(tarbuf+tp, b, n);
+ tp+=n;
+ }
+ return(fail ? writ : 0);
+Write zeros to buffer / tape
+static void dozerobuf(int f, int n)
+ /* short routine just to write out n zeros to buffer -
+ * used to round files to nearest block
+ * and to do tar EOFs */
+ if (dry_run)
+ return;
+ if (n+tp >= tbufsiz) {
+ memset(tarbuf+tp, 0, tbufsiz-tp);
+ write(f, tarbuf, tbufsiz);
+ memset(tarbuf, 0, (tp+=n-tbufsiz));
+ } else {
+ memset(tarbuf+tp, 0, n);
+ tp+=n;
+ }
+Malloc tape buffer
+static void initarbuf(void)
+ /* initialize tar buffer */
+ tbufsiz=blocksize*TBLOCK;
+ tarbuf=(char *)SMB_MALLOC(tbufsiz); /* FIXME: We might not get the buffer */
+ /* reset tar buffer pointer and tar file counter and total dumped */
+ tp=0; ntarf=0; ttarf=0;
+Write two zero blocks at end of file
+static void dotareof(int f)
+ /* Two zero blocks at end of file, write out full buffer */
+ if (dry_run)
+ return;
+ (void) dozerobuf(f, TBLOCK);
+ (void) dozerobuf(f, TBLOCK);
+ if (sys_fstat(f, &stbuf) == -1) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Couldn't stat file handle\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Could be a pipe, in which case S_ISREG should fail,
+ * and we should write out at full size */
+ if (tp > 0)
+ write(f, tarbuf, S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode) ? tp : tbufsiz);
+(Un)mangle DOS pathname, make nonabsolute
+static void fixtarname(char *tptr, const char *fp, size_t l)
+ /* add a '.' to start of file name, convert from ugly dos \'s in path
+ * to lovely unix /'s :-} */
+ *tptr++='.';
+ l--;
+ StrnCpy(tptr, fp, l-1);
+ string_replace(tptr, '\\', '/');
+Convert from decimal to octal string
+static void oct_it (SMB_BIG_UINT value, int ndgs, char *p)
+ /* Converts long to octal string, pads with leading zeros */
+ /* skip final null, but do final space */
+ --ndgs;
+ p[--ndgs] = ' ';
+ /* Loop does at least one digit */
+ do {
+ p[--ndgs] = '0' + (char) (value & 7);
+ value >>= 3;
+ } while (ndgs > 0 && value != 0);
+ /* Do leading zeros */
+ while (ndgs > 0)
+ p[--ndgs] = '0';
+Convert from octal string to long
+static long unoct(char *p, int ndgs)
+ long value=0;
+ /* Converts octal string to long, ignoring any non-digit */
+ while (--ndgs) {
+ if (isdigit((int)*p))
+ value = (value << 3) | (long) (*p - '0');
+ p++;
+ }
+ return value;
+Compare two strings in a slash insensitive way, allowing s1 to match s2
+if s1 is an "initial" string (up to directory marker). Thus, if s2 is
+a file in any subdirectory of s1, declare a match.
+static int strslashcmp(char *s1, char *s2)
+ char *s1_0=s1;
+ while(*s1 && *s2 && (*s1 == *s2 || tolower_ascii(*s1) == tolower_ascii(*s2) ||
+ (*s1 == '\\' && *s2=='/') || (*s1 == '/' && *s2=='\\'))) {
+ s1++; s2++;
+ }
+ /* if s1 has a trailing slash, it compared equal, so s1 is an "initial"
+ string of s2.
+ */
+ if (!*s1 && s1 != s1_0 && (*(s1-1) == '/' || *(s1-1) == '\\'))
+ return 0;
+ /* ignore trailing slash on s1 */
+ if (!*s2 && (*s1 == '/' || *s1 == '\\') && !*(s1+1))
+ return 0;
+ /* check for s1 is an "initial" string of s2 */
+ if ((*s2 == '/' || *s2 == '\\') && !*s1)
+ return 0;
+ return *s1-*s2;
+Ensure a remote path exists (make if necessary)
+static bool ensurepath(const char *fname)
+ /* *must* be called with buffer ready malloc'ed */
+ /* ensures path exists */
+ char *partpath, *ffname;
+ const char *p=fname;
+ char *basehack;
+ char *saveptr;
+ DEBUG(5, ( "Ensurepath called with: %s\n", fname));
+ partpath = string_create_s(strlen(fname));
+ ffname = string_create_s(strlen(fname));
+ if ((partpath == NULL) || (ffname == NULL)){
+ DEBUG(0, ("Out of memory in ensurepath: %s\n", fname));
+ SAFE_FREE(partpath);
+ SAFE_FREE(ffname);
+ return(False);
+ }
+ *partpath = 0;
+ /* fname copied to ffname so can strtok_r */
+ safe_strcpy(ffname, fname, strlen(fname));
+ /* do a `basename' on ffname, so don't try and make file name directory */
+ if ((basehack=strrchr_m(ffname, '\\')) == NULL) {
+ SAFE_FREE(partpath);
+ SAFE_FREE(ffname);
+ return True;
+ } else {
+ *basehack='\0';
+ }
+ p=strtok_r(ffname, "\\", &saveptr);
+ while (p) {
+ safe_strcat(partpath, p, strlen(fname) + 1);
+ if (!cli_chkpath(cli, partpath)) {
+ if (!cli_mkdir(cli, partpath)) {
+ SAFE_FREE(partpath);
+ SAFE_FREE(ffname);
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error mkdir %s\n", cli_errstr(cli)));
+ return False;
+ } else {
+ DEBUG(3, ("mkdirhiering %s\n", partpath));
+ }
+ }
+ safe_strcat(partpath, "\\", strlen(fname) + 1);
+ p = strtok_r(NULL, "/\\", &saveptr);
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(partpath);
+ SAFE_FREE(ffname);
+ return True;
+static int padit(char *buf, SMB_BIG_UINT bufsize, SMB_BIG_UINT padsize)
+ int berr= 0;
+ int bytestowrite;
+ DEBUG(5, ("Padding with %0.f zeros\n", (double)padsize));
+ memset(buf, 0, (size_t)bufsize);
+ while( !berr && padsize > 0 ) {
+ bytestowrite= (int)MIN(bufsize, padsize);
+ berr = dotarbuf(tarhandle, buf, bytestowrite) != bytestowrite;
+ padsize -= bytestowrite;
+ }
+ return berr;
+static void do_setrattr(char *name, uint16 attr, int set)
+ uint16 oldattr;
+ if (!cli_getatr(cli, name, &oldattr, NULL, NULL)) return;
+ if (set == ATTRSET) {
+ attr |= oldattr;
+ } else {
+ attr = oldattr & ~attr;
+ }
+ if (!cli_setatr(cli, name, attr, 0)) {
+ DEBUG(1,("setatr failed: %s\n", cli_errstr(cli)));
+ }
+append one remote file to the tar file
+static void do_atar(const char *rname_in,char *lname,file_info *finfo1)
+ int fnum = -1;
+ SMB_BIG_UINT nread=0;
+ char ftype;
+ file_info2 finfo;
+ bool shallitime=True;
+ char *data = NULL;
+ int read_size = 65520;
+ int datalen=0;
+ char *rname = NULL;
+ TALLOC_CTX *ctx = talloc_stackframe();
+ struct timeval tp_start;
+ GetTimeOfDay(&tp_start);
+ data = SMB_MALLOC_ARRAY(char, read_size);
+ if (!data) {
+ DEBUG(0,("do_atar: out of memory.\n"));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ ftype = '0'; /* An ordinary file ... */
+ ZERO_STRUCT(finfo);
+ finfo.size = finfo1 -> size;
+ finfo.mode = finfo1 -> mode;
+ finfo.uid = finfo1 -> uid;
+ finfo.gid = finfo1 -> gid;
+ finfo.mtime_ts = finfo1 -> mtime_ts;
+ finfo.atime_ts = finfo1 -> atime_ts;
+ finfo.ctime_ts = finfo1 -> ctime_ts;
+ if (dry_run) {
+ DEBUG(3,("skipping file %s of size %12.0f bytes\n", finfo1->name,
+ (double)finfo.size));
+ shallitime=0;
+ ttarf+=finfo.size + TBLOCK - (finfo.size % TBLOCK);
+ ntarf++;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ rname = clean_name(ctx, rname_in);
+ if (!rname) {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ fnum = cli_open(cli, rname, O_RDONLY, DENY_NONE);
+ if (fnum == -1) {
+ DEBUG(0,("%s opening remote file %s (%s)\n",
+ cli_errstr(cli),rname, client_get_cur_dir()));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ = string_create_s(strlen(rname));
+ if ( == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Unable to allocate space for in do_atar\n"));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ safe_strcpy(,rname, strlen(rname));
+ DEBUG(3,("file %s attrib 0x%X\n",,finfo.mode));
+ if (tar_inc && !(finfo.mode & aARCH)) {
+ DEBUG(4, ("skipping %s - archive bit not set\n",;
+ shallitime=0;
+ } else if (!tar_system && (finfo.mode & aSYSTEM)) {
+ DEBUG(4, ("skipping %s - system bit is set\n",;
+ shallitime=0;
+ } else if (!tar_hidden && (finfo.mode & aHIDDEN)) {
+ DEBUG(4, ("skipping %s - hidden bit is set\n",;
+ shallitime=0;
+ } else {
+ bool wrote_tar_header = False;
+ DEBUG(3,("getting file %s of size %.0f bytes as a tar file %s",
+, (double)finfo.size, lname));
+ do {
+ DEBUG(3,("nread=%.0f\n",(double)nread));
+ datalen = cli_read(cli, fnum, data, nread, read_size);
+ if (datalen == -1) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Error reading file %s : %s\n", rname, cli_errstr(cli)));
+ break;
+ }
+ nread += datalen;
+ /* Only if the first read succeeds, write out the tar header. */
+ if (!wrote_tar_header) {
+ /* write a tar header, don't bother with mode - just set to 100644 */
+ writetarheader(tarhandle, rname, finfo.size,
+ finfo.mtime_ts.tv_sec, "100644 \0", ftype);
+ wrote_tar_header = True;
+ }
+ /* if file size has increased since we made file size query, truncate
+ read so tar header for this file will be correct.
+ */
+ if (nread > finfo.size) {
+ datalen -= nread - finfo.size;
+ DEBUG(0,("File size change - truncating %s to %.0f bytes\n",
+, (double)finfo.size));
+ }
+ /* add received bits of file to buffer - dotarbuf will
+ * write out in 512 byte intervals */
+ if (dotarbuf(tarhandle,data,datalen) != datalen) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Error writing to tar file - %s\n", strerror(errno)));
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( (datalen == 0) && (finfo.size != 0) ) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Error reading file %s. Got 0 bytes\n", rname));
+ break;
+ }
+ datalen=0;
+ } while ( nread < finfo.size );
+ if (wrote_tar_header) {
+ /* pad tar file with zero's if we couldn't get entire file */
+ if (nread < finfo.size) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Didn't get entire file. size=%.0f, nread=%d\n",
+ (double)finfo.size, (int)nread));
+ if (padit(data, (SMB_BIG_UINT)sizeof(data), finfo.size - nread))
+ DEBUG(0,("Error writing tar file - %s\n", strerror(errno)));
+ }
+ /* round tar file to nearest block */
+ if (finfo.size % TBLOCK)
+ dozerobuf(tarhandle, TBLOCK - (finfo.size % TBLOCK));
+ ttarf+=finfo.size + TBLOCK - (finfo.size % TBLOCK);
+ ntarf++;
+ } else {
+ DEBUG(4, ("skipping %s - initial read failed (file was locked ?)\n",;
+ shallitime=0;
+ }
+ }
+ cli_close(cli, fnum);
+ fnum = -1;
+ if (shallitime) {
+ struct timeval tp_end;
+ int this_time;
+ /* if shallitime is true then we didn't skip */
+ if (tar_reset && !dry_run)
+ (void) do_setrattr(, aARCH, ATTRRESET);
+ GetTimeOfDay(&tp_end);
+ this_time = (tp_end.tv_sec - tp_start.tv_sec)*1000 + (tp_end.tv_usec - tp_start.tv_usec)/1000;
+ get_total_time_ms += this_time;
+ get_total_size += finfo.size;
+ if (tar_noisy) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("%12.0f (%7.1f kb/s) %s\n",
+ (double)finfo.size, finfo.size / MAX(0.001, (1.024*this_time)),
+ }
+ /* Thanks to Carel-Jan Engel ( for this one */
+ DEBUG(3,("(%g kb/s) (average %g kb/s)\n",
+ finfo.size / MAX(0.001, (1.024*this_time)),
+ get_total_size / MAX(0.001, (1.024*get_total_time_ms))));
+ }
+ cleanup:
+ if (fnum != -1) {
+ cli_close(cli, fnum);
+ fnum = -1;
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(data);
+Append single file to tar file (or not)
+static void do_tar(file_info *finfo, const char *dir)
+ TALLOC_CTX *ctx = talloc_stackframe();
+ if (strequal(finfo->name,"..") || strequal(finfo->name,"."))
+ return;
+ /* Is it on the exclude list ? */
+ if (!tar_excl && clipn) {
+ char *exclaim;
+ DEBUG(5, ("Excl: strlen(cur_dir) = %d\n", (int)strlen(client_get_cur_dir())));
+ exclaim = talloc_asprintf(ctx,
+ "%s\\%s",
+ client_get_cur_dir(),
+ finfo->name);
+ if (!exclaim) {
+ return;
+ }
+ DEBUG(5, ("...tar_re_search: %d\n", tar_re_search));
+ if ((!tar_re_search && clipfind(cliplist, clipn, exclaim)) ||
+ (tar_re_search && mask_match_list(exclaim, cliplist, clipn, True))) {
+ DEBUG(3,("Skipping file %s\n", exclaim));
+ TALLOC_FREE(exclaim);
+ return;
+ }
+ TALLOC_FREE(exclaim);
+ }
+ if (finfo->mode & aDIR) {
+ char *saved_curdir = NULL;
+ char *new_cd = NULL;
+ char *mtar_mask = NULL;
+ saved_curdir = talloc_strdup(ctx, client_get_cur_dir());
+ if (!saved_curdir) {
+ return;
+ }
+ DEBUG(5, ("strlen(cur_dir)=%d, \
+ (int)strlen(saved_curdir),
+ (int)strlen(finfo->name), finfo->name, saved_curdir));
+ new_cd = talloc_asprintf(ctx,
+ "%s%s\\",
+ client_get_cur_dir(),
+ finfo->name);
+ if (!new_cd) {
+ return;
+ }
+ client_set_cur_dir(new_cd);
+ DEBUG(5, ("Writing a dir, Name = %s\n", client_get_cur_dir()));
+ /* write a tar directory, don't bother with mode - just
+ * set it to 40755 */
+ writetarheader(tarhandle, client_get_cur_dir(), 0,
+ finfo->mtime_ts.tv_sec, "040755 \0", '5');
+ if (tar_noisy) {
+ DEBUG(0,(" directory %s\n",
+ client_get_cur_dir()));
+ }
+ ntarf++; /* Make sure we have a file on there */
+ mtar_mask = talloc_asprintf(ctx,
+ "%s*",
+ client_get_cur_dir());
+ if (!mtar_mask) {
+ return;
+ }
+ DEBUG(5, ("Doing list with mtar_mask: %s\n", mtar_mask));
+ do_list(mtar_mask, attribute, do_tar, False, True);
+ client_set_cur_dir(saved_curdir);
+ TALLOC_FREE(saved_curdir);
+ TALLOC_FREE(new_cd);
+ TALLOC_FREE(mtar_mask);
+ } else {
+ char *rname = talloc_asprintf(ctx,
+ "%s%s",
+ client_get_cur_dir(),
+ finfo->name);
+ if (!rname) {
+ return;
+ }
+ do_atar(rname,finfo->name,finfo);
+ TALLOC_FREE(rname);
+ }
+Convert from UNIX to DOS file names
+static void unfixtarname(char *tptr, char *fp, int l, bool first)
+ /* remove '.' from start of file name, convert from unix /'s to
+ * dos \'s in path. Kill any absolute path names. But only if first!
+ */
+ DEBUG(5, ("firstb=%lX, secondb=%lX, len=%i\n", (long)tptr, (long)fp, l));
+ if (first) {
+ if (*fp == '.') {
+ fp++;
+ l--;
+ }
+ if (*fp == '\\' || *fp == '/') {
+ fp++;
+ l--;
+ }
+ }
+ safe_strcpy(tptr, fp, l);
+ string_replace(tptr, '/', '\\');
+Move to the next block in the buffer, which may mean read in another set of
+blocks. FIXME, we should allow more than one block to be skipped.
+static int next_block(char *ltarbuf, char **bufferp, int bufsiz)
+ int bufread, total = 0;
+ DEBUG(5, ("Advancing to next block: %0lx\n", (unsigned long)*bufferp));
+ *bufferp += TBLOCK;
+ total = TBLOCK;
+ if (*bufferp >= (ltarbuf + bufsiz)) {
+ DEBUG(5, ("Reading more data into ltarbuf ...\n"));
+ /*
+ * Bugfix from Bob Boehmer <>
+ * Fixes bug where read can return short if coming from
+ * a pipe.
+ */
+ bufread = read(tarhandle, ltarbuf, bufsiz);
+ total = bufread;
+ while (total < bufsiz) {
+ if (bufread < 0) { /* An error, return false */
+ return (total > 0 ? -2 : bufread);
+ }
+ if (bufread == 0) {
+ if (total <= 0) {
+ return -2;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ bufread = read(tarhandle, &ltarbuf[total], bufsiz - total);
+ total += bufread;
+ }
+ DEBUG(5, ("Total bytes read ... %i\n", total));
+ *bufferp = ltarbuf;
+ }
+ return(total);
+/* Skip a file, even if it includes a long file name? */
+static int skip_file(int skipsize)
+ int dsize = skipsize;
+ DEBUG(5, ("Skiping file. Size = %i\n", skipsize));
+ /* FIXME, we should skip more than one block at a time */
+ while (dsize > 0) {
+ if (next_block(tarbuf, &buffer_p, tbufsiz) <= 0) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Empty file, short tar file, or read error: %s\n", strerror(errno)));
+ return(False);
+ }
+ dsize -= TBLOCK;
+ }
+ return(True);
+ Get a file from the tar file and store it.
+ When this is called, tarbuf already contains the first
+ file block. This is a bit broken & needs fixing.
+static int get_file(file_info2 finfo)
+ int fnum = -1, pos = 0, dsize = 0, bpos = 0;
+ SMB_BIG_UINT rsize = 0;
+ DEBUG(5, ("get_file: file: %s, size %.0f\n",, (double)finfo.size));
+ if (ensurepath( &&
+ (fnum=cli_open(cli,, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, DENY_NONE)) == -1) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("abandoning restore\n"));
+ return(False);
+ }
+ /* read the blocks from the tar file and write to the remote file */
+ rsize = finfo.size; /* This is how much to write */
+ while (rsize > 0) {
+ /* We can only write up to the end of the buffer */
+ dsize = MIN(tbufsiz - (buffer_p - tarbuf) - bpos, 65520); /* Calculate the size to write */
+ dsize = MIN(dsize, rsize); /* Should be only what is left */
+ DEBUG(5, ("writing %i bytes, bpos = %i ...\n", dsize, bpos));
+ if (cli_write(cli, fnum, 0, buffer_p + bpos, pos, dsize) != dsize) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error writing remote file\n"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ rsize -= dsize;
+ pos += dsize;
+ /* Now figure out how much to move in the buffer */
+ /* FIXME, we should skip more than one block at a time */
+ /* First, skip any initial part of the part written that is left over */
+ /* from the end of the first TBLOCK */
+ if ((bpos) && ((bpos + dsize) >= TBLOCK)) {
+ dsize -= (TBLOCK - bpos); /* Get rid of the end of the first block */
+ bpos = 0;
+ if (next_block(tarbuf, &buffer_p, tbufsiz) <=0) { /* and skip the block */
+ DEBUG(0, ("Empty file, short tar file, or read error: %s\n", strerror(errno)));
+ return False;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Bugfix from Bob Boehmer <>.
+ * If the file being extracted is an exact multiple of
+ * TBLOCK bytes then we don't want to extract the next
+ * block from the tarfile here, as it will be done in
+ * the caller of get_file().
+ */
+ while (((rsize != 0) && (dsize >= TBLOCK)) ||
+ ((rsize == 0) && (dsize > TBLOCK))) {
+ if (next_block(tarbuf, &buffer_p, tbufsiz) <=0) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Empty file, short tar file, or read error: %s\n", strerror(errno)));
+ return False;
+ }
+ dsize -= TBLOCK;
+ }
+ bpos = dsize;
+ }
+ /* Now close the file ... */
+ if (!cli_close(cli, fnum)) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error closing remote file\n"));
+ return(False);
+ }
+ /* Now we update the creation date ... */
+ DEBUG(5, ("Updating creation date on %s\n",;
+ if (!cli_setatr(cli,, finfo.mode, finfo.mtime_ts.tv_sec)) {
+ if (tar_real_noisy) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Could not set time on file: %s\n",;
+ /*return(False); */ /* Ignore, as Win95 does not allow changes */
+ }
+ }
+ ntarf++;
+ DEBUG(0, ("restore tar file %s of size %.0f bytes\n",, (double)finfo.size));
+ return(True);
+/* Create a directory. We just ensure that the path exists and return as there
+ is no file associated with a directory
+static int get_dir(file_info2 finfo)
+ DEBUG(0, ("restore directory %s\n",;
+ if (!ensurepath( {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Problems creating directory\n"));
+ return(False);
+ }
+ ntarf++;
+ return(True);
+/* Get a file with a long file name ... first file has file name, next file
+ has the data. We only want the long file name, as the loop in do_tarput
+ will deal with the rest.
+static char *get_longfilename(file_info2 finfo)
+ /* finfo.size here is the length of the filename as written by the "/./@LongLink" name
+ * header call. */
+ int namesize = finfo.size + strlen(client_get_cur_dir()) + 2;
+ char *longname = (char *)SMB_MALLOC(namesize);
+ int offset = 0, left = finfo.size;
+ bool first = True;
+ DEBUG(5, ("Restoring a long file name: %s\n",;
+ DEBUG(5, ("Len = %.0f\n", (double)finfo.size));
+ if (longname == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("could not allocate buffer of size %d for longname\n", namesize));
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ /* First, add cur_dir to the long file name */
+ if (strlen(client_get_cur_dir()) > 0) {
+ strncpy(longname, client_get_cur_dir(), namesize);
+ offset = strlen(client_get_cur_dir());
+ }
+ /* Loop through the blocks picking up the name */
+ while (left > 0) {
+ if (next_block(tarbuf, &buffer_p, tbufsiz) <= 0) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Empty file, short tar file, or read error: %s\n", strerror(errno)));
+ SAFE_FREE(longname);
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ unfixtarname(longname + offset, buffer_p, MIN(TBLOCK, finfo.size), first--);
+ DEBUG(5, ("UnfixedName: %s, buffer: %s\n", longname, buffer_p));
+ offset += TBLOCK;
+ left -= TBLOCK;
+ }
+ return(longname);
+static void do_tarput(void)
+ file_info2 finfo;
+ struct timeval tp_start;
+ char *longfilename = NULL, linkflag;
+ int skip = False;
+ ZERO_STRUCT(finfo);
+ GetTimeOfDay(&tp_start);
+ DEBUG(5, ("RJS do_tarput called ...\n"));
+ buffer_p = tarbuf + tbufsiz; /* init this to force first read */
+ /* Now read through those files ... */
+ while (True) {
+ /* Get us to the next block, or the first block first time around */
+ if (next_block(tarbuf, &buffer_p, tbufsiz) <= 0) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Empty file, short tar file, or read error: %s\n", strerror(errno)));
+ SAFE_FREE(longfilename);
+ return;
+ }
+ DEBUG(5, ("Reading the next header ...\n"));
+ switch (readtarheader((union hblock *) buffer_p,
+ &finfo, client_get_cur_dir())) {
+ case -2: /* Hmm, not good, but not fatal */
+ DEBUG(0, ("Skipping %s...\n",;
+ if ((next_block(tarbuf, &buffer_p, tbufsiz) <= 0) && !skip_file(finfo.size)) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Short file, bailing out...\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case -1:
+ DEBUG(0, ("abandoning restore, -1 from read tar header\n"));
+ return;
+ case 0: /* chksum is zero - looks like an EOF */
+ DEBUG(0, ("tar: restored %d files and directories\n", ntarf));
+ return; /* Hmmm, bad here ... */
+ default:
+ /* No action */
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Now, do we have a long file name? */
+ if (longfilename != NULL) {
+ SAFE_FREE(; /* Free the space already allocated */
+ = longfilename;
+ longfilename = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Well, now we have a header, process the file ... */
+ /* Should we skip the file? We have the long name as well here */
+ skip = clipn && ((!tar_re_search && clipfind(cliplist, clipn, ^ tar_excl) ||
+ (tar_re_search && mask_match_list(, cliplist, clipn, True)));
+ DEBUG(5, ("Skip = %i, cliplist=%s, file=%s\n", skip, (cliplist?cliplist[0]:NULL),;
+ if (skip) {
+ skip_file(finfo.size);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* We only get this far if we should process the file */
+ linkflag = ((union hblock *)buffer_p) -> dbuf.linkflag;
+ switch (linkflag) {
+ case '0': /* Should use symbolic names--FIXME */
+ /*
+ * Skip to the next block first, so we can get the file, FIXME, should
+ * be in get_file ...
+ * The 'finfo.size != 0' fix is from Bob Boehmer <>
+ * Fixes bug where file size in tarfile is zero.
+ */
+ if ((finfo.size != 0) && next_block(tarbuf, &buffer_p, tbufsiz) <=0) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Short file, bailing out...\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!get_file(finfo)) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Abandoning restore\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '5':
+ if (!get_dir(finfo)) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Abandoning restore \n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ SAFE_FREE(longfilename);
+ longfilename = get_longfilename(finfo);
+ if (!longfilename) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("abandoning restore\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ DEBUG(5, ("Long file name: %s\n", longfilename));
+ break;
+ default:
+ skip_file(finfo.size); /* Don't handle these yet */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ * samba interactive commands
+ */
+Blocksize command
+int cmd_block(void)
+ TALLOC_CTX *ctx = talloc_tos();
+ char *buf;
+ int block;
+ if (!next_token_talloc(ctx, &cmd_ptr,&buf,NULL)) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("blocksize <n>\n"));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ block=atoi(buf);
+ if (block < 0 || block > 65535) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("blocksize out of range"));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ blocksize=block;
+ DEBUG(2,("blocksize is now %d\n", blocksize));
+ return 0;
+command to set incremental / reset mode
+int cmd_tarmode(void)
+ TALLOC_CTX *ctx = talloc_tos();
+ char *buf;
+ while (next_token_talloc(ctx, &cmd_ptr,&buf,NULL)) {
+ if (strequal(buf, "full"))
+ tar_inc=False;
+ else if (strequal(buf, "inc"))
+ tar_inc=True;
+ else if (strequal(buf, "reset"))
+ tar_reset=True;
+ else if (strequal(buf, "noreset"))
+ tar_reset=False;
+ else if (strequal(buf, "system"))
+ tar_system=True;
+ else if (strequal(buf, "nosystem"))
+ tar_system=False;
+ else if (strequal(buf, "hidden"))
+ tar_hidden=True;
+ else if (strequal(buf, "nohidden"))
+ tar_hidden=False;
+ else if (strequal(buf, "verbose") || strequal(buf, "noquiet"))
+ tar_noisy=True;
+ else if (strequal(buf, "quiet") || strequal(buf, "noverbose"))
+ tar_noisy=False;
+ else
+ DEBUG(0, ("tarmode: unrecognised option %s\n", buf));
+ }
+ DEBUG(0, ("tarmode is now %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n",
+ tar_inc ? "incremental" : "full",
+ tar_system ? "system" : "nosystem",
+ tar_hidden ? "hidden" : "nohidden",
+ tar_reset ? "reset" : "noreset",
+ tar_noisy ? "verbose" : "quiet"));
+ return 0;
+Feeble attrib command
+int cmd_setmode(void)
+ TALLOC_CTX *ctx = talloc_tos();
+ char *q;
+ char *buf;
+ char *fname = NULL;
+ uint16 attra[2];
+ int direct=1;
+ attra[0] = attra[1] = 0;
+ if (!next_token_talloc(ctx, &cmd_ptr,&buf,NULL)) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("setmode <filename> <[+|-]rsha>\n"));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ fname = talloc_asprintf(ctx,
+ "%s%s",
+ client_get_cur_dir(),
+ buf);
+ if (!fname) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ while (next_token_talloc(ctx, &cmd_ptr,&buf,NULL)) {
+ q=buf;
+ while(*q) {
+ switch (*q++) {
+ case '+':
+ direct=1;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ direct=0;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ attra[direct]|=aRONLY;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ attra[direct]|=aHIDDEN;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ attra[direct]|=aSYSTEM;
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ attra[direct]|=aARCH;
+ break;
+ default:
+ DEBUG(0, ("setmode <filename> <perm=[+|-]rsha>\n"));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (attra[ATTRSET]==0 && attra[ATTRRESET]==0) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("setmode <filename> <[+|-]rsha>\n"));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ DEBUG(2, ("\nperm set %d %d\n", attra[ATTRSET], attra[ATTRRESET]));
+ do_setrattr(fname, attra[ATTRSET], ATTRSET);
+ do_setrattr(fname, attra[ATTRRESET], ATTRRESET);
+ return 0;
+ Convert list of tokens to array; dependent on above routine.
+ Uses the global cmd_ptr from above - bit of a hack.
+static char **toktocliplist(int *ctok, const char *sep)
+ char *s=(char *)cmd_ptr;
+ int ictok=0;
+ char **ret, **iret;
+ if (!sep)
+ sep = " \t\n\r";
+ while(*s && strchr_m(sep,*s))
+ s++;
+ /* nothing left? */
+ if (!*s)
+ return(NULL);
+ do {
+ ictok++;
+ while(*s && (!strchr_m(sep,*s)))
+ s++;
+ while(*s && strchr_m(sep,*s))
+ *s++=0;
+ } while(*s);
+ *ctok=ictok;
+ s=(char *)cmd_ptr;
+ if (!(ret=iret=SMB_MALLOC_ARRAY(char *,ictok+1)))
+ return NULL;
+ while(ictok--) {
+ *iret++=s;
+ if (ictok > 0) {
+ while(*s++)
+ ;
+ while(!*s)
+ s++;
+ }
+ }
+ ret[*ctok] = NULL;
+ return ret;
+Principal command for creating / extracting
+int cmd_tar(void)
+ TALLOC_CTX *ctx = talloc_tos();
+ char *buf;
+ char **argl = NULL;
+ int argcl = 0;
+ int ret;
+ if (!next_token_talloc(ctx, &cmd_ptr,&buf,NULL)) {
+ DEBUG(0,("tar <c|x>[IXbgan] <filename>\n"));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ argl=toktocliplist(&argcl, NULL);
+ if (!tar_parseargs(argcl, argl, buf, 0)) {
+ SAFE_FREE(argl);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ ret = process_tar();
+ SAFE_FREE(argl);
+ return ret;
+Command line (option) version
+int process_tar(void)
+ TALLOC_CTX *ctx = talloc_tos();
+ int rc = 0;
+ initarbuf();
+ switch(tar_type) {
+ case 'x':
+#if 0
+ do_tarput2();
+ do_tarput();
+ SAFE_FREE(tarbuf);
+ close(tarhandle);
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ case 'c':
+ if (clipn && tar_excl) {
+ int i;
+ char *tarmac = NULL;
+ for (i=0; i<clipn; i++) {
+ DEBUG(5,("arg %d = %s\n", i, cliplist[i]));
+ if (*(cliplist[i]+strlen(cliplist[i])-1)=='\\') {
+ *(cliplist[i]+strlen(cliplist[i])-1)='\0';
+ }
+ if (strrchr_m(cliplist[i], '\\')) {
+ char *p;
+ char *saved_dir = talloc_strdup(ctx,
+ client_get_cur_dir());
+ if (!saved_dir) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (*cliplist[i]=='\\') {
+ tarmac = talloc_strdup(ctx,
+ cliplist[i]);
+ } else {
+ tarmac = talloc_asprintf(ctx,
+ "%s%s",
+ client_get_cur_dir(),
+ cliplist[i]);
+ }
+ if (!tarmac) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ p = strrchr_m(tarmac, '\\');
+ if (!p) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ p[1] = '\0';
+ client_set_cur_dir(tarmac);
+ DEBUG(5, ("process_tar, do_list with tarmac: %s\n", tarmac));
+ do_list(tarmac,attribute,do_tar, False, True);
+ client_set_cur_dir(saved_dir);
+ TALLOC_FREE(saved_dir);
+ TALLOC_FREE(tarmac);
+ } else {
+ tarmac = talloc_asprintf(ctx,
+ "%s%s",
+ client_get_cur_dir(),
+ cliplist[i]);
+ if (!tarmac) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ DEBUG(5, ("process_tar, do_list with tarmac: %s\n", tarmac));
+ do_list(tarmac,attribute,do_tar, False, True);
+ TALLOC_FREE(tarmac);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ char *mask = talloc_asprintf(ctx,
+ "%s\\*",
+ client_get_cur_dir());
+ if (!mask) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ DEBUG(5, ("process_tar, do_list with mask: %s\n", mask));
+ do_list(mask,attribute,do_tar,False, True);
+ TALLOC_FREE(mask);
+ }
+ if (ntarf) {
+ dotareof(tarhandle);
+ }
+ close(tarhandle);
+ SAFE_FREE(tarbuf);
+ DEBUG(0, ("tar: dumped %d files and directories\n", ntarf));
+ DEBUG(0, ("Total bytes written: %.0f\n", (double)ttarf));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (must_free_cliplist) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < clipn; ++i) {
+ SAFE_FREE(cliplist[i]);
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(cliplist);
+ cliplist = NULL;
+ clipn = 0;
+ must_free_cliplist = False;
+ }
+ return rc;
+Find a token (filename) in a clip list
+static int clipfind(char **aret, int ret, char *tok)
+ if (aret==NULL)
+ return 0;
+ /* ignore leading slashes or dots in token */
+ while(strchr_m("/\\.", *tok))
+ tok++;
+ while(ret--) {
+ char *pkey=*aret++;
+ /* ignore leading slashes or dots in list */
+ while(strchr_m("/\\.", *pkey))
+ pkey++;
+ if (!strslashcmp(pkey, tok))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+Read list of files to include from the file and initialize cliplist
+static int read_inclusion_file(char *filename)
+ XFILE *inclusion = NULL;
+ char buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
+ char *inclusion_buffer = NULL;
+ int inclusion_buffer_size = 0;
+ int inclusion_buffer_sofar = 0;
+ char *p;
+ char *tmpstr;
+ int i;
+ int error = 0;
+ clipn = 0;
+ buf[PATH_MAX] = '\0'; /* guarantee null-termination */
+ if ((inclusion = x_fopen(filename, O_RDONLY, 0)) == NULL) {
+ /* XXX It would be better to include a reason for failure, but without
+ * autoconf, it's hard to use strerror, sys_errlist, etc.
+ */
+ DEBUG(0,("Unable to open inclusion file %s\n", filename));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while ((! error) && (x_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, inclusion))) {
+ if (inclusion_buffer == NULL) {
+ inclusion_buffer_size = 1024;
+ if ((inclusion_buffer = (char *)SMB_MALLOC(inclusion_buffer_size)) == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0,("failure allocating buffer to read inclusion file\n"));
+ error = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n') {
+ buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
+ }
+ if ((strlen(buf) + 1 + inclusion_buffer_sofar) >= inclusion_buffer_size) {
+ inclusion_buffer_size *= 2;
+ inclusion_buffer = (char *)SMB_REALLOC(inclusion_buffer,inclusion_buffer_size);
+ if (!inclusion_buffer) {
+ DEBUG(0,("failure enlarging inclusion buffer to %d bytes\n",
+ inclusion_buffer_size));
+ error = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ safe_strcpy(inclusion_buffer + inclusion_buffer_sofar, buf, inclusion_buffer_size - inclusion_buffer_sofar);
+ inclusion_buffer_sofar += strlen(buf) + 1;
+ clipn++;
+ }
+ x_fclose(inclusion);
+ if (! error) {
+ /* Allocate an array of clipn + 1 char*'s for cliplist */
+ cliplist = SMB_MALLOC_ARRAY(char *, clipn + 1);
+ if (cliplist == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0,("failure allocating memory for cliplist\n"));
+ error = 1;
+ } else {
+ cliplist[clipn] = NULL;
+ p = inclusion_buffer;
+ for (i = 0; (! error) && (i < clipn); i++) {
+ /* set current item to NULL so array will be null-terminated even if
+ * malloc fails below. */
+ cliplist[i] = NULL;
+ if ((tmpstr = (char *)SMB_MALLOC(strlen(p)+1)) == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Could not allocate space for a cliplist item, # %i\n", i));
+ error = 1;
+ } else {
+ unfixtarname(tmpstr, p, strlen(p) + 1, True);
+ cliplist[i] = tmpstr;
+ if ((p = strchr_m(p, '\000')) == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0,("INTERNAL ERROR: inclusion_buffer is of unexpected contents.\n"));
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ ++p;
+ }
+ must_free_cliplist = True;
+ }
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(inclusion_buffer);
+ if (error) {
+ if (cliplist) {
+ char **pp;
+ /* We know cliplist is always null-terminated */
+ for (pp = cliplist; *pp; ++pp) {
+ SAFE_FREE(*pp);
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(cliplist);
+ cliplist = NULL;
+ must_free_cliplist = False;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* cliplist and its elements are freed at the end of process_tar. */
+ return 1;
+Parse tar arguments. Sets tar_type, tar_excl, etc.
+int tar_parseargs(int argc, char *argv[], const char *Optarg, int Optind)
+ int newOptind = Optind;
+ char tar_clipfl='\0';
+ /* Reset back to defaults - could be from interactive version
+ * reset mode and archive mode left as they are though
+ */
+ tar_type='\0';
+ tar_excl=True;
+ dry_run=False;
+ while (*Optarg) {
+ switch(*Optarg++) {
+ case 'c':
+ tar_type='c';
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ if (tar_type=='c') {
+ printf("Tar must be followed by only one of c or x.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tar_type='x';
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ if (Optind>=argc || !(blocksize=atoi(argv[Optind]))) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Option b must be followed by valid blocksize\n"));
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ Optind++;
+ newOptind++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ tar_inc=True;
+ break;
+ case 'N':
+ if (Optind>=argc) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Option N must be followed by valid file name\n"));
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (sys_stat(argv[Optind], &stbuf) == 0) {
+ newer_than = stbuf.st_mtime;
+ DEBUG(1,("Getting files newer than %s",
+ time_to_asc(newer_than)));
+ newOptind++;
+ Optind++;
+ } else {
+ DEBUG(0,("Error setting newer-than time\n"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ tar_reset=True;
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ tar_noisy=False;
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ if (tar_clipfl) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Only one of I,X,F must be specified\n"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tar_clipfl='I';
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ if (tar_clipfl) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Only one of I,X,F must be specified\n"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tar_clipfl='X';
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ if (tar_clipfl) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Only one of I,X,F must be specified\n"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tar_clipfl='F';
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ DEBUG(0, ("tar_re_search set\n"));
+ tar_re_search = True;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ if (tar_type == 'c') {
+ DEBUG(0, ("dry_run set\n"));
+ dry_run = True;
+ } else {
+ DEBUG(0, ("n is only meaningful when creating a tar-file\n"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ DEBUG(0,("Unknown tar option\n"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!tar_type) {
+ printf("Option T must be followed by one of c or x.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* tar_excl is true if cliplist lists files to be included.
+ * Both 'I' and 'F' mean include. */
+ tar_excl=tar_clipfl!='X';
+ if (tar_clipfl=='F') {
+ if (argc-Optind-1 != 1) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Option F must be followed by exactly one filename.\n"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ newOptind++;
+ /* Optind points at the tar output file, Optind+1 at the inclusion file. */
+ if (! read_inclusion_file(argv[Optind+1])) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (Optind+1<argc && !tar_re_search) { /* For backwards compatibility */
+ char *tmpstr;
+ char **tmplist;
+ int clipcount;
+ cliplist=argv+Optind+1;
+ clipn=argc-Optind-1;
+ clipcount = clipn;
+ if ((tmplist=SMB_MALLOC_ARRAY(char *,clipn)) == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Could not allocate space to process cliplist, count = %i\n", clipn));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (clipcount = 0; clipcount < clipn; clipcount++) {
+ DEBUG(5, ("Processing an item, %s\n", cliplist[clipcount]));
+ if ((tmpstr = (char *)SMB_MALLOC(strlen(cliplist[clipcount])+1)) == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Could not allocate space for a cliplist item, # %i\n", clipcount));
+ SAFE_FREE(tmplist);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ unfixtarname(tmpstr, cliplist[clipcount], strlen(cliplist[clipcount]) + 1, True);
+ tmplist[clipcount] = tmpstr;
+ DEBUG(5, ("Processed an item, %s\n", tmpstr));
+ DEBUG(5, ("Cliplist is: %s\n", cliplist[0]));
+ }
+ cliplist = tmplist;
+ must_free_cliplist = True;
+ newOptind += clipn;
+ }
+ if (Optind+1<argc && tar_re_search && tar_clipfl != 'F') {
+ /* Doing regular expression seaches not from an inclusion file. */
+ clipn=argc-Optind-1;
+ cliplist=argv+Optind+1;
+ newOptind += clipn;
+ }
+ if (Optind>=argc || !strcmp(argv[Optind], "-")) {
+ /* Sets tar handle to either 0 or 1, as appropriate */
+ tarhandle=(tar_type=='c');
+ /*
+ * Make sure that dbf points to stderr if we are using stdout for
+ * tar output
+ */
+ if (tarhandle == 1) {
+ dbf = x_stderr;
+ }
+ if (!argv[Optind]) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Must specify tar filename\n"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(argv[Optind], "-")) {
+ newOptind++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (tar_type=='c' && dry_run) {
+ tarhandle=-1;
+ } else if ((tar_type=='x' && (tarhandle = sys_open(argv[Optind], O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1)
+ || (tar_type=='c' && (tarhandle=sys_creat(argv[Optind], 0644)) < 0)) {
+ DEBUG(0,("Error opening local file %s - %s\n", argv[Optind], strerror(errno)));
+ return(0);
+ }
+ newOptind++;
+ }
+ return newOptind;