path: root/source4/scripting/ejs/mprutil.c
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1 files changed, 494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source4/scripting/ejs/mprutil.c b/source4/scripting/ejs/mprutil.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9143947fb8
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+++ b/source4/scripting/ejs/mprutil.c
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+ Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
+ utility functions for manipulating mpr variables in ejs calls
+ Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2005
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "includes.h"
+#include "lib/appweb/ejs/ejs.h"
+#include "lib/ldb/include/ldb.h"
+#include "scripting/ejs/smbcalls.h"
+ return a default mpr object
+struct MprVar mprObject(const char *name)
+ return ejsCreateObj(name && *name?name:"(NULL)", MPR_DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE);
+ return a empty mpr array
+struct MprVar mprArray(const char *name)
+ return ejsCreateArray(name && *name?name:"(NULL)", 0);
+ find a mpr component, allowing for sub objects, using the '.' convention
+ NTSTATUS mprGetVar(struct MprVar **v, const char *name)
+ const char *p = strchr(name, '.');
+ char *objname;
+ NTSTATUS status;
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ *v = mprGetProperty(*v, name, NULL);
+ if (*v == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(1,("mprGetVar unable to find '%s'\n", name));
+ }
+ return NT_STATUS_OK;
+ }
+ objname = talloc_strndup(mprMemCtx(), name, p-name);
+ *v = mprGetProperty(*v, objname, NULL);
+ status = mprGetVar(v, p+1);
+ talloc_free(objname);
+ return status;
+ set a mpr component, allowing for sub objects, using the '.' convention
+ destroys 'val' after setting
+ NTSTATUS mprSetVar(struct MprVar *v, const char *name, struct MprVar val)
+ const char *p = strchr(name, '.');
+ char *objname;
+ struct MprVar *v2;
+ NTSTATUS status;
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ v2 = mprSetProperty(v, name, &val);
+ if (v2 == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(1,("mprSetVar unable to set '%s'\n", name));
+ }
+ mprDestroyVar(&val);
+ return NT_STATUS_OK;
+ }
+ objname = talloc_strndup(mprMemCtx(), name, p-name);
+ if (objname == NULL) {
+ }
+ v2 = mprGetProperty(v, objname, NULL);
+ if (v2 == NULL) {
+ mprSetVar(v, objname, mprObject(objname));
+ v2 = mprGetProperty(v, objname, NULL);
+ }
+ status = mprSetVar(v2, p+1, val);
+ talloc_free(objname);
+ return status;
+ add an indexed array element to a property
+ void mprAddArray(struct MprVar *var, int i, struct MprVar v)
+ char idx[16];
+ mprItoa(i, idx, sizeof(idx));
+ mprSetVar(var, idx, v);
+ construct a MprVar from a list
+struct MprVar mprList(const char *name, const char **list)
+ struct MprVar var;
+ int i;
+ var = mprArray(name);
+ for (i=0;list && list[i];i++) {
+ mprAddArray(&var, i, mprString(list[i]));
+ }
+ return var;
+ construct a MprVar from a string, using NULL if needed
+struct MprVar mprString(const char *s)
+ if (s == NULL) {
+ return mprCreatePtrVar(NULL);
+ }
+ return mprCreateStringVar(s, true);
+ construct a string MprVar from a lump of data
+struct MprVar mprData(const uint8_t *p, size_t length)
+ struct MprVar var;
+ char *s = talloc_strndup(mprMemCtx(), (const char *)p, length);
+ if (s == NULL) {
+ return mprCreateUndefinedVar();
+ }
+ var = mprString(s);
+ talloc_free(s);
+ return var;
+ turn a ldb_message into a ejs object variable
+static struct MprVar mprLdbMessage(struct ldb_context *ldb, struct ldb_message *msg)
+ struct MprVar var;
+ int i;
+ /* we force some attributes to always be an array in the
+ returned structure. This makes the scripting easier, as you don't
+ need a special case for the single value case */
+ const char *multivalued[] = { "objectClass", "memberOf", "privilege",
+ "member", NULL };
+ var = mprObject(ldb_dn_alloc_linearized(msg, msg->dn));
+ for (i=0;i<msg->num_elements;i++) {
+ struct ldb_message_element *el = &msg->elements[i];
+ struct MprVar val;
+ const struct ldb_schema_attribute *a;
+ struct ldb_val v;
+ a = ldb_schema_attribute_by_name(ldb, el->name);
+ if (a == NULL) {
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ if (el->num_values == 1 &&
+ !str_list_check_ci(multivalued, el->name)) {
+ if (a->syntax->ldif_write_fn(ldb, msg, &el->values[0], &v) != 0) {
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ /* FIXME: nasty hack, remove me when ejs will support
+ * arbitrary string and does not truncate on \0 */
+ if (strlen((char *) != v.length) {
+ val = mprDataBlob(v);
+ } else {
+ val = mprData(, v.length);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int j;
+ val = mprArray(el->name);
+ for (j=0;j<el->num_values;j++) {
+ if (a->syntax->ldif_write_fn(ldb, msg,
+ &el->values[j], &v) != 0) {
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ /* FIXME: nasty hack, remove me when ejs will support
+ * arbitrary string and does not truncate on \0 */
+ if (strlen((char *) != v.length) {
+ mprAddArray(&val, j, mprDataBlob(v));
+ } else {
+ mprAddArray(&val, j, mprData(, v.length));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mprSetVar(&var, el->name, val);
+ }
+ /* add the dn if it is not already specified */
+ if (mprGetProperty(&var, "dn", 0) == 0) {
+ mprSetVar(&var, "dn", mprString(ldb_dn_alloc_linearized(msg, msg->dn)));
+ }
+ return var;
+ return mprCreateUndefinedVar();
+ build a MprVar result object for ldb operations with lots of funky properties
+struct MprVar mprLdbResult(struct ldb_context *ldb, int err, struct ldb_result *result)
+ struct MprVar ret;
+ struct MprVar ary;
+ ret = mprObject("ldbret");
+ mprSetVar(&ret, "error", mprCreateIntegerVar(err));
+ mprSetVar(&ret, "errstr", mprString(ldb_errstring(ldb)));
+ ary = mprArray("ldb_message");
+ if (result) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < result->count; i++) {
+ mprAddArray(&ary, i, mprLdbMessage(ldb, result->msgs[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ mprSetVar(&ret, "msgs", ary);
+ /* TODO: add referrals, exteded ops, and controls */
+ return ret;
+ turn a MprVar string variable into a const char *
+ */
+const char *mprToString(struct MprVar *v)
+ if (v->trigger) {
+ mprReadProperty(v, 0);
+ }
+ if (!mprVarIsString(v->type)) return NULL;
+ return v->string;
+ turn a MprVar integer variable into an int
+ */
+int mprToInt(struct MprVar *v)
+ if (v->trigger) {
+ mprReadProperty(v, 0);
+ }
+ if (!mprVarIsNumber(v->type)) return 0;
+ return mprVarToNumber(v);
+ turn a MprVar object variable into a string list
+ this assumes the object variable consists only of strings
+const char **mprToList(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct MprVar *v)
+ const char **list = NULL;
+ struct MprVar *el;
+ if (v->type != MPR_TYPE_OBJECT ||
+ v->properties == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (el=mprGetFirstProperty(v, MPR_ENUM_DATA);
+ el;
+ el=mprGetNextProperty(v, el, MPR_ENUM_DATA)) {
+ const char *s = mprToString(el);
+ if (s) {
+ list = str_list_add(list, s);
+ }
+ }
+ talloc_steal(mem_ctx, list);
+ return list;
+ turn a MprVar object variable into a string list
+ this assumes the object variable is an array of strings
+const char **mprToArray(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct MprVar *v)
+ const char **list = NULL;
+ struct MprVar *len;
+ int length, i;
+ len = mprGetProperty(v, "length", NULL);
+ if (len == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ length = mprToInt(len);
+ for (i=0;i<length;i++) {
+ char idx[16];
+ struct MprVar *vs;
+ mprItoa(i, idx, sizeof(idx));
+ vs = mprGetProperty(v, idx, NULL);
+ if (vs == NULL || vs->type != MPR_TYPE_STRING) {
+ talloc_free(list);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ list = str_list_add(list, mprToString(vs));
+ }
+ talloc_steal(mem_ctx, list);
+ return list;
+ turn a NTSTATUS into a MprVar object with lots of funky properties
+struct MprVar mprNTSTATUS(NTSTATUS status)
+ struct MprVar res;
+ res = mprObject("ntstatus");
+ mprSetVar(&res, "errstr", mprString(nt_errstr(status)));
+ mprSetVar(&res, "v", mprCreateIntegerVar(NT_STATUS_V(status)));
+ mprSetVar(&res, "is_ok", mprCreateBoolVar(NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)));
+ mprSetVar(&res, "is_err", mprCreateBoolVar(NT_STATUS_IS_ERR(status)));
+ return res;
+ create a data-blob in a mpr variable
+struct MprVar mprDataBlob(DATA_BLOB blob)
+ struct MprVar res;
+ struct datablob *pblob = talloc(mprMemCtx(), struct datablob);
+ *pblob = data_blob_talloc(pblob,, blob.length);
+ res = mprObject("DATA_BLOB");
+ mprSetVar(&res, "size", mprCreateIntegerVar(blob.length));
+ mprSetPtrChild(&res, "blob", pblob);
+ return res;
+ return a data blob from a mpr var created using mprDataBlob
+struct datablob *mprToDataBlob(struct MprVar *v)
+ return talloc_get_type(mprGetPtr(v, "blob"), struct datablob);
+ turn a WERROR into a MprVar object with lots of funky properties
+struct MprVar mprWERROR(WERROR status)
+ struct MprVar res;
+ res = mprObject("werror");
+ mprSetVar(&res, "errstr", mprString(win_errstr(status)));
+ mprSetVar(&res, "v", mprCreateIntegerVar(W_ERROR_V(status)));
+ mprSetVar(&res, "is_ok", mprCreateBoolVar(W_ERROR_IS_OK(status)));
+ mprSetVar(&res, "is_err", mprCreateBoolVar(!W_ERROR_IS_OK(status)));
+ return res;
+ set a pointer in a existing MprVar
+void mprSetPtr(struct MprVar *v, const char *propname, const void *p)
+ mprSetVar(v, propname, mprCreatePtrVar(discard_const(p)));
+ set a pointer in a existing MprVar, freeing it when the property goes away
+void mprSetPtrChild(struct MprVar *v, const char *propname, const void *p)
+ mprSetVar(v, propname, mprCreatePtrVar(discard_const(p)));
+ v = mprGetProperty(v, propname, NULL);
+ v->allocatedData = 1;
+ talloc_steal(mprMemCtx(), p);
+ get a pointer from a MprVar
+void *mprGetPtr(struct MprVar *v, const char *propname)
+ struct MprVar *val;
+ val = mprGetProperty(v, propname, NULL);
+ if (val == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (val->type != MPR_TYPE_PTR) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return val->ptr;
+ set the return value then free the variable
+ void mpr_Return(int eid, struct MprVar v)
+ ejsSetReturnValue(eid, v);
+ mprDestroyVar(&v);
+ set the return value then free the variable
+void mpr_ReturnString(int eid, const char *s)
+ mpr_Return(eid, mprString(s));
+ set a C function in a variable
+ void mprSetCFunction(struct MprVar *obj, const char *name, MprCFunction fn)
+ mprSetVar(obj, name, mprCreateCFunctionVar(fn, obj, MPR_VAR_SCRIPT_HANDLE));
+ set a string C function in a variable
+ void mprSetStringCFunction(struct MprVar *obj, const char *name, MprStringCFunction fn)
+ mprSetVar(obj, name, mprCreateStringCFunctionVar(fn, obj, MPR_VAR_SCRIPT_HANDLE));
+ get a pointer in the current object
+void *mprGetThisPtr(int eid, const char *name)
+ struct MprVar *this = mprGetProperty(ejsGetLocalObject(eid), "this", 0);
+ return mprGetPtr(this, name);
+ set a pointer as a child of the local object
+void mprSetThisPtr(int eid, const char *name, void *ptr)
+ struct MprVar *this = mprGetProperty(ejsGetLocalObject(eid), "this", 0);
+ mprSetPtrChild(this, name, ptr);
+ used by object xxx_init() routines to allow for the caller
+ to supply a pre-existing object to add properties to,
+ or create a new object. This makes inheritance easy
+struct MprVar *mprInitObject(int eid, const char *name, int argc, struct MprVar **argv)
+ if (argc > 0 && mprVarIsObject(argv[0]->type)) {
+ return argv[0];
+ }
+ mpr_Return(eid, mprObject(name));
+ return ejsGetReturnValue(eid);