path: root/swat.obsolete/apps/qooxdoo-examples/test/Builder_1.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'swat.obsolete/apps/qooxdoo-examples/test/Builder_1.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/swat.obsolete/apps/qooxdoo-examples/test/Builder_1.html b/swat.obsolete/apps/qooxdoo-examples/test/Builder_1.html
deleted file mode 100644
index baa29c31aa..0000000000
--- a/swat.obsolete/apps/qooxdoo-examples/test/Builder_1.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <title>qooxdoo &raquo; Demo</title>
- <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../../resource/css/layout.css"/>
- <!--[if IE]>
- <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../../resource/css/layout_ie.css"/>
- <![endif]-->
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../script/qx.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../script/layout.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- qx.core.Init.getInstance().defineMain(function() {
- new qx.client.Builder().build(qx.ui.core.ClientDocument.getInstance(), document.getElementById('widgets'));
- });
- // test delegate object
- var d = {
- hello : 'world',
- click : function(e) {
- alert(e + '\n\nclick received at delegate object\n\n' + this.hello);
- }
- }
- // test delegate function
- var f = function(e) {
- alert(e + '\n\nclick received at delegate function\n\n');
- }
- </script>
- <div id="demoDescription">
- <p>qx.client.Builder demo.</p>
- <p>Build your web apps using qooxdooml.</p>
- <p>Textarea example</p>
- </div>
- <textarea id='widgets' style='display:none'>
- <qx.client.builder.Container>
- <qx.ui.form.Button id='btn' label='Click Me!!!' location='20,50'>
- <!-- function body event listener -->
- <qx.client.builder.EventListener type='click' args='event'>
- btn.setLabel(btn.getLabel() + ".");
- alert(event + "\n\nClicked on: " + this.getLabel());
- </qx.client.builder.EventListener>
- <!--
- global object.method delegation
- when the button is clicked, will be called
- -->
- <qx.client.builder.EventListener type='click' delegate=''/>
- <!--
- global function delegation
- when the button is clicked, f(event) will be called
- -->
- <qx.client.builder.EventListener type='click' delegate='f'/>
- </qx.ui.form.Button>
- <qx.ui.basic.Atom id='atom1' label='Test No #1' icon='icon/16/penguin.png' border='qx.renderer.border.BorderPresets.getInstance().black' location='20,90'/>
- <qx.ui.form.Button label='Test No #2' icon='icon/16/penguin.png' location='20,120'>
- <qx.client.builder.EventListener type='click'>
- atom1.setLabel(atom1.getLabel() + ".");
- </qx.client.builder.EventListener>
- </qx.ui.form.Button>
- <qx.ui.basic.Atom label='Test No #3' icon='icon/16/penguin.png' location='20,160'/>
- <qx.ui.basic.Atom label='a' icon='icon/16/penguin.png' location='20,200'/>
- <qx.ui.basic.Atom label='b' icon='icon/16/penguin.png' location='20,240'/>
- </qx.client.builder.Container>
- </textarea>