path: root/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.3-sdk/frontend/framework/tool/modules/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.3-sdk/frontend/framework/tool/modules/')
1 files changed, 779 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.3-sdk/frontend/framework/tool/modules/ b/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.3-sdk/frontend/framework/tool/modules/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3d7bee8da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.3-sdk/frontend/framework/tool/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os, re, optparse
+import tree, treegenerator, tokenizer, comment
+class DocException (Exception):
+ def __init__ (self, msg, syntaxItem):
+ Exception.__init__(self, msg)
+ self.node = syntaxItem
+def createDoc(syntaxTree, docTree = None):
+ if not docTree:
+ docTree = tree.Node("doctree")
+ try:
+ currClassNode = None
+ if not syntaxTree.hasChildren():
+ return docTree
+ for item in syntaxTree.children:
+ if item.type == "assignment":
+ leftItem = item.getFirstListChild("left")
+ rightItem = item.getFirstListChild("right")
+ if leftItem.type == "variable":
+ if currClassNode and len(leftItem.children) == 3 and leftItem.children[0].get("name") == "qx":
+ if leftItem.children[1].get("name") == "Proto" and rightItem.type == "function":
+ # It's a method definition
+ handleMethodDefinition(item, False, currClassNode)
+ elif leftItem.children[1].get("name") == "Class":
+ if rightItem.type == "function":
+ handleMethodDefinition(item, True, currClassNode)
+ elif leftItem.children[2].get("name").isupper():
+ handleConstantDefinition(item, currClassNode)
+ elif currClassNode and assembleVariable(leftItem).startswith(currClassNode.get("fullName")):
+ # This is definition of the type "mypackage.MyClass.bla = ..."
+ if rightItem.type == "function":
+ handleMethodDefinition(item, True, currClassNode)
+ elif leftItem.children[len(leftItem.children) - 1].get("name").isupper():
+ handleConstantDefinition(item, currClassNode)
+ elif item.type == "call":
+ operand = item.getChild("operand", False)
+ if operand:
+ var = operand.getChild("variable", False)
+ if var and len(var.children) == 3 and var.children[0].get("name") == "qx" and var.children[1].get("name") == "OO":
+ methodName = var.children[2].get("name")
+ if methodName == "defineClass":
+ currClassNode = handleClassDefinition(docTree, item)
+ elif methodName == "addProperty" or methodName == "addFastProperty":
+ # these are private and should be marked if listed, otherwise just hide them (wpbasti)
+ #or methodName == "addCachedProperty" or methodName == "changeProperty":
+ handlePropertyDefinition(item, currClassNode)
+ #elif item.type == "function":
+ # name = item.get("name", False)
+ # if name and name[0].isupper():
+ # # This is an old class definition "function MyClass (...)"
+ # currClassNode = handleClassDefinition(docTree, item)
+ except Exception:
+ exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ msg = ""
+ if hasattr(exc, "node"):
+ (line, column) = getLineAndColumnFromSyntaxItem(exc.node)
+ file = getFileFromSyntaxItem(exc.node)
+ if line != None or file != None:
+ msg = str(exc) + "\n " + str(file) + ", Line: " + str(line) + ", Column: " + str(column)
+ if msg == "":
+ raise Exception, "Unknown reason", sys.exc_info()[2]
+ else:
+ print
+ print " - Failed: %s" % msg
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return docTree
+def variableIsClassName(varItem):
+ length = len(varItem.children)
+ for i in range(length):
+ varChild = varItem.children[i]
+ if not varChild.type == "identifier":
+ return False
+ if i < length - 1:
+ # This is not the last identifier -> It must a package (= lowercase)
+ if not varChild.get("name").islower():
+ return False
+ else:
+ # This is the last identifier -> It must the class name (= first letter uppercase)
+ if not varChild.get("name")[0].isupper():
+ return False
+ return True
+def assembleVariable(variableItem):
+ if variableItem.type != "variable":
+ raise DocException("'variableItem' is no variable", variableItem)
+ assembled = ""
+ for child in variableItem.children:
+ if len(assembled) != 0:
+ assembled += "."
+ assembled += child.get("name")
+ return assembled
+def handleClassDefinition(docTree, item):
+ params = item.getChild("params")
+ paramsLen = len(params.children);
+ if paramsLen == 1:
+ superClassName = "Object"
+ ctorItem = None
+ elif paramsLen == 2:
+ superClassName = "Object"
+ ctorItem = params.children[1]
+ elif paramsLen == 3:
+ superClassName = assembleVariable(params.children[1])
+ ctorItem = params.children[2]
+ else:
+ raise DocException("defineClass call has more than three parameters: " + str(len(params.children)), item)
+ className = params.children[0].get("value")
+ classNode = getClassNode(docTree, className)
+ if superClassName != "Object":
+ superClassNode = getClassNode(docTree, superClassName)
+ childClasses = superClassNode.get("childClasses", False)
+ if childClasses:
+ childClasses += "," + className
+ else:
+ childClasses = className
+ superClassNode.set("childClasses", childClasses)
+ classNode.set("superClass", superClassName)
+ commentAttributes = comment.parseNode(item)
+ for attrib in commentAttributes:
+ if attrib["category"] == "event":
+ # Add the event
+ if comment.attribHas(attrib, "name") and comment.attribHas(attrib, "type"):
+ addEventNode(classNode, item, attrib);
+ else:
+ addError(classNode, "Documentation contains malformed event attribute.", item)
+ # Add the constructor
+ if ctorItem and ctorItem.type == "function":
+ ctor = handleFunction(ctorItem, commentAttributes, classNode)
+ ctor.set("isCtor", True)
+ classNode.addListChild("constructor", ctor)
+ # Check for methods defined in the constructor
+ # (for method definition style that supports real private methods)
+ ctorBlock = ctorItem.getChild("body").getChild("block")
+ if ctorBlock.hasChildren():
+ for item in ctorBlock.children:
+ if item.type == "assignment":
+ leftItem = item.getFirstListChild("left")
+ rightItem = item.getFirstListChild("right")
+ # It's a method definition
+ if leftItem.type == "variable" and len(leftItem.children) == 2 and (leftItem.children[0].get("name") == "this" or leftItem.children[0].get("name") == "self") and rightItem.type == "function":
+ handleMethodDefinition(item, False, classNode)
+ elif ctorItem and ctorItem.type == "map":
+ for keyvalueItem in ctorItem.children:
+ valueItem = keyvalueItem.getChild("value").getFirstChild()
+ if (valueItem.type == "function"):
+ handleMethodDefinition(keyvalueItem, True, classNode)
+ else:
+ handleConstantDefinition(keyvalueItem, classNode)
+ return classNode;
+def handlePropertyDefinition(item, classNode):
+ paramsMap = item.getChild("params").getChild("map")
+ node = tree.Node("property")
+ node.set("name", paramsMap.getChildByAttribute("key", "name").getChild("value").getChild("constant").get("value"))
+ propType = paramsMap.getChildByAttribute("key", "type", False)
+ if propType:
+ node.set("type", getType(propType.getChild("value").getFirstChild()))
+ allowNull = paramsMap.getChildByAttribute("key", "allowNull", False)
+ if allowNull:
+ node.set("allowNull", allowNull.getChild("value").getChild("constant").get("value"))
+ defaultValue = paramsMap.getChildByAttribute("key", "defaultValue", False)
+ if defaultValue:
+ node.set("defaultValue", getValue(defaultValue.getFirstListChild("value")))
+ getAlias = paramsMap.getChildByAttribute("key", "getAlias", False)
+ if getAlias:
+ node.set("getAlias", getAlias.getChild("value").getChild("constant").get("value"))
+ setAlias = paramsMap.getChildByAttribute("key", "setAlias", False)
+ if setAlias:
+ node.set("setAlias", setAlias.getChild("value").getChild("constant").get("value"))
+ unitDetection = paramsMap.getChildByAttribute("key", "unitDetection", False)
+ if unitDetection:
+ node.set("unitDetection", unitDetection.getChild("value").getChild("constant").get("value"))
+ instance = paramsMap.getChildByAttribute("key", "instance", False)
+ if instance:
+ node.set("instance", instance.getChild("value").getChild("constant").get("value"))
+ classname = paramsMap.getChildByAttribute("key", "classname", False)
+ if classname:
+ node.set("classname", classname.getChild("value").getChild("constant").get("value"))
+ possibleValues = paramsMap.getChildByAttribute("key", "possibleValues", False)
+ if possibleValues:
+ array = possibleValues.getChild("value").getChild("array")
+ values = ""
+ for arrayItem in array.children:
+ if len(values) != 0:
+ values += ", "
+ values += getValue(arrayItem)
+ node.set("possibleValues", values)
+ # If the description has a type specified then take this type
+ # (and not the one extracted from the paramsMap)
+ commentAttributes = comment.parseNode(item)
+ addTypeInfo(node, comment.getAttrib(commentAttributes, "description"), item)
+ classNode.addListChild("properties", node)
+def getValue(item):
+ value = None
+ if item.type == "constant":
+ if item.get("constantType") == "string":
+ value = '"' + item.get("value") + '"'
+ else:
+ value = item.get("value")
+ elif item.type == "variable":
+ value = assembleVariable(item)
+ elif item.type == "operation" and item.get("operator") == "SUB":
+ # E.g. "-1" or "-Infinity"
+ value = "-" + getValue(item.getChild("first").getFirstChild())
+ if value == None:
+ value = "[Unsupported item type: " + item.type + "]"
+ return value
+def handleMethodDefinition(item, isStatic, classNode):
+ if item.type == "assignment":
+ # This is a "normal" method definition
+ leftItem = item.getFirstListChild("left")
+ name = leftItem.children[len(leftItem.children) - 1].get("name")
+ functionItem = item.getFirstListChild("right")
+ elif item.type == "keyvalue":
+ # This is a method definition of a map-style class (like qx.Const)
+ name = item.get("key")
+ functionItem = item.getFirstListChild("value")
+ commentAttributes = comment.parseNode(item)
+ node = handleFunction(functionItem, commentAttributes, classNode)
+ node.set("name", name)
+ isPublic = name[0] != "_"
+ listName = "methods"
+ if isStatic:
+ node.set("isStatic", True)
+ listName += "-static"
+ if isPublic:
+ listName += "-pub"
+ else:
+ listName += "-prot"
+ classNode.addListChild(listName, node)
+def handleConstantDefinition(item, classNode):
+ if (item.type == "assignment"):
+ # This is a "normal" constant definition
+ leftItem = item.getFirstListChild("left")
+ name = leftItem.children[len(leftItem.children) - 1].get("name")
+ elif (item.type == "keyvalue"):
+ # This is a constant definition of a map-style class (like qx.Const)
+ name = item.get("key")
+ node = tree.Node("constant")
+ node.set("name", name)
+ commentAttributes = comment.parseNode(item)
+ addTypeInfo(node, comment.getAttrib(commentAttributes, "description"), item)
+ classNode.addListChild("constants", node)
+def handleFunction(funcItem, commentAttributes, classNode):
+ if funcItem.type != "function":
+ raise DocException("'funcItem' is no function", funcItem)
+ node = tree.Node("method")
+ # Read the parameters
+ params = funcItem.getChild("params", False)
+ if params and params.hasChildren():
+ for param in params.children:
+ paramNode = tree.Node("param")
+ paramNode.set("name", param.getFirstChild().get("name"))
+ node.addListChild("params", paramNode)
+ # Check whether the function is abstract
+ bodyBlockItem = funcItem.getChild("body").getFirstChild();
+ if bodyBlockItem.type == "block" and bodyBlockItem.hasChildren():
+ firstStatement = bodyBlockItem.children[0];
+ if firstStatement.type == "throw":
+ # The first statement of the function is a throw statement
+ # -> The function is abstract
+ node.set("isAbstract", True)
+ if len(commentAttributes) == 0:
+ addError(node, "Documentation is missing.", funcItem)
+ return node
+ # Read all description, param and return attributes
+ for attrib in commentAttributes:
+ # Add description
+ if attrib["category"] == "description":
+ descNode = tree.Node("desc").set("text", attrib["text"])
+ node.addChild(descNode)
+ elif attrib["category"] == "param":
+ if not attrib.has_key("name"):
+ raise DocException("Missing name of parameter.", funcItem)
+ # Find the matching param node
+ paramName = attrib["name"]
+ paramNode = node.getListChildByAttribute("params", "name", paramName, False)
+ if not paramNode:
+ addError(node, "Contains information for a non-existing parameter <code>%s</code>." % paramName, funcItem)
+ continue
+ addTypeInfo(paramNode, attrib, funcItem)
+ elif attrib["category"] == "return":
+ returnNode = tree.Node("return")
+ node.addChild(returnNode)
+ addTypeInfo(returnNode, attrib, funcItem)
+ # Check for documentation errors
+ # Check whether all parameters have been documented
+ if node.hasChild("params"):
+ paramsListNode = node.getChild("params");
+ for paramNode in paramsListNode.children:
+ if not paramNode.getChild("desc", False):
+ addError(node, "Parameter %s is not documented." % paramNode.get("name"), funcItem)
+ return node
+def addTypeInfo(node, commentAttrib=None, item=None):
+ if commentAttrib == None:
+ if node.type == "param":
+ addError(node, "Parameter <code>%s</code> in not documented." % commentAttrib.get("name"), item)
+ elif node.type == "return":
+ addError(node, "Return value is not documented.", item)
+ else:
+ addError(node, "Documentation is missing.", item)
+ return
+ # add description
+ node.addChild(tree.Node("desc").set("text", commentAttrib["text"]))
+ # add types
+ if commentAttrib.has_key("type"):
+ typesNode = tree.Node("types")
+ node.addChild(typesNode)
+ for item in commentAttrib["type"]:
+ itemNode = tree.Node("entry")
+ typesNode.addChild(itemNode)
+ itemNode.set("type", item["type"])
+ if item["dimensions"] != 0:
+ itemNode.set("dimensions", item["dimensions"])
+ # add default value
+ if commentAttrib.has_key("default"):
+ defaultValue = commentAttrib["default"]
+ if defaultValue != None:
+ # print "defaultValue: %s" % defaultValue
+ node.set("defaultValue", defaultValue)
+def addEventNode(classNode, classItem, commentAttrib):
+ node = tree.Node("event")
+ node.set("name", commentAttrib["name"])
+ node.addChild(tree.Node("desc").set("text", commentAttrib["text"]))
+ # add types
+ if commentAttrib.has_key("type"):
+ typesNode = tree.Node("types")
+ node.addChild(typesNode)
+ for item in commentAttrib["type"]:
+ itemNode = tree.Node("entry")
+ typesNode.addChild(itemNode)
+ itemNode.set("type", item["type"])
+ if item["dimensions"] != 0:
+ itemNode.set("dimensions", item["dimensions"])
+ classNode.addListChild("events", node)
+def addError(node, msg, syntaxItem):
+ # print ">>> %s" % msg
+ errorNode = tree.Node("error")
+ errorNode.set("msg", msg)
+ (line, column) = getLineAndColumnFromSyntaxItem(syntaxItem)
+ if line:
+ errorNode.set("line", line)
+ if column:
+ errorNode.set("column", column)
+ node.addListChild("errors", errorNode)
+ node.set("hasError", True)
+def getLineAndColumnFromSyntaxItem(syntaxItem):
+ line = None
+ column = None
+ while line == None and column == None and syntaxItem:
+ line = syntaxItem.get("line", False)
+ column = syntaxItem.get("column", False)
+ if syntaxItem.hasParent():
+ syntaxItem = syntaxItem.parent
+ else:
+ syntaxItem = None
+ return line, column
+def getFileFromSyntaxItem(syntaxItem):
+ file = None
+ while file == None and syntaxItem:
+ file = syntaxItem.get("file", False)
+ if hasattr(syntaxItem, "parent"):
+ syntaxItem = syntaxItem.parent
+ else:
+ syntaxItem = None
+ return file
+def getType(item):
+ if item.type == "constant" and item.get("constantType") == "string":
+ val = item.get("value")
+ if val == "object":
+ val = "Object"
+ elif val == "function":
+ val = "Function"
+ return val
+ else:
+ raise DocException("Can't gess type. type is neither string nor variable: " + item.type, item)
+def getClassNode(docTree, className):
+ splits = className.split(".")
+ currPackage = docTree
+ length = len(splits)
+ for i in range(length):
+ split = splits[i]
+ if (i < length - 1):
+ # This is a package name -> Get the right package
+ childPackage = currPackage.getListChildByAttribute("packages", "name", split, False)
+ if not childPackage:
+ childPackageName = ".".join(splits[:-(length-i-1)])
+ # The package does not exist -> Create it
+ childPackage = tree.Node("package")
+ childPackage.set("name", split)
+ childPackage.set("fullName", childPackageName)
+ childPackage.set("packageName", childPackageName.replace("." + split, ""))
+ currPackage.addListChild("packages", childPackage)
+ # Update current package
+ currPackage = childPackage
+ else:
+ # This is a class name -> Get the right class
+ classNode = currPackage.getListChildByAttribute("classes", "name", split, False)
+ if not classNode:
+ # The class does not exist -> Create it
+ classNode = tree.Node("class")
+ classNode.set("name", split)
+ classNode.set("fullName", className)
+ classNode.set("packageName", className.replace("." + split, ""))
+ currPackage.addListChild("classes", classNode)
+ return classNode
+def postWorkPackage(docTree, packageNode):
+ childHasError = False
+ packages = packageNode.getChild("packages", False)
+ if packages:
+ packages.children.sort(nameComparator)
+ for node in packages.children:
+ hasError = postWorkPackage(docTree, node)
+ if hasError:
+ childHasError = True
+ classes = packageNode.getChild("classes", False)
+ if classes:
+ classes.children.sort(nameComparator)
+ for node in classes.children:
+ hasError = postWorkClass(docTree, node)
+ if hasError:
+ childHasError = True
+ if childHasError:
+ packageNode.set("hasWarning", True)
+ return childHasError
+def postWorkClass(docTree, classNode):
+ # Sort child classes
+ childClasses = classNode.get("childClasses", False)
+ if childClasses:
+ classArr = childClasses.split(",")
+ classArr.sort()
+ childClasses = ",".join(classArr)
+ classNode.set("childClasses", childClasses)
+ # Remove the property-modifier-methods
+ removePropertyModifiers(classNode)
+ # Mark overridden items
+ postWorkItemList(docTree, classNode, "properties", True)
+ postWorkItemList(docTree, classNode, "events", False)
+ postWorkItemList(docTree, classNode, "methods-pub", True)
+ postWorkItemList(docTree, classNode, "methods-prot", True)
+ postWorkItemList(docTree, classNode, "methods-static-pub", False)
+ postWorkItemList(docTree, classNode, "methods-static-prot", False)
+ # Check whether the class is static
+ superClassName = classNode.get("superClass", False)
+ if (superClassName == None or superClassName == "QxObject") \
+ and classNode.getChild("properties", False) == None \
+ and classNode.getChild("methods-pub", False) == None \
+ and classNode.getChild("methods-prot", False) == None:
+ # This class has is static
+ classNode.set("isStatic", True)
+ # Check whether the class is abstract
+ if isClassAbstract(docTree, classNode, {}):
+ classNode.set("isAbstract", True)
+ # Check for errors
+ childHasError = listHasError(classNode, "constructor") or listHasError(classNode, "properties") \
+ or listHasError(classNode, "methods-pub") or listHasError(classNode, "methods-prot") \
+ or listHasError(classNode, "methods-static-pub") or listHasError(classNode, "methods-static-prot") \
+ or listHasError(classNode, "constants")
+ if childHasError:
+ classNode.set("hasWarning", True)
+ return childHasError
+def isClassAbstract(docTree, classNode, visitedMethodNames):
+ if containsAbstractMethods(classNode.getChild("methods-pub", False), visitedMethodNames) \
+ or containsAbstractMethods(classNode.getChild("methods-prot", False), visitedMethodNames):
+ # One of the methods is abstract
+ return True
+ # No abstract methods found -> Check whether the super class has abstract
+ # methods that haven't been overridden
+ superClassName = classNode.get("superClass", False)
+ if superClassName:
+ superClassNode = getClassNode(docTree, superClassName)
+ return isClassAbstract(docTree, superClassNode, visitedMethodNames)
+def containsAbstractMethods(methodListNode, visitedMethodNames):
+ if methodListNode:
+ for methodNode in methodListNode.children:
+ name = methodNode.get("name")
+ if not name in visitedMethodNames:
+ visitedMethodNames[name] = True
+ if methodNode.get("isAbstract", False):
+ return True
+ return False
+def removePropertyModifiers(classNode):
+ propertiesList = classNode.getChild("properties", False)
+ methodsProtList = classNode.getChild("methods-prot", False)
+ if propertiesList and methodsProtList:
+ for propNode in propertiesList.children:
+ name = propNode.get("name")
+ upperName = name[0].upper() + name[1:]
+ modifyNode = methodsProtList.getChildByAttribute("name", "_modify" + upperName, False)
+ if modifyNode:
+ methodsProtList.removeChild(modifyNode);
+ changeNode = methodsProtList.getChildByAttribute("name", "_change" + upperName, False)
+ if changeNode:
+ methodsProtList.removeChild(changeNode);
+ checkNode = methodsProtList.getChildByAttribute("name", "_check" + upperName, False)
+ if checkNode:
+ methodsProtList.removeChild(checkNode);
+ if not methodsProtList.hasChildren():
+ classNode.removeChild(methodsProtList)
+def postWorkItemList(docTree, classNode, listName, overridable):
+ """Does the post work for a list of properties or methods."""
+ # Sort the list
+ sortByName(classNode, listName)
+ # Post work all items
+ listNode = classNode.getChild(listName, False)
+ if listNode:
+ for itemNode in listNode.children:
+ name = itemNode.get("name")
+ # Check whether this item is overridden and try to inherit the
+ # documentation from the next matching super class
+ if overridable:
+ superClassName = classNode.get("superClass", False)
+ overriddenFound = False
+ docFound = (itemNode.getChild("desc", False) != None)
+ while superClassName and (not overriddenFound or not docFound):
+ superClassNode = getClassNode(docTree, superClassName)
+ superItemNode = superClassNode.getListChildByAttribute(listName, "name", name, False)
+ if superItemNode:
+ if not docFound:
+ # This super item has a description
+ # -> Check whether the parameters match
+ # NOTE: paramsMatch works for properties, too
+ # (Because both compared properties always have no params)
+ if paramsMatch(itemNode, superItemNode):
+ # The parameters match -> We can use the documentation of the super class
+ itemNode.set("docFrom", superClassName)
+ docFound = (superItemNode.getChild("desc", False) != None)
+ # Remove previously recorded documentation errors from the item
+ # (Any documentation errors will be recorded in the super class)
+ removeErrors(itemNode)
+ if not overriddenFound:
+ # This super class has the item defined -> Add a overridden attribute
+ itemNode.set("overriddenFrom", superClassName)
+ overriddenFound = True
+ # Check the next superclass
+ superClassName = superClassNode.get("superClass", False)
+ if not docFound and itemNode.get("overriddenFrom", False):
+ # This item is overridden, but we didn't find any documentation in the
+ # super classes -> Add a warning
+ itemNode.set("hasWarning", True)
+def paramsMatch(methodNode1, methodNode2):
+ params1 = methodNode1.getChild("params1", False)
+ params2 = methodNode1.getChild("params2", False)
+ if params1 == None or params2 == None:
+ # One method has no parameters -> The params match if both are None
+ return params1 == params2
+ elif len(params1.children) != len(params2.children):
+ # The param count is different -> The params don't match
+ return False
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(params1.children)):
+ par1 = params1.children[i]
+ par2 = params2.children[i]
+ if (par1.get("name") != par2.get("name")):
+ # These parameters don't match
+ return False
+ # All tests passed
+ return True
+def removeErrors(node):
+ errors = node.getChild("errors", False)
+ if errors:
+ node.removeChild(errors)
+ node.remove("hasError")
+def sortByName(node, listName):
+ listNode = node.getChild(listName, False)
+ if listNode:
+ listNode.children.sort(nameComparator)
+def nameComparator(node1, node2):
+ name1 = node1.get("name").lower()
+ name2 = node2.get("name").lower()
+ return cmp(name1, name2)
+def listHasError(node, listName):
+ listNode = node.getChild(listName, False)
+ if listNode:
+ for childNode in listNode.children:
+ if childNode.get("hasError", False):
+ return True
+ return False