path: root/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 3137 deletions
diff --git a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler/DragAndDropHandler.js b/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler/DragAndDropHandler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 48b3cdf517..0000000000
--- a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler/DragAndDropHandler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,952 +0,0 @@
-/* ************************************************************************
- qooxdoo - the new era of web development
- Copyright:
- 2004-2007 1&1 Internet AG, Germany,
- License:
- EPL:
- See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details.
- Authors:
- * Sebastian Werner (wpbasti)
- * Andreas Ecker (ecker)
-************************************************************************ */
-/* ************************************************************************
-************************************************************************ */
- * This manager (singleton) manage all drag and drop handling of a qx.core.Init instance.
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("qx.event.handler.DragAndDropHandler", qx.manager.object.ObjectManager,
- this._data = {};
- this._actions = {};
- this._cursors = {};
- var vCursor;
- for (var vAction in this._actionNames)
- {
- vCursor = this._cursors[vAction] = new qx.ui.basic.Image(this._cursorPath + vAction + "." + this._cursorFormat);
- vCursor.setZIndex(1e8);
- }
-qx.OO.addProperty({ name : "sourceWidget", type : "object" });
-qx.OO.addProperty({ name : "destinationWidget", type : "object" });
-qx.OO.addProperty({ name : "cursor", type : "object" });
-qx.OO.addProperty({ name : "currentAction", type : "string" });
- * The default delta x of the cursor feedback.
- *
- * @see #setCursorPosition
- */
-qx.OO.addProperty({ name : "defaultCursorDeltaX", type : "number", defaultValue : 5, allowNull : false });
- * The default delta y of the cursor feedback.
- *
- * @see #setCursorPosition
- */
-qx.OO.addProperty({ name : "defaultCursorDeltaY", type : "number", defaultValue : 15, allowNull : false });
-qx.Proto._actionNames =
- move : "move",
- copy : "copy",
- alias : "alias",
- nodrop : "nodrop"
-qx.Proto._cursorPath = "widget/cursors/";
-qx.Proto._cursorFormat = "gif";
-qx.Proto._lastDestinationEvent = null;
-qx.Proto._modifyDestinationWidget = function(propValue, propOldValue, propData)
- if (propValue)
- {
- propValue.dispatchEvent(new qx.event.type.DragEvent("dragdrop", this._lastDestinationEvent, propValue, this.getSourceWidget()));
- this._lastDestinationEvent = null;
- }
- return true;
-Add data of mimetype.
-#param vMimeType[String]: A valid mimetype
-#param vData[Any]: Any value for the mimetype
-qx.Proto.addData = function(vMimeType, vData) {
- this._data[vMimeType] = vData;
-qx.Proto.getData = function(vMimeType) {
- return this._data[vMimeType];
-qx.Proto.clearData = function() {
- this._data = {};
-qx.Proto.getDropDataTypes = function()
- var vDestination = this.getDestinationWidget();
- var vDropTypes = [];
- // If there is not any destination, simple return
- if (!vDestination) {
- return vDropTypes;
- }
- // Search for matching mimetypes
- var vDropDataTypes = vDestination.getDropDataTypes();
- for (var i=0, l=vDropDataTypes.length; i<l; i++) {
- if (vDropDataTypes[i] in this._data) {
- vDropTypes.push(vDropDataTypes[i]);
- }
- }
- return vDropTypes;
-This needed be called from any "dragstart" event to really start drag session.
-qx.Proto.startDrag = function()
- if (!this._dragCache) {
- throw new Error("Invalid usage of startDrag. Missing dragInfo!");
- }
- // Update status flag
- this._dragCache.dragHandlerActive = true;
- // Internal storage of source widget
- this.setSourceWidget(this._dragCache.sourceWidget);
- // Add feedback widget
- if (this._feedbackWidget) {
- this._feedbackWidget.setVisibility(false);
- var doc = qx.ui.core.ClientDocument.getInstance();
- doc.add(this._feedbackWidget);
- }
-qx.Proto._fireUserEvents = function(fromWidget, toWidget, e)
- if (fromWidget && fromWidget != toWidget && fromWidget.hasEventListeners("dragout")) {
- fromWidget.dispatchEvent(new qx.event.type.DragEvent("dragout", e, fromWidget, toWidget), true);
- }
- if (toWidget)
- {
- if (fromWidget != toWidget && toWidget.hasEventListeners("dragover")) {
- toWidget.dispatchEvent(new qx.event.type.DragEvent("dragover", e, toWidget, fromWidget), true);
- }
- if (toWidget.hasEventListeners("dragmove")) {
- toWidget.dispatchEvent(new qx.event.type.DragEvent("dragmove", e, toWidget, null), true);
- }
- }
-This wraps the mouse events to custom handlers.
-qx.Proto.handleMouseEvent = function(e)
- switch (e.getType())
- {
- case "mousedown":
- return this._handleMouseDown(e);
- case "mouseup":
- return this._handleMouseUp(e);
- case "mousemove":
- return this._handleMouseMove(e);
- }
-This starts the core drag and drop session.
-To really get drag and drop working you need to define
-a function which you attach to "dragstart"-event, which
-invokes at least this.startDrag()
-qx.Proto._handleMouseDown = function(e)
- if (e.getDefaultPrevented() || ! e.isLeftButtonPressed()) {
- return;
- }
- // Store initial dragCache
- this._dragCache =
- {
- startScreenX : e.getScreenX(),
- startScreenY : e.getScreenY(),
- pageX : e.getPageX(),
- pageY : e.getPageY(),
- sourceWidget : e.getTarget(),
- sourceTopLevel : e.getTarget().getTopLevelWidget(),
- dragHandlerActive : false,
- hasFiredDragStart : false
- }
-Handler for mouse move events
-qx.Proto._handleMouseMove = function(e)
- // Return if dragCache was not filled before
- if (!this._dragCache) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- Default handling if drag handler is activated
- */
- if (this._dragCache.dragHandlerActive)
- {
- // Update page coordinates
- this._dragCache.pageX = e.getPageX();
- this._dragCache.pageY = e.getPageY();
- // Get current target
- var currentDropTarget = this.getDropTarget(e);
- // Update action
- this.setCurrentAction(currentDropTarget ? this._evalNewAction(e.isShiftPressed(), e.isCtrlPressed(), e.isAltPressed()) : null);
- // Fire user events
- this._fireUserEvents(this._dragCache.currentDropWidget, currentDropTarget, e);
- // Store current widget
- this._dragCache.currentDropWidget = currentDropTarget;
- // Update cursor icon
- this._renderCursor();
- // Update user feedback
- this._renderFeedbackWidget();
- }
- /*
- Initial activation and fire of dragstart
- */
- else if (!this._dragCache.hasFiredDragStart)
- {
- if (Math.abs(e.getScreenX() - this._dragCache.startScreenX) > 5 || Math.abs(e.getScreenY() - this._dragCache.startScreenY) > 5)
- {
- // Fire dragstart event to finally allow the above if to handle next events
- this._dragCache.sourceWidget.dispatchEvent(new qx.event.type.DragEvent("dragstart", e, this._dragCache.sourceWidget), true);
- // Update status flag
- this._dragCache.hasFiredDragStart = true;
- // Look if handler become active
- if (this._dragCache.dragHandlerActive)
- {
- // Fire first user events
- this._fireUserEvents(this._dragCache.currentDropWidget, this._dragCache.sourceWidget, e);
- // Update status flags
- this._dragCache.currentDropWidget = this._dragCache.sourceWidget;
- // Activate capture for clientDocument
- qx.ui.core.ClientDocument.getInstance().setCapture(true);
- }
- }
- }
-Handle mouse up event. Normally this finalize the drag and drop event.
-qx.Proto._handleMouseUp = function(e)
- // Return if dragCache was not filled before
- if (!this._dragCache) {
- return;
- }
- if (this._dragCache.dragHandlerActive)
- {
- this._endDrag(this.getDropTarget(e), e);
- }
- else
- {
- // Clear drag cache
- this._dragCache = null;
- }
-This wraps the key events to custom handlers.
-qx.Proto.handleKeyEvent = function(e)
- if (!this._dragCache) {
- return;
- }
- switch (e.getType())
- {
- case "keydown":
- this._handleKeyDown(e);
- return;
- case "keyup":
- this._handleKeyUp(e);
- return;
- }
-qx.Proto._handleKeyDown = function(e)
- // Stop Drag on Escape
- if (e.getKeyIdentifier() == "Escape")
- {
- this.cancelDrag(e);
- }
- // Update cursor and action on press of modifier keys
- else if (this.getCurrentAction() != null)
- {
- // TODO this doesn't work in WebKit because WebKit doesn't fire keyevents for modifier keys
- switch(e.getKeyIdentifier())
- {
- case "Shift":
- case "Control":
- case "Alt":
- this.setAction(this._evalNewAction(e.isShiftPressed(), e.isCtrlPressed(), e.isAltPressed()));
- this._renderCursor();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- }
-qx.Proto._handleKeyUp = function(e)
- // TODO this doesn't work in WebKit because WebKit doesn't fire keyevents for modifier keys
- var bShiftPressed = e.getKeyIdentifier() == "Shift";
- var bCtrlPressed = e.getKeyIdentifier() == "Control";
- var bAltPressed = e.getKeyIdentifier() == "Alt";
- if (bShiftPressed || bCtrlPressed || bAltPressed)
- {
- if (this.getCurrentAction() != null)
- {
- this.setAction(this._evalNewAction(!bShiftPressed && e.isShiftPressed(), ! bCtrlPressed && e.isCtrlPressed(), !bAltPressed && e.isAltPressed()));
- this._renderCursor();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- Cancel current drag and drop session
-qx.Proto.cancelDrag = function(e) {
- // Return if dragCache was not filled before
- if (!this._dragCache) {
- return;
- }
- if (this._dragCache.dragHandlerActive)
- {
- this._endDrag(null, e);
- }
- else
- {
- // Clear drag cache
- this._dragCache = null;
- }
-qx.Proto.globalCancelDrag = function()
- if (this._dragCache && this._dragCache.dragHandlerActive) {
- this._endDragCore();
- }
- This will be called to the end of each drag and drop session
-qx.Proto._endDrag = function(currentDestinationWidget, e)
- // Use given destination widget
- if (currentDestinationWidget)
- {
- this._lastDestinationEvent = e;
- this.setDestinationWidget(currentDestinationWidget);
- }
- // Dispatch dragend event
- this.getSourceWidget().dispatchEvent(new qx.event.type.DragEvent("dragend", e, this.getSourceWidget(), currentDestinationWidget), true);
- // Fire dragout event
- this._fireUserEvents(this._dragCache && this._dragCache.currentDropWidget, null, e);
- // Call helper
- this._endDragCore();
-qx.Proto._endDragCore = function()
- // Cleanup feedback widget
- if (this._feedbackWidget) {
- var doc = qx.ui.core.ClientDocument.getInstance();
- doc.remove(this._feedbackWidget);
- if (this._feedbackAutoDispose) {
- this._feedbackWidget.dispose();
- }
- this._feedbackWidget = null;
- }
- // Remove cursor
- var oldCursor = this.getCursor();
- if (oldCursor)
- {
- oldCursor._style.display = "none";
- this.forceCursor(null);
- }
- this._cursorDeltaX = null;
- this._cursorDeltaY = null;
- // Reset drag cache for next drag and drop session
- if (this._dragCache)
- {
- this._dragCache.currentDropWidget = null;
- this._dragCache = null;
- }
- // Deactivate capture for clientDocument
- qx.ui.core.ClientDocument.getInstance().setCapture(false);
- // Cleanup data and actions
- this.clearData();
- this.clearActions();
- // Cleanup widgets
- this.setSourceWidget(null);
- this.setDestinationWidget(null);
- * Sets the position of the cursor feedback (the icon showing whether dropping
- * is allowed at the current position and which action a drop will do).
- *
- * @param deltaX {int} The number of pixels the top-left corner of the
- * cursor feedback should be away from the mouse cursor in x direction.
- * @param deltaY {int} The number of pixels the top-left corner of the
- * cursor feedback should be away from the mouse cursor in y direction.
- */
-qx.Proto.setCursorPosition = function(deltaX, deltaY) {
- this._cursorDeltaX = deltaX;
- this._cursorDeltaY = deltaY;
- Select and setup the current used cursor
-qx.Proto._renderCursor = function()
- var vNewCursor;
- var vOldCursor = this.getCursor();
- switch(this.getCurrentAction())
- {
- case this._actionNames.move:
- vNewCursor = this._cursors.move;
- break;
- case this._actionNames.copy:
- vNewCursor = this._cursors.copy;
- break;
- case this._actionNames.alias:
- vNewCursor = this._cursors.alias;
- break;
- default:
- vNewCursor = this._cursors.nodrop;
- }
- // Hide old cursor
- if (vNewCursor != vOldCursor && vOldCursor != null) {
- vOldCursor._style.display = "none";
- }
- // Ensure that the cursor is created
- if (!vNewCursor._initialLayoutDone)
- {
- qx.ui.core.ClientDocument.getInstance().add(vNewCursor);
- qx.ui.core.Widget.flushGlobalQueues();
- }
- // Apply position with runtime style (fastest qooxdoo method)
- vNewCursor._applyRuntimeLeft(this._dragCache.pageX
- + ((this._cursorDeltaX != null) ? this._cursorDeltaX : this.getDefaultCursorDeltaX()));
- vNewCursor._applyRuntimeTop(this._dragCache.pageY
- + ((this._cursorDeltaY != null) ? this._cursorDeltaY : this.getDefaultCursorDeltaY()));
- // Finally show new cursor
- if (vNewCursor != vOldCursor) {
- vNewCursor._style.display = "";
- }
- // Store new cursor
- this.forceCursor(vNewCursor);
-qx.Proto.supportsDrop = function(vWidget)
- var vTypes = vWidget.getDropDataTypes();
- if (!vTypes) {
- return false;
- }
- for (var i=0; i<vTypes.length; i++)
- {
- if (vTypes[i] in this._data) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-#param e[qx.event.type.MouseEvent]: Current MouseEvent for dragdrop action
-if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isGecko())
- qx.Proto.getDropTarget = function(e)
- {
- var vCurrent = e.getTarget();
- // work around gecko bug (all other browsers are correct)
- // clicking on a free space and drag prohibit the get of
- // a valid event target. The target is always the element
- // which was the one with the mousedown event before.
- if (vCurrent == this._dragCache.sourceWidget)
- {
- // vCurrent = qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getTargetObject(qx.html.ElementFromPoint.getElementFromPoint(e.getPageX(), e.getPageY()));
- // this is around 8-12 times faster as the above method
- vCurrent = this._dragCache.sourceTopLevel.getWidgetFromPoint(e.getPageX(), e.getPageY());
- }
- else
- {
- vCurrent = qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getTargetObject(null, vCurrent);
- }
- while (vCurrent != null && vCurrent != this._dragCache.sourceWidget)
- {
- if (!vCurrent.supportsDrop(this._dragCache)) {
- return null;
- }
- if (this.supportsDrop(vCurrent)) {
- return vCurrent;
- }
- vCurrent = vCurrent.getParent();
- }
- return null;
- }
- qx.Proto.getDropTarget = function(e)
- {
- var vCurrent = e.getTarget();
- while (vCurrent != null)
- {
- if (!vCurrent.supportsDrop(this._dragCache)) {
- return null;
- }
- if (this.supportsDrop(vCurrent)) {
- return vCurrent;
- }
- vCurrent = vCurrent.getParent();
- }
- return null;
- }
-qx.Proto.addAction = function(vAction, vForce)
- this._actions[vAction] = true;
- // Defaults to first added action
- if (vForce || this.getCurrentAction() == null) {
- this.setCurrentAction(vAction);
- }
-qx.Proto.clearActions = function()
- this._actions = {};
- this.setCurrentAction(null);
-qx.Proto.removeAction = function(vAction)
- delete this._actions[vAction];
- // Reset current action on remove
- if (this.getCurrentAction() == vAction) {
- this.setCurrentAction(null);
- }
-qx.Proto.setAction = function(vAction)
- if (vAction != null && !(vAction in this._actions)) {
- this.addAction(vAction, true);
- }
- else
- {
- this.setCurrentAction(vAction);
- }
-qx.Proto._evalNewAction = function(vKeyShift, vKeyCtrl, vKeyAlt)
- if (vKeyShift && vKeyCtrl && this._actionNames.alias in this._actions)
- {
- return this._actionNames.alias;
- }
- else if (vKeyShift && vKeyAlt && this._actionNames.copy in this._actions)
- {
- return this._actionNames.copy;
- }
- else if (vKeyShift && this._actionNames.move in this._actions)
- {
- return this._actionNames.move;
- }
- else if (vKeyAlt && this._actionNames.alias in this._actions)
- {
- return this._actionNames.alias;
- }
- else if (vKeyCtrl && this._actionNames.copy in this._actions)
- {
- return this._actionNames.copy;
- }
- else
- {
- // Return the first action found
- for (var vAction in this._actions) {
- return vAction;
- }
- }
- return null;
- * Sets the widget to show as feedback for the user. This widget should
- * represent the object(s) the user is dragging.
- *
- * @param widget {qx.ui.core.Widget} the feedback widget.
- * @param deltaX {int ? 10} the number of pixels the top-left corner of the widget
- * should be away from the mouse cursor in x direction.
- * @param deltaY {int ? 10} the number of pixels the top-left corner of the widget
- * should be away from the mouse cursor in y direction.
- * @param autoDisposeWidget {boolean} whether the widget should be disposed when
- * dragging is finished or cancelled.
- */
-qx.Proto.setFeedbackWidget = function(widget, deltaX, deltaY, autoDisposeWidget) {
- this._feedbackWidget = widget;
- this._feedbackDeltaX = (deltaX != null) ? deltaX : 10;
- this._feedbackDeltaY = (deltaY != null) ? deltaY : 10;
- this._feedbackAutoDispose = autoDisposeWidget ? true : false;
- * Renders the user feedback widget at the correct location.
- */
-qx.Proto._renderFeedbackWidget = function() {
- if (this._feedbackWidget) {
- this._feedbackWidget.setVisibility(true);
- // Apply position with runtime style (fastest qooxdoo method)
- this._feedbackWidget._applyRuntimeLeft(this._dragCache.pageX + this._feedbackDeltaX);
- this._feedbackWidget._applyRuntimeTop(this._dragCache.pageY + this._feedbackDeltaY);
- }
-qx.Proto.dispose = function()
- if (this.getDisposed()) {
- return;
- }
- // Reset drag cache for next drag and drop session
- if (this._dragCache)
- {
- this._dragCache.currentDropWidget = null;
- this._dragCache = null;
- }
- // Cleanup data and actions
- this._data = null;
- this._actions = null;
- this._actionNames = null;
- this._lastDestinationEvent = null;
- if (this._cursors)
- {
- if (this._cursors.move)
- {
- this._cursors.move.dispose();
- delete this._cursors.move;
- }
- if (this._cursors.copy)
- {
- this._cursors.copy.dispose();
- delete this._cursors.copy;
- }
- if (this._cursors.alias)
- {
- this._cursors.alias.dispose();
- delete this._cursors.alias;
- }
- if (this._cursors.nodrop)
- {
- this._cursors.nodrop.dispose();
- delete this._cursors.nodrop;
- }
- this._cursors = null;
- }
- return;
- * Singleton Instance Getter
- */
-qx.Class.getInstance = qx.lang.Function.returnInstance;
diff --git a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler/EventHandler.js b/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler/EventHandler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 858f8d6096..0000000000
--- a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler/EventHandler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1182 +0,0 @@
-/* ************************************************************************
- qooxdoo - the new era of web development
- Copyright:
- 2004-2007 1&1 Internet AG, Germany,
- License:
- EPL:
- See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details.
- Authors:
- * Sebastian Werner (wpbasti)
- * Andreas Ecker (ecker)
-************************************************************************ */
-/* ************************************************************************
-************************************************************************ */
- * This manager registers and manage all incoming key and mouse events.
- *
- * @event error {qx.event.type.DataEvent} Fired when an exception was thrown
- * when dispatching the event to the listeners. The event's property
- * "data" holds the exception.
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("qx.event.handler.EventHandler", qx.core.Target,
- // Object Wrapper to Events (Needed for DOM-Events)
- var o = this;
- // User Events
- this.__onmouseevent = function(e) { return o._onmouseevent(e); };
- this.__ondragevent = function(e) { return o._ondragevent(e); };
- this.__onselectevent = function(e) { return o._onselectevent(e); };
- // Window Events
- this.__onwindowblur = function(e) { return o._onwindowblur(e); };
- this.__onwindowfocus = function(e) { return o._onwindowfocus(e); };
- this.__onwindowresize = function(e) { return o._onwindowresize(e); };
- // Init Command Interface
- this._commands = {};
-qx.OO.addProperty({ name : "allowClientContextMenu", type : "boolean", defaultValue : false });
-qx.OO.addProperty({ name : "allowClientSelectAll", type : "boolean", defaultValue : false });
-qx.OO.addProperty({ name : "captureWidget", type : "object", instance : "qx.ui.core.Widget", allowNull : true });
-qx.OO.addProperty({ name : "focusRoot", type : "object", instance : "qx.ui.core.Parent", allowNull : true });
-qx.Class.mouseEventTypes = [ "mouseover", "mousemove", "mouseout", "mousedown", "mouseup", "click", "dblclick", "contextmenu", qx.core.Client.getInstance().isMshtml() ? "mousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll" ];
-qx.Class.keyEventTypes = [ "keydown", "keypress", "keyup" ];
-if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isGecko())
- qx.Class.dragEventTypes = [ "dragdrop", "dragover", "dragenter", "dragexit", "draggesture" ];
-else if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isMshtml())
- qx.Class.dragEventTypes = [ "dragend", "dragover", "dragstart", "drag", "dragenter", "dragleave" ];
- qx.Class.dragEventTypes = [ "dragstart", "dragdrop", "dragover", "drag", "dragleave", "dragenter", "dragexit", "draggesture" ];
-qx.Proto._lastMouseEventType = null;
-qx.Proto._lastMouseDown = false;
-qx.Proto._lastMouseEventDate = 0;
-qx.Proto._modifyCaptureWidget = function(propValue, propOldValue, propData)
- if (propOldValue) {
- propOldValue.setCapture(false);
- }
- if (propValue) {
- propValue.setCapture(true);
- }
- return true;
-qx.Proto._modifyFocusRoot = function(propValue, propOldValue, propData)
- // this.debug("FocusRoot: " + propValue + "(from:" + propOldValue + ")");
- if (propOldValue) {
- propOldValue.setFocusedChild(null);
- }
- if (propValue)
- {
- if (propValue.getFocusedChild() == null) {
- propValue.setFocusedChild(propValue);
- }
- }
- return true;
-qx.Proto.addCommand = function(vCommand) {
- this._commands[vCommand.toHashCode()] = vCommand;
-qx.Proto.removeCommand = function(vCommand) {
- delete this._commands[vCommand.toHashCode()];
-qx.Proto._checkKeyEventMatch = function(e)
- var vCommand;
- for (var vHash in this._commands)
- {
- vCommand = this._commands[vHash];
- if (vCommand.getEnabled() && vCommand._matchesKeyEvent(e))
- {
- // allow the user to stop the event
- // through the execute event.
- if (!vCommand.execute(e.getTarget())) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-qx.Proto.attachEvents = function()
- // Register dom events
- this.attachEventTypes(qx.event.handler.EventHandler.mouseEventTypes, this.__onmouseevent);
- this.attachEventTypes(qx.event.handler.EventHandler.dragEventTypes, this.__ondragevent);
- // Unregister separate handler events
- qx.event.handler.KeyEventHandler.getInstance()._attachEvents();
- // Register window events
- qx.html.EventRegistration.addEventListener(window, "blur", this.__onwindowblur);
- qx.html.EventRegistration.addEventListener(window, "focus", this.__onwindowfocus);
- qx.html.EventRegistration.addEventListener(window, "resize", this.__onwindowresize);
- // Register selection events
- document.body.onselect = document.onselectstart = document.onselectionchange = this.__onselectevent;
-qx.Proto.detachEvents = function()
- // Unregister dom events
- this.detachEventTypes(qx.event.handler.EventHandler.mouseEventTypes, this.__onmouseevent);
- this.detachEventTypes(qx.event.handler.EventHandler.dragEventTypes, this.__ondragevent);
- // Unregister separate handler events
- qx.event.handler.KeyEventHandler.getInstance()._detachEvents();
- // Unregister window events
- qx.html.EventRegistration.removeEventListener(window, "blur", this.__onwindowblur);
- qx.html.EventRegistration.removeEventListener(window, "focus", this.__onwindowfocus);
- qx.html.EventRegistration.removeEventListener(window, "resize", this.__onwindowresize);
- // Unregister selection events
- document.body.onselect = document.onselectstart = document.onselectionchange = null;
-qx.Proto.attachEventTypes = function(vEventTypes, vFunctionPointer)
- try
- {
- // Gecko is a bit buggy to handle key events on document if not previously focused
- // I think they will fix this sometimes, and we should add a version check here.
- // Internet Explorer has problems to use 'window', so there we use the 'body' element
- // as previously.
- var el = qx.core.Client.getInstance().isGecko() ? window : document.body;
- for (var i=0, l=vEventTypes.length; i<l; i++) {
- qx.html.EventRegistration.addEventListener(el, vEventTypes[i], vFunctionPointer);
- }
- }
- catch(ex)
- {
- throw new Error("qx.event.handler.EventHandler: Failed to attach window event types: " + vEventTypes + ": " + ex);
- }
-qx.Proto.detachEventTypes = function(vEventTypes, vFunctionPointer)
- try
- {
- var el = qx.core.Client.getInstance().isGecko() ? window : document.body;
- for (var i=0, l=vEventTypes.length; i<l; i++) {
- qx.html.EventRegistration.removeEventListener(el, vEventTypes[i], vFunctionPointer);
- }
- }
- catch(ex)
- {
- throw new Error("qx.event.handler.EventHandler: Failed to detach window event types: " + vEventTypes + ": " + ex);
- }
-// BUG:
-// If your Mozilla was built with an option `--enable-default-toolkit=gtk2',
-// it can not return the correct event target for DOMMouseScroll.
-qx.Class.getOriginalTargetObject = function(vNode)
- // Events on the HTML element, when using absolute locations which
- // are outside the HTML element. Opera does not seem to fire events
- // on the HTML element.
- if (vNode == document.documentElement) {
- vNode = document.body;
- }
- // Walk up the tree and search for an qx.ui.core.Widget
- while(vNode != null && vNode.qx_Widget == null)
- {
- try {
- vNode = vNode.parentNode;
- }
- catch(vDomEvent)
- {
- vNode = null;
- }
- }
- return vNode ? vNode.qx_Widget : null;
-if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isWebkit())
- /**
- * extract the target node from a DOM event
- *
- *
- * @param vDomEvent {Event}
- * @return {Element} the target node
- */
- qx.Class.getDomTarget = function(vDomEvent)
- {
- var vNode = || vDomEvent.srcElement;
- // Safari takes text nodes as targets for events
- if (vNode && (vNode.nodeType == qx.dom.Node.TEXT)) {
- vNode = vNode.parentNode;
- }
- return vNode;
- };
-else if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isMshtml())
- /**
- * extract the target node from a DOM event
- *
- *
- * @param vDomEvent {Event}
- * @return {Element} the target node
- */
- qx.Class.getDomTarget = function(vDomEvent) {
- return || vDomEvent.srcElement;
- };
- /**
- * extract the target node from a DOM event
- *
- *
- * @param vDomEvent {Event}
- * @return {Element} the target node
- */
- qx.Class.getDomTarget = function(vDomEvent) {
- return;
- };
-qx.Class.getOriginalTargetObjectFromEvent = function(vDomEvent, vWindow)
- var vNode = qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getDomTarget(vDomEvent);
- // Especially to fix key events.
- // 'vWindow' is the window reference then
- if (vWindow)
- {
- var vDocument = vWindow.document;
- if (vNode == vWindow || vNode == vDocument || vNode == vDocument.documentElement || vNode == vDocument.body) {
- return vDocument.body.qx_Widget;
- }
- }
- return qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getOriginalTargetObject(vNode);
-qx.Class.getRelatedOriginalTargetObjectFromEvent = function(vDomEvent) {
- return qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getOriginalTargetObject(vDomEvent.relatedTarget || (vDomEvent.type == "mouseover" ? vDomEvent.fromElement : vDomEvent.toElement));
-qx.Class.getTargetObject = function(vNode, vObject, allowDisabled)
- if (!vObject)
- {
- var vObject = qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getOriginalTargetObject(vNode);
- if (!vObject) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- // Search parent tree
- while(vObject)
- {
- // Break if current object is disabled -
- // event should be ignored then.
- if (!allowDisabled && !vObject.getEnabled()) {
- return null;
- }
- // If object is anonymous, search for
- // first parent which is not anonymous
- // and not disabled
- if (!vObject.getAnonymous()) {
- break;
- }
- vObject = vObject.getParent();
- }
- return vObject;
-qx.Class.getTargetObjectFromEvent = function(vDomEvent) {
- return qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getTargetObject(qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getDomTarget(vDomEvent));
-qx.Class.getRelatedTargetObjectFromEvent = function(vDomEvent) {
- var target = vDomEvent.relatedTarget;
- if (!target) {
- if (vDomEvent.type == "mouseover") {
- target = vDomEvent.fromElement
- } else {
- target = vDomEvent.toElement
- }
- }
- return qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getTargetObject(target);
- * stops further propagation of the event
- *
- * @param vDomEvent {Element} DOM event object
- */
-qx.Class.stopDomEvent = function(vDomEvent) {};
-if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isMshtml())
- qx.Class.stopDomEvent = function(vDomEvent) {
- vDomEvent.returnValue = false;
- }
- qx.Class.stopDomEvent = function(vDomEvent)
- {
- vDomEvent.preventDefault();
- vDomEvent.returnValue = false;
- }
-qx.Proto._onkeyevent_post = function(vDomEvent, vType, vKeyCode, vCharCode, vKeyIdentifier)
- var vDomTarget = qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getDomTarget(vDomEvent);
- // Find current active qooxdoo object
- var vFocusRoot = this.getFocusRoot();
- var vTarget = this.getCaptureWidget() || (vFocusRoot == null ? null : vFocusRoot.getActiveChild());
- if (vTarget == null || !vTarget.getEnabled()) {
- return false;
- }
- var vDomEventTarget = vTarget.getElement();
- // Hide Menus
- switch(vKeyIdentifier)
- {
- case "Escape":
- case "Tab":
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.manager.object.MenuManager")) {
- qx.manager.object.MenuManager.getInstance().update(vTarget, vType);
- }
- break;
- }
- // TODO: Move this to KeyEvent?
- // Prohibit CTRL+A
- if (!this.getAllowClientSelectAll())
- {
- if (vDomEvent.ctrlKey && vKeyIdentifier == "A")
- {
- switch(vDomTarget.tagName.toLowerCase())
- {
- case "input":
- case "textarea":
- case "iframe":
- break;
- default:
- qx.event.handler.EventHandler.stopDomEvent(vDomEvent);
- }
- }
- }
- // Create Event Object
- var vKeyEventObject = new qx.event.type.KeyEvent(vType, vDomEvent, vDomTarget, vTarget, null, vKeyCode, vCharCode, vKeyIdentifier);
- // Check for commands
- if (vDomEvent.type == "keydown") {
- this._checkKeyEventMatch(vKeyEventObject);
- }
- try {
- // Starting Objects Internal Event Dispatcher
- // This handles the real event action
- vTarget.dispatchEvent(vKeyEventObject);
- // Send event to qx.event.handler.DragAndDropHandler
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.event.handler.DragAndDropHandler")) {
- qx.event.handler.DragAndDropHandler.getInstance().handleKeyEvent(vKeyEventObject);
- }
- } catch (ex) {
- this.error("Failed to dispatch key event", ex);
- this.createDispatchDataEvent("error", ex);
- }
- // Cleanup Event Object
- vKeyEventObject.dispose();
- // Flush Queues
- qx.ui.core.Widget.flushGlobalQueues();
- This one handle all mouse events
- When a user double clicks on a qx.ui.core.Widget the
- order of the mouse events is the following:
- 1. mousedown
- 2. mouseup
- 3. click
- 4. mousedown
- 5. mouseup
- 6. click
- 7. dblclick
- qx.Proto._onmouseevent = function(vDomEvent)
- {
- qx.core.Init.getInstance().getComponent().preload();
- if(!vDomEvent) {
- vDomEvent = window.event;
- }
- var vDomTarget = qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getDomTarget(vDomEvent);
- var vType = vDomEvent.type;
- if(vType == "mousemove")
- {
- if (this._mouseIsDown && vDomEvent.button == 0)
- {
- this._onmouseevent_post(vDomEvent, "mouseup");
- this._mouseIsDown = false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(vType == "mousedown")
- {
- this._mouseIsDown = true;
- }
- else if(vType == "mouseup")
- {
- this._mouseIsDown = false;
- }
- // Fix MSHTML Mouseup, should be after a normal click or contextmenu event, like Mozilla does this
- if(vType == "mouseup" && !this._lastMouseDown && ((new Date).valueOf() - this._lastMouseEventDate) < 250)
- {
- this._onmouseevent_post(vDomEvent, "mousedown");
- }
- // Fix MSHTML Doubleclick, should be after a normal click event, like Mozilla does this
- else if(vType == "dblclick" && this._lastMouseEventType == "mouseup" && ((new Date).valueOf() - this._lastMouseEventDate) < 250)
- {
- this._onmouseevent_post(vDomEvent, "click");
- }
- switch(vType)
- {
- case "mousedown":
- case "mouseup":
- case "click":
- case "dblclick":
- case "contextmenu":
- this._lastMouseEventType = vType;
- this._lastMouseEventDate = (new Date).valueOf();
- this._lastMouseDown = vType == "mousedown";
- }
- }
- this._onmouseevent_post(vDomEvent, vType, vDomTarget);
- }
- qx.Proto._onmouseevent = function(vDomEvent)
- {
- qx.core.Init.getInstance().getComponent().preload();
- var vDomTarget = qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getDomTarget(vDomEvent);
- var vType = vDomEvent.type;
- switch(vType)
- {
- case "DOMMouseScroll":
- // normalize mousewheel event
- vType = "mousewheel";
- break;
- case "click":
- case "dblclick":
- // ignore click or dblclick events with other then the left mouse button
- if (vDomEvent.which !== 1) {
- return;
- }
- }
- this._onmouseevent_post(vDomEvent, vType, vDomTarget);
- }
-Fixes browser quirks with 'click' detection
-Firefox The DOM-targets are different. The click event only fires, if the target of the
- mousedown is the same than with the mouseup. If the content moved away, the click isn't fired.
-Internet Explorer 6.0: The DOM-targets are identical and the click fires fine.
-Opera 9.01: The DOM-targets are different, but the click fires fine. Fires click successfull,
- even if the content under the cursor was moved away.
-if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isGecko())
- qx.Proto._onmouseevent_click_fix = function(vDomTarget, vType, vDispatchTarget)
- {
- var vReturn = false;
- switch(vType)
- {
- case "mousedown":
- this._lastMouseDownDomTarget = vDomTarget;
- this._lastMouseDownDispatchTarget = vDispatchTarget;
- break;
- case "mouseup":
- // Add additional click event if the dispatch target is the same, but the dom target is different
- if (this._lastMouseDownDispatchTarget === vDispatchTarget && vDomTarget !== this._lastMouseDownDomTarget)
- {
- vReturn = true;
- }
- else
- {
- this._lastMouseDownDomTarget = null;
- this._lastMouseDownDispatchTarget = null;
- }
- }
- return vReturn;
- };
- qx.Proto._onmouseevent_click_fix = function(vDomTarget, vDispatchTarget) {
- return false;
- }
- This is the crossbrowser post handler for all mouse events.
-qx.Proto._onmouseevent_post = function(vDomEvent, vType, vDomTarget)
- try
- {
- var vEventObject, vCaptureTarget, vDispatchTarget, vTarget, vOriginalTarget, vRelatedTarget, vFixClick, vTargetIsEnabled;
- // Check for capturing, if enabled the target is the captured widget.
- vCaptureTarget = this.getCaptureWidget();
- // Event Target Object
- vOriginalTarget = qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getOriginalTargetObject(vDomTarget);
- // If capturing isn't active search for a valid target object
- if (!vCaptureTarget)
- {
- // Get Target Object
- vDispatchTarget = vTarget = qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getTargetObject(null, vOriginalTarget, true);
- }
- else
- {
- vDispatchTarget = vCaptureTarget;
- vTarget = qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getTargetObject(null, vOriginalTarget, true);
- }
- // If there is no target, we have nothing to do
- if (!vTarget) {
- return;
- }
- vTargetIsEnabled = vTarget.getEnabled();
- // Fix click event
- vFixClick = this._onmouseevent_click_fix(vDomTarget, vType, vDispatchTarget);
- // Prevent the browser's native context menu
- if (vType == "contextmenu" && !this.getAllowClientContextMenu()) {
- qx.event.handler.EventHandler.stopDomEvent(vDomEvent);
- }
- // Update focus
- if (vTargetIsEnabled && vType == "mousedown") {
- qx.event.handler.FocusHandler.mouseFocus = true;
- var vRoot = vTarget.getFocusRoot();
- if (vRoot)
- {
- this.setFocusRoot(vRoot);
- vRoot.setActiveChild(vTarget);
- // Active focus on element (if possible, else search up the parent tree)
- var vFocusTarget = vTarget;
- while (!vFocusTarget.isFocusable() && vFocusTarget != vRoot) {
- vFocusTarget = vFocusTarget.getParent();
- }
- vRoot.setFocusedChild(vFocusTarget);
- }
- }
- var vDomEventTarget = vTarget.getElement();
- // Find related target object
- switch(vType)
- {
- case "mouseover":
- case "mouseout":
- vRelatedTarget = qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getRelatedTargetObjectFromEvent(vDomEvent);
- // Ignore events where the related target and
- // the real target are equal - from our sight
- if (vRelatedTarget == vTarget) {
- return;
- }
- }
- try
- {
- // Create Mouse Event Object
- vEventObject = new qx.event.type.MouseEvent(vType, vDomEvent, vDomTarget, vTarget, vOriginalTarget, vRelatedTarget);
- }
- catch(ex)
- {
- return this.error("Failed to create mouse event", ex);
- }
- // Store last Event in MouseEvent Constructor
- // Needed for Tooltips, ...
- qx.event.type.MouseEvent._storeEventState(vEventObject);
- if (vTargetIsEnabled) {
- // Dispatch Event through target (eventtarget-)object
- var vEventWasProcessed = false;
- try {
- vEventWasProcessed = vDispatchTarget ? vDispatchTarget.dispatchEvent(vEventObject) : true;
- // Handle Special Post Events
- this._onmouseevent_special_post(vType, vTarget, vOriginalTarget, vDispatchTarget, vEventWasProcessed, vEventObject, vDomEvent);
- } catch(ex) {
- this.error("Failed to dispatch mouse event", ex);
- this.createDispatchDataEvent("error", ex);
- }
- } else {
- // target is disabled -> Pass the event only to the ToolTipManager
- if (vType == "mouseover") {
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.manager.object.ToolTipManager")) {
- qx.manager.object.ToolTipManager.getInstance().handleMouseOver(vEventObject);
- }
- }
- }
- // Dispose Event Object
- vEventObject.dispose();
- vEventObject = null;
- // Flush Queues
- qx.ui.core.Widget.flushGlobalQueues();
- // Fix Click (Gecko Bug, see above)
- if (vFixClick)
- {
- this._onmouseevent_post(vDomEvent, "click", this._lastMouseDownDomTarget);
- this._lastMouseDownDomTarget = null;
- this._lastMouseDownDispatchTarget = null;
- }
- }
- catch(ex)
- {
- return this.error("Failed to handle mouse event", ex);
- }
-qx.Proto._onmouseevent_special_post = function(vType, vTarget, vOriginalTarget, vDispatchTarget, vEventWasProcessed, vEventObject, vDomEvent) {
- switch(vType)
- {
- case "mousedown":
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.manager.object.PopupManager")) {
- qx.manager.object.PopupManager.getInstance().update(vTarget);
- }
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.manager.object.MenuManager")) {
- qx.manager.object.MenuManager.getInstance().update(vTarget, vType);
- }
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.manager.object.IframeManager")) {
- qx.manager.object.IframeManager.getInstance().handleMouseDown(vEventObject);
- }
- break;
- case "mouseup":
- // Mouseup event should always hide, independed of target, so don't send a target
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.manager.object.MenuManager")) {
- qx.manager.object.MenuManager.getInstance().update(vTarget, vType);
- }
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.manager.object.IframeManager")) {
- qx.manager.object.IframeManager.getInstance().handleMouseUp(vEventObject);
- }
- break;
- case "mouseover":
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.manager.object.ToolTipManager")) {
- qx.manager.object.ToolTipManager.getInstance().handleMouseOver(vEventObject);
- }
- break;
- case "mouseout":
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.manager.object.ToolTipManager")) {
- qx.manager.object.ToolTipManager.getInstance().handleMouseOut(vEventObject);
- }
- break;
- case "mousewheel":
- // priority for the real target not the (eventually captured) dispatch target
- vEventWasProcessed ? this._onmousewheel(vOriginalTarget || vDispatchTarget, vEventObject) : qx.event.handler.EventHandler.stopDomEvent(vDomEvent);
- break;
- }
- this._ignoreWindowBlur = vType === "mousedown";
- // Send Event Object to Drag&Drop Manager
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.event.handler.DragAndDropHandler") && vTarget) {
- qx.event.handler.DragAndDropHandler.getInstance().handleMouseEvent(vEventObject);
- }
-if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isGecko())
- qx.Proto._onmousewheel = function(vTarget, vEvent)
- {
- if(vTarget == null) {
- return;
- }
- // ingore if overflow is configured as hidden
- // in this case send the event to the parent instead
- if(vTarget.getOverflowY() == "hidden") {
- return this._onmousewheel(vTarget.getParent(), vEvent);
- }
- var vScrollTop = vTarget.getScrollTop();
- var vDelta = 20 * vEvent.getWheelDelta();
- // if already at the top edge and the user scrolls up
- // then send the event to the parent instead
- if(vScrollTop == 0 && vDelta > 0) {
- return this._onmousewheel(vTarget.getParent(), vEvent);
- }
- var vScrollHeight = vTarget.getScrollHeight();
- var vClientHeight = vTarget.getClientHeight();
- // if already at the bottom edge and the user scrolls down
- // then send the event to the parent instead
- if(vScrollTop + vClientHeight >= vScrollHeight && vDelta < 0) {
- return this._onmousewheel(vTarget.getParent(), vEvent);
- }
- // apply new scroll position
- vTarget.setScrollTop(vScrollTop - vDelta);
- // stop default handling, that works sometimes, too
- vEvent.preventDefault();
- }
- qx.Proto._onmousewheel = function() {};
- Currently only to stop non needed events
-qx.Proto._ondragevent = function(vEvent)
- if (!vEvent) {
- vEvent = window.event;
- }
- qx.event.handler.EventHandler.stopDomEvent(vEvent);
-qx.Proto._onselectevent = function(e)
- if(!e) {
- e = window.event;
- }
- var vTarget = qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getOriginalTargetObjectFromEvent(e);
- if(vTarget && !vTarget.getSelectable()) {
- qx.event.handler.EventHandler.stopDomEvent(e);
- }
-qx.Proto._focused = false;
-qx.Proto._onwindowblur = function(e)
- // this.debug("Try Window blur...");
- if (!this._focused || this._ignoreWindowBlur) {
- return;
- }
- this._focused = false;
- // this.debug("Window blur...");
- // Disable capturing
- this.setCaptureWidget(null);
- // Hide Popups, Tooltips, ...
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.manager.object.PopupManager")) {
- qx.manager.object.PopupManager.getInstance().update();
- }
- // Hide Menus
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.manager.object.MenuManager")) {
- qx.manager.object.MenuManager.getInstance().update();
- }
- // Cancel Drag Operations
- if (qx.OO.isAvailable("qx.event.handler.DragAndDropHandler")) {
- qx.event.handler.DragAndDropHandler.getInstance().globalCancelDrag();
- }
- // Send blur event to client document
- qx.ui.core.ClientDocument.getInstance().createDispatchEvent("windowblur");
-qx.Proto._onwindowfocus = function(e)
- // this.debug("Try Window focus...");
- if (this._focused) {
- return;
- }
- this._focused = true;
- // this.debug("Window focus...");
- // Send focus event to client document
- qx.ui.core.ClientDocument.getInstance().createDispatchEvent("windowfocus");
-qx.Proto._onwindowresize = function(e)
- // Send resize event to client document
- qx.ui.core.ClientDocument.getInstance().createDispatchEvent("windowresize");
-qx.Proto.dispose = function()
- if (this.getDisposed()) {
- return;
- }
- // Detach mouse events
- this.detachEvents();
- // Reset functions
- this.__onmouseevent = this.__ondragevent = this.__onselectevent = null;
- this.__onwindowblur = this.__onwindowfocus = this.__onwindowresize = null;
- // Cleanup
- this._lastMouseEventType = null;
- this._lastMouseDown = null;
- this._lastMouseEventDate = null;
- this._lastMouseDownDomTarget = null;
- this._lastMouseDownDispatchTarget = null;
- if (this._commands)
- {
- for (var vHash in this._commands)
- {
- this._commands[vHash].dispose();
- delete this._commands[vHash];
- }
- this._commands = null;
- }
- * Singleton Instance Getter
- */
-qx.Class.getInstance = qx.lang.Function.returnInstance;
diff --git a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler/FocusHandler.js b/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler/FocusHandler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d21639e3dd..0000000000
--- a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler/FocusHandler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-/* ************************************************************************
- qooxdoo - the new era of web development
- Copyright:
- 2004-2007 1&1 Internet AG, Germany,
- License:
- EPL:
- See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details.
- Authors:
- * Sebastian Werner (wpbasti)
- * Andreas Ecker (ecker)
-************************************************************************ */
-/* ************************************************************************
-************************************************************************ */
- This object gets an instance in each focus root and manage the focus handling for it.
-qx.OO.defineClass("qx.event.handler.FocusHandler", qx.core.Target,
- if (vWidget != null) {
- this._attachedWidget = vWidget;
- }
-qx.event.handler.FocusHandler.mouseFocus = false;
-qx.Proto.getAttachedWidget = function() {
- return this._attachedWidget;
-// Check for TAB pressed
-// * use keydown on mshtml
-// * use keypress on vAll other (correct) browsers
-// = same behaviour
-qx.event.handler.FocusHandler.tabEventType = qx.core.Client.getInstance().isMshtml() ? "keydown" : "keypress";
-qx.Proto._onkeyevent = function(vContainer, vEvent)
- if (vEvent.getKeyIdentifier() != "Tab") {
- return;
- }
- // Stop all key-events with a TAB keycode
- vEvent.stopPropagation();
- vEvent.preventDefault();
- // But only react on the one to use for this browser.
- if (vEvent.getType() != qx.event.handler.FocusHandler.tabEventType) {
- return;
- }
- qx.event.handler.FocusHandler.mouseFocus = false;
- var vCurrent = this.getAttachedWidget().getFocusedChild();
- // Support shift key to reverse widget detection order
- if(!vEvent.isShiftPressed()) {
- var vNext = vCurrent ? this.getWidgetAfter(vContainer, vCurrent) : this.getFirstWidget(vContainer);
- } else {
- var vNext = vCurrent ? this.getWidgetBefore(vContainer, vCurrent) : this.getLastWidget(vContainer);
- }
- // If there was a widget found, focus it
- if(vNext)
- {
- vNext.setFocused(true);
- vNext._ontabfocus();
- }
-qx.Proto.compareTabOrder = function(c1, c2)
- // Sort-Check #1: Tab-Index
- if(c1 == c2) {
- return 0;
- }
- var t1 = c1.getTabIndex();
- var t2 = c2.getTabIndex();
- // The following are some ideas to handle focus after tabindex.
- // Sort-Check #2: Top-Position
- if(t1 != t2) {
- return t1 - t2;
- }
- var y1 = qx.html.Location.getPageBoxTop(c1.getElement());
- var y2 = qx.html.Location.getPageBoxTop(c2.getElement());
- if(y1 != y2) {
- return y1 - y2;
- }
- // Sort-Check #3: Left-Position
- var x1 = qx.html.Location.getPageBoxLeft(c1.getElement());
- var x2 = qx.html.Location.getPageBoxLeft(c2.getElement());
- if(x1 != x2) {
- return x1 - x2;
- }
- // Sort-Check #4: zIndex
- var z1 = c1.getZIndex();
- var z2 = c2.getZIndex();
- if(z1 != z2) {
- return z1 - z2;
- }
- return 0;
-qx.Proto.getFirstWidget = function(vParentContainer) {
- return this._getFirst(vParentContainer, null);
-qx.Proto.getLastWidget = function(vParentContainer) {
- return this._getLast(vParentContainer, null);
-qx.Proto.getWidgetAfter = function(vParentContainer, vWidget)
- if(vParentContainer == vWidget) {
- return this.getFirstWidget(vParentContainer);
- }
- if(vWidget.getAnonymous()) {
- vWidget = vWidget.getParent();
- }
- if(vWidget == null) {
- return [];
- }
- var vAll = [];
- this._getAllAfter(vParentContainer, vWidget, vAll);
- vAll.sort(this.compareTabOrder);
- return vAll.length > 0 ? vAll[0] : this.getFirstWidget(vParentContainer);
-qx.Proto.getWidgetBefore = function(vParentContainer, vWidget)
- if(vParentContainer == vWidget) {
- return this.getLastWidget(vParentContainer);
- }
- if(vWidget.getAnonymous()) {
- vWidget = vWidget.getParent();
- }
- if(vWidget == null) {
- return [];
- }
- var vAll = [];
- this._getAllBefore(vParentContainer, vWidget, vAll);
- vAll.sort(this.compareTabOrder);
- var vChildrenLength = vAll.length;
- return vChildrenLength > 0 ? vAll[vChildrenLength-1] : this.getLastWidget(vParentContainer);
-qx.Proto._getAllAfter = function(vParent, vWidget, vArray)
- var vChildren = vParent.getChildren();
- var vCurrentChild;
- var vChildrenLength = vChildren.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < vChildrenLength; i++)
- {
- vCurrentChild = vChildren[i];
- if(!(vCurrentChild instanceof qx.ui.core.Parent) && !(vCurrentChild instanceof qx.ui.basic.Terminator)) {
- continue;
- }
- if(vCurrentChild.isFocusable() && vCurrentChild.getTabIndex() > 0 && this.compareTabOrder(vWidget, vCurrentChild) < 0) {
- vArray.push(vChildren[i]);
- }
- if(!vCurrentChild.isFocusRoot() && vCurrentChild instanceof qx.ui.core.Parent) {
- this._getAllAfter(vCurrentChild, vWidget, vArray);
- }
- }
-qx.Proto._getAllBefore = function(vParent, vWidget, vArray)
- var vChildren = vParent.getChildren();
- var vCurrentChild;
- var vChildrenLength = vChildren.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < vChildrenLength; i++)
- {
- vCurrentChild = vChildren[i];
- if(!(vCurrentChild instanceof qx.ui.core.Parent) && !(vCurrentChild instanceof qx.ui.basic.Terminator)) {
- continue;
- }
- if(vCurrentChild.isFocusable() && vCurrentChild.getTabIndex() > 0 && this.compareTabOrder(vWidget, vCurrentChild) > 0) {
- vArray.push(vCurrentChild);
- }
- if(!vCurrentChild.isFocusRoot() && vCurrentChild instanceof qx.ui.core.Parent) {
- this._getAllBefore(vCurrentChild, vWidget, vArray);
- }
- }
-qx.Proto._getFirst = function(vParent, vFirstWidget)
- var vChildren = vParent.getChildren();
- var vCurrentChild;
- var vChildrenLength = vChildren.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < vChildrenLength; i++)
- {
- vCurrentChild = vChildren[i];
- if(!(vCurrentChild instanceof qx.ui.core.Parent) && !(vCurrentChild instanceof qx.ui.basic.Terminator)) {
- continue;
- }
- if(vCurrentChild.isFocusable() && vCurrentChild.getTabIndex() > 0)
- {
- if(vFirstWidget == null || this.compareTabOrder(vCurrentChild, vFirstWidget) < 0) {
- vFirstWidget = vCurrentChild;
- }
- }
- if(!vCurrentChild.isFocusRoot() && vCurrentChild instanceof qx.ui.core.Parent) {
- vFirstWidget = this._getFirst(vCurrentChild, vFirstWidget);
- }
- }
- return vFirstWidget;
-qx.Proto._getLast = function(vParent, vLastWidget)
- var vChildren = vParent.getChildren();
- var vCurrentChild;
- var vChildrenLength = vChildren.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < vChildrenLength; i++)
- {
- vCurrentChild = vChildren[i];
- if(!(vCurrentChild instanceof qx.ui.core.Parent) && !(vCurrentChild instanceof qx.ui.basic.Terminator)) {
- continue;
- }
- if(vCurrentChild.isFocusable() && vCurrentChild.getTabIndex() > 0)
- {
- if(vLastWidget == null || this.compareTabOrder(vCurrentChild, vLastWidget) > 0) {
- vLastWidget = vCurrentChild;
- }
- }
- if(!vCurrentChild.isFocusRoot() && vCurrentChild instanceof qx.ui.core.Parent) {
- vLastWidget = this._getLast(vCurrentChild, vLastWidget);
- }
- }
- return vLastWidget;
-qx.Proto.dispose = function()
- if (this.getDisposed()) {
- return;
- }
- this._attachedWidget = null;
diff --git a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler/KeyEventHandler.js b/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler/KeyEventHandler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fd44b75c79..0000000000
--- a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/event/handler/KeyEventHandler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,659 +0,0 @@
-/* ************************************************************************
- qooxdoo - the new era of web development
- Copyright:
- 2004-2007 1&1 Internet AG, Germany,
- License:
- EPL:
- See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details.
- Authors:
- * Sebastian Werner (wpbasti)
- * Andreas Ecker (ecker)
- * Fabian Jakobs (fjakobs)
-************************************************************************ */
-/* ************************************************************************
-************************************************************************ */
- * This class provides unified key event handler for Internet Explorer,
- * Firefox, Opera and Safari
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("qx.event.handler.KeyEventHandler", qx.core.Target, function()
- // Object Wrapper to Events (Needed for DOM-Events)
- var o = this;
- /**
- * private
- *
- * @param e {Event} event
- */
- this.__onkeypress = function(e) { o._onkeypress(e); };
- /**
- * private
- *
- * @param e {Event} event
- */
- this.__onkeyupdown = function(e) { o._onkeyupdown(e); };
-/** attach the key event handler to the DOM events */
-qx.Proto._attachEvents = function()
- var el = qx.core.Client.getInstance().isGecko() ? window : document.body;
- qx.html.EventRegistration.addEventListener(el, "keypress", this.__onkeypress);
- qx.html.EventRegistration.addEventListener(el, "keyup", this.__onkeyupdown);
- qx.html.EventRegistration.addEventListener(el, "keydown", this.__onkeyupdown);
-/** detach the key event handler from the DOM events */
-qx.Proto._detachEvents = function()
- var el = qx.core.Client.getInstance().isGecko() ? window : document.body;
- // Unregister dom events
- qx.html.EventRegistration.removeEventListener(el, "keypress", this.__onkeypress);
- qx.html.EventRegistration.removeEventListener(el, "keyup", this.__onkeyupdown);
- qx.html.EventRegistration.removeEventListener(el, "keydown", this.__onkeyupdown);
-/** maps the charcodes of special printable keys to key identifiers */
-qx.Proto._specialCharCodeMap =
- 8 : "Backspace", // The Backspace (Back) key.
- 9 : "Tab", // The Horizontal Tabulation (Tab) key.
- 32 : "Space" // The Space (Spacebar) key.
-/** maps the keycodes of non printable keys to key identifiers */
-qx.Proto._keyCodeToIdentifierMap =
- 13 : "Enter", // The Enter key.
- // Note: This key identifier is also used for the
- // Return (Macintosh numpad) key.
- 16 : "Shift", // The Shift key.
- 17 : "Control", // The Control (Ctrl) key.
- 18 : "Alt", // The Alt (Menu) key.
- 20 : "CapsLock", // The CapsLock key
- 224 : "Meta", // The Meta key. (Apple Meta and Windows key)
- 27 : "Escape", // The Escape (Esc) key.
- 37 : "Left", // The Left Arrow key.
- 38 : "Up", // The Up Arrow key.
- 39 : "Right", // The Right Arrow key.
- 40 : "Down", // The Down Arrow key.
- 33 : "PageUp", // The Page Up key.
- 34 : "PageDown", // The Page Down (Next) key.
- 35 : "End", // The End key.
- 36 : "Home", // The Home key.
- 45 : "Insert", // The Insert (Ins) key. (Does not fire in Opera/Win)
- 46 : "Delete", // The Delete (Del) Key.
- 112 : "F1", // The F1 key.
- 113 : "F2", // The F2 key.
- 114 : "F3", // The F3 key.
- 115 : "F4", // The F4 key.
- 116 : "F5", // The F5 key.
- 117 : "F6", // The F6 key.
- 118 : "F7", // The F7 key.
- 119 : "F8", // The F8 key.
- 120 : "F9", // The F9 key.
- 121 : "F10", // The F10 key.
- 122 : "F11", // The F11 key.
- 123 : "F12", // The F12 key.
- 144 : "NumLock", // The Num Lock key.
- 44 : "PrintScreen", // The Print Screen (PrintScrn, SnapShot) key.
- 145 : "Scroll", // The scroll lock key
- 19 : "Pause", // The pause/break key
- 91 : "Win", // The Windows Logo key
- 93 : "Apps" // The Application key (Windows Context Menu)
-/** maps the keycodes of the numpad keys to the right charcodes */
-qx.Proto._numpadToCharCode =
- 96 : "0".charCodeAt(0),
- 97 : "1".charCodeAt(0),
- 98 : "2".charCodeAt(0),
- 99 : "3".charCodeAt(0),
- 100 : "4".charCodeAt(0),
- 101 : "5".charCodeAt(0),
- 102 : "6".charCodeAt(0),
- 103 : "7".charCodeAt(0),
- 104 : "8".charCodeAt(0),
- 105 : "9".charCodeAt(0),
- 106 : "*".charCodeAt(0),
- 107 : "+".charCodeAt(0),
- 109 : "-".charCodeAt(0),
- 110 : ",".charCodeAt(0),
- 111 : "/".charCodeAt(0)
-// construct invers of keyCodeToIdentifierMap
- if (!qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCodeMap)
- {
- qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCodeMap = {};
- for (var key in qx.Proto._keyCodeToIdentifierMap) {
- qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCodeMap[qx.Proto._keyCodeToIdentifierMap[key]] = parseInt(key);
- }
- for (var key in qx.Proto._specialCharCodeMap) {
- qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCodeMap[qx.Proto._specialCharCodeMap[key]] = parseInt(key);
- }
- }
-qx.Proto._charCodeA = "A".charCodeAt(0);
-qx.Proto._charCodeZ = "Z".charCodeAt(0);
-qx.Proto._charCode0 = "0".charCodeAt(0);
-qx.Proto._charCode9 = "9".charCodeAt(0);
- * Checks wether the keyCode represents a non printable key
- *
- * @param keyCode {String}
- * @return {Boolean}
- */
-qx.Proto._isNonPrintableKeyCode = function(keyCode) {
- return this._keyCodeToIdentifierMap[keyCode] ? true : false;
- * Check wether the keycode can be reliably detected in keyup/keydown events
- *
- * @param keyCode {String}
- * @return {Boolean}
- */
-qx.Proto._isIdentifiableKeyCode = function(keyCode)
- // A-Z
- if (keyCode >= this._charCodeA && keyCode <= this._charCodeZ) {
- return true;
- }
- // 0-9
- if (keyCode >= this._charCode0 && keyCode <= this._charCode9) {
- return true;
- }
- // Enter, Space, Tab, Backspace
- if (this._specialCharCodeMap[keyCode]) {
- return true;
- }
- // Numpad
- if (this._numpadToCharCode[keyCode]) {
- return true;
- }
- // non printable keys
- if (this._isNonPrintableKeyCode(keyCode)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- * Checks wether a given string is a valid keyIdentifier
- *
- * @param keyIdentifier {String} The key identifier.
- * @return {Boolean} wether the given string is a valid keyIdentifier
- */
-qx.Proto.isValidKeyIdentifier = function(keyIdentifier)
- if (this._identifierToKeyCodeMap[keyIdentifier]) {
- return true;
- }
- if (keyIdentifier.length != 1) {
- return false;
- }
- if (keyIdentifier >= "0" && keyIdentifier <= "9") {
- return true;
- }
- if (keyIdentifier >= "A" && keyIdentifier <= "Z") {
- return true;
- }
- switch (keyIdentifier)
- {
- case "+":
- case "-":
- case "*":
- case "/":
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- * converts a keyboard code to the corresponding identifier
- *
- * @param keyCode {Integer}
- * @return {String} key identifier
- */
-qx.Proto._keyCodeToIdentifier = function(keyCode)
- if (this._isIdentifiableKeyCode(keyCode))
- {
- var numPadKeyCode = this._numpadToCharCode[keyCode];
- if (numPadKeyCode) {
- return String.fromCharCode(numPadKeyCode);
- }
- return (
- this._keyCodeToIdentifierMap[keyCode] ||
- this._specialCharCodeMap[keyCode] ||
- String.fromCharCode(keyCode)
- );
- }
- else
- {
- return "Unidentified";
- }
- * converts a character code to the corresponding identifier
- *
- * @param charCode {String}
- * @return {String} key identifier
- */
-qx.Proto._charCodeToIdentifier = function(charCode) {
- return this._specialCharCodeMap[charCode] || String.fromCharCode(charCode).toUpperCase();
- * converts a key identifier back to a keycode
- *
- * @param keyIdentifier {String}
- * @return {Integer} keyboard code
- */
-qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode = function(keyIdentifier) {
- return this._identifierToKeyCodeMap[keyIdentifier] || keyIdentifier.charCodeAt(0);
- * Key handler for an idealized browser.
- * Runs after the browser specific key handlers have normalized the key events.
- *
- * @param keyCode {String} keyboard code
- * @param charCode {String} character code
- * @param eventType {String} type of the event (keydown, keypress, keyup)
- * @param domEvent {Element} DomEvent
- */
-qx.Proto._idealKeyHandler = function(keyCode, charCode, eventType, domEvent)
- if (!keyCode && !charCode) {
- return;
- }
- var keyIdentifier;
- // Use: keyCode
- if (keyCode)
- {
- keyIdentifier = this._keyCodeToIdentifier(keyCode);
- qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getInstance()._onkeyevent_post(domEvent, eventType, keyCode, charCode, keyIdentifier);
- }
- // Use: charCode
- else
- {
- keyIdentifier = this._charCodeToIdentifier(charCode);
- qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getInstance()._onkeyevent_post(domEvent, "keypress", keyCode, charCode, keyIdentifier);
- qx.event.handler.EventHandler.getInstance()._onkeyevent_post(domEvent, "keyinput", keyCode, charCode, keyIdentifier);
- }
-if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isMshtml())
- qx.Proto._lastUpDownType = {};
- qx.Proto._charCode2KeyCode =
- {
- 13 : 13,
- 27 : 27
- };
- qx.Proto._onkeyupdown = function(domEvent)
- {
- domEvent = window.event || domEvent;
- var keyCode = domEvent.keyCode;
- var charcode = 0;
- var type = domEvent.type;
- // Ignore the down in such sequences dp dp dp
- if (!(this._lastUpDownType[keyCode] == "keydown" && type == "keydown")) {
- this._idealKeyHandler(keyCode, charcode, type, domEvent);
- }
- // On non print-able character be sure to add a keypress event
- if (this._isNonPrintableKeyCode(keyCode) && type == "keydown") {
- this._idealKeyHandler(keyCode, charcode, "keypress", domEvent);
- }
- // Store last type
- this._lastUpDownType[keyCode] = type;
- };
- qx.Proto._onkeypress = function(domEvent)
- {
- domEvent = window.event || domEvent;
- if (this._charCode2KeyCode[domEvent.keyCode]) {
- this._idealKeyHandler(this._charCode2KeyCode[domEvent.keyCode], 0, domEvent.type, domEvent);
- } else {
- this._idealKeyHandler(0, domEvent.keyCode, domEvent.type, domEvent);
- }
- };
-else if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isGecko())
- qx.Proto._lastUpDownType = {};
- qx.Proto._keyCodeFix = {
- 12 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("NumLock")
- };
- /**
- * key handler for Gecko
- *
- * @param domEvent {Element} DomEvent
- */
- qx.Proto._onkeyupdown = qx.Proto._onkeypress = function(domEvent)
- {
- var keyCode = this._keyCodeFix[domEvent.keyCode] || domEvent.keyCode;
- var charCode = domEvent.charCode;
- var type = domEvent.type;
- // FF repeats under windows keydown events like IE
- if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().runsOnWindows())
- {
- var keyIdentifier = keyCode ? this._keyCodeToIdentifier(keyCode) : this._charCodeToIdentifier(charCode)
- if (!(this._lastUpDownType[keyIdentifier] == "keypress" && type == "keydown")) {
- this._idealKeyHandler(keyCode, charCode, type, domEvent);
- }
- // Store last type
- this._lastUpDownType[keyIdentifier] = type;
- }
- // all other OSes
- else
- {
- this._idealKeyHandler(keyCode, charCode, type, domEvent);
- }
- };
-else if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isWebkit())
- qx.Proto._charCode2KeyCode =
- {
- // Safari/Webkit Mappings
- 63289 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("NumLock"),
- 63276 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("PageUp"),
- 63277 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("PageDown"),
- 63275 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("End"),
- 63273 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("Home"),
- 63234 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("Left"),
- 63232 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("Up"),
- 63235 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("Right"),
- 63233 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("Down"),
- 63272 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("Delete"),
- 63302 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("Insert"),
- 63236 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("F1"),
- 63237 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("F2"),
- 63238 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("F3"),
- 63239 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("F4"),
- 63240 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("F5"),
- 63241 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("F6"),
- 63242 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("F7"),
- 63243 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("F8"),
- 63244 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("F9"),
- 63245 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("F10"),
- 63246 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("F11"),
- 63247 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("F12"),
- 63248 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("PrintScreen"),
- 3 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("Enter"),
- 12 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("NumLock"),
- 13 : qx.Proto._identifierToKeyCode("Enter")
- };
- qx.Proto._onkeyupdown = qx.Proto._onkeypress = function(domEvent)
- {
- var keyCode = 0;
- var charCode = 0;
- var type = domEvent.type;
- // prevent Safari from sending key signals twice
- // This bug is fixed in recent Webkit builds so we need a revision check
- // see for details
- if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().getVersion() < 420)
- {
- if (!this._lastCharCodeForType) {
- this._lastCharCodeForType = {};
- }
- var isSafariSpecialKey = this._lastCharCodeForType[type] > 63000;
- if (isSafariSpecialKey) {
- this._lastCharCodeForType[type] = null;
- return;
- }
- this._lastCharCodeForType[type] = domEvent.charCode;
- }
- if (type == "keyup" || type == "keydown") {
- keyCode = this._charCode2KeyCode[domEvent.charCode] || domEvent.keyCode;
- }
- else
- {
- if (this._charCode2KeyCode[domEvent.charCode]) {
- keyCode = this._charCode2KeyCode[domEvent.charCode];
- } else {
- charCode = domEvent.charCode;
- }
- }
- this._idealKeyHandler(keyCode, charCode, type, domEvent);
- };
-else if (qx.core.Client.getInstance().isOpera())
- qx.Proto._onkeyupdown = function(domEvent) {
- this._idealKeyHandler(domEvent.keyCode, 0, domEvent.type, domEvent);
- };
- qx.Proto._onkeypress = function(domEvent)
- {
- if (this._keyCodeToIdentifierMap[domEvent.keyCode]) {
- this._idealKeyHandler(domEvent.keyCode, 0, domEvent.type, domEvent);
- } else {
- this._idealKeyHandler(0, domEvent.keyCode, domEvent.type, domEvent);
- }
- };
- * Destructor
- */
-qx.Proto.dispose = function()
- if (this.getDisposed()) {
- return;
- }
- // Detach keyboard events
- this._detachEvents();
- return;
- * Singleton Instance Getter
- */
-qx.Class.getInstance = qx.lang.Function.returnInstance;