path: root/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm
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Diffstat (limited to 'webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 2625 deletions
diff --git a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm/FiniteStateMachine.js b/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm/FiniteStateMachine.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dd25b32ba0..0000000000
--- a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm/FiniteStateMachine.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1421 +0,0 @@
-/* ************************************************************************
- qooxdoo - the new era of web development
- Copyright:
- 2006, 2007 Derrell Lipman
- License:
- EPL:
- See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details.
- Authors:
- * Derrell Lipman (derrell)
-************************************************************************ */
-/* ************************************************************************
-************************************************************************ */
- * A finite state machine.
- *
- * See {@link qx.util.finitestatemacine.State} for details on creating States,
- * and {@link qx.util.finitestatemacine.Transitions} for details on creating
- * transitions between states.
- *
- * @param machineName {String} The name of this finite state machine
- *
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine", qx.core.Target,
- // Call our superclass' constructor
- // Save the machine name
- this.setName(machineName);
- // Initialize the states object
- this._states = { };
- // Initialize the saved-states stack
- this._savedStates = [ ];
- // Initialize the pending event queue
- this._eventQueue = [ ];
- // Initialize the blocked events queue
- this._blockedEvents = [ ];
- // Create the friendlyToObject" object. Each object has as its property
- // name, the friendly name of the object; and as its property value, the
- // object itself.
- this._friendlyToObject = { };
- // Create the "friendlyToHash" object. Each object has as its property
- // name, the friendly name of the object; and as its property value, the
- // hash code of the object.
- this._friendlyToHash = { };
- // Create the "hashToFriendly" object. Each object has as its property
- // name, the hash code of the object; and as its property value, the
- // friendly name of the object.
- this._hashToFriendly = { };
- // Friendly names can be added to groups, for easy manipulation of enabling
- // and disabling groups of widgets. Track which friendly names are in which
- // group.
- this._groupToFriendly = { };
- // We also need to be able to map back from friendly name to the groups it
- // is in.
- this._friendlyToGroups = { };
- * The name of this finite state machine (for debug messages)
- */
- {
- name : "name",
- type : "string"
- });
- * The current state of the finite state machine.
- */
- {
- name : "state",
- type : "string"
- });
- * The previous state of the finite state machine, i.e. the state from which
- * we most recently transitioned. Note that this could be the same as the
- * current state if a successful transition brought us back to the same
- * state.
- */
- {
- name : "previousState",
- type : "string"
- });
- * The state to which we will be transitioning. This property is valid only
- * during a Transition's ontransition function and a State's onexit function.
- * At all other times, it is null.
- */
- {
- name : "nextState",
- type : "string"
- });
- * The maximum number of states which may pushed onto the state-stack. It is
- * generally a poor idea to have very many states saved on a stack. Following
- * program logic becomes very difficult, and the code can be highly
- * unmaintainable. The default should be more than adequate. You've been
- * warned.
- */
- {
- name : "maxSavedStates",
- type : "number",
- defaultValue : 2
- });
- * Add a state to the finite state machine.
- *
- * @param state {qx.util.fsm.State}
- * An object of class qx.util.fsm.State representing a state
- * which is to be a part of this finite state machine.
- */
-qx.Proto.addState = function(state)
- // Ensure that we got valid state info
- if (! state instanceof qx.util.fsm.State)
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid state: not an instance of " +
- "qx.util.fsm.State");
- }
- // Retrieve the name of this state
- var stateName = state.getName();
- // Ensure that the state name doesn't already exist
- if (stateName in this._states)
- {
- throw new Error("State " + stateName + " already exists");
- }
- // Add the new state object to the finite state machine
- this._states[stateName] = state;
- * Replace a state in the finite state machine. This is useful if initially
- * "dummy" states are created which load the real state table for a series of
- * operations (and possibly also load the gui associated with the new states
- * at the same time). Having portions of the finite state machine and their
- * associated gui pages loaded at run time can help prevent long delays at
- * application start-up time.
- *
- * @param state {qx.util.fsm.State}
- * An object of class qx.util.fsm.State representing a state
- * which is to be a part of this finite state machine.
- *
- * @param bDispose {Boolean}
- * If <i>true</i>, then dispose the old state object. If <i>false</i>, the
- * old state object is returned for disposing by the caller.
- *
- * @return {Object}
- * The old state object if it was not disposed; otherwise null.
- */
-qx.Proto.replaceState = function(state, bDispose)
- // Ensure that we got valid state info
- if (! state instanceof qx.util.fsm.State)
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid state: not an instance of " +
- "qx.util.fsm.State");
- }
- // Retrieve the name of this state
- var stateName = state.getName();
- // Save the old state object, so we can return it to be disposed
- var oldState = this._states[stateName];
- // Ensure the old state exists. Otherwise, shouldn't be using replaceState()
- if (! oldState)
- {
- throw new Error("Can not replace state " + stateName + ": " +
- "no existing state of that name.");
- }
- // Replace the old state with the new state object.
- this._states[stateName] = state;
- // Did they request that the old state be disposed?
- if (bDispose)
- {
- // Yup. Mark it to be disposed.
- oldState._bNeedDispose = true;
- }
- return oldState;
- * Add an object (typically a widget) that is to be accessed during state
- * transitions, to the finite state machine.
- *
- * @param friendlyName {String}
- * The friendly name to used for access to the object being added.
- *
- * @param obj {Object}
- * The object to associate with the specified friendly name
- *
- * @param groupNames {Array}
- * An optional list of group names of which this object is a member.
- */
-qx.Proto.addObject = function(friendlyName, obj, groupNames)
- var hash = obj.toHashCode();
- this._friendlyToHash[friendlyName] = hash;
- this._hashToFriendly[hash] = friendlyName;
- this._friendlyToObject[friendlyName] = obj;
- // If no groupNames are specified, we're done.
- if (! groupNames)
- {
- return;
- }
- // Allow either a single group name or an array of group names. If the
- // former, we convert it to the latter to make the subsequent code simpler.
- if (typeof(groupNames) == "string")
- {
- groupNames = [ groupNames ];
- }
- // For each group that this friendly name is to be a member of...
- for (var i = 0; i < groupNames.length; i++)
- {
- var groupName = groupNames[i];
- // If the group name doesn't yet exist...
- if (! this._groupToFriendly[groupName])
- {
- // ... then create it.
- this._groupToFriendly[groupName] = { };
- }
- // Add the friendly name to the list of names in this group
- this._groupToFriendly[groupName][friendlyName] = true;
- // If the friendly name group mapping doesn't yet exist...
- if (! this._friendlyToGroups[friendlyName])
- {
- // ... then create it.
- this._friendlyToGroups[friendlyName] = [ ];
- }
- // Append this group name to the list of groups this friendly name is in
- this._friendlyToGroups[friendlyName] =
- this._friendlyToGroups[friendlyName].concat(groupNames);
- }
- * Remove an object which had previously been added by {@link #addObject}.
- *
- * @param friendlyName {String}
- * The friendly name associated with an object, specifying which object is
- * to be removed.
- */
-qx.Proto.removeObject = function(friendlyName)
- var hash = this._friendlyToHash[friendlyName];
- // Delete references to any groupos this friendly name was in
- if (this._friendlyToGroups[friendlyName])
- {
- for (groupName in this._friendlyToGroups[friendlyName])
- {
- delete this._groupToFriendly[groupName];
- }
- delete this._friendlyToGroups[friendlyName];
- }
- // Delete the friendly name
- delete this._hashToFriendly[hash];
- delete this._friendlyToHash[friendlyName];
- delete this._friendlyToObject[friendlyName];
- * Retrieve an object previously saved via {@link #addObject}, using its
- * Friendly Name.
- *
- * @param friendlyName {String}
- * The friendly name of the object to be retrieved.
- *
- * @return {Object}
- * The object which has the specified friendly name, or undefined if no
- * object has been associated with that name.
- */
-qx.Proto.getObject = function(friendlyName)
- return this._friendlyToObject[friendlyName];
- * Get the friendly name of an object.
- *
- * @param obj {Object} The object for which the friendly name is desired
- *
- * @return {String}
- * If the object has been previously registered via {@link #addObject}, then
- * the friendly name of the object is returned; otherwise, null.
- */
-qx.Proto.getFriendlyName = function(obj)
- var hash = obj.toHashCode();
- return hash ? this._hashToFriendly[hash] : null;
- * Retrieve the list of objects which have registered, via {@link addObject} as
- * being members of the specified group.
- *
- * @param groupName {String}
- * The name of the group for which the member list is desired.
- *
- * @return {Array}
- * An array containing the friendly names of any objects which are members
- * of the specified group. The resultant array may be empty.
- */
-qx.Proto.getGroupObjects = function(groupName)
- var a = [ ];
- for (var name in this._groupToFriendly[groupName])
- {
- a.push(name);
- }
- return a;
- * Display all of the saved objects and their reverse mappings.
- */
-qx.Proto.displayAllObjects = function()
- for (var friendlyName in this._friendlyToHash)
- {
- var hash = this._friendlyToHash[friendlyName];
- var obj = this.getObject(friendlyName);
- this.debug(friendlyName +
- " => " +
- hash);
- this.debug(" " + hash +
- " => " +
- this._hashToFriendly[hash]);
- this.debug(" " + friendlyName +
- " => " +
- this.getObject(friendlyName));
- this.debug(" " + this.getObject(friendlyName) +
- " => " +
- this.getFriendlyName(obj));
- }
- * Recursively display an object (as debug messages)
- *
- * @param obj {Object}
- * The object to be recursively displayed
- * @param initialMessage {String}
- * The initial message to be displayed.
- */
-qx.Proto.debugObject = function(obj, initialMessage)
- thisClass = this;
- var displayObj = function(obj, level)
- {
- var indentStr = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < level; i++)
- {
- indentStr += " ";
- }
- if (typeof(obj) != "object")
- {
- thisClass.debug(indentStr, obj);
- return;
- }
- for (var prop in obj)
- {
- if (typeof(obj[prop]) == "object")
- {
- if (obj[prop] instanceof Array)
- {
- thisClass.debug(indentStr + prop + ": " + "Array");
- }
- else
- {
- thisClass.debug(indentStr + prop + ": " + "Object");
- }
- displayObj(obj[prop], level + 1);
- }
- else
- {
- thisClass.debug(indentStr + prop + ": " + obj[prop]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (initialMessage)
- {
- this.debug(initialMessage);
- }
- displayObj(obj, 0);
- * Start (or restart, after it has terminated) the finite state machine from
- * the starting state. The starting state is defined as the first state added
- * to the finite state machine.
- */
-qx.Proto.start = function()
- var stateName;
- // Set the start state to be the first state which was added to the machine
- for (stateName in this._states)
- {
- this.setState(stateName);
- this.setPreviousState(null);
- this.setNextState(null);
- break;
- }
- if (! stateName)
- {
- throw new Error("Machine started with no available states");
- }
- var debugFunctions =
- (qx.Settings.getValueOfClass("qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine",
- "debugFlags") &
- qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.FUNCTION_DETAIL);
- // Run the actionsBeforeOnentry actions for the initial state
- if (debugFunctions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + stateName + "#actionsBeforeOnentry");
- }
- this._states[stateName].getAutoActionsBeforeOnentry()(this);
- // Run the entry function for the new state, if one is specified
- if (debugFunctions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + stateName + "#entry");
- }
- this._states[stateName].getOnentry()(this, null);
- // Run the actionsAfterOnentry actions for the initial state
- if (debugFunctions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + stateName + "#actionsAfterOnentry");
- }
- this._states[stateName].getAutoActionsAfterOnentry()(this);
- * Save the current or previous state on the saved-state stack. A future
- * transition can then provide, as its nextState value, the class constant:
- *
- * qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.POP_STATE_STACK
- *
- * which will cause the next state to be whatever is at the top of the
- * saved-state stack, and remove that top element from the saved-state stack.
- *
- * @param bCurrent {Boolean}
- * When <i>true</i>, then push the current state onto the stack. This might
- * be used in a transition, before the state has changed. When
- * <i>false</i>, then push the previous state onto the stack. This might be
- * used in an on entry function to save the previous state to return to.
- */
-qx.Proto.pushState = function(bCurrent)
- // See if there's room on the state stack for a new state
- if (this._savedStates.length >= this.getMaxSavedStates())
- {
- // Nope. Programmer error.
- throw new Error("Saved-state stack is full");
- }
- if (bCurrent)
- {
- // Push the current state onto the saved-state stack
- this._savedStates.push(this.getState());
- }
- else
- {
- // Push the previous state onto the saved-state stack
- this._savedStates.push(this.getPreviousState());
- }
- * Add the specified event to a list of events to be passed to the next state
- * following state transition.
- *
- * @param event {qx.event.type.Event}
- * The event to add to the event queue for processing after state change.
- */
-qx.Proto.postponeEvent = function(event)
- // Add this event to the blocked event queue, so it will be passed to the
- // next state upon transition.
- this._blockedEvents.unshift(event);
- * Copy an event
- *
- * @param event {qx.event.type.Event}
- * The event to be copied
- *
- * @return {qx.event.type.Event}
- * The new copy of the provided event
- */
-qx.Proto.copyEvent = function(event)
- var e = { };
- for (var prop in event)
- {
- e[prop] = event[prop];
- }
- return e;
- * Enqueue an event for processing
- *
- * @param event {qx.event.type.Event}
- * The event to be enqueued
- *
- * @param bAddAtHead {Boolean}
- * If <i>true</i>, put the event at the head of the queue for immediate
- * processing. If <i>false</i>, place the event at the tail of the queue so
- * that it receives in-order processing.
- */
-qx.Proto.enqueueEvent = function(event, bAddAtHead)
- // Add the event to the event queue
- if (bAddAtHead)
- {
- // Put event at the head of the queue
- this._eventQueue.push(event);
- }
- else
- {
- // Put event at the tail of the queue
- this._eventQueue.unshift(event);
- }
- if (qx.Settings.getValueOfClass("qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine",
- "debugFlags") &
- qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.EVENTS)
- {
- if (bAddAtHead)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + ": Pushed event: " + event.getType());
- }
- else
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + ": Queued event: " + event.getType());
- }
- }
- * Event listener for all event types in the finite state machine
- *
- * @param event {qx.event.type.Event}
- * The event that was dispatched.
- */
-qx.Proto.eventListener = function(event)
- // Events are enqueued upon receipt. Some events are then processed
- // immediately; other events get processed later. We need to allow the
- // event dispatcher to free the source event upon our return, so we'll clone
- // it and enqueue our clone. The source event can then be disposed upon our
- // return.
- var e = this.copyEvent(event);
- // Enqueue the new event on the tail of the queue
- this.enqueueEvent(e, false);
- // Process events
- this._processEvents();
- * Process all of the events on the event queue.
- */
-qx.Proto._processEvents = function()
- // eventListener() can potentially be called while we're processing events
- if (this._eventProcessingInProgress)
- {
- // We were processing already, so don't process concurrently.
- return;
- }
- // Track that we're processing events
- this._eventProcessingInProgress = true;
- // Process each of the events on the event queue
- while (this._eventQueue.length > 0)
- {
- // Pull the next event from the pending event queue
- var event = this._eventQueue.pop();
- // Run the finite state machine with this event
- var bDispose = this._run(event);
- // If we didn't block (and re-queue) the event, dispose it.
- if (bDispose)
- {
- event.dispose();
- }
- }
- // We're no longer processing events
- this._eventProcessingInProgress = false;
- * Run the finite state machine to process a single event.
- *
- * @param event {qx.event.type.Event}
- * An event that has been dispatched. The event may be handled (if the
- * current state handles this event type), queued (if the current state
- * blocks this event type), or discarded (if the current state neither
- * handles nor blocks this event type).
- *
- * @return {Boolean}
- * Whether the event should be disposed. If it was blocked, we've pushed it
- * back onto the event queue, and it should not be disposed.
- */
-qx.Proto._run = function(event)
- // For use in generated functions...
- var fsm = this;
- // State name variables
- var thisState;
- var nextState;
- var prevState;
- // The current State object
- var currentState;
- // The transitions available in the current State
- var transitions;
- // Events handled by the current State
- var e;
- // The action to take place upon receipt of a particular event
- var action;
- // Get the debug flags
- var debugFlags =
- (qx.Settings.getValueOfClass("qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine",
- "debugFlags"));
- // Allow slightly faster access to determine if debug is enableda
- var debugEvents =
- debugFlags & qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.EVENTS;
- var debugTransitions =
- debugFlags & qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.TRANSITIONS;
- var debugFunctions =
- debugFlags & qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.FUNCTION_DETAIL;
- var debugObjectNotFound =
- debugFlags & qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND;
- if (debugEvents)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + ": Process event: " + event.getType());
- }
- // Get the current state name
- thisState = this.getState();
- // Get the current State object
- currentState = this._states[thisState];
- // Get a list of the transitions available from this state
- transitions = currentState.transitions;
- // Determine how to handle this event
- e = currentState.getEvents()[event.getType()];
- // See if we actually found this event type
- if (! e)
- {
- if (debugEvents)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + ": Event '" + event.getType() + "'" +
- " not handled. Ignoring.");
- }
- return true;
- }
- // We might have found a constant (PREDICATE or BLOCKED) or an object with
- // each property name being the friendly name of a saved object, and the
- // property value being one of the constants (PREDICATE or BLOCKED).
- if (typeof(e) == "object")
- {
- // Individual objects are listed. Ensure target is a saved object
- var friendly = this.getFriendlyName(event.getTarget());
- if (! friendly)
- {
- // Nope, it doesn't seem so. Just discard it.
- if (debugObjectNotFound)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + ": Could not find friendly name for '" +
- event.getType() + "' on '" + event.getTarget() + "'");
- }
- return true;
- }
- action = e[friendly];
- // Do we handle this event type for the widget from which it originated?
- if (! action)
- {
- // Nope.
- if (debugEvents)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + ": Event '" + event.getType() + "'" +
- " not handled for target " + friendly + ". Ignoring.");
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- action = e;
- }
- switch(action)
- {
- case qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.PREDICATE:
- // Process this event. One of the transitions should handle it.
- break;
- case qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.BLOCKED:
- // This event is blocked. Enqueue it for later, and get outta here.
- if (debugEvents)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + ": Event '" + event.getType() + "'" +
- " blocked. Re-queuing.");
- }
- this._blockedEvents.unshift(event);
- return false;
- default:
- // See if we've been given an explicit transition name
- if (typeof(action) == "string")
- {
- // Yup! Ensure that it exists
- if (transitions[action])
- {
- // Yup. Create a transitions object containing only this transition.
- var trans = transitions[action];
- transitions = { };
- transitions[action] = trans;
- }
- else
- {
- throw new Error("Explicit transition " + action + " does not exist");
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- // We handle the event. Try each transition in turn until we find one that
- // is acceptable.
- for (var t in transitions)
- {
- var trans = transitions[t];
- // Does the predicate allow use of this transition?
- switch(trans.getPredicate()(this, event))
- {
- case true:
- // Transition is allowed. Proceed.
- break;
- case false:
- // Transition is not allowed. Try next transition.
- continue;
- case null:
- // Transition indicates not to try further transitions
- return true;
- default:
- throw new Error("Transition " + thisState + ":" + t +
- " returned a value other than true, false, or null.");
- }
- // We think we can transition to the next state. Set next state.
- nextState = trans.getNextState();
- if (typeof(nextState) == "string")
- {
- // We found a literal state name. Ensure it exists.
- if (! nextState in this._states)
- {
- throw new Error("Attempt to transition to nonexistent state " +
- nextState);
- }
- // It exists. Track it being the next state.
- this.setNextState(nextState);
- }
- else
- {
- // If it's not a string, nextState must be a StateChange constant
- switch(nextState)
- {
- case qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.CURRENT_STATE:
- // They want to remain in the same state.
- nextState = thisState;
- this.setNextState(nextState)
- break;
- case qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.POP_STATE_STACK:
- // Switch to the state at the top of the state stack.
- if (this._savedStates.length == 0)
- {
- throw new Error("Attempt to transition to POP_STATE_STACK " +
- "while state stack is empty.");
- }
- // Pop the state stack to retrieve the state to transition to
- nextState = this._savedStates.pop();
- this.setNextState(nextState);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error("Internal error: invalid nextState");
- break;
- }
- }
- // Run the actionsBeforeOntransition actions for this transition
- if (debugFunctions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + thisState + "#" + t +
- "#autoActionsBeforeOntransition");
- }
- trans.getAutoActionsBeforeOntransition()(this);
- // Run the 'ontransition' function
- if (debugFunctions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + thisState + "#" + t + "#ontransition");
- }
- trans.getOntransition()(this, event);
- // Run the autoActionsAfterOntransition actions for this transition
- if (debugFunctions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + thisState + "#" + t +
- "#autoActionsAfterOntransition");
- }
- trans.getAutoActionsAfterOntransition()(this);
- // Run the autoActionsBeforeOnexit actions for the old state
- if (debugFunctions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + thisState +
- "#autoActionsBeforeOnexit");
- }
- currentState.getAutoActionsBeforeOnexit()(this);
- // Run the exit function for the old state
- if (debugFunctions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + thisState + "#exit");
- }
- currentState.getOnexit()(this, event);
- // Run the autoActionsAfterOnexit actions for the old state
- if (debugFunctions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + thisState + "#autoActionsAfterOnexit");
- }
- currentState.getAutoActionsAfterOnexit()(this);
- // If this state has been replaced and we're supposed to dispose it...
- if (currentState._bNeedDispose)
- {
- // ... then dispose it now that it's no longer in use
- currentState.dispose();
- }
- // Reset currentState to the new state object
- currentState = this._states[this.getNextState()];
- // set previousState and state, and clear nextState, for transition
- this.setPreviousState(thisState);
- this.setState(this.getNextState());
- this.setNextState(null);
- prevState = thisState;
- thisState = nextState;
- nextState = undefined;
- // Run the autoActionsBeforeOnentry actions for the new state
- if (debugFunctions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + thisState +
- "#autoActionsBeforeOnentry");
- }
- currentState.getAutoActionsBeforeOnentry()(this);
- // Run the entry function for the new state, if one is specified
- if (debugFunctions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + thisState + "#entry");
- }
- currentState.getOnentry()(this, event);
- // Run the autoActionsAfterOnentry actions for the new state
- if (debugFunctions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + thisState +
- "#autoActionsAfterOnentry");
- }
- currentState.getAutoActionsAfterOnentry()(this);
- // Add any blocked events back onto the pending event queue
- var e;
- for (var i = 0; i < this._blockedEvents.length; i++)
- {
- e = this._blockedEvents.pop();
- this._eventQueue.unshift(e);
- }
- // Ensure that all actions have been flushed
- qx.ui.core.Widget.flushGlobalQueues();
- if (debugTransitions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + prevState + " => " +
- this.getName() + "#" + thisState);
- }
- // See ya!
- return true;
- }
- if (debugTransitions)
- {
- this.debug(this.getName() + "#" + thisState +
- ": event '" + event.getType() + "'" +
- ": no transition found. No state change.");
- }
- return true;
- * Constants which may be values of the nextState member in the transitionInfo
- * parameter of the Transition constructor.
- */
-qx.Class.StateChange =
- /** When used as a nextState value, means remain in current state */
- /** When used as a nextState value, means go to most-recently pushed state */
- /** When used as a nextState value, means terminate this state machine */
- * Constants for use in the events member of the transitionInfo parameter of
- * the Transition constructor.
- */
-qx.Class.EventHandling =
- /**
- * This event is handled by this state, but the predicate of a transition
- * will determine whether to use that transition.
- */
- /** Enqueue this event for possible use by the next state */
- * Debug bitmask values. Set the debug flags from the application by or-ing
- * together bits, akin to this:
- *
- * qx.Settings.setCustomOfClass(
- * "qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine",
- * "debugFlags",
- * (qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.EVENTS |
- * qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.TRANSITIONS |
- * qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.FUNCTION_DETAIL |
- * qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND));
- */
-qx.Class.DebugFlags =
- /** Show events */
- EVENTS : 1,
- /** Show transitions */
- /** Show individual function invocations during transitions */
- /** When object friendly names are referenced but not found, show message */
- * Debug flags: bitmap of DebugFlags (see Class Constants).
- */
- "debugFlags",
- (qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.EVENTS |
- qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.TRANSITIONS |
- qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.DebugFlags.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND));
- * Common function used by {qx.util.fsm.State} and
- * {qx.util.fsm.Transition} for checking the value provided for
- * auto actions.
- *
- * Auto-action property values passed to us look akin to:
- *
- * <pre>
- * {
- * // The name of a function.
- * "setEnabled" :
- * [
- * {
- * // The parameter value(s), thus "setEnabled(true);"
- * "parameters" : [ true ],
- *
- * // The function would be called on each object:
- * // this.getObject("obj1").setEnabled(true);
- * // this.getObject("obj2").setEnabled(true);
- * "objects" : [ "obj1", "obj2" ]
- *
- * // And similarly for each object in each specified group.
- * "groups" : [ "group1", "group2" ],
- * }
- * ];
- *
- * "setColor" :
- * [
- * {
- * "parameters" : [ "blue" ]
- * "groups" : [ "group3", "group4" ],
- * "objects" : [ "obj3", "obj4" ]
- * }
- * ];
- * };
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param actionType {String}
- * The name of the action being validated (for debug messages)
- *
- * @param propValue {Object}
- * The property value which is being validated
- *
- * @param propData
- * Not used
- */
-qx.Class._commonCheckAutoActions = function(actionType, propValue, propData)
- // Validate that we received an object property value
- if (typeof(propValue) != "object")
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid " + actionType + " value: " + typeof(propValue));
- }
- // We'll create a function to do the requested actions. Initialize the
- // string into which we'll generate the common fragment added to the
- // function for each object.
- var funcFragment;
- // Here, we'll keep the function body. Initialize a try block.
- var func =
- "try" +
- "{";
- var param;
- var objectAndGroupList;
- // Retrieve the function request, e.g.
- // "enabled" :
- for (var f in propValue)
- {
- // Get the function request value object, e.g.
- // "setEnabled" :
- // [
- // {
- // "parameters" : [ true ],
- // "objects" : [ "obj1", "obj2" ]
- // "groups" : [ "group1", "group2" ],
- // }
- // ];
- var functionRequest = propValue[f];
- // The function request value should be an object
- if (! functionRequest instanceof Array)
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid function request type: " +
- "expected array, found " + typeof(functionRequest));
- }
- // For each function request...
- for (var i = 0; i < functionRequest.length; i++)
- {
- // Retreive the object and group list object
- objectAndGroupList = functionRequest[i];
- // The object and group list should be an object, e.g.
- // {
- // "parameters" : [ true ],
- // "objects" : [ "obj1", "obj2" ]
- // "groups" : [ "group1", "group2" ],
- // }
- if (typeof(objectAndGroupList) != "object")
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid function request parameter type: " +
- "expected object, found " +
- typeof(functionRequest[param]));
- }
- // Retrieve the parameter list
- params = objectAndGroupList["parameters"];
- // If it didn't exist, ...
- if (! params)
- {
- // ... use an empty array.
- params = [ ];
- }
- else
- {
- // otherwise, ensure we got an array
- if (! params instanceof Array)
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid function parameters: " +
- "expected array, found " + typeof(params));
- }
- }
- // Create the function to call on each object. The object on which the
- // function is called will be prepended later.
- funcFragment = f + "(";
- // For each parameter...
- for (var j = 0; j < params.length; j++)
- {
- // If this isn't the first parameter, add a separator
- if (j != 0)
- {
- funcFragment += ",";
- }
- if (typeof(params[j]) == "function")
- {
- // If the parameter is a function, arrange for it to be called
- // at run time.
- funcFragment += "(" + params[j] + ")(fsm)";
- }
- else if (typeof(params[j]) == "string")
- {
- // If the parameter is a string, quote it.
- funcFragment += '"' + params[j] + '"';
- }
- else
- {
- // Otherwise, just add the parameter's literal value
- funcFragment += params[j];
- }
- }
- // Complete the function call
- funcFragment += ")";
- // Get the "objects" list, e.g.
- // "objects" : [ "obj1", "obj2" ]
- var a = objectAndGroupList["objects"];
- // Was there an "objects" list?
- if (! a)
- {
- // Nope. Simplify code by creating an empty array.
- a = [ ];
- }
- else if (! a instanceof Array)
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid 'objects' list: expected array, got " +
- typeof(a));
- }
- for (var j = 0; j < a.length; j++)
- {
- // Ensure we got a string
- if (typeof(a[j]) != "string")
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid friendly name in 'objects' list: " + a[j]);
- }
- func += " fsm.getObject('" + a[j] + "')." + funcFragment + ";";
- }
- // Get the "groups" list, e.g.
- // "groups" : [ "group1, "group2" ]
- var g = objectAndGroupList["groups"];
- // Was a "groups" list found?
- if (g)
- {
- // Yup. Ensure it's an array.
- if (! g instanceof Array)
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid 'groups' list: expected array, got " +
- typeof(g));
- }
- for (var groupName in g)
- {
- // Arrange to call the function on each object in each group
- func +=
- " var groupObjects = " +
- " fsm.getGroupObjects('" + g[groupName] + "');" +
- " for (var i = 0; i < groupObjects.length; i++)" +
- " {" +
- " var objName = groupObjects[i];" +
- " fsm.getObject(objName)." + funcFragment + ";" +
- " }";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Terminate the try block for function invocations
- func +=
- "}" +
- "catch(e)" +
- "{" +
- " fsm.debug(e);" +
- "}";
-// o = new qx.core.Object();
-// o.debug("Dynamically created " + actionType + "(fsm) { " + func + " }");
- // We've now built the entire body of a function that implements calls to
- // each of the requested automatic actions. Create and return the function,
- // which will become the property value.
- return new Function("fsm", func);
-qx.Proto.dispose = function()
- var e;
- var s;
- if (this.getDisposed()) {
- return true;
- }
- while (this._savedStates.length > 0)
- {
- s = this._savedStates.pop();
- s = null;
- }
- this._savedStates = null;
- while (this._eventQueue.length > 0)
- {
- e = this._eventQueue.pop();
- e.dispose();
- e = null;
- }
- this._eventQueue = null;
- while (this._blockedEvents.length > 0)
- {
- e = this._blockedEvents.pop();
- e.dispose();
- e = null;
- }
- for (var s in this._states)
- {
- this._states[s].dispose();
- this._states[s] = null;
- delete this._states[s];
- }
- this._states = null;
- return;
diff --git a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm/State.js b/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm/State.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a3743a2b3..0000000000
--- a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm/State.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-/* ************************************************************************
- qooxdoo - the new era of web development
- Copyright:
- 2006, 2007 Derrell Lipman
- License:
- EPL:
- See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details.
- Authors:
- * Derrell Lipman (derrell)
-************************************************************************ */
-/* ************************************************************************
-************************************************************************ */
- * Create a new state which may be added to a finite state machine.
- *
- * @param
- * stateName -
- * The name of this state. This is the name which may be referenced in
- * objects of class qx.util.fsm.Transition, when passing of
- * the the transition's predicate means transition to this state.
- *
- * @param
- * stateInfo -
- * An object containing any of the following properties:
- *
- * onentry -
- * A function which is called upon entry to the state. Its signature is
- * function(fsm, event) and it is saved in the onentry property of the
- * state object. (This function is called after the Transition's action
- * function and after the previous state's onexit function.)
- *
- * In the onentry function:
- *
- * fsm -
- * The finite state machine object to which this state is attached.
- *
- * event -
- * The event that caused the finite state machine to run
- *
- * onexit -
- * A function which is called upon exit from the state. Its signature
- * is function(fsm, event) and it is saved in the onexit property of the
- * state object. (This function is called after the Transition's action
- * function and before the next state's onentry function.)
- *
- * In the onexit function:
- *
- * fsm -
- * The finite state machine object to which this state is attached.
- *
- * event -
- * The event that caused the finite state machine to run
- *
- * autoActionsBeforeOnentry -
- * autoActionsAfterOnentry -
- * autoActionsBeforeOnexit -
- * autoActionsAfterOnexit -
- * Automatic actions which take place at the time specified by the
- * property name. In all cases, the action takes place immediately
- * before or after the specified function.
- *
- * The property value for each of these properties is an object which
- * describes some number of functions to invoke on a set of specified
- * objects (typically widgets).
- *
- * An example, using autoActionsBeforeOnentry, might look like this:
- *
- * "autoActionsBeforeOnentry" :
- * {
- * // The name of a function.
- * "enabled" :
- * [
- * {
- * // The parameter value, thus "setEnabled(true);"
- * "parameters" : [ true ],
- *
- * // The function would be called on each object:
- * // this.getObject("obj1").setEnabled(true);
- * // this.getObject("obj2").setEnabled(true);
- * "objects" : [ "obj1", "obj2" ],
- *
- * // And similarly for each object in each specified group.
- * "groups" : [ "group1", "group2" ]
- * }
- * ],
- *
- * // The name of another function.
- * "visible" :
- * [
- * {
- * // The parameter value, thus "setEnabled(true);"
- * "parameters" : [ false ],
- *
- * // The function would be called on each object and group, as
- * // described above.
- * "objects" : [ "obj3", "obj4" ],
- * "groups" : [ "group3", "group4" ]
- * }
- * ]
- * };
- *
- *
- * events (required) -
- * A description to the finite state machine of how to handle a
- * particular event, optionally associated with a specific target object
- * on which the event was dispatched. This should be an object
- * containing one property for each event which is either handled or
- * blocked. The property name should be the event name. The property
- * value should be one of:
- *
- * (a) qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.PREDICATE
- *
- * (b) qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.BLOCKED
- *
- * (c) a string containing the name of an explicit Transition to use
- *
- * (d) an object where each property name is the Friendly Name of an
- * object (meaning that this rule applies if both the event and
- * the event's target object's Friendly Name match), and its
- * property value is one of (a), (b) or (c), above.
- *
- * This object is saved in the events property of the state object.
- *
- * Additional properties may be provided in stateInfo. They will not be
- * used by the finite state machine, but will be available via
- * this.getUserData("<propertyName>") during the state's onentry and
- * onexit functions.
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("qx.util.fsm.State", qx.core.Object,
-function(stateName, stateInfo)
- // Call our superclass' constructor
-, true);
- // Save the state name
- this.setName(stateName);
- // Ensure they passed in an object
- if (typeof(stateInfo) != "object")
- {
- throw new Error("State info must be an object");
- }
- // Save data from the stateInfo object
- for (var field in stateInfo)
- {
- // If we find one of our properties, call its setter.
- switch(field)
- {
- case "onentry":
- this.setOnentry(stateInfo[field]);
- break;
- case "onexit":
- this.setOnexit(stateInfo[field]);
- break;
- case "autoActionsBeforeOnentry":
- this.setAutoActionsBeforeOnentry(stateInfo[field]);
- break;
- case "autoActionsAfterOnentry":
- this.setAutoActionsAfterOnentry(stateInfo[field]);
- break;
- case "autoActionsBeforeOnexit":
- this.setAutoActionsBeforeOnexit(stateInfo[field]);
- break;
- case "autoActionsAfterOnexit":
- this.setAutoActionsAfterOnexit(stateInfo[field]);
- break;
- case "events":
- this.setEvents(stateInfo[field]);
- break;
- default:
- // Anything else is user-provided data for their own use. Save it.
- this.setUserData(field, stateInfo[field]);
- // Log it in case it was a typo and they intended a built-in field
- this.debug("State " + stateName + ": " +
- "Adding user-provided field to state: " + field);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Check for required but missing properties
- if (! this.getEvents())
- {
- throw new Error("The events object must be provided in new state info");
- }
- // Initialize the transition list
- this.transitions = { };
- * The name of this state. This name may be used as a Transition's nextState
- * value, or an explicit next state in the 'events' handling list in a State.
- */
- {
- name : "name",
- type : "string"
- });
- * The onentry function for this state. This is documented in the
- * constructor, and is typically provided through the constructor's stateInfo
- * object, but it is also possible (but highly NOT recommended) to change this
- * dynamically.
- */
- {
- name : "onentry",
- defaultValue : function(fsm, event) { }
- });
- * The onexit function for this state. This is documented in the constructor,
- * and is typically provided through the constructor's stateInfo object, but
- * it is also possible (but highly NOT recommended) to change this
- * dynamically.
- */
- {
- name : "onexit",
- defaultValue : function(fsm, event) { }
- });
- * Automatic actions to take prior to calling the state's onentry function.
- *
- * The value passed to setAutoActionsBeforeOnentry() should like something
- * akin to:
- *
- * "autoActionsBeforeOnentry" :
- * {
- * // The name of a function. This would become "setEnabled("
- * "enabled" :
- * [
- * {
- * // The parameter value, thus "setEnabled(true);"
- * "parameters" : [ true ],
- *
- * // The function would be called on each object:
- * // this.getObject("obj1").setEnabled(true);
- * // this.getObject("obj2").setEnabled(true);
- * "objects" : [ "obj1", "obj2" ]
- *
- * // And similarly for each object in each specified group.
- * "groups" : [ "group1", "group2" ],
- * }
- * ];
- * };
- */
- {
- name : "autoActionsBeforeOnentry",
- defaultValue : function(fsm, event) { }
- });
- * Automatic actions to take after return from the state's onentry function.
- *
- * The value passed to setAutoActionsAfterOnentry() should like something akin
- * to:
- *
- * "autoActionsAfterOnentry" :
- * {
- * // The name of a function. This would become "setEnabled("
- * "enabled" :
- * [
- * {
- * // The parameter value, thus "setEnabled(true);"
- * "parameters" : [ true ],
- *
- * // The function would be called on each object:
- * // this.getObject("obj1").setEnabled(true);
- * // this.getObject("obj2").setEnabled(true);
- * "objects" : [ "obj1", "obj2" ]
- *
- * // And similarly for each object in each specified group.
- * "groups" : [ "group1", "group2" ],
- * }
- * ];
- * };
- */
- {
- name : "autoActionsAfterOnentry",
- defaultValue : function(fsm, event) { }
- });
- * Automatic actions to take prior to calling the state's onexit function.
- *
- * The value passed to setAutoActionsBeforeOnexit() should like something akin
- * to:
- *
- * "autoActionsBeforeOnexit" :
- * {
- * // The name of a function. This would become "setEnabled("
- * "enabled" :
- * [
- * {
- * // The parameter value, thus "setEnabled(true);"
- * "parameters" : [ true ],
- *
- * // The function would be called on each object:
- * // this.getObject("obj1").setEnabled(true);
- * // this.getObject("obj2").setEnabled(true);
- * "objects" : [ "obj1", "obj2" ]
- *
- * // And similarly for each object in each specified group.
- * "groups" : [ "group1", "group2" ],
- * }
- * ];
- * };
- */
- {
- name : "autoActionsBeforeOnexit",
- defaultValue : function(fsm, event) { }
- });
- * Automatic actions to take after returning from the state's onexit function.
- *
- * The value passed to setAutoActionsAfterOnexit() should like something akin
- * to:
- *
- * "autoActionsBeforeOnexit" :
- * {
- * // The name of a function. This would become "setEnabled("
- * "enabled" :
- * [
- * {
- * // The parameter value, thus "setEnabled(true);"
- * "parameters" : [ true ],
- *
- * // The function would be called on each object:
- * // this.getObject("obj1").setEnabled(true);
- * // this.getObject("obj2").setEnabled(true);
- * "objects" : [ "obj1", "obj2" ]
- *
- * // And similarly for each object in each specified group.
- * "groups" : [ "group1", "group2" ],
- * }
- * ];
- * };
- */
- {
- name : "autoActionsAfterOnexit",
- defaultValue : function(fsm, event) { }
- });
- * The object representing handled and blocked events for this state. This is
- * documented in the constructor, and is typically provided through the
- * constructor's stateInfo object, but it is also possible (but highly NOT
- * recommended) to change this dynamically.
- */
- {
- name : "events"
- });
-qx.Proto._checkName = function(propValue, propData)
- // Ensure that we got a valid state name
- if (typeof(propValue) != "string" || propValue.length < 1)
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid state name");
- }
- return propValue;
-qx.Proto._checkOnentry = function(propValue, propData)
- // Validate the onentry function
- switch(typeof(propValue))
- {
- case "undefined":
- // None provided. Convert it to a null function
- return function(fsm, event) {};
- case "function":
- // We're cool. No changes required
- return propValue;
- default:
- throw new Error("Invalid onentry type: " + typeof(propValue));
- return null;
- }
-qx.Proto._checkOnexit = function(propValue, propData)
- // Validate the onexit function
- switch(typeof(propValue))
- {
- case "undefined":
- // None provided. Convert it to a null function
- return function(fsm, event) {};
- case "function":
- // We're cool. No changes required
- return propValue;
- default:
- throw new Error("Invalid onexit type: " + typeof(propValue));
- return null;
- }
-qx.Proto._checkEvents = function(propValue, propData)
- // Validate that events is an object
- if (typeof(propValue) != "object")
- {
- throw new Error("events must be an object");
- }
- // Confirm that each property is a valid value
- // The property value should be one of:
- //
- // (a) qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.PREDICATE
- //
- // (b) qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.BLOCKED
- //
- // (c) a string containing the name of an explicit Transition to use
- //
- // (d) an object where each property name is the Friendly Name of an
- // object (meaning that this rule applies if both the event and
- // the event's target object's Friendly Name match), and its
- // property value is one of (a), (b) or (c), above.
- for (var e in propValue)
- {
- var action = propValue[e];
- if (typeof(action) == "number" &&
- action != qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.PREDICATE &&
- action != qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.BLOCKED)
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid numeric value in events object: " +
- e + ": " + action);
- }
- else if (typeof(action) == "object")
- {
- for (action_e in action)
- {
- if (typeof(action[action_e]) == "number" &&
- action[action_e] !=
- qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.PREDICATE &&
- action[action_e] !=
- qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.BLOCKED)
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid numeric value in events object " +
- "(" + e + "): " +
- action_e + ": " + action[action_e]);
- }
- else if (typeof(action[action_e]) != "string" &&
- typeof(action[action_e]) != "number")
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid value in events object " +
- "(" + e + "): " +
- action_e + ": " + action[action_e]);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (typeof(action) != "string" && typeof(action) != "number")
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid value in events object: " +
- e + ": " + propValue[e]);
- }
- }
- // We're cool. No changes required.
- return propValue;
-qx.Proto._checkAutoActionsBeforeOnentry = function(propValue, propData)
- return qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine._commonCheckAutoActions(
- "autoActionsBeforeOnentry",
- propValue,
- propData);
-qx.Proto._checkAutoActionsAfterOnentry = function(propValue, propData)
- return qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine._commonCheckAutoActions(
- "autoActionsAfterOnentry",
- propValue,
- propData);
-qx.Proto._checkAutoActionsBeforeOnexit = function(propValue, propData)
- return qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine._commonCheckAutoActions(
- "autoActionsBeforeOnexit",
- propValue,
- propData);
-qx.Proto._checkAutoActionsAfterOnexit = function(propValue, propData)
- return qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine._commonCheckAutoActions(
- "autoActionsAfterOnexit",
- propValue,
- propData);
- * Add a transition to a state
- *
- * @param trans {qx.util.fsm.Transition}
- * An object of class qx.util.fsm.Transition representing a
- * transition which is to be a part of this state.
- */
-qx.Proto.addTransition = function(trans)
- // Ensure that we got valid transition info
- if (! trans instanceof qx.util.fsm.Transition)
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid transition: not an instance of " +
- "qx.util.fsm.Transition");
- }
- // Add the new transition object to the state
- this.transitions[trans.getName()] = trans;
-qx.Proto.dispose = function()
- if (this.getDisposed()) {
- return true;
- }
- return;
diff --git a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm/Transition.js b/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm/Transition.js
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index 6854a9c4e3..0000000000
--- a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm/Transition.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-/* ************************************************************************
- qooxdoo - the new era of web development
- Copyright:
- 2006, 2007 Derrell Lipman
- License:
- EPL:
- See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details.
- Authors:
- * Derrell Lipman (derrell)
-************************************************************************ */
-/* ************************************************************************
-************************************************************************ */
- * Create a new possible transition from one state to another.
- *
- * @param transitionName {String}
- * The name of this transition, used in debug messages.
- *
- * @param transitionInfo {Object}
- * An object optionally containing any of the following properties:
- *
- * predicate -
- * A function which is called to determine whether this transition is
- * acceptable. An acceptable transition will cause the transition's
- * "ontransition" function to be run, the current state's "onexit"
- * function to be run, and the new state's "onentry" function to be run.
- *
- * The predicate function's signature is function(fsm, event) and it is
- * saved in the predicate property of the transition object. In the
- * predicate function:
- *
- * fsm -
- * The finite state machine object to which this state is attached.
- *
- * event -
- * The event that caused a run of the finite state machine
- *
- * The predicate function should return one of the following three
- * values:
- *
- * - true means the transition is acceptable
- *
- * - false means the transition is not acceptable, and the next
- * transition (if one exists) should be tried to determine if it is
- * acceptable
- *
- * - null means that the transition determined that no further
- * transitions should be tried. This might be used when the
- * transition ascertained that the event is for a target that is not
- * available in the current state, and the event has called
- * fsm.queueEvent() to have the event delivered upon state
- * transition.
- *
- * It is possible to create a default predicate -- one that will cause a
- * transition to be acceptable always -- by either not providing a
- * predicate property, or by explicitely either setting the predicate
- * property to 'true' or setting it to a function that unconditionally
- * returns 'true'. This default transition should, of course, always be
- * the last transition added to a state, since no transition added after
- * it will ever be tried.
- *
- * nextState -
- * The state to which we transition, if the predicate returns true
- * (meaning the transition is acceptable). The value of nextState may
- * be:
- *
- * - a string, the state name of the state to transition to
- *
- * - One of the constants:
- * - qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.CURRENT_STATE:
- * Remain in whatever is the current state
- * - qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.POP_STATE_STACK:
- * Transition to the state at the top of the saved-state stack,
- * and remove the top element from the saved-state stack.
- * Elements are added to the saved-state stack using
- * fsm.pushState(). It is an error if no state exists on the
- * saved-state stack.
- * - qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.TERMINATE:
- * TBD
- *
- * autoActionsBeforeOntransition -
- * autoActionsAfterOntransition -
- * Automatic actions which take place at the time specified by the
- * property name. In all cases, the action takes place immediately
- * before or after the specified function.
- *
- * The property value for each of these properties is an object which
- * describes some number of functions to invoke on a set of specified
- * objects (typically widgets).
- *
- * See {@link qx.util.fsm.State} for an example of autoActions.
- *
- * ontransition -
- * A function which is called if the predicate function for this
- * transition returns true. Its signature is function(fsm, event) and
- * it is saved in the ontransition property of the transition object.
- * In the ontransition function:
- *
- * fsm -
- * The finite state machine object to which this state is attached.
- *
- * event -
- * The event that caused a run of the finite state machine
- *
- * Additional properties may be provided in transInfo. They will not be
- * used by the finite state machine, but will be available via
- * this.getUserData("<propertyName>") during the transition's predicate
- * and ontransition functions.
- */
-qx.OO.defineClass("qx.util.fsm.Transition", qx.core.Object,
-function(transitionName, transitionInfo)
- // Call our superclass' constructor
-, true);
- // Save the state name
- this.setName(transitionName);
- // Save data from the transitionInfo object
- for (var field in transitionInfo)
- {
- // If we find one of our properties, call its setter.
- switch(field)
- {
- case "predicate":
- this.setPredicate(transitionInfo[field]);
- break;
- case "nextState":
- this.setNextState(transitionInfo[field]);
- break;
- case "autoActionsBeforeOntransition":
- this.setAutoActionsBeforeOntransition(transitionInfo[field]);
- break;
- case "autoActionsAfterOntransition":
- this.setAutoActionsAfterOntransition(transitionInfo[field]);
- break;
- case "ontransition":
- this.setOntransition(transitionInfo[field]);
- break;
- default:
- // Anything else is user-provided data for their own use. Save it.
- this.setUserData(field, transitionInfo[field]);
- // Log it in case it was a typo and they intended a built-in field
- this.debug("Transition " + transitionName + ": " +
- "Adding user-provided field to transition: " + field);
- break;
- }
- }
- * The name of this transition
- */
- {
- name : "name",
- type : "string"
- });
- * The predicate function for this transition. This is documented in the
- * constructor, and is typically provided through the constructor's
- * transitionInfo object, but it is also possible (but highly NOT recommended)
- * to change this dynamically.
- */
- {
- name : "predicate",
- defaultValue : function(fsm, event) { return true; }
- });
- * The state to transition to, if the predicate determines that this
- * transition is acceptable. This is documented in the constructor, and is
- * typically provided through the constructor's transitionInfo object, but it
- * is also possible (but highly NOT recommended) to change this dynamically.
- */
- {
- name : "nextState",
- defaultValue : qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.CURRENT_STATE
- });
- * Automatic actions to take prior to calling the transition's ontransition
- * function. This is documented in the constructor, and is typically provided
- * through the constructor's transitionInfo object, but it is also possible
- * (but highly NOT recommended) to change this dynamically.
- */
- {
- name : "autoActionsBeforeOntransition",
- defaultValue : function(fsm, event) { }
- });
- * Automatic actions to take immediately after calling the transition's
- * ontransition function. This is documented in the constructor, and is
- * typically provided through the constructor's transitionInfo object, but it
- * is also possible (but highly NOT recommended) to change this dynamically.
- */
- {
- name : "autoActionsAfterOntransition",
- defaultValue : function(fsm, event) { }
- });
- * The function run when the transition is accepted. This is documented in
- * the constructor, and is typically provided through the constructor's
- * transitionInfo object, but it is also possible (but highly NOT recommended)
- * to change this dynamically.
- */
- {
- name : "ontransition",
- defaultValue : function(fsm, event) { }
- });
-qx.Proto._checkName = function(propValue, propData)
- // Ensure that we got a valid state name
- if (typeof(propValue) != "string" || propValue.length < 1)
- {
- throw new Error("Invalid transition name");
- }
- return propValue;
-qx.Proto._checkPredicate = function(propValue, propData)
- // Validate the predicate. Convert all valid types to function.
- switch(typeof(propValue))
- {
- case "undefined":
- // No predicate means predicate passes
- return function(fsm, event) { return true; };
- case "boolean":
- // Convert boolean predicate to a function which returns that value
- return function(fsm, event) { return propValue; };
- case "function":
- // Use user-provided function.
- return propValue;
- default:
- throw new Error("Invalid transition predicate type: " +
- typeof(propValue));
- break;
- }
-qx.Proto._checkNextState = function(propValue, propData)
- // Validate nextState. It must be a string or a number.
- switch(typeof(propValue))
- {
- case "string":
- return propValue;
- case "number":
- // Ensure that it's one of the possible state-change constants
- switch(propValue)
- {
- case qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.CURRENT_STATE:
- case qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.POP_STATE_STACK:
- case qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.TERMINATE:
- return propValue;
- default:
- throw new Error("Invalid transition nextState value: " +
- propValue +
- ": nextState must be an explicit state name, " +
- "or one of the Fsm.StateChange constants");
- }
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error("Invalid transition nextState type: " + typeof(propValue));
- break;
- }
-qx.Proto._checkOntransition = function(propValue, propData)
- // Validate the ontransition function. Convert undefined to function.
- switch(typeof(propValue) )
- {
- case "undefined":
- // No provided function just means do nothing. Use a null function.
- return function(fsm, event) { };
- case "function":
- // Use user-provided function.
- return propValue;
- default:
- throw new Error("Invalid ontransition type: " + typeof(propValue));
- break;
- }
-qx.Proto.dispose = function()
- if (this.getDisposed()) {
- return true;
- }
- return;
diff --git a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm/example.txt b/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm/example.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 35e8282afe..0000000000
--- a/webapps/qooxdoo-0.6.5-sdk/frontend/framework/source/class/qx/util/fsm/example.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-var fsm;
-var state;
-var trans;
-// Create a new finite state machine called "Test Machine"
-fsm = new qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine("Test machine");
-// State S1
-state = new qx.util.fsm.State(
- // State name
- "S1",
- // Object with state information
- {
- // Function called on entry to this state
- "onentry" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- alert("Previous state: " + fsm.getPreviousState());
- };
- // Function called on exit from this state
- "onexit" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- alert("Next state: " + fsm.getNextState());
- };
- // Automatic actions to take place before a (possibly) new state's onentry
- // function is called.
- "autoActionsBeforeOnentry" :
- {
- // The name of a function.
- "setEnabled" :
- [
- {
- // The parameter value(s), thus "setEnabled(true);"
- "parameters" : [ true ],
- // The function would be called on each object:
- // this.getObject("obj1").setEnabled(true);
- // this.getObject("obj2").setEnabled(true);
- "objects" : [ "obj1", "obj2" ]
- // And similarly for each object in each specified group.
- "groups" : [ "group1", "group2" ],
- }
- ];
- "setColor" :
- [
- {
- "parameters" : [ "blue" ]
- "groups" : [ "group3", "group4" ],
- "objects" : [ "obj3", "obj4" ]
- }
- ];
- };
- // also available, in same format as actionsBeforeOnentry:
- // "autoActionsAfterOnentry",
- // "autoActionsBeforeOnexit"
- // "autoActionsAfterOnexit"
- // Events handled by this state, or queued for processing by a future state
- "events" :
- {
- // The event type "compete" is handled by one of the transitions in this
- // state. The transitions will be searched in order of their addition
- // to the state, until the predicate for a transition returns true (or
- // no predicate is specified for the transition, which is an implicit
- // "true") That transition will be used.
- "complete" : qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.PREDICATE,
- // The event type "interval" has two objects specified by their
- // "friendly name". The action when an event of type "interval" occurs
- // depends on which object was the target of the event.
- "interval" :
- {
- // If the target of the event was the object to which we have given
- // the friendly name "flash" then use a transition specified by name
- "flash" : "S1_S3_interval_flash",
- // If the target of the event was the object to which we have given
- // the friendly name "timeout", then enqueue this event for possible
- // processing by a future state.
- "timeout" : qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.BLOCKED
- },
- // The event type "execute", too, has two objects specified by their
- // "friendly name".
- "execute" :
- {
- // If the target of the event was the object to which we have given
- // the friend name "ok", search the transitions in order looking for
- // one where the predicate is true
- "ok" : qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.PREDICATE
- // If the target of the event was the object to which we have given
- // the friendly name "restart", then enqueue this event for possible
- // processing by a future state.
- "restart" : qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.EventHandling.BLOCKED
- }
- // all events other than those which are handled or blocked are ignored.
- };
- });
-// Add State S1 to the finite state machine.
-// Transition from S1 to S2 due to event 1
-trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- // Transition name
- "S1_S2_ev1",
- // Object with transition information
- {
- // return TRUE to pass
- "predicate" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- var type = event.getType();
- if (type == "somethingWeCareAbout")
- {
- return true;
- }
- else if (type == "somethingToHandleInAnotherState")
- {
- // reattempt event delivery following state transition
- fsm.postponeEvent(event);
- // do no further transition attempts for this event for now
- return null;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- },
- // if event matches and predicate passes, pop the state stack and go to
- // the state which was found at the top of the stack. States are added to
- // the state stack by calling fsm.pushState() during a state's onexit
- // function or by a transition's action function.
- "nextState" : qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange..POP_STATE_STACK,
- // action taken during transisition
- "action" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- // save current state so a future transition can get back to
- // this saved state
- fsm.pushState();
- }
- });
-// Default transition (any event): remain in current state
-trans = new qx.util.fsm.Transition(
- "S1_S1_default",
- {
- // true or undefined : always pass
- "predicate" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- // This predicate does not pass, and we return null to tell the finite
- // state machine that no additional transitions in the transition list
- // should be tested. (Note that the next transition is the one
- // explicitly called for by the "interval" event on the object with
- // friendly name "flash". We do not want a predicate search to find
- // it.
- return null;
- },
- // return to current state
- "nextState" : qx.util.fsm.FiniteStateMachine.StateChange.CURRENT_STATE,
- });
-// Transition from S1 to S2 due to event 2. Since the previous transition
-// returned null in its predicate function, the only way to get to this
-// transition is when it is called out explicitly in the state's event list.
-// This one was specified for the "interval" event on the object with friendly
-// name "flash".
-trans = new qx.util.finitestatememachine.Transition(
- "S1_S3_interval_flash",
- {
- // No predicate or a value of 'true' means that the predicate passes as if
- // a predicate function returned true.
- "predicate" : true,
- // if event matches, go to this state
- "nextState" : "S2",
- // action taken during transisition
- "action" :
- function(fsm, event)
- {
- alert(this.getName() + "action function");
- }
- });
-// We would, of course, need to add state S2 since it is specified in a
-// nextState property. That is left as an exercise for the reader.
-// Initialize and start the machine running