Copyright (C) 1997 - Samba-Team

The Samba package you have just unpacked contains the following:

Directory	Notes:
=========	======
docs		(Samba Documentation):

	The Samba documentation for 1.9.17 has had some of its content
	updated and a new structure has been put in place. However, since
	this is all rather new the documentation format of previous
	versions will remain in place. 

	Note in particular two files - <your OS>_INSTALL.txt and DIAGNOSIS.txt
	There is the potential for there to be many *INSTALL.txt files, one
	for each OS that Samba supports. However we are moving all this into
	the new structure. For now, most people will be using UNIX_INSTALL.txt.

	You pay close attention to all the files with a
	.txt extension. Most problems can be solved by reference to the 
	two files mentioned.

	The new documentation can be accessed starting from Samba-meta-FAQ.html,
	in the docs/faq directory. This is incomplete, but to quote from the 
	abstract, it:
	"contains overview information for the Samba suite of programs, 
	a quick-start guide, and pointers to all other Samba documentation. 
	Other FAQs exist for specific client and server issues, and HOWTO 
	documents for more extended topics to do with Samba software."

examples	(Example configuration files):
	Please pay close attention to the reference smb.conf file
	smb.conf.default that has now been included as the master guide.

	Do read the smb.conf manual page in considering what settings are
	appropriate for your site.

packaging	(Only for those wishing to build binary distributions):
	Currently support is included only for RedHat Linux. We hope that
	other Unix OS vendors will contribute their binary distribution
	packaging control files - and we hope to make their binary packages
	available on the master ftp site under:"OS_Vendor"

source		(The official Samba source files - expect more of these!):
	To build your own binary files you will need a suitable ansi C
	compiler. Also, you must edit the enclosed "Makefile" as required
	for your operating system platform. Then just run:
		a) make
		b) make install
		c) set up your configuration files.

	NOTE: OS Vendors who provide Samba binary packages will generally
	integrate all Samba files into their preferred directory locations.
	These may differ from the default location ALWAYS used by the Samba
	sources. Please be careful when upgrading a vendor provided binary
	distribution from files you have built yourself.