#ifndef __AUTH_AUTH_SAM_REPLY_H__ #define __AUTH_AUTH_SAM_REPLY_H__ #undef _PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE #define _PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(a1, a2) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(a1, a2) /* this file contains prototypes for functions that are private * to this subsystem or library. These functions should not be * used outside this particular subsystem! */ /* The following definitions come from auth/auth_sam_reply.c */ NTSTATUS auth_convert_user_info_dc_sambaseinfo(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct auth_user_info_dc *user_info_dc, struct netr_SamBaseInfo **_sam); NTSTATUS auth_convert_user_info_dc_saminfo3(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct auth_user_info_dc *user_info_dc, struct netr_SamInfo3 **_sam3); /** * Make a user_info_dc struct from the info3 returned by a domain logon */ NTSTATUS make_user_info_dc_netlogon_validation(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char *account_name, uint16_t validation_level, union netr_Validation *validation, struct auth_user_info_dc **_user_info_dc); /** * Make a user_info_dc struct from the PAC_LOGON_INFO supplied in the krb5 logon */ NTSTATUS make_user_info_dc_pac(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct PAC_LOGON_INFO *pac_logon_info, struct auth_user_info_dc **_user_info_dc); #undef _PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE #define _PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(a1, a2) #endif /* __AUTH_AUTH_SAM_REPLY_H__ */