#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename; use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq); my $globals; my $dname; sub read_file($) { my $filename = shift; open(CONFIG_MK, "$filename"); my @lines = <CONFIG_MK>; close(CONFIG_MK); return @lines; } sub trim($) { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; } sub strlist($) { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/\$\(SHLIBEXT\)/so/g; $s =~ s/\$\(heimdalsrcdir\)/..\/heimdal/g; $s =~ s/\$\(heimdalbuildsrcdir\)/..\/heimdal_build/g; $s =~ s/\$\(nsswitchsrcdir\)/..\/nsswitch/g; $s =~ s/\$\(param_OBJ_FILES\)/..\/pyparam.c/g; $s =~ s/\$\(libclisrcdir\)\///g; $s =~ s/\$\(socketwrappersrcdir\)\///g; $s =~ s/\$\(libcompressionsrcdir\)\///g; $s =~ s/\$\(\w*srcdir\)\///g; $s =~ s/\$\(libgpodir\)\///g; $s =~ s/\:\.o=\.ho//g; $s =~ s/\:\.o=\.d//g; # this one doesn't exist? $s =~ s/\bLDAP_ENCODE\b//g; # these need to use the library names $s =~ s/\bLIBLDB\b/ldb/g; $s =~ s/\bLDB\b/ldb/g; $s =~ s/\bLIBTALLOC\b/talloc/g; $s =~ s/\bTALLOC\b/talloc/g; $s =~ s/\bLIBTEVENT\b/tevent/g; $s =~ s/\bTEVENT\b/tevent/g; $s =~ s/\bTSOCKET\b/LIBTSOCKET/g; $s =~ s/\bGENSEC\b/gensec/g; $s =~ s/\bLIBTDB\b/tdb/g; $s =~ s/\bRESOLV\b/resolv/g; return trim(join(' ', split(/\s+/, $s))); } sub expand_vars($$) { my $vars = shift; my $s = shift; foreach my $v (keys %{$vars}) { if ($s =~ /\$\($v\)/) { $s =~ s/\$\($v\)/$vars->{$v}/g; delete($vars->{$v}); } } foreach my $v (keys %{$globals}) { if ($s =~ /\$\($v\)/) { $s =~ s/\$\($v\)/$globals->{$v}/g; } } return $s; } sub find_file($) { my $f = shift; my $orig = $f; if ($f =~ /\$/) { printf(STDERR "bad variable expansion for file $orig in $dname\n"); exit(1); } my $b = basename($f); return $b if (-e $b); return $f if (-e $f); while ($f =~ /\//) { $f =~ s/^[^\/]+\///g; return $f if (-e $f); } my $f2; $f2 = `find . -name "$f" -type f`; return $f2 unless ($f2 eq ""); $f2 = `find .. -name "$f" -type f`; return $f2 unless ($f2 eq ""); $f2 = `find ../.. -name "$f" -type f`; return $f2 unless ($f2 eq ""); $f2 = `find ../../.. -name "$f" -type f`; return $f2 unless ($f2 eq ""); printf(STDERR "Failed to find $orig in $dname\n"); exit(1); return ''; } sub find_files($) { my $list = shift; my $ret = ''; foreach my $f (split(/\s+/, $list)) { if ($f =~ /\.[0-9]$/) { # a man page my $m = find_file($f . ".xml"); die("Unable to find man page $f\n") if ($m eq ""); $m =~ s/\.xml$//; return $m; } $f = find_file($f); $f =~ s/^[.]\///; $ret .= ' ' . $f; } $ret = strlist($ret); my @list = split(/\s+/, $ret); @list = uniq(@list); $ret = trim(join(' ', @list)); return $ret; } sub read_config_mk($) { my $filename = shift; my @lines = read_file($filename); my $prev = ""; my $linenum = 1; my $section = "GLOBAL"; my $infragment; my $result; my $line = ""; my $secnumber = 1; $result->{"GLOBAL"}->{SECNUMBER} = $secnumber++; foreach (@lines) { $linenum++; # lines beginning with '#' are ignored next if (/^\#.*$/); if (/^(.*)\\$/) { $prev .= $1; next; } else { $line = "$prev$_"; $prev = ""; } if ($line =~ /^mkinclude.*asn1_deps.pl\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+\\\$\\\(\w+\\\)\/([^\s|]+)\s*([^|]*)\|$/) { my $src = $1; $section = $2; my $dir = $3; my $options = $4; $section = "HEIMDAL_" . uc($section); $result->{$section}->{TYPE} = 'ASN1'; $result->{$section}->{SECNUMBER} = $secnumber++; if ($options ne '') { $result->{$section}->{OPTIONS} = $options; } $result->{$section}->{DIRECTORY} = $dir; $result->{$section}->{$section . '_OBJ_FILES'} = $src; next; } if ($line =~ /^mkinclude.*et_deps.pl\s+([^\s]+)\s+\\\$\\\(\w+\\\)\/([^\s|]+)\|$/) { my $src = $1; my $dir = $2; $section = basename($src); $section =~ s/\./_/g; $section = "HEIMDAL_" . uc($section); $result->{$section}->{TYPE} = 'ERRTABLE'; $result->{$section}->{SECNUMBER} = $secnumber++; $result->{$section}->{DIRECTORY} = "$dir"; $result->{$section}->{$section . '_OBJ_FILES'} = $src; next; } if ($line =~ /^\[(\w+)::([\w-]+)\]/) { my $type = $1; $section = $2; $infragment = 0; $result->{$section}->{TYPE} = $type; $result->{$section}->{SECNUMBER} = $secnumber++; next; } # include if ($line =~ /^mkinclude (.*)$/) { my $subfile = $1; $result->{$subfile}->{TYPE} = 'SUBCONFIG'; $result->{$subfile}->{SECNUMBER} = $secnumber++; next; } # empty line if ($line =~ /^[ \t]*$/) { next; } # global stuff is considered part of the makefile if ($section eq "GLOBAL") { $infragment = 1; next; } # Assignment if ($line =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)[\t ]*=(.*)$/) { $result->{$section}->{$1} = expand_vars($result->{$section}, strlist($2)); $globals->{$1} = $result->{$section}->{$1}; next; } # += if ($line =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)[\t ]*\+=(.*)$/) { if (!$result->{$section}->{$1}) { $result->{$section}->{$1}=""; } $result->{$section}->{$1} .= " " . expand_vars($result->{$section}, strlist($2)); $globals->{$1} = $result->{$section}->{$1}; next; } if ($line =~ /\$\(eval.\$\(call.proto_header_template.*,(.*),.*/) { $result->{$section}->{AUTOPROTO} = $1; } if ($line =~ /^\$\(eval/) { # skip eval lines for now next; } printf(STDERR "$linenum: Bad line: $line"); } return $result; } sub process_results($) { my $result = shift; foreach my $s (sort {$result->{$a}->{SECNUMBER} <=> $result->{$b}->{SECNUMBER}} keys %{$result}) { next if ($s eq "GLOBAL"); my $sec = $result->{$s}; if ($sec->{TYPE} eq "SUBCONFIG") { my $d = dirname($s); next if ($d eq "."); printf "bld.BUILD_SUBDIR('%s')\n", dirname($s); } else { printf "\nbld.SAMBA_%s('%s'", $sec->{TYPE}, $s; my $trailer=""; my $got_src = 0; my $got_private_deps = 0; foreach my $k (keys %{$sec}) { #print "key=$k\n"; next if ($k eq "SECNUMBER"); next if ($k eq "TYPE"); if ($k eq "INIT_FUNCTION") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tinit_function='%s'", trim($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "INIT_FUNCTION_SENTINEL") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tinit_function_sentinal='%s'", trim($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "_PY_FILES" || $k eq "EPYDOC_OPTIONS" || $k eq "COV_TARGET" || $k eq "GCOV" || $k eq "PC_FILES" || $k eq "CONFIG4FILE" || $k eq "LMHOSTSFILE4") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\t# %s='%s'", $k, trim($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "SUBSYSTEM") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tsubsystem='%s'", trim($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "PRIVATE_DEPENDENCIES") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tdeps='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); $got_private_deps = 1; next; } if ($k eq "PUBLIC_DEPENDENCIES") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tpublic_deps='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "ALIASES") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\taliases='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "CFLAGS") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tcflags='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "OPTIONS") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\toptions='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "DIRECTORY") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tdirectory='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "LDFLAGS") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tldflags='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "INSTALLDIR") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tinstalldir='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "ASN1C") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tcompiler='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "ET_COMPILER") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tcompiler='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "ENABLE") { my $v = strlist($sec->{$k}); if ($v eq "NO") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tenabled=False"); next; } next if ($v eq "YES"); die("Unknown ENABLE value $v in $s\n"); } if ($k eq "USE_HOSTCC") { my $v = strlist($sec->{$k}); if ($v eq "YES") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tuse_hostcc=True"); next; } next if ($v eq "NO"); die("Unknown HOST_CC value $v in $s\n"); } if ($k eq "$s" . "_VERSION") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tvnum='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "$s" . "_SOVERSION") { next; } if ($k eq "LIBRARY_REALNAME") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\trealname='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "OUTPUT_TYPE") { $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\toutput_type='%s'", strlist($sec->{$k})); next; } if ($k eq "AUTOPROTO") { my $list = trim(find_files(strlist($sec->{$k}))); $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tautoproto='%s'", $list); next; } if ($k eq "PUBLIC_HEADERS") { my $list = trim(strlist($sec->{$k})); if ($list =~ /\$\(addprefix .*,(.*)\)(.*)$/) { $list = trim("$1 $2"); $list = find_files($list); } else { $list = trim(find_files(strlist($sec->{$k}))); } $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tpublic_headers='%s'", $list); next; } if ($k eq "MANPAGES") { my $list = trim(find_files(strlist($sec->{$k}))); $trailer .= sprintf(",\n\tmanpages='%s'", $list); next; } if ($k eq "$s" . "_OBJ_FILES") { my $list = trim(strlist($sec->{$k})); $list =~ s/\.o/.c/g; $list =~ s/\.ho/.c/g; if ($list =~ /\$\(addprefix .*,(.*)\)(.*)$/) { $list = trim("$1 $2"); $list = find_files($list); $list = "'$list'"; } elsif ($list =~ /\$\(addprefix \$\((\w+)\)(.*),(.*)\)(.*)$/) { my $src = trim($3); my $dir = "$1$2"; $dir =~ s/\/$//; my $res = "bld.SUBDIR('$dir', '$src')"; if ($4) { $res = "$res + '$4'"; } $list = $res; } else { $list = find_files($list); $list="'$list'"; } $list =~ s/\$\(\w+srcdir\)\///g; printf(",\n\tsource=%s", $list); $got_src = 1; next; } if ($k eq "HEIMDAL_GSSAPI_KRB5_OBJ_FILES" || $k eq "HEIMDAL_GSSAPI_SPNEGO_OBJ_FILES" || $k eq "HEIMDAL_HEIM_ASN1_DER_OBJ_FILES" || $k eq "HEIMDAL_HX509_OBJH_FILES" || $k eq "HEIMDAL_HX509_OBJG_FILES" || $k eq "HEIMDAL_ROKEN_OBJ_FILES" ) { next; } die("Unknown keyword $k in $s\n"); } die("No source list in $s\n") unless $got_src or $got_private_deps; if (! $got_src) { printf(",source=''\n\t"); } printf("%s\n\t)\n\n", $trailer); } } } for (my $i=0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++) { my $filename=$ARGV[$i]; $dname=dirname($filename); my $result = read_config_mk($filename); if ($i != 0) { print "\n\n\n"; } print "# AUTOGENERATED by mktowscript.pl from $filename\n# Please remove this notice if hand editing\n\n"; die("Unable to chdir to $dname\n") unless chdir($dname); process_results($result); }