#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Thomas Nagy, 2006 (ita)

"intltool support"

import os, re
import Configure, TaskGen, Task, Utils, Runner, Options, Build, config_c
from TaskGen import feature, before, taskgen
from Logs import error


bld(features='intltool_in', source='a.po b.po', podir='po', cache='.intlcache', flags='')


class intltool_in_taskgen(TaskGen.task_gen):
	def __init__(self, *k, **kw):
		TaskGen.task_gen.__init__(self, *k, **kw)

def iapply_intltool_in_f(self):
	try: self.meths.remove('apply_core')
	except ValueError: pass

	for i in self.to_list(self.source):
		node = self.path.find_resource(i)

		podir = getattr(self, 'podir', 'po')
		podirnode = self.path.find_dir(podir)
		if not podirnode:
			error("could not find the podir %r" % podir)

		cache = getattr(self, 'intlcache', '.intlcache')
		self.env['INTLCACHE'] = os.path.join(self.path.bldpath(self.env), podir, cache)
		self.env['INTLPODIR'] = podirnode.srcpath(self.env)
		self.env['INTLFLAGS'] = getattr(self, 'flags', ['-q', '-u', '-c'])

		task = self.create_task('intltool', node, node.change_ext(''))
		task.install_path = self.install_path

class intltool_po_taskgen(TaskGen.task_gen):
	def __init__(self, *k, **kw):
		TaskGen.task_gen.__init__(self, *k, **kw)

def apply_intltool_po(self):
	try: self.meths.remove('apply_core')
	except ValueError: pass

	self.default_install_path = '${LOCALEDIR}'
	appname = getattr(self, 'appname', 'set_your_app_name')
	podir = getattr(self, 'podir', '')

	def install_translation(task):
		out = task.outputs[0]
		filename = out.name
		(langname, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename)
		inst_file = langname + os.sep + 'LC_MESSAGES' + os.sep + appname + '.mo'
		self.bld.install_as(os.path.join(self.install_path, inst_file), out, self.env, self.chmod)

	linguas = self.path.find_resource(os.path.join(podir, 'LINGUAS'))
	if linguas:
		# scan LINGUAS file for locales to process
		file = open(linguas.abspath())
		langs = []
		for line in file.readlines():
			# ignore lines containing comments
			if not line.startswith('#'):
				langs += line.split()
		re_linguas = re.compile('[-a-zA-Z_@.]+')
		for lang in langs:
			# Make sure that we only process lines which contain locales
			if re_linguas.match(lang):
				node = self.path.find_resource(os.path.join(podir, re_linguas.match(lang).group() + '.po'))
				task = self.create_task('po')
				if self.bld.is_install: task.install = install_translation
		Utils.pprint('RED', "Error no LINGUAS file found in po directory")

Task.simple_task_type('po', '${POCOM} -o ${TGT} ${SRC}', color='BLUE', shell=False)
	color='BLUE', after="cc_link cxx_link", shell=False)

def detect(conf):
	pocom = conf.find_program('msgfmt')
	if not pocom:
		# if msgfmt should not be mandatory, catch the thrown exception in your wscript
		conf.fatal('The program msgfmt (gettext) is mandatory!')
	conf.env['POCOM'] = pocom

	# NOTE: it is possible to set INTLTOOL in the environment, but it must not have spaces in it

	intltool = conf.find_program('intltool-merge', var='INTLTOOL')
	if not intltool:
		# if intltool-merge should not be mandatory, catch the thrown exception in your wscript
		if Options.platform == 'win32':
			perl = conf.find_program('perl', var='PERL')
			if not perl:
				conf.fatal('The program perl (required by intltool) could not be found')

			intltooldir = Configure.find_file('intltool-merge', os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep))
			if not intltooldir:
				conf.fatal('The program intltool-merge (intltool, gettext-devel) is mandatory!')

			conf.env['INTLTOOL'] = Utils.to_list(conf.env['PERL']) + [intltooldir + os.sep + 'intltool-merge']
			conf.check_message('intltool', '', True, ' '.join(conf.env['INTLTOOL']))
			conf.fatal('The program intltool-merge (intltool, gettext-devel) is mandatory!')

	def getstr(varname):
		return getattr(Options.options, varname, '')

	prefix  = conf.env['PREFIX']
	datadir = getstr('datadir')
	if not datadir: datadir = os.path.join(prefix,'share')

	conf.define('LOCALEDIR', os.path.join(datadir, 'locale'))
	conf.define('DATADIR', datadir)

	if conf.env['CC'] or conf.env['CXX']:
		# Define to 1 if <locale.h> is present

def set_options(opt):
	opt.add_option('--want-rpath', type='int', default=1, dest='want_rpath', help='set rpath to 1 or 0 [Default 1]')
	opt.add_option('--datadir', type='string', default='', dest='datadir', help='read-only application data')