# a waf tool to add autoconf-like macros to the configure section import Build, os, sys, Options, preproc, Logs import string from Configure import conf from samba_utils import * import samba_cross missing_headers = set() #################################################### # some autoconf like helpers, to make the transition # to waf a bit easier for those used to autoconf # m4 files @runonce @conf def DEFINE(conf, d, v, add_to_cflags=False, quote=False): '''define a config option''' conf.define(d, v, quote=quote) if add_to_cflags: conf.env.append_value('CCDEFINES', d + '=' + str(v)) def hlist_to_string(conf, headers=None): '''convert a headers list to a set of #include lines''' hdrs='' hlist = conf.env.hlist if headers: hlist = hlist[:] hlist.extend(TO_LIST(headers)) for h in hlist: hdrs += '#include <%s>\n' % h return hdrs @conf def COMPOUND_START(conf, msg): '''start a compound test''' def null_check_message_1(self,*k,**kw): return def null_check_message_2(self,*k,**kw): return v = getattr(conf.env, 'in_compound', []) if v != [] and v != 0: conf.env.in_compound = v + 1 return conf.check_message_1(msg) conf.saved_check_message_1 = conf.check_message_1 conf.check_message_1 = null_check_message_1 conf.saved_check_message_2 = conf.check_message_2 conf.check_message_2 = null_check_message_2 conf.env.in_compound = 1 @conf def COMPOUND_END(conf, result): '''start a compound test''' conf.env.in_compound -= 1 if conf.env.in_compound != 0: return conf.check_message_1 = conf.saved_check_message_1 conf.check_message_2 = conf.saved_check_message_2 p = conf.check_message_2 if result == True: p('ok ') elif result == False: p('not found', 'YELLOW') else: p(result) @feature('nolink') def nolink(self): '''using the nolink type in conf.check() allows us to avoid the link stage of a test, thus speeding it up for tests that where linking is not needed''' pass def CHECK_HEADER(conf, h, add_headers=False, lib=None): '''check for a header''' if h in missing_headers and lib is None: return False d = h.upper().replace('/', '_') d = d.replace('.', '_') d = d.replace('-', '_') d = 'HAVE_%s' % d if CONFIG_SET(conf, d): if add_headers: if not h in conf.env.hlist: conf.env.hlist.append(h) return True (ccflags, ldflags) = library_flags(conf, lib) hdrs = hlist_to_string(conf, headers=h) ret = conf.check(fragment='%s\nint main(void) { return 0; }' % hdrs, type='nolink', execute=0, ccflags=ccflags, msg="Checking for header %s" % h) if not ret: missing_headers.add(h) return False conf.DEFINE(d, 1) if add_headers and not h in conf.env.hlist: conf.env.hlist.append(h) return ret @conf def CHECK_HEADERS(conf, headers, add_headers=False, together=False, lib=None): '''check for a list of headers when together==True, then the headers accumulate within this test. This is useful for interdependent headers ''' ret = True if not add_headers and together: saved_hlist = conf.env.hlist[:] set_add_headers = True else: set_add_headers = add_headers for hdr in TO_LIST(headers): if not CHECK_HEADER(conf, hdr, set_add_headers, lib=lib): ret = False if not add_headers and together: conf.env.hlist = saved_hlist return ret def header_list(conf, headers=None, lib=None): '''form a list of headers which exist, as a string''' hlist=[] if headers is not None: for h in TO_LIST(headers): if CHECK_HEADER(conf, h, add_headers=False, lib=lib): hlist.append(h) return hlist_to_string(conf, headers=hlist) @conf def CHECK_TYPE(conf, t, alternate=None, headers=None, define=None, lib=None, msg=None): '''check for a single type''' if define is None: define = 'HAVE_' + t.upper().replace(' ', '_') if msg is None: msg='Checking for %s' % t ret = CHECK_CODE(conf, '%s _x' % t, define, execute=False, headers=headers, local_include=False, msg=msg, lib=lib, link=False) if not ret and alternate: conf.DEFINE(t, alternate) return ret @conf def CHECK_TYPES(conf, list, headers=None, define=None, alternate=None, lib=None): '''check for a list of types''' ret = True for t in TO_LIST(list): if not CHECK_TYPE(conf, t, headers=headers, define=define, alternate=alternate, lib=lib): ret = False return ret @conf def CHECK_TYPE_IN(conf, t, headers=None, alternate=None, define=None): '''check for a single type with a header''' return CHECK_TYPE(conf, t, headers=headers, alternate=alternate, define=define) @conf def CHECK_VARIABLE(conf, v, define=None, always=False, headers=None, msg=None, lib=None): '''check for a variable declaration (or define)''' if define is None: define = 'HAVE_%s' % v.upper() if msg is None: msg="Checking for variable %s" % v return CHECK_CODE(conf, # we need to make sure the compiler doesn't # optimize it out... ''' #ifndef %s void *_x; _x=(void *)&%s; return (int)_x; #endif return 0 ''' % (v, v), execute=False, link=False, msg=msg, local_include=False, lib=lib, headers=headers, define=define, always=always) @conf def CHECK_DECLS(conf, vars, reverse=False, headers=None, always=False): '''check a list of variable declarations, using the HAVE_DECL_xxx form of define When reverse==True then use HAVE_xxx_DECL instead of HAVE_DECL_xxx ''' ret = True for v in TO_LIST(vars): if not reverse: define='HAVE_DECL_%s' % v.upper() else: define='HAVE_%s_DECL' % v.upper() if not CHECK_VARIABLE(conf, v, define=define, headers=headers, msg='Checking for declaration of %s' % v, always=always): ret = False return ret def CHECK_FUNC(conf, f, link=True, lib=None, headers=None): '''check for a function''' define='HAVE_%s' % f.upper() ret = False conf.COMPOUND_START('Checking for %s' % f) if link is None or link == True: ret = CHECK_CODE(conf, # this is based on the autoconf strategy ''' #define %s __fake__%s #ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H # include <limits.h> #else # include <assert.h> #endif #undef %s #if defined __stub_%s || defined __stub___%s #error "bad glibc stub" #endif extern char %s(); int main() { return %s(); } ''' % (f, f, f, f, f, f, f), execute=False, link=True, addmain=False, add_headers=False, define=define, local_include=False, lib=lib, headers=headers, msg='Checking for %s' % f) if not ret: ret = CHECK_CODE(conf, # it might be a macro # we need to make sure the compiler doesn't # optimize it out... 'void *__x = (void *)%s; return (int)__x' % f, execute=False, link=True, addmain=True, add_headers=True, define=define, local_include=False, lib=lib, headers=headers, msg='Checking for macro %s' % f) if not ret and (link is None or link == False): ret = CHECK_VARIABLE(conf, f, define=define, headers=headers, msg='Checking for declaration of %s' % f) conf.COMPOUND_END(ret) return ret @conf def CHECK_FUNCS(conf, list, link=True, lib=None, headers=None): '''check for a list of functions''' ret = True for f in TO_LIST(list): if not CHECK_FUNC(conf, f, link=link, lib=lib, headers=headers): ret = False return ret @conf def CHECK_SIZEOF(conf, vars, headers=None, define=None): '''check the size of a type''' ret = True for v in TO_LIST(vars): v_define = define if v_define is None: v_define = 'SIZEOF_%s' % v.upper().replace(' ', '_') if not CHECK_CODE(conf, 'printf("%%u", (unsigned)sizeof(%s))' % v, define=v_define, execute=True, define_ret=True, quote=False, headers=headers, local_include=False, msg="Checking size of %s" % v): ret = False return ret @conf def CHECK_CODE(conf, code, define, always=False, execute=False, addmain=True, add_headers=True, mandatory=False, headers=None, msg=None, cflags='', includes='# .', local_include=True, lib=None, link=True, define_ret=False, quote=False, on_target=True): '''check if some code compiles and/or runs''' if CONFIG_SET(conf, define): return True if headers is not None: CHECK_HEADERS(conf, headers=headers, lib=lib) if add_headers: hdrs = header_list(conf, headers=headers, lib=lib) else: hdrs = '' if execute: execute = 1 else: execute = 0 defs = conf.get_config_header() if addmain: fragment='%s\n%s\n int main(void) { %s; return 0; }\n' % (defs, hdrs, code) else: fragment='%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (defs, hdrs, code) if msg is None: msg="Checking for %s" % define cflags = TO_LIST(cflags) if local_include: cflags.append('-I%s' % conf.curdir) if not link: type='nolink' else: type='cprogram' uselib = TO_LIST(lib) (ccflags, ldflags) = library_flags(conf, uselib) cflags.extend(ccflags) if on_target: exec_args = conf.SAMBA_CROSS_ARGS(msg=msg) else: exec_args = [] conf.COMPOUND_START(msg) ret = conf.check(fragment=fragment, execute=execute, define_name = define, mandatory = mandatory, ccflags=cflags, ldflags=ldflags, includes=includes, uselib=uselib, type=type, msg=msg, quote=quote, exec_args=exec_args, define_ret=define_ret) if not ret and CONFIG_SET(conf, define): # sometimes conf.check() returns false, but it # sets the define. Maybe a waf bug? ret = True if ret: if not define_ret: conf.DEFINE(define, 1) conf.COMPOUND_END(True) else: conf.COMPOUND_END(conf.env[define]) return True if always: conf.DEFINE(define, 0) conf.COMPOUND_END(False) return False @conf def CHECK_STRUCTURE_MEMBER(conf, structname, member, always=False, define=None, headers=None): '''check for a structure member''' if define is None: define = 'HAVE_%s' % member.upper() return CHECK_CODE(conf, '%s s; void *_x; _x=(void *)&s.%s' % (structname, member), define, execute=False, link=False, always=always, headers=headers, local_include=False, msg="Checking for member %s in %s" % (member, structname)) @conf def CHECK_CFLAGS(conf, cflags): '''check if the given cflags are accepted by the compiler ''' return conf.check(fragment='int main(void) { return 0; }\n', execute=0, type='nolink', ccflags=cflags, msg="Checking compiler accepts %s" % cflags) @conf def CHECK_LDFLAGS(conf, ldflags): '''check if the given ldflags are accepted by the linker ''' return conf.check(fragment='int main(void) { return 0; }\n', execute=0, ldflags=ldflags, msg="Checking linker accepts %s" % ldflags) @conf def CONFIG_GET(conf, option): '''return True if a configuration option was found''' if (option in conf.env): return conf.env[option] else: return None @conf def CONFIG_SET(conf, option): '''return True if a configuration option was found''' return (option in conf.env) and (conf.env[option] != ()) Build.BuildContext.CONFIG_SET = CONFIG_SET Build.BuildContext.CONFIG_GET = CONFIG_GET def library_flags(self, libs): '''work out flags from pkg_config''' ccflags = [] ldflags = [] for lib in TO_LIST(libs): inc_path = getattr(self.env, 'CPPPATH_%s' % lib.upper(), []) lib_path = getattr(self.env, 'LIBPATH_%s' % lib.upper(), []) ccflags.extend(['-I%s' % i for i in inc_path]) ldflags.extend(['-L%s' % l for l in lib_path]) extra_ccflags = TO_LIST(getattr(self.env, 'CCFLAGS_%s' % lib.upper(), [])) extra_ldflags = TO_LIST(getattr(self.env, 'LDFLAGS_%s' % lib.upper(), [])) ccflags.extend(extra_ccflags) ldflags.extend(extra_ldflags) if 'EXTRA_LDFLAGS' in self.env: ldflags.extend(self.env['EXTRA_LDFLAGS']) ccflags = unique_list(ccflags) ldflags = unique_list(ldflags) return (ccflags, ldflags) @conf def CHECK_LIB(conf, libs, mandatory=False, empty_decl=True, set_target=True, shlib=False): '''check if a set of libraries exist as system libraries returns the sublist of libs that do exist as a syslib or [] ''' fragment= ''' int foo() { int v = 2; return v*2; } ''' ret = [] liblist = TO_LIST(libs) for lib in liblist[:]: if GET_TARGET_TYPE(conf, lib) == 'SYSLIB': ret.append(lib) continue (ccflags, ldflags) = library_flags(conf, lib) if shlib: res = conf.check(features='cc cshlib', fragment=fragment, lib=lib, uselib_store=lib, ccflags=ccflags, ldflags=ldflags) else: res = conf.check(lib=lib, uselib_store=lib, ccflags=ccflags, ldflags=ldflags) if not res: if mandatory: Logs.error("Mandatory library '%s' not found for functions '%s'" % (lib, list)) sys.exit(1) if empty_decl: # if it isn't a mandatory library, then remove it from dependency lists if set_target: SET_TARGET_TYPE(conf, lib, 'EMPTY') else: conf.define('HAVE_LIB%s' % lib.upper().replace('-','_'), 1) conf.env['LIB_' + lib.upper()] = lib if set_target: conf.SET_TARGET_TYPE(lib, 'SYSLIB') ret.append(lib) return ret @conf def CHECK_FUNCS_IN(conf, list, library, mandatory=False, checklibc=False, headers=None, link=True, empty_decl=True, set_target=True): """ check that the functions in 'list' are available in 'library' if they are, then make that library available as a dependency if the library is not available and mandatory==True, then raise an error. If the library is not available and mandatory==False, then add the library to the list of dependencies to remove from build rules optionally check for the functions first in libc """ remaining = TO_LIST(list) liblist = TO_LIST(library) # check if some already found for f in remaining[:]: if CONFIG_SET(conf, 'HAVE_%s' % f.upper()): remaining.remove(f) # see if the functions are in libc if checklibc: for f in remaining[:]: if CHECK_FUNC(conf, f, link=True, headers=headers): remaining.remove(f) if remaining == []: for lib in liblist: if GET_TARGET_TYPE(conf, lib) != 'SYSLIB' and empty_decl: SET_TARGET_TYPE(conf, lib, 'EMPTY') return True checklist = conf.CHECK_LIB(liblist, empty_decl=empty_decl, set_target=set_target) for lib in liblist[:]: if not lib in checklist and mandatory: Logs.error("Mandatory library '%s' not found for functions '%s'" % (lib, list)) sys.exit(1) ret = True for f in remaining: if not CHECK_FUNC(conf, f, lib=' '.join(checklist), headers=headers, link=link): ret = False return ret @conf def IN_LAUNCH_DIR(conf): '''return True if this rule is being run from the launch directory''' return os.path.realpath(conf.curdir) == os.path.realpath(Options.launch_dir) Options.Handler.IN_LAUNCH_DIR = IN_LAUNCH_DIR @conf def SAMBA_CONFIG_H(conf, path=None): '''write out config.h in the right directory''' # we don't want to produce a config.h in places like lib/replace # when we are building projects that depend on lib/replace if not IN_LAUNCH_DIR(conf): return if Options.options.developer: # we add these here to ensure that -Wstrict-prototypes is not set during configure conf.ADD_CFLAGS('-Wall -g -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-y2k -Wmissing-prototypes -fno-common', testflags=True) conf.ADD_CFLAGS('-Wcast-qual', testflags=True) conf.env.DEVELOPER_MODE = True if Options.options.picky_developer: conf.ADD_CFLAGS('-Werror', testflags=True) if Options.options.fatal_errors: conf.ADD_CFLAGS('-Wfatal-errors', testflags=True) if Options.options.pedantic: conf.ADD_CFLAGS('-W', testflags=True) if path is None: conf.write_config_header('config.h', top=True) else: conf.write_config_header(path) conf.SAMBA_CROSS_CHECK_COMPLETE() @conf def CONFIG_PATH(conf, name, default): '''setup a configurable path''' if not name in conf.env: if default[0] == '/': conf.env[name] = default else: conf.env[name] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + default @conf def ADD_CFLAGS(conf, flags, testflags=False): '''add some CFLAGS to the command line optionally set testflags to ensure all the flags work ''' if testflags: ok_flags=[] for f in flags.split(): if CHECK_CFLAGS(conf, f): ok_flags.append(f) flags = ok_flags if not 'EXTRA_CFLAGS' in conf.env: conf.env['EXTRA_CFLAGS'] = [] conf.env['EXTRA_CFLAGS'].extend(TO_LIST(flags)) @conf def ADD_LDFLAGS(conf, flags, testflags=False): '''add some LDFLAGS to the command line optionally set testflags to ensure all the flags work this will return the flags that are added, if any ''' if testflags: ok_flags=[] for f in flags.split(): if CHECK_LDFLAGS(conf, f): ok_flags.append(f) flags = ok_flags if not 'EXTRA_LDFLAGS' in conf.env: conf.env['EXTRA_LDFLAGS'] = [] conf.env['EXTRA_LDFLAGS'].extend(TO_LIST(flags)) return flags @conf def ADD_EXTRA_INCLUDES(conf, includes): '''add some extra include directories to all builds''' if not 'EXTRA_INCLUDES' in conf.env: conf.env['EXTRA_INCLUDES'] = [] conf.env['EXTRA_INCLUDES'].extend(TO_LIST(includes)) def CURRENT_CFLAGS(bld, target, cflags, hide_symbols=False): '''work out the current flags. local flags are added first''' if not 'EXTRA_CFLAGS' in bld.env: list = [] else: list = bld.env['EXTRA_CFLAGS']; ret = TO_LIST(cflags) ret.extend(list) if hide_symbols and bld.env.HAVE_VISIBILITY_ATTR: ret.append('-fvisibility=hidden') return ret @conf def CHECK_CC_ENV(conf): """trim whitespaces from 'CC'. The build farm sometimes puts a space at the start""" if os.environ.get('CC'): conf.env.CC = TO_LIST(os.environ.get('CC')) if len(conf.env.CC) == 1: # make for nicer logs if just a single command conf.env.CC = conf.env.CC[0] @conf def SETUP_CONFIGURE_CACHE(conf, enable): '''enable/disable cache of configure results''' if enable: # when -C is chosen, we will use a private cache and will # not look into system includes. This roughtly matches what # autoconf does with -C cache_path = os.path.join(conf.blddir, '.confcache') mkdir_p(cache_path) Options.cache_global = os.environ['WAFCACHE'] = cache_path else: # when -C is not chosen we will not cache configure checks # We set the recursion limit low to prevent waf from spending # a lot of time on the signatures of the files. Options.cache_global = os.environ['WAFCACHE'] = '' preproc.recursion_limit = 1 # in either case we don't need to scan system includes preproc.go_absolute = False @conf def SAMBA_CHECK_UNDEFINED_SYMBOL_FLAGS(conf): # we don't want any libraries or modules to rely on runtime # resolution of symbols if sys.platform != "openbsd4": conf.env.undefined_ldflags = conf.ADD_LDFLAGS('-Wl,-no-undefined', testflags=True) if sys.platform != "openbsd4" and conf.env.undefined_ignore_ldflags == []: if conf.CHECK_LDFLAGS(['-undefined', 'dynamic_lookup']): conf.env.undefined_ignore_ldflags = ['-undefined', 'dynamic_lookup']