# functions for handling cross-compilation import Utils, Logs, sys, os, Options, re from Configure import conf real_Popen = None ANSWER_UNKNOWN = (254, "") ANSWER_FAIL = (255, "") ANSWER_OK = (0, "") cross_answers_incomplete = False def add_answer(ca_file, msg, answer): '''add an answer to a set of cross answers''' try: f = open(ca_file, 'a') except: Logs.error("Unable to open cross-answers file %s" % ca_file) sys.exit(1) if answer == ANSWER_OK: f.write('%s: OK\n' % msg) elif answer == ANSWER_UNKNOWN: f.write('%s: UNKNOWN\n' % msg) elif answer == ANSWER_FAIL: f.write('%s: FAIL\n' % msg) else: (retcode, retstring) = answer f.write('%s: (%d, "%s")' % (msg, retcode, retstring)) f.close() def cross_answer(ca_file, msg): '''return a (retcode,retstring) tuple from a answers file''' try: f = open(ca_file, 'r') except: add_answer(ca_file, msg, ANSWER_UNKNOWN) return ANSWER_UNKNOWN for line in f: line = line.strip() if line == '' or line[0] == '#': continue if line.find(':') != -1: a = line.split(':') thismsg = a[0].strip() if thismsg != msg: continue ans = a[1].strip() if ans == "OK" or ans == "YES": f.close() return ANSWER_OK elif ans == "UNKNOWN": f.close() return ANSWER_UNKNOWN elif ans == "FAIL" or ans == "NO": f.close() return ANSWER_FAIL elif ans[0] == '"': return (0, ans.strip('"')) elif ans[0] == "'": return (0, ans.strip("'")) else: m = re.match('\(\s*(-?\d+)\s*,\s*\"(.*)\"\s*\)', ans) if m: f.close() return (int(m.group(1)), m.group(2)) else: raise Utils.WafError("Bad answer format '%s' in %s" % (line, ca_file)) f.close() add_answer(ca_file, msg, ANSWER_UNKNOWN) return ANSWER_UNKNOWN class cross_Popen(Utils.pproc.Popen): '''cross-compilation wrapper for Popen''' def __init__(*k, **kw): (obj, args) = k if '--cross-execute' in args: # when --cross-execute is set, then change the arguments # to use the cross emulator i = args.index('--cross-execute') newargs = args[i+1].split() newargs.extend(args[0:i]) args = newargs elif '--cross-answers' in args: # when --cross-answers is set, then change the arguments # to use the cross answers if available i = args.index('--cross-answers') ca_file = args[i+1] msg = args[i+2] ans = cross_answer(ca_file, msg) if ans == ANSWER_UNKNOWN: global cross_answers_incomplete cross_answers_incomplete = True (retcode, retstring) = ans args = ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'echo %s; exit %d' % (retstring, retcode)] real_Popen.__init__(*(obj, args), **kw) @conf def SAMBA_CROSS_ARGS(conf, msg=None): '''get exec_args to pass when running cross compiled binaries''' if not conf.env.CROSS_COMPILE: return [] global real_Popen if real_Popen is None: real_Popen = Utils.pproc.Popen Utils.pproc.Popen = cross_Popen ret = [] if conf.env.CROSS_EXECUTE: ret.extend(['--cross-execute', conf.env.CROSS_EXECUTE]) elif conf.env.CROSS_ANSWERS: if msg is None: raise Utils.WafError("Cannot have NULL msg in cross-answers") ret.extend(['--cross-answers', os.path.join(Options.launch_dir, conf.env.CROSS_ANSWERS), msg]) if ret == []: raise Utils.WafError("Cannot cross-compile without either --cross-execute or --cross-answers") return ret @conf def SAMBA_CROSS_CHECK_COMPLETE(conf): '''check if we have some unanswered questions''' global cross_answers_incomplete if conf.env.CROSS_COMPILE and cross_answers_incomplete: raise Utils.WafError("Cross answers file %s is incomplete" % conf.env.CROSS_ANSWERS) return True