# specialist handling of header files for Samba import Build, re, Task, TaskGen, shutil, sys from samba_utils import * def header_install_path(header, header_path): '''find the installation path for a header, given a header_path option''' if not header_path: return '' if not isinstance(header_path, list): return header_path for (p1, dir) in header_path: for p2 in TO_LIST(p1): if fnmatch.fnmatch(header, p2): return dir # default to current path return '' re_header = re.compile('^\s*#\s*include[ \t]*"([^"]+)"', re.I | re.M) # a dictionary mapping source header paths to public header paths header_map = {} def find_suggested_header(hpath): '''find a suggested header path to use''' base = os.path.basename(hpath) ret = [] for h in header_map: if os.path.basename(h) == base: ret.append('<%s>' % header_map[h]) ret.append('"%s"' % h) return ret def create_public_header(task): '''create a public header from a private one, output within the build tree''' src = task.inputs[0].abspath(task.env) tgt = task.outputs[0].bldpath(task.env) if os.path.exists(tgt): os.unlink(tgt) relsrc = os_path_relpath(src, task.env.TOPDIR) infile = open(src, mode='r') outfile = open(tgt, mode='w') linenumber = 0 search_paths = [ '', task.env.RELPATH ] for i in task.env.EXTRA_INCLUDES: if i.startswith('#'): search_paths.append(i[1:]) for line in infile: linenumber += 1 # allow some straight substitutions if task.env.public_headers_replace and line.strip() in task.env.public_headers_replace: outfile.write(task.env.public_headers_replace[line.strip()] + '\n') continue # see if its an include line m = re_header.match(line) if m is None: outfile.write(line) continue # its an include, get the header path hpath = m.group(1) if hpath.startswith("bin/default/"): hpath = hpath[12:] # some are always allowed if task.env.public_headers_skip and hpath in task.env.public_headers_skip: outfile.write(line) continue # work out the header this refers to found = False for s in search_paths: p = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(s, hpath)) if p in header_map: outfile.write("#include <%s>\n" % header_map[p]) found = True break if found: continue # try to be nice to the developer by suggesting an alternative suggested = find_suggested_header(hpath) outfile.close() os.unlink(tgt) sys.stderr.write("%s:%u:Error: unable to resolve public header %s (maybe try one of %s)\n" % ( os.path.relpath(src, os.getcwd()), linenumber, hpath, suggested)) raise Utils.WafError("Unable to resolve header path '%s' in public header '%s' in directory %s" % ( hpath, relsrc, task.env.RELPATH)) infile.close() outfile.close() def PUBLIC_HEADERS(bld, public_headers, header_path=None, public_headers_install=True): '''install some headers header_path may either be a string that is added to the INCLUDEDIR, or it can be a dictionary of wildcard patterns which map to destination directories relative to INCLUDEDIR ''' bld.SET_BUILD_GROUP('final') if not bld.env.build_public_headers: bld.env.build_public_headers = '' # create the public header in the given path # in the build tree for h in TO_LIST(public_headers): inst_path = header_install_path(h, header_path) if h.find(':') != -1: s = h.split(":") h_name = s[0] inst_name = s[1] else: h_name = h inst_name = os.path.basename(h) relpath1 = os_path_relpath(bld.srcnode.abspath(), bld.curdir) relpath2 = os_path_relpath(bld.curdir, bld.srcnode.abspath()) targetdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(relpath1, bld.env.build_public_headers, inst_path)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(bld.curdir, targetdir)): raise Utils.WafError("missing source directory %s for public header %s" % (targetdir, inst_name)) target = os.path.join(targetdir, inst_name) # the source path of the header, relative to the top of the source tree src_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(relpath2, h_name)) # the install path of the header, relative to the public include directory target_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(inst_path, inst_name)) header_map[src_path] = target_path build_dir = os.path.join(bld.bldnode.abspath(), 'default', bld.env.build_public_headers, inst_path) if not os.path.exists(build_dir): mkdir_p(build_dir) t = bld.SAMBA_GENERATOR('HEADER_%s/%s/%s' % (relpath2, inst_path, inst_name), group='headers', rule=create_public_header, source=h_name, target=target) t.env.RELPATH = relpath2 t.env.TOPDIR = bld.srcnode.abspath() if not bld.env.public_headers_list: bld.env.public_headers_list = [] bld.env.public_headers_list.append(os.path.join(inst_path, inst_name)) if public_headers_install: bld.INSTALL_FILES('${INCLUDEDIR}', target, destname=os.path.join(inst_path, inst_name), flat=True) Build.BuildContext.PUBLIC_HEADERS = PUBLIC_HEADERS