# This file contains waf optimisations for Samba

# most of these optimisations are possible because of the restricted build environment
# that Samba has. For example, Samba doesn't attempt to cope with Win32 paths during the
# build, and Samba doesn't need build varients

# overall this makes some build tasks quite a bit faster

from TaskGen import feature, after
import preproc, Task

@feature('cc', 'cxx')
@after('apply_type_vars', 'apply_lib_vars', 'apply_core')
def apply_incpaths(self):
    lst = []

        kak = self.bld.kak
    except AttributeError:
        kak = self.bld.kak = {}

    # TODO move the uselib processing out of here
    for lib in self.to_list(self.uselib):
        for path in self.env['CPPPATH_' + lib]:
            if not path in lst:
    if preproc.go_absolute:
        for path in preproc.standard_includes:
            if not path in lst:

    for path in self.to_list(self.includes):
        if not path in lst:
            if preproc.go_absolute or path[0] != '/': #os.path.isabs(path):
                self.env.prepend_value('CPPPATH', path)

    for path in lst:
        node = None
        if path[0] == '/': # os.path.isabs(path):
            if preproc.go_absolute:
                node = self.bld.root.find_dir(path)
        elif path[0] == '#':
            node = self.bld.srcnode
            if len(path) > 1:
                    node = kak[path]
                except KeyError:
                    kak[path] = node = node.find_dir(path[1:])
                node = kak[(self.path.id, path)]
            except KeyError:
                kak[(self.path.id, path)] = node = self.path.find_dir(path)

        if node:
            self.env.append_value('INC_PATHS', node)

def apply_obj_vars_cc(self):
    """after apply_incpaths for INC_PATHS"""
    env = self.env
    app = env.append_unique
    cpppath_st = env['CPPPATH_ST']

    lss = env['_CCINCFLAGS']

         cac = self.bld.cac
    except AttributeError:
         cac = self.bld.cac = {}

    # local flags come first
    # set the user-defined includes paths
    for i in env['INC_PATHS']:

        except KeyError:

            cac[i.id] = [cpppath_st % i.bldpath(env), cpppath_st % i.srcpath(env)]

    env['_CCINCFLAGS'] = lss
    # set the library include paths
    for i in env['CPPPATH']:
        app('_CCINCFLAGS', cpppath_st % i)

import Node, Environment

def vari(self):
    return "default"
Environment.Environment.variant = vari

def variant(self, env):
    if not env: return 0
    elif self.id & 3 == Node.FILE: return 0
    else: return "default"
Node.Node.variant = variant

import TaskGen, Task

def create_task(self, name, src=None, tgt=None):
    task = Task.TaskBase.classes[name](self.env, generator=self)
    if src:
    if tgt:
    return task
TaskGen.task_gen.create_task = create_task

def hash_constraints(self):
    a = self.attr
    sum = hash((str(a('before', '')),
            str(a('after', '')),
            str(a('ext_in', '')),
            str(a('ext_out', '')),
    return sum
Task.TaskBase.hash_constraints = hash_constraints

# import cc
# from TaskGen import extension
# import Utils

# @extension(cc.EXT_CC)
# def c_hook(self, node):
#     task = self.create_task('cc', node, node.change_ext('.o'))
#     try:
#         self.compiled_tasks.append(task)
#     except AttributeError:
#         raise Utils.WafError('Have you forgotten to set the feature "cc" on %s?' % str(self))

#     bld = self.bld
#     try:
#         dc = bld.dc
#     except AttributeError:
#         dc = bld.dc = {}

#     if task.outputs[0].id in dc:
#         raise Utils.WafError('Samba, you are doing it wrong %r %s %s' % (task.outputs, task.generator, dc[task.outputs[0].id].generator))
#     else:
#         dc[task.outputs[0].id] = task

#     return task

def suncc_wrap(cls):
    '''work around a problem with cc on solaris not handling module aliases
    which have empty libs'''
    if getattr(cls, 'solaris_wrap', False):
    cls.solaris_wrap = True
    oldrun = cls.run
    def run(self):
        if self.env.CC_NAME == "sun" and not self.inputs:
            self.env = self.env.copy()
            self.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', '-')
        return oldrun(self)
    cls.run = run