# a waf tool to add autoconf-like macros to the configure section # and for SAMBA_ macros for building libraries, binaries etc import Build, os, Options, Task, Utils, cc, TaskGen from Configure import conf from Logs import debug from samba_utils import SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE # bring in the other samba modules from samba_optimisation import * from samba_utils import * from samba_autoconf import * from samba_patterns import * from samba_pidl import * from samba_errtable import * from samba_asn1 import * from samba_autoproto import * from samba_python import * from samba_deps import * import samba_conftests LIB_PATH="shared" os.putenv('PYTHONUNBUFFERED', '1') ################################################################# # create the samba build environment @conf def SAMBA_BUILD_ENV(conf): conf.env['BUILD_DIRECTORY'] = conf.blddir mkdir_p(os.path.join(conf.blddir, LIB_PATH)) mkdir_p(os.path.join(conf.blddir, 'python/samba/dcerpc')) # this allows all of the bin/shared and bin/python targets # to be expressed in terms of build directory paths for p in ['python','shared']: link_target = os.path.join(conf.blddir, 'default/' + p) if not os.path.lexists(link_target): os.symlink('../' + p, link_target) ################################################################ # add an init_function to the list for a subsystem def ADD_INIT_FUNCTION(bld, subsystem, target, init_function): if init_function is None: return bld.ASSERT(subsystem is not None, "You must specify a subsystem for init_function '%s'" % init_function) cache = LOCAL_CACHE(bld, 'INIT_FUNCTIONS') if not subsystem in cache: cache[subsystem] = [] cache[subsystem].append( { 'TARGET':target, 'INIT_FUNCTION':init_function } ) Build.BuildContext.ADD_INIT_FUNCTION = ADD_INIT_FUNCTION ################################################################# # define a Samba library def SAMBA_LIBRARY(bld, libname, source, deps='', public_deps='', includes='', public_headers=None, vnum=None, cflags='', external_library=False, realname=None, autoproto=None, group='main', depends_on='', local_include=True, vars=None, install_path=None, install=True, enabled=True): if not enabled: SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, libname, 'DISABLED') return source = bld.EXPAND_VARIABLES(source, vars=vars) # remember empty libraries, so we can strip the dependencies if (source == '') or (source == []): SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, libname, 'EMPTY') return if bld.env.DISABLE_SHARED: obj_target = libname else: obj_target = libname + '.objlist' # first create a target for building the object files for this library # by separating in this way, we avoid recompiling the C files # separately for the install library and the build library bld.SAMBA_SUBSYSTEM(obj_target, source = source, deps = deps, public_deps = public_deps, includes = includes, public_headers = public_headers, cflags = cflags, group = group, autoproto = autoproto, depends_on = depends_on, local_include = local_include) if bld.env.DISABLE_SHARED: return if not SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, libname, 'LIBRARY'): return # the library itself will depend on that object target deps += ' ' + public_deps deps = TO_LIST(deps) deps.append(obj_target) bld.SET_BUILD_GROUP(group) t = bld( features = 'cc cshlib symlink_lib', source = [], target = libname, samba_cflags = CURRENT_CFLAGS(bld, libname, cflags), depends_on = depends_on, samba_deps = deps, samba_includes = includes, local_include = local_include, vnum = vnum, install_path = None, ldflags = build_rpath(bld) ) if install_path is None: install_path = '${LIBDIR}' install_path = SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE(install_path, bld.env) # we don't need the double libraries if rpath is off if (bld.env.RPATH_ON_INSTALL == False and bld.env.RPATH_ON_BUILD == False): install_target = libname else: install_target = libname + '.inst' if install and install_target != libname: # create a separate install library, which may have # different rpath settings SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, install_target, 'LIBRARY') t = bld( features = 'cc cshlib', source = [], target = install_target, samba_cflags = CURRENT_CFLAGS(bld, libname, cflags), depends_on = depends_on, samba_deps = deps, samba_includes = includes, local_include = local_include, vnum = vnum, install_as = libname, install_path = None, ldflags = install_rpath(bld) ) if install: if vnum: vnum_base = vnum.split('.')[0] install_name = 'lib%s.so.%s' % (libname, vnum) install_link = 'lib%s.so.%s' % (libname, vnum_base) else: install_name = 'lib%s.so' % libname install_link = None bld.install_as(os.path.join(install_path, install_name), 'lib%s.inst.so' % libname) if install_link: bld.symlink_as(os.path.join(install_path, install_link), install_name) if autoproto is not None: bld.SAMBA_AUTOPROTO(autoproto, source) Build.BuildContext.SAMBA_LIBRARY = SAMBA_LIBRARY ################################################################# # define a Samba binary def SAMBA_BINARY(bld, binname, source, deps='', includes='', public_headers=None, modules=None, installdir=None, ldflags=None, cflags='', autoproto=None, use_hostcc=None, compiler=None, group='binaries', manpages=None, local_include=True, subsystem_name=None, needs_python=False, vars=None, install=True, install_path=None): if not SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, binname, 'BINARY'): return features = 'cc cprogram' if needs_python: features += ' pyembed' bld.SET_BUILD_GROUP(group) obj_target = binname + '.objlist' source = bld.EXPAND_VARIABLES(source, vars=vars) # first create a target for building the object files for this binary # by separating in this way, we avoid recompiling the C files # separately for the install binary and the build binary bld.SAMBA_SUBSYSTEM(obj_target, source = source, deps = deps, includes = includes, cflags = cflags, group = group, autoproto = autoproto, subsystem_name = subsystem_name, needs_python = needs_python, local_include = local_include) # the library itself will depend on that object target deps = TO_LIST(deps) deps.append(obj_target) bld( features = features + ' symlink_bin', source = [], target = binname, samba_cflags = CURRENT_CFLAGS(bld, binname, cflags), samba_deps = deps, samba_includes = includes, local_include = local_include, samba_modules = modules, top = True, samba_subsystem= subsystem_name, install_path = None, ldflags = build_rpath(bld) ) if install_path is None: install_path = '${BINDIR}' install_path = SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE(install_path, bld.env) # we don't need the double binaries if rpath is off if (bld.env.RPATH_ON_INSTALL == False and bld.env.RPATH_ON_BUILD == False): install_target = binname else: install_target = binname + '.inst' if install and install_target != binname: # we create a separate 'install' binary, which # will have different rpath settings SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, install_target, 'BINARY') t = bld( features = features, source = [], target = install_target, samba_cflags = CURRENT_CFLAGS(bld, binname, cflags), samba_deps = deps, samba_includes = includes, local_include = local_include, samba_modules = modules, top = True, samba_subsystem= subsystem_name, install_path = None, ldflags = install_rpath(bld) ) if install: bld.install_as(os.path.join(install_path, binname), install_target, chmod=0755) # setup the subsystem_name as an alias for the real # binary name, so it can be found when expanding # subsystem dependencies if subsystem_name is not None: bld.TARGET_ALIAS(subsystem_name, binname) if autoproto is not None: bld.SAMBA_AUTOPROTO(autoproto, source) Build.BuildContext.SAMBA_BINARY = SAMBA_BINARY ################################################################# # define a Samba module. def SAMBA_MODULE(bld, modname, source, deps='', includes='', subsystem=None, init_function=None, autoproto=None, autoproto_extra_source='', aliases=None, cflags='', internal_module=True, local_include=True, vars=None, enabled=True): # we add the init function regardless of whether the module # is enabled or not, as we need to generate a null list if # all disabled bld.ADD_INIT_FUNCTION(subsystem, modname, init_function) if internal_module or bld.env.DISABLE_SHARED: # treat internal modules as subsystems for now SAMBA_SUBSYSTEM(bld, modname, source, deps=deps, includes=includes, autoproto=autoproto, autoproto_extra_source=autoproto_extra_source, cflags=cflags, local_include=local_include, enabled=enabled) return if not enabled: SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, modname, 'DISABLED') return source = bld.EXPAND_VARIABLES(source, vars=vars) # remember empty modules, so we can strip the dependencies if (source == '') or (source == []): SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, modname, 'EMPTY') return if not SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, modname, 'MODULE'): return if subsystem is not None: deps += ' ' + subsystem bld.SET_BUILD_GROUP('main') bld( features = 'cc', source = source, target = modname, samba_cflags = CURRENT_CFLAGS(bld, modname, cflags), samba_includes = includes, local_include = local_include, samba_deps = TO_LIST(deps) ) if autoproto is not None: bld.SAMBA_AUTOPROTO(autoproto, source + ' ' + autoproto_extra_source) Build.BuildContext.SAMBA_MODULE = SAMBA_MODULE ################################################################# # define a Samba subsystem def SAMBA_SUBSYSTEM(bld, modname, source, deps='', public_deps='', includes='', public_headers=None, cflags='', cflags_end=None, group='main', init_function_sentinal=None, heimdal_autoproto=None, heimdal_autoproto_options=None, heimdal_autoproto_private=None, autoproto=None, autoproto_extra_source='', depends_on='', local_include=True, local_include_first=True, subsystem_name=None, enabled=True, vars=None, needs_python=False): if not enabled: SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, modname, 'DISABLED') return # remember empty subsystems, so we can strip the dependencies if (source == '') or (source == []): SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, modname, 'EMPTY') return if not SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, modname, 'SUBSYSTEM'): return source = bld.EXPAND_VARIABLES(source, vars=vars) deps += ' ' + public_deps bld.SET_BUILD_GROUP(group) features = 'cc' if needs_python: features += ' pyext' t = bld( features = features, source = source, target = modname, samba_cflags = CURRENT_CFLAGS(bld, modname, cflags), depends_on = depends_on, samba_deps = TO_LIST(deps), samba_includes = includes, local_include = local_include, local_include_first = local_include_first, samba_subsystem= subsystem_name ) if cflags_end is not None: t.samba_cflags.extend(TO_LIST(cflags_end)) if heimdal_autoproto is not None: bld.HEIMDAL_AUTOPROTO(heimdal_autoproto, source, options=heimdal_autoproto_options) if heimdal_autoproto_private is not None: bld.HEIMDAL_AUTOPROTO_PRIVATE(heimdal_autoproto_private, source) if autoproto is not None: bld.SAMBA_AUTOPROTO(autoproto, source + ' ' + autoproto_extra_source) return t Build.BuildContext.SAMBA_SUBSYSTEM = SAMBA_SUBSYSTEM def SAMBA_GENERATOR(bld, name, rule, source, target, group='build_source', enabled=True, vars=None): '''A generic source generator target''' if not SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, name, 'GENERATOR'): return if not enabled: return bld.SET_BUILD_GROUP(group) bld( rule=rule, source=bld.EXPAND_VARIABLES(source, vars=vars), target=target, shell=True, on_results=True, before='cc', ext_out='.c', name=name) Build.BuildContext.SAMBA_GENERATOR = SAMBA_GENERATOR ############################################################### # add a new set of build rules from a subdirectory # the @runonce decorator ensures we don't end up # with duplicate rules def BUILD_SUBDIR(bld, dir): path = os.path.normpath(bld.curdir + '/' + dir) cache = LOCAL_CACHE(bld, 'SUBDIR_LIST') if path in cache: return cache[path] = True debug("build: Processing subdirectory %s" % dir) bld.add_subdirs(dir) Build.BuildContext.BUILD_SUBDIR = BUILD_SUBDIR ########################################################## # add a new top level command to waf def ADD_COMMAND(opt, name, function): Utils.g_module.__dict__[name] = function opt.name = function Options.Handler.ADD_COMMAND = ADD_COMMAND ########################################################### # setup build groups used to ensure that the different build # phases happen consecutively @runonce def SETUP_BUILD_GROUPS(bld): bld.p_ln = bld.srcnode # we do want to see all targets! bld.env['USING_BUILD_GROUPS'] = True bld.add_group('setup') bld.add_group('build_compiler_source') bld.add_group('base_libraries') bld.add_group('build_compilers') bld.add_group('build_source') bld.add_group('prototypes') bld.add_group('main') bld.add_group('binaries') bld.add_group('final') Build.BuildContext.SETUP_BUILD_GROUPS = SETUP_BUILD_GROUPS ########################################################### # set the current build group def SET_BUILD_GROUP(bld, group): if not 'USING_BUILD_GROUPS' in bld.env: return bld.set_group(group) Build.BuildContext.SET_BUILD_GROUP = SET_BUILD_GROUP def h_file(filename): import stat st = os.stat(filename) if stat.S_ISDIR(st[stat.ST_MODE]): raise IOError('not a file') m = Utils.md5() m.update(str(st.st_mtime)) m.update(str(st.st_size)) m.update(filename) return m.digest() @conf def ENABLE_TIMESTAMP_DEPENDENCIES(conf): Utils.h_file = h_file ############################## # handle the creation of links for libraries and binaries # note that we use a relative symlink path to allow the whole tree # to me moved/copied elsewhere without breaking the links t = Task.simple_task_type('symlink_lib', 'rm -f ${LINK_TARGET} && ln -s ${LINK_SOURCE} ${LINK_TARGET}', shell=True, color='PINK', ext_in='.bin') t.quiet = True @feature('symlink_lib') @after('apply_link') def symlink_lib(self): tsk = self.create_task('symlink_lib', self.link_task.outputs[0]) # calculat the link target and put it in the environment soext="" vnum = getattr(self, 'vnum', None) if vnum is not None: soext = '.' + vnum.split('.')[0] link_target = getattr(self, 'link_name', '') if link_target == '': link_target = '%s/lib%s.so%s' % (LIB_PATH, self.sname, soext) link_source = os_path_relpath(self.link_task.outputs[0].abspath(self.env), os.path.join(self.env.BUILD_DIRECTORY, link_target)) tsk.env.LINK_TARGET = link_target tsk.env.LINK_SOURCE = link_source[3:] debug('task_gen: LINK for %s is %s -> %s', self.name, tsk.env.LINK_SOURCE, tsk.env.LINK_TARGET) t = Task.simple_task_type('symlink_bin', 'rm -f ${BIN_TARGET} && ln -s ${SRC} ${BIN_TARGET}', shell=True, color='PINK', ext_in='.bin') t.quiet = True @feature('symlink_bin') @after('apply_link') def symlink_bin(self): if Options.is_install: # we don't want to copy the install binary, as # that has the install rpath, not the build rpath # The rpath of the binaries in bin/default/foo/blah is different # during the install phase, as distros insist on not using rpath in installed binaries return tsk = self.create_task('symlink_bin', self.link_task.outputs[0]) tsk.env.BIN_TARGET = self.target debug('task_gen: BIN_TARGET for %s is %s', self.name, tsk.env.BIN_TARGET) t = Task.simple_task_type('copy_script', 'rm -f && ln -s ${SRC[0].abspath(env)} ${LINK_TARGET}', shell=True, color='PINK', ext_in='.bin') t.quiet = True @feature('copy_script') @before('apply_link') def copy_script(self): tsk = self.create_task('copy_script', self.allnodes[0]) tsk.env.TARGET = self.target def SAMBA_SCRIPT(bld, name, pattern, installdir, installname=None): '''used to copy scripts from the source tree into the build directory for use by selftest''' source = bld.path.ant_glob(pattern) bld.SET_BUILD_GROUP('build_source') for s in TO_LIST(source): iname = s if installname != None: iname = installname target = os.path.join(installdir, iname) tgtdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(bld.srcnode.abspath(bld.env), '..', target)) mkdir_p(tgtdir) t = bld(features='copy_script', source = s, target = target, always = True, install_path = None) t.env.LINK_TARGET = target Build.BuildContext.SAMBA_SCRIPT = SAMBA_SCRIPT