<samba:parameter name="name resolve order"
                 advanced="1" wizard="1" developer="1"
    <para>This option is used by the programs in the Samba 
    suite to determine what naming services to use and in what order 
    to resolve host names to IP addresses. Its main purpose to is to
    control how netbios name resolution is performed.  The option takes a space 
    separated string of name resolution options.</para>

    <para>The options are: &quot;lmhosts&quot;, &quot;host&quot;,
    &quot;wins&quot; and &quot;bcast&quot;. They cause names to be
    resolved as follows:</para>

		<constant>lmhosts</constant> : Lookup an IP address in the Samba lmhosts file. If the line in lmhosts has 
	    no name type attached to the NetBIOS name (see the manpage for lmhosts for details) then
	    any name type matches for lookup.

		<constant>host</constant> : Do a standard host name to IP address resolution, using the system
		<filename moreinfo="none">/etc/hosts </filename>, NIS, or DNS lookups. This method of name resolution is
		operating system depended for instance on IRIX or Solaris this may be controlled by the <filename
		moreinfo="none">/etc/nsswitch.conf</filename> file.  Note that this method is used only if the NetBIOS name
		type being queried is the 0x20 (server) name type or 0x1c (domain controllers).  The latter case is only
		useful for active directory domains and results in a DNS query for the SRV RR entry matching

	    <para><constant>wins</constant> : Query a name with 
	    the IP address listed in the <smbconfoption name="WINSSERVER"><parameter moreinfo="none">
	    wins server</parameter></smbconfoption> parameter.  If no WINS server has
	    been specified this method will be ignored.</para>

	    <para><constant>bcast</constant> : Do a broadcast on 
	    each of the known local interfaces listed in the <smbconfoption name="interfaces"/> 
	    parameter. This is the least reliable of the name resolution 
	    methods as it depends on the target host being on a locally 
	    connected subnet.</para>

    <para>The example below will cause the local lmhosts file to be examined 
    first, followed by a broadcast attempt, followed by a normal 
    system hostname lookup.</para>

    <para>When Samba is functioning in ADS security mode (<command moreinfo="none">security = ads</command>)
    it is advised to use following settings for <parameter moreinfo="none">name resolve order</parameter>:</para>

    <para><command moreinfo="none">name resolve order = wins bcast</command></para>

    <para>DC lookups will still be done via DNS, but fallbacks to netbios names will
		not inundate your DNS servers with needless querys for DOMAIN&lt;0x1c&gt; lookups.</para>

<value type="default">lmhosts wins host bcast</value>
<value type="example">lmhosts bcast host</value>