Additional Samba Information This chapter wraps up our coverage of the smb.conf configuration file with some miscellaneous options that can perform a variety of tasks. We will talk briefly about options for supporting programmers, internationalization, messages, and common Windows bugs. For the most part, you will use these options only in isolated circumstances. We also cover performing automated backups with the smbtar command at the end of this chapter. So without further ado, let's jump into our first subject: options to help programmers.Supporting Programmersprogrammers, support forIf smb.conf (Samba configuration) fileoptions forsupporting programmersyou have programmers accessing your Samba server, you'll want to be aware of the special options listed in Table 8.1.
Programming Configuration Options OptionParametersFunctionDefaultScopetime serverbooleanIf yes, nmbd announces itself as a SMB time service to Windows clients.noGlobaltime offsetnumerical (number of minutes)Adds a specified number of minutes to the reported time.0Globaldos filetimesbooleanAllows non-owners of a file to change its time if they can write to it.noSharedos filetimeresolutionbooleanCauses file times to be rounded to the next even second.noSharefake directory create timesbooleanSets directory times to avoid a MS nmake bug.noShare
Time Synchronizationsynchronizingtime, options fortime snychronization, options forTime synchronization can be very important to programmers. Consider the following options:time service = yes
dos filetimes = yes
fake directory create times = yes
dos filetime resolution = yes
delete readonly = yesIf you set these options, Samba shares will provide the kind of compatible file times that Visual C++, nmake, and other Microsoft programming tools require. Otherwise, PC make programs will tend to think that all the files in a directory need to be recompiled every time. Obviously, this is not the behavior you want.time serverIf your Samba server has an accurate clock, or if it's a client of one of the Unix network time servers, you can instruct it to advertise itself as an SMB time server by setting thetime server optiontimeserver option as follows:[global]
time service = yesThe client will still have to request the correct time with the following DOS command, substituting the Samba server name in at the appropriate point:C:\NET TIME \\server /YES /SETThis command can be placed in a Windows logon script (see Chapter 6).By default, the timeserver option is normally set to no. If you turn this service on, you can use the command above to keep the client clocks from drifting. Time synchronization is important to clients using programs such as make, which compile based on the last time the file was changed. Incorrectly synchronized times can cause such programs to either remake all files in a directory, which wastes time, or not recompile a source file that was just modified because of a slight clock drift.time offsetTo deal with clients that don't process daylight savings time properly, Samba provides the timeoffset option. If set, it adds the specified number of minutes to the current time. This is handy if you're in Newfoundland and Windows doesn't know about the 30-minute time difference there:[global]
time offset = 30dos filetimesTraditionally, only the root user and the owner of a file can change its last-modified date on a Unix system. The share-level dosfiletimes option allows the Samba server to mimic the characteristics of a DOS/Windows machine: any user can change the last modified date on a file in that share if he or she has write permission to it. In order to do this, Samba uses its root privileges to modify the timestamp on the file.By default, this option is disabled. Setting this option to yes is often necessary to allow PC make programs to work properly. Without it, they cannot change the last-modified date themselves. This often results in the program thinking all files need recompiling when they really don't.dos filetime resolutiondosos filetime resolution optionfiletimeresolution is share-level option. If set to yes, Samba will arrange to have the file times rounded to the closest two-second boundary. This option exists primarily to satisfy a quirk in Windows that prevents Visual C++ from correctly recognizing that a file has not changed. You can enable it as follows:[data]
dos filetime resolution = yesWe recommend using this option only if you are using Microsoft Visual C++ on a Samba share that supports opportunistic locking.fake directory create timesThe fakefake directory create times optiondirectorycreatetimes option exists to keep PC make programs sane. VFAT and NTFS filesystems record the creation date of a specific directory while Unix does not. Without this option, Samba takes the earliest recorded date it has for the directory (often the last-modified date of a file) and returns it to the client. If this is not sufficient, set the following option under a share definition:[data]
fake directory create times = yesIf set, Samba will adjust the directory create time it reports to the hardcoded value January 1st, 1980. This is primarily used to convince the Visual C++ nmake program that any object files in its build directories are indeed younger than the creation date of the directory itself and need to be recompiled.Magic Scriptsmagic scriptsscriptsmagicThe following options deal with magic scripts on the Samba server. Magic scripts are a method of running programs on Unix and redirecting the output back to the SMB (Server Message Block)magic scriptsSMB client. These are essentially an experimental hack. However, some users and their programs still rely on these two options for their programs to function correctly. Magic scripts are not widely trusted and their use is highly discouraged by the Samba team. See Table 8.2 for more information.
Networking Configuration Options OptionParametersFunctionDefaultScopemagic scriptnetworkingoptionsmagic scriptstring (fully-qualified filename)Sets the name of a file to be executed by Samba, as the logged-on user, when closed.NoneSharemagic outputstring (fully-qualified filename)Sets a file to log output from the magic file.scriptname.outShare
magic scriptIf the magicmagic script optionscript option is set to a filename and the client creates a file by that name in that share, Samba will run the file as soon as the user has opened and closed it. For example, let's assume that the following option was created in the share [accounting]:[accounting]
magic script = tally.shSamba continually monitors the files in that share. If one by the name of is closed (after being opened) by a user, Samba will execute the contents of that file locally. The file will be passed to the shell to execute; it must therefore be a legal Unix shell script. This means that it must have newline characters as line endings instead of Windows CR/LFs. In addition, it helps if you use the #! directive at the beginning of the file to indicate under which shell the script should run.magic output option
magic outputThis option specifies an output file that the script specified by the magicscript option will send output to. You must specify a filename in a writable directory:[accounting]
magic script =
magic output = /var/log/magicoutputIf this option is omitted, the default output file is the name of the script (as stated in the magicscript option) with the extension .out appended onto it.Internationalizationinternationalizationforeign-language characterslocalizationSamba has a limited ability to speak foreign tongues: if you need to deal with characters that aren't in standard ASCII, some options that can help you are shown in Table 8.3. Otherwise, you can skip over this section.
Networking Configuration Options OptionParametersFunctionDefaultScopeclient code pageDescribed in this sectionSets a code page to expect from clients850Globalcharacter setDescribed in this sectionTranslates code pages into alternate UNIX character setsNoneGlobalcoding systemDescribed in this sectionTranslates code page 932 into an Asian character setNoneGlobalvalid charsstring (set of characters)Obsolete: formerly added individual characters to a code page, and had to be used after setting client code pageNoneGlobal
client code page option
client code pageThe character sets on Windows platforms hark back to the original concept of a code pagecode pages. These code pages are used by DOS and Windows clients to determine rules for mapping lowercase letters to uppercase letters. Samba can be instructed to use a variety of code pages through the use of the global clientcodepage option in order to match the corresponding code page in use on the client. This option loads a code-page definition file, and can take the values specified in Table 8.4.
Valid Code Pages with Samba 2.0 Code PageDefinition437Sambaversion 2.0code pages forMS-DOS Latin (United States)737Windows 95 Greek850MS-DOS Latin 1 (Western European)852MS-DOS Latin 2 (Eastern European)861MS-DOS Icelandic866MS-DOS Cyrillic (Russian)932MS-DOS Japanese Shift-JIS936MS-DOS Simplified Chinese949MS-DOS Korean Hangul950MS-DOS Traditional Chinese
You can set the client code page as follows:[global]
client code page = 852The default value of this option is 850. You can use the make_smbcodepage tool that comes with Samba (by default in /usr/local/samba/bin ) to create your own SMB code pages, in the event that those listed earlier are not sufficient.character setThe global characterset option can be used to convert filenames offered through a DOS code page (see the previous section, Section 8.3.1) to equivalents that can be represented by Unix character sets other than those in the United States. For example, if you want to convert the Western European MS-DOS character set on the client to a Western European Unix character set on the server, you can use the following in your configuration file:[global]
client code page = 850
character set = ISO8859-1Note that you must include a clientcodepage option to specify the character set from which you are converting. The valid character sets (and their matching code pages) that Samba 2.0 accepts are listed in Table 8.5:
Valid Character Sets with Samba 2.0 Character SetMatching Code PageDefinitionISO8859-1850Sambaversion 2.0character setsWestern European UnixISO8859-2852Eastern European UnixISO8859-5866Russian Cyrillic UnixKOI8-R866Alternate Russian Cyrillic Unix
Normally, the characterset option is disabled completely.coding systemThe codingcoding system optionsystem option is similar to the characterset option. However, its purpose is to determine how to convert a Japanese Shift JIS code page into an appropriate Unix character set. In order to use this option, the clientcodepage option described previously must be set to page 932. The valid coding systems that Samba 2.0 accepts are listed in Table 8.6.
Valid Coding System Parameters with Samba 2.0 Character SetDefinitionSJISSambaversion 2.0coding system parametersStandard Shift JISJIS8Eight-bit JIS codesJ8BBEight-bit JIS codesJ8BHEight-bit JIS codesJ8@BEight-bit JIS codesJ8@JEight-bit JIS codesJ8@HEight-bit JIS codesJIS7Seven-bit JIS codesJ7BBSeven-bit JIS codesJ7BHSeven-bit JIS codesJ7@BSeven-bit JIS codesJ7@JSeven-bit JIS codesJ7@HSeven-bit JIS codesJUNETJUNET codesJUBBJUNET codesJUBHJUNET codesJU@BJUNET codesJU@JJUNET codesJU@HJUNET codesEUCEUC codesHEXThree-byte hexidecimal codeCAPThree-byte hexidecimal code (Columbia Appletalk Program)
valid charsThe validvalid chars optionchars option is an older Samba feature that will add individual characters to a code page. However, this option is being phased out in favor of more modern coding systems. You can use this option as follows:valid chars = Î
valid chars = 0450:0420 0x0A20:0x0A00
valid chars = A:aEach of the characters in the list specified should be separated by spaces. If there is a colon between two characters or their numerical equivalents, the data to the left of the colon is considered an uppercase character, while the data to the right is considered the lowercase character. You can represent characters both by literals (if you can type them) and by octal, hexidecimal, or decimal Unicode equivalents.We recommend against using this option. Instead, go with one of the standard code pages listed earlier in this section. If you do use this option, however, it must be listed after the clientcodepage to which you wish to add the character. Otherwise, the characters will not be added.WinPopup MessagesWinPopup toolWindows 95/98WinPopup toolmessagesWinPopupYou can use the WinPopup tool (WINPOPUP.EXE ) in Windows to send messages to users, machines, or entire workgroups on the network. This tool is provided with Windows 95 OSR2 and comes standard with Windows 98. With either Windows 95 or 98, however, you need to be running WinPopup to receive and send WinPopup messages. With Windows NT, you can still receive messages without starting such a tool; they will automatically appear in a small dialog box on the screen when received. The WinPopup application is shown in Figure 8.1.Samba has a single WinPopup messaging option, messagecommand, as shown in Table 8.7.
WinPopup Configuration Option OptionParameterFunctionDefaultScopemessage commandUnixoptionsfor messaginglocks/locking filesmessaging option foroplocksmessaging option forstring (fully-qualified pathname)Sets a command to run on Unix when a WinPopup message is received.NoneGlobal
message commandSamba's messagemessage command optioncommand option sets the path to a program that will run on the server when a Windows popup message arrives at the server. The command will be executed using the guestaccount user. What to do with one of these is questionable since it's probably for the Samba administrator, and Samba doesn't know his or her name. If you know there's a human using the console, the Samba team once suggested the following:[global]
message command = /bin/csh -c 'xedit %s; rm %s' &Note the use of variables here. The %s variable will become the file that the message is in. This file should be deleted when the command is finished with it; otherwise, there will be a buildup of pop-up files collecting on the Samba server. In addition, the command must fork its own process (note the & after the command); otherwise the client may suspend and wait for notification that the command was sent successfully before continuing.In addition to the standard variables, Table 8.8 shows the three unique variables that you can use in a messagecommand.
Message Command Variables VariableDefinition%sThe name of the file in which the message resides%fThe name of the client that sent the message%tThe name of the machine that is the destination of the message
Recently Added OptionsSambaversion 2.0new optionsSamba has several options that appeared around the time of Samba 2.0, but are not entirely supported. However, we will give you a brief overview of their workings in this section. These options are shown in Table 8.9.
Recently Added Options OptionParametersFunctionDefaultScopechange notify timeoutnumerical (number of seconds)Sets the interval between checks when a client asks to wait for a change in a specified directory.60Globalmachine password timeoutnumerical (number of seconds)Sets the renewal interval for NT domain machine passwords.604,800 (1 week )Globalstat cachebooleanIf yes, Samba will cache recent name mappings.yesGlobalstat cache sizenumericalSets the size of the stat cache.50Global
change notify timeoutThe changechange notify timeout optionnotifytimeout global option emulates a Windows NT SMB feature called change notificationchange notification, new option for (Samba version 2.0). This allows a client to request that a Windows NT server periodically monitor a specific directory on a share for any changes. If any changes occur, the server will notify the client.As of version 2.0, Samba will perform this function for its clients. However, performing these checks too often can slow the server down considerably. This option sets the time period that Samba should wait between such checks. The default is one minute (60 seconds); however, you can use this option to specify an alternate time that Samba should wait between performing checks:[global]
change notify timeout = 30machine password timeoutThe machinemachine password timeout optionpasswordtimeout global option sets a retention period for NT domainsnew option for password timeout (Samba version 2.0)Windows NTpasswordsnew option for timeout (Samba version 2.0)domain machine passwords. The default is currently set to the same time period that Windows NT 4.0 uses: 604,800 seconds (one week). Samba will periodically attempt to change the machine account password, which is a password used specifically by another server to report changes to it. This option specifies the number of seconds that Samba should wait before attempting to change that password. The following example changes it to a single day, by specifying the following:[global]
machine password timeout = 86400stat cacheThe statstat cache optioncache global option turns on caching of recent case-insensitive name mappings. The default is yes. The Samba team recommends that you never change this parameter.stat cache sizecache size, new option for (Samba version 2.0)The statstat cache size optioncachesize global option sets the size of the cache entries to be used for the statcache option. The default here is 50. Again, the Samba team recommends that you never change this parameter.Miscellaneous Optionsoperating systemsmiscellaneous options forWindows 95/98miscellaneous options forUnixoptionsmiscellaneousMany Samba options are present to deal with operating system issues on either Unix or Windows. The options shown in Table 8.10 deal specifically with some of these known problems. We usually don't change these and we recommend the same to you.
Miscellaneous Options OptionParametersFunctionDefaultScopedeadtimebug avoidance optionsnumerical (bug avoidance optionslist ofnumber of minutes)Specifies the number of minutes of inactivity before a connection should be terminated.0Globaldfree commandstring (command)Used to provide a command that returns disk free space in a format recognized by Samba.NoneGlobalfstypeNTFS, FAT, or SambaSets the filesystem type reported by the server to the client.NTFSGlobalkeep alivesecondsSets the number of seconds between checks for an inoperative client.(none)Globalmax disk sizenumerical (size in MB)Sets the largest disk size to return to a client, some of which have limits. Does not affect actual operations on the disk.(infinity)Globalmax muxnumericalSets the maximum number of simultaneous SMB operations that clients may make.50Globalmax open filesnumericalLimits number of open files to be below Unix limits.10,000Globalmax xmitnumericalSpecifies the maximum packet size that Samba will send.65,535Globalnt pipe supportbooleanTurns off an experimental NT feature, for benchmarking or in case of an error.yesGlobalnt smb supportbooleanTurns off an experimental NT feature, for benchmarking or in case of an error.yesGlobalole locking compatib-ilitybooleanRemaps out-of-range lock requests used on Windows to fit in allowable range on Unix. Turning it off causes Unix lock errors.yesGlobalpanic actioncommandProgram to run if Samba server fails; for debugging.NoneGlobalset directorybooleanIf yes, allows VMS clients to issue setdir commands.noGlobalsmbrunstring (fully-qualified command)Sets the command Samba uses as a wrapper for shell commands.NoneGlobalstatusbooleanIf yes, allows Samba to monitor status for smbstatus command.yesGlobalstrict syncbooleanIf no, ignores Windows applications requests to perform a sync-to-disk.noGlobalsync alwaysbooleanIf yes, forces all client writes to be committed to disk before returning from the call.noGlobalstrip dotbooleanIf yes, strips trailing dots from Unix filenames.noGlobal
deadtime option
deadtimeThis global option sets the number of minutes that Samba will wait for an inactive client before closing its session with the Samba server. A client is considered inactive when it has no open files and there is no data being sent from it. The default value for this option is 0, which means that Samba never closes any connections no matter how long they have been inactive. You can override it as follows:[global]
deadtime = 10This tells Samba to terminate any inactive client sessions after 10 minutes. For most networks, setting this option as such will work because reconnections from the client are generally performed transparently to the user.dfree command option
dfree commandfree space on disk, option forThis global option is used on systems that incorrectly determine the free space left on the disk. So far, the only confirmed system that needs this option set is Ultrix. There is no default value for this option, which means that Samba already knows how to compute the free disk space on its own and the results are considered reliable. You can override it as follows:[global]
dfree command = /usr/local/bin/dfreeThis option should point to a script that should return the total disk space in a block, and the number of available blocks. The Samba documentation recommends the following as a usable script:#!/bin/sh
df $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2" "$4}'On System V machines, the following will work:#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/df $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $3" "$5}'fstype option
fstypeThis share-level option sets the type of filesystemsreporting on by Samba, option forfilesystem that Samba reports when queried by the client. There are three strings that can be used as a value to this configuration option, as listed in Table 8.11.
Filesystem Types VariableDefinitionNTFSfilesystemstypesMicrosoft Windows NT filesystemFATDOS FAT filesystemSambaSamba filesystem
The default value for this option is NTFS, which represents a Windows NT filesystem. There probably isn't a need to specify any other type of filesystem. However, if you need to, you can override it per share as follows:[data]
fstype = FATkeep alivekeep-alive packets, option forThis global option specifies the number of seconds that Samba waits between sending NetBIOS keep-alive packets. These packets are used to ping a client to detect whether it is still alive and on the network. The default value for this option is 0, which means that Samba will not send any such packets at all. You can override it as follows:[global]
keep alive = 10max disk size option
max disk sizedisk sharesmaximum size of, option forThis global option specifies an illusory limit, in megabytes, for each of the shares that Samba is using. You would typically set this option to prevent clients with older operating systems from incorrectly processing large disk spaces, such as those over one gigabyte.The default value for this option is 0, which means there is no upper limit at all. You can override it as follows:[global]
max disk size = 1000max mux option
max muxSMB (Server Message Block)maximum number of operations, option forThis global option specifies the maximum number of concurrent SMB operations that Samba allows. The default value for this option is 50. You can override it as follows:[global]
max mux = 100max open files option
max open filesfilesopen, option for maximum number ofThis global option specifies the maximum number of open files that Samba should allow at any given time for all processes. This value must be equal to or less than the amount allowed by the operating system, which varies from system to system. The default value for this option is 10,000. You can override it as follows:[global]
max open files = 8000max xmit option
max xmitpacketsmaximum size of, option forThis global option sets the maximum size of packets that Samba exchanges with a client. In some cases, setting a smaller maximum packet size can increase performance, especially with Windows for Workgroups. The default value for this option is 65535. You can override it as follows:[global]
max xmit = 4096Section in Appendix B," shows some uses for this option.nt pipe support option
nt pipe supportWindows NTpipes, option forThis global option is used by developers to allow or disallow Windows NT clients the ability to make connections to the NT SMB-specific IPC$ pipes. As a user, you should never need to override the default:[global]
nt pipe support = yesnt smb support option
nt smb supportWindows NTSMB, option forSMB (Server Message Block)option for NT-specific optionsThis global option is used by developers to negotiate NT-specific SMB options with Windows NT clients. The Samba team has discovered that slightly better performance comes from setting this value to no. However, as a user, you should probably not override the default:[global]
nt smb support = yesole locking compatibility option
ole locking compatibilityThis global option turns off Samba's internal byte-range locking manipulation in files, which gives compatibility with Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) applications that use high byte-range locks as a method of interprocess communication. The default value for this option is yes. If you trust your Unix locking mechanisms, you can override it as follows:[global]
ole locking compatibility = nopanic action option
panic actionfatal error, option forThis global option specifies a command to execute in the event that Samba itself encounters a fatal error when loading or running. There is no default value for this option. You can specify an action as follows:[global]
panic action = /bin/csh -c
'xedit < "Samba has shutdown unexpectedly!'set directory option
set directoryThis boolean share-level option allows Digital Pathworks clients, option forDigital Pathworks clients to use the setdir command to change directories on the server. If you are not using the Digital Pathworks client, you should not need to alter this option. The default value for this option is no. You can override it per share as follows:[data]
set directory = yessmbrun option
smbrunThis option sets the location of the smbrun executable, which Samba uses as a wrapper to run shell commands. The default value for this option is automatically configured by Samba when it is compiled. If you did not install Samba to the standard directory, you can specify where the binary is as follows:[global]
smbrun = /usr/local/bin/smbrunstatus option
statusThis global option indicates whether Samba should log all active connections, option forconnectionsactive, option foractive connections to a status file. This file is used only by the smbstatus command. If you have no intentions of using this command, you can set this option to no, which can result in a small increase of speed on the server. The default value for this option is yes. You can override it as follows:[global]
status = nostrict sync option
strict syncThis share-level option determines whether Samba honors all requests to perform a disk sync, options fordisk sync when requested to do so by a client. Many clients request a disk sync when they are really just trying to flush data to their own open files. As a result, this can substantially slow a Samba server down. The default value for this option is no. You can override it as follows:[data]
strict sync = yessync always option
sync alwaysThis share-level option decides whether every write to disk should be followed by a disk synchronization before the write call returns control to the client. Even if the value of this option is no, clients can request a disk synchronization; see the strictsync option above. The default value for this option is no. You can override it per share as follows:[data]
sync always = yesstrip dot option
strip dotThis global option determines whether to remove the trailing dot, option forfilenamesUnix, option forUnixfilenames, option fortrailing dot from Unix filenames that are formatted with a dot at the end. The default value for this option is no. You can override it per share as follows:[global]
strip dot = yesThis option is now considered obsolete; the user should use the mangledmap option insead.Backups with smbtarsmbtar programbackups, with smbtar programOur final topic in this chapter is the smbtar tool. One common problem with modem PCs is that floppies and even CD-ROMs are often too small to use for backups. However, buying one tape drive per machine would also be silly. Consequently, many sites don't back up their PCs at all. Instead, they reinstall them using floppy disks and CD-ROMs when they fail.Thankfully, Samba provides us with another option: you can back up PCs' data using the smbtar tool. This can be done on a regular basis if you keep user data on your Samba system, or only occasionally, to save the local applications and configuration files and thus make repairs and reinstallations quicker.To back up PCs from a Unixservers, backing up computers fromUnix server, you need to do three things:Ensure that File and Printer Sharing is installed on the PC and is bound to the TCP/IP protocol.Explicitly share a disk on the PC so it can be read from the server.Set up the backup scripts on the server.We'll use Windows 95/98 to illustrate the first two steps. Go to the Networking icon in the Control Panel window, and check that "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks"File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks is currently listed in the top window, as shown in Figure 8.2.If "File and printer sharing for Microsoft Networks" isn't installed, you can install it by clicking on the Add button on the Network panel. After pressing it, you will be asked what service to add. Select Service and move forward, and you will be asked for a vendor and a service to install. Finally, select "File and printer sharing for Microsoft Networks," and click on Done to install the service.Once you've installed "File and printer sharing for Microsoft Networks," return to the Network panel and select the TCP/IP protocol that is tied to your Samba network adapter. Then, click on the Properties button and choose the Bindings tab at the top. You should see a dialog box similar to Figure 8.3. Here, you'll need to verify that the "File and Printer Sharing" checkbox is checked, giving it access to TCP/IP. At this point you can share disks with other machines on the net.The next step is to share the disk you want to back up with the tape server. Go to My Computer and select, for example, the My Documents directory. Then right-click on the icon and select its Properties. This should yield the dialog box in Figure 8.4.Select the Sharing tab and turn file sharing on. You now have the choice to share the disk as read-only, read-write (Full), or either, each with separate password. This is the Windows 95/98 version, so it provides only share-level security. In this example, we made it read/write and set a password, as shown in Figure 8.5. When you enter the password and click on OK, you'll be prompted to re-enter it. After that, you have finished the second step.Finally, the last step is to set up a backup script on the tape server, using the smbtar program. The simplest script might contain only a single line and would be something like the following:smbtar -s client -t /dev/rst0 -x "My Documents" -p passwordThis unconditionally backs up the //client/My Documents share to the device /dev/rst0. Of course, this is excessively simple and quite insecure. What you will want to do will depend on your existing backup scheme.However, to whet your appetite, here are some possibilities of what smbtar can do:Back up files incrementally using the DOS archive bit (the -i option). This requires the client share to be accessed read-write so the bit can be cleared by smbtarBack up only files that have changed since a specified date (using the -Nfilename option)Back up entire PC drives, by sharing all of C: or D:, for example, and backing that upExcept for the first example, each of these can be done with the PC sharing set to read-only, reducing the security risk of having passwords in scripts and passing them on the command line.