 |	$Id: README,v 1.2 2004/01/31 12:53:35 j-devenish Exp $
 |- #############################################################################
 |	$Author: j-devenish $
 + ############################################################################## -->

This file is obsolete. Please see the instructions available at the DB2LaTeX
project website <http://db2latex.sourceforge.net/> -- a local HTML copy
accompanies this distribution.

Documentation is *needed* and obviously very important, but bear
in mind that it is also very boring. WYSIWID:  What you see is 
what it's done... 

DB2LaTeX is now a standalone product, the main driver stylesheet is docbook.xsl. 
Process your document with your favourite (and I hope supported) XSLT engine.
See the sample directory.

Extending the stylesheets
XSL variables that are supposed to affect the output of the XSLT are in vars.mod.xsl
Cfr. Norman Walsh documentation on how to extend (add a customization layer).

See the THANKS file

Ramon Casellas casellas@infres.enst.fr
James Devenish j-devenish@users.sourceforge.net