 |	$Id: TODO,v 1.11 2003/06/29 08:31:10 j-devenish Exp $
 |- #############################################################################
 |	$Author: j-devenish $
 + ############################################################################## -->


20030418 - JD 
	* Hyperlinks in QandA
	* Support for regular typeface characterset within verbatim (for literallayout
	  support -- see test_article).
	* Fix \maketitle to reduce space waste in articles.

20030418 - RCAS 
	* Refactor code regarding authors and authorgroups in a single named tempalte.
	* Test articles in books   -> book/article and the author/authorgroup prcessing
	* Start support por partinfos/chapterinfos and to be able to output a ToC per
	  part / chapter ...

200303XX - JD
	* There also needs to be some way of handling character entities like
	&mdash; (or their Unicode equivalents).  It is a pity that XPath
	doesn't have functions for regular expression substitution.

	* Tables, tables, tables, always tables... Anyone?
	* Bibliography 
		* bibliomixed is not supported
		* Manage .bst files ?

	* Qanda is not supported at all (but patch supplied by S.B. 13 Mar 2003)
		RCAS: Added basic support.
			A QandASet has several QandADivs that have several QandAEntries.
			See xsl/sample/test_qanda

	* Math
		* Improve support for MathElems tags (customized DTD)
		* Improve support for tm and inlinetm (embedded LaTeX Math)
		* Start MathML support
	* Lists
		* Ordered lists are mapped to enumerate, regardless of 'continues'

	* Index : basic support. Only ONE index per LaTeX Document.
		Support for several see/seealso

	* Footnote: if possible, improve upon the existing \catcode kludge
		for \urls within \footnotes.

	* Tables/figures: look into whether page-spanning floats are possible
		when using two-column <article>s. Add Q&A about this.

	* Update localisation.

	* Overhaul handling of titles.

	* Index support.

	* Add chunking, so each chapter/part/etc... is created on a separate .tex file
	  and manage the \input. (Also: automation of cover file generation.)

		RCAS: Done. See xsl/sample/chunking
		Depends on Norman Walsh chunker.xsl.

	* Document latex.* variables (see vars.mod.xsl).

	* Better support of everything :)

	* Package.. rpm/deb/tgz 
		RCAS: rpm & tar.gz ok.
		RCAS: .deb pending (check debian mailing lists for a mantainer.)

	* Add autoconf/automake 
		* Detect jdk if required.
		* Detect xslt processors.