%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: block.mod.xsl,v 1.15 2004/01/26 09:44:38 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 20002001200220032004 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; Block Objects <filename>block.mod.xsl</filename> The file block.mod.xsl contains the XSL templates for sundry block-formatted components. Generic handler for interior elements of block-formatted components Applies all templates, excluding from title-related and blockinfo-like elements. info The name of the &DocBook; info-type element for this component. By default, this is equal to the name of the component with info appended. For example: sectioninfo for section. count($node) Root ID ' ' not found in document. Generic handler for block-formatted components Calls , applies templates for title, then applies templates for content elements. A quotation set off from the main text (not inline) Uses the &LaTeX; quote environment. If an attribution is present, it will be set at the end. &mapping; A short inscription that occurs at the beginning of a section, chapter, or document Uses the &LaTeX; quote environment. If an attribution is present, it will be set at the end. &mapping; This template produces no output The attribution element only occurs within and . However, the templates for those elements use a mode mechanism. Therefore, this template is intentionally suppressed and a replacement exists. See instead. The source of a block quote or epigraph Starts a new line with right-aligned text preceded by an em dash. \hspace*\fill--- A block of text that is isolated from the main flow This is formatted as a plain block. This template should create sidebars (but it doesn't)! Titles and subtitles Simply applies templates. This is the default template, for title and subtitles. The use of this template is controlled by the template for closing elements, which will often not apply templates for subtitles. Furthermore, there may be templates to match titles in specific contexts (in which case this template will not be used). This template is also used by &mapping;. &mapping; Captions generated from titles Simply applies templates. The formatting of titles in caption.mode may depend on the enclosing element's template. Since captions may be incorporated into hyperlinks and tables of cross references, anchor-type elements should not be applied when in this mode. Acknowledgements in an article This is formatted as a plain block by applying templates with leading and trailing blank lines. &no_var; &test_article; Interpret a user's placement preferences for certain &LaTeX; floats This template should be invoked when the current node is a figure or table. If a condition attribute exists and begins with db2latex:, or a latex-float-placement processing instruction is present, the remainder of its value will be used as the &LaTeX; float placement. Otherwise, the default placement is determined by the element's template. Currently, this template is used for figures and tables but not examples or equations.