%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: bridgehead.mod.xsl,v 1.12 2004/01/11 11:35:25 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 2000200120022003 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; Free-floating Headings <filename>bridgehead.mod.xsl</filename> The file bridgehead.mod.xsl contains the XSL template for bridgehead. Process bridgehead elements Free-floating headings for bridgeheads elements. Renders un-numbered section headings. &no_var; renderas The sectioning level to be emulated (e.g. 1 for sect1). Chooses the current node's @renderas attribute by default. content The content that forms the bridgehead text. By default, normal templates will be applied for the current node. The emulation of section headings is achieved through the normal &latex; section commands such as section, subsection, and so forth. However, levels above three (3) will be typeset with the &latex; paragraph* command. &test_book; &test_subfig; &test_tables; \ sub subsub section*{ } \paragraph*{ } \noindent