%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: latex.mapping.xsl,v 1.18 2004/01/14 14:54:32 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 2000 2001 2002 2003 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; The &DB2LaTeX; mapping system <filename>latex.mapping.xsl</filename>
Introduction The &DB2LaTeX; mapping system centralises the mapping of &DocBook; tags (e.g. chapter) to &LaTeX; commands (e.g. chapter). It uses an auxiliary file, latex.mapping.xml, to define the start and end of each mapping. You can override this mapping file in order to customise &DB2LaTeX;.
The primary mapping file &DB2LaTeX; will search for mappings in this file. The value of this variable must be an XML document. If mappings cannot be found in this file, &DB2LaTeX; will search the default mapping file. &test_mapping; The default mapping file Defines the mapping file that &DB2LaTeX; will search when it cannot find a template in the primary mapping file. The value of this variable must be an XML document. Perform &DocBook; to &LaTeX; mapping &no_var; Ignoring title for . %id% %title% %id% %title% %id% %title% %id% %title% Warning: Unable to find LaTeX mapping for KEYWORD: ROLE: begin end Choose a title for an object Processes the title child of the specified object. Uses the context node as the default object. objectThe node for which a title is desired. Process title elements Applies templates with no mode. This template is called by . This differs from the modeless title templates because they suppress the output of titles.