%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: mathelem.mod.xsl,v 1.4 2004/01/02 05:03:28 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 20002001200220032004 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; Mathematics <filename>mathelems.mod.xsl</filename> Mathelements as theorems, lemmas, propositions, etc. Note: these elements are not part of the &DocBook; DTD. I have extended the &DocBook; in order to support this tags, so that's why I have these templates here. Process mathelement elements Applies templates. &no_var; Typeset mathelement environments Applies templates within the specified &LaTeX; environment, with a title from any title child. No hypertarget is generated. &no_var; environment The name of the &LaTeX; environment command. \begin{ }[{ }] \end{ } Process mathelement/mathhypothesis elements Formats a hypothesis. &no_var; Calls for the hypothesis environment. Process mathelement/mathremark elements Formats a mathematical remark. &no_var; Calls for the rem environment. Process mathelement/mathexample elements Formats a mathematical example. &no_var; Calls for the exm environment. Process mathelement/mathproposition elements Formats a mathematical proposition. &no_var; Calls for the prop environment. Process mathelement/maththeorem elements Formats a mathematical theorem. &no_var; Calls for the thm environment. Process mathelement/mathdefinition elements Formats a mathematical definition. &no_var; Calls for the defn environment. Process mathelement/mathlemma elements Formats a mathematical lemma. &no_var; Calls for the lem environment. Process mathelement/mathproof elements Formats a mathematical proof. &no_var; Calls for the proof environment. Process mathphrase, mathcondition and mathassertion elements Applies templates. &no_var;