%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: procedure.mod.xsl,v 1.12 2004/01/13 04:35:43 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 20002001200220032004 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; Procedures <filename>procedure.mod.xsl</filename> Process procedure elements Format a titled, enumerated list of steps. mode Although the mode parameter is normally empty, this template recognises a special value of custom. This influences the type of environment and the method of labelling steps. environment This determines the &LaTeX; environment that will be used for each step's item. When the mode is custom, this parameter defaults to description. Otherwise, the default is enumerate. By default, the &LaTeX; enumerate environment is used and any step's title will be typeset after its automatic step number. However, when the mode variable is equal to custom, the description environment will be used and step titles will be typeset instead of step numbers. Although the procedure is a formal, titled block, is is not typeset using subsection. &test_book; &test_chemistry; &test_procedure; description enumerate \begin{ } \end{ } \begin{ } \end{ } Process a procedure's title Format a special bridgehead. The title is typeset as a paragraph. &test_book; &test_procedure; { { }} Process step elements Format steps and substeps as part of a procedure. mode The mode from the parent procedure. This template needs to know when the custom mode is in use, because it needs to pass the step's title as an optional argument to the &LaTeX; item command (see ). The mode is normally received from the enclosing procedure or substeps template. title The string (typically empty). See Each step is typeset using the &LaTeX; item command. If there is no title element, the step will be numbered automatically by &LaTeX;. &test_book; &test_chemistry; &test_procedure; \item[{ { }}] { \item{{ { }} \item{ } Generate a step's title By default, simply applies templates for title elements. &no_var; mode See . When the mode is custom, this template will use the XSL number element to format a title such as "1.", "2.", etc. Otherwise, any title elements will be used. If this template generates no content, the step will either be numbered automatically by &LaTeX; or left unlabelled (depending on the mode). Process substep elements Format substeps as part of a step. &no_var; mode See . environment See . Substeps are typeset by nesting a &LaTeX; enumerate environment. &test_book; &test_procedure; description enumerate \begin{ } \end{ }