%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: refentry.mod.xsl,v 1.7 2004/01/14 14:54:32 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 2000200120022003 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; References and Entries <filename>refentry.mod.xsl</filename> The file refentry.mod.xsl contains XSL templates for references. Process reference elements Invokes the mapping templates and applies content templates. &no_var; &mapping; Process refentry elements Invokes the mapping templates and applies content templates. &no_var; &mapping; Process refentry elements Suppresses refentries. &no_var; Process refentrytitle elements Format a reference entry title. &no_var; This template uses inline.charseq, though I'm not sure if this should be changed to a single apply-templates. Process manvolnum elements Format a reference volume number. If is set, this template will apply templates. Otherwise, no output is produced. ( ) Process refnamediv elements Format a reference header. &no_var; Calls . Process refname elements Formats a refname as a start-of-section for a refentry. Will commence a &LaTeX; section if necessary. Designed to accommodate multiple refnames in a single refentry. The use of a comma between multiple refnames should probably be localised. &mapping; \section*{ } , Process refpurpose elements Formats a refpurpose. &no_var; Outputs an em dash and then applies templates. --- Process refdescriptor elements Formats a refdescriptor. &no_var; Suppressed. Process refclass elements Formats a refclass. &no_var; Applies templates. If the role attribute is not empty, it will be output prior to content, separated by a colon. : Process refsynopsisdiv elements Formats a refsynopsisdiv as an unnumbered subsection. &no_var; \subsection*{Synopsis} Process refsect elements Invokes the mapping templates and applies content templates. &no_var; &mapping;