%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: texmath.mod.xsl,v 1.12 2004/01/03 03:19:08 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 20002001200220032004 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; &LaTeX;-only Commands <filename>texmath.mod.xsl</filename> Process alt elements This template will modify its behaviour based upon its context within a &DocBook; document. If it is within an inlineequation and it has a role with the value of latex or tex, then it will typeset its contents inline as raw &LaTeX; input in mathematics mode (using ensuremath command) if the variable is set. If it is within an equation or informalequation and it has a role with the value of latex or tex, then it will typeset its contents as raw &LaTeX; input in a displaymath block environment if the variable is set. Otherwise, if is set, the contents will be typeset as raw &LaTeX; input inline (not in maths mode). Otherwise, templates will be applied normally (not as raw &LaTeX; input). &test_book; &test_theorem; \ensuremath{ } \begin{displaymath} \end{displaymath} Process latex and tex elements Passes contents through as raw &LaTeX; text. &no_var; The latex and tex elements are not part of &DocBook;. Process fileref elements Inputs a &LaTeX; file. &no_var; For latex and tex elements with fileref attributes, their contents are ignored and their fileref attributes are used as file paths for the input command. The latex and tex elements are not part of &DocBook;. \input{} \input{} \input{} Process inlineequation elements Process inline equations. This template can accommodate raw &LaTeX; mathematics. If the element has a role with a value of latex or tex, or contains an inlinemediaobject/textobject or an inlinemediaobject/textobject/phrase with such as attribute, then it will typeset then in preference to all other content. If such elements were not found, the template will search for generic inlinemediaobject or alt children. If is set, alts will be preferred over inlinemediaobjects. If none of these elements was found, the template will format any graphic children. &test_book;